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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Mar 1913, p. 5

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-treet, left yesterday to be the g»e»t *J Mis8 Jane Blackburn in Blooming- ton. I"- . Mr and Mrs Louis Wlnchet and nro children, 1814 Forest avenge, era fading the week at French Ll«k Springs. ^ „,^ .:.- Mi 8. Harry Squlera, 1705 Ridge ave- iu'.-. at-i'ompanled her husband on a f„ur woeks" business trip to New York Saturday. Miss Katherine Knight, 1326 Asbury avenue, will return this week from Northampton, Mass., to spend the Eas- ter vacation. Mrs. Raymond a Cook, 1420 Davis ,tmt. and Mrs. Irwin Rew, 1128 Ridge avenue, returned Tuesday from Camden, N. C. Mr. August Matson was on over- Sunday guest of his mother, Mrs. Matson. on Colfax street. He came from Muskegon, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Archibald A. McKln- ley H64 Dempster street, were din- „er guests Monday at the La Salle hotel St. Patrick banquet. Mrs Percival H. Truman. 2602 Har- rison street, was hostess Saturday ev- ening to a small bridge party. There were two tables snd auction was played. Mrs. l-'rank fi. Payne gave an in- formal tea Tuesday afternoon at her home, 1810 Sherman avenue, in honor of her sister, Miss Ethel Burnham of 'Adrian. Mich. The many friends' of Miss Mary Crabbe. for many years a resident of Evanston, will be sorry to learn of her deatb last Thursday of peritonitis at her late residence at Columbus, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Charles 0. Dawes and Miss Carolyn Dawes, SHerldan row* acd Greenwood boulevard, and Miss Rachel Warner, 942 Michigan avenue, returned Saturday from a trip to Cali- fornia. , The Oak Leaf circle gave a pot- luck supper at the home of the Misses Bertha and Esther Moore, 2306 Prai- rie avenue, Tuesday night. The deco- rations were in keeping with St. Pat- rick's day. Mrs. J. Mitchell Hoyt and Miss Nina Wlnans will give the program next ' Monday before the members of the French club at the home of Mrs. W. Irving Osborne, Ridge avenue and Greenwood boulevard. . Jtey„Llox4 w,,.WaUer, pajtorot, St. Paul's English Evangelical Lutheran church, Elm wood avenue and Green- leaf Btreel. Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, will speak on the subject, "The Son of God Betrayed." Miss Beryl Dean of Evanston and Mr. .C. Coupe of Rogers Park left | Tuesday morning to act < as maid f of honor and best man at the wedding of Mr. Coupe's cousin, in Oklahoma. They will be gone two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Dan McCann, Mr. and Mrs. Francla McCann. Mr. and Mrs. James McCann, Mr. Wm. O. O'Fla- herty, Mr. and Mrs. George Kearney, i ir. and Mrs. Dan Enery are among .the Evanston "Loyal Legion" attend- ing St Patrick's celebration Monday at the Hotel La Sail*. The Knights and Ladies of Honor had a cotillion and masquerade dance Monday night at the Evanston Audito- rium, 611 Davis street About 150 were present It was St. Patrick's night and everyone enjoyed the celebration. The $300 in prises were to all, for each was in priaeworthy costume. W. B. Horton, 614 Davis street, took a splen- did flashlight of the masqtwraders. Saturday evening Miss Alma fltan- ttko, of this city, 'was spokesman for a surprise party upon *w brother-ln- law, Mr. Louis Dorband, at Glen View. it was MK Dorbaad's twenty-ninth birthday and about forty of his friends overwhelmed him In reminder of this tact Besides his sister those rrom Evanston were Mr. Charles Pergande «nd family, 1983 Wesley avenue, and Hiss Martha 8tolU from Nlles Center. The children of St. Mary's church gave a musical comedy Monday night *t the parish halL Songs of Ireland were s -ng In costume, some in green, «wne in white. Tb* different grades of the school gaveseveral numbers. The Misses Anna CLaughlin, Helen Con- ner and Elisabeth Connor danced an â- FSrou--_______- ***... * »|f Michigan avenue, returned ^ day from New York. ______ Miss Valerie Tomes of New York Is I Mr P")^ Mgrper. 1002 Lake jstreet, | spending a short time with Mrs. H. B. iffifeift^ 'â-  81*uShterH502 Lee street. .Miss Luelle Harrer, 1422 Florence Mr. A. L. Dade, 1633 Hinman ave- avenue. ap^nt Sunday at home In Niles ' nue, has gone to Texas. Center^ " ^ : j Ml88 Le11* Rowe and Miss Eva Miss Gladys Burns, lStlB Judson ave- Owens of 1945 Orrlngton avenue have *ue, Is home from a. three weekB' i «one to Bedford. Ind. Eastern trip. ; MlM L,,1,an Foster, 1220 Hinman Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry Walllngford. j avenue, returned Monday from a 1315 Davis street, are home from a short v'slt in Minneapolis, Minn, southern trip. Mr and Mrs- Walter J G«nthorp, Miss Nell Oravea of Berlin, W1b., is '3435 Sheridan road, returned Satur- Mr apd M£»t Iam»*I^&^ Warner,' Fcnnivivania Society of Chicago at the » Ui„m«- „^„. „.*.-----a a-...- ^^1 mating held in the Hotel 8h«r. man Saturday, The ladies of Wheadon M. B, church visiting Mrs. Prank R. Seelye, 724 judson avenue. Mr. and MrB. Walter S. Prlmley, 903 day from an extended trip east. Miss Faith Culver, 1514 Simpson street, entertained her cousins, Nor- Foreet avenue, have gone to Pasadena, | man and Douglas Culver. Sunday; Cal.. for a month Mrs. Frank Gregory of St. Paul, Victor Ortlund. 1127 Elm wood ave- Minn- ls »P«*Mag » week as the guest nue, la back from Mt. Clemens, Mich., restored In health. Mr. and Mrs. Luke I. Wilson moved of Mrs. C. W. Rlttenhouse, 1109 Grove street. Mr. Henry Mitchell of Gary, Ind., last week to 1315 Hinman avenue I BPent the w«eb"«»»* with his sister. from 903 Forest avenue. Miss Ruth Mitchell, 2203 Central Mre. C. W. Rlttenhouse, 1109 Grove |Btreet street, has as her guest, Mrs. Frank Gregory of St. Paul, Minn. Mr. Francis Knight, who is taking his master's degree from Hotchtjss, will be at home for Easter. Miss Lillian Foster, 1220 Hinman avenue, returned Saturday from Min- neapolis, after a short visit. Prof. F. W. Nichols, 839 Judson ave- Mlss Jane Blackburn of 2425 Cen- tral street, ls spending her Easter va- cation, with her parents in Blooming- ton, I1L Mrs. Raymond C. Cook, 1420 Davis street, and Mrs.. Irwin Rew, 1128 Ridge avenue, returned Tuesday from Cam- den, N C. Mrs. Paul Owsley was a luncheon nue. will spend ten day- In Michigan. !^»>!^ **"£ °[^ '~ Irian jig Ini received two encores. Miss May CBare accompanied them on the piano. Father Bgan talked on Ireland. The Swedish M. B. Sunday school, corner of Grove street and Sherman avenue, Monday evening bad a delight- ful banquet. The candles and favors *ere in St Patrick's colors, sugges- tive of the Bmerald Isle. Covers were bid for elghtrova. Dr. Timothy P- Treat made the principal address of the evening, followed by the Chicago /««trlct superintendent, ,Bsv. Swen----------- „«.„..„ «,«â€"«« •m, and the laymen, Mr. Axel Pear- Indianapolis. In*.J****' """J* ••sad lir. Oliver Astgrtn, the pen- owing to the «*^ *•* t« of the chnreh. It was a ••loyed the «&laa« the services. He left yesterday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Luman R. Wing, 428 Greenwood boulevard, are at Hotel Royal Poniciana, Palm Beach, Fla. Mr. L. L. Smith, 740 Hinman ave- nue, have sold their home to Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Jones, 744 Hinman ave- nuc Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tietgens and fam- ily, 1622 Forest place, left yesterday for a short trip to their farm In Ken- tucky. Mrs. H. H. Harris, 820 Foster street, accompanied her guest, Miss Potter, to Greenville, Mich., and will visit her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wulchet and two children, 1214 Forest avenue, will go to French Lick Springs for Easter vacation. Miss Rachel Jones was the guest of honor at a pre-nuptlal luncheon Satur- day in Oak Park given by Miss Helen Hitchcock. Miss Margaret Rider, after a three weeks' visit with Mrs. Edward Dar- vll^ 726 Milburn street, left yesterday for Colorado. -----*-• -** â€"•â€">-•»«â€" There will be a Wells college noon luncheon next Tuesday at the. Black- stone. Mr. Gabrlskle, acting presi- dent, will be there. Mrs. Joseph B. Paden, 1460 Chicago avenue, left Saturday with her daugh- ter, Elizabeth, to visit In Litchfield, 111., Mrs. Paden's father? Dr. Cult Miss Eleanor Hardie, 911 Hinman avenue, will return Friday from Al- bion college. Miss Lillian Elllcott of Grand Rapids will accompany her. Miss Grace Pynchon, 1731 Wesley avenue, will return today from Joplin, Mo. She has been visiting Mrs. Frank Weeks, formerly Miss Hermona Le*ts. Mrs. C. Hennecke of Milwaukee, Wis., after a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Frederick H. Brammer, 831 Jud- son avenue, has returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Yegge, 1550 Oak avenue, axe on a two weeks' trip through the South. Mr. Yegge is on business. Their two sons accompan- ied them. The Order of Eastern Star March so- cial committee entertained at a St Patrick's party Monday night at the home of xdrs. W. L. Hess. 1230 Elm- wood avenue. Mr. Merrill McGowan, son of Mr. and Mrs. James McGowan, 611 Custer avenue, who has been on a five months' business trip to Manhattan, Kas., is expected home soon. Mrs. David K. Forgan and daugh- ters, Misses Ethel and Marian For- gan, Chicago, have gone to Europe to remain until June. On their return they will open their home here. Mrs. John F. Hahn, representing the Evanston Catholic Woman's club, will speak March 28 on "Reciprocity" before a meeting of the West End Catholic Woman's club, at Nakama hall. Oak Park. Mrs. C. B. Clifton and daughter. Miss Alice Clifton, 581 Ingleslde park, and Mr. Clifton's brother, Mr. Frank Clifton, left last night at 5 o'clock for Atlantic City, N. Y.. for a ten days' rest and change. Miss Mary Dawson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A Dawson, 1226 Judson avenue, will arrive home from Wells college Saturday and her brother, Mr. Edwin Dawson, will be home from Cornell April fourth for their Easter vacation. Rev. and Mrs. Frank Orman Beck, 2641 Prairie avenue, were called to Beck's father. For this the caarea. russrag inaservwâ€". â€" - â€"â€"-- jii-mn.ttMdi ftaa evsntnsaod e»styono evening services will be discontinued inSl^ dmln/th. mt of the weak at Co*- Ms* ___,___ . _____ â- ' „__ .„ __..___ . Mi, .MMWaMUfett -. - .- ______^ -- .«â€"__â- _____________.-----' ^flB^^^W phine Webster at her home. 1829 Sheridan road. The officers and teachers of the Swedish M. E. church gave a St Pat- rick's dinner Monday for the Sunday school at the church. Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Petersen of Lincoln street and Hartray avenue, returned home Saturday after spend- ing several weeks In Florida. Mr. Allan B. Clayton, Cornell uni* versity, will spend bis Easter vaca- tion with his mother. Mrs. Emma D. Clayton, 1714 Chicago avenue. Mr. and Mrs. James Allen of New Bedford, Mass., left Sunday for the East after a two weeks' visit with Mr. George W. Smith, 146 Ridge avenue. Miss Llllle Peterson, 809 Main street, entertained her sorority, Theta Sigma Phi, to a 500 card party Satur- day afternoon. Twenty were present Mr. J. H. Lally lectured Sunday night at the Olympic club relative to his travels in Philadelphia, Washing- ton and New York. About sixty views were shown. A very interesting talk was given at the'North*' End'^M." C. A. yesterday afternoon to the boys and men of the community by Mt. J. M. Grantham on "Outdoor Sports." Mr. and Mrs. Hess-Burr entertained witli a musical Monday at their home, 1302 Davis1 street. Miss Myrtle Moles, mezzo-soprano, and Mts. Bruno Stelndl furnished the program. Mrs. Charles Hill and children, Ed- gar, Dorothy, Inez, Charles and nurse, leave tomorrow night for Pasadena, Cal., to spend Ave or six weeks with Mr. Hill's mother, Mrs. Edgar A. Hill. The monthly meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held with Mrs. H. B. Rldgway, 1714 Hinman avenue, Friday afternoon at 2:30. An interesting pro- gram has been prepared and all are invited to attend. Miss Bernice Huse of Mason City, 111., spent the week-end with Miss Esther Grantham, 2415 Hartsell street The Sigma Sigma sorority of North- western university gave an Informal dance Saturday evening at the Wll- mette Woman's club. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. O'Connell, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wynn, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. John Kerevan, Mr. and Mrs. James Hoffman, ,Mr. and Mrs. Frank Salmon, K. of C.'s, attend- ed the McCormlck concert Sunday afternoon at Orchestra Hall, Chicago. Miss Mildred Jones, student eeere> tary of the Y. W. C. A. of the State university at Bloomlngton, Ind., Is home for the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel M. Jones, 1629 Hinman avenue, and to attend her sister, Miss Rachel Jones', wedding, March 25. Mrs. Roland B. Ward, 831 Gafleld place, entertained at her home Monday aft- ernoon in honor of Mrs. William F. Goitx, the retiring president of the Ladles' Aid society of Wheadon M. B. church, who leaves In the early spring for Hartford, Mich., where she and her husband have purchased a fruit farm and on which they will reside. The order of Eastern Star March social committee entertained Saturday evening at a St Patrick's party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Hess, 1380 Elmwood avenue. About fifty members and friends were pres- ent Cards and games were played. Green prevailed in decorations and favors. The feature of the evening was the splendid readings of Mrs. Mary Mace Frederick, 1805 Judson avenue, who is taking a post graduate coarse at Cumnock School of Oratory. Mrs, Frederick's readings were In the gave A surprise party for Mrs^aftn. &t^*-timl<fa$&k rw *»4 %nWa thT .. A "â- . Hk Irish dialect and suitable to the oeesv Goltx, at the home of Mrs. Roland Ward, 831 Gaffleld place, Monday aft- ernoon. Mrs. GolU leaves next week to make her home in Michigan. Miss Kathryn Rose, 2410 Park place, was a luncheon hostess Saturday to twelve of tier fellow students from Miss Page's kindergarten Institute, Chicago. The decorations were in keeping with St Patrlck'a day. Mrs. Waldron, who for many years has resided In California and for some time has been living with her son and wife, Mr. and-Mrs. John J. Waldron, 1708 Orrlngton avenue, has been quite 111 for two weeks wtth jaundice. Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Hoag of Berke- ley, Cal., have been visiting Mrs. Hoag*s sister, Mrs. J. W. Howell, 2017 Sherman avenue. Dr. Hoag has gone to St Paul, Minn. He has established a child hygiene department through- out the state. Mrs. Hoag leaves for St. Paul this week. atreet was luncheon hostess Twelve gueats wera Invited. :';:, ^Mr^ and Mrs. William ^Church, 1211 Michigan avenue, had as their week-end guest their son, 'Mr. Edward Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Phillips, 1217 Michigan avenue, are in Clearwater. Fla.. spending a winter vacation with the doctor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B Phillips. ,y " yt The two sons of Rev. Albert I* Fisher, pastor, of Wheadoa M, B. church, have had tonsllitls, Winneld, who is attending Evanston Township high school, has been 1U for a week, aud Vance, a pupil of the Noyea street school, has also been 111 for several days. Both are better now. Guitar lessons. Rood building. Tomaso's Studio, Ww mi j Pawminit Point Public tory, BotiftMSManager, .^4 Guitar Tonuses Btmdlo, â- mmmmmmmmmimmmtmm FANNIE E. ClUfr PROGRAMS/FU •tSOMlMI tCCASIONft $i- n ReciUU/CoiK Fo«0boro»gkl; assistaatf. or. ted at any time. fr.MuorotegtgsUl^ id gapeâ„¢**** fttt MCWtWANT iiie: ' MkMM ..... *t Modish Millinery Perennial as the charm of tulip or crocus is the first show- ing of bewitching new Spring Millinery. On the choice of the hat rests the fate of the spring costume and choosing that spring hat means more than the last crowning touch of" completeness. It is the key- note to the general harmony of figure and coloring: Let us show you the correct Hat for you. We offer a wonderful selection to choose from. m icafiipl fm iipir|s;'&aroliilj|;'y 'lathes.;' â-  For; S^in|;|wakl|ii| from the h^^^V^^^^^^ a burning ^desirej;^yi^^ mentâ€"all mankind joins in the ^o%n with thpiresHantis^ chiffon separate Wm^&f^^M II Fancy or simjpfc'^ iuit your taste--%irtt^||»ss Hosiery and Gloves Two-ir&eertant items of the costume that should not be neglected. A new pair of Gloves or Hose makes an always acceptable "Easter Remembrance" also. SILK HOSE of good quality; boot of pure silk; top, sole, h««l and toes :WK cotton; in black, whit grey and helio. P " " OUR SPECIAL HOSE is of extra . heel, sale and toes; in blacl bronze, gold, pink & "" ^ iblue, pin \R SI . lisle t white, t 'Pair fl.OO. Other items in SILK HOSE of fin- est quality in black and white at $1.50 and $3.00. LONG WHITE KID GLOVES of the famous Alex- andre quality, in 12, 16 and ae button length, at $3.00, $3.30 and $4.00. ALEXANDRE MADE KID GLOVES, 2 joint embroidery; in black, white and colors. SUEDE GLOVES, two & three clasp styles SILK GLOV clasp. Paris Pair $1.50. Pail $3.00. 50c, 75* $1.50, $1 and $3 _ Complete stocks ready. Short gloves at $1.00; long gloves at 75c, eWc, $1.00, ; embroidered long white gloves at $1.75 Sheer and prosy as you Our display â- mmhmmbh waaiaMjaM kind called strong, gubttantiaj. both kinds in pr^fution. AH garments are beautifully mtdej&Ml^t jn*terkk; the trimmingJaces^ajjpWfro^oideries were tastefully selected. Skirts, Drawers, Combinationt, i Chemise, Slips, ranging in price from. 50c to $3.00. For tailored jtrimness wear a Bras- siere above your corset and know the full enjoyment of the perfect unbroken line from shoulder to waist, so essen- tial to tailored grace. Price 50e~$l. Easter Handkerchiefs All pure linen Handkerchiefs with one corner hand embroidered in dainty designs. All white or with a touch of color that is much in vogue at present. Price 35c. Special offerings in fine Madeira embroidered Handkerchiefs. All four corners embroidered, scal- loped edge. Were formerly marked $1.50. Special for 98c. < X Neckwear\ Accessories Frocks and Suits are so simple in line that they require "dressing-up," ornamentsâ€"fol-de-rols,if you pleaseâ€" so the designers have produced numer- ous novelties in pretty, simple and elaborate things that are so much in vogue. Stock Collars with jabots of shadow laces, 50c to $1.00. Coat Collars, new epaulet models, of lace or embroidery, 30c to $1.00. Coat Sets of Venise lace, 50c to $1.00. Pleatings of fine nets and laces, 25c to $1.OO yard. Jfytfw From feather to buckle should be one line of beauty â€"but little availeth the* Modiste's art for the costume if the long, alluring line of grace is broken by an ill-fit- tiiig or shapeless Corset. Warner's Rust-Proof and Redfern Corsets produce snd keep perfect the correct lines of fashion. Let us select and fit a model to you. S1.00 to $8.00 per pair. Exclusive Agents Ladies' Home Jejunal Patterns William Fountain Square S. Lord Evanston, Illinois Evanston Phone 1081 Wilmstte Phone60O Noehaj^efor ;"&ii â- >i tti ~:'*4% iSMMiLMl'

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