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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Feb 1913, p. 3

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HQRB NEWt, THURJbA^^iiiWiU^M ,♦«♦........»♦......HMMMIMMMMMMI j M«MI IIII.......%.....M, What Peoj^^ lli.c^iMg€^l$lw€w,l0W ; I............in Evanston •♦"........♦> ;; â- 'Qiiiiniiiiiiiiinnrii Mr. and .Mrs. Ralph Hobart, 1112 Grove street, are in the ^ermudas. Miss Lola Galloway, 1460 Maple avenue, has been ill for a week with grippe. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hoover hare taken an apartment in the "Westmin- ster. 640 Hinman avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. -Haugan, formerly of lOlJ'iJudson avenue, are now residing at ^702 Sheridan road. Miss Josephine Hamilton of Cedar Rapids, la,, was the guest last weefe of Miss Isabel Dwigut, 1240 Asbury avenue. "*. Messrs. John Byain and Budd Faye, 507 Judson avenue, have gone on a and western trip until The "BOO" club gave a party Fridiy night at the home of Mrs. Aubrey; Prosaer, 811 Colfax street. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Graffj 846 Jud- son avenue, left Tuesday for an in- definite trip to San Antonio, Tex. Miss Helen Snyder, 2715 Woodbine avenue, was hostess at an informal dancing party Saturday evening. i Mrs. C. E. Clifton, 581 Ingleside j place, has as her guest her brother,' Mr. L. C. Merrill of New York City. ' southern June 1. Mrs. J. C. Ferris of Carthage, Mo., is the guest of the family of her brother. Mr. John McGaw. Glenn, 1131 Forest avenue. Mrs. Charles M. Haugan, 2702 Sheri- dan road, gave a small card party Friday afternoon. There were two tables of bridge. Mr. Wilbur D. Nesbit, 7S2 Colfax street, returned Saturday morning irom a short business trip to Detroit, Mich., and Cleveland, Ohio. ' Messrs. Floyd and Virgil Burch, 831 Washington street, will move into the -bachelor" colony over Mason A Smart's real estate office the first of March. Mrs. Wilbur D. Nesbit has the hon- or of sharing George Washington's hrithday. She celebrated her birth day with her family at 732 Colfax street. Mrs. E. M. Thompson of Marinette, Wis., and Miss Henrietta Bevltt, sis- ters of Mrs. W. L. Steele, 715 Michi- gan avenue, are occupying the Steele home during their absence in the Isle of Pines. Mrs. Frederick T. COnnor, 133 Demp- ster street was a dinner party hos- tess Friday in honor of Miss Cather- ine Otis of Barrington, 111., who was Mrs. Connor's week-end guest. ers were laid for twelve. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shellberg of 811^ Oakton street have as their guests,: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nelson of Mo-! line, 111. ! John Weiland, Jr., 1516 Greenwood 'â-  boulevard, after a week's illness, has recovered. Mrs. Weiland is now quite ill with grrippe. Mrs. D. B. Frankenburger of Mil- waukee is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Raymond Young Sanders, 2325 Hartray avenue. Mr. H. M. Rosenberg and Miss Frances Rosenberg of Evanston spent j L. a day this week at the Sanitarium in j C. Battle Creek, Mich. Mrs. Mary L. Person and her daugh- ter, Miss Louise 'Person, 1608 Forejt avenue, have gone to Berkeley, Cal., to be gone two weeks. Dr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Frost, 1632 Hinman avenue, gave a recep- tion Friday afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock for the university students. Mrs. W. H. Harrison of Mansfield, La., after a several months' visit with her daughter, Miss Alice Harrison, 326 Dempster street, has returned south. Mr. John W. Meaker, Jr., Pioneer road, manager of the American Steel and Wire company, is on a business trip through the Dakotas and Canada. Mr. and Mrs. IT. S. Grant, 2320 Or- Remaining numbers of the N. W. Harris lecture course given in Annte May Swift hall, university campus, .by Joseph Sweetman Ames of Johns Hop- kins university. Applications for tickets should be made to the presi- dent, University hall. No admission charged. The schedule follows: Feb. 27â€""Radiation; Formation or Molecules; Elasticity." Feb. 28â€""Properties of Metals; Theromics." March 1â€""Models of Atoms; Con- clusion." NEW TRIER TAXES BEINC PAID PROMPTLY Sharp Increase Does Not Cause Any Unusual Protest. Feb. 28â€"Frances E. Willard memo rial service at 3 o'clock in Rest Cot tage, 1730 Chicago avenue. Feb. 28â€"Lecture, aDniel A. Paling! of Columbus, O., in Northwestern chapel, representative of the Iritercol- legiate Prohibition association. Feb. 28â€"Sub-district rally of Bp- worth leagues of Chicago northern district in the Covenant M. E. church, Harrison street and Hartray avenue. March 2â€"Illustrated lecture by Mr. E. Hildebrand in Central Y. M. A., Ofrrington avenue. Subject, "Holland, Germany and the Passion Play." Slides made from the lec- turer's own phi tographs. Open to men. No admission. LECTURE IN WILMETTE. A. C. ferueger will lecture next Sunday afternoon in Wilmette at the Library club. The subject of this lec- ture is to be "The Third Heaven." This is one of a series of lectures being given by Mr. Krueger under the direction of the International BibJe4- Students of Chicago. Mr. Krueger is a profound student of the Bible. He has traveled throughout the United States and Can- ada in the interest or individual Bible rington avenue, will have as their, study, and be has always received Col. J. A. Settles, quartermaster's clerk at Fort Sheridan, wife and son, Williams, left Saturday night- for San Antonio, Texas. A new depart- ment, the fourth, called the Southern Department U. S. A., has just been created and to it Mr. Settles and fam- ily are ordered. They have resided in Evanston since August and carry away most pleasing memories of the place and its people. Thursday evening at her home, 1933 Wesley avenue, friends to the number â- of fifty took Mrs. Charles Pergande by surprise, remembering it was her birthday and bringing a large hand- some birthday cake on which were her name and candles representing the years. Refreshments, games-Hand mu- sic furnished the evening's enjoy- ment. The best wishes of a large cir- cle of friends were Mrs. Pergande's for many returns of the happy day. Among the out of town guests were Miss-Amanda Birch, her brother, Mr. Signid Birch of Taylorville. Wis., the Misses Martha and Gertrude Trash of Beloit. Wis., Miss Mabel Stelr of Wis- consin. Miss Helen Stier and Mrs. Seller of Nilea Center, Messrs. Henry Dorband, Ernest Lindaman, Frank Spandigo of Glen View. Miss Carolina White of the Chicago Grand Opera company gave a song recital at the Evanston theater, Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. This was the first of two concerts to be given under the management of Law- rence Creath Ammons and Josephine Rea-Ammons, The second one will be a piano recital by Mrs. Fannie Blum- field Zelsler, on Wednesday afternoon, March 12. The patronesses are: Mrs. W. a. nisley, Mrs. Chancelor I* Jenks, Hiss Alta Miller, Mrs. Orne Oleberg, Mrs. N. B. Marshall. Mrs. P. a Lutkn, Mrs. John R- Lindgren, Mrs. Marshall M. w-fa*i»"v Mrs. Clara L Woodyatt, Mrs. Charles N. Stevens, Mrs. John C Spry, Mrs. P. B. Hurlbut, Mrs. Paul Tietgens, Mrs. J. C. Shaffer, Mrs. Lords W. Parses, Mrs. I* B. Warner, Mis. James A. Patten. Mrs. Ernest BJckett, Mrs. Clifford M. WHs, Mrs. Joseph B. Padea, Mrs. Daniel H. Burnbain, Mrs. CL D. Congdon a Mrs. John Dole. week-end guests Mrs. R. W. 8tacey and Mr. D. D. Dayton of Minneapolis, Minn. Miss Bertha Smith, 1130 Madison street, gave a card party Thursday Cov- j jn' honor of her twenty-first birthday. I Four beautiful prizes were given and marked attention, and as this is a free lecture devoted to the good of the community, ' a large attendance is looked forward to. In spite of the short Increase in taxes in New Trier township this year, Collector Prouty of Winnetka hays that they are being paid as promptly as usual and without any unusual amount of protest. The valuation on property in Glen- coe, Winnetka, Kenilworth and Wil- mette has been increased fully twenty per cent due to the improve- ments on the New Trier high school, and other educational institutions in the township. In 1911 Glencoe paid $7.83 and this year pays $9.51 on the hundred; Winnetka has an in- crease from $7.72 to $9.31; Kenil- worth from $8.13 to $9.85, and Wil- mette $8.50 to $9.44. The last date set for payment of taxes is March 10. Then the books are sent to the county collector fa Chicago, and are payable without ad- ditional charges up to May 1. The assessment for the township is $427,- 000. Mr. Prouty says that last year he collected about forty-five per cent of this amount, and presumed that he would get as much this year. Two- thirds of this amount is now in, and there is almost two weeks left in which to pay while the books are still in Winnetka. Yotnr Shrubs prayln Nef Crop Seeds, Lawn Sptayers, Pruning TooltvJPi lR.«novat« •â-  "" :'W« ARnHw^l^^^RIf C' P.Nl FroWl 635, AHI^3M«7 231-235 W. MIBIJU ST. Lanovata the Lawn NOW ur«9,«tc J. B. HECKLER 1137 GREENLEAF AVE. ytu cal Estate / and Loarfl A-§/UtQA FOl SALE 4-Room < ittage......^fT... $2,100 6-Koom 1 mgalow...........$2,700 7-Room Boum, hot water heat $3,500 9-Room House, stucco........90,500 Ask for List of OTHER BAR6AIMS P/rfect Fitting7Su lis at $35.00 \f We make Suits at much higher/prices, ^Qfor $39wV will mske â-¼ you a suit that for style, fit and fabrics casVuift be Mcelled st tbe price. We would like you to lee us before golnt elsewhere. I. STEIN 1912 CENTRAL STREET k PHONE 1829 won by Miss Lucile Baumhardt and Mr. Robert Sorenson, Miss Viola Hanacheck and Mr. Fred Daron. Rev. George Craig Stewart, 404 Lee street, was in Philadelphia, Pa., last week, where he spoke in the Garrick theater. He returned home 'Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Reynolds, 1241 Judson avenue, and Mrs. R. A. Mont- NEW TRIER WINS TITLE. New Trier won the northern Illinois high school basketball championship at the meet in Aurora by defeating Freeport in a wonderfully fast game, 16 to 12, in the final game. Freeport was a strong favorite, as they bad had sucn ea8>' work in winning the preliminary games. There were- twenty-three teams in tbe tournament. New Trier played fast ball all through gomery, 1130 Judson avenue, left Sat-,1 tne meet Tne lineup: urday for a five weeks' trip to Cali- fornia. A special meeting of the art and literature department of the Wom- ar's club is called for Tuesday, March 4, at 2:30 p. m. at the Metho- dist church parlors, for the election of officers for the year 1913-1914. On Tuesday afternoon the an- nual musicale of the Woman's club was given. Mrs. Ora M. Fletcher, soprano, and Mr. Alfred Goldman; violinist, both well known in Evans- ton, are among those who took part. Mrs. L. F. Kunstam, 2505 Park; place, was hostess at a colonial lunch- ' son Friday. Her guests were the Misses Randolph, Russell and Leices-, ter of the Evanston Stock company,' and Miss Dorothy Rae of Wilmette.) Those assisting were Mrs. R. E. Mac- j Rae and Mrs. Edward Munson. ' A very interesting debate was given at the Central Street school Thurs-! day afternoon by a number of the pupils of tbe seventh grade on, "Which is the more advantageous, country or city life?" Tbe debaters were Nanine Watt, Mary Valentine, Eliza-; beth Risley and Edna Wallace. NewTrier(16)â€" Freeport (12) â€" Mills..........v . R. F____......Guhl Clements.........L. F..........Bonn Kincaid............C... Betts, Fisher Fredericks.......I*. G. B. Langenstein Buchanan.......R. G. R. Langenstein Basketsâ€"Guhl (2), Betts, Fisher (2), Mills (2), Kincaid (4), Clements (2). Free throwsâ€"Bonn (4). FEBRUARY SALE FOSTER SHOES FOR CHILDREN URING this month there will be a LIBERAL Hardly Worth the Finding. An advertisement recently appear- ed in a daily paper in Germany offer- ing a reward for a watch lost from an aeroplane Our Prices To Please Everybody Complete Fsneral â€"Casket, £a- bsJssiuraasl Serviceâ€" Hearse and Carriage to aay cessstery 465.00. Weoondu WEIMESCHKIRCH 708 Mala St. T«i.tees Evaasfa* 2 For the next 30 Days Only We will make our $40 Ladies' Tailored Suits for $25.2° MAKE Y0UI Ss4fCTl<£/ ms fAILY in ens ^^ Wortfmani manship uaranteed Inspect our Spring line of Importations before you go elsewhere Princess Ladies' Tailors 166 North State Street CHICAOO Reoss 43 PbM* Cmtral SIS4 D store. REDUCTION o the The importance of ha ly fitted is recognized Shoes proper- Foster Shoes are scientifically fitted and they cost no more con- sidering the service they give. F. E. FOSTER & CO. CHICAGO AVE., near DAVIS ST. EVANSTON MM* ssVwsa sSy issft^'^Psisslfe^ .mi ";t1 fvV 'â- â- â- â- '\ Wmt scarry 60yosrsfA'1 «>'^ftes!'i^^^I^W^" ' CHICAGO'S HEADQUARTERS -roaâ€"- Grade Ru JSf Bernstein, Ladies! Tailor TM» Otter Ixpli'e* Until then we to order fbffe* ^» IfP AND WOR Central trust Company of Illinois 123 W. Monroe St, betweea Clark sad La Salle streets, Chicago BANKING-SAVINGS-TRUSTS SAFE DEPOSIT \£AULTS Capital and Surplus Deposits - f - •- [>FPIC CHAHMB G. DAWKS. Pnaidant A. UHRLAUB. \im-Plrmidmt EDWIN P. MACK. Vlcn PrwIiUnt WILLIAM T. ABBOTT. Viw-PNal WILLIAM B. DA WEB. Cwktar L. D.8KMNBR. A«fetentCMl >,000.00 1,668.981.04 W. W.OAXBKAMtotaatCaaMi JOHN wmroMAS. AeUnt < ALBSBT a MANOSMMtarv NAJUOOUf MeDOWUZfc A«t WOXIAM O EDI----" JOHNUT-------- »Bocntswy iLTnaitOmmt DIRECTORS J. BABXOfa PraridMt Cfcteâ€". MS> iASt.PlMiar.Oa. DOOM. • Câ€"ji«sr__ ________It. BOTMT0H. a câ€"wr _ AunaNDaa a. a m. r*LTOH. «. &»«â- Â« iO>v Campmmr Mt GUms* t. w. aoanmoM. vim PrMMwt wm*» atMiotL CHAMDLam B. BKACH. CB.B«Mk*C«. OSOVr. 8TBKLB. Wttou- H»wdiPwr Col _____ ____ JUUDS BSOTTSCasaTT. Vln> VnMmt SatUwi a galâ€" tmMm ttOmmit CHABIBS a DAWBS. Ek-0â€"ptwse? ml Hjpweyoii ever used our Hj*Ge5«3|&j i/Coke in your furnace or st6%^? This is ^specially prepared mestic use from the. of Pocahontas and gas coal, is as smo cite, makes /ess ash is cleaner a If you lha in d cheaper. '^t.^W~M had poor results fronts your coal, try our Hi-Carbon Cok^ in March. We know the saving af| fected will induce you to orderf^ again }in April when the lowest price of the year is made. e NtTtr Tire Yea Hever Tire TRY THE ON THE CLOVER, 208 S. Vsbash Ave. THE GURNEY. 23 S. Vtbssh Ave. of toffing yon about tkaao nvo «xc«l- lisst nJacos to oat bocatoo tkoy are so goo4. Woanproiidof tham. of oathss hi tl[Q bacmna tka fooiis priflM ass4 %w fjTaf>ar«d^B4 lba va- riotyisf>aat>. EAREST YOU HE HEARTH, 141 N. Wabash Ave. i-j * HE CLOVER, 529 S. Wsbash Ave. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 20tfcCantory Majajattaa RottarPocasMNstas* altsfj ro>MorthShor«RMM«oU: PhoswWitnswmMOOCIitai) YAkD OmCE: 1520 Lyi Teiepaees Kveast BICANCHOmCE: 191 Tilepseai Eviailsa >»tO MAIN OtflCE: 32 W\ Washaastoa SU. THE MADISON, 221 V.MadisooS^DearStb Ave.

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