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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Jul 1913, p. 5

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PPP^PP â-  jHI-- â-  â- â- ***«»* â- â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â€¢Ml*** What People Are Doing ^M^inEvanston Mrs E O. Hender.cn, 583 Ingleside ,,,,'ic*. returned from Wisconsin Frl- MiM Isabel Dale, 232t Central street, It in Battle CreeK, Mich., for a short time. Mrs. M. H. Bovee, 1710 Artury ave- nue, nas gone to Ludinstoa* Mlefc,,-»» the summer. Mr. J. M« Grantham, 2415 Hartzell street, returned Saturday from Bat- tle Creek, Mich. Master Frederick Vandercook, 2610 Harrison street, is spending the sum mer in northern Michigan. Mr and Mrs. Richard Ryerson, 1904 Lincoln street, are spending their va- cation at White Lake, Mich. Mr. William Gale and son, Charles, Lincoln street and Elm avenue, spent the week-end in Winfleld, 111. Dean and Mrs. F. C. Lutkln, 1330 Church street, have gone to their sum mer home in Northport Point, Mich. Major R- C. Knaggs, 720 Michigan avenue, left Saturday for Gettys- burg to attend a reunion of soldiers. Rev. A. L. Murray, pastor of St ' Miss Isabel Dale, 2327 Central street, r,.iiirned Friday evening from Battle rrtek, Mich. Mis. Jane Rose. 2410 Park Place, haB gone to spend the summer In Cleveland, O. Mr. and Mrs. B. Hellstrom, 2415 Plo- m.er road, have returned from South Haven, Mich. M-. and Mrs. Albert B. Simmons, )-;<:, Wesley avenue, are motoring ,i,im,K>' Michigan. Miss 'lelen McLeod, 930 Michigan avi-iui.-. left Saturday to spend the „„„,„,.., in Maine. M,,s layne of Cleveland Oi.t^lMatthew,8 ^^ ^ ^^ pl,,,, of her sister, Mrs. John Stewart, ^^ ^^ ^ ^^ • i â- â- ) Central street. Mrs Arthur Knox and little daugh- ,.,. 2400 Hartzell street, are visiting I, Canon City, Colo. Mr C. E. Hasten, 1810 Lake street. , .,« gone to Pomeroy, Iowa, to be gone at ;, i»st two months. [„. and Mrs. F. A. Noble, 1414 For- (8t avenue, have gone to Bensonla, v,( i, , f,,i- the summer. \[r', c I.. Rising, S47 Judson avo- u,l(. NViU leave on Tuesday of next v,...\ ("i- Hi'll'ind, Mich. M,_ c. V. Jewell, 1209 Michigan av,'.„',..- has »-â- * her guest Mrs. Frank K.,M." <>i' l'"vnette, Wis. MlS \i K Runnels of Norfolk, Va.. j„ <!â- .<â-  'aw -t <â- >< Mrs. George W. Hotch- v^. mi: iClmwood avenue. M, .\ poison Klepper, 1324 War- ,,„ sti-t, left Friday for a ten (,a..,' mi, at Ion in Minnesota. Miss Carrie Malone of Sunnysldo, Wasli., is tbe'guest of her sister, Mrs. Artlni'- Roberts, 2203 Central street. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Refoy have re- tui'iiffi from their wedding trip and ere at home, 1823 Orrington avenue. Mrs Walter E. Turner and her Champlin s daughter. Miss Dorothy, 715 Madison *»£»«»£ Hugh Jone8> pa8tor of street, are visiting in St Louis, Mo ; ^f^^ churcll> ^ Mr. and Mrs. Kendall of Los An- . he ^ ^^ Jonefi ftnd daugnte, gel,*. Cal., are the guests of Mr. and panledJ>> ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Mrs Harry F. Ward, 2512 Park place. Mr. C. C. Grlswold and family, 1741 Mr. and Mrs. Nieholaa John Cauf- land, 1426 . Blmwood avenue, have returned from a few weeks' visit in Atlantic City and New York. Mrs- Frowe and her daughter and granddaughter, Mrs. Campbell and Elizabeth, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Baker, 1325 Judson avenue, have gone to their new home in Canada. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cartwright and two children, Levering and Helen, 2215 Lincoln street, left Saturday for Chattanooga, Tenn Later they will go to Waynesville, Tenn., to spend the summer with Mr. Cartwrlght's par- ents. jflpsi^jprop^ NBWS, THUR81)AV;|IILY 8, l»t8 turned Friday from Winnipeg, Can- ada. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mauff, 1574 Ashland avenue, have closed their house and taken a cottage at CaPe Cod for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Youngquist, 23IS Harrison street, entertained informal- ly Thursday evening in honor of their first wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Dodge, 182G Wesley avenue, have rented their home for the summer to Mr. and Mrs. Frank \V. Handy of Scwanee, Tenn. Mrs. James R. Baker, 1240 Forest avenue, entertained ut dinner Thurs- day evening for a [tarty of five, pre- .•.-(llntf the dan e at th" 'il"» View Co'I' club. Miss Catherine Beers, 700 Michigan i avenue. left Saturday night for â-  Woods Hole, Mass. She will be gone six weeks, studying at the Marine Bio- logical laboratory. , Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Champlin, 2330 Orrington avenue, have relumed from Boone, Iowa, where they went to attend the wedding of Mr. , niece, Miss Katherine ( Jcnkluo brother of iJeeblt, 7 32 Colfax ,ed to Washington. nin- Bin man avenue, left Tuesday for their summer home in Green Lake, Mrs. Edwin L Harpham, 931 Maple »vcnue, is entertaining her daughter. Mi a. W. L. SmltlTTrt-^Northampton, Mas* Mr lieujAimu 1 .\wa Wllbu, i> „[,,,( has i.tui 1) O . llfca htn.. U«.uc. , uthei of Ci.icaso a. Mi ana Mrs Lemer i ,.... ,ilace. t-.vd,»Bton Mlvo Nu 06 y. V * ** vc a benefit eiuerUina.eni ai K P hnii 6i0 Davir. street, Saturaay afier- n.,.,1. at 3 o'clock Mule Clarence Mollis. i42o fi"" ,oi\ avenue, who haB be<n vtuy iU tt, th. Evanston hospital, has been re- ii, ved to his home. MiM Helen Crain of Wavori>. HI. . ,ivca Friday to ue the guest of hc< cousin, Mies Elinor Bennett. 2,.o. Hartzell street M and Mr*. H. D Bakei i<Mt> J ad . u avenue, have Tdturned froai « viau with their daughter and her huB baud Mr and Mrs. IToung. of Cham p«umi 111. Mi Chester B. mmoikl ..x^-v-us «... ..it uis parents. Mr and Mrs Beat 1 v Kiassllch, 812 JaftV-ld I lace, short l> .,n his way hjme from Ala»ka to Key *-.n.er N. -v York will leave early next week for the ; New England coast, where they will ! spend the summer. Miss Helen Homer, 707 Michigan j avenue, entertained at cards Friday j afternoon tor Miss Jessie Dietrich, wno is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. H A Poppenhusen There were three ta- bles. Five hundred was placed Mr» S O Strickland ana uc mutliei M.b Geo. E. Waring, 1&74 Asbur) aveuue. have gone to their si..-.<ner horuc at Mai me. Ou the St Cialr rlvei. Minuesota Mr Strlck- th. gu^u of land will JoJn ihem later m the sum ii liyde, 2il7 , nier Mi -- • M'. I-1" l M Slv.Oun.. 6 v u t m i315 rorrt. ave. ue. ha.e -pe.ed their horn, at Lake Geneva. The Misses Helen and Elizabeth Slooum will be there aiost of the summer Mr John Slocuuj. will spend the weekends there. Rev *ud Mm cieo K i«wioit l* turned to Evauaton M.-nday «.«n lag aft.r «• month's holiday. u..*l of which Ma. spent In Minw«..ta. Mr. Hewlett will nav« cu-rKe of St. UWS parlau du.ing tne muu^ht, of July a,.d August The marriage oi Mi^- '"<- 4ll,e " , ae McGowaii. ait * of Mr a d Mis James P MtC-nn. U2t Oa.. av.nue, to Fraud. Artbu. Flyn .. ml of Mr and Mrs James Fiynn. CMcaLJ. took J,iue -.'â-  at St Mary's ,. n «i .rcli The ( oi l. '11' *•'â-  •>'l " H P tfuijtb i ii-.med the creojonj Ml-. Alice fcyrnes was place Romh.. and Francis McCann Th > usbere were EI .....vard Lazear, wL„ grau....led tuu maid of bon. a, from the University of Michigan was best man Haym0DJ SnalIer vu. spend the summer worKing with mer Ol-caghliu .n ^»°»J fl ,.,. .other on a reclamation project Mter Sep.mbe^l ^ a»*M ^^ in Colorado. Mrs. C. O. Andrews. »l9 Jua.on a., avenue. t.lltlu^ has as her gne-t Miss Htlene Mrs lieu. / a o-- . - nas as ner gu ^^ ^ ^^ entet ta.alut. her Ma Paulrp of St. Paul. Ml»s Pauiep for- n.erly lived in Evnnston and ha* niany friends here. Mr and Mrs. Wilbur D. Ntabit v.2 wlfax street, and three ch.ldren, Klcb- ard, Robert and Wilbur 1 . Jr. leave ter Mrs E. 8 Smith, and W.n i S : Wegener of Oshkoah. Vis., durii.^ me | past week. They both Ut, today. ( Mrs Smith to go to her bon^, and j Mrs Wegener, to me »outh «ide | ard, Robert and Wilbur I,. Jr leave m^ ----^t ^toto leavlll, for July 12 for their summer home In Bay Chicago, ior » View, to be gone until fall. Oshkosh Miss Fisher and Miss Roaeadalt of Miss Oeila Brunsox, 6 3 u^ n New York City are visiting Mr. and „treet. aud B. O. Gladding of Cuicago Mrs.*J.B.Slocumh. 1427 Chicago avewere married Juw * nne. en route for Seattle, Wash., where nome of the Wd* The_ Rev. Job they expect to make their home. R. Nichols, pastor of the Rogers P£ Theeng^eme^hasheenannounc^Cou^^^^^^ of Miss Stacey Hulhurt, daughter of ing to »• *fV f of ^e mMt Mr. and Mr.. C. H. Hulhurt of Mil- bride•» motteiv only a few^f » wankee, to H. Rom Munro, son of Mr. j Intlmae Mead, were pr«ent and Mrs. W. H. Monro, 812 Washing-, The Rev. and Mrs. George Craig Mte BetUa Petty of Chicago, well- day for MontreaL where they will known in Northwestern university cir- take the Canaaian cles. having graduated this year from the university, receiving the Phi Beta Kappa honors, Is sailing with her parents today to be abroad Indefinitely. Wm Petty will study a«xt year at the *»rbonn*, Paris. Paeifle steamer .^ke Manitoba," sailing for Liver- pool on Prlday. July-- They are Plan- ing to spend a month |. England and rranee, retarnlng from Havre on the i^ liw steamer -Chicago." saO- log en-Jkogaat J.*- Tbe Misses Sue and Elsie Pitkin. 2526 Ashland avenue, had as their guest last week Miss Catherine Wil- liams of Oalva, 111. Dr. Finley Elllngwoed. 2200 Central street, has returned from a two weeks' lecturing trip with the State Eclectic Medical association of the smth. Dr. and Mrs. L. L. Dines, wno have been visiting for a short time In Qulncy, returned Saturday to the home of Mrs. Dines' parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sloeunib, 1427 Chicago avenue. Dr. DineB leaves in two weeks for New York, where he is to teach in summer school. Mrs. Dines will remain until fall. Mrs. H. C. Scovill of Rookford is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Sco- vill, 933 Hinman avenue. Airs. Sco- vill entertained a number of old Rock- ford acquaintances, who now live here, in her honor at luncheon on Thursday. The Ladles' Aid society lawn social held Friday night at the home of Mrs. C. T. Bartlett, 827 Greenleaf street, waa well attended. The yard was lighted by Japanese lanterns and elec- tricity. More that 130 was taken In from tbe sale of ice cream, cake and lemonade. A large number of guests attended the Covenant Epworth league lawn fete Friday evening at the home of Miss Mafild*10il|^^ near Reese ava»^,t1i«P*oif*»«pi^ at 8:15 p. n£ with folk dancing of various nature*. A large quantity of ice cream, \uLsSamJisaM» lemonade and candies wera aofd and it Is ex- pected that a creditable sum may be turned into the chwreh land- Mrs. Frank I* Bpaacer. 1022 Saw- man aveaue, waa hostess Ftlday afternoon at a caildratt'a party la hon- or of the third birthday of her daugh- ter. Catherine. Thirty-two meats. In- cluding the little folks and their mothers, enjoyed the many games that had been arranged, the souvenirs and I;lio^;^jJ!a«*^ white. :'lElBll"'::tWllP' -wisf||^i Shtmbetg. Evelyn Careoa. Cawm, Dorothy Carson, ^ a OUdys MiUaow. Margaret Maagaid, Margaret Cranm, Mergaiet Mufakv Nicholas and TOW! Watnv Ta^^^ son, imgar Olson, Tress*. 01aaa*:I*ssK: once Johnson, Adaline ntsabeth as* Catherine Fttsgetald and -tha*rg mothers, of Svanatss; ££s,- tStjJig^ljl^ Lang and children. George. Wllllaas; Theodora, Edith and Gertrude an* Mrs. Delbohi and daughter Ruth, of Hubbard Woods; Mrs. BdKo Dwwtt refreshments Margaret Murah. won Boughty and ion, James, of JaHsJ, You should buy all your Groceries and Meats at Rosenbergs. Our prices for good food are lower than elsewhere. Selling for cash only makes this possible. Tuna Fish 'M)c cans 23c Sugar for Canning Preserving, etc. HasternGranulatid Sugar i" ^5 lb. J 2Q bags .... I .kmsJ Chicken Feed 100 lb. bags 1.89 Small Chick Feed 10 lbs for... 27c Open Thurs- day Night, July 3rd, till 10 P.M. Closed all day Friday, the 4th. These offer- ings for Wed., Thurs. & Sat. July 2,3 & 5 BOTTLED GOODS. Clicquot Ginger Ale, J..T U.ltk- ..........12c pt-r dozen .........$139 HOC rebate* on bottles. Lomax's Ginger Ale, Root Beer and Birch Beer, por bottle. ..........12c per dozen .........$1.20 20c rebate for bottles. Chippewa Ginger Ale, Root Beer and Birch Beer, per bottle.....12c- per dozen .........$1.45 20c relKite on bottles. Grape Juice: Armour's. pint bottle .........23c qunrt bottle ........45c Lakeside, pint bot . .21c quart bottle ........39c Welch's, pint bot. . .23c Special Heavy Barn Broom, 4-Bewed. 39c 25c 47c White Orape Juice, pint bottle ...... quart bottU Pineapple Juice. pint bottle .. 23c COFPEE8 AND TfeAS. Special Bogota Blend Coffee, a line drlnklnB coffee, per lb......29c anerldan Coffee, In the yellow bag, per lb 35c 3 lbe. for. ajritot coffee, per lb..... 4 lbs. for. »1.00 2Bc . $1.05 Bogota . . 38c Special T«a for Iced Tea: Baaket • Fired Japan Highest grade Coffee, per lb Tea, per ll>. kjp: 47C ...25c Label . 15c 53c Vu lb. pk„ Upton's Yellow Tea, hi, lb oin Rldgway'» Tea, 1 lb. can...... SOAPS AND WA6HINO POWDERS. Milady Toilet Soap, per bar .........3c Swift'l or P. a O. White Naphtha Soap. 10 bars lor......41c Swift'l Pride of Lenox Soap, 1" bars foi -27c Cream Laundry Soap. ^ 6 bnrs for. â- >7e Swift'* Frlde W«»«hlnfl Powder, 25^ pkg. >4c Star Naphtha Powder, U.'.c pk«.............17« Small Gold Du»t, :i pkgs..............1°c Kitchen Klenxer, 3 cans .............13° Nomordutt, the du«tless sweeping compound. large can ...........9c Wool or Ivory Soap, D small bars........21c Swift's German Mottled Soap, 5 bars for.....17c CANNED MEATS FOR LUNCHES, PICNICS, ETC. Armour'i Verlbest potted Meats, tongue and ham flavors, per can.....-oc 6 cans for..........z'o large Blze cans, each »C Armour'i verlbest Dev- iled Ham or Tongue. pe r ca n ............*3c Underwood's Deviled Ham, 2 sizes.....15c una 2»c Derby Brand Deviled Ham and Tongue, packed In glass .i»o Arrnour'a Boned Chicken. per ca n ............*5c Derby Brand Boneleaa Chicken, packed In glass ............ 3?« Armour's Verlbest Ox Tongue. No. 1 can..... **" No. 2 can...........98<= oerby brand Ox To.igue. In glass. 17 oz. net 98c 27 oz. net.........*1Z5 Derby Brand Sliced Pickled Lamb Tongue. per glass Jar........1&c Derby Brand Lunch Tongue, glass Jar. »j Derby Brand Sliced Dried Beef, glass Jars. 2 sizes......18o and 2»c Derby Brand Sliced Ox Tongue, glass Jar. 28c Armour'i Verlbest Corned Beef, 1 lb. can......25c 2 lb. can............45c CANWED GOODS. Asparagus: Hills-Dab No. 1 can ..........I • - No. 2 can.......... zi0 Peachei: Kan Brand. 2'* lb. can .........M- pears: Mt. Baker, 2V4 lb. can ..... ' ♦«• peas: Nashotah. per can •• • • "*» â-ºâ™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦>»»♦»»»*•♦♦♦♦»♦•♦••»••»♦»»»»»»»♦••»♦' HUD lit A TO Sell for less tban Meats UUil Ifltnlu elsewhere. Meats f BEEF: Native Pot Roast Beef, tender and juicy, lb...........14'/2c Native Shoulder Steak, lender, lb................18c Heat Porterhouse Steak, per lb....................28c Prime Rib Roast Beef, best quality, lb...... VEAL: Choice Veal Stew, It Native Shoulder VeaJ Roast, lb. .... . LAMB: 1913 8elc<u-d ioiing of Lamb, lb 1<» 13 Hlndqu&lter LaH per lb Best grade 1 KUib y'hoi Shoulder, lb Rib lb Loll, lb Chokt 1.ja,i) fete \a lb . . ..12* Bert 1 •. - »"*« J *v llb nieat order, 3 lb* for.. 5 lb. pall baowdrlft for ie qvallty iHRGheORS HAMS: The S oaS^HaJestlc Hams, cut from Sstm-fed young hogs, mild cured, 8 to 12 lbs. aver- age, lb................ja^ BACON: ^^^ Best No. 1 Bacon^tfla cured, 3Mj to 4Vi lbs. Average, lb.2«c DELICIOUS LUNCHEON MEATS. Best Boiled Ham, sliced, lb..38c Best Dewey Ham, sliced, lb..38c Best Jelly Tongue, sliced. lb..38o Best Minced Ham or Ham Sausage, sliced, lb.........20c Best Milwaukee Frankfurters. per lb....................1*0 Best Dried Beef, sliced, lb. . 38c Ben Tongue Sausage or Mett- wurst or Thueringer Sausage, per lb....................20c Best German Salami, lb.....35c Beat Hog Casing No. I Sum- mer Sausage, lb..........34c Best soft Summer Sausage, per lb....................28c SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY, JULY 9 ueet Ho. . Bevr juicy. io ,,i;; St ecu-J La.nb lb ul3 S^itclc: l.Ju..b lb tende Rib and 18c jaiiR 1.^4 Of ......17c HU<ju.ui»r"ter 18c MONDAY 8PECIAL, JULY 7 Morris & Co's Breakfast Bacon, by strip, lb...1»'/ac MorriB & Co b Little Pig Ham« 4 to 8 lbs. aver- age, lb .............13'/2« west Mound Steak, tender, per lb_____ ...... ..19'/ac Fresh ground Hamburger Ste*.K. lb.............14« »aa^»»i^tee#**»H^H*»«>»>*Me4»»«fl»lWH Peaches: Llbby's,' hi»;h- est grade, 2V4 lb. can..........23c Pineapple: Richelieu. Ha- waiian, pine tidbits, 2H lb. can..........He Pineapple: Happyvale, Ilfiwalian, sliced, 2Vs lb. can..........ZTe Pineapple: Aloha. Ha- waiian, sliced, 2 lb. can............?2o 3 cans for..........v^P Peas: High Life, sifted, per can ............*•« Corn: Sweet Sugar, 3 cans for..........«»c Corn: Cherokee Brand. per can ............Ho Corn: Cnarga Brand, 2 cans..............«*° Sheridan Brand Corn Syrup, per can......vc q. k. Ly, per can............."c pearllne, three 6q pl«sj«......• •'1c Pickles: Dodaon's Spur and flour Mixed Pickles, 25c Jar .............«•* Pickles: Monsoon Brand, square Mason jars, all kinds ..............28« CEREALS. CRACKERS, â- TC. 2Se pka- Rolled Oats. 19c Kolroga'i Corn Flakea. 8 pkgs..............»c Shredded Wheat .....11c Crum of Wheat......13o Instant Postum, small ............. large ............. Orape Nuta ........ Uneeds Biscuit, 3* pk«s............ Nabisco, ail flavors. pkg............... City Soda Crackers, pkg............... Graham or Oatmeal Crackers, pkg. â-  â-  â-  Frotana, pkg....... Social Teas, pkg----- Krlspy Crackers, large cans ........ FLOUR. Gold Medal, PHlabury and Ceresota, m ,. \k bbl.............• -2 H bbl............. l*f 3 bbl............• 27» Stuffed Ollvi/a, quart lar.........**• .ass .2>C . .27c ..47o ..12o ..12c ...»c ...»c ...»c ...Bo . .«c . .470 Napoleon Flour, Vi bbL ............•••» 2 bbJ.............i«» % bbl.............«•• Largs Plain Olives, quart Jar -----...... Stuffed Olives, Mason Jar.......•• pork and Beans, 1 cans, 3 tor,........ Pure Cider Vinegar. gallon Ju« ••••;•-----"* No charge for Jug- DRIIO FRUIT. Fancy Santa Clara Prunes, -_ medium slae, » lbs. .«•» large slss, t lbs.. • • .?Ss Fancy Golden Mulr Dried Psschss, per lb.....IB* Ooidsn Brloht Apricots, por lb. ..............•'• Seeded RaMns, three 1 lb. pkgs.....«So Cleaned Currants, T"T "*".............W Granulated 8u»ar. Eastern Granulated Sugar (with ^ M.flJ order, flour and feea not Included). 10 lbs. for ...........v-"4*0 With 32.00 order (flour and feed not Includ- ed). 20 lbs. for...»7e SPECIALS rORSATUn- DAY, JULY S. Savoy or Richelieu HJah- •st Grade Maraselifig Cherries, SSc bottle.We Baker's Choco4«ts, Va lb. cake.........•«»» Long Thread Coooanut, finest qualtty, per lb........••J.*â€"-i.*^* IN OUR BAKERy. Fancy Coffee Cakes, all kinds, each......IS* Cocoanut Macaroons, M per lb...............«*• SPECIALS FOR MON- OArY, JULY 7. Gloss Starch,, 4 lbs. for.......••• Bluing or Ammonia, 10c bottle......... Washing Soda, 5 lbs. for.......... Fancy Head Rice, 3 lbs. for.......... Fancy Jsp Rice, 3 lbs. for.......... .Mo .24c 19o SUMMER HOUSEWARES <v,c v,K*.AM FREEZERa -N^rth Pole Brand, with aeavy galratilzed steol Jody^*^ ^f^Bize »1 *» Tqt size.........1-10 c. i E CT R I C IRONS- H.» al Rochester Kconom kal :. years' ^J.^rantee ,., iree nial S3 98 WIRE FENCINGâ€"Orui. mental No. 9 galvanUeu Wire Fencing. 3 ft. blgb. per running foot... .S'/aC GAROEN RAKESâ€"Made of steel, long, hardwood handle, 30c value, for .25c ,.tEEN DOORSâ€"N. /al wood finish % it...' thick, covered with been grade black si â-  < en wire **«- SCREEN DOOR 8PRING. â€"Japanned, heavy spring wire....... - - • • • • • • • ;;f* I AWN MOWERSâ€" With 12 inch hardened steel blades........J-±Zt LEMON SQUEEZER8 â€" Heavy, clear finish crys tal glass. Choice.4c and*; DOG MUZZLE 8â€" All sUes, in large assortment, upward from..........z*6 v MOPS Th* ,»u O'Ceda-r Oil lie tuev last dt. I . NuELIoN Oi< V\ ^ED PULLERS "Tie New \\ ay,' uone better niade. 7i,c vtJue.............^®c POLISHING CLOTH8 â€" Dustlese. Baultary, doeH not scratch; leaves nc lint; a very good P°l- tshet ............ 19c fal ill> noithe. door HAMMOCKS < 1~>*<' fancy colore durable and compilable, ^t 00. $3.6u. $3 00. $2 60. $1'.5 and »1.O0 CANVAS HAMMOCKSâ€" M»ar oi e.c.a heuvy duck, plain ttro^n an.i whlt<-. also Ktrip* 1 greeii anu white and brown and wnlte, $2.60. $2.00 -nd 1-78 OVEN& Kur *a* .>r «a«ollne stoves. $2.50. $2.00. $1.50 and SampleBrassBedSale 20c/t off these samples Ten styles, only one of a kind. Best make; finished in guaran- teed "Bakelite" lacquer. First come, first served. COLONIAL DRESSERS Rich goldeu oak finish. 42 in. top. extra large uquaro Fn-nch plate mirror..-S13.75 98c 'A t R O k U A" 8HAOE8â€"Coloro green and tan: 4 ft........ f> fL....... 8 ft. i0 ft ........... BAMBOO K>ACa â€"All reg\iiar Bizet., up from PORCH Pompelan S1.80 ..... 2.8B ... 3.35 . . 4.25 SHADES PORCH FURNITURE 48c PORCH i-'URNlTUht A very comprehenslv*. line. comprising "Kaltex." ^ ibre Bush. Willow. Ree>, and Rattan. A few prices l allow- ing are Ulustratlvo of values: Roll Arm Reed Rock«».» »i 89 Willow Couches.......$11.45 Fibre Rush Table, 22 In. top .................**** Kaltex Hanging Flower Baskets ............I'M Rattan Settees, 40 tr. wide .......... M-/6 Lawn Settees, 42 in wide ..............SSc Mission Porch Swings >*.75 Flaffs €? Bunting OF ALL KINDS FOR THE Fourth of July CTHEISTOREJHAI.SEl.LSlEyERYTHrNC Eoseft Rosenberg's Red Trading Stamps are well worth saving Wsm 'M' M k ^ a.:- :^'.'S ia£l JiM^^^^^iS^^^M <M ^S'-SrSfcS'-M^sj-feU'ii^imrL; ;' Us; V.l-iia; jii^&'V./SifcSSit&iiiif •.

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