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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Feb 1913, p. 2

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..:0^W^Â¥- S?!i"f«i* .VW.k;Vi™«W ^^^^^.....>...........^^i^>?»^"IMiMHMl»Mlll^ ....... These merchants invite you* patronage and will make it worth your while to trade with them. __....i-tMMtllMltlttltJlllllll....................................f" „__"^!* #<>».......»♦♦»«•»»•.......»•♦♦♦".........-" .........------------------ = What People Are Doing i in Wilmette......."""* fjto maay friendi of Mra. H. S.Juddi Mrs. M. C. Baker, 347 Hill street, are enjoying Iwr company during her has gone to Buffalo, la. brief stay la Wilmette. She will soon go to California. Mr. Roy C. Osgood, 83B Oakwood avenue, has gone to New York on tftutneis. Miss Merrlam of Wisconsin is visiting Mrs. Osgood. i-tr Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Taylor of 836 p Central avenue entertained eight cou- ll'plas at dinner Saturday evening pre- ceding the garden party at the Oull- mette Country club. ' Last Thursday afternoon about 6:30 o'okKjfc^there was a small fire In the home of Mr. Nuckle, 1846 Forest ave- |: tree, due to a defective flue. The Are fc was extinguished before much damage was done. • -^Master Blake Roberts, son of Mr. audMrs.^eth B. Roberts, 621 Gregory avenue, celebrated his sixth birthday last Friday by entertaining twenty of |§We little playmates at his home with ' •> moving picture show. " invitations have been issued for Fri- l day evening, Feb. 7, by Mr. and Mrs. : J| 3H. RObinson, 630 Central avenue. i^rS; progressive chanticleer party to ^lebrate Mr. and Mrs. Richard Durn- Cora Allen's first wedding anfllver the meeting of the North Shore association, held in the Wil- t Woman's club last Friday even- ^solutions were adopted de- â- nding the construction of an inter- sewer along the north shore l connect on the south with the sani- . eansL â-  f#|fie*a-wnt.;ba a luncheon served to liembers at the Oullmette Country club at 1:80 on Friday, Feb. 7. me ^^^i^-^Wif':^fr-'IS«fcwri- The men ^ h« entertained Saturday evening. lipl^li; Some very entertaining fea- tfcres are to be pTe«ejtfe*-an<r i-fca-uew aMnben aiy especially urged to ben nette [«»i*sion I meeting of the old town wUl be held at the Woman's club >ot»Friday evening, Feb. 11. Din- wilt be served 816:801, followed t^ tue usual soolsl evening. All who i^ime to WOmette before Ian. 1, 1889, ^^o, eligibla to membership In this aeeoclatton and may become members V applying to the secretary, Mrs. 8. ^Misa. Henry gave her second tectum Ijif^B^ eeriea of four on ."The Brides « Ancient Song" last Monday after- s^f0O« at the home of Mrs. M. B. Skin- Teath street. The subject of _ j was "Franceses da Rimini." The i«Kt lecture wUl be given at the home IpJa^; Melville J. Brown, 738 Elev- HiaUl street, The subject will be jpfteetrice Portinarl." If Mrs. John B. Sherwood will give a rfeetttre at the Woman's club Feb. 7 at |i *; m., under the auspices of the Wtt- Public School Art league. Ad- i tree to adults. Mrs. Sherwood efoeetr jo^wcted _ with .the Art . _ .^ ^ Chicago public schools. tka originator of the Sundry orchestra concerts at Fuller- ^ihaM, founder of the Alpha club, , Working Girls' club, and is * well- t lecturer on art subjects. Wtl given by the firemen was suocassful financially as bad p^p. ^jpad pm, -itlmy will not be able fcwtaB the Are alarm system which aay would cost $150. The prea- â- yatom of ringing a big bell to a* the engine bouse is not. al- etoetlve in arousing the boys a fire occurs in the night, they w scattered throughout the vll- . and it must be a rather unplear- aound to those living in its neigh- This seems a very reason- thing tor the firemen to ask for, • very w^test request when we the Inadequacy of the pre* ent aystem with the risk to property. ^ ; #aflttar proposition li**;:~ m ,^__ ought to Interest our village la <«at of procuring n pulmotor for the earing of life from drowning. Mr. D. «L ABen of the real estate and lnsor- aace business a* 1187 Wilmette ave- -:B«e fiat offered to take subscrlpUons ^£^\Mi«j^1^**** little in- tercst so far has been shown. The jnfce of thU U 8173 and 836 for two .ilnrtre tanksi' Wnen we see the geuer- ,«!• outflow of money for cbaritJ^ ' lleasiriirs and gttird 'U-*rr **• this com-' dtaetty it would seem a good thing If » Bote ef K eonld be diverted into tbeea ether eaanaala if from no ether : ^ aave that of eeenomv and ftamaaity. While it la a good thing to none for the nest, would it-nnf Mrs. Fred F. Cain, 907 Central ave- nue, has returned from a visit in Wind- sor, Canada. Miss Wakefield, a talented violin- ist of Hyde Park, is the guest of Miss Day, 81 Oakwood avenue. Mrs. R. C. Sproul and two children of Duluth, Minn., are visiting Mrs. John Clark Baker, 347 HiU street. The Tuesday club was entertained at the home of Mrs. Geo. ('. Murdock, 1316 Elmwood avenue, on Tuesday, Feb. 4. Mr. Wyley E. Hooper of 1321 Elm- wood avenue and Mr. W. H Troupe of 1321 Greenwood avenue have gone to the coast. Mrs. Gale Meglnnis entertained the members of the Delta Gamma sorority of Northwestern university last Mon- day afternoon. Mrs. J. M. Vernon. 339 Hill street, has returned from Minneapolis, Minn., where she went on account of the Ill- ness of her mother. Mrs. John D. A. CYohh, who has been seriously ill with pneumonia, is con- valescing and her small children hav« returned to their home. The regular monthly meeting of the Public School Art league will be held at Mrs. S. S. Dingee's, 932 Lake ave- nue, Tuesday morning, Feb. 11, at 10 o'clock. The regular monthly luncheon to be given by the ladies of the Congre- gational church will be held next Thursday, Feb. 13, instead of Friday, Feb. 14. Dr. Alice Barlow Brown of Wlnnet- ka will speak next Monday afternoon, Feb, 10, at 2:30 o'clock, for the Bar- ents' club at the Login school. Every- body invited. MrsKJTohn Stevens, 821 Forest ave- ntttt, has gone to California She ex- pects to be away about three months, and will visit Los Angeles, Monrovia and Berkeley. Mrs. Chas. S. Young of Irma, Alta., Canada, and daughter, Louise of Bit- glewood, were the guests of Mrs. A. P. Peirce over Sunday, Mrs. Young re- maining for the week. Miss Elizabeth McCue was taken to the Evanston hospital last Thursday and was operated on for appendicitis during the afternoon. She 1b recover- ing very satisfactorily. Miss Frances Cutler was the vic- tim of a very successful and happy surprise party given by about thirty of her school friends last Saturday evening at her home, 1001 Lake ave- nue. .Married, in Los Angeles, Cal., at the First M. E. church, on Jan. 27, at 8 o'clock, Mrs. Llghtheart to Mr. Wm. Landlck. Mrs. Landlck is a sister of Mrs. John H. Jennings, 426 Tenth street. Dr. Geo. F, Butler was the toastmas- ter at the annual banquet of the Em- pire State society held tast Thursday at the La Salle hotel. Elbert Hub- bard and Judge O. N. Carter also' spoke. The Reading circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Leslie F. Gates, 783 Eighth street, Monday, Feb. 10. Their line of reading Is along that taken up in Miss Hunt's lectures at the Worn* an'sclub. Mr. George D. White, lioi Green* wood avenue, was called to Neenah, Wis., to visit bis mother, who, while visiting another son, received a great shock due to a fall. He returned Toes* day, Jan. 28. Building permits that have been Is- sued in Wilmette during the month of January are as follows: Bungalow, Ridge avenue, Matthew Keil; bunga- low, Fourth street, F. P. Yore; house, Isabella and Sixth street, I. A. Beaton; bungalow, Sheridan road, E. B. Retth. The Parents' clnK spcat The Pot Luck Luncheon club met' of Beethoven, Margaret Rountree; Hu- at the home of Mrs. Charles H. Bret- moresque (Dvorak), Frances Flentye; hold, 1102 Central avenue, Monday fifth chapter of a continued story. afternoon. The Idle Hour Five Hundred club will meet with Mr. and Mrs. Orvllle I>. Jones, 1616 Forest avenue, Satur- day evening. â-  * * The Fourth Division Ladles' Aid society of M. E. church met with Mrs. C. B. Burgess Thursday afternoon. Eighteen ladies were present. Mrs. J. R. Gathercoal of 1638 For- est avenue, entertained a number of ladies Thursday evening In honor of Mrs. Herbert W. Powers, who will leave shortly for Wisconsin where she will make her future home. Mrs. C. H. Klemm of 420 Park ave- nue, entertained at supper Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. A. Lowvell, the Misses Lowvell, Mr. W. Low, Mrs. Albert Kauffman and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Klemm. Mr. and Mrs. Lowvell and children have recently returned from a three years' trip abroad. Mrs. Byron C. Stolp entertained »t dinner in honor of Mrs. Rufus Stolp of Kenllworth on Monday, Feb. 3. Mrs. Rufus Stolp started on an extended trip through the east Wednesday, vis- iting New York, Philadelphia, stopping at Niagara Falls and returning by way of Washington. She is accompanied by Mrs. Geo. W. Keehn. Freezing weather outside did not prevent the Oullmette Country club from holding their annual "Midsum- mer Festival" last Saturday night in their cozy club rooms op Michigan avenue. The rooms were decorated with an abundance of flowers and Japanese lanterns. The men wero dressed in white flannels and the girls in the lightest of summer gowns. L. A. Clark, chairman of the entertain ment Committee, was in charge of the a££»'r'.'Thls fact alone assured success to the party. Hasel Nutting. Jeannette Tuthlll, a graduate of last year, has a very well written poem In the January number of the Northwest- ern Magazine. The ancient history class, number- ing fourteen, visited the Greek and Egyptian balls of sculpture in the Art Institute Saturday, Jan. 25, in company with Miss Ullrich, their teacher. Miss Ullrick hopes to make three similar trips during the year, taking a few at a time. Geo. Eggert and Whitman Taylor, seniors, have returned to school. Miss Grover entertained a few of the teachers In her rooms last Tues- day afternoon in honor of Miss Va- rum, whose birthday was thus cele- brated. a class for them taught by Prof. J. R. Harper.. Junior League at 4 p. m. The sub- ject ne*xt Sunday will be "Snakes." This will be an object lesson of great interest to boys and girls. The chll- dren's chorus will practice at the.close of this service. Epworth League at 6:16. Today, Feb. 6, the regular monthly lunch was given by the Ladies' Aid society. After the lunch at 2 p. m. there was a short business meeting. Th«n Mrs. Dan Brummltt, wife of the editor of the Epworth Herald, gave an address on the Hobbs Home for Girls in Chicago. 8he is a good speaker and told some interesting stories con- nected with this home. The ladies are planning to make these addresses on some subject of In- terest a permanent feature of their after-luncheon meetings and hope that Miss Bessie Park was out of school tMg flrat address wjn arouse Interest for a few days on account of crushing ^ th(W ^ foHoW- one of her fingers while bowling in Tfae Bpworth ieMnle will bold their one of the alleys at the Union church. monthly godal and business meeting Miss Pollock, whose engagement to --- . •--- -- » Mr. Anderson was announced some time ago, and who expects to be mar- ried in June, was the recipient of a ^ ^ R Leach occupled tne pui- pleasant little social affair last week • ^ gimdajr> preachlng two help- Wednesday afternoon. The wives and lnBplriDg sermons. mothers of the faculty hemmed towels___________________ and tied a comforter and presented In the church Friday night at o'clock. Owing to the illness of Rev. Gale, ful evening last Monday. There were 140 in attendance and a very pleasing program given. Prof. Nichols of BV- anston gave a splendid talk, and Prof. Harper also spoke. Mrs. Harry Happ. accompanied by Mrs. Northam, sang, and Mrs. Davis gave a piano solo. The funeral of Herman H. Hetder, Jr., son of a Chicago lumberman, was held Monday afternoon, Feb. 3, at the family residence, 667 Hawthorne, place. He 4Jed at St Luke's hospital on Saturday a week after an opera- tion. He wan the nephew of Mrs. & B- Merritt of 804 Central avenue and nad man^^frtande in Wilmette. jjHO graduated from tne . Chicago:: Lett* - to go 'yi ;i^Mr,r§i yen*., .-^M^M^-m V New Trier High school. The lntersemester examinations are to be held this week Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Next Monday Will be the beginning of the new se- mester. Between forty and fifty new pupils are expected to enter. The teachers' rest room has been fitted out with new furniture, as well as the emergency room. The basketball game which was to have been played last Friday night between La Grange and New Trier was postponed, on account of the gym- nasium not being ready, until March 1. The Zenobian society held its semi- annual election of officers Thursday, Jan. 23, and it resulted as follows: President, Alice Woolley; vice-presi- dent, Constant Lane; secretary, Mar- garet Scheidenhelm. After the elec- tion the following program was ren- dered: Two. vocal solos, Marie Star- rett, Blois Bedlan, accompanist; piano solo, Alice Woolley; personal sketch them with the best wishes of the fac- ulty. Geo. V. W. Pope, a graduate of last year, now a freshman at Hamilton college, has for,efflcient service dur- ing the last year been awarded his let- ter In football by the Hamilton col- lege athletic council. Hardly Wbrth the Finding. An advertisement recently appear- ed in a daily paper in Germany offer- ing a reward for a watch lost from an aeroplane. Wilmette State AUTHORllED TO DO A BANKING BUSt NESS UNDER STATE SUFER VISION CAPITAL and SUBpf*l-pS $60,000.00 | Safety Deposit Boxes rT"*HE Bank is now-^ntlil with one of the n/pst com jRetf Safety Deposit VaultsHlWhe va ity of Chicago/ The b^rfes afford, patrons *JjS\> lute protection valuable panders, etc., against fire and burglwTft besides the convent ence of Juring this protection right hereVhome. The equipment contains three hundred boxes and they ae becoming very popular at the reasonable rentals asked. The officers of the Bank invite inspec- tion of this new safety deposit box system. -m 'Mm CENTRAL AVE. AND TWELFTH STREE^ Wilmette, Illinois. Telephone Wilmette Ninef^ Tomaso furnishes up-to-date music. I Lake Shore News Ads Bring Resull WILMETTE M. E. CHURCH. The pastor. Rev. T. K. Gale, will preach next Sunday morning at 10:45 on "The Great Hearted God," and at 5 o'clock vesper service, by the request of a non-churchgoer, on "The Unpar- donable Sin." All non-churchgoers or those who have no church home are invited to make our church their church. The Sunday school meets at 9:30. This Is a good place for boys, girla and young people. Adults will And an interesting and helpful hour spent in Miss Louise Robinson SOPRANO^ /' I What Do You Demand of Your DA.U.aMMl9 Clean Food Good Cooking nBSiaUiani : Oa^Co^nsS^rvice Moderate.Prices, Pl( Then try any of theseâ€"Al THE CLOVER, 208 S.Wabash Ave. Tl ltTOundiDj Surroundings^ nder one ownei E HEAlffH. 141 N. Wabash Ave. THE GURNEY. 23 S. Wabash Ave. THE CLOVER, 529 S. Wabash Ave. THE MADISON, 221 W. Madison St., near5th Ave. Studio. 50 Brown Building, Wilmette, 111. for. Leave . Hews and Kv RBHH fftrtjsjeTjcllowiDg". 'Lake publi Shore Hews at and the for nearly 60 yeare CHICAGO'S HEADQUARTERS -to*- in Grade^ftubl W.H.SAI----- ? 7 INCO**O*ATS0 105-107 So. Wakaeh Avenue tt Mock sons *<»»• ««- "t" *â- *•• Chicago, HI. A Real Vacuum Cleai TH* HILWAUKOyt VACUUM CLEANER has a. poweital yUMp i» itead of a tn.J%m apf»V !• poat» threat* poi dare* tree lee $136.00. 4H5 Elterf* lit- Fit* iMMWrila Wtt WIJLMET .MM' Par* MOIL tad S25P IkandCkcoio ~ y' â- Â£# -. i li i ' i I . Ill I I - 11 i I I « i K ^g^F^mUmtâ€"mm i .'â- ..,, â-  1#10 Elmwood/Avenue?*;Â¥%33^*SL- Garner of Appliance Room ecb Electric Shop m lli^iiiiiif^ SteHmt |HE modern residence is certain to be __I equipped with Electrical Affiances for say- ing time and strength. A .visit to Electric Shop makes the choice of such equipment a ^ ^rergvsimpfc^^ to our exhibit of Over 2000 things Electrical. i Electric Shop-Chic ago Michigan and Jaeksori Boulevards fU. Ok iftslqafcte AdTcrUsfa* Ifwf. PS mmm Headquarter â€">â€"«â€"iâ€"^ m.....mm i potted :Â¥?&i~i-SW£ â-  m. iM* ^MiM^iM^i^^^MM i. M'rM^iAM^kjii^^ iSeHii^

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