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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Nov 1913, p. 2

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWg. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER87, 1918. Milium mm mm nn< i What People Are Doing i ♦++*++] THENEW&WLI.ER} OF BEAUTIFULLAKE SHORE HOMES L. A. Joyner, 1311 Hill street. Is in Dos Moines, Iowa, this week visiting Mends." â- ',• W- Mrs. HrXrPeck^ 629 Central avenue, j entertained a number of friends at a luncheon Thursday afternoon. James A. Mackle, J15 Fifth street,] has returned from a trip to Crystar] lake. â-  •â-  â- .. - 'â-  .X Mrs. H. Ar. Morln had for her guests last week, Mr. and-Mrs,. Frank A. Matthews of Blue Tsland. V Mrs. 'L. a: Clark, 716 Lake avenue, lis in Mudlavia;-Ind^, enjoying arrest - and treatment at the baths. _ ' •*'â-  [ r^^r^Mrs^-A^P, Pelrce, 1007- Lake avenue,] ~ entertained Mr. and Mrs. Frank 6, i Young-of Ghlcagolast weekr1- j Mr. and-Mrs.-;' A. W. Hawkins, 714TT -.X3entraL.avenue, are enjoying a few; weeks sojourn in Cuba. • â€"P;"A. Myers, 627 Lake avrnue, has returned from "an extended-tripJn the; woods in northern Michigan; -: " Mrs. George B. Hernedon ;ntertain-; ed members^of the Bridge club in her: home at 728 EleventhzsJxeMzTb^ireday ~ ..atternoon. _: ~T.. 7~ ^-â€"| Mr. and MrsTGeorge W. SBraderT have returned to their home at 907 j Elmwpod avenue after a fe-*/ weeks! spent in New York. - ' Mr-, and Mrs. M. C. Beynior,* 622 j Hill street, had for their gursts lasTtl week, Mr., and Mrs. George T. May of ^Reckford.^â€"â€"â€":------â- â€" â- -^._',.,._ '._._! Mrs. E. Jaeksqn Casse, 6?.3 Forest "avenue^ liasâ€" 'for- her -igilestsâ€" aver. "J'hahksgiv-ingâ€"aiisses Irene Falckener- -and -Edith Kek^jof Camp Point. Mi's. Harry Andrews, of "Jackson,r IM WUm CAPITAL and SURPLUS $60,000.00 r- on i.â€":. Courtesy of the Booh of the North Shore. ____ "Home of Mr. George T. Dyer, 1010 Chestnut Avejaye, W. C. T. U. STARTS CHURCH BULLETIN WILMETTE. Michigan,, is the guest, of Mrs: Simmons,' 110 Fifth street", Thanksgiving. •. Mrs. Walter Clarke, 1022 Oakwood avenue, who underwent an operation recently at the Evans ton hospital, will return home soon. ::'__-_L-_- ~ •â- â€"â€"^-â€"r Mr. and Mrs. .Jesse W. Tuthill pf â- oil- Hill'â- â- ."streetâ€"ttrc entertainingâ€"a- WJImette M. E. Church. ,T4ie -Thomas Keene pastor, Itev.- Gale, win preaen next - "Sunday-mor-n- ing at ifi:4S VnV.lhp.k .on "Chnrqh Unity." v •/ At the 5'o'clockâ€"vesper-^iervieeâ€"fch Double quartet, the "children's chorus and .Miss Dorothy Rao will render duct -the- church_service until a per- manent pastor is secured. : - .' jGftEWJOEV The North Shore Methodist Church. rHazel^and=Greenleaf. Avenues .^Glfincne^â€"- - ;: Smith, Pastor. anr--------- j First Scandinavian Church. Richard Malm, pastor. Sunday school is held at 10 a. m,, fqlleyed--by morning service at"Tllâ„¢o*clockrâ€"The Young People's society will meet Supt day at 1> p. hi. Services In the church jyYednesday at 8_p. jn. "1ZL~ The North Shore Headquartersfori S^BEXI+1N & SONS' JE WELRY STORE, ELECTRIC PLACE and CENTRAL AVE. WILMETTE, ILL. L_ We carry a complete--stock-of- everything-in-themline-of_Jej»elry^ Remember-we are-not-on State Street and can afFord to sell high- grade ^oods at a very low profit. A saving of 25% guaranteed. at National ConventioiTHas i^ouje^jiartjvoLJibLitom Glen Elbnj and Chicago over TfialilEsgiving. " ------MF8.-\V,-4)I-BeE^d-d^ugEterT .mxc-1 glnia, 601 Washington averiue; depart' 1 -gd last -vweetc -torâ€"sgn:rAuiuukn' Te?" •Whefe. thliy-wTir^pam-Btveral Weeks. Mrs, Joseph L Kelly, 525 Central avenue, has rented her homo for the winter and will pass several Weeks in â€"trew-Y-wk. â€"â€"------------------------------- Worship,- 11:15 a. m.; 7:30 p.-m. ^cncoeTOhTon ChTurcrT."""" ... Dr. Douglas H. Cornell, pastor, will meet at next* Sunday I Sunday aervioe8 as follows: Sunday j school, 9:45 a. m.; preaching service thnrforJjiLH^^^^ league, uccoiupanted-lijrTEeir~teach-1 is held inT the clfurch "every Wedhes- sacred musical concert The Sunday school i#©= an;â€"m„ .as usual, -OlQrnin gL_l_^ Phone Contral 3461 Laca'Dyeing a Specialty M. Gillespie ***$?:; dZ**** Stolen and MuffxCUancd and Remade 217-218 Venetian Bidg. 15 E. Washington St.. Chicago TBOâ„¢Ijoys~ amiâ€"girts-: _ot~tlK -BjRfijQ^-AllapXed by EvanS- 'ers auu the pastor, will goto the j day night at 8 o'clock. -4m Missionary -Society; Methodist ^Episcopal Old" T'eople^s 1 home next Sunday afternoon to ^sing for .the old people. ___ _4 The Epwortti League service next BGW ACTS Sunday evening, at ti: 15 o'clock, wil! be in charge of Prof. Harper. The , . stereopticon lantern will be used. A feature of the nation-wide earn- TheJsftgue held their annual Thanks- imigrrr-htUTtclH!dH?y^he^arton^-WT-e^-6iv»ne *&&*&*J$ ~7 a m Thursday Wallace,W. KerrL107 Forest avenue? T morning. The Men's gjjsgj^j^thto«^ jr»m^la- j Park, is The.sending/out-of a resolu- ^fe^lli homa City, Oklar,-where he lias been - ~-------â€"pnumtnly social Kn-RTSiSffiSftii tr-itrâ€"------._^_:___, Uon to be p.«sented to church .socle- ing in lhe ci first on a bnsFne'ss" tripr^ Miss Mildred Latham. 229 Sixth street, is convalescent following a minof~tln,oat~operation performed at maton-hespital last Week.-----,â€" {]. at its conyention in Asbury club -held Iheir meeting Tuesday j ing in the church. Mr. George E. tips, philanthtopic -organizations andFGOleâ€"and;^-MrB^^e^---er-^mtcheil gave public nreotfagjjrggneraHyr - ---------iiiteresting addresses and Mfc JGU^W. At the last^ "air's-----rfonreâ€" morhing worship, 11 o'clock; vesper service, S-p.-m. The communibn serv^ -First SundayJn-January, March. IVIay, July,-. Sepfember'and November. meeting of Mlbsluiiary the Worn- auxi'liar> the First Methodist Episcopal Mrs.^Er H. Thurman has returned to of her home at 822 Linden avenue after: «H.„il_â€"^ â€"_____; - â-  . t - -â€"â€"-r-â€"chujTh «f Evanston. following a brief a stay in the eastr^^he^vill remain 1 ° -^ " M. N. Stevens, ua- ~She will remain "her^l?Veral^w-ceks before leaving for -address by Mrs. I the-SOUth to spend the winter.------- â€" -Uonal W. C. T. U. president, Miss Mrs. Arthur G:- Brown, 520 Lake~7VTTha A. Gordon, national vice-prcsi Mason ' samr'-severai -numbers. This social was held under the auspices ol the Third district '"division, of •whic'I Mr. H. Zarelnba is chairman. which is as follows: The Junior league of the VVilmette M. K. churchâ€"wiii render a musical program at the Edgewater Old Peo- ple's Home an Sunday, Xov. 30. Among those taking part in special â-  1 numbers are: Arax Boyajian, Tiar- !old Gale, .Mildred. Gale, James Mel- jvrlle, Marion Mannerude, Elizabeth Simmons, Margaret Smurr and Ger- -«v«nuer-is a patient at the^yanstohjj^t.at-large^jiresenied the resolution hospital where she underwent an operation ~aâ€"fewâ€"iiays ago. She--is steadily improving^-^---------------------â€"â€"--------- . . The Resolution * Mrs.^EdWard Mendscn,â- "entertaineaâ€"â€"ftesolve(J^_TJiat_wc heactlly endorse ; trilrit, wh'pelRr,"MnrF;n7Pt""-s"tffr"ro'tlt Vn<] in her home, 801 Greenleaf street, the" movement for national constitu-;f;ordon j3Uck„ .Wednesday afternoon in honor of her tional -prohibition embodied in the ^uest, Mrs. AV. L. Leland,' formerly a Joint, resolution introduced in the ,Q_| (f> wj). m _ resident of-Wilmette.now-of-Newarkf^^nitrdTrStatt^-congress by! eong£e8a4=g^rn^--feagoe^wlll leave jsj j_ man Richmond^ Pearson Hobson; pro-i Sita^~\^et£-^-z^qHHitid Home:*)oslx,« aa-amendnicnt.to the constitu-. loday from a trip down state wherejUon forever Prohibiting the , aak-- lie has been'huntingInraii and prairie : manufncture fox^ak. importation, ex-i "ohii-k7-ri-.~-XiTlimpl-e -Bupolyâ€"of-ihelliO^^Mon or transportation for sale of beverages or foods containing alcohol. On motion of Mrs. William- Eraser ,,, .,,. ,.„,,,. McDowell, it was unanimously and _ .Mr;-jutf ^«^^^.mg|^P-^a^t3-adop^dV 1 ^rtained ^dinner_\Ved.^sday even- * gratifying'that ing in their home at 60C Central ave- ... . . . ,,. ."... - ., °u .- b , â- â-  , .... . this society, 111 Miss WiHafd s home nue, prior to a dance which .was given ., .; , . u. , . v ~i ~z , " ' " . , . ,, „ V. ,, 'own, and to which she belonged, and for several young couples at.the Gull- . .... ... , â-  *•â-  1 h of which Miss Gordon is a member, ;metto ciud. •;-..--â-  . shoultt be the first in.iltejand to adopt â€" Mr, and M'-<; ' ITerlwrr \fnH;l>'. 1007 ,;.;.._.?~C"\.2*i~S~ :: t festive fowl Js expected for a bountiful Thanksgiving feast. In addition to the music, Rev. T. S; few fitting lemark*. the church at 2:30vj>. m, returning in time to sing at the regular 5 o'clock vesper service"; The-two Junior cla^susTsMireâ€"Junior league'will have a hare and hound race Friday evening. The "hares" will be off at 7:30 o'clock sharp, it is hoped that a large following of r,hourids"'a will start iii pursuit. -Iribdon avenue, celebrated thV-ir silver Wedding ..'annivoraTry^SZthoir^hoTne^ -t ___ALUMNAE BAZAAR. Saturday evening surrounded by ntore:___More_ihan S300 was cleared atjhe -than-^lXLy-Xiaen-ilP, many o.L'-Vv:bom_are__{1iumnae- .bazaar held at FerryT3aTr jmenlbers of tin:.; Linden avenue' neigh- hi Lake Forest last week. The- pro- -boFhooff <^Ub_IlAjpZ^ be devoted to a funip-Tor waB passed at_500 and other card the scholarship given each yeau- by games. JMany,J>resent8 were received ,>,,<,_ ,,i„mmvf, l "by the weTPkhowiF uuuplei â- =?== Mr. F. tester Price, who. has been LAKE FOREST GARAGE BURNS. contributlrig the- Christmas muste- for the "holiday "nuhiber~~of the Ladies^ Baptist Church. Sunday services held in the Wom- an's club building, corner Greenleaf avettue-and~T-entii- street.â€"-------------_ Bible school, £T:45 a. m. 1'reaching service, 11 a. m. Rev. J. P. Abbott, of Austin will con- oFi re d e s troy ed Tli e G eorge. A. Thome automobile garage containing r Home journal. forâ€"several year,y has, "lhTs~]ye^r~c^tributrTd--for-tlie-Deeem' per issue, "That "Glorious Christmas Morn." Mi\" Price, ~who 1 ~s~~a "gifred::T.iraK0_d__' veTy~~fWently. ~Theâ€"Ha* organist, is the author of_ both .the started^ from a gasoline explosion -words andâ€"musie'ofâ€"tliift-piecer;â€""â- ..' ; •;â- â- --.' t*^^â€"Ui-. two new costly touring ears in Lake :-Horcstâ€"â-  Fridays morning. Both cars pwore- 1914 niodels and had been pur- el j ;iM'il_'vefy I. W. SIPE,S afaadQ£^6-BuiId£fL JOBBINGS SPJ1CIALTY PRrlCES RE. A SON ABLEâ€"« TELEPHONE WILMETTE 1384 Res, 1302 WHmette Ave., Wilmelte, III. -OBITUARY. THE I ON FY SHOP WINNFTKA. â€"_iâ€"Congregational Church. • Pastors^â€"Ed Win F. Snell, residence 672 Lincoln, avenue, telephone 505-J-; -t w F DaJtiea, ceaidenia ^QQ4 Pine street, telephone 470. ___Servteesâ€"Siinday srhnnl, A:45.-A..mâ€" diiciAD The best bread made on the North Shore ---------- THEâ€"â€"â€" Wiiette Baking Go, 1165 Wilrhette Ave. "Phone \Viirnette 440, SPECIALISTS AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING For Easy Starting in Cold Weather ' We equip your FORD with a â€"DashTPrimer4or-$lT50â€"â€" Taxi GabServiceNight and Day JTW. Meyer & Sons 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone WHmette 426 WHmette ^ (Latlafittg NEW PROCEiS CLEANING AND DYEING ' 631 West Hailroad Ave. Wilmette. 111 in ois Phones Wilmette 320 TELEPHONE: WILMETTE 446 MisstforotnyM&eauteyâ€" ______Tocher of Puno and Vocal WILMETTE, ILL. Reference: Caruther's School of Piano Oil for Floor Mops, Woodwork and Furniture 45c PER QUART gggSS*- ^WHy^PAY^$I.0O7 -:â€"-â-  W. G.BEYRER Hardware J. 3r Heckter 1137 G reenleaf Avenue^ Wilmette, Illinois Renting and Insurance Real LstattTbought and sold on commission First mortgage Loans Negotiated Rents collected and taxes paid Estates managed for reon^reaidej Phone Wilmette 500 >♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»♦»»♦♦»♦♦♦< vver the WilmejibeLja^^ MumanJOkliuxist^ ..=:-l8i2 Chicago Avenue '..... Evanston, 111. ~~\ wtslf To" i n forni 11 i>-j• u I»1 ic Ih;it- j iH«jitivelr -st*m»»t*h-an<tintestinal trQulHea; infligtJstion, gastrltiB; eunstiâ€"- pstion. tub«rciuIogis,â€"nervous msordgrs^B-somliia anilana?uii;tT Z^txhxlb* n g e tbt>mtmt aea refeing: Chester Levere Mrs. Agnes L. Scribner. Mrs."" Agnesâ€"U. .Seribuar. wife -of- MAKER OF------ n \sl.Ianu avenue^lKliPmtra1ggW«$^€Pe«liiaCOfltS norning. Nov ' Niefise scribner, ^iiiluiiittfi.r_ili 24, at the. German hospital of Chicago Death resulted from ail operation per.rTt-i<rh»ne 20 -termed a few day-s andrkav£ started in business wiih TGl^OakrA vernier ago. L__JHjy_.^j3<Xibner_,Wa.S bom in Charles-_;jf7yj^KS of continued business, always giving ; tOAm.JVlasiL.^lS^.ShaJa^ufvived >±r J^?â„¢ 7^., (Z Igggg has by her husband and a daughter, Fl'or-'j p»rehase$.ot â-  ^ . ejice, 7 years' old; also by her mother, j ~t~ Edward Kirchber°; figglnsr^na^SiSters^ l>|am0nd8;Watches and Fine Jewelry -^i32 No. State St., Chicago Iff ftnnkUfr"' .,;_______.. ^lary_;M Mtfh Virgenia W.^Higglhs and Mrs, AViUianrtJr-Aborn, all of Cleveland. O. r^&trsr-scrlbuer w as^a\-~Tpgieinber-^tftSeB^or-t'"tqf=Bj"L the Wilmette Country' club and of the 1 AVtimette WomairaT-elff^^^lrF-and^ ^-"-\t-rft:-- Sef4bnerâ€"have- resldpfl in^"Wil- the firm resolve^ta treat our and efficient service. Repair nic^^^^^^a4^ For Bakery Goods of Superfine Quality Goods you .can place before the most discriminating guest, call North Shore Bakery 1148 CENTRAL AVENUE""" Phone* Wilmette 413-41'*. Wilmette :. Auto delivery j^MiiWi wiseoNsnr ice GENERAL TEAMING 1208 CENTRAL AVENUE WiLMBTTBt Q.L, -OfllcaJsa .Stable 568 Rai^W^Faufeei TheViliage Electrician " A â-  - In connection with bis regular Electrical Contracting business, has put in a full line of Colum- bia Grafonolaa aad Records. Ton are invited to come and heaT-tfteiar^â€"----------- 609 W. RAILROAD AVE. Phone 522 Wilmette WilmetteCrubOyefy CROSS Be CO., Proprietor* 1225 Central Avenue. Wilmette. 111. Telephone Wilmette 21 GABS CARRIAGES - _ SURREYS MOVING-JEXPRESSING __ BOARDING Sanitary Barber Shop -------------FIRST CLASS SERVICE Children'^ Hair-Cutting a Specialty - ALL HAIR CUTS, 25c-- Wilmette 1139 Greenleaf Avenue £s^R£ staurant --------TBE- -B-E-S-T-F-OO-P-A-T-TKE-------- MOST REASONABLE PRICES ' &19W.RailroaiUWi___WJLIIITTE, ILL Mating BaggJge Eipresslng PHOWK g - Boarding Van Order Li very Lyons 6 E.«*nProps. Carriages Meet All Trains Carriages, Cabs and Surreys for All Occasion* 728-734 1PTH ST., WILMETTE Automobile and Carriage Upholstering,----------- Trunks and Ail Leather Goods Repaired. Xlliafles R. Peterseaâ€" H arn e s s Maker 1285 Central Arenn* Cro»* Livery WILMETTE, lEOU All work promptly and neatly done ephone Wilmette 21---------------- Beat Estate, Loans, Renting and Insurance Morlh Shore Bomcii and Vacant Res.. 753 Twelfth Sty Phone 1026 Office 1128 central Ave., Phone 1079 WILMETTE. ILLINOIS / JlrsFCtass Electric ShoeRepairine AT LOWEST PRICES H K fei. WHiM«e590n? 603^W;n^iirimritTe~^riTiBeife. ill Dr. Elijah G. Harris KERVE SPECIALIST and CHIROPRACTOR After twelve^ years' experience with nervous cases in the East, announces his return to practice. AH nervous disorders, including head- ache. Nervous Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Spi- nal Curvature. â- â€¢;• Best of references from former patients. Appointments by telephone-Wlmtll* 1304. Resltfeece. 1730 Forest A»e., Wilmette, Illinois OfflMPhn «-Phone-lS8- « Tin,- sheet metal and furnace work. Furnaces, gutters, spouts and metal .....roofs ESflMATKffi FURNISHED jwT^e^eaniiigraHr ^pairing -Office, 1124 Central Ave. _ Shop, 625 Park Ave. (rear), Wilmette WfEMETTE BMKf ^g^^jfcB^^i^mdtoit^^ J 8J^--ElmAv^od^Atven ue PHONE 224 TrTLMETTE, ItU . MORRIS GRDRT A high-class line of new „^_end_second-hand STmEfrnmS^B^OVSEEOL^^OOIiSrwr^rSiyltB at Balf Price ge^jftj^d^Fnraitnre boaght^aold end'rti&jag#r--Z 7T~_ ^JX>Q4-e^^f^KHOTir-S^rBVAySTON TELEPHONE 1 mette for seven â-  years.----- Funeral services were held :Tae» TSoy. lafternootr^at^Zf^cl^k^roin ~i.bi j family home, the Hey.-Harry B. Heald | condnctlng thfr-HejgJceBrâ€"Interment. fGraceland ~'_zrr±7rrSbi:,-_ j___; â-  A N DC VoytErw^r^Emw Self Watering Flower Boxes Wire FIower-Bed Guard-Shrubbery and Hardy Pcrcnniols :: Telephone 629

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