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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Mar 1913, p. 3

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INHHRSH ' ' ....."iii it" -i---^ "rr â-  â-  i[n; ' i,miiii;ii, . • n,. -Vil '.I H.M[, ,".f)(M|'. '!.;,.;.â- â- â- â-  ,'fl'1 'â- â- .â- â- â- â-  â- â- 'â- V J ;'l-'. VV'-"- ' '":f >' iniiiiin' â- Iff'f tf iriiti1 ','i" iaii'j Wliat People Are in Gross Poiitt **"".....t ISStfc ^^rop^B55sMs»iS#i?swsw lliM Mr n P. Miller of Charles and ime avenue is reported ill with la- 'iJtUe Presska of Kenmore vUited V; fue home of Mr. Henry Schwall of K04 Rid«e avenue Sunday. jlr and Mrs. Fred Proctor of Cbi- Icago visited at the home of Mr. and iMrt F*â„¢* M" Mueller of Rldge ave" jnue Sunday Gross Point Baseball club will give: Mrs. N , «â€" annual Kance on Thursday!served. evening, April 3. at the village hallâ€" fifty cents, a persdii. All are invited. Schneider's orchestra will tarnish the music Mrs. Prank Kreusch, of Ridge ave- nue, entertained the Saturday Evening club at cards Saturday, March 15. The winners were: First (men), Prank M. Mueller; second, Alb. Weeks; first (ladies), Mrs- CQa8- Hath; second, Mrs. N. J. Miller. Refreshments were Itheir first annual dance on Thursday ........................•......................\ What People Are Doing jj in Kenilworth •♦•♦•»♦•♦•»> Mr Henry Taylor was re-elected I president of the village board. Mr. Durham has returned from a ltrip to Kansas City. Mrs. Charles F. Meyer entertained | at luncheon Friday. Mrs. F. C. Little entertained at dln- |ner Saturday evening. Mr and Mrs. Charles Ware, who |are traveling abroad, are in Paris. Mrs. F. E. M. Cole entertained last | Tuesday. Miss Gladys Mars is ill with the | mumps. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Holden expect to | occupy their new home on Warwick road next month. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly of Connor road I are entertaining Mrs. Kelley's mother, from Washington, D. C. The next meeting of the Neighbors wl'l be March 27. Subject, "A Day for Gardens." Music by Mrs. May. Kenilvorth was busy last Tuesday looking for a woman who ran away from the North Shore health resort. - Miss Dorothy Coolidge played before adanie Bloomfield Ziezler last Tues- G. A. E. Kobler of Hubbard \ fjW entertained twelve Kenilworth In at luncheon Tuesday. Miss Emily Durham celebrated her fifth birthday with a party for her friends Monday afternoon. Mrs. D. J. Evans, who has been at | the Hahneman hospital for a few ! weeks, has returned home. The Zetas will give the "Kentucky I Rebel" the latter part of this month. [They are now rehearsing under the [ direction of Mr. GasQUe. Owing to the small attendance at [the Parliamentary Law Classes, which [were held at Mrs. Higbee's, they have I been discontinued. -The military eu< hre scheduled by Kenilworth club for Tuesday even- March 18, has been postponed to jtesday evening, March 25. and Mrs. S. J. Eisendrath and liildren are at the Kenilworth Inn lile their hys.ie, which was damaged fire last * eek, is being rebuilt. Miss Marie Hasten entertained on [Saturday night at a St. Patrick'^ [party. Many out of town guests were |ttere. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Kennedy lof Abbottsford road are rejoicing over [the arrival of a new son last Wedhes- |day. Mrs. George Pitts, accompanied by â- her young son, Gardner, left for New â- Orleans on Tuesday. They will be |gone two or three weeks. Mrs. Laugulln enetrtained a few Jfriends to dinner Monday evening. |They afterwards attended the Tango |class. Mr. Sidney Fairley entertained sev- [eiai of the young people of Kenilworth |»ith a Tango party last Saturday Itilht. Miss Dorothy Smith will spend Eas- ier with her parents. Miss Smith is iding school at Waterman Hall Sycamore. The Zeta sorority will give "The [Kentucky Belle" at the Kenilworth Ufcembly hall March 28. The pro- jceeds of the entertainment will be psed for charity. . Mr*. By Stevens left this week for [Washington, where she will meet her [daughter, Frances, who is there at- school. They will spend Eas- £r at Atlantic City. William 8. Kies of Abbottsford »d is visiting friends in New York. . Mr- and Mrs. Paul Schultze left |S«tnrday f0T Panama. On their return w"l visit Kingston, Jamaica; Ha- Cuba, and Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Al Hannah, formerly of Kenilworth, have been out each Monday evening to the Tango class. The last lesson of the course, given Monday, was a cotillion. About thirty couples were present. Arthur Burrage Farwell occupied the pulpit of the Kenilworth Union church Sunday. Mr. Farwell is the brother of Mrs. James Chapman and was her guest over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ridgeway left last Friday for a trip through the west. They expect to meet Mr. and Mrs. Prentiss in Montana from where they will go to California and will return early in April. Owing to the absence of Mrs. Grant Ridgeway, Mrs. Bellows has been j made chairman of the nominating committee of the Neighbors. Mrs. Percy B. Eckhart will fill the vacancy made by Mrs. Taylor, who is In New York. KENILWORTH LECTURE SERIES ENDS ELECTS OFFICERS The New Trier Commercial assocla- tion held its election of officers Mon- day evening, March 10, and the follow- ing gentlemen were elected: For president. John" H. Schaefer, WI1- mette Exchange bank; vice-president, Jos. Teske, Wlnnetka Cooperative Co.; treasurer, C. B. Renneckar, Renneckar Drug Co.; board of directors: Wil- metteâ€"C. C. Schultz, Dr. C. G. Smith, O. R. Aspergen; Wlnnetkaâ€"Wm. T. Wehrstaedt; Gross Point â€" Ben BuscheT; Kenilworthâ€"Mr. Slmpkins. After the election the political situa- tion was discussed and it was decided not to support any particular candi- date or ticket, but to vote for those trustees who would pledge themselves for needed in»i ovements la the busi- ness districts r> a llmetie. The execu- tive committee will hold a meeting this week to audit the books and ap- point a secretary for the association. INTERMEDIATE A. C. ELECTION. The annual meeting and election or officers of the Intermediate Athletic Club was held last Thursday at Com- munity House. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Mr. Tom Brown; --vice-pres- ident, Stanley Clague; secretary, Theo- dore Cox; treasurer, William Bishop. The popular president of last year, Tom Brown was unanimously re-elect- ed for the coming term. After a short executive session the club sat down to an elaborate banquet in the club rooms. Ten of the members gave short talks on the different branches of athletics and laid plans for the coming year, which promises to be a very successful one for the club, the membership of which is composed of real live fellows. Sunday evening Mr. Percy B. Eck- hart gave the last of his series ot talks on European cities. These' talks have been the most popular as well as profitable form of entertainment given in Kenilworth this winter. The capacity of the guild room has been taxed even during the inclement weather. In this series of lectures Mr. Eckhart has carried out one of Dr. Horswell's ideas, that is. using the church and school buildings for the general education of the commu- nity. Sunday evening, in apprecia- tion of the efforts of Mr. Eckhart, Dr. Horswell, in behalf of the Union church, presented Mr. Eckhart with a bronze bust of Dante a foot and a half high. SOCIALISTS PUCE TIIKET IN FIELD The Socialists In Evanston have filed their partial list of candidates for municipal offices with City Clerk John Hahn. As stated previously, the Socialists will have no aldennanic candidates. The list filed Includes: For mayor, George A. Evans; city clerk, William B. Trenbeth: city treasurer, Peter Miller; city attorney, John McPhail, and police magistrate, John V. Wal- gren. No other candidates have filed since Alfred Harloff placed his petition Sat- urday as candidate for alderman from the second ward. KENILWORTH NEIGHBORS. One of the best meetings of the Kenilworth Neighbors for the current year was held last Thursday. Mr. Earl H. Reed displayed about fifty of his etchings. His talk on etchings was quite as interesting as his pictures. Mrs. Tlnsman and Mrs. Williams re- ceived. Mrs. Seymour, Mrs. Veness and Mrs. Smith poured. West Nurse Native V 8 R. ft. Avenue. On Biwk North of KesUvsrth Depot Telephone Wilmctte 1089 worth D6CAPE DE.NING hrubs ifjWrBiffliy^ Arthur S WILL NAB WARBLERS. Residents In the vicinity of Clark street and Orrington avenue in Ev- anston have been making complaints about late-hour warblers disturbing their night's rest recently. They have asked Chief Shafer to eliminate this nuisance. Phone Kenilworth 92 Kenilworth. III. Building Material7 /g|aj^Iartford Fire Insurance Co. & Ilfl&s Life Insurance Co. KENILWORTH Residence Phone z64 Phone 261 Iworih, III. 1 Richmond Road Cat lor P. O. Building Doer Manager [WORTH - - - ILLIN< Telephone Kenilworth 56 and 43 I pot Springs Home Bath" *?* give you in *°?e many tfert* the •OP to any T%* T* P*-- TSe Tailor for Well Dressed Women RD /iDN formerly with MADAME REDBORD of_ • D,UAIin, ha« eat........* " "' atabUshed himself at KElJILW^l { f We make all kinds of plait and /< line before going elsewhere. We ; and Gentlemen, at lowest prices. Ladies' Suits Sponged, Pres Iso do ______________r__o__, _ fdandSm Gents' Suits Sponged, Pressld and ShineB^noved liiran Avenue, Chicago IXINOIS. ' •dj suits. Inspect my Wing ^tdrpressing, for Ladies ne Rem 76c 50c Corner Kenilworth and Railroad Avenues PHONE KENILWORTH 642 ANNOUNCEMENT p are making all iof 'UILOB-IHOE m S35.N Your own selec- tion o^vfft Broad - ITSerges, etc. "SPECIAL If roa will f nrniah jrowr own r,M-r«»LSI5 J CMICAOO material. $16. P„o„e C«««.~wo;k ^^^ 8H1F QMA1ANTKIP 1/ of Wilmetti THE UNDERSIGNED citizens of^TO mette believing that the splendid d<eVel«- opment and growth of the village duriiijj the past ten years is in great measure the result of honest and efficient municipal government* take this opportunity to endorse the COMMUNITY TICKET For President * *v JOHN D. COUFFER For Tresaurer JESSE R. GATHERCOAL For Village Trustees ' LEWIS E. WADE HUGO T. ZAREMBA JOHN C. BAKER For Library Trustees -.,,, _..: S. B. WILSON AL0NZ0 J. COBURN For Police Magistrate JOHN LING We believe that the election of these candidates will be for the best interests of toe village. We, therefore, urge you to vote this ticket,â€" vil of the sew- is now dls* proposes to _ 'Bi la^CooJt „„___of the Circuit M&rlty. Thtsjitosition I a connj0Hng sewer BECAUSEâ€"We agree with their policy as to diverting the rema age into the sanitary canal. The sewage of the south half of the "( charged into the canal through the relief sewer. The santtâ€"- ' build an intercepting sewer connecting the sewers of all No county with the canal, provided the Supreme Court affirms th and Appellate Courts, which decided that the district has such 1 will be decided soon. It would be unwise for the village to b_-„.--------&z~r- at an. approximate cost of $20,000, which in a short time would not be^sf§ded. BECAUSEâ€"We have faith in the tried efficiency of the candidates who are seeking re-election, and are confident in the ability of their fellow candidates. "'SftfttkUSE'-Mn order 10 determine the righft o| the village in connection with the Northwestern Elevated Railroad, thd present ftdmfclstratlon has heretofore instituted a suit which will soon be decided, afcd ^Ia wfH.enable the village to determine What policy to pursue. BECAUSEâ€"The candidates any public service ordinance witl lursue the pallcx) heretofore adopted not to pass rst submlttirVrft to a vote of the people. BECAU8Eâ€"They are pledge_ inaugurated by the present board adequate pressure for domestic ub« „~ ry out the plan of improving the Are protection Fhmps are now being installed which Will give adequate pressure mr u^hicblh: ub.. a^d for fire protection without the use of^ Are engines. This plan Is the result of careful consideration and has been approved by expert engineers. It will be efficient and economical. BECAUSEâ€"The small salaries paid the village officers are not a burden on our treasury, but they do cause the citizen to feel that his requests of a village official are entitled to attention. BECAUSEâ€"They believe in upholding the present efficient Board of Health in Its efforts to safeguard the health of our people. ~" BECAUSEâ€"As heretofore, the,interest on the village funds will be turned into the treasury, and also, as heretofore, our local bank will be given the privilege of deposits of the village funds upon the same terms as other banks. BECAUSEâ€"We believe In a business-like and efficient administration. • All the above candidates have pledged themselves to carry out the policies above outlined. CHARIJSS \,. HOSKEN LYMAN M. DRAKE CHARLES C. CAMERON HENRY FOWLER B. W. McCULI-OUOH ELLIOTT C. JONES C. c. MITCHELL JOHN P. MILNAMOW FRANK SENG HORACE G. DRURY ARTHUR B. SIEBOLD JOHN W. ILIPF DR. C. N. REESE P. J. CUNNEEN EDWARD F. KELLEY LOFIS K OILLSON A. W. HAWKES A. K. SHURTLEFF C. L. KEITH T. M. KNOX G. J. BICHL BYRON B. SMITH C. PERCY 8KILLIN J. J. SIDDALL, JR JOHN W. CITL.LEN C. C. CARNAHAN O. W. SCHMIDT HAROLD E. SPINNEY GEORGE R. HARBAUOH A. H. AYLESWORTH GEORGE D WHITE CLINT COUFFER KRED D. BUCKMAN W. E. HUDSON LOUIS A. CLARK JOHN 3. COOK ROBERT HUMPHREY W. D. MATTHBW8 B. F. AFFLECK E. B. MERRITT GEO W. SHRADER MARTIN J. O'CONNELL JOS. F. FRITCHARD GEORGE W. KIBBY HENRY A. POFB JOHN J. PBTERS WALTER D. 8TEELE WM.J, ROBINSON 'W£':v *,-*• FRANK WATT GEO. ENGLISH .1. E. MIDDIJSTON «. li. FROST GEO. M. FORBES C. N. ROBERTS GEORGE GILLETTE C. D. WORTHINGTON NORMAN S. BETTS M S. BISBEE DAVID F. ANDERSON F A. WAIDNBR FRANK DRURY W. O. BELT MAX W. ZABEL HENRY W. HAMMES F. A WAIDNER, JR JOHN L. SKELTON R. H. HUNTSMAN JOSEPH STE1NER CLAUDE E FITCH E. L. DAI.TON WALTER J. THRUM3TON H. C. HARDY J. F. STONE E. V. DUNSHEE EARL E. ORNER C. C. PRESCOTT F. S. ROBBINS C. P. VAN SCHAACK J. B. OLWIN B. E. BUCKMAN E. KIRCH BERG. JR F. L BAT OMAN MONROE R. VENABLES EDWARD F. 9CHOENECK ARTHUR J. THOMPSON JOSEPH LEAR ORVILLE D. JONES J. B. FRINK HARRY H. CURTIS E. B. RATHBONE EDWARD SCHAGER A. E. BARBER P A. MYERS R. 8. BAKER SAM BEAUMONT J. A PIATT â- Mms^ GEORGE W. STEPHENS N. F. WEBB JOSEPH F. DAVIS DR. C H. SEARLB ORVILLE K. PATTERSON" CHARLES H. JACKSON GEORGE C. HULST CHARLES BRAUTIGAM BENEDICT VOLLMANN • JOHN T. LING GEORGE W. HESS H. E. STARRETT JULIUS RIEMANN GEORGE T. PALMER MATHIAS MILLER J N CRAMPTON SHELL S GREINER JOHN F WEGFORTH GEORGE F APPLEYARD JOHN R. COCHRAN GEOROE L. EMRICH GORDON HANNAH ROSCOE L. ROBERTS FRANK C. VAN NBS8 JOSEPH SHANTZ HARRY W. HOOP GEORGE M. POND W. W. KERR JOHN W. MAY* J C. AKELY ALVIN J. BUTZ CHAS: SANFORD CLARKE \\ B DA VIES F. D- DAY W. S. FREEMAN L. F. GATES ^HESTER F. HOOLB FRANK L KOONTZ H. M. MELVILI>E J AS. M. MELVILLE AG. MELVILLE FRANK E ROBINSON JOHN J. SPEAR GRAFTON STEVENS J. B WHITLEY W. J. 8KEWES uipment Filing Cabinet* or System Supplies,yoO .go ^kit»3w^^^|Bf*^:v the best ia.ifQiMlitQ^; Com pi e tenets, CoiW ' venience: and; .SemceSl, Here's what we to offer; Quality: Tr Our reputation' that; lAsk any user. Coospiitamtaa: JjFue worloTsJ^KettlineT3000 largest rtakei^^V^ii^-;^.; ever y«u:.w;«ji:^-i|pSM'- .hawiL", ;.. ;j;;>^fftif§^ CoaraaJtacK Our «bw ti is right in the bean iqt"riT^: Chicago^; shopping dts- v«| trict... Cait^'^aMaatialii^^;,; . to t«le-phon*,«plf^'^;; Prompt de|iveneti^r|5|||^w" Service: - I^ii^i*©tt^;S teous*.' vc«relttLj'SMo*»;;iS:" than/' that,'. "#fc*1i^;jW!»">;SB'-. want expert i.;.^#-'V:||:;^ tnsugurating new nHng Sf^ systems or" lm|ffr>»te*:;f§'^ old ones,:' amr .«*â- â- â- â- Â»!# ^M. salesmen^ will g I a dly. ,^:; I you, without charge, ?S|: ; benefit ^â- Wr^:^!^ pye«r'a experience in,«lo*i/S';. -ing- whaty^,*^ mm â€" ^Eav ^uV'^t 333 W. the wfej^**1 Jjgg- (Ov«r 20 V««r»' boar: «U#aji "«♦* wttfaefaMHer Oar WWtei G*M»YjmUm* T»â€"Wejt NO PAIW-NO nA*K*Q*J0rtGT w« lujnfcfWto <««*wj^^!»»5" JT? trMt JHuldihyr*tnrn<%« wiU etetlr iwnovwlteni IVm of OMaro. Our Motto. UtMraUty, Honort Mtaf. eonvTneo you. CfmulUdow tevttai (Cm.) WrltoforBooktotB. 14W Aadltprlam Tpwor, OUmm.^..a^ TotephOM HvriMia 4tM ^ 8«l«et your EMtar cords now. Cam took of Soered. 1»t Caruso •tnc HoMnna." BECKER'S MUSIC SHOP Lillian Russell Qo««ra« 'lI *m perfectly de- w*"9« lighted with yo«* Flear-dc-Lia fiRam. I went • j*r every twojr<ek» sent to the eboVe ^dre_w**Tlea*e tend me a ireah 5acc and thetieverytwo weeke ter. Send th* bill and I will re- turn my check." Endorsed by Stage and Society Fleur-d Face Or Fleur>d<l-Lis Fac< Creau*-* restdrip^'a rid b«rtifTnes the dWraplexion-cleanses the po^es thoroughly and removes ALL waste products from the skin. Nothing else is "Just as good." At Your Druggist's, 5«c Mtlrin B. Xric«», Sole Af cat >4 S. Wakaak Air*. ChaoMT* Th* foUowin* drancktta »«J1 rtoWMJ^W" r»roCr««ia Cotwotfa............. OrorcoLOorka Till taffliiaaall................_______ CmtraJ Phanuer............CaMrflM. aXLBiirkatt...............-----$"3*9*- Nortb voatarn Pharmwnr........OevJeft. aLUftwnB...,.....iiD?»?^f?t OnWa' PkamMf. rmtme St A Ma»t* A*. .....DavtoSft. NSWa WANT AM MM* AtWIUTe

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