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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Feb 1913, p. 3

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IffF' i«»li>ji<||jlj#>ilIl«<»«lMH<«.....«i> People Arc inWUmettc THE LAKB 8HOIMC WBWt, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 90> ItU. +SSMSSMSSM Mr.. Edward Dtftoti^ 1WS l*k« «^ nue, ipent last 'w^t||i g»lin|WOO, A daughter wu bora to Mr. end..««. N J. Mergenthaler, *04 Wrk **•»«*. Feb. 2. : -;" .â- "' â- '•â- .' /.^ Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Graf, 1220 Gregory avenue, gave a bridge party Saturday evening,* T -"vX â-  Mrs. Frank E.; itt^ion of BUnwood avenue entertained fcrf*& Irltade at lunoneon St. Valenllne> day. . Mrs. George W. Burnet*, 623 Central avenue, entertained ft*** «* *•* friends at luncheon Wednesday. The Town club will give an Informal dance Saturday evening at the Wom- an's club building. Music by Krell. The Triweekly club met at the-home of Mt. and Mrs. Walter J. Thrumston, 1503 Lake avenue, last Saturday even- ing. . * Mrs! Charles Idol of Si Louis will spendTaeveral weeks vielttng Mr. and Mrs. Ik. J. Mlllmann* i4B4 Wilmette avenue. •'â- ,"•â- ' Mrs. Ernest W. White, 410 Park ave- nue, who has been at the Evanston hospital for the past few weeks, is im- proving. Mrs. Mary Steiner, 1451 Wilmette avenue, had a stroke of paralysis, Sun- day morning and has been in a serious (ondition since. Little hope la enter- tained for her recovery. TIk mid-week service will be held Wednesday at 8 p. m. at the home of ,\Jr Cc-rge G. Hannah, 925 Greenleaf avenue. The topic of the evening will l) The Marriage of the King's Son." A (..rdial welcome is given to every <.iu to these mid-week social and i>'u>>r gatherings. One of the features of the Bible sriK.oi, which meets at 9:45 a. m., is the woman's Bible class under the instruction of Mr. Charles C. Oliver ol Mr*- Herbert Gatss And little dangh- tpV of Rochester, N. Y„ are visiting ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus L. Kirk of 1044 Forest avenue. Rev. Her- bert Gates Is a Congregational minis- ter^and a Drother of H. B. Gates. He has supplied the pulpit of the Congre- gational church at times'when he has visited here. The many friends of Rev. and Mrs. Leon L. Hammitt, now of Berwyn, will be pleased to hear of the arrival of a little daughter to brighten their home. She arrived Sunday morning, Feb. 9, and will bear the name of Maude Rebecca. Rev. Hammitt was pastor here for two years, preceding Rev. T. K. Gale. Master Robert Tucker Drake, who is having scarlet fever, is doing nice- ly. Mrs. Keith, who was staying with the children during the absence of Mr. and Mrs. Drake, is in quarantine. Ly- man, Jr., is staying with his annt, Mrs. A.V. Peirce, and Keith Drake is being cared for at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Charles N. Roberts. The following ladies were enter- tained by Mrs. Louis A. Clark on Wednesday, Feb. 12, at luncheon at Carson & Pirie's and a matinee later: Mrs. Harry Gardner, Mrs. Albert W. Hawkes, Mrs. C. Sanford Clark, Mrs. Frank Baker, Mrs. D. F. Anderson, Mrs. Clarence Worthington, Mrs. C. C. Carnahan and Mrs. E. Jackson Casse. Mrs. Willard H. Thayer will be the hostess for three parties at her home. 519 Washington avenue. The first was Tuesday afternoon, each guest being j asked to tell of the most important j article she could get for 5 cents, and j the reasons why it was the most lm-j portant. The other two are to be card parties on Thursday and Friday afternoons. The annual meeting of the Old Town ; afternoon. The next and last lecture of this course will be given at the home of Mrs. J. B. Grelner, 631 Uko avenue, instead of Mrs. L. M. Drake's, as previously announced. The subject will be "Beatrice D'Este." Miss Grace Grassette of Paris, France, will be a guest of Dr. and Mrs. Byron L. Stolp on Friday, and will attend the banquet of the Old Town folks Friday evening. Miss Grassette lived in Wilmette when a very young child and will be remem- bered by some of the early residents, but the most of her life has been spent in Chicago. She has made an envia- ble name for herself among portrait painters of Parts. <â- " She oomM .tin tjtts oountry almost ovary ye*!1, befit hare now for 'to* purpose of painting the portraits of Bdlson, Roosevelt and Rabbi Hlrseh. A few years ago she painted the portraits of Garfield and McKinley. Benator Wm. H. Maolean Is work- ing for the passage of a bill which during the last legislature passed the senate and reached the third reading in the house,* which will provide for local approval of a plan for creating a recreation district on petition of 100 voters and the election Of six local directors, who shall have full admin- istrative powers. The object of the bin will be to enoowaje sad provwle for healthful indoor ahd outdoor rec- reation tor the people of the ooinms- of the boys ^,f»|i|l|kj;:|h^:.:li|k. enough excitement for which they often seek In undesirable places. Word has beeni-roie^e^fiOw, :to Scheldenhelm and Drake party who have been on a trip to Panama, that they had reached thpre safely, they loft Key TM*.;,t!imw*Mfr>i&:4** wore on the tt«ar m Saturday. 1© a, m., when they reached Calon, ar- riving *t Panama that afternoon at 4. The boat trip was somewhat rough, Mrs. Bd Scheidenhelm being confined to her *^ W * ""â- fr* << ***•• °» thatr '4sti<y||- ;H â-  ;lffi IfTfâ- . JPPjWj^;-; â- wy>, gtgg~ :tti^|eii^^'l|pipll * 's1ilis^ii|NMfll \llp0iaiPs'< aMa9ejaig\a|a|^" dstiem* *•*â- * »***« CW^n** a* «d ' ............ Madrftoi Ke^.wor.h. The e»ro„-e., <*«,,. Mta « * «*.«•*«*' <)ass was thjrty-four at the end of the last quarter and the offerings for three months were $17.40. Mr. Oliver has always had great success in Sun- day school work. The Woman's society will meet at Mrs. Boice's, 1228 Greenwood, for an alt-day meeting. The members of the society sew at 10 a. m., have box luncheon at 12:30, and the program on missions at 2j«0. Mrs. Berry of Chicago, the eminent Bible teacher, will address the society on the Bible; and Miss Emmons, city mission worker, will speak on kindergartens. As the work progresses on the new < hurch the hopes of all the congrega- tion are Intensified. The fact that the contract has been let for the pipe ; organ to be installed by April 15 j deepens the interest. The Moller | e«mpany of Hagerstown, Md., is the j builder. Services are held in the Woman's Club building, Tenth street and Green- leaf avenue. The pastor, Rev. J. M. Wilson, D. D.. will speak Sunday morning, 11 o'clock, on the subject, •The Supernatural and United I'rayer" and in the evening at 7:45 o'clock on "The Second Coming of Christ Unto Salvationâ€"Even so Come -the Prayer of the Church, His Bride." Evening current topics pre- lude, "Original Sin and Heredity." The Sunday evening chorus wUl sing, as win also the Men's chorus. Mr. Alfred G. Freeman will render Bibli- < al Song, No. 5, by Dvorak and at the* morning service Handel's "O Lord, Correct Me.' club house on Friday evening, Feb. 21. Dinner will be served at 6:30, fol- lowed by the usual social evening. All who came to Wilmette before Jan. 1. 1889. are eligible to membership in in this association and may become members by applying to the secretary. Mrs. S. S. Dingee. Miss Henry gave the third of her series of lectures, "Beatrice Porti- narl." at tjfo home of Mrs.- Melville Brown, $*t Eleventh street, Monday A" at t| own, T*% Nubone Corset Triple wire stay, guaranteed ua> breakablejn ' rnst-pndjf. WUl notVake a uent^bend at Ui*>wd!*jjine- Mb* ION A J.McCAIN m KPBBSBMTATt VB 626 Sherman Ave. Evanston Wanted okb-halp ran tutor Coed MeAsnirei CewdHira SJOOCMk, Balance in «r»rk Fetter's Garage, wimotte W&bette Bea * Fleer The Hair High___ tying Done bop & Ave., Wilmette W« ntfeft ymr pttnmmt ^Hfij T- Announcement J. B. HECKLER Aasouftccsme Opeamt of Hl» mmm^***^ This Sale torWednesday Thursday, Friday and Saturday, February 19th 20th, 21st and 22nd •*' THE STORE THAT SELLS WERYtHli|g Open Tuesday Nights till 9 : :â- { B*im&N^^ wmmM This Sale for^Vednesday 20th. 21st and 22nd Winter Winter is still with us. You need warm ing, you need many things that make this cn| weather more comfortable; and yet you-i|^ looking forward to Spring Fashions. Tl|j| week's offerings comprise many serviceai?te| articles of winter wear at the very lowest priep| as well as a goodly showing of bright atii| piquant spring styles. The particular features of this week's offerings are the Men's Trousers and Ladies' Skirts Women's Skirt Sale New Spring Skirts. • There is always a great advanl person who buys clothes early in the season. If you bfaj^a sj skirt now you're going to get more service out of it than iryou °^J^ You'll be able to wear it during the warmer days of earliest^ipg|| Medium Weight Wool Skirts. Just the proper thingfbr tftis season of the year. Wool skirts of medium weight mannish Ij^llp serge, showing side effect. .These skir neatly tailored with several rows of tuck Tailored Dress SRirta All wool serge and panamas, plain gored or side plaited effecfs, black and navy blue, skirts of approved A QQ style. Priceâ€" T"»^w ks. Extra Size SKi you are a stout woftian y<lu will take delight In thes perfect fitting, full skirts. Plaited models in A QO all-wool materials T"#^0 ew models, Wool Dress Skirts. Skirts of exceptionally 6ne wool, diagonals worsted m grey and tan, panel hack and side plaited C effect. Price... V| Women's Spring Waists aridlDresses V-Neck Waists. Attractive lawn and voile waists; yoke made of wide bands of lace insertion and embroidery, forming a pretty low neck effect, % sleeves. An J QQ attractive waist for.................................................. * Voile, Lawn and Lingerie Waists. Front trimmed with pretty lace and embroidery, high or low neck style, long or % sleeves. An assortment which will J ^^ surely please you..................................................... Charmingly Trimmed Waists. White lawn and voile waists, richly embroidered panels with val insertion, collar and sleeves trimmed with lace and J #9o embroidery................................................................_______ Silk Waists.! An extraordinary offering of silk waists, in messaline, taffeta, and peau de soie, plain tucked orlace voke effect, trimmed with pretty lace and buttons, g OM high or low neck style, all colors. Price..............*»• ^" Street Dresses, t-A pleasing street dress made of black and white checked worsted, collar and cuffs of green satin, pearl buttons on waist and skirt. A dress that *J Oft you can wear with confidence. Price..................e »^%# White Serge Dresses. Women's and misses' dresses of fine quality, alt-wool, cream, storm serge; collar and cufl» richly trimmed with white brocaded velvet, \ *% CZfbelt of white silk braid. Price..........................* •^•**v SPECIALS : Thuraday,Fcbmai7 20 | CARMEM HAIR NETSâ€"AM 3 \ > shades. Thmredear ^"A • special, per dos.. J S1J00 CORSETS Ǥe-Ooo« Coev ; < â-º tn Cofsets. weB fc*»ed •â- Â« P«- , ! I feet flttin* fcoat. ead eld* gar- , < » teis attached; medtam â€" ^ • and MSB »«t....... Human Hair Switches All $2.00 Switches, $1.10 All $2.50 Switches, $1.50 All $3.50 Switches, $2.19 All $6.00 Switches, $3.98 Dry Goods Specials evensw a^â€" * - 59c ;; Linen Centerpieces and ii Scarfs, stamped, worth up ; id yards for.......-.-^r^^^ < â-º : uiiiieawEiMi-^j^iaw \\ Scarfs, 75c value, I ^IJ^JSTtS^ia^ ' Nfor this sale, Ladies' Mercerized Knit- ted Mufflers, only black colors, 25c and 50c *7r* values for -W*;• •'- • • # C/ Fancy Silk aal Oriental Belting, worj^iip to $1.00 a yard, per Jich t*% only** •••••• ***»*>*â-  •â-  * *â- '*:$â-  *£^^ »eeeeeeeeeeee<eeeeeMeeee Hour Sales! WKDNEftOAY, FCS. 1*. Frem • to 10 and 3 to 4. VA yard* «ld« white Table OU- cloth, regolar tSe || j^* < quality, a yard......1 Ijv ; THURSDAY, FEB. 10. From t to 10 and 8 to 4. A 1st of Turkish Towels, lar at Quality, 4 for ........ FRIDAY, PCS. 21. From 9 to 10 and S t»> Extra heavy bleached Flannel, regular Utta One Bear Sale* dC3«« ' a yard ...... ........-V*fv SATURDAY, FKaX XL From 9 to 10 and S to 4. 100 jrfeces of LonedahJ ______width _ ^ eale, dartror ligbt ; etal. One Hear Si < > a yard ..'.......••......ws'w- ^ Mtimini...........|»»

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