Ilppp^ Commercial Asspciation Elect All Nominees of Special r Committee. Iff SEVEN NEW DIREGTOfiS At Suggestion of Duthie, Every Member Joined the Olympic Club. It was a regular jollification meeting HE "i7t~"~St the Bvar "*on Commercial assocla Uon Thursda* night at the annual elec of officers. After all the regular business of the meeting had been dis- posed of the report of the special pjiSfiSK f nominating committee was presented mSkMrt,^ wiU B Horton, who acted as secre- tary of the committee, which, upon notion of Chas. H. Bartlett, was re- 5 ahyoj tha na- *« ^g^T nominated by tSi cmrapm, the tgS? fir P» *Mf**m*, Kswnng Prasioent. THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 80, 1913. SAVE UK Evanston Department Reaches Burning Structure in Record Time. B0ARDINGH0USE BURNS Man Sleeping is Overcome bv Smoke and Carried Out bv Firemen. names of the seven flat were nominat- ed were voted npo o and all of them were declared elec et The directors elected were: GeoW A. Kearney, A. C. Oalitz. Hard ConW», W. J. Ham- ilton, W. M. Colwell P. N. Olson and A. H. Bowman Final Committee |«epo«is Heard This being the reislar annual meet- tog, various committee report* were made precedent to tf dismissal of all regular and special committees. Mr. Chandler reported for the special com- mittee appointed to confer with the Sherman Avenue li iprovement asso- ciation to the effect that no meeting had been had and ©thing had been accomplished. Mr. Bowman repc^ed for the trans- portation committee that late develop- ments through the North End Im- provement association indicated that the city wouM probably vote upon the adoption or rejection of the Mueller law, and stated that In the event the Mueller law was adopted, the Sherman Avenue Improvement association's ob- jection to the continuance of the operation of street cars on that street would be nullified, for the council would have the right to issue a fran- chise to an operating company, either old or new, without securing frontage consents. To Get More L*mp Posts. Mr. Colwell made an exhaustive re- port for the ways and means commit- tee, whose activities for the year 1°12 bad been devoted almost exclusively to securing ornamental lights In the business section of the town, and stat- ed that all lights now la operation on Davis street had bees permanently In- stalled, with the exception of one, and that that one will be Installed whan tins company from wbon> the post* are bought cogts to install the next consignment of posts ilo stated that 776'est of th* total George Smith, a boarder who was 900 t««4 frontage on Davis styceet. In asleep in a front room on tan east aid* tbs block between Mwnnan avenue of the houae, was suffocated by smoke tJHl CMeafp avenue had com* Jajo the I and H wag. only by the good handwork I----------.i iA. it.* aiattlon of boats, of tha flMmen that no wan rsnenad. Unissnal for the oisttlon ot posts. 'We. and the committee diaoharpd, Bkrtlett immediately moved and tha* mnttt of tie tenants had The throe men of track cosnpany Ma agsnni so pay their pmportlosvot the i planted a ladder against tha wnv «r muuew wintaiatw wv^Unpanan lor correal. The ©nauutttee dnsv. broke in the frame and carried tn^WnomSattoM presented by the is about ready to begin the erootlon the inaaonUrie man out of tha Me. isssisimas bo ooncurred in and that of posta on Sherman svenne, whore |je waa taken aotoas a vaeaat lot to STaacretary bo instructed tocaat a the city Wlonal bank, Go»«o Ira- Note** Baathnr* ianndry. *•* *" vnlto ballot in favor of nil of them, sal* and tha city of JBnwtan haw al- a while ho roeoverod and wan ahU to wenor Hmndlov objected, and ra- reed* «J«nMea took IntnUoa Ut con- gat no and leave of hi* own aooord. â- )'..-â- â- 7â„¢"" â- ... - .-_'- -•__.«__-.- ..«._<_ .Wâ€"v t^miamMm tit* ariaaA. . .____...______ n._„^J tnnt the nanal prooodure of j on* cascatlve cdteer at a time *h« fottowod. UK Battlotf withdraw immw maHm. and in this maaaer James atJMIkls was ntoesadnreaidont, BVB. ^i«»n«Baiv vJee*rosidont. and Ooorgf &, Ifcsattasofi, troaaurar. Mr. Mac- p*Nmm appointed Massrs. Chandler nmjl Ojalwal). n oonralttee to eaeort the nfWlyalaotod proaldent to the chair, awl la * graoeXnl speech, in which ho ptonhaoUil n prosperous year under to* admfaUatratlon of Mr. Duthie and nrnsnland hia own hearty and unquaH- «od sop port to the now adminlstra- Ifenv tho retiring president yielded the gavel nnd took hia seat among tho ^'yanka on the floor of the association RandUv Again Object*. _______> the nnecotlvo officers had boon 'aloetod and aaeh of them had made a fOT appropriate remarks, thanking the â- nejniilitlrii for tho honor conferred i thonb Bobert Lorlmer moved the ojontlon of oil tho directors on bloc. Mr. Bnndjer again ashed for tho floor and) atntofl that to his mind tha nom- laatlm •iwwira.1*aa nnd made n grave of tho Xvnnston aa»nristV>n Last Night. tribute thaic shaje towaHa.tho oaeo- tlon of the peat*, spd>lfn> ColweU seemed to be of the opinion, that oarly spring would see, not,only Shejcman aveaua fmn the po|iqs statUw to the postA#po. h^.alaa Davli stteet, wast from t^e City National bank to the railroad, beautifully illnmlnated with the same ornamental lights U^.have been put in on the east end of the All Join Otymole Club. J. R. Duthie reported for the Olym- pic club that the most gratifying con* dltion prevails in that organisation. He stated that an average of sixty boys dally visited the club rooms, and described bow well-behaved the boys are and how, of their own voli- tion, tbey have adopted houae roles and other governing laws which are not only creditable to an organisation of that kind, but would also be ap- propriate to an organisation composed of older and more experienced men. Mr. Duthie'suggested that every mem- ber of the Commercial association then present, at the adjournment of the association, should visit tho rooms of the Olympic club, sad, upon motion of Mr. Randlev, the proposition Was carried, and each member not only visited the club, but signified his In- tention to become an associate mem- ber of tho Olympic crab by contrib- uting tl aa special does for thatpnr- New President In Talk. The new president Mr.' Duthie, made a short address upon aasamihg tho chair, and stated that ho naff tto poliey to announce and that ho would not have until he had had time and opportunity to go more thoroughly Into the present status of every ac- tivity of tho association, it la under- stood that President Duthie will cail a meeting of the board of director* for organisation prior to the 1st of February. The association does not elect a sec- retary with other offlcers, but has for a number of years past appointed BV M. Walker to that, the only salaried office in the organisation. It Is con- sidered probable that the incoming i aBejBwnjwnnjujjnjBjsB; «bsb> VsTnajsr ----------------â€"* ha roetiflod oron at tho oolir* °* directors win renew the can- in leaving* a* of tho Ifcst tract wtth Mr w»ft« »<» nnothoK of tho retiring' "*""â- ninsiflont, C. St ^â- i Msiiisiisiis nift-""* from tho dmir, wh4e* W d« not yield rata nffsr sal of lbs lafhafi had boon «*eet nsnV' Hmt ho had naaio ado wishes IJMtWBn^Wm^mMW^-JKimiun of nc4 a* hoot » tho tho yonr l*tt, dm* ho ho pormfc- RflAL ESTATE TKANSFKItt. Kvanstos, Reba place. Ka, gfjL Dae. 27, lilt (incumbrance, f«^]râ€"vTm. D. Ban to Brandt a Ocrptater. tl- Evanston. Adams • Brewnn addlot t, block t, Jan. 17â€"Joseph H. WhhV fldd to James A. Whttfleld and Mlnnn a WbJtheM. flX - ^% srvaaofaM. J. J. gmith'. add, lota 1*| and « at lot IT fax. a Bt n.). bhxlt Jan. f^floi. e jesnah A serious damage by fire and the possible loss of one life by suffoca- tion was averted by the quick arrival of the fire department at 1016 Davis street, Evanston, Jan. 21, in response to an alarm of Are. The building, which had caught on fire Is known as the West End Boarding club, and is run by Mrs. E. Kilby. The Are was caused by an overheated furnace. Mrs. Kelly went down at about 3:30 p. m. to tend to the furnace, and at 4:30 the blaze appeared. Within Ave minutes from the time the fire was first seen, the engine and truck from fire station No. 1 were on the scene. Fire Start* in Furnace. The fire followed the beating shaft upwards through the center of the house and had gotten a good start be- fore any water was thrown on the blaze. The firemen succeeded in keeping the fire from spreading to tho rear or front of the house, and the only damage caused to those parts was by the water and smoke. Boarder Suffocated; Is Rescued. Mono Wnnon pamagod In she ran to tho f^o tho lio*t wagon mothers motor truck from Marshall Field's, at the comer of mmwood avenue and Grove street Tho front wheels were slightly damaged and one side of the wagon was dented in. The wagon was able to proceed to the fire. Damage About $oOo. The damage from the fire aad smoke and water was estimated at about $600, of which $400 was on the furnishings. The damage from the water and smoke was greater than from fire, as the Are fighters managed to keep tho blase confined within so smaU an area. The building Is an old frame building and one in which the fire would spread very rapidly, so that the work of the fire department is especially commendable. The build- ing is owned by Dave Nelson of the Nelson Brothers' laundry and is cov- ered by insurance. first dancing class, for those of high school age and over, which was given under the supervision of Miss Knapp. It was decided to continue this class, having a lesson every two weeks at a charge of 25 cents. Mrs. Arthur Rob- erts concluded the meeting by reading a paper, written by Mrs. Albert Oil- man, on "The Punishment that Edu- cates." Refreshments were then served. H. N. KELSEY MADE U. S. MANAGER H. N. Kelsey of Evanston, west- ern manager of the Sun Fire In- surance company, has been chosen United States manager of the Ham- burg-Bremen Fire Insurance company of Hamburg, Germany, and will move to New York about March 15 to assume his new position. Mr. Kelsey has been a resident of Evanston for a number of years, where hia family hss taken a prominent part In social life. Mr. Kelsey Is an officer of the First Presbyterian church and has rendered that organisation most efficient service. He has been a mem- ber of the school board of District 76 for some years, and part of the time its president. Mr. Kelsey has long been Tegarded as one of the successful and able fire insurance men of the west, having held numerous positions of honor. MOTHERS' CLUB MEETING. Enjoyable Mooting of Central Street School Yesterday Afternoon. The Mothers' club held an enjoyable meeting at the Central Street school, Evanston, Wednesday. A number of songs were given by the second grades; a full report of the nature study work was given by Mrs. Arthur Roberts, and the financial report of the club was given by Mrs. R. C. Brown, who also told of tho success of the kindergarten, which was provided }0 can for fho children _wWlo tse the meeting. .TftffiMftrrywft* tho r: AJtm Excmw 2£# 'mncetnTraoel- „0; The New WF Western Limited To St. Paul-Minneapolis Lv. Chicago daily S>45 p. m. Ar. St. Paul 7:18 a. m. Ar. Minneapolis 7:55 a. m. fl The latest product of the car builders' a every want is anticipated â€" you *nj°y ev* comfort - you lack fl Thm lomnmin* car- w perfectly VMitUntj chair* and lounge n 1km tmmlm J'koti « celled tn cuUine. fl Tha lomtpmrtmâ€"mt * oberrratieo trtatfcnn â- urTOuixtiosa. fl EU€tric-ti0hfr4 rftf W ta#» MSMttiaTdrlnM Sub convt _t»ve featul 'and restful I feature 1 ofjhi* new trainâ€" lipped with eaay > conference room. perfectlr •enred aad â- rieai »i«^pi'a# caerwith roomy I spacious BnSwWTp'ev'dea restful ____arira loawa im hmrtha, sani- itataln. telephones, etc. f| Fie* Other SplsaeH Trafcas DaSr to Cheat. Fi ^ â€"Leave Chicago S>t3 a. ro and fc*> a. ro. •terrWf 10:15 a. nv, IOjOO p. ov, M-.10 p. m. autmmmtit mtmttHt mmfmtr aiaaaai ritkrtQfrtf Chicago and Worth Western Ry. ^ «jirfc|'FrtN 148 S. Clark St. (Til. RmmMpb 4221, Ami*. 53-251) mmd Patsfwqtr TtrmauU Two Psrsgraphs of Truth. The woman with a past is generally a woman angry about the past she never had. Birds of a feather flock together, but birds of the white feath- er most of allâ€""A Miscellany of Men." by 0. K. Chesterton WE have been doijig the cleaning, dyeing, p and repaying fr ptrticular^peopte for years than we care to-remember. Oj|f>usjnest hat grown steadily. In otbe^jwrds, calj^ work is appreciated in fMt|usines$ Wouldn't it pay you to caJLus up Dehmlo 622 Davis Street Telephone I7af Want FKEEâ€"' Do Yon Want a Girl? Do You Want a Washerwoman? Do You Want a Fumaceman? Do You Want a Chauffeur? Do You Want a Job * Have you old Furniture to sell? Somebody wants it. Have you Poultry, Effis, Horses, a Baby Carriage, Store Fixtures to sell? Someone wants them. Do you want to rent your House? Do you want to sell it? Have you Real Estate for sale? You can get what you want -SI t uism' 'hUsaV'sia>a ani â- iii foam Shore Trust Company STATE BANK CAPITAL, $100,000 fl Makes loans on improved North Shore real estate from Rogers Pnrk to Highland Park, and on fens in Lake "~ iiglltiniaflflssi linrlTsii mnnllis and gansytcnoa whicli iti fllswisnCortiiicntnsi in dcnominattosM apv pnioisit . fl Offera for in estnto, nettinfT r ^vsaws of Jfeoo tmd OFFICK«8ANDDIR»TrOES j.Predls^ai^I^rwldon* *-*â- Im J. Oon». Omnsel B. O. Eatler ____,___^________ real fiv« and oiie-baUf percent, in Send for list. CbatieaA. Wlghtman, Vice-President Arttmr w. Varooo, Csahier BmnnMng Rooms HtgaJ*a4 Park. FREE a HOW? Put a want ad in The Lake Shore News, without charge. There is absolutely no charge. This offer not good in Evanston All you have to do is to write your ad on the blank below ap4 mail it to The Lake Shore News, Evanston, 111., to reach us not later than Tuesday morning, and your ad will appear. The Lake Shore News is famous for results. Get what you wantâ€"no charge. Here is the blank. Write your ad and mail it to us now. Want Ad for The Lake Shove News 526 Dnvis Street. Evnnntoau UL t*JB»*S&.v*Sj-