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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Feb 1913, p. 8

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^^>(ff^>^PYF^<^,,frpf^: THB JAKB SHORB^NBW^ THURSDAY. F k JUke Shore News Want Ads Ituatiohs wahted $ f^&fXIATlOS WANTED BV EXBBR- Itmcfr^rimary teacher ^gr'tutor, governess or compjaWn; would travel; college" and-^former employ- ers' reference ^MlssT.j:Ueck, Dela- plaine-tdr'Riverside. Ul.. care How aroT&onley. H^P SITUATION WAN "ED-BY YOl.'NG mar*lj>d man Address K Julian. c,o A.iTrhaxewHkl, (I'lt-nroc. 111. HP pilAXoTKSsTiNtfT "â- ""CKNTS EACH, or 15 for $1". Beginners given spe- cial attention Studio at MC> Lin- coin pi.. Highland Park, in., Phone 8»V. ltD K43B SALE. C11KA P- T WO s I >UHSE buggies^ surrey, light _e»f*"«» wa' gon, offlee^aw* and. M.alr, sanitary couch and IjojM^'tri ijimitu:^ 921 Oakwoo4*«C Wllnui â- . ?»•«•'â- â-  WIL njeJtr^rsr.-J. ltp FOR RENT-ROOMS r*«U-ai£NT - KlUNiSHtU koo-m. Ust'i I.alte>r--Irl W'l^'-'-- 655- ^.â- wanted â€" mw lit; once. Skow. tb CUKTA1N4 WAUHBD. COLORSJD sod mended^ Amylase wofk; called for «njlellvtf»d M. R, Me- rits. i«20 OajplwHaAjTel. »»*• -tf WANTED. ITOKflSw AT r.'Jie Maln-et.. 17-tf tfQK KENT-TWO I.\H>,K .' >•>*, modern, well fun.M â-  l â- <*>«' rea' Bonable prloen. fl-- • ;"^; ral1 evenings or Siimr.u ,v c-hl- ltc cago-av. MISCELLANEOUS Rvsnston <w gustos? :b^kllur.\7l< fir v* NSl'R- argest I;,., the behold i harles • ^Ulmt ltr FORSALE^HOUSLS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGEâ€"«-ROOM i boW for larger houae on North % Sborey or would consider good va- cant ibfaal your furnished/houses I to rant wlxsyue. A Kin* 316 Cen- Pi tral-ev., Wllmette. Phone 215. I have a bargain fa, a,ten-room house. WANTED â€" THBBB-YftaR LEASE from May 1/on eight oXnlne-room house, preferably in SoutK, Evan»- ton, or might boy on terms. Ntf 343, Lake grnora News. l^ftP VOJt tAUBâ€"a- ' sal uitar. For Sale-Bungalow FOR BALE, IN WILM paved payments. 1-^jtr-iootraH aaatm W»ao ,MBJ?TEâ€" ^Eth, eft :rlc p ariwefe ived street, 112 ita paid. Ev- l<Mtc FIRE I.VSrRANfK HO> ami* Company "f I fire Insur^STy i on widld. Insure/ <1«' l': goods, rents; /I< m'yrf A. \Vlgbtn?n*ii i agent*. Phone -'" _____ ' FREN't'-ii I.K**1^' French lady, Panni.-hi.-. .\; • i>'$*ce<l teacher, gives prUar.- tutoring/con- venation. grar«rn&. clause/ formed If desired. .\r&j^ \.>'oua^h,*r Com «â- - 12-Xtc MONIV TO LOAN M^^I?I**RT Ob ICvaaetoo lite si NoM V<t* P<*t- •rmaa-ar. Kenllworth ary 12 on Wednesday. Pebru At these meetings It la hoped there fact would preclude the posslbilit will "be a large attendance, and that persons whose property Is affected will take enough Interest In the prop- legislative committee of the EAanaton osltion to press steps for Immediate, Commercial association and st.ned legislation enlarging the powers of the trustees of the 8anitary District The matter of improving Sheridan road through thiB territory is one that should be attended to at once, and the Impossibility of doing this while the sewer plana are in doubt is evident JOINT SESSION TO DIS- CUSS MUELLER LAW (Continued frontage 1) WANTSEWERTO PURIFY LAKE WATER (Continued from Page li REAL ESTATE intent mNQ*-ir YOU WISH T your house, bunga before Mayfcr Hs/lt with us WebaTOaVfaltlnlf list. Phone W. J. 4 C. Bl Maqrjk 1023 Ce»- D 3HANOHJâ€"CLEAR LAND, or i*uityJjM*6o»« *nd fot located Ifr^jUJnjgrtjr or Olencoe. Write foni^^rtnMT^-'Wg^aT STllK as^at BUYS A 16 PTO lawttment In chofca li •satoa rat^aatalaMat raotod and d<W*ble OwMr Tfcao. ScietiroMn*. fitBvmaatom. FOR SALE SALB â€" BARGAINS IN jsjririac machines. These ago in good order ft Ofbbs..... WUoox A ©Ibbs..... 1tf!leo**Olbbs __ ___ Aatsnwtic ........... jntiaflji flutirr"* drop-bead.. drop-he** ............. ft Wilson............. Kasy payments. J?ATT«R80N BROS. 3>|t ihannan-aT, Evanston BED :blne» guaranTeed ..........115.00 .......... 18.00 22.00 25.00 30.00 16.00 20.00 12.00 8.00 8.00 ffftJBt-JlTgT ARRIVBO FROM aasall eoaaigBment of highest lUUksVcarved cameos, An Pkone Wltmette 1191/Up ITO MOTORCY power, one.4«^r horae- good on the/©ad and sbera. H. O Adams. 422 9ttU, m.>hone 1231. ltp SPANIEL; 'Nebraska; fine, to the name Iugefsoll, Wilmette. ltp sewer would benefit the North Shore to the extent of $8,000,000 in increase on property value alone. There are In the neighborhood of 800,000 feet of frontage affected by the proposed sewer and it is believed that the Im- provement will at least increase the value of the land fio.oo per front foot. Paaa Resolution for Trustees. A resolution was passed at the close of the meeting, which will be present- ed to the trustees of the Sanitary Dis- trict, showing them the need of action at once, and showing why this Im- provement should be made within a year. The members of tbe association feel that the fight for pure water Is one that they should look to at once. With the sewage going Into the lake as li is now, all tbe water not only for the use of the north shore towns, rendered by the street car company should be discontinued* Immediately upon the pxpiratlon of the existing franchise and a system of auto bus transportation substituted. Abbott Favored Vote on Law. Mr. W. T. Abbott, 1829 Hinman ave- nue, addressed the Joint committees and explained the triple relation that exists in controversies of the present kind,-â€"the people, who are represent- ed In Illinois by the city council, the company who furnish«s the street car system or other public utility, and the people affected therebyâ€"some- times favorably, sometimes deleteTi- ously, as in the present instance of tbe owners of property along the "right of way of the street car system. He ac- cepted the statement of the owners of the property that the effect upon their pocketbooks was injurious rather than beneficial. Mr. Abbott went on at length to explain how no agreement could properly be Teached which would not first provide a careful con- sideration of the rights of tbe three parties interested, afld added that un- der tbe existing conditions be be- lieved that that careful consideration of tbe rights of all parties would lead to a decision to vote upon tbe Mueller law at the present time, which, If adopted, provides that the street car system could be pnt on the present right of way without securing new frontage consents, and give to the municipality the right to purchase, If it so sees fit, at stipulated times dur- ing the existence of tbe twenty-year franchise. Mr. Malcolm C. Harper spoke on tbe legal aspect of the situation and un- dertook to show that the city could provisions of the Mueller law without adopting that law, but failed to show how such a contract could be entered tbe obtaining of frontage consents Professor C. B. Atwell suggested tbat instead of adopting the second suggestion • of the North End Im- the opinion that any motor bus could operate under a ten cent fare, which of a satisfactory service in Evanston. Mr. A. H. Bowman spoke for the WILMETTE CONORlfiiAtlONALi C Next Sunday morning, Feb. 9, the Rev. L. A. Convis, pastor of the Cort- land Street church, will speak on "Po- committee lit' charge was compos^ of A. li ^Tucker, from the Congregation- al church; John C. Mannerud, MOtho- dlst; Dr. Wb. J. Montgomery, Bpia- that that body wanted a street ar s> s- un< 'in Evanston; that It bell â-  veil it would be wrong to interrupt the pres- ent service pending the reaching <>f an agreement between the municipal- ity and the government, and added that the committee which ho repre- sented, although it had not had an opportunity to present the matter u, a full meeting «f the association had discussed it with the president of the association and was fully i-onvinred that the city council had but one course open to it at this tinw\ and that was the immediate presentation of the Mueller law. Engelhard for Municipal Ownership Other members of tbe variou? com mittees spoke at length, and Mr James Turnock made numerous obser vations from the chair, particular1.. in response to Mr. George P. Engel- hard, who, not representing any o' the various associations asked iol Fowler and Miss Jane Furman Telephone Calumet. 434 land Street cnurcn, w.u *P*u* *m - - ^j,^ Herbert W. Weld, Presby- land. tbe Knight Among the Nations. IJ* • 3 Seng> Konum Mr. Convis will be assisted by a group["â„¢, of young people from bis choir. He|GalnoUC________ will also discuss before the Common- wealth class at 12:15 "The Effects of the Polish Population of Chicago." Mr. Convis is a very pleasing speaker^ani is well worth hearing. He represents a work which this church is especially interested in. The reception at the church par- lors last Friday afternoon by the Cres- cent circle was very well attended and enjoyed It was an occasion for the members of the various circles lo meet and exchange ideas. A pleasing program was rendered. The Neighborhood circle was enter- tained by Mrs Wm. Freeman, 711 Uike avenue, for lunch Tuesday. Mra. Arthur H. Howard and Mrs. Hoyt King assisted. Some of the ladies quilted. The Crescent circle met with -Mrs. Benj. E I'.age. 1*01 Oakwood avenue, Tuesday for lunch. Assisting her were Mrs John"* Dofg. Mrs. Frank L. AUtO Ft*** 63-371 Chicago Coach and Carriage Company 1223-1231 Desl AUTOMO in/acfesfsof OD1E5 ANDT< GENERAL H*SB0A1NG ANtT^AWTWO North Shore Branch, 91S SkeritUn R.d. Mom oacdam4 436 meet the council committee, was pres ent and sought permission to speak. Mr. Engelhard opposed the adopi- tlon of tbe Mueller law at the present time upon any other basis than an open and frank intention to issue Mueller certificates and have the line municipally owned and operated. H« called attention to the fact that the Evanston water works system. " a municipally owned public utility, fur- nlahed a large portion of the revenue tbe city, and intimated tbat a street car system similarly owned and An exhibition of the boys' and girls' gymnasium classes was given in the church Saturday evening. Their work was very well done. Tbe children as well as Miss Varian, their teacher, are! to be congratulated. A new term is about to commence. The fee is $2 for a term of three months; two lessons j a week, children over 7 years old. Itj is undenominational; all children wet- come. The figures showing the local church preferences by families as, found from the census recently taken operated would likewise prove a large by representatives of the different profit-earning department of the city churches are as follows: Baptist. 36; activities. Only after Mr. Turnock Roman catholic. 164; Congregational, pointed out that under the existing 247; Christian Science, 69; Episcopa- condltions of tbe city and the laws of uan, i85; Lutheran. G7: Methodist, the state It was impossible for this city igs, Presbyterian, 121; not at home, to Issue Mueller certificates, did tbe «$; no local preference. 88. There one-time candidate for mayor abandon were 150 men engaged in the original bis effort to ' stampede the various canvass. The men enjoyed their work, committees present to an endorsement being well received, and the results of municipal ownership, and even then wni be helpful to all tbe churches. The he closed his remarks with a strong recommendation favoring municipal ownership, and urged that by its adop- tion Evanston would point the way for many other cities along the line of progressive principles. FALLS AND BREAK8 SKULL. Dennis Farry. a laborer on the Ar- „w.~- .~_____________---, cadla Farm, in Lake Forest, was seri- epter Into a contract bearing all the ously injured last Thursday night. He fell from a twelve-foot platform, strik- ing bis head on a door jamb, fractur- ing the skull. Ho was removed io a into so long as the Sherman Avenue hospital In Chicago at once, and hla Improvement association objected, to condition has since improved, 'LEGE THEATRE â€" sect Moa«gyJfr Glcasoni AH Sta^JoV \ Law Mattaeas. Than.. Sat.. 8m. N. W. d*. ^r«tod to fWkrtim or Wrtstar Ave. Seventh sassB»BBB«SBsasBBB«aBBssasBsn»assm Annual Auction Paintings From the Galleries of Moulton & RkCtettsTy New York, Cficago, ^Hwaukee, Lfcndoft and Pnrh_ ^ To be sold at the auction rooms of WILLIAMS BARKER ft SEVERN 626 S. Wabash Avenue [/^ a w -«£:,:â-  "HSl â- â- â- iS$" M :sm Sale Dates, Thursday and Friday, February 6th and 7th, 2:00 P. M. tor tne use o, me noâ„¢ snore «»»., .Nation petition that including Evanston. but for Chicago f'OT\â„¢....... .-----Zt^w nnon as well, Is polluted and not fit to drink until It has been filtered or otherwise purified. A special plea for pure water and better water was ex- pressed and will be carried to the trustees. Waukegan and Kenosha Planning. It is also understood that Waukegan, as well as Kenosha, is making plana for some suitable disposal of ita sewage. Both towns at present are dumping tbe waste matter raw Into the lake. Until they take Borne action, and until the sewage of those two towns is diverted into another basin. It will be an impossibility to seenre pure water, according to preaent be- liefs. To Hold More Meeting*. This was only one of a series of meetings held to test public senti- ment in tbe north shore towns in favor of tbe proposed sewer. The other meetings will be held a* fol- lows: (Hencoe, at school building; Thursday. February 6; Winnetka, at Wtnnetka Woman's club building; tbe cars" be stopped immediately upon the expiration of the franchise, and a system of motor bus transportation be installed for sixty or ninety days, while the Mueller law is being voted upon and a contract developed be- tween the company and tbe munici- pality. There was much discussion of the motor bus proposition, but with the exception of Professor Atwell and Alderman Knapp, few seemed to be of GAS BEST AND f f/lHT CHEAPEST JJMjrfll **Bh%H FUEL CONVENIENT Jb %af ssVsUsxi a4^»HI LI6BTSF0B _______B, RA»jsi*<ms, ER HEATWBT ARC LIGHTS SPACES. THE HOME HEATERS, Tht NorrtwBstBfn 6ts Light ml Crti Cfc 1611 Benson Avenue, Bvanston Telephone 9S PIANOS We are receiving two more carloads of Pianos and offer special bar- gain on present stock. $400 Adam Serial?, used........... $350 Brown & Simpson, used $375 Gram-Richtsteig, new- $450 " " new $400 $350 H. S. Cable, new $600 Gram-Richtsteig Player, new..................$395 Headquarters for Chickering Bros, and other high grade makes Talking Machines ===== Evanston Headquarters GET OUR PRICES Victor Victrolas..............$15 to $300 Edison Phonogparj^ _..--------.......$17.50 to $900 RjMJUff«Jt OuiUptcte tine Edison Two Minute, 21c Edison Amberol Four Minute____31c Machines sold on payments $1.00 a week and up Our 30 day tree trial plan will please you EASY PAYMENTS • • ;" PATTERSON BROS, 1522 Ope* Tuesday, -pi ^maantoy

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