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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Apr 1913, p. 6

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WA |ltt.....tt...................................* II What People Are Doing jj ,.............in Winnetka ♦â€"♦â€"â€"♦* l0.Mt.ka CommuhHv Bowk as ber f; Mrs. F. E. Herdman has ? guest Miss Ethel Wallace. Mrs. C. C. Adams has as her guest Miss Mary Crawford of Ohio. Dr. B. 8. Childs 1b in Fayettevilla, Ark., for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ross of Chicago have moved into their new home at 787 Foxdale avenue. Mr. and Mrs. John Sloan have re- turned and are again occupying their home on Foxdale avenue. Mrs. Fletcher Dobyns of Chicago was the guest of Miss Edith Beach last Saturday. Mr. Ciarence Sigwalt returned early this week from an extended trip through the w->st. Mrs. Alfred Newton Hurnham has made a gift to Community House of several much needed pictures. Mr. Douglass Smith returns this week from his winter hoin. at Belle Air Heights, Florida. Mrs. J. Willard Bolte and children are in Grand Rapids. Mich , for a visit The German Woman's society are to give a euchre party at Community House this evening at 8 o'clock. Mr. Win. Able has given up his posi- tion with the American Express com- pany and is now with Rudolph Bros. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Luensman of 806 Elm street Monday, April 7. Mrs. J. Q. Syme and daughter re- turned from New Orleans, La., where they were for the winter The two children of Mr. and Mrs. James A Morley of Pin street are ill with starlet fever. Mr. E. C. WeissenbeiK was injured In a fall last week, fracturing two ribs. Miss Mable Pearsen of Evanston was the guest of Miss Charlotte Witt- â- tein of Ridge avenue Sunday. ,Mrs. Hermon B. Butler has returned from a, week's visit with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Claud Jewell Peck, in Cleve- k land, O. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Brewer enter- ic tataed Friday evening in honor of $r MM. Chauncey L. Williams, who is S| leaving shortly for New York. § i Mr. John Dehmlow expects to move Into his new home on Elm street next I'M week. Work Is being rushed and it ie If? hoped to have everything finished by H the end of this week. f$. The softball season opened last Sat- pK tarday and games are played at the P public park on Maple street every ||/ week during the summer. |L'^ Mr. and Mrs. William G. Hibbard returned Saturday from a three weeks' a trip to Panama and the Canal Zone. :' ; They have opened their home on WI1- |C low street for the summer If;; Miss Mae Ferris of Elkhorn, Wis., Sv;.: who has been the guest of Mr. and Hi--. M». C. E. Hall of Willow street, has f|^;."-returned to ber home. |H The Bev. J. W. F. Davies has with Iff \ him this week bis father and mother, f|fv 'jar. and Mrs. Jaines Davies of Harri- Iff;; "ion, Mich. # lf;KvMr. and Mrs. George Higginson, Jr.. tfe *W to return to their summer home, fff -"Meadow Farm," the latter part of f|f tthe OS nth They have spent the win- -ter at their town home, 713 Rush street, Chicago. Mrs. F. M Harned, 1016 Spruce H«:'-street, entertained at supper Monday evening in honor of Miss Ruth Knox ffl The Community House Squares and the Business Men are to play off the tie game of March 19 this Saturday evening. Hoyle Elliott of the Hubbard Woods team was injured last Wednesday in the game against the Gun club. In a bit of rough play be was thrown against the brick wall and had h(l scalp cut. Umpire Clark was not present at this game, and some of the players took advantage of it and tried '•rough house" play. The Boy Scouts entertainment to be given tomorrow night. INDOOR BALL LEAGUE. Standing of the Clubs. W. L. is The Royal Arcanum initiated a class of eight new members at their meet- ing Monday evening. The regular Friday night moving pictures have been cancelled for this week. The gymnasium is to be used by the Boy Scouts. Mr. W. A. Xoerrenberg has moved his family to bis ran<h in South Da- kota, leaving WinnetUa this week. .Mr. Noerrenl*rg has been making fre- quent trips to Powell during the last vear in the intrrest of his ranch, but now his interests aie so great that It will take all of his attention. Indies of the missionary societies of Winnetka are cordially invited »° Doyg. Club attend the meeting of the Wil- mette Woman's Christian Temperance Union, which is to be held in the Wil- mette Congregational church on Tues- day. April 15, at ^0 p. m. Mrs- ,nd,an8 Mabel V. Divelbiss of Chicago will BugJneg eive an address on -Co-operation." give ah aUU .____ Community Squares Mrs. Winthrop Girling, a former resident of Winnetka, was the speaker; First Game Wednesday. at the meeting of the Glencoe Equal: in a game featured by very bad um- Suffrage association Monday of this j piring and rough playing, the Hubbard week. Mrs. Girling had as her sub- j Woods players defeated the Gun Club ject of discussion, 'The Relation of j 18 to 14 T^e Gun ciub made 7 runs """ in the last inning by playing ball that should have been stopped by the um- pire. Hubbard Woods won their game by playing good ball in spite of bad umpiring and bad breaks of luck. They scored in every inning, while the Gun Club blanked in four. The score: 20 Hubbard Woods .........15 Ridge Avenue ......... 13 Intermediates .......... 11 Gun Club .............. 10 7 Business Men .......... 6 1 1 6 8 10 11 14 14 19 Pet. .952 .715 .619 .523 .476 .333 .285 .047 the Public to Its Schools." The meet- ing was held at the home of Mrs. Sherman M. Booth on Vernon avenue. The dance given by the Inter- mediate Athletic club at the Winnetka Woman's club last Friday was a great success financially. The attendance was not as large as had been looked for as the ticket sale had been heavy. „.«.„„,„ Mr and Mrs. Stanley Hague, Mr. and Hnbb'd Woods. 12 113 4 2 2 2-18 Gun Club..... 31020100 7â€"14 Hubbard Woodsâ€"H. Elliott, Taylor, Rose, Dean, R. Elliott, Hansen, Tur- vey. Udelhofen, Murphy. Gun Clubâ€"Wolff, Baker, Kloepfer, Schafehen, Knox, Blow, Jasperson, Mrs. William P. Washburn and Rev. and Mrs. J. W. F. Davies were the patrons and patronesses. Mr. Ernest J. Allsebrook of 747 Lin- coln avenue, is in Cairo, 111 , in the interest of the Chicago Mill and Lum- ber company, of which firm he is J Cazel, Radner manager. Mr. Allsebrook and the Chi-1 Second Game Wednesday. cago Mill and Lumber company have j Community Squares lost another m T»nd Miss Pearl Boyd. Rev. Edwin F, Snell of the Coagre- §p?"jntional church is secretary of the f||*' Apollas club of Chicago, a religious jiff" society. There Is to be a meeting this §p Monday at the Great Northern hotel. - The Winnetka Woman's club Is to ^, hold its annual election of officers IpS soon and is now making nominations til by ballot through the mail. sfe Mr. Martin Kloepfer, "who was taken M lp lli in Peoria. III., with appendicitis. Ifl has escaped an operation and will be JH will enough to be moved borne next p;iWe*k. |p *I1»e Parents' and Teachers* associa- i|' «<»' is to hold a public meeting at II' tbo Horace Mann school this evening ffl fti 7:45 P. n». All parents are invited. HI;Jtr. De Groat, of the Playground asso- ffllilatUHi of Chicago will speak on "The |1S Educational Value of Playgrounds." Ip:.-Secretary Jemes L. Kincaid, secre- lil^ary of the Fortnightly club, announc- fiivOi. the regular meetings of the club ^l^wUl be on the second and fourth Wed- ||p*esd*y» of each month. The meetings -§l|«w*:h«ld"te the Library of the Congre- p|L1pulonal church, P^tlM marriage of Mrs. Tlllie Mad- Kosn and Mr. William P. Happ took ^ place Saturday evening at the home -:-; of -Mrs. Madsen. $87 OsJt street, Ber ,_i;j.-:TO» -:F. Davies performing the cere* ' S^^lmer "'â- . Adams and George S, Wod\ both of Winnetka, have become associated in the plumbing business Winnetka Plumbing and Heat^ extensive interests in Cairo, which are seriously threatened by the flood from the overflow of the Ohio river. Community House announces some very interesting moving pictures to be shown in the next two weeks. Frf-1 day evening, April 18, a three-reel de- tective story will be shown. This is of the famous detective, William J. Burns, and is the only one for which he has posed. Friday evening, April 25, pcltures of the Dayton flood will be shown. The Chaska club are to have a dinner in the club rooms a.t Com- munity House next Saturday. There will be a celebration of the great suc- cess of their plays given March 29, at which a nice sum was cleared. The proceeds of this play are to apply on the purchase of a drop curtain for the stage at Community House. The curtain has been ordered and is ex- pected to be in place soon. The Royal Neighbors held a ban- quet in the assembly room of Com- munity House Wednesday of last week. A very pretty table was ar- ranged and covers laid for fifty. The banquet was a big success. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gutekunst are again in their home on Sheridan road. They returned from New York Sun- day. The board of directors of the Win- netka Pifblic library wish to announce that the Winnetka library is open every week-day from 2 to 6 p. m., and 'Monday. Wednesday and Saturday evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock. The Hubbard Woods branch, in the Colum- bia school-house, is open Friday after- noons from 3:30 to 5 o'clock. Tb9 libraries ace closed on all holidays. Application for the use of the hasp- ment meeting room of the Winnetka library should be made at the library. Phone 298. The dramatic committee of the Win- netka Womans' club announce a mati- nee performance of Barrie's "Quality Street," to be given by the New Trier High school students on Saturday, April 12. at 2:15 p. m., at the Wom- an's club, the proceeds to be applied on the mortgage fund. This is a play for children and older persona, boo. This performance is given especially for the children. Tickets may be pro- cured of Mrs. Cornelius Lynde or Mrs. Morris L. Greeley. game. This time It was the Indians turn to pick up an easy victory. The little fellows always start their games by good playing, but always "blow up" after a few innings. Hale started out strong, but weakened in the last IP SHORE NEWS, THUR' inning and allowed six runs.. The final Bcore was 16 to 10. Woods* play- ing of short stop, Dletz's fielding and Odh's batting and base running in the early innings were bits of real base- ball. The Indians, with six men, kept busy all the time and just managed to win out. The score: Indians........ 3 0 1 2 0 4 0 6â€"16 Coram unity Sqrs. 2 4 10 0 12 0â€"10 Indiansâ€"Scribner, Adams, Boal, Baker, Orwlg, Wildman. Community Squaresâ€"Wood, Haines, Runnfeidt, Anderson, llg. Nelson, Deitz, Odh, Hale. First Game, Monday. A batting rally which netted eight runs in the fifth inning cinched the game for the Boys' Club against the Ridge Avenue team. The final score was 15 to 4. The Boys' Club, with Krieger pitching brilliant ball, wer going a fast pace in this game and blanked the Ridge Avenue fellows for six innings. The batting of Williams, Kassner and Gotekunst kept the field- ers busy. The playing of Barrett and Allen Wolff for Ridge Avenue was brilliant and shut off two batting ral- lies of the boys. Wolff's batting was good. Krieger was in great form, striking out sixteen men. This was the twentieth win out of twenty-one games for the Boys'Club. The score: Boys' Club...... 4000810 2â€"16 Ridge Avenue. 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 1- 4 Boys' Clubâ€"Williams, Carpenter, Kasner, Gotekunst. Kreger, Happ, Stubbe. Haines, Kloepfer. Ridge Avenueâ€"Richardson, Calla- han, R. Wolff, Paulson, Fitch. Barrett, Power, A. Wolff. Second Game, Monday. The Intermediates with five men and the Business Men with six staged a farce in this gameâ€"the Business Men winning 21 to 19. Orwig started out like a whirlwind, striking out the first six men to face him, but after the third the Business Men were able to bat him and scored twenty-one runs in six innings. Dehmlow was batter hard, too, and allowed runs in every inning. Talbot was the heavy hitter and drove four balls to the back wall on the fly. Hale did some good hit- ting, too. The business Men .scored £a* psttchased the plumbing business PROUTY ELECTED MAGISTRATE. Judge Prouty, whose unexpected ap- pearance as candidate for police Jus- tice on the "Eleventh Hoar Ticket" amused the Winnetka voters on elec- tion day, lost no time in getting down to business. The morning after elec- tion he presented his election certifi- cate to the county clerk, filed his bond and took the oath cffflOee. "When asked why he again took tbJw position, which he . held for the flrst time twenty years ago, the JudKd replied that he did so in order to sootho his declining years. -• - -,? â- â- ^U^--':"' sSMsl 'm& On the Spot. A. girt on a footstool often has an advantage over a girt on a podostal .h^-^.jr.-,„..;.-: ,â-  The-TaOs*^-'- ;â- â€¢â-  ^-^^f^^S^^m^^^^^MMi'- Empire Desi^rTj Electric Lamps These beautiful Electric Lamps achieve a distinc- tive note in lamp artistry. The octagon-shaped shade, of amber glass overlaid with metal in wide antique finish, is in attrac^ tive Empire m< with w**%[anh and tcpchJrTie lamp Mvtstrat- * ed, equipped with three full- chain socflets, is priced at $23J50 f- o.b. Chicago. A Unique Display :-rS<^%: We have on display the most compre- hensive showing of Electric Lamps, combining rare decorative charm with real utility, in the WesL Not only will they appeal to your appreciation of the artistic, but their soft glow, though strong and steady* is wonderfully rest- ful to the eyes. These lamps range in price Irom $2.25 to $400. You really should make it a point to visit this exhibit, when you are next in Chicago. Electric Shop-Chicago Michigan and Jack ton Boulevard* ftT»;funs in the fO«*th Inning after two were out lj|innj&rft> Clark. The score: Business Men. 0 0 2 7 15 3 3â€"21 Intermediates 12211272 1â€"19 Business Menâ€"Cazel, L. Adams. Walker, E. E. Adams. Stodeur, Dehm- low. Intermediates â€" Williams. Talbot, Washburn. Orwlg, Hale. YOUNG MEN'S CLUB IS FORMED IN WILMETTE More than forty young voters of Wilmette attended the organization meeting of the Colson Young Men's club Thursday evening and pledged their support to Harry Colson, the candidate for village president on the Villagers' ticket William Rich was chosen chairman of the temporary organization. Other meetings will be held in which plans will be perfected for a thorough cam- paign by the young voters. According to the tentative arrange- ments a band composed of members of the newly-formed club will furnish music in campaign meetings in fur- thering Mr. Colson's candidacy. A glee club probably will be organized by members of the club. Classified Business List GENERAL MERCHANDISE I have mat received • of GRASS, VEGXT, FLOWER SUDS. HENKY Mae a»t PL! Ave. Everson F0t 'Water F^terslfor Drinkiaf. Laundry sad â- Â»th. 3«p Sixes 70 W. Lake ^reet Chicago PfcoM Ccatntl bTST DlGrMnds Sav0 three profits by buying direct of ijte Importer ...of... An You a Lodfg Mm**? Masonicâ€"SMntâ€"East^Starâ€" OddPtUowtâ€"Mtkaifknights of PvMaM-jMfoodiain^MacMbm*- â-  Fort&Kf-Knithm Cotmmhu* and attlfhtT iter* SieUty BMtww- « â€"CkaAM ~M«daUr- (n stock Mr madsta bd*r.Schoolâ€" fliSHIP a 00., Fict/707-e-5 HsMfe Tile. TAKC ELEVATOR CENTRAL 13S0 CHICAGO, ILL. Shrub AH varieties of ShruW Boms, Fruit and • Hardy, Herl JEWELERS A^W^^f^^ PLUMBING .^ , Bx^ett phmMag, heating aai^ HAS.IdVWAiLACJ ion* 27R Y IftWwHngtw, A| c Phone HOTELS THE AVENUE HOUSE . / Private Brohaajn 111* Phjiie 11W \i. E. BENJAJfffil * Pia PEKMANBNTL UNSURPASSED BENCH*. 707 CbWCh St. Telephone 3553-1 EKLOTDTAILO m All orderdafte^k dur- ing thknixt JOldays 20<fo Discqunt Allowed T«fep*OM34S WteMtk* is a sjfac- The owner of this' house tlcal builder and built it for hV^>wn home; hot, needing some money in his business, has decided to sell it for $6,800, and on reasonable terms. It Is new and mfjdern,MA eight rooms and all con^bnje^es.Sfcrou will like the cozy glieejrand w»eened porch and the pretiy|utlook.VjDo and see It any time. It il No. 616 Fifteenth-st., cor. Charles-st.,^Tilmette. J. H.Long of McCuire & Orr will show it to you. J. H. MADSEN PHONE 345 VINNETKA, ILL. fin ;i»fe;i&£ii^ M^^m^'^ff^^9%! :,W&r: s^i'- m H. E. ODHNE Hubbard Woods-Tel. WJnnetka 278 All Kiss's of Fascy Cksaisg. Ftewtsg sad Hcpuriag Gooit called for ai4 dctivens. Osly fitt* cisM work, gsuaateed. Tcieeai Fred Strauss Dye Works Ajn> EttED â-  Xs I J- gSTABUSBEO 1080 ARPETS AND ORIENTAL RjfGS C Main Office *nd Worl 2649 SHEFFIELD A Chemical Laboratory Connected Wholesale ig and Cleaning of every di Betall ttswood 373 ftlOBi Breaches: 2451 Lincoln Ave., Tel. Lincoln l|2. 4604 Sheridan Rd Evanaton, I SI 8 Orringtel Ave., TeL Evaott«n Sp*al«l ear* taken of ladles' evonlva; gowns end eloaka. Draperies and cortalna | - a apeelaltjr. Olovee cleaned «a ahert notte*. WINNETKA GARAGE I WM. T. WEHRSTEDf, Prdprieto^N . / SALES AGENTS Wolf C-< \jRamblert Studebaker anaAmerican Cars S»c Our Uplto-date Equipi :: and Service Departirfgnt Phone Winnetka 166â€"One Half Block North of N. W. Depot Hi\nsen9QuaUty Printer Wants Your Business My customers are unanimously satisfied_jath the Quality of my work. J^can oaNMerve many more dnfmerf. In would be to your adhyitaee te get after me. but I faaV't werf I intend to get after j.yoti. Give me a trial and be convinced. . Phone Winnetka 3SI HUBBARD WOODS, ILLINOIS WiSm, I C. A. FQRBERG / DEALprTJj / / fancy Groceries, mtaif^ortcw t> hardwart Hubbard Woods, 111- PHONB VINNETKA 4S * 78 Telephone 3454 28 to 32 Nort Between Madison and KING'S King's Table d'Hote Dinners have years. Ten courses. Lunchroom in, connection seat Fifth TAV day and sftW > world iiiiiiQgf llsii stood the test for V> and Holidays, 75 cents. 300. We occupy the entire building- J. A. ODH MATTRESSES AND CU8 ANTMUC FUR TisiiNH Winatki 285 HemovateV :paircd Gertrude A. L Whl Mrs. J i_-j i<££- -^k l&r&&nt^$i?&*j'&*&*i i4^^^.telfe-^%^^*fe^4-^ Bfcs*ij^aevK

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