Tt^r^nissinawordtf in the WljBuaeOm -North" to ad #:^».;4ltoB..lll|: "Building" In ad pf HUen JohMon. "Gentleman's" In ad ot Parisian:.Bye. House. â- ,.'•'• -1f^^'.':'.:y'â- â- â- :-:, 'TarT* in M-^-ffi^^S^^^'im: dry« â- â- "â- '• ., -^^^iV^'F-"-"-5/^ ;"";â- 'â- ' â- Prices for solution are awarded a.* follow*: a '•',";,/. •'"> Eva France* fryo, Mm k#r**t "M1 Snerldan road. |2 to oaelL Helen Sheahan, owJ^Sherry' street, one year's aulMKriptlon^ take Shore Hewn. . "-'M'" ' " ,. Elsie Wernecke, sbtegwmths sub- scription to The Lake Shore News. Isabel Ctoleon, Ash etreet, six months' subscription to We I*ke Shore News. -., •".«â- £?*â- -' ,•-.. . â-² new possle appears on*the Wln- netka page this issue. Try It - ;""â- Mr. and Mrs. Ayres Boai and chil- dren are to Augusta, Ga. Miss Anna Peterson is viatting friends in Oconto Falls, Wis. Mrs. James Hunt expects to 4eave for California on 8aturd**» *eD. 8. Mrs. Paul Ftecner of Elm street en- tertained friends from Wisconsin last week. The ladies of the auxiliary of Christ church will hold an all-day session Feb. 12. Mrs. William A. Otis has left for a trip in the east, where she* will visit relatives. Mr. William Abel has moved from Cherry street to the Jasperson house on Oak street. " Miss Dorothy Ilg, who has been ill for the last three weeks, is now able to be at work. Mr. W. 8. SSIfott and family have recently moved Into their new home on Waldron road. Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Allen, Mrs. P. B. Hoyt and Miss Betty Hoyt sailed for Europe last week. Mr. Willard Bolte had as his guest this week Mr. M. W. Baker, a former resident of Wlnnetka; Mrs. William Spencer Of 878 Oak street entertained a number of friends from Chicago last week. Mr. Grlnnel Wylie is visiting friends in winnetka after a business trip of a month to West Virginia. Mr. Edward C. Welch of Chilicothe, 0., and Chicago was the guest of Mr. Charles Burkett. Monday. Mrs. John Frank, of Jacksonville, I1L, is the guest of her sister-in-law. Mrs. Robert I* Oonaalves. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Massey have moved to Milwaukee, Wls.,.where Mr. Massey'a bustoess baa called him. Mrs. Edwte F. Snell entertained the H. V. Club at her home last Thurs- day night. A delightful'evening was spent. • Mr. and Mrs. Allen W. Wylie and son are expected home from Ithaca. N. Y., where they have been visiting for two months. Rev. Frederick G. Budlong of Christ church is to be'one of the speakers at the Lenten noonday services at the Chicago Opssm house. Miss Mary Hewes, who is recover- ing from asaojjperattau for appendicitis. left this week for Louisville, Ky, so visit relatlvea -and friends. Miss Bthei hfcAUaster, 547 Sheridan road, has as her guest this week, Mrs. John A. Caswell, of Chicago, formerly. Miss FTanees ftueL of Winnetka. The Wonmn'a society of the Wln- netka Cuugjegslhinsl church heM their regular business meeting and loncheon Wednesday. February 6, A delicious cafeteria hmcheon was served. Mr. R. U Goasalves, contractor, has commenced tan erection of a twenty- f oar thousand dollar residence for Mr. John Bwcktegkam, on Linden avenue between ML nsansuf court and Sun- set road. ------- Mr. Joan Brown, for several years assistant agent for the Chicago & Xorthwestem railway, ha* lisen pro- moted to agnpt at BrtrtoL Wis. Mr. Brown left Sunday to take up his new duties. Mrs. Kkfusr ML Adams is to Bad- lands. Cal, far a short rtatt. and then ~â„¢ m In Ostsaad Mrs. Adams Is to visit moat of the famous ilinorls. of the coast nature returning in about ^wjssksi ' The Wlauotkn. basansB etob heM h very isi i aiTal dance at the Wksnefr hu Wsssaas els* last Saturday ewunv ing and cleared sv good sunt of saoney. ^JlS^ii^ii^i^^^^^^iii 'New Orleans, La. Her'mother, Mrs. F. A. -jpliuBiidr^^^ aceom panied her.<;S#S:g§fe,; ." The members of the Neighborhood crab are rehearsing two plays which they e*poct Jopresent very shortly. The first is an •extremely laughable farce entitled "The Burglar," and the second a charming little comedy en- titled "A Christmas Chime," by Mar- garet Cameron. Christ Bolkow, aged 52, died at his home on Hawthorne lane early last Thursday morning, after a short ill- ness. The funeral was held Saturday, interment at Rosehill. Mr. Bolkow leaves to mourn him a wife and four children, George,'Caroline, Mrs. Sam- uel Ohlin and Mrs. Henry Miller, and numerous friends. 2. WINNETKA COM- MUNITY HOUSE Motion Picturesâ€"Friday, Feb. 7. 1. "A Dinke Chief's Reception" (Edu- cational). "The Spahr's Fiancee" (Drama). A Trip to Mount Rainier" (Travel). The Pineapple" (Agricultural). Days of Forty-nine" (Western drama). Mr. Up's Trip Tripped Up" (Com- edy). The house committee at its last meeting decided to try an experiment of giving Sunday- evening motion pic- tures. Such films as "Pilgrims'Prog- ress" and "Oliver Twist," with Nat Goodwin, have been engaged, and the dates will be announced soon. These films are in four reels and take two hours to run off. A charge of 10 cents admission will be made for these spe- cial features. Dr. C. O. Schneider now* has charge of the dark room for camera work. The Neighborhood club is at work on two play's to be staged soon. Mr. L. L? Buchanan has resigned from the motion picture committee. The regular Friday evening show at 8 o'clock. Four pictures. COM. 13 9 8 6 6 5 5 4 5 7 7 8 8 13 Pet. .725 J$U .462 .468 .387 .387 .000 up the HOU8E BALL LEAGUE. Standing of Clubs. P. W Boys' Club .........13 Ridge Avenue ...... 13 Hubbard Woods___13 Intermediates .-----.13 Gun Club..........13 Business Men......13 Indians ............13 Community Squares. 13 First Game (Wednesday) The Indians lost a fast game toHub- Jt>ard Woods, in which the final score was 17 to 10, Hubbard Wood* is playing a fast game at present and they are showing up well to the per- centage column. The score: Hubbard Woods-----3 2 15 0 0 6â€"17 Indians...........2 2 0 1 3 2 0â€"1© Indiansâ€"Baker, C. C. Adams, Ste- vens, Ellis, Cheney, Stanton, Orwjg, Nelson, Ferry. Hubbard Woodsâ€"H. Elliott, Taylor, RL Elliott, Dean, Turvey, Hanson, Os- trom, Uedelhofen. Walker, Rose. Second Game (Wednesday). The Gun Club bested the Community Squares to a tight game, the final score being 16 to 13. The Community Squares will surely have to get busy if they expect to put a figure 1 to front of those goose eggs in the per- centage standing. ' The score: Gun Club........6 142300 0â€"16 Com. Squares___3 0 5 12 0 2 0â€"13 Gun Clubâ€"Radmer. Blow, Knapp. Wolff, Baker. Knox. EJoepfer, CaxeL Community Squaresâ€"Vote, Haines. Rmnfeldt, Anderson, Ilg. Duncan. Dfeit*, Hale, Odh. First Game {Monday). The Business Men lost another game, this time to the Ridge Avenue team, holders of second place, the score being 24 to 7. after seven mn- togs of fast and furious balL The Business Men. do not seem able to get together and master team play. That Is the fault that has caused the loss of many ausaes. There are a number of good players on thia team, but they do not work together, Bidge Avenue plays a nice) dean game and fast- they work the team play feature Tery welL which account, for their good position to the raee. For Bidge Avesme Cuilahau and Hume work. Cal- _____________ _ afrfkesu*a to Ms credit. * The heavy betting off Finlsna, Fttch and tT1*"**- featuerd me eoav t«^ niymm. Adassa and Dehmkrw did the beet work fur the Buasneos Men. The scorer ^ ..^'0*"*\ "' m^ Avesme .....HJ1M1-M ........... . ...___. Barrett, ^.;^iWt;Bolte. "â- â- '*m%y' ^ Business Menâ€"Catel, Poll, Flynn, Dehmlowi Adams, Bolkow, Stodeur, L. Adams. Detloff, Blake. Umpireâ€"Clark. Notes of the Game. Flynn furnished the comedy of the game. Cazel was there with the head work. Playing short, he would stop the hard drives with his head, instead of catch- ing the ball. Paulson and Barrett did some clever base-running. • George Irons, the genial ticket- taker, was absent. Paulson was injured in a play at second base, tearing a finger nail. Cazel of the Business Men pulled off a regular "hummer." He made a home run off a strikeout. ' Second Game (Monday). The Boys' Club, leaders of the league, were given a scare and came very near to meeting their first de- feat. They played the fast Intermedi- ates and started the game with a sub- stitutes pitcher, alme8, and the Inter- mediates soon solved his delivery, and in the third inning batted to eight runs. • Krieger then went on the slab and stopped the rally. The Boys then went to work to win back the game and kept after Orwlg so hard he weak- ened and had to be relieved. The score of 14 to 12 shows what playing they did. The Boys' Club in the early innings roemed 'way off form and made more errors than they usually make in three or four games. With Krieger pitching they steadied and played their usual fast and clever game. Orwig and Talbot were the stars of die Intermediates. The score: Boys' Club........2 0 2 4 6 0 0â€"14 Intermediates .....2 0 8 10 0 1â€"12 Boys' Clubâ€"Carpenter, Williams, Kasner,, Gotekunst, Krieger, Knox, Stubbe, Balmes, Haines. Intermediatesâ€"W. Washburn, Wil- liams, Talbot, Orwig, Geherty, J. Washburn, Brown. Harper, Hale. Notes of the Game. John Williams was injured and time was taken out when he collided with 1 albot at the plate in the fifth. ' If Orwig had been able to keep up the pace of the early innings he would have won out. Talbot is a real ball player; his catching is wonderfuL Williams runs him a close race at that Carpenter did not get his usual num- ber of bits. Too much Orwig. Hubbard Woods Beats Llewellyn Park. (In a match game played in the Com- munity House gymnasium tost Satur- day evening between the Hubbard Woods toam of the Community House league and the Llewellyn Park team of Wnmetto the Hubbard Woods boy* won out births score of 7 to 6 to a fast and snappy game. The game was cleanly played and full of excitement The batUry work of both teams was good beyond that seen to moat games of this kind. There was a large gal- lery to enjoy the fun and they were treated to a lot of exciting plays. The score: Hubbard woods.....o 110 0 3 2â€"7 Llewellyn Park......1 too 0 2 0â€"5 Hubbard Woodsâ€"Elliott, Taylor, Rose, Stephen, Dean, Ostrom, Hansen, Turney, TJedelhofen, Walker. Llewellyn Parkâ€"Schmidt, Single- ton, Barrows, Connor, Kist, Reynolds, Digre, Corp, Birket, Brown. New Books at the Wionetka Public Library. Abbottâ€""Captain Martha Mary." Allenâ€"^"The Heroine of Bronte." Aust!n-r"A Woman of Genius." Bacon-*"The Inheritance." Belbeâ€""Home Occupations." Bennettâ€""Your United States." Boothâ€""Bella." Brownâ€""Uncertain Irene." Burtoifâ€"-"The Boy Scouts of Bobs HUV» Drummondâ€""An American Wooing." Du Bolsâ€""Fireside Child-Study." Farnolâ€""The Broad Highway." Fordâ€""Story of Untold Love." Horningâ€"^"Fntbers of Men." Lanierâ€""The BngllBh NoveL" Lincolnâ€""The Rise of Rosco Palno." Londonâ€"' Smoke Bellew." Ludlowâ€""AvantL" LyaUâ€""^o Two." OlUfantâ€""The Royal Road." Op'penheimâ€""The Nine-Tenths." Pangbornâ€""Interventions." Pontoonâ€""Johnny Blossom." Poulsonâ€""In the Child World." SeaweDâ€""The Jugglers." Sedgwickâ€""Herself." Shawâ€""The Doctor's Dilemma." Thurstonâ€""The Garden of Resurrec- tion." Vollmerâ€""Book of Distinctive In- teriors." , Von Huttenâ€""Kingsmesd." Wadeâ€""The Wonder Workers." Wallaceâ€""A Cry to the Wilderness." Wendellâ€""Literary History of Amer- ica." Whartonâ€""The Reef." Youngâ€""Behind the Dark Pines." the Horn** Mann school tost Friday alteraouu,, A class of twenty pupils receive* their ulpkuntt trom their teacher, Mrs. GoodchUo, signifying that th^ had completed eight years of elementary school work with pass- ing marks.' For the program of thec afternoon the pupils chose their own work. Some took problems in artthmetle and sentence structure, while others gave vivid accounts of historical events. After .the program tea was served to the guests. Mrs. Goodehild acted as hostess and was most charming in her greetings to everyone. The pupils presented their teacher with a beautiful bar pin as a token of their love and esteem. The follow- ing is a list of the graduates: David Lester, Stella Thompson, Francis Carlson, Florence Anderson, Ruth Livingston, Frances Densmore. Fred Barts, Albrecht Bbner, Gardner Cole, Grant Harper, Robert Bubrock, Magnus Nelson, Lewis McClaln, Edward Remmiek, Byron Snowy John Williams. Harold Odftfcv Harry Cadauhead, Louie Anderson. Dorothy Burgy, Tonight the civics department of the Woman's club is giving a hard times dance at the club This is one of a series of which are being given the 4/st and third Thursdays of each month tor the young people of Wlnnetka. Thane dances are proving quite popular, and they are being well patronised. The young people are always wen chap- eroned, and an enjoyable eventog*a entertainment is assured. An adml sion price of twenty-five cents to charged, which is devoted entirely to the expenses of the dances. Evcrson Filter C LIVERY'Al Cswriufeg Fufititheiii e«* w. OAK ITOBIT fp^^sfpfl We ekfry aftmellne of Pictures, Class ?]]»jfBju'jj|l 1 diSSrS^SSJ #v|B*^ Vrffe « NATIONAL ART S -•â- ,mi sjMrtg.sus awn see rwo*tMB**m â- imasea .- â- ..,-.- 3no ruoqn Hi cor. Michigan ave. amp adams st.. chicaSo J. A. ODH Uohol •MpHMNf â- fiATTPtCSSCS AND OVSH ANTtOUIC FURM i IND RCHOVATCS LW.lLI^Mtm. •mmmmmimmmmm mm. L WuUf. the battery. WINNETKA MISSING WO A\* .:. - We have purchased the bnsi- AnnOUnCemeilt nessyof R. SkDAILY, Bicycle Shop, Winnetka. 1 We also makl a *MriaJlvlof Lawn Mower and Skate grinding, etc. We Call for and DelivJr Mac linds FREE N. E.'DA 807 Elm Street EKLIND TAILORS JaUo ddmr- days 20% WstOMIt ALLOWED Tele|di«|f248 Wtnetka lissBi Bant of \/ eyef BS Y Winnetka, IU. F0RSBER6 & URSbwll HANDLAUNDRY fssMT fffJCB SrKMLTf SS2 RAILROAD AVENUE mom asm umHssrrn*. na- if) several off the adver- tisements on tbis page you will discover that im- portant words have been omitted. Read them over, supply the missingwords, and send the list to the "Contest Editor? Lake Shore News, Evanston. To the first four persons residing in Winnetka who send in a correct list, prizes as follows will be sent: First Priseâ€"CASH. f14& Second Pitas Owe year's sub- scription Is The Lake Shore Mews. Third Priseâ€"Six months* eub> scHptton to The Lake Shore As^eaML. IwSTwwSk* Fourth Prise Sht month* euh- scripdon to The Late Shore This Contest Is Open to Rent, gents off WINNETKA ONLY. Pi AUTO BARG-j€Hi&: SS* with rsxkau and Tour g P-ss. .7 '. 7 Pas*. fdSS. S WINNErTKA m •ill -^ OMhalflJc<kNc«tho#rv.W.IhtVo« "" '.lw»- NEWS WANT ADS sHUN* NSwULl St | L ALLEN, MiMh 552 West Railroad ji/enoe woomw *t4MM at a» tn> ««r it. Mi «sc R.H.SC FOU ^ Spring Giughasa^ and ^fbite Goods direct from New York. Mb State Bak Rent w.a' *-»Ts ocider IW.S37-W nx •sOsecf A Bargain Winnetka mi Vtwtm*m JONAS H. MAD5EN wmNATKA. OUMOt* Parisian Dye Hi JQHM i BsctricL«htBMh* Miss EUen Johnson -.3^te Oftc* and IKETKA.ILL Dt»i Hume WtaiKtka 147 73*1 Week' No. S Waffle Iras. nelson Mothers lilWlUMȣ|swat uiwnUns*nw*i|iuin. ^mmsss^m