THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1913, Gm^ . •'-' ._â€" -â€" - - â- â- • -'â- â- "â- â- â- ' ' ' v' ...' "' ' " ...... v* â- • ' â- . . "'â- ' -. â- â- â- "- â- *v, "â- â- ' . i .'..:..'........... ,-•-----.â- â- Let the gifts you make be tisefiil^ and purchased with a thought of the biles who wiU receive them on Christmas Day. AH^our Christmas^ Merchandise is Of the sturdy quality that will give satisfaction and Service to the recipient. W£ all enjoy receiving gifts whatever they iiiay be, but weean'r heip preferring the 51ft. JEEE^&jl ^iMJK^r SHOPPING EARLY ,NTliE YOUR SHOPPING EARLY IN THE MONTItAmrtN~THEDAY. >-â€"â- ~ Toys for the Chffite Santa Glaiis things to make the children Christmas stockings with good things and the little hearts with joy* Our basement sales- room of fers hundreds of thing^the little ones want, toys that are substantial arid worth white, toys that will satisfy you in ^«dv^ual- ity and pricer Here are dolls of all kinds, dressed andjindressed. jjj^Tjfflt:tlut£ ^l^^Hteir^appreqaBre jjTg Box of fine silk Hose; in (act nothing is mor^^pJiKe than dainty hbsiery. |^ have jirranged some special hosiery valweVthat~ofifcr unusual Christmasj>f»go^^ - ____*' ;â- ---â€".- large and small, the kewpie doll the cmesref ^alii doll cabs arid carts, IliKIRs^ds^i^i1 hammocks, doll's furniture, doll's dishe$aiid kitchen ivsu^ to^t^ little housekeeper; animals of aU lands; velocipedes, Irish mail ra^ chests, hill-climbiiig friction engines, wonder- toys that walk o#Sâ- jfl^!ElsSfe^ ^erf^p^'bwilig^pia^ f&.Tr>Gc&& Tiiccr^A. Ottr'^Clinstmas.lSpecial is a (dollar Silk of extra quality line silk with garter top ami double sole of cotton, double silk heel; colors are black, whit'*, navy, pink, light blue, tan, hrqsVTf. y*?tAw an»i â- â- *Jflri3|. cadet. Per pair,____-n-r..............-.^ 1 ,mj - Excellent values in heavy black and while Silk I lose at $2.00 and.................. 1.50 Pure Silk UQjse„j&r imprr>v-«»r» qkalijy. cjpr beot, lisle garter top, sole and heel, in black, white. g*rtan. gray, blue, pink ami lavender. I'air.....%^ClC Black Lisle Hose of fine gauge, full fashioned, medium weight; our indestructable quality ; novelty lavender tops; a good SOc value. 3 pairs in box. -m "g\g^ Jar,. _-----.......-----------_........... £ m{)%) Milady Black Hose; an imported hose that gives un- usual satisfaction in appearance and wear; locks and .feels like silk-and wears better^ 4oH-b4e-gar- m W^gtef top, heel and sole, gilt tippeT; 3 pairs for 1 m5\) ^THE A.M.-DAVI5 CO. a ,â€" ^^fSSB^BSSW9 and then ebrne. into qvtr st&r>€s *^2 lin^ Â¥te*f**&>> ^NEWYEAR 1 *<fUt c|f-^v VM 5»P>p'y .... Korv ("Vulmi- ts&t I i.r-h ,t 'O â- • • e-fai WJ. =di ^futtday ^rims and Boudoir Caps All styles are included in the display lar^e and^sm^lt: practical as well M dainty gifts shcmld prof it by them Large lawn Aprons, hemstitched, bottom ami bret-' telles; small round aprons;-4arge apron of lawn, two rows of pleats. Price, Round tea apron with embroidery ruffle and trimmed jacket,............................ Apronâ€"Be -sw*s«r^tppeit=pa*3^amks: cop*«ia-.r i*i> i«i>. m. Mv„ eo. into lower part, making a bag with wide ribbon ties." Price, i ' '"fegney Aprons of figured crepe, heart and-round 1 shapes, -damtyr floral patterns - in., coluf. Price, .......'............................ Sewing Apron of dotted Swiss trimmed with lace an<T rTHTwhs. Price.......,........... Silk Aprons, round, trimmed with two rows of wide lace and ribbon run insertion. Price, Sewing Apro^i Set. Fancy Apron, lace edge, irinimed ;""\v ith lace insertion ancT ribbon, ribbon ties, pair,«â- of cuffs' and collar to match. Set, ...'... ,T#>. JL W ;P^>m1oir Caps oLjmilcJpEjaeJ^Jximmed--wlUi ribbons and lace.....^...................... ^ a Better Gift than Gloves No one ever has too many gloves. That's why there's nothing but happihess when the one you give gteves=to= looks in the Christmas stocking...For many holiday~seasoTrs~0"uTâ€"glove section has been supplying the needs of gift buyers. You will find every kind of a glove here; long or short, cotton, silk or leather, from the heavy out- door gloves to the finest for dress occasions. Our Christmas Special is the Lafay- â€"ett'e Glovej, in white, black or colors, a glcttc -worth-the $1.65 that other ^Stores-get-for: ^hem.Ouf price, .. .f.*^.^-. ...â- ..... 'iiSlovcs-fotlrdKssor street wear, that ' A HI. give- iC seel lent satis- m g\f Jactionv Price-, „.^-...» Jjl ^vfV# Ghatham Gloves, a heavy, rervice- ^ble^loveâ„¢tHatis "^maÂ¥fe^ui^appear--- ,jsnee^ English cut,_P. X. r-MT^seams, ...".....;;; n iizWhJtejiI)pesjdn_J(j]^ very much in fcivor. soft leather and can be (easily washed. Pain ............v.T First Compkte Ritey WITH NOTES ABC UT THE POEMS BY THE AUTHOR ~ James WftUcom& CompleieJ^Grks^ BIOGRAPHICAL EDITION v IN SIX VOLUMES Perhaps no other set of books of any living author has ever been publish- ned with such intense human interest* sueh-generaPappeaT or with so much f^waifeblenfnafeTial in addition to the actual works. ^p&%o|p$^^ Actvance Showing of t9I4^hiHWuist$ _Waists in Christmas readiness, a gt£t every woman will apppreciate, and the values are exceptionally got &~~ .^p;\,i\t them in attractive boxes,- ;.'- .....'...___^.,- ,^ ...,-^. ...:_.:^: .;_-„. LihgerWWaTsts at $1.35, StiSfcWs&^ Grepe de Chine Waists in a very popular mode), $3 75. - - toSijroc.'. ,,.'â- .-•â- ',' :-^ y Two Hundred and Twenty Poems and maiiy-tprose sketches previously un- published in any book. .-â„¢~; --------- AH the famous "lost poems'- orUtite}' now -recovered~~an(]; included In this great-editioh with his other works. ChronoIoQieal Arrangement All works arranged in exact order of composition, giving, a view of the poet's deveJopinea^tn-firil-ijerBpective. Furmshedln VariousXe^tber findings at Higher Prices and in Cloth at $12.00 for the Six Books. Biographical Notes for each and every roemâ€"intensely interesting to ail Riley-lovers, ;.# A Sketch of the Poet'«Ufe, told large ly in ftoi» own words and possessing all the flavor of an autobiography. Indexes by titles, first" lines, refrains and subjects; > ;i v Elaborate Bibliographies. Illustrations from rare photographs and manuscripts in facsimile Art^Neerftework Novelties A ffiesjffl^o^fffl^ al wgfe most higEly^slje^med, 3 ct is ir.e-xpgnsi-ve" tor the materials. Package- outfits are /complete XlriWs Caps, Corset Covers, Fancy Aprons, Boudoir Caps, Center Pieces, '^texymrwj" « -t: v.ip â- : .^ .,v:v::^x *. ,.,7.2 5c Pttlow Tops, Collar Bags, Tie liacks, Fancy .Ilasfs, Dressing Sacques^SKirt; Waists," Made-up Brassiersrs, Infants Dress, Infants -Jar-k etjnSIfit3s*iITfess, etc., are . ---â- I - - I "1r7.^uLI_V. Bureau :arf* 75c hearts arid Pin" Cushiorife; Night Gowns, etc., are ....'.......... Made-up Night Gowns, and Com- «â- -/ns/ps hinatiOrii Suits, Library Scarfs, etc., i •vlvf 71