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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Oct 1913, 2, p. 5

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the RequcfM*wpp!^fl^lpr | Various letiwi^p^^iiil^ ^ Has Beeflf^pitSiSBift'il $10,00 Big Contest [the End of This _RaceOnjii iil^dRirrioNS "^IS^Pi^i^^tly After the Grand Prizes Awarded i$ince the bon»s"'o*s^;^^^ success for ijustlers in tb«Jj>&j^ decided to give '" an opportotl^:1fc:h*cjr^^ grtad awards await- lifiiem In a JU#»'V-""" >"• "'f^f:^"-;^ ,:" This new oppojl*!**^ it will be the t offer of anjr Wnd m^eHlttr^ the of the race and will probability |>^v-tHfciw^'«iiW^<i^Mfcv ^ :.iW"ir. â- "'•â- ^•.'^ •^"â- kwwa.-^t^wril. pctar every candl- in the battle to t^iaotf^ :r >~^i$;t*-THf ,;.or«a.:i;, fpth every $10 werth ofittbscrtptio^ tani«a^^to by contestants between morning and f^^ M«Ml« ^^t *t 10 o'clock, a big special vote cer- good for ItfcOOO :.i^!3ict^r^'::CVafc««^ -Iva' JiMdbtll»tb«iL to the votes given regularly the 8ubscripUoij»»:.1^vi^.|iie».?-rv"V^: ;'â- . rV ::' "Understand tt^ ilbto^l^ twtta offer is good only until Monday night ft o'clock. .::^S8^$^^4^::^'<â- ' â- â- â€¢.'• " â- -' •' â- " • This offer is inteiMel dily ft>r ^M live ones in the campaignâ€"for those are looking f«r;.U^ery','o|^N(|i^EiptgiS^F::jt^;':liu5riea»o their chances on the awards awitftl^:.th»^r|^-^...:: "v-V^v"'.'â-  'â-  At the close of tlie ^bciini offe^ Satjarday the race In all districts was and neck, 'an$:'t&^..^iM9e' jfiliB«^;':ovca^;." l4ever~. In the history of contests the present »aa»^«e^t h»« a race of any nature been so close and heily contested a* this one: ltoough lots of bonus vouchers were issued lafweek, they wreaoereitir^djTltod among the hustlers that the race seajne a closer <m^^-1^^%i0' 'â- '•"•"' | The present |U^ *$«%^lw^^-'irlll"sttrely help some to forge ahead the bunch and «a%«^ tb9«u»«lvea behind votes to make winning a inty. Of ©t*|iii£^r|te fcctal 150,000 Vote ItfJtttis^sf^^t^^ days, but IT Timx PAY TOO ©make srw#3r#^lW Am not AMom^o^ whojda &BB CHANOVaM'>^£W -BB/VW* RIGHT. "•^^â- ^-'^^^.-â- â- ^'â- 'â- â- "/*'v ."â- "â- '*'â- "'......" "j U^'v-^ffi?1' ~*;*~:; " ^"-" ^Contestants, #:yu^iai^^ of-last â- 'week and re holding bitck;i»*|«rir^ "even |re by the offer thte Week. One hundred and fifty^ ^^iand votes added | what you already have will have a tendency to make you feel mighty hi and secure ol the eve of toe filial count. :-';y':'^<':':' The whole success.;of your campaign vfll hingevery greatly on what accomplish ^'...isw^^ii*** wffl In all probability be the last offer ie contest Because of ifc> :*$M$ of the offer, this will be the banner week ©Ftte atest This ^AsviliBslB':;^' pou can grasp the flag of victory and itrench yourself behind enontfi. votes, added to what you already have, WIN THIS CON'MBMIT. There is not a oaadldate in the race who cannot make himself a winner taking proj»erjid»«i**s^^ Now is tlw"^;^R^a^<BiMisMci' to lay out a new line of campaign, align forces and iniAft an onsUoght on the 150,000'•'vote otter during the few An»S^-^^:^ft!^^j^ .in att JEr?^ffli^ 4?termwe "wh0'B in the gi^i^isf^^||;||||t' 'T/^2^'1^ â- ' ";- '..-.. " . ilN IN LIBERAL ABTS OEPAimiirir I u. jnal Figure®|r|$1$ Ye|0fe- tainable, ;l|^|6Mf Is | fDetailed flgiireiss It6 th^ number of Bents reglster^van^A^aesifled by sees is stm ttjohtalMblo ,at "the' strar's ffloce, bat statistics on the tfatration " wm^j^^^f^,^^ There are 1,088 «ul«rgraduiite vt»: registered Is tlue Coflege of Lib- Arts. Of this nuamber ahoat 600 'men s^'riiiijt^^ Is a gain of 101 stadenU over yearpoFihbl^ InfaceotOia ralseintultton Poor crop*In';J^^ country thy ^^^ this is a mbitatttial and etteoor- additto* # Wm^jffl&u*. als of th* o^ar^tT. •• tie fcrtal 1 of undergradnates who ara r-; icoiifiSA'^^-^iiliBJB^v. •â- Â» A^ i« 14»^ Tl* gradosrte thongh (laf^te biuret we aet ' ««pil^ thereferw the toW ':; of: Btedtma *ft^ :$mj^m«^ "PC..... DR. EVANS TO EXPLAIN TUBERCULOSIS SURVEY Eyanstofr Woman's Club Mem- bers Have Invited Him to ^ Speak This Evening. A splendid program has been ar ranged for the Tubercolosls^Survey meeting that fslp be held this even- ing, October 9, al the Woman's club building. The meeting Is under the care of a special committee of the Woman's club, ttlis Edwards, the chairman of that committee, says that the program will be most Informing. There are to be fojr speeches of five minutes each, and that these speeches, be net longer than ftve minutes, sjft has sateed the Rev. William T.- Mc- Blveen of the Bvanston CJon- gregatlona! church to preside. Dr. Waiter Tones Is to toll of the work Of the Bvanston Tijberunlosls Institute; Dr. Mary McBwen ]» ta ^ o| the State Ttlberculosli flweiy; Dr^fT' °- Aleiander- is to exhibit irnd to explain the tuberculosis sfiot map thlt hM been made, and Mayor Jamei R. Snurt Is to indicate the advantages of a tul»etB«IosU ho»t«tsa; m» Pf*«* de-miatance of the evening U to be.» Kvani or Chicago, kttm* his sdoress Drrsvans will gMly answer «oss. tisiu^ *&* »**le of Kvawton m urgM t» attend tils meeting. The matter to be disomsKd la of vsry trest and rravo" tnkportsaiift. Conditions.:In Kranrton ire not whit «h# jhould be. The point system, which was in- stalled at Northwestern University last spring. Is now in charge of the. census bureau of the Woman's League. The women in the league are especially and vitally interested In this movement, and the league la composed of the greater number of the women in the university. The faculty has approved of the actions which this bureau has taken, thus making it of the utmost importance that the students thoroughly wider- stand the change In conditions and the purposes for which the change has been instituted. For some time the prominent offices which the women may hold have been in the hands of a few girls. The point saltern seeks to eliminate this, and offices amounting to* < more than ten points may not be held at any one time by a woman student. It is Imperative that a list of pros- pective candidates for offices and for committee work be sent immediately to the dttce for ratincatlon. Not only should a list of, prospective can- didates be sent A list of present offi- cers with: the date of expiration of office should be sent, lit order to avoid any trouble that might arise regarding points held from last se- mester. A woman student who* hay- ing a certain number of points to her credit, hopes to resign one office that she may take another, *is prohibited from doing so by the point system. This united effort is put forth m a sincere attempt to divide the honors among capable women. The list off offices sad vahie of each are as follows: Y. W, C. A.â€"President, 8- points; vice-president, B; secretary, f; trtas* urer, 5; chairman of memberahip committee, 4; extension, 4; sssocla- lion news, 8; mlsakm study, 4; Bible etudy, 3; practical help, 4; socUl, 9:' defotiejiai; â-  k^tmi^^lgm^m^ member of comnnttee, i. ~ '" Daily NbrttweitiBra~Assoe»*s efl-_________ tor, 4 (ff)>f!Otatsj member of bowd ["oyH^rtth 8 points. 'â- ,-;'â- '". yy ' â- â-  â- '%S:-i;^\v^r:;Jv^^'- Northvestern --lla^aiS^r^lfsfflsr chairman, 4 points; Junior chairman, 2 points. ,;'-;V'.J.' " tdterary Socle^r'â€" President^T-",--:-6- fWliy|mithl^^ ARealtaui Members Some PUY«V|RP|I| The Three ActJ Ar« Cause Much L Andlerrce li W«de Hippy if Fun and and the (!|*fe noisls ......M USE Three Invettlgttor* Are Now nChlctge Picking Up VW 'Mit$i!$t l-3S^5&S@Bg points; rice-president, 4; treasurer, secretary. 2; ambassador (second se- mester), 8; chairman of literary so- ciety play, 4. .â-  ^ Dramaticâ€"Vice-president, 1 point; secretarjr, t; Part of play: 1. leading 8; 2. minor, 2. Pan-HeUeiilcâ€"President 2. P°ltt',». secretarf, 1. -;;v;;- jp>, Woinaa'si I^agjue^Prekldonl^^s points; vice-president, 2; secretalry, 3; treasurer, 4; council member, 1; social chairmanship, 3; memhership chairmanship, 2. . â- . .....^'^l;,': Athletic Assoeiationr-'President, o points; rlce>*resldent, 4; treasurer, 2; secretarf. 2; ^member of board^. 8; sergeant-at-arms, 2. , -^.,.;",;.«*• Settleneat Asaweiatlon--;Vlce-presI* dent, 1 point; seeretary, 'li/.M* urer, 1. ... /•â-  ClaaeDay Offlcers--i point for epeh office. .* •â- .i'.-!;« -;â- â- ,<}., v.-';- 8yllabtt»â€"Associate editor, 4 points; member of calendar coinwadttes, *» member of *Cnts end Grb^s^oommtt- tee, 2;^ any other committee; 1; d«|f matic ellKor, 1; sorority^edtto^,25 O** ganisatfion editor, 2. Campus cntt^Presldent, 2 points; chairman social committee,-2.'**â- \-^:..y student Volonteer Band~V^i^N»st- dent, 2 points; secretary, 1. 6 '. Membor of Olee Cfahâ€"l nefnti Senior Cls**^VI©W«side*t*; * The Evae^w >teote r#a^^ny 1w th# . '.;iij>*^iii'f^^ JvVTHY;' iMtiTi|:: tl^%IOWa|*;:' '"""% ^r^JsW^iWip^t, John Smith...... v.^HsfryX Mlaturn QeneraU BlUetdoax....lean Clarendon â- .. >«:...... >••. m -. .• *»wM;Qale Satterlee Ma^r"DuhconS*e;tt^i^^ Van Slyck Robert^Walton:^;«^^lli|^, Mrs. John Smith.:^^^,MNelle Redd Miss-' Smith'. ^â- i^i0^m«a», Royce Mrs,: BUletdoux...VK.Rltohle RuMeil Rose WsJtonv..-. * j>;^sfen fioming JuI»:',.^*^#i*l^^l»1Uwv Leicester mi*^W±^^M'Mtom» 'L«V;Mar' l^vinJa paly...-v;^uguirta Durgeon ?"':^^iiirU^^«OJ^^ Smlth't- home. â- ' Mornln|> '-^r^l'fevtv Act H-^mokiii^ room and library in Smith's hone. '*p!i| } i .-Act, 'jm:-4f^M\:^^pn^k^ ^tteie-^opiekeait^«| "Wy:: ^'1^u0^:^^M§^ • ;^;>:>â-  , Youof Bvajuton whodegiretoseea clever comedy with plehiy*! cause for laughter, twrneioodsottetl and still be itooefo^'W^ ivanstoh theater ^wo^j^.p-jipa^jps^i^ps^, compsjty m "vThy This deltghtful sketjehj which is billed as a roaring fare* comedy, oould get " leas smuH|t handle in front of it It weaaM pass well for a farce, and would be evsn better if it wire called & comedy ' â-  But wh«|;y«V tach c^^|lotii•'farcs,, jtott^lyaa' Secretary of State Harry Woods has laira<3hed an investigation which, he says, wlU develop the fact that the state of Illinois haw been defrasded* of thousands of dollars by the use of old automobile numbers and the failure of drivers to take out Moewes. Mr. Woods also is authority for the opinion that some one in Illinois is making fake automobile numbers. He says he has discovered the sam* torn- ber os four dlfferettt cars In this state since he began his Investigation. .; Three investigators, working out of the awcretkry of sta^e^a offtce, are tew roundlnl up drivess in Cmlcago who ^eme- .....Mi&^mmmmM ;oi; ejlsejtiosi:' 4nm BS^MtM. : ** lWiMSfblS : SfMfllir<illlS" tO , Ti, - '^P ,^^^^^w*T.' •^^eJavwi'e^msass^Bjsm. ^avjsj»»^aiBWB»^pM._- .^^/ | an opinion garm Iqr Oeam^ Jsjtge I John B. a^wemi c< Ohloa^ ream Wheawver 1,000 <at >e ls«d voters of any city B^afl IpffitNa^: the-:.: ww^fj' joa<iiii]r >.t^|; rjilialiaa||l^::': *ibfâ-  -â-  fp0^ii0i^§f^ gw election boa^M ah IssaeM issue is caarted to a wbsas|mt eiem- tlon. the election board eju^V ed. aeoordis« to Judge 6w^ optov :,: The oplnioa waua given to; come under thelurisdicttoa oca ^^. .â-  â- * •"â- v1 w.sia»amj.._«,;.-v^9s^«sasassepeMfswws>^;U â- ;jf'fe^»f^^ajs»i behig annejted to tJhlcago. Tie sow- eojB; nvhktog Ihe toonti^ a^M^ thait nonpartisan condrtet of electaoiit was essential fertgiMslgW toreply^thetoqiilry.JiadgeOweas gave thevi»xi«ii$alor ig#sfiia^&<>>:-|i^.';'^ /â-  There are two methods by wlOci^^^^a^ city of Bvanston or any other crty of Cook co^ty which auWotos Chicago could, for purposes of elscttoa, come within the lurlsdlctlon or eoBlrol of the board- '"gg eleeiiosi irrHawilsilffW»Bii: .Wnila^ihb^o^ ths election; aot, under the tsnas of which the election board was crsatod different method. This method Is set forth in section 1 of the aty elsetlon â- *et:-imi;|ivaw.;I«l^ -'â- >â-  which the state receives Among; the chauffeurs who have been hauled up W the Woods Idtss- Ugators are the drivers for fonoor National Committeeman Roger Bolli- Secretary Wooda denied that his activities against friends and em- ployes of Mr. Sullivan is because of the bitter poUtl<^ animosity exisUng betwesh^them^fl|§l#^^ :. •MIt';;l#: not^ *:Wmmm :e*-j>bWleaJ» said f^ecwW wodau "I â- imply to- :str«Jie^:f-m|&5to^pB^ note that Is why they happened to stop Mr. Sullivan's chauffeur. "My investigation thus far. how«rer. bis convinced jne tnat the state of Illinois is losing many thousanoi of dollars annually because of the failure of chauffeurs to take out the state license and because of fraud* Mag than It need* to lore people to it, for the play in Itself ha worn jnore than the small prke asked at the ticket window. Ai one j^rson said "*»&: â-  the 'â-  â- â€¢" second .::mte&'• â-  "Why, yon have to l|ttgh whether you feel Inclined to or aot" But most people go to the theater to laugh and when they can do tola without even trying, they consider themselves fortunate. And this is what you get in "Why Smith Left Home." I* i* one big laugh from start to ~ The cast dwai s»me clever acting throughout Harjry t* Mlnturn, as Mr, Smith, and Ntlle Redd, as his wife, occupy the center of the stage to the three short acts, hot toey do not have everything to themselvelfc Jean Clar- endon, a« General Bllletdoux, gives a splendid interpretion of the hen- pecked husband. JUtchte Rnssen, as the general!* wife, shows/just how to abuse a husband. Ifpl's&t;.... The play, which to by George Broad- hurst, author of ^Bought and Paid For," "What Hsppened «o Jones," etc.; opens with Mr, and Mrs. Smith engag- ing to a verbal warfare ^v#r the com- ing visit of Mrs. Smith's aunt. Since their niiJTlage Mr. and Mrs. Smith have not had a day alone. Miss Smithy a sister, who is not much on «4ooks," has been staying with them. When they reesi-r* * telegram from Gen. and Mrs BCletdotn that they are coming for a hmg vlstt, Smith be- comes desperate. But a happy jMttBaMejIJa^^ 1,0<)0 sban erce^ wis^ghtfc of ttta i^Pesr^ poinU; social chairman, 3, 2; treuurer, 1; chairman Of social committee, 1.' . •â- '-.:•â- â-  'V;'-;;^-:' Junior CIass--Presldent, • pouts; Tice-presldexrt, 1; secretary, 2; treas- nrer, 8; social chairman, 8; play com- mittee, %; «)ergeantat*rms, 1. ;':^;;jV> Sophomore &»M»^1fit^!t^$Mi, 1 point? 'asttml' «hairnwuv:8. ^â- ;.]M^ PresbmsA Clsas^Vlo*.l«iwiddents point; social ejbsirinan^ 2; P»^M«* freshman organisation for girls,,*, On iny Class Social Committeeâ€"1 Chairman Missionary Board of Con- ta." 'â- â- :-\yZ'::-!\:'-\^'-l^$i-, hiatrrlri" titoiigh^comee to him. Be conspires John a^tekson, tTW Beeee street, to^TBrtXon hems an otloy was come entiUsd to the beneilt flf this awt to ue insaner fbllowing:||^ "Whenever 1,000 of toe legal TOtars of such dty, voting at the last pre- ceding election, shall petition the todge of the county eo«H of tteeotm. ty in which such city is located to submit to a vote of the electors of such city the proposition as to whether such city and toe electors toereof shall fits of this aw* it ahan: be the dwty of m<A oounty court to submit sneh to* same ahjtf to ltte manner b* aneh- mUted to a voU of the electors of such. city by such county.; eonrt-wpon county or mmilolpal' edection ueai^ attar, end an. 'order, shall â-  be ejttersad such proposition ;i«^siorS>a|kK>:: M to Lost In RELATIVE Sliter-ln-Uw of letl sUptewJ cltretKI-rtereHtvertxttWhWi ism m m â- ::> â-  (Continued on Page It) ss*^es*3B«*e?6 •ell iDeiii Direct. "The only way In which I can so- count for the duplication of automo- bile license numbers throughout the state Is that some one is maklnjthe numbers and selling them direct to the people without first paying the license fee to tile state. Bow exten- sive this duplication Is 1 Cannot even surmise until iurther investigations have,beeh"ii»da;;"::r • •3T.."" ..,., "But there is certainly something wrong when we find four different ma- chines using the same number. From what f know I believe that the state is losing 150,000 a year in this one departiuint because of duplication of number*, .the use of old numbers and the failure of chauffeurs to takeout their licenses. attssl'; 1^ bssa sent to Thecdon ItooseveK. ...... ;tte...;#mt»« 'SMartes^:^ Mooser," weo sailed from New Saturdsty dn ^ M. hsattog.' eamedltios> ^ tli'ev foraer »rsa*tonlan. and William r^s^ of Kenllworttw ... reUtlves (ear, have beea stota hi Jungle* in th« soper Amasea Messs«w w*ra sent ta OOL f : r 10U Gror* sUreet^ Btaastoh, . r;^ been heard from .sjil«||gro%^:w^^ tstsaaam is eent. ' Th* ttlegram seuxt foBowff "Coi ::t|*odsji^;;alai^ Cromer, (»<ffs^^ lost '"""" WC1 you tooolre sJong trip ing tk^siT Tlaaaluag yea, " "Dr. a>VpageandC.m.OsesB»^ officials of the, P«ravisa goverms^sA conceraiog tha ssereh tor ttwf 'is's>ssy',:tt.; dl»ow#atl^|g-' -ft- 4iv^Â¥%!lf9: t^s^wieitfiil^l tttM ths vUaitfvttils^ upper - Ania^ie»at*M/';"' â- niiiiMiihilvrf -^~ to ||*tS " llisISM' gp «*«^**qsp*^asswis<c.v <^ «;.. ,. â- *"i'i •TI!*,"-vffiTfflVTffT?"r?"^Ir^v ' M -«* is thoofht tliat to*7 srobshty . slato the Chloasn a^dveaturers sad plorers â- :im:m»i-1^-^m:;^^0^^§ â-  Ralatitas hare. swr* hopeful tlasA «h* two m*n with other m*mbers of the expedition ps^ty, hare become Isototed , hi: the>- wild comrtry sad, without p**^ means ot oima^amniimtloa^ hat* h .. legal voters of any city voting a* the tost pMceding electknu then such peti- tion or .swpfleiflov or made by more toaw oae-etfhth of the legal voters of such dty voting at the. lasrt preceding election.'* /^:,>:: . Thus you see amaezsJtoa to(hI<msjo is wholly unnecessary to order that the cltlsens of any city to Cook ootmty j»iy come within toe benedts [gf vfhi. nonpartisan conduct of ejections and administration of the election oflloe, such as obUins to the territory under toe election board!. MUSICAL CONC1RT. t* A concert will be given by Mies Gladys BV Boescli, soprano, assfjted by several talented vocalists and a reader, in the auditorium of the ffiv» smstoo Woman^s oluh bufldlng, at 8:18 jFiti Nov. i* Tit* program will con- sist of vocal sokJ. trios, quartets and dramatic numbers. ..,,',â-  TO FLY TO EVAfitTOW. Roy Mofitier. the Fr*noh aviator, who speaks Bngllsh with a rich Irtab brogue, promise] to ny from f Wty- slrth street sad Kedsie avenue, Chf- cago, to this city and return on Octo- ber 12, the occasion being the Oaelie football championship gam* b*tv**n Chicago and St. Loula. ;;j,iia' If HAW WORK FOR ^i p.4 Col. Rooe*velt hit inany rrisada attsV : admirers to sPrsma^on aasd alc«« the , north shore; amd H to toousht loot h* ' wtn put forth every eSortâ- â-  to.looaf||ii.'. the missing e^toiem beessm of tttbt acoujilntmceshtp, if sotoing anorsw V,;. tlstorln Law Mahee AsoeimtoHt* ::;4 According to dispeAehea to (Aieaga newspapers. . Mrs. aaamuel Page ot Houston, Tex., a stoUr-to-taw of th* missing Prof. Pa«e, to Quoted as sn tog that mesmbers Of Iter tlusaih* this section are to possession of 4 tolls' of the party's end. but are wW^^ holding them from her smd the oaetae because of their shockteg .gajatgiia'^. The relatilv**. here deny â-  .tbAf - ja*M*sl1 Coaches and Pleased With Outcome of i%0;?f-« After their 10 to 0 victory orertutoe Forest college, the Purple eleven have started In to work off the rouib edges of their playing with renewed vigor. All the membersV; *•#â- â- . tU team, with the exception of»Captain "Wai- Ue" Kraft, came out of the gsioe Sat- tirday to fine shape. Cantaln Kraft entered the game with a wrenehed side end a severe bruise on bis head, but with » day or two of rest will again be to perfect oondiUott. The tvanaton Dairy Newsâ€"The Lake Shore News â- .s%#f«jfSS;>f^'if'" i.iB#' dmutt P***isaaeae. »ae Pavto 8^**t, BvaBt»to». IWsnls ' & â-  »to yony;.b%;A.n^|^^^^ Name. itwi; „ „. gUS3aM1asB%^ «*t*ej for atoy one o« blato* sAd s»U or bring to tb^ ovearlng,..... i^7tm:- Wi-fewus ':t*n#!i-â-  f.;vf«i'4v^ sation made hy Mva Page. They' j that they hav« absolutoly no lufaaaaa 1 tlon otter than rumor or theory sn to how the men ntet eeato, and that the charge nasde by the relative <sm%^ Joorntof to Prsnce to â- ' Me7,*i^'*isi\ni^""'"*'Jii*H from Col, KoceeveU, but *v« that he wfflT lead what aid Is ^ ,,, n,:. in the seareh. ,_ â-  - A.<>f:^£^^'*M NEW TRIER TEACHER Prof. U E. Hildebrand, While Riding Bicycle, Struck by :;|gi;|Uirge Auto Ttucfe^:^ Prof. U ft Hiidebi^d. ltsa OrrJig- toA-evenuo. instructor to scleac«.:f«': mf Trier township high school, waa, IMinfulIt Injured tost. Batttrday even-' lag, whan he was run down ay en1, automobile on Ridge avenue, Laurel: areaue,' : Witoaetto. PrasHUdebnad was rtdtog a btoy elf south to Rtdff avenue. - H« waa srtnaeh hf > an autonaobiba track being driven by John Garto* «« Gary ptoce» !***> 1 .View.. The Injuries consist ef a cut abore the knee on tie left the knee cap severely bruises on b**k and left Wp. He was taken to too Kvaastoa bospltol.wb*a% ht» eoodttioa* this naoraisg hf ed to-bt totisjovtog.: ;'â-  :?v:I: ip^f Me> vtrraat ha* yet boa toe drtrrr est the sarto truck, a«.: BttdehiMad. refused to swear ;£S2£l3.3rs&&3£MiS c«;1^.3^'S*^a'<iS?^^i«^iSiSv i-£-&'--E£i iÂ¥f.isi sta »

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