JAS. R. DUTHIE PRESIDES AT 1ST SESSION Directors of the Evanston Com- mercial Association Or- ganized Last Night for 1913. COMMITTEES APPOINTED H. E. Chandler Will Succeed James R, Smart as Chairman of Olympic Club Committee. The new board of directors of the Evanston Commercial association met aw the guests of the recently elected president, James R. Duthie, at a ban- quet Thursday night and organized for the year 1813. At the dinner which was aerved in Alexander's cafe. Directors Hard Comstock, William Colwell. W. J. Hamilton, A. C. Galitt, D. M. Olsen and A. H. Bowman were present, Mr. George A. Kearney being out of the city and unable to attend. President . Duthie presided at the head of the ' table and had as guests of himself and the directors Ex-presidents Peter Randlev, W. J. O'Connell, James R. Smart and Vice-President H. B. After dinner was served Mr. James B. Smart, who has acted as chairman of the general committee of the Olym- pic club and who has been very large- ly responsible for the development of that organization to its present high Standard, read his report and asked to be relieved from the chairmanship for the ensuing year. Illness in Mr. Smart's family made it necessary for Mm to leave the meeting immediately after his report had been read and ac- cepted, and it was not until after he hid gone that President Duthie, in stating that Mr. H. E. Chandler would be made chairman of the Olympic club committee for 1*13, bad an opportnn- -io pay a merited tribute to Mr. sytfs work in connection with this organisation of boys. Nearly $1,000 Was Collected. The report as read by Mr. Smart snowed that a total of $962 bad been K:f: collected by the committee for use in I;--,fitting out the club rooms and that ip fttt.03 had been expended for fittings itla&d equipment together with the eal- Blary of W. J. Wandrack. who acts as K the representative of the Commercial p^ association in the capacity of anperin- i| tendent of the club, 'in addition to the Ipawa shown as collected by the commit- lf|i.tea the records show $tOfl pledged bat faot yet collected by the committee. J After Mr. 8mart had left President iDathls supplemented the report by ex- plaining that work which had bee* famished for the club free of cost to the general committee of the Commer- cial sssnrlstlrtn or to the club Itself segregated in material and labor In th* nafghhorhood of fifteen hundred deOu*. which means that the total of the dub ss it stands to- i an intrinsic value of twenty- ;#»• hvadred dollars. WW ftaiee aijMO for auk. as It Is the policy of the igeveraiageesn- . of which Mr. Chandler la chair- â- â- â- : le â- sisrr the dab for this first y**r er natti January 1.1914. m order [^ tfea* aB dwea collected by the dub may far future use, a special of fifteen, with Mr. W. J. new system of handling the finances of the association. May Change Ways and Means. Chairman Duthie called the atten- tion of the directors to the unwieldy nature of the system under which the ways and means committee has hereto- fore been working, and upon motion by Mr. Bowman was authorized to se- lect a committee of three to cooperate with him in developing a new scheme to be submitted back to a subsequent meeting of the board o! directors, which will come together at the call of the chair. On this committee Presi- dent Duthie appointed Mr. W. J. Ham- ilton, chairman; H. E. Chandler and W. M. Colwell, all ex-chairmen of the ways and means committee. Chairman Duthie announced the fol- lowing committees for 1913: Credit Committeeâ€"A. C. Galitx, chairman; W. J. O'Connell, George P. Leonhard, C. H. Burkett, A. fi. Wright. Membership Committeeâ€"George A. Kearney, chairman; with the rest of the committee not yet announced, pending Mr. Kearney's return to Ev- anston. JJntertainment Committeeâ€"W. J. Hamilton, chairman; G. C. Scheibe, Dr. A. W. Gould, W. C. Levere and Dt. J. A. Kappelman with one other name to be added. Finance Committeeâ€" Hurd Comstock chairman; J. F. Hatha and A. F. Bull. Legislative Committeeâ€"A. H. Bow- man, chairman; Peter Randlev, W. J. O'Connell, C. D. Macpherson and F. J. Scheidenhelm. Special Committee â€" William Col- well, chairman; Joseph Pearson, Peter Hummelgaard, W. L. Hess and Peter Miller. Audit Committeeâ€"D. N. Olsen, J. C. Breese and John Westreicher. Banquet Committeeâ€"W. J. Hamil- ton, chairman; C. H. Hulburt, 8am Mascolino, G. L. Corke. E. M. Kelly. J. A. Kappelman, A. A. Tbeobold, Robert Lorimer, James Hoffman, Henry Har- ioff, Joseph Pearson, Fred Peterson, George Robinson, Robert Walsh and John Winn. M. K. MEYER WILL INCORPORATE BUSINESS imommii...................................'.....i|$| 500 NEEDED FOR : What People Are Doing :: 'boys OLYMPIC CLUB :l«.........» in Kenilworth •.........»:: Mrs. F. E. M. Cole entertained last Wednesday eanesoay. * "u,t»wu »-â- .â€"* ». â€" â€" ,-- - - „ .. Mrs. George E. Shipman entertained hotel for Mrs..Dunne, wife of the gov- ot the club rooms in the city mbii last Tuesday. Mr. R. Gilkey has returned from a the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Graham. Two Corporations Will Be Formed To Embrace Vari- ous Mercantile Lines. J»T inthfft.: fifljiw hundred doOara to the>«tah through the carreat This werk la of aach general tansJiL to S^asssissi that the Bmfly New* la a**e* to make an attempt to Uttoaal to these that by the râ€"lttea at a*4 wJsl twaaaat uahlh â- slillaw their checks to Mr. B. «. of the IM. Davis street. Mr. M. K. Meyer of Wlnnetka finds that bis numerous business affairs have grown too large for careful per- sonal supervision. So he has de- cided to incorporate his business un- der two heads, one of which includes the coal and lumber business, which will be incorporated under the title of Wlnnetka Coal and Lumber com- pany, with capital stock amounting to $35,000; the other embracing the grocery, dry goods, clothing and hard- ware stores under the head of the Wlnnetka Merchandise company, with a capital of $25,000. The stockholders will be people whs have been associated with him la business for several years and Includes A. Lips, Anton Karston. Phoebe Suhr, Gladys Pfeiffer and Mr. Wsjnstock. Mr. Meyer will be the president of both of the corporations, and the man- agers of the other departments will act as the other officers. Mr. Mayer's position will be more of an eaeentrse one, and he win not give much at- tention to the actual management of the different branches of hsndavsas, since his time is so wen taken with his banking house. M. K. Meyer has been engaged la the mercantile business In Wlnaetha for thirty-erven years and in that time has built up a large and aettsSsd patronage. A satisfied customer, the best advertisement, has bean fell motto, and has been indelibty Im- pressed upon the minds <-f his «m> ployees. The system which terises his business is perfect, his method of handling the of his patrons has always mat with their highest approval. trip in the east Mrs. Hasten and Mrs out of quarantine. Mrs. Karl B. Rorrady entertained at luncheon last Monday. Mrs. Percy B. Eckhart is entertain- ing her father and mother. Master Charles Knlll of Chicago spent Sunday in Kenilworth. Russell Stearns Is home from Michi- gan during examination week. Mrs. Brown, formerly of-Kenilworth, visited the Neighbors on Thursday. Mrs. Blossom of the east is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Oswald LocketL Master Hallet gave a party for sev- eral of his friends Saturday after- noon. Mrs. Lovedale, who has been ill for the past two weeks, is very much im- proved. The dance to be given by the Kenil- worth club, scheduled for Jan. 31, was postponed. • Mr. and Mrs. Russell, formerly of Kenilworth, attended Mr. and Mrs. Chapman's musical. The many friends of Mrs. David B. Evans will be pleased to hear that she is steadily improving. Mr. Geo. Park has returned from Springfield, 111., where he went to at- tend the Plumbers' convention. Mrs. Long, who spoke at the meet- ing of the Neighbors, was the guest of Mrs. Snydacker at luncheon Thurs- day. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Darling enter- tained at dinner Monday night before che dance at the Kenilworth Assembly hall. Mr. James Prentiss has purchased the Ralph Starrett home on Cumber- land avenue, at the head of Roslyn road. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ware of Ken- ilworth sailed last Sunday from Bos- ton for a six weeks' tour of southern Italy. Miss Elizabeth Root, formerly of Kenilworth, attended the annual soph- omore cotillion at the University of Illinois. Dr. H. W. Powers, formerly of the Kenilworth sanitarium, has accepted a position at the Wauwatosa sanita- rium, near Milwaukee. The Clara Gould library at the Ken- ilworth Assembly hall Is open Mon- days from 4 to 6. All residents of Kenilworth can draw out books. James H. Prentiss of the North American Life Insurance company has purchased the Ralph Starrett resi- dence on Roslyn avenue in Kenil- worth. The last meeting of the Neighbors, Jan. SO, was very Interesting and very wall attended. The Neighbors invited their daughters to hear Miss Stella aMnâ€"f of Northwestern university leetara on "Art Principles Applied in Drees.** Mrs. Long, the new president of the Federation of Woman's clubs, also spoke. Mrs. E. D. Parmelee and Mrs. James H. Prentiss received. Mrs. Max E. J. Papke and Mrs. Edward J. Phelps poured, assisted by several of the young ladies. Misses Helen Stearns. Sasanjiphelns, Ellen Pratt, Charlotte Friese, Isabel Cline, Olive Bailey and Edith Chandler. The next meeting of the club will be on Feb. 13; essayist, Mrs. Raasell Bishop; music. Miss Sears and Miss Cline. Mrs. J. C. Everett entertained her pointed chairman of the Olympic Club Cresap are Chicago and Kenilworth friends last Equipment committee, and Mr. W. J. Friday at bridge and tea. The guests ^O'Connell will head a committee of of honor were Miss Boyd, and Misa flfte€n fr0m the Evanston Commercial Cottrell of the east, who are visiting aBSOClation to devise plans for rals- Mrs. G. A. B. Kohler of Hubbard lng thi8 amount of money. LOOK FOR SQUIRREL HOLES AND CAUSE BLAZE } The Olympic club of Evanston needs Mrs. Charles Macklin attended a j fifteen hundred dollars. That amount luncheon Thursday at the La Salle i is necessary to complete the equipping ernor of Illinois. Mrs. Macklin was building. Mr. H. E. Chandler has been ap- Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ware left on Thursday for Boston, Mass. They sailed for Italy on Sunday They ex- pect to make an extended trip through Italy, returning: via Berlin and Paris. Miss Louise Ware and Mr. Manierre Ware will remain in Kenilworth. The classes in parliamentary law, which were given the first part of the winter at the home of Mrs. Phelps, under the direction of Mrs. Plummer| of Chicago, will be continued. The classes will meet on club days every I other Thursday at lilS* at the resi-; dence of Mrs. Highbee, Cumnor road., All those interested are Invited to' attend. « The second of the four lectures, j "Brides of Ancient Song,' by Misa Julia 8. Henry, was held at the res: . dence of Mrs. William H. Pratt, War- wick road. The subject was "Fran- cesca da Rimini." The next lecture, will be Feb. 11 at the residence of i Mrs. Herman A. Kasten, Melrose ave- nue; subject, "Beatrice Portinari." The course of lectures is $3; single lectures, $1. Mr. Percy B. Eckhart Is giving a series of ten talks on European cities,, illustrated by stereoptlcon pictures in j color, Sunday evenings at 7:30 at thej Kenilworth Union- church guild room. I Everyone la cordially invited. Mr. j Eckhart has already covered Italy with j his interesting talks and Is now lec- turing on Germany. Last Sunday's lecture was on Salzburg, Vienna and Nuremberg. The next lecture will be ; Feb. 16 on Rotbenburg and Dresden. | Mr. and Mrs. Chapman and Mr. | Francis Farley entertained with a mu-j sical for Dr. and Mrs. Martin of Chi- cago, who are soon to move to Kenll-i worth. There were many out-of-town | guests. The program: •Sapphlsche Ode" ........>•• Brahms : "Die malncht" ...............Brahms | Miss Kastbolm. i "Were My Song with Wings Pro- ! vided" ......................Hahn j "When Two that Love Are Parted" ............................ Secchl Serenade ("Don Juan").Tschalkowsky Mr. Holmquist "The Quest" ..................Smith "Thou Art So Like a Flower".. .Liszt "A Winding Road"............Ronald Miss Kastholm. "Abendstern" ...............Wagner "She Alone Charmeth My Sadness" ............................Gounod I Mr. Holmquist. j "J'ai pleure en reve".............Hue j Miss Kastholm. i ^ngtan ...............'.. Sodermann Sverige ................stenhammar Soldatgossen .............. Lindhlad j Mr. Holmquist. "Dearest" .................. Hornert "Spring Singing"..........MacFad/n< Miss Kastholm. j Le Tambour Major...........Thomas! Mr. Holmquist W7E have been doing the defining, and repairing* ftr particul years than -we care tojernember. grown steadily. In other wrds, work is appreciated in tjjj£feusiriess as in eve Wouldn't it pay you fcTciH us tip an !ttt qusincjs hit ler^i . 622 Davis Street Dehmlowls ^TetepKone 173(V of Truth. The attitude of ourselves toward onrsefves has a wonderful effect Is law way we conduct oarserrea.____ 50 9 ITS W. MADISON STR] Os»**aM* M. W. B«w*f f THE. HOME OFCALIFf Pic* <rat a haslet %smftdM« It avwi--------__â€"-r------------- •r4 er sa4 wo will havsiready f aw w«f» wsfcww pens call. BOMB MABC QMHr. FRCSl EACH TEATHOS «* nftAMANOFrfatoS PramKHak 39S1 % 999 W. Madtoam St. 1 CHICAGO. ILL. "?*â- ^/* Nwth Shore Trust Company CAPITAL. $100,000 North flfcsjw real estate from lntfK ta> B^fUaam Park, asm sjb Do You Want a Girl? Do You Want a Washerwoman? Do You Want a Furnac^mas^ Do You Want a Chauffeur? Do You Want a Job? Have you old Furniture to sell? Somebody wants it. Have you Poultry, Eggs, Horses, a Baby Carriage, Store Fixtures to sell? Someone wants them. Do you want to rent your House? Do you want to sell it? Have you Real Estate for sale? You can T â- get what you want FREE HOW? Put a want ad in The Lake Shore News, without charge. There is absolutely no charge. This offer not good in Evanston AH you have to do is to write your ad on the blank below and mail it to The Lake Shore News, Evanston, III, to reach us not later than Tuesday morning, and your ad will appear. The Lake Shore News is famous for results. Get what you wantâ€"no charge. Here is the blank. Write your ad and mail it to us now. 'Want Ad for The Lake Shore News 526 Davia Street. Evanston. HI. M . * a " - " ' ;;:^4^;j^ "- "â- â- i^^%-::ji^-: • .-"CfiSKj â- ..,.,â€"--..'.."^./I ;'::^:" :3.#V' : â- %.-.'yy"-- ':-"; ... -»;:* â- ' ji-v â€"""- ' -x â- 'â- "- â- â- â- â- â- ;". :-' â- ' â- ";..' -":X 7^ li?Z~ â- .'" ' â- '**n| 4^-- -4- "â- S^^^Sr^?|5^yS^:;, J^:'-i:MM^^M»S^^'"'-"« 3p§& m â- yi M^yiiap