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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Mar 1913, p. 8

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'M 'ygyjg HH..................... , Want Ad Departmjent I i 1Ee JLaKe Shore Ne*ws i TELEPHONES: EVANSTON 585 WINNETKA 341 | I minimi"....................iiiiiiiiimiMiii HELP WANTED A COMPETENT <MR1 for flffliosml tirrinr------*' 1121 Cen- tral-ST., W4lmett*i IU. Phone Wll- mette, JM-t. _ Ul a MAKfl AT SPECIALTY OK nurses* governesses toy^are for chll- itr»ai^nAno comstaioiis for invalids, for Nurses, Pbone 18-3tc dreq/ also comsajiion> Norm Sliore R\»di8try 1615 Beusoe-av^Evilrrtton 3M7. _____ ____________ WANTHD^OOOD DELIVERY BOY la grocery. Apply at the Kenllworth •tore, Kenllworth. 111. He wantkc^TsTtwo GOVERN ESS for two children four and six years of age; afternoons only. Phone Wlanetka 683. !•» SITUATIONS WANTED WORK WANTEDâ€"-BY DRJW8MAK- erT^Jt*:* work; wages $2 per day. 1620 8penVer»**, Wllmette, Phone Wllraette 1111. •-â€".. ltp crnTAiNii washed, COLORED and fended j^firsyslass work; ,-jyftor andjMU*^** M. R. Mo- rftz. 1620 Dar Tel. 1339. 6-tf WANTED-TO BUY SCANTED â€" FIFTY O 941, Lnfce*8nore NewsT KEJEMMSCSNT Address "'â- " ltp FOR SALE-HOUSES JALEâ€"A MODERN BRJGK two-apaftns«a^bullding>^*«#00. Ad- drew D 992T^&**Qjihore News. "" *»2tp FOR SALEâ€"6 ROOM COfT, n*ay terms. **Jo) B. \Wli rAOE. VWlnter, Davls-st. ON 807 4-tf REAL ESTATE $8,600 BUYS A wvestmlat in suwnil es r^sfBd and ^ Owner, Theo. §38 Bvenston T NET roved Ev- always Apartments. Pbone 4tf I'OR .SALEâ€"MAHOGANY JJPftXGHT piano; in p#ri«.t cojUHjafon; reason- able. »93 Elnv«t • WlnSetMR Psjsbaj Wlnnetka 573 Up MONEY Tp LOAN. MAS i/ On Kvanston antlf Nor 4rty. j.'.so Sbfiinan-av prop- CHURCH BULLETIN LOST AND FOUND W- LOSTâ€"A SMALL. BELT BUCKLE, with oval blue stone setting. Finder please leave same at Cramer's dry • goods store, Wllmette, ill. ltp IXMT^feLACK COIN PURSE CON titfTng money, Bj A Cvrailroad tick- e*T Wllmuiglon^^.Ytd Cincinnati, on Central-st Llbet^e/n Ridge-av. and elevated sr*tlon, Monday morn- ' log, March 10; reward. Return to Mrs. J. C. Mitchell, 2447 Ridge-av., Bvanston, 111. ltc , themior.^19 MaJn-ct.. FOR SALE IS??;' S^r if SsjSC?;' lilv M§ X FOR SALEâ€"HOU8EHOLD BELONG- 'mst) comprising furniture, wicker porch set, piano and piano player, Toga, dishes, cat glass, bric-a-brac, ptetoiae, books, beds, springs, bed- 4msv etc.; everything in fln# condl- - tton, almost new; will be/sold at about a third the cost price;; may be awes for4, ten days at the residence of Mrs. V N. Babcock. Maplehlll rd, between Green Bay-rd, and Shsoldsn-di, Glepc©e.</Phone Glen- coadlsf \ *~-~ f_________ltp TOm SALE \ TWO - OLOBE-WER- aleke lead glass book caaea; each consisting of t#o sections with base and crown., Phene 1157. Mrs. Gray. 419 Washington*^* Wllmette. ltp WOR HALBâ€"-4 pBADED GLA88 CHobe-Wernlcke bookcase, consist \iag of two sectionav each with top Phage 1157; 419 Wash $ \ ltp ________________I...... V------------â€" pint SALEâ€"DAVENPORT. DINING fill, dishes, eannad frmt and other 2 furniture; pasty leering fhone WUinegka (WW* 7 X » WILMETTE. Congregational Church, March 16. 1'aini Sunday, the pastor, Rev. Roy iv 1 ovmtw, will speak on "Our TwofoWi Naturf" at 11 a. m., and at vesper service, at 5 p. m.. Living- Btone centennial service. Special Holy week services will be held, the general theme being drawn from the closing chapters of the Epis- tle to the Romans: Tuesday. March 1*, 8 p. m.â€""The FYeedoni of the Christian and the Daily Round." Rom. xli. Thursday, March 20, 8 p. m.â€""The Freedom of the Christian and His Life as a Citizen." Rom. xill. Good Friday, March 21, 10 a. m.â€" Young people's service: "The Cost of a Man." 8 p. m., "The Freedom of the Christian and the Infirmities of the Weak." Rom xlv., xv.:7. Easter Day, March 23, 11 a. m.â€"Ser- mon, "The Whole Duty of Man." 5 p. m., communion service. M. E. Church. The pastor, Rev. Thomas Keene Gale, will preach Sunday morning on "The Triumphal Entry" at 10:46, and at 5 p. m. on "The Greatest Hour in the World's History." Special Lenten services wHl be held each evening at 7:45- until Kaster, the speakers for this week being Drs. Harmon, Davidson, Bronson and Rev. Holmes. Mr. Will Meyers of Chicago has charge of the music. Next weel the pastor Will preach each evening. Sunday school at 9:30. Junior league at 4 p. m. Sunday will exhibit stereopticon pictures on "The Childhood of Jesus," and the pastor will give a short talk to the boys and girls. No admission will be charged, but an offering will be taken for the mission hut of the Junior league. Epworth league at G:15 next Sunday evening in charge of Roy M. Kirtland. The Ep worth league held a sleighing party last Friday evening. About 35 of the young folks attended. The boys of the Junior league meet every Monday afternoon to play Jun- ior league ball. Presbyterian Church.. Woman's Club building. Tenth street and Greenleaf avenue. Palm Sunday will be observed with a sermon by Dr. Wilson, the pastor, on "Palm Sundayâ€"The Lord Hath Need." Mr. Alfred Freeman will sing "Jesus Only," by Rotoli. In the even- ing, at 7:45 o'clock. Dr. Wilson will speak on "The Marriageable Young Man." These evening services are proving both instructive and very popular. Scotch night. March 9, with "Brace's Address," beautifully sung by Miss Florence Ayers, and "The Campbells are Comln'," by the com- bined choruses, was specially interest- ing, especially to the large number of Scotch people present. Sunday night, March 23, the subject will be "Tenny- son's Ip Mumoriamâ€"Immortality." The evening prelude Sunday, March 16. will be "Civilization and the Vast Interiors of Canada and Alaska." The Men's league, at the meeting March 7. elected the following officers for the coming year: President, Albert C. Bell; secretary. J. M. Camelon; treasurer, Walter J. Cox; vice-presi- dents and heads of departments: Membership and invitation, Schuyler. Brown; nuance, Clarence Edinger; so- cial and program. Harry Boice; Bible study, T. c. Neal; Sunday evening service. Geo. F. Appleyard; publica- tion. Dr. Milton R. Barker. Mr. Kilby. superintendent of the In- dustrial league, gave a moat inspiring address on "The Philanthropic Agen- cies of the City," dwelling on the spe- cial work of the league. - * The Woman's society aamotneastme celebration of the church's ttrthdajr on the evening of March J4 at the home of Mr. Bradley, UOTftores*. •fe- me. At that time tto pBsi «fll present the •n'-tintiaiT ttUTi "«"*»» Girl and School Girl/' aai be given by the it tsttroyamn •Id by the » Wllmette oa Apr! M. mil , The mid-week servioe, Wednesday, March 19, will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Saunders, 901 Forest avenue, and the topic of the evening will be "Japan and Christianity." 8t. Augustine's Episcopal. Next Sunday is Palm Sunday and there will be a second celebration of the Holy Communion at 11 o'clock. The Introlt at this service will be a solo by Mr. John Quin, Jr., "The Palms," by Faure. The offertory an- them will be a tenor solo by Mr. Carl Rohles, "Now behold, O Lord, Jeru- salem," from Gounod's "Gallia." The Hubject of the recap's sermon will be "The End of the Struggle." "The Palms" will Hbe sung at the afternoon service, when the rector's address will sion." Crosses made of palm will be dis- tributed at all the services on Palm Sunday. Baptist Society. On Sunday afternoon, April 6, a meeting will convene for the purpose of organizing a Baptist church. Rev. F. L. Anderson, superintendent of the Chicago Baptist executive council, will be present. It Is suggested that all who are planning to join in this new work se- cure their church letters without delay. The devotional meeting Wednesday, March 19, wiU be at the home of Mr. gad Mrs. J. R. Oathercoal. 16S8 Forest avenue. Reserve Wednesday e*eaftaf each week for these gatherings. You will find them very Interesting and helpful. The Baptist women of Wllmette met Monday, March it, at the home of Mrs. J. D. Grelg, 022 Oak wood avenue. and organised a Woman's Aid society. The meeting was well attended and much enthusiasm was manifested. The following officers were elected: President, Mrs. J. D. Greig; vice-presi- dent. Mm. Howard Bowen; secretary, Mrs. Harry Davlsson; treasurer, Mrs. H. L. Beach; chairman work commit- tee, Miss Minnie Bolla; chairman so- cial committee, Mrs. W. J. MaDoweU; chairman calling committee, Mrs. A. E. Whits; chairman lnncheon%itBsattr tee, Mrs. H. Dillenbeckv^Ths n«rt meeting will be held at the homo of Mrs. Howard Bowen, 1116 Blmwood avenue, Monday, April 14, ths eeooad Monday of each month having; htM cboaen tor ths regular meeting of the society. 8t. Francis Xavier't (Cathotle). St. Francis Xavler s church, Linden avenue and Ninth street, Rey. Father T. V. Shannon, pastor. Sunday sett- ices as follows: First mass, $ a. m.; last mass, 10.30 a. m.; holy hour, 4 to 5 p. m. 'â- vSMsvfcWlBlllH..' Church of the Noiy< Rev. M. ffsgisssd March 14, sixth (Palm Sunday), Holy ^^_ a. m,; Sunday* school; |.| morning service and sersMa,; Holy week services Monday, and Wednesday, Holy a. m.; evensong and Manndy Thursday â€" service for Easter < Ash Wednesdayâ€"Holy__ 7:45 a. av; pe!ueatlal Mte*' dress, 11 a. m.; evt sermon, • p. m. Toninte. excellent nrasls Offerings for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 12, 13, 14 and 15 'THE STORE THAT SELLS EVERYTHING' i Save Rosenberg's Red Trading Stamps Better Food at Less Cost SUGAR Best granulated, 10 lbs..........46c With a $1.00 grocery order or over (Flour, Soap or Meats not in- cluded). SPECIAL IN TEAS AND COFFEES. TEA Llpton's Blend A. Yel- low label, per lb. can........55c per Vi' lb.' can.....29e Our regular 80c B. F. Japan Tea, per lb.53c COFFEE Have you tried Sheridan Coffee? Finest blend, this sale, per lb...35c 8 lbs............S1.00 Fancy Peaberry, lb..29e 4 lbs...........fl.10 FRUITS AND VEGE- TABLES. GRANGES Fancy Florida or Cali- fornia Navels, extra, large size, do*....38C' APPLES Fancy Jonathans, per peck .........45c POTATOES Fancy home grown (good cookers), per 16 lb. peck-----17c per 80 lb. bu......63c ONIONS Fancy home grown Yel- low Globe, per pk..l7c CABBAGE , Home grown, large so^o head, per head, BEEF Pot Roas Round S Sirloin S Shoulder Flank Stea â- A BOTTLED GOOD8. OLIVE OIL L. F. C. Brand, finest Lucca Pure Italian, per 18c bottle.....11c per 26c bottle.....19c per 60c bottle.....35c per fl.00 bottle....07e per full qt. can...89c 8ALAO OIL Sunny South Brand, per 16c bottle.....8c PRESERVES White Horse Straw- berry, Raspberry. Blackberry. Peach or Pineapple, per Mason jar..'.. .23c Durkasco Brand, abso- lutely pure. Straw- berry, per Jar......14c APPLE SUTTER Telmo Brand (pure), 2 Jars...... .....23c HORSE RAOI8H Pure grated, bottle.8c ONION SALT Nosco, per Jar.......16c per large Jar......45c OLIVES Durkasco Brand, fancy, queen, per qt. jar..39c per pt Jar.........25c Libby's fancy Pimento stuffed, per jar-----26c Fancy queen or Pimen- to stuffed, per bot..9c ONIONS Monarch, fancy, sweet, per bottle ........21c Union, fancy, sweet, per Jar ..........21c PICKLES Royal Blue Midgets (finest packed), regular 40c jar, per jar.. .23c , Dodson's fancy sweet, sweet mixed, sour or sour mixed, Jar...26c EXTRA SPECIALS. FLOUR Gold Medal or any other brand, per H bbl. sack, .f .65 per it bbl. sack.. 1.29 per % bbl. sack.. 2.47 FEED Best mixed Globe Chicken Feed, per 100 lb. sack,.81.59 OATMEAL Fresh milled, 6 Jbs..l7c BROOM8 Four - sewed, regular 36c brooms, each...........19c CORNMEAL Yellow or white, 6 lbs.............12c TAPIOCA Fancy Pearl, 3 lbs.. .13c HOMINY Pearl or granulated, 3 lbs.............12c GRAPE FRUIT Fancy Florida, sweet and juicy, extra large, 3 for . ...25c 85c BEAN8 Hand-picked Navy, 6 lbs........... .28c PEA8 Yellow split or whole Scotch white, 2 lbs.............15c Exceptional Showing of Easter Candies and Novelties YOUNG DOVES, each ......... EASTER BEAUTIES, each .............So HUNTING RABBITS, each .............5c NEWLY BORN. each .............5c RABBITS (all kinds), each...5c Fancy Marshmallow - Eogs, all colors, per dozen........12c JELLY EGGS, per lb. ..........12c BUTTER SCOTCH EGG8, per lb.....23c CANARY EGGS, per lb...........23c CORDIAL EGGS per lb............19c These Candies are all pure candy of the finest quality, EGG DYE, Chick • Chick Easier Egg Dye, 8 tablets, 6 beautiful transfer pic- tures, making 100 shades, 3 pkgs...10e EXTRACT8 Dr. Price's pure Vanuia, per 1 oi. bottle... 16c per 2 oz. bottle...24c Dr. Price's pure Lemon, per 1 oz. bottle... 13c per 2 oz. bottle...23c 8TARCH Best laundry lump, 5 lbs.............17c BLUING Best laundry Blue or Ammonia, per full qt. bottle..7c CEREALS Mapl-Flakes, 3 pkgs..25c SBredded Wheat, per pkg..........11c Balaton's Breakfast Food, large pkg....Hc MACAROI__ . Zeregajpjnnsst quality), .....25c kg. Noodles 33c 43c 41c Rffs Pride, bars "Swift's 10 bj SwJftsCftaphtha, bars....... Wool Soap, 5 bars............22c FREE â€" 1 pkg. Wool Soap* Chips with every 6 bars. TOILET PAPER Globe, 6 rolls.......23c MATCHE8 Magie Tips, 6 boxes.25c per 60c pkg.......38c Imported Swedish, ' 2 pkgs...........16c Barber's Best and Cheapest, per pkg. 14c PRUNES Santa Clara Valley, large size, 2 lbs. med. size, 3 lbs.. PEACHES Golden Muir, 2 lbs. APRICOTS Fancy, bright, per lb............16c RAISINS Fancy seeded, 16 oz. pkgs., 3 pkgs......29c CANNED GOODS. PEAS Honey Sweet, 2 cans.21c . .25c .26c .19c BAKING POWDER Rumford, , per full pound..26c FREE â€" 4 pkg. Reli- ance Non-Caking Icing Sugar with each caiL SARDINES Vera Brand, Norwegian, in olive oil, 3 cans.26c Fancy Skineless and Boneless, in pure olive oil, per large can. .22o King Dole, domestic, in oil, 6 cans........26c SALMON Fancy Alaska, pink, 2 cans ...........23c Redwood, fancy red, per can ..........22c TUNA FISH Blue Sea (chicken of the sea), per lb. can. .28c HERRING Union Jack, Kippered Herring, oval cans, 2 cans ...........21c CORN Fancy Sweet Sugar, 3 cans ...........28c per dozen ........89c PEACHE8 California Yellow, free, 2 cans ...........41c PINEAPPLE Hawaiian, sliced, 2 cans ...........41c Hawaiian, grated, 2 cans ...........28c ASPARAGUS Hills-Dale, California, white, 8 cans.....50o BEANS Fancy Red Kidney, 8 cans ...........23c Campbell's Pork and Beans, No. 2 cans, 2 cans.25c Ryder's Pork and Beans, , No. 3 cans, 2 cans.23c 1 Roast, per lb............l3</a« lb...........................17c .. lb..........................We per lb........................15c ......17c Rib Roast, prime native Beef, per lb-----16c and 18c VEAL Leg of Veal, per lb...........................19e Shoulder of VeaL per lb.......................16c Veal Stew, per lb..............................Mc Veal Chops, per lb............................18c LAMS Lamb Chops, fancy rib or loin, per lb.........24c Lamb Chops, shoulder, per lb.................l*c Lamb 8tew, per lb............................Wte Good Meats SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY, MARCH 16. LEO OF LAMB Selected young, 6 to 8 lb. average, per lb. .IS'/fee PRIME RIB ROAST OF BEEF Rolled or standing, any cut, per lb........W/fec CRISCO 25c size, with say meat order..............19e CORNED BEEF Rump Corned Beef, per lb...................*VM Plate Corned Beef, per lb....................*/& PICKLED PIGS' FEET M 3 lbs. for.....................................26^ SUGAR-CURED CORNED BEEF TONGUE per lb......................................18'/2« HAMS <a- Fancy No. l, mild cured, per lb...............i*° 8MOKED BUTTS Fancy, small, boneless, per lb.................19c CALIFORNIA HAMS Small, fancy, per lb........................WM BACON '-*â- ** Fancy mild cured, 4 to S lb. pieces, per lb......l*c Morris * Co.'s "Supreme," per lb.......,.....zee DRUG OFFERINGS 15c 35c 15c 20c 69c 3.19 18c 69c 26c Nichols' Catarrh Cream at....................... 60c Dr. King's Kidney and Liver Core at............ 26c box Velveola Face Powder at............... 26c tube Colgate's Dental Cream at................ Si sine Mocco Solvent at...................«... $3.75 hospital size HorUolfs Malted Milk at..........., 26c Bromo Seltser at....................... $1.00 bottle Wine of Cartful at...................... STAMP TALK Many thrifty people do'notf save Ro> seabergn Red Tending- Stamps be- cause they, don't realise their value. Yon wosditet, throw away a doUar, would yout Tst tt you Goat sava^on? 6c stamps you're threwmg- away A dollar out or every 883 * All awssmtoadan* sasow ttwt i are meloursat, Bare is an________ savm* of S1J0 on sivary SIS yon nay Articles for the Home WASH TUB^Galvan- ized Wash Tub, deep shape, has drop handles, large else. jam Special .........WC SALT AND PEPPER •MAKER â€" JspsnsSH Popper Steely •jcoo- patr in a faaay ban; for pair........JLpv Hanging FISH GLOBE â€"1 gaL Hanging Fish Globe, *%tk^ 36c value for-----a>3*V DOUBLE ROASTER â€" Made of polished iron; size 8x12, 44, •t..............lyc NUT BOWLâ€"Japanese China decorated Nut BowL footed shape, in assorted figures, Sfe for .............12C GAREAOE CANâ€"Sani- tary Garbage Can. with 7fa ~ 49c BUTTER JAN â€" Sani- tary crystal glass But- ter Jar, wffl hold 1 lot of Butter, 4A price...........XUC HANGING COFFEE MILLâ€"WB1 hold 1 lb. of OoEws, «an no adV ts> COFFEE POTâ€"8 quart Royal grey enameled Coffee Pot, 46c Tame for.. 29c W0M0Sm^^^^S^^M^J:W,: ^iMiM^ii^

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