fel^SU mm*** tHE LAKE SHORE NEWS, ^ ^ll^^^^^$'iiifeti^W eft*** I L pwp1 IIIIIMIHIIIIMMIIIIMIIIMIIIIMIIIIIH'lllliriil i Want Ad Department | The LaKe Shore News i TELEPHONES: EVANSTON 385 WINNETKA 341 J MlinilMHHIMIHUm**!.....ilMMMIIIIIMIiMI MISCELLANEOUS HID KEEPERS JIED Under the Immediate Supervision of Mayor Smart, the Resorts in Newb Acquired Territory Were Attack^ S*mr- day Night. NOTICE â€" WANT ADS IN THE Lake Shore News are charged at the following rates: Real Estate Classifications, 7 Â¥2 cents per line. All other classifications, 5 cents per line. Minimum price 15c. No advertise- ment charged for less than 25c. Help Wanted and Situations Want- ed advertisements FREE. HELP WANTED WAITED AT ONCE â€" E£PERI- Iniced or 1 nexpejjieiiced /riflleBwomen; good ray and cbaiice ft* advance- ment. BosenbefTs. v*-^ • ltc FOR SALE-HOUSES tfOR^ALE â€" STRICTLY ^x-room home; hot facing par^s^Jkfi: porches; frul bargain. 1 BQ^Lp >• or Rentâ€"Aptkits. Foj INSURANCEâ€"ROYAL INSUR- fnce Company of Lly^fool, largest fire insure*** cotapany in the world, lnsureVdwelWs. household goods, rent^weeJL/rates Charles A. WIghtman & Co., resident Phone 203. "c agents. MONEY TO LOAN. fcvanston and North Shore prop- MAS NEWS WANT ADS BRING RESULTS anston's Finest Apartments THE PARKER HlniBM Avenoa/and Chu|ch Street BROSIUS BROTHERS ARRESTED SITUATIONS WANTED Tte "blind pig" keepers, who have persisted in violating the law in the lltti" territory officially annexed to Evanston two weeks ago, were taught Saturday evening that the law Is not a thing to play with. As a result or their refusal to recognize the laws or the community in which they are lc- cated, the proprietors of three Joints and a number of inmates occupied cells for nearly three hours in the Evanston bastile. They regained their liberty by friends, who left their beds and traveled to the police station to sign bonds for their appearance in court to show either their innocence or to accept a heavy fine and possible imprisonment. Vicious Joints. Martin, and, according to the police, | CUMINS WASHED. COLORED the barkeeper of the Joint. \j*d meode^\ ^»U^am work; 1 "called for andiejjarfel M. R. Mo- J ritz, 162» Datfow^L«^rel. 1339. 8-tf Charles Miller, 1047 Darrow avenue, a plasterer, arrested as an inmate. John Miller, 1000 Chicago avenue, a laborer, arrested as an Inmate. Henry Schmidt, 1132 Ashland ave nut, brother!n law of Nick Brosiue, arrested on a charge of disorderly con- duct when he attempted to Interfere with the work of the police during the raid. Liquor Confiscated. A great amount of liquor was con- fiscated. After the resort had been searched and the "booze" placed on the sidewalk ready for shipping to the police station, it was noted that there were 125 cases of beer and near- beer, ten cases of whisky, four one- half barrels of beer, a considerable amount of wines and a gambling do- vice. An account book, supposedly used by the proprietor to keep track of the various amounts people owe him for liquor sales, also was taken by the police. The names of a num- ber of young Evanston men appear on , the pages. I As soon as the police had removed 1 the Joint victims and the "suds" to I the station, they returned to the dla- 1 trict and raided two other places. I Their first attack was on tho resort be ! of Adolphlna Graumann at 1803 Green j leaf street. Mrs. Graumann and her J husband, Fred, were arrested. They I then proceeded to the Joint at Main FOR SALE Uaden ii One of the joints raided is among the most vicious ever allowed to exist within the Jurisdiction of the laws of Illinois. The place and its owner have long been an open disgrace to the law- abiding citizens of the city. Vice, In its worst form, has been flaunted at the authorities for years by the scoundrels who operate these lawless resorts. Stabbing affairs, robberies and the breaking up of homes are but a few of the crimes that can traced directly to these placos of ill- fame. But they and their joints are doomed. The man who occupies the J gtreet and Dewey avenue, where "ALEâ€"SEWING MACHINES in trade on our new Singer and Wheeler & Wilson machines: Wheeler * Wilson.......-^*a*M 5.00 Wheeler & WITsonJ, d roj^fead). 15.00 Domestic .... Jr.\- â- -V....... 5.00 Wrigley (drop he/d)<./\...... 7.00 Singer ........../.. Nf....... 7.00 Wilcox &0ibbB.J[............. 19.00 Also large assortment of slightly used machines. Our prices are low- er than Chicago and we give a guarantee from one to five years. Patterson Bros., 1522 Sherman ave., Evanston, 111. ltc rOJr^ALEâ€" GOOD BUGGY Og DE- 'nlvery horse, runabout iiJid Tim in 1111, cheap. 625 Park-ay^, on»yblock west & -200 ^compound, irds load; no, vis-st. Wleland near Warren-nt., .DS OF BLACK $2.50 per^Ma*d, two ^rarery tarrth of Da- ^^siecl^Asbury-av., .^hone 602. 29-4tc EASY Jfl weJlB on |j^B0dHâ€"A chief executive chair of Evanston baa declared that they must go. This means that they will go. The author- ities have been too lenient with these dive keepers. In the past they have bluffed and tricked those in authority. They realize that Mayor James Rus- sell Smart is a man who cannot be buncoed. They now know that their time has come, though some probably will attempt to evade the clutches of the law by placing their faith in high priced attorneys that are hired by their backers. Three Raid*. Three of these places were raided by a squad of police early Saturday night More than three wagon loads of liquor were taken from the places and removed to the police station, where it will remain as a silent wit- ness against them. The raid was made under the im- mediate supervision of Mayor James Russell Smart, who remained at the station during the entire evening. The active work was done by a squad or policemen under the leadership of As- sistant Chief Robert Johnston. The officers who took part in the raid were Sergt. Pestka. Sergt. Arthur Johnston and Policemen Hughes, Rutalin, Rob ertson and Abernathy. The first place attacked was that famous Joint of ill-fame run by the three Brosius brothers, on the west side of Darrow avenue, near Green- leaf street When the officers sur rounded the house, shortly after 7 o'clock, they found the doors locked and barred. After the owner wa3 commanded in the name of the law to ppen them, Assistant Chief Johnston gave orders for the doors to be broken in. The powerful action of the officers threw the place into wild disorder. Some attempted to escape arrest. Ail I la, the place, however, were arrested. fTney were: Those Arrested Nick Brosius, 1506 Main street, who gave hie occupation as that of farmer, He was arrested under section 1060 «f the orty ordinance, a* • violator of the liquor ordinance. Martin •rosJus, Darrow avenue and Creenieaf street, brother of Nick, and said by the pottoe to be the keeper of the wMefcy Joint on the second floor of the resort. He claimed to be a Seattle dâ€"tsr Vr Fred atoefaie, Darrow mntau and street, brother of Nick am* Stalla Oslnschl Is said to be in charge. The following were placed under ar- rest when caught in the resort: Other Arrest*. Statu Oairuchl, arrested for selling liquor. l Egnaco oalnschi, 1419 Ashland ave- nue, a laborer, arrested as an Inmate. Waldy Oslnschl, 1315 Washington street, a laborer, arrested as mn In- mate of the joint John Zleinski, 1428 Washington street, a crane operator at the Marn' Manufacturing company, arrested as! an inmate. The only member of the Osinsch' family not arrested was the husband of Stalla. who escaped when the po-1 lice raided the place by hurling him self from & second-floor window. A wai rant Las been sworn out for his anvst Twenty ca^co of beer, a goodly sup- ply of whisky, h ktg of klmmel and a five-gallon jug of blackberry -brandy were confiscated. All those arresu.4. with the excep- tion of the two women, were placed in cells at tbe station until the time of the arrival of their bondsmen. Tbe Brosius brothers signed each other's bonds, each bond having two signa- tures on it John Becker, the Ice dealer, came to the rescue of the others and assured the court of their appearance to stand trial. Tbe bond in each case was (200. Raid a Climax. The raid of Saturday night is the climax of years of disorderly and open disregard for law in that territory. Through all these years Nick Brosius has paid absolutely no heed to tba laws of the state and has sold liquor apparently without fear of arrest. Some of the resorts were as vicious as any in the tenderloin of Chicago. The fact that youths of this city patronized the places made the tone of the joints all the more vicious in character. Those arrested in the rountj-up Sat- urday will have a hearing at 4 o'clock Tuesday, June 3. It is understood that all will fight tbe charges and claim that they have been selling nothing but near-beer. FOR SALE-BELOW COST AND ON EASY ^fSTERMS for tbe next two only, in beautiful Hubbard A new G-room stucco house with sleeping 00&h, hafcwater beat, fine fireplaca^mrd|^oJ floors and trim, etc.; off^jf ft. lots south front; fine tree» and/otlooU^ will build t-> order on ternwB to aim. We build but one gradeâ€"the best. 8ee Mr. Bradstreet, afternoons at brancn office. E. P- Maynard & Co., In Maynard Block, Hubbard Woods. 29w-2tc \pF* SALEâ€"PIANO8 TAKEN IN trade on our high grade grand Rlchsteig piano and player: (3500O Emersosr 2400.00 Jrfallet£*s*id Davis $400.00 •VfjLmbaJW $600.00 t^jlckerTng Come In and get our special prices on these bargains. Patter- son Bros., 1522 Sherman ave., Ev- anston, 111. ltc EetabliahedHN L. LITT DIMM. Iimrter Siifeler sab ast Hi as Do Watch *y at Â¥> price 323 W. Madison Street Bet. Franklin and Market Sta. CHICAGO Choice location. . uum Cleaning- Sraten private parch roomaJ large and well-equip] Telephone 286 [gated room* Vac- tVlll8»/e». Large p#a and laundries N~A SMART LuSO Sherman Avenue 'RENTâ€"TILL. SEPT 15 OR OC- sr 1, sbt-rown^d apartment; screened pQj*Jn7s^Mft floor, three blocks from Tajie; /obsession any time. Bhon WANTED ronee. Skow, thsnjillo Evanston. ERS AT 710 Maln-st., 17-tf FOR RENT ,RD AND ROOM rH^fASBUBY, 1554 aSBURY-AV.. »m» en suitewith private bath and' rsina*le Teoajty) eisfeljent cuisine; rates, reoan, ftau/ns/board, $16 to $26 per weeJST MrsT F. C. Diefen- dorf, phone 2392. lMf LOST AND FOUND kOSUjI-NA U^izer c -NAVY BLUE AND^WHITE ieer coat, betsieen /Pari; q^'iiue and Tenth street/ Return • 1002 J'eatraJliaVe.^^tfrmettaVRewari] ltc AT KENILWORTi^^TA Monday, black and^*TCte dog. Reward for his aretjirn\ W. Otten, 1361 Asbury-av ^yUub^ba/d Woods. Phone Wlnnetka^l93. ltc ME ke Shore Sanitarium Spaeiattr la thj Soeeaaaf al treatment of HEUMA Bom* t/n Invalid aonable rates. Mi raona at rear Graduate 2237 Sherman Ave. Evanston, Dl. Telephone Evanston 2818 R^ WE ARE MAKING Ladies' Tailqr-Made Suits Best Matd Sladek (manahlB> Ladies' 118 NORTH STATSrSTREET Oppoatte Field* Phoo« Central 815 CHICAGO 10 INTEREST. .y PAID ON ?* SAVINGS 1/ EVERY NEED MET ^ RESIDENTS and business meyA thefiiRclth Shore, n whose interests/the State^anVaSW^EvAiston is con*! ducted, find that theJbfflcient seaf fceArhicVrff renders* meetsj every banking need/ Moreover.Uhaf courteous attention nded to them makf s t^»^ransaction of their^nTOcial aOalri leasant New accounts in\ltfcd^"small as wtJTT as large STIATEl BANK OFiEV/WSTON fill; A TRUST See oar 9yitei» Acme of 35 Y TEETH WLTHO INVESTIGATE AND SAVE SO* .TES |S. White; rh*leboiL_ »t»» (oos€peciaity) All Other Crowna c and Re-enamelig Our Standard I roll Set Teethg Teeth With Heavy Gold an Fine Gold Fnif_______ _ ^_ J Consultation #ee. Painieaa Exfftctlon. Open Sunday*. 9 to 12; Eveninsa tin 7 »Ra. MeCHESNEV A BBOWN, lite. 8. E. Cor. Randolph and Clark Sta.. Cbieaso Superfluous Hair Electric Needle thl Arm*. Neck. Eyebr Inventor* at the 6-1 (Ov«rAo Veari In bad caali weuae 5 (110 needle* at one time, and Jemove 260*to 300 hair*****- hour; 60 la lie limit with on* n*lj0' Our Metkfd CoataYou Lfat*rluin Halt I tMe Meney*r NO PAlA-NO riARKS OR SCAR5 We guarantee to deatroy every hair we treat. Should any return we will gladly remove them Free at Charge. Our Motto. Liberality, Honest Dealing. We guarantee satiafaction. (1.00 will convince you. Consultation* invited. (Free.) Write for Booklet B. Mme. Stiver 1*07 Auditorium Tower. Cbieaso T«l. aarritaa 4223 M Cast CMpett tt GAS i/8 lr t BEST AND T T/^TTfp CHEAPEST l/lvrril QUICKEST, CLEANEST, AND MOST CONVENIENT AN] •» ARC LIGHTS FOR STO PACES. INCANDESCE THE BQWBtrjy RANG HEATERS, WhPR HEATERS. IGHTS El The Northwestern Gas Light Tlrtke Co. 1611 Benson Avenue, Evanston TELEPHONES 89-90 EVANSTON ONE oft ONLY IWION Arlington <Bh Beckmann IRUHOMA RANG REAL WILD WEST -I SHOULD WORRY* WIN. The 1 Should Worry" Frogtows* defeased the Washington Parks Son- day by the score of 18 to 12. m r Prices T© Please Everybody Coanplefe Funeral â€" Casket, En- balmlas; and Serviceâ€"Hearse and Carriage to any cemetery $65.00. Wecond the in ail parts of dty and sttbnrbe. Ne extra charze for dUtaace CaHsaâ€"wercd lesssedisteiy WEIMESCHKIRCH 90S Mala St Trf. tw BvattftM Not necessary to localize the task in the stewing kitchen. Any room will doâ€"even the porch or the lawn may be used if you just |»et a cord long enough and employ an I Electric Iron wo ard yrartifto a womanj^tfawws should have one. It convrt- pleasuro. it. Ever! v Electric irons in various weights and styles of finish* from $3.50 up Public Service Company OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS THE FAMOUS MULHALL FAMILY Col.Zach LUCILLE Georgia PIONEERS OF OKLAHOMA The Most Senaatioruil Death Defying Sport* AUTO-POLO 6ENU1NE ^SSl^SS^ TWICE DAILY, 2 nd 8 P. N, RAIN OR SHINE MC NEW FREE FRONTIER STREET PARADE 10 AJt Tfekayto SaJ« Day pf Show «t CohraQ's Uaiv«rsity Dru* Storf; &t â- Wi*iS«rf ._.! '>. Pi.?}~^:-;i&&*-<i£&: 'â-