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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jan 1913, p. 12

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erchants invite your patronage worth your while t<> * ** """ ,.....................'» M ». MMMMMt.........m'm.MOmI MI.......*♦♦*? Iri. Ralph 81 U the guert of- Qakwood aveni • f|fr. and*^TOr#l leridan road, entertained their card 1325 Greenwood with lumbago. 1b making his business trips to New York. '?$' /♦fi?*-%ti' club, Tuesday, Jan. Jl. Mr. HolMttew-^e je^w* |PDr Michigan debating ieail waff e tafaed at dinner *y4fr.ribd Mrs. Pff, 841 Oakwood avenue. flir. and Mrs. H. B. Gates. Wll- niette avenue, entertained their friends Monday evening in celebra- tion of Mr. Gates' birthday. * r 4 ,-^ H'he house being built by Mr. and Mfs. J. D. Greig. oh the corner off ^l^n^^mn.|?2 and 24 Ninth and Greenwood, is well under c|6structionM,jt ,ifl*to. be *,verys,njee ten-room bouse. Frank J. Scheiden- ed thf Jfellowehip club let of Long island "Is- the guest of her cousin/ Mrs. Alvin J. Butz, 500 Central avenue, while on her. way to California. ' Mrs. ciarence %:' Worthington has JijBSued invitations .for two bridge par- ties for Wednesday and Friday aft- Ir. and Mrs. Frank fir. ana Mrs. !*|ank Slmmdnsg fori Iff1"!*0- ^f^W1"** of kock island, raerly of Greenwood ^avShuef* we ^'*Mf§s RjiW'Mlcox of Salt Lake City thlnx-lntf nf r^nmln. **"^tW^'ki^^^1 "Wtll fann&ili^ ': tali* mnntha with hA* thinKing of returning to Wilmette and are looking for a pjaca le li^dijfcngt the time they*ar©; '4wjf tiSf -**; |fciss Lonise Rohihi^^^^ hi kindergarten pupil of J. Bouhy, Paris, has opened a studio in the Brown building in Wil- mette, where she will receive pupils fof instruction in voice,,, culture^ Mrs. Charles McCue and daugMsrs, Lbraine and Maiwret^fViastSBek - for San Benito, Tex^lrnere^he|||will spend lhe;|remainde^pf^the\!^inter. Mrs. McCue has a Bistte^living^here. The Baptists helda*llieeting last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. A. E. White, 1030 Greenwood**venue, a$ t^.^we^jap^iQi^^eBt. im. at the home of Mr. J/'W Greig, 9J| Oakwood ay^ue^was g^eii;^^ tended, and showed a great, interest ii the new moveni|e^f\T^'h,ext to Jng wllf Mh^WttRSK of%f -"Dowell,: 1*^ JUiu^*r« irsdiy fveniBji.iM J&|Jrilel___ ^tee is looking forward to haying Mr. and Mrs. John L. Skelton of ette announce the engagement ieir daughter, Olive Esther, to d L, Hubbard of Rock Island w11l|flpend a few months with her â€"de* Mr. H. M. Gardiner, 720 Lake e, during which time she will Sunday\ afternoon service before ^ery"** wor Mils qraee Dincher, a graduate of Lewa institute, has been employed to take the place of Miss Long, the domestic science teacher in the Wll- metf pntffc scTfools. She started her fork a w^ J^p.^gtias Long is to be ma*riedK«ioSi * Mis fipa (foed^ke : on Beethoven** «^loon' and ^play^d «elwvaK^nu the |&ei|ibo#r"clu'D; last Thursday aftern thusfftstiCaMf encored and responded w!% soni# o|wher prjghjtai compo^i- 'trbna* I |nany friends of Mr. J. Edw. ^ i,| 82$^$jyj?e8t avenue, will be pleased} to hear of his promotion from assistant eashier to cashier of the Corif;iikehante bank of Chicago. Mr. c, 815 Oakwood ave- an essay t Sonata" »rs before ^j|enilworth he was en- long ^The debate between the Michigan university and Northwestern debat. inf teams was held in Fiske Hall, Fri- d#. Jan. p, and won by Northwest- ern. Th £ subject iwasr -•'ftesolvedr tiftt the plan of hanking reform pro- Piled by the national monetary com-^ Bion| oh Jah. 8 ahduld be adopted congress." Th«S team from North-^ tern; had the affirmative,, and wjia c#iposed of the lollowing^ 0. %p^! r# Hester, V% M. Ilahi-Baksh and B#ir. C Austin of 901 Oakwood ave- ng, Wilm>tte^ * The opposing team fwmi Michigan consisted off John F. McBlroy, tSolomon Blumrofen ahd Fioyd W^Mopfe. The Judges were 1B$r' 0. Bprown of the Illinois appel- late coHrtjaf Chicago; i»rof. chas. A. T#tle, 1 Wabash college, Crawforas- vflle. In^.,3ftndDr. Richard a Hughes" m mB** ^eetittg of citiaens if called* % meek at the iWilmettew Woman*» ^b, r0^:^ult^'j^'n9to"Mi €W8 *"* ^certain the attitude of this fc#amunity toward the prlshleniT oi ^r ahPfrty and dwinage,f^r^4€^ptab^ la Issued hy the North Shor^jtii^ " a^iociaiohj to test the public interest Mthis|nf»Bfc ^miortant question fn 'tl|| following letters *'The^e1t^m|t^ on| drainage ahd %#er 0^% Cl^iwls, aasocffloh^^ ^ .jf 4t%Mt*^y djs^|,h|ii«4| ahould construct a |iipe ihie; te' carry the sewage of our^North Shore towns the; : IWllmette-Bvanston 'nttm^rule#^%at^iai| b«ip?d has ^^SS^jm^. «t such -a pipe line at the eipenae aim haf been upneld by the appellate Use state f»||ejpe Ifcourt« « tie ^ ^ ^^^^ritor^avor^^ then .tg«J&f!ft:-j^^ Shore to urge upon the sanitary board that they undertake^ the work at once. hue.f ta]ke»: the position vacated by him and becomes the assistant cash ier. the necessary au- chai ptttl It$s|not^d |tt^the Chicago Tribune !e|day^liiil4lr. B. Frank Brown, enuey the new prln- e Lake View High school m stand against chil m|reSsaii^pJs Mm Of school this week. *He is ,s eaying thafhe Would root secret society evil" if he had l4 everyone0 in his claasei | feiy Rev. Edward J. Vattman of three speakers who spoke ay afternoon at 3 o'clock in m of the La Salle hotel, e| auspices of St Margaret's lety^ -The eueject-was "Re- was discussed from Vattn|»n bears blic and .....» army. >ple 'wh^ a^inlterested in fori|flird"ttie series of five con* :|e.iifiven,'at..tile Woman's Tiimetteveyery^hreii-jweeks, \g Jan. 30, are greatly pleased lthusiasm being shown in the ol tickets, hof only] by the ! of' Wilmette, but of the near It4s evident that when a entertainment is fbrought Jh by price and locality that Jreciated. Ifl^ree dolUrs for |ea makes the price of one hj&mM'-r'ti. is very gratifying !**£ te ^ke^l^ train to and in order to en joy a treat EwPftJTPJkJSSacei* label Riageiman, »e ChicagoGrand Opera has won her wap to the people by her dejight- of the parts of Gretel and Greteli- and of the "thtg^lekefgonpthe Iff gtnedr^flaiilati^wlll ac- Mr. J. C. Mannerud Is seriously 111 at his home, 1119 Lake avenue. " Miss Lea Partridge has been quite ill at her home, 1443 Wilmette avenue. Miss Delia and Anna Witt, 718 12th street, spent a few days last*week visiting friends In Evanston. Mrs. John P. Schaefgen, 1466 Wil- mette avenue, entertained a number of friends at cards on Tuesday evening. Mada"line and Angeline Maher, of Kenosha, Wis., are visiting with Miss Bernice McCanny at 202 Doyle court. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Williams, of Evanston, were the guests of Mr. and^ Mrs. R. M. Evans, of 1443 Wilmette avenue, Sunday. Mr. William Herbon, 1425 Central avenue, who has been ill for the past few weeks, is able to resume his duties at the Galitz market. Mrs. C. H. Kleram, 420 Park avenue, entertained the following ladies at dinner Friday: . Mrs. W. Nelmeyer, Mrs. E. Stein and Mrs. J. Richter. Mr. Ernest White, foreman of public works, who has been confined to his home for several days on account of illness, is much Improved and again on duty. The Woman's Christian Temper- ance Union met with Mrs. J. L. Nor- ris, 1314 Forest avenue, Tuesday, Jan. 21. Dr. Luetta Kress, county super- intendent of medical temperance, was the speaker. The little grandson of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lindman, 925 Central avenue, who fell from the window last Satur* day and fractured his skull, is very much improved and from present in- dications he will have a rapid re- covery. Mid-winter graduating exercises will be given in the kindergarten room Thursday evening, Jan. 30, at 8 o'clock. The following will graduate: Francis R. Clark, Ray Dean Ellis, Dor- othy Edith Northam, John Shedd Prescott, Alfred R. Watt, Margaret Rodman, Louise Schlacks, Rose Schultz, T. Clark Todd, P. Norman Weyl. 'â€"- The parents' Club of the Wilmette Logan school, held an interesting meeting on Monday afternoon, at which Mrs. J. R. Harper gave a read- ing. The club is to hold its regular meetings on the first Monday of each month at the Logan school building. Oa February 3rd a business meeting will be called at 2:30 p. m. and will be followed at 8 o'clock by a musical program. The fifth division of the Ladies* so- ciety of the Wilmette M. E. church are to go to the Methodist Old Peo- ple's Home, 1417 Foster avenue, Edge- water, on Friday, Jan. 24. They are to go at 9:30 o'clock, take box lunch- eons, and sew until 2 o'clock for tho old people. After that time there is to be a concert in a new chapel re- cently built. Admission 25 cents. It is desirous to have all go .who can, whether or not they are members of this division. The Wilmette Public School Art league are looking forward to the lec- ture to be given by Mrs. John B. Sher- wood, founder of the Chicago Public School Art league, at the Woman's club in the near future. It will be a free lecture and one you should try to hear. She is the founder of a working girls* club, and has recently established a summer home in Colo- rado where the girls can spend their vacations. She is an authority on all questions pertaining to art In spite of the stormy afternoon last Monday, about thirty ladies gathered at the residence of Mrs. W. S. Bar- tholomew, 607 Forest avenue, and were delightfully entertained by Miss Julia Henry, who gave the story of "Judith of Bethulia." This was the first of "a series of lectures to be given on the "Brides of Ancient Song." The subject of the next lec- ture win be "Francesca da Rimini," and will be given at the home of Mrs. M. B. Skinner, 725 Tenth street, Mon- day afternoon, Feb. '3. ^:.^:.~C-~:^^4.-. The Wilmette Fire Department wilt hohf its annual ball on Saturday even be a social a* well as musical event, ^^^M^MSU^B&lS^^^^tt^SS&^£§& has been arranged for and it is hoped one and all will show their an- valua and b; ence <f^iJving „ p..... right hare •Thome. Thcoquipmc conUilMMraree hundred Ixpccs and they are becoming very popular at the reasonable rentals aafcea. *The officer* of the Bank invite inspec- tion of this new safety deposit box system "â- "â- â- "" â-  -- â-  ^ "'^^te- W$$S$k CENTRAL AYE, AND Wilmette, Illinois, Telephone TRll eite Nin< â- "â- â€¢iaiiiisLMk, preciatlon of the good work of this department by turning out on this oc- casion. The price of admission is in reach of all, anTd a good time is guar- anteed. A vote of thanks is also ex* tended to the members of the fire department who voluntarily flooded the park on Park avenue for the bene* fit of the young folks who skate. The outcome j»f an evening social meeting, held in the Logan school building, Kline and Central avenue, In November, is the organisation of a Parents' and Teachers' league; The object of the league is to do social and philanthropic wore. Monday aft- ernoon, Jan. 12, about eighteen enthu- siastic ladies met to organize, Mnl. Helen Gage, presiding. The follow- ing officers were elected: Mrs. G. C. Thompson, president; Mrs. J. S. Dean, vice-president; Mrs. W. C. Relnhold, secretary; Mrs. Wm. Boltwood, treas- urer. They will hold regular busi- ness meetings on the first and third Monday afternoons of each month and will give a social meeting on the first Friday evening following the first Monday of each month. Mrs. Thomp- son read a paper on "Social Settle- ment Work," and in the discussion which followed the purposes of the clob were considered, and plans sug- gested for encouraging the formation of classes in domestic science and manual training, and for the general improvement of school conditions. The children of the Ouilmette Coun- try Club will entertain their parents and friends with the following pro- gram Saturday night, the 28th: 1 Piano Solo ....^..Virginia Olwitf 2 The Monthsâ€"Jud Thompson, Ger- trude Brown, Helen Seibold, Bla- nor. Gage, Virginia Belt, Curtis Bird, Katharine Kerr, Marion Beese,«Jane Gretner, Junior An- derson* Whitfield Hawkes, Hen- rietta BlrdV -"' / :^....';, 3 The Fascinating Widow.^ffilSl .•••-.-....Blteabeth Thompson * Gypsy Dance.. vtMnrioa Seng 5 Recitation . M . .Norman McMillen __ . f ^cai 8616. ?;:m-m-ffltfimm ^slsxiiMiras|p J^ c^ â- â- ^lMai9A Lsthasa. MlnnU %*•* -ii*;^ :' ^-^C6»ft^f||o»ei^ Gilioni Skjh|^ J IWth Dietr "Haw^Bst IJianor Blymer. 8 Vocal Solo........ .Jack 9 Dance ..«.;........Helen 111 10 Mandolin Solo.......Stmwl Accompanied by Kathrine fl ; ^'deheilni'^'.: 11 Boys jOkor^ Crampton, Arthur Seibold, V ^mmm'^ Junter ner, CJourtland iReese,, m^. -. tpfe/;-|toh>^:^# Samuel worth, Philip HugeniD. I Miss Mattie Lusted at the pil Wilmette Camp R. N. A. its annual insUllation of Wednesday elding at Wilmette Hall. . Mrs. Jehhie Chilstrom, ofj anston,: the Supreme Deputri formed the offices of installing with Miss Katherllie Eiden si monial wjf^iS^^. The officers Were Instated aTe as foltowiJ: ^Gira^ V. Mellii ^ce^racl^ Mrs. Frank M. 'second Uno^^i^:^'.:.: ChanceUor, Srs^ idmund J. CH second;' teirmV,:^^ P"" :.^Receiver; f Jfe^jsir Seyfort, termr :M*0tl0\< Becor^er^Mrsl I, C. Wilson. Marshall, Miss Emma Swennc rnner Seiitinel^ Miss Chri m^^^^^WM S. McOlotfe ^nagera, Mr* J. Schaefsen Miss. Lea Pardridga ^^llowins^fhis tSere was aai PT6sjrani^;>^ by Jennie Proctor^ followed by « ments.,fe HSI *i CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH^ ^:There^irtl« papetti and disci oh China at the Wednesday .•»• prayer meeting. This Is in pr*g Uon of the missionary exposi "The World ^ Chicago;" to be nexr"n»r*%a Coliseiip, ^^&::'migiaSBA'. ***> *** *! o'clock.-there *m he a m^ ^- lieetSBf^lilll^^ ij2 MrsvJeimA. in, ,<dum^mm ^is^m: wl^i

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