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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Feb 1913, p. 5

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'NQsWt; -?â- ".â- â€¢" TW'W^-M-m i eitei S°*^T'. !."^S?";'.-J*". * ^iW3T£ SSi SHORE THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 13, 1919, ;;â-  What People Axe Doing jj â- i.............in Evanston ****........♦* Mr. James Elllcott Hewes, 706 F*or- , st avenue, is In Philadelphia, Pa. Miss Dorothy Mg of Winnetka has recovered from a two weeks* illnesSi Mr. Locke of Peoria, 111., is a guest of the Hotel Monnett for a few days. Miss l.qjilse Rood, 51G Greenwood boulevard, is in California for the win- ter. Mr. George W. Hotchkias, Elm wood avenue, in home from a trip to Pan- ama. .Miss Lola Gallaway, 1460 Maple ave- nue. has gone to Wisconsin to he away * mTe. E. Belts. ^19 Central street. |8 in Des Moines, la., on a short busi- ness trip. Mrs Moseley and daughter. Miss Alice, are at the Hotel Monnett for a few days. Mrs. Leslie K. Harsha, 1139 Forev avenue, has left for a trip through California. The Christian church gave a "Lin- coln" dinner to the 'church family," at iIki ihurch. Mr and Mrs. Donald H. Mann, 2728 Harrison street, have returned from a V(.stern trip. in William T. McElveeu. 1110 Jud- son avenue, has returned from a trip to California. Mrs. Max Du Shajn; 2413 Central sireet. entertained *ight Chicago quests Friday. Mr. YV.-L. Wells, 1233 Judson ave Miss Edith Knox, 804 Hiniuan ave- nue, was hostess at a party Saturday evening which she gave for twenty \oung people of Northwestern uni- versity. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Peabody. 2512 Hartzell street, entertained a number of their friends Friday even tared' showed a much greater entha-' slasm. Thursday, Feb. 20, wtll be view day for the Wllmette Woman's club at the \rt institute, Chicago, from ID to 12 o'clock a. m., to visit the an- nual exhibit of artists of Chicago and vicinity. The tour will be conducted by Miss Porter of Evanston. Metn- versary. bers attending will meet In the main Saturday evening Mrs. Walter 1). entrance hall, Art institute, at 10 enter- o'clock a. m., and will be admitted on tained informally in honor of her presentation of their club tickets, guest. Mrs. James Clark, of Cedar Mrs. Frank L. Joy will act as hostess. Rapids. la. Friday evening, Feb. 14, there will Miss Emily Elltas of Los Angeles, be a valentine party. The game of Cal., who has been for eight months ( hearts will be played the guest of her aunt, Mrs. James B. Saturday, Feb, 15, at 2:30 o'clock ary from Java, has gone to New York Ga8C0,gne- 802 a,,fax 8treet- has re" i p' m" tnore"wl11 be a children's Party turned to her home. ! for the children of members only. Mrs. Walter D. Peck gave a bufâ- 'â-  Saturday evening at 8 o'clock there fet luncheon Saturday at her home. I will be a Junior masquerade. Bach 2724 Woodbine avenue, in honor of! Junior member may Invite a partner ^iil^SliPSsiH nue. has gone to Citronelle, Fla Miss brace McElw#in of Kenosha, h'K in honor of their wedding annt Wis., was the week-end guest of Mrs Gayle Brown, 2311 Hartzell street. Mrs. John G. Shields of Colorado Peck- -724 Woodbine avenue. Springs, Col., Is the guest of Mrs. A. D. Sheridan, 310 Church street. Mrs. Clarence E. Snyder, 2715 Wood- bine avenue, gave an "afternoon" on Friday to twelve of her friends. Mr. J. R. Denyes, a retired mission- a, has gone to New Yo to attend a missionary conference. Miss Margaret O'Connell has moved to her brother's, Mr. W. J. O'ccnnell, COLLECE THEA Laker Shore Sanitarium., Oar BpexiaKir S i RHEUMATISI Boom (or lavall) 1027 Davis Btreet, from Ayars place. ...... ... „ Mrs. William Stewart. 1912 Asbury | tn_e 8,xtn birthday of her son, Master and one^ couple, ^either residents or avenue, has as her guests Mr. and | WaJter D- Peck, Jr. Mrs. Clifford Brady of Watseka, 111 non-residents of Wllmette. Mrs. T. Ford and two children, 935 Maple avenue, are in Nashville, Tenn., and will remain there for five months. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Lacey, 305 Davis street, have gone to the Hotel Bon Air, Augusta, Ga., for a couple of montns. An informal the Winnetka Country club Saturday Mrs. Frances Diefendorf, 1554 As- bury avenue, after being president of the Glen View Golf club, has resigned this position and is giving her entire time to the "Asbury." Mrs. W. T. Gormley of 2514 HarrJ- Tomaso building. Mando/tatv Mttl Eyaa Examined, Glaaaaa FH My mathoda Meura i " " "* •y« ttooMw. htmdi son street announces the marriage of fJJjJ^jJJj^JU^n dance was given at j her sister, Miss Margaret Gatrell, to! moderate price*. Mr. Arthur Bliss. Justice Anderson Zttmni w hen your eyes a ntion. Eatal evening by the Delta Gamma sorority, united the happy pair Miss Florence Smith, 631 Hinman \V. j sonnen, 2014 Harrison street, »"<»Floor avenue, has been entertaining as her Illinois state agent of the St. Paul guest Miss Florence Eckert of Geneva,: Fire and Marine Insurance company, 111. : has returned from a week's visit at Miss Grace Pynchon, 1731 Orring- the head office in St. Paul, ton avenue, left Tuesday to visit Dr aQd MnJ Wm R Parke8( 1428 | her friend, Miss Ella Wade, at Pari., MapIe avenue are entertaining Mrs. Mrs William D. Dean, 1122 Judson ! Tex. Parkes' cousin, Mrs. Frank S. Braw- avenue. was a dinner hostess Sat-j Mr. Charles Floria, Mr Geor8e; ley, formerly of Chicago, now of Sioux urdaj evening. Rodelius and Mr. Stanley Hart en- ,..al,8 s „ who wlll remain several May Zaek of Aurora, 111., is the; joyed a hunting trip at Lake Marie, it Miss Anna Weiland, 19171 Wis. ,venue. | M>'- Charles R. Webster, !I2»» Sberl- lohn Bruner, 627 Dartmouth j dan road, is enjoying a visit from his ntertalned her card club Sat-j sister, Mrs. Shearson of New York veiling. ! City. John Bruner. «27 Dartmouth j The offices all through the Unlver- ntertained her ,T>00" < lub of j sity building, corner Chicago avenue DR. E. P. MONAHAN, Netraltgist, 619 DAVIS ST. EVANSTi Mb Sliest Map l» Mr. j.lace. unlay M rs •'alls, w» eks. NEW BOOKS IN WINNETKA LIBRARY plar. . . sixteen Monday. The Home club met Wednesday af- ternoon with Mrs.-E. Graham, 1714 Sherman avenue. F'ro! and Mrs. N. D. Harris, 11:14 Forest avenue, are spending two weeks iii Florida. Mrs Frank Anshutz, 1300 Main street, is at home from a short trip to I.a forte, Ind. Mr and Mrs. Aubrey Prosser, 811 Colfax street, entertained at dinner Saturday evening. Miss Genevieve Pettit, 1936 Orring- ton avenue, spent the week-end with friends in Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Patten. 714 Col- fax street, left' Saturday on a trip to Itoston and New York. Mrs. William D. Dean, 1122 Judson avenue, was hostess at a dinner party Saturday evening. Mr. William C. Laechie, 714 Seward are being redeco- Hailey: Bennett: and Davis street rated. Miss Marian Holcombe of the Louis Hoiton: Women The State and the Fanner." "The Honeymoon." '.'Famous Leaders Among Child Labor in Cltv Two Years in the For- Mann company was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Read, 705 Chicago cjopper: * avenue. Streets.' Mrs. F. K. Finch, 1806 Colfax street, [)er , ing. left Saturday for New York City to bidden City." visit friends. She will be away for a orane; "Madison Hood." month. jFairchild: "Rural Wealth and Wei- Mrs. John Sherson of New York is ! fare." the guest of her brother, Mr. Charles ; fisher: "A Montessori Mother." Ripley Webster and family, 926 Sberi- j Locke: "Derelicts." EvanstonThBafn Z re PHONC 2698-2899 ROBtRT BlAYLOCK, BY CLYDE FITCH WEEK OF FEBRUARY 17th Jhe Virginian Electric Power Pumping The most practical and eco- nomical way to assure a plentiful and constant water supply foi *~} Home Office aiZyJpifi rd&ny Etc. I unictpal itit's can operate heir water works systems hcaper by electric pumping. We Furnish the Power Gtofon^Al! ThjM^ixJjaiif' or Veiffce «JS^«$5.£IV ==3s===-Ea= SB*; nF^tepCo. W. N. CHATPiELDIf 69 West Washington 8tr««t C&m Announcement Spring Opening, of <l|i latest for inspection. Imports Foreign Disco Ins ordering; ns consistti etties are 15$ for*One Wee^JiOT*. offerings sn^fJrtces before t suit elsewhere. Tailoring for Woman PublicService Company Of NORTHIHN 1LUNOI8 Guitar lessons. Rood building. Tomaso's Studio, ABC LIGHTS F SPACES. THE HOME. HEATERS, BEST AND CHEAPEST QUICKEST, CLEANEST, AND MOST CONVENIENT STORl^&p ESCENXJJ5HTS RANGES, RADIA R HEATERS. LIGHT The Northwestern Gas Light and Goto Co. 1611 Benson Avenue, Evanston Telephone 98 dan road. Mr. and Mrs. P. Tyrrell, 1238 Elm wood avenue, are entertaining the | Repplier: Misses Lulu and Mabel West of Cleve Sedgwick: land, Ohio. Mrs. William F. Stahl, 1032 Hin man avenue, has as her guests Mrs Maeterlinck: "On Emerson and j Other Essays." Americans and Others." ' "Herself." Shaw: "Plays:' Pleasant and Un- pleasant." Stedman: "An American Anthology." A. J. Smith and Miss Merrill Smith orjTarbell: "The Business of Being Denver, Col. Woman." Miss Kate Quinlan and Mrs. Dor Taylor: "Agricultural Economics." ireet. returned Saturday from a short | otny Work of the Avenue House left Van Hise: 1 i|> to Indianapolis. Ind Mrs. E. S. Bliss, ltUJ Oak avenue, Ida U. Ham lias as her guest Mrs niond of New York City. Mrs. A. J. Cooper, S06 Milburn street, who has been ill for a number of weeks, is better now. The French club met at the home of Mrs. Ira B. Cook, 125 Dempster -treet, Monday afternoon. Mrs. Henry Vick, W12 Dempster street, is entertaining Mrs. Edwatd ( osgrove of Saginaw, Mich. The Ladies' Aid society of Wheadon M E. ehurch will give a box social Valentine's evening, Feb. 14. Mrs. Charles E. Battles of the Jud son is entertaining her sister, Mrs. •I W. Krell of Davenport, la. Mrs W. H. Callow, 831 Foster street was in Wheaton, 111., Saturday afternoon on a business trip. K. L. Neilson, 2200 Harrison street, has been elected president of the Shoe and Leather Club of Chicago. Mrs Northrup, 1824 Hinman avenue, lias returned from a week's visit to the Sanitarium at Kenosha, Wis. Mr and Mrs. Archibald A. McKin 1"}. no4 Dempster street, attended t ie inauguration of Gov. Dunne. Mr F. H. Walker, se< r^taTV of the "niv.-rsity Art shop, has gone to the !'a in- .oast for a two months' recrea- 'â- > n and business trip. Miss Helen Armstrong, 1509 Forest avenue, will give a small Valentine liidge party tomorrow at her home. Ten tables will be played. Mrs. Hopkins J. Hanford, 1405 Jud son avenue, was hostess at luncheon Friday in honor of Mrs. William Han- ford of Oconomowoc, Wis. Rev. Frank O. Beck, pastor of Cove- nant M. E. church has been appointed • hairman of the religions committee of the North End Y. M. C. A. Mrs. N. J. Helm, who has been spending .some time with her daugh- ter, Mrs. C. W. James, 1701 Ridge ave nue, has gone to Biloxi, Miss. Misses Anna and Margaret Jenkins of Detroit eityT Mtafe, -attsade*^ tfcajfialei, funeral of their uncle,' Mr. Diton E. Padlock, 1241 Judson avenue. Mrs. James R. Parker entertained Monday afternoon at her home, Sf8 8aa*iann road, m honor of her " Mrs. John Hecox, of Omaha, Neb. Conservation of Natural today to spend two months in Jack-; Resources in United States." sonville, Fla. Wells: "Marriage." Mr. A. S. Van Deusen. 620 Davis VVeyl: "The New Democracy" street, returned Saturday from a Winter: "Public Speaking" short trip to Champaign, 111., to vist-------------------------------------- his son, Archie. Mr. Philo Diefendorf of Edgewater, Mich, spent a few days with his family who are guests of his mother at the "Asbury." Mr. and Mts. Loren D Wells, 420 Hamilton street, are having as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hill of Los Angeles, Cal. St. Paul's Lutheran church ob- served Hospital Sunday and took a j special offering for the benefit of the! Evanston hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. James, 239 Greenwood boulevard, have taken apartments at the Blackstone in Chi cago for the winter. Miss Harriet Norton of Pasadena, Cal., after a visit with her sister, Mrs. A. H. Gunn, 1015 Sheridan road, left Saturday for Milwaukee, Wis. Mrs. Jason Page and son, Master Jason Page, who have resided the past year at the Avenue House, have gone for a month's stay at Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs Rudolf Swansen of Harrison street have taken the house at 2328 Prairie avenue, formerly occu- pied by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nicoloy. Mrs. Robert Berry Ennis, 1817 Chi cago avenue, is home from a five weeks' visit to her parents, Dr and Mrs Henry Mitchell, at Daytona. Fla Mrs Walter Wright of Milwaukee, who has been the guest of her daugh ter. Mrs. George Jackson, of Elm- wood avenue, has gone to Michigan City. Tomaao building. Mandolin School. Rood WOMAN'S CLUB, WILMETTE. Last Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 5, a large and attentive gathering were attracted to the Woman's club not â- only by the unique subject, but by the personality of the speaker, Mrs. Porter lender MacClintock. She used as the title of her very interest- ing talk one of the axioms of Sir Aus- tin Feverel in Geo. Meredith's ro mance, "The Ordeal of Sir Richard Feverel." She demonstrated quite conclusively that instead of woman being the last thing civilized by man she had really through all time been the civilizing influence. She por- trayed man as being of a mechanical turn, while woman supplied that tin- man touch which gives warmth and beauty to life. She said she believed that on the entrance of woman into civic affairs the axiom might be re- versed, "That the next thing to be civilized by woman will be man." The only matter of regret was that the talk was so brief, all agreeing that they might have listened with inter- est and pleasure for a much longer period. Mrs. J B. Greiner, assisted by Mrs. G. B. Herenden and Mrs. Charles W. Braithwaite, were hostesses at the meeting on Feb 5. The guests of the afternoon were: Mrs t\ G Feeley, 122H Forest avenue, Wilmette; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Shaffer, 171!* rharlP8 young. Irma. Alta . Canada. Hinman avenue, entertained Satur Mrs H H Mollis, Sheridan Park; day evening at dinner in honor of Mr MJs8 Mcnmtock. Lake Forest. Mrs. and Mrs. Kent Shaffer of Denver, E B (ja^p Kanolia> Mo ; Mrs. A. S Colo. Bierce, Chicago; Miss Hutchinson, Mr. Frank Thomson, 1614 Hinman ottumwa, la : Mrs. O. G. Corns, 1231 avenue, left Saturday for Beaver, Pa.. Fore8t avenue, Wilmette; Mrs. Mirk to attend the wedding of Mr. iLJjV. landi Highland Park; Mrs. A. J. Cope, Harris, II., to Miss Florence ^ialre j champaign, ill. j j ' The phlanthropic department will Miss Nellie Robinson and^ss Wfmeet for an all-day session at the bra Stevens, seniors the Library school at the UniveAi Champaign, |are here practice la of Illinois at four weeks' public lf- Woman's club Friday, Feb. 14. Miss Hunt arill give her lecture, "High or Serious Comedy,- illustrat- ed by "I^dy Wsadeawre's Fan," f*0- IS. The attendance at the last lee- Exclusive Agents Ladies' Home Journal Patterns William Fountain ISquare • Lord Evanstoti, Illinois Evanston Phone 1024 Wilmette Phone 600 No charge (or connections Our Annual Box Sale of Hosiery v Sp*( ial prices afford quite a saving by buying hosiery for the year at this sale. Purchasers of any of these lines are sure to experience all the satisfaction of wear- ing the best obtainable, as all Stockings are warranted to give satisfaction as to wear and color or we will gladly exchange them. Women's Hosien? ) K^y Endurance Stockings, like silk; heavy, medium and light weight cotton, in black, white and tan. 6 pairs $1.35 Special for this sale only. A black cotton Stocking with lavender garter top. Q pairs $1.50 I Silk Iyisle Stockings. Spliced heel, double sole, our standard lavender top hose. 6 p^jrs $2.65 Indestructible Stockings, of gauze lisle, guaranteed wear; black only. 6 pairs $2.75 Our Special $1.00 Silk Hose for Women These Stockings are gilt edge Eiffel fast black, made from pure thread silk of good weight; sole, heel and toe are made of fine cotton to insure greater wearing qualities; extra wide garter top. Also shown in white and line of delicate colorings. per pajr $ 1.00 Other qualities of Women's Silk Hose are abown •* 50e, *1.50 «d $2.00 P" P*'r Indestructible Itefeiery an tied. A 50c quality. Satisfactory service guar- *only. 3 pairs $1 Lisle Stockings. Full fashioned; fine gauge real lislt; b^ack with blue tops; plain white and tans. 6 pairs $2 Guaranteed Silk Stockings, war- ranted to wear for three months. 4 pairs $3.00 Children's Stockings School Stockings for boys and girls; heavy weight, three thread heel and toe- 6 pairs 90c Endurance and Pouy Stockings; the two best brands of hose made for children's wear; strongly reinforced where the wear comes. Made in me- dium and heary weight cotton or lisle in black and tans. Sizes 6 to 8K inclusive. 6 pairs $1.35 Sizes 9 to 10 inclusive. 6 pairs $1.65

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