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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Dec 1913, p. 1

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EVANSTONâ€"-WJLMETTE â€" KIK1LWCK *I M _ Vh 1 N N ET K A*â€"G LE N C O Eâ€"HIGHLAND PARKâ€"LAKE, E ORES T 1TJC nc VOt. V, NO. 4. Phones 585-586-887. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1913. FATHER OF GLENGOE DRUGGIST IS DEAD E, L Clyde Dies irTSoffsHome Thursday Following illness of Heart Trouble. After an illness of three weeks, E. Clyde, father of A. E. Clyde, the HarrV T» Nightingale ofLJhlS Glencoe druggist, died in the latter's . . , J? .- â-  f.r- ..l!«i!.n I home in Grove street^Glencoe, Thurs- CityfWemDerottquaitzauon ;day nlght. Death was caused by Body, Declares Institutional^ ££^£1 T *nmm°' ShOtild Be Abolishedâ-  I Practically every resident of Glen- ______ coe was acquainted with E. L. Clyde, who has assisted his son in the drug -i iiocn X/ICWQ VFQTFRnAY'8,ore 'n that village during the dozen AmtU YltWd TLdrtllUAT | years he bar resided there, and every -----------1--------- | acquaintance was TSTs triend. .HeZwaS '_ > .' M ,, â- '.â- â-  ... ' jolly, good natured to a fault, and wris_ Speaking Before the Members ot the aiways obliging to an patrons of the CongregationarCliurch Current Eveflts Cl»$s3SLMakK5^ilteiL Attack on Tax Body. W. P. Work Had Narrow Es- cape from Death Early Mon- day When HeWas Attacked by Thugs 0^1" Train. "yha"riaacyr~desplte his advancedâ€"ager All of his life, he had been active and ^when-he-eame-t^Glencoe-twelve-years ago tp make his home with his son, it i-was hoped that he would retire. He] â„¢ " was not of a 'retiring dispositionâ€"and â€"Harry T. Nightingale, 2020 Sherman made the request that he be allowed • avenue, a teacher in the Evanston | fo clerk in the drug store. Academy and a inember"bTTHe~state ' Mr. Clyde was engaged in the dry board of equalization, bitterly assailed j goods business in Janesville, Wis., for -Ilic board of "jwhich^h&isla^memner4 ten years. He was prominent in so- --, .._»____~l~*r~S~~.m*Vi 11a. k*AAnaaalno tho ' ntnl nmA KuolnaaQ offalra In Hint- plfv Woxk, Who Had Been Drinkirg, Was â€"Retrjnring-fr4»irtbe^0evoii Ave.f District When Four Thugs Attacked Him. Bodkin and Keane, the Evans- ton Manipulators of'Movies' Have Rented Fine Place in ~~^Madfs6rr^Stfeet7 :^T PRICE FIVE CENTS NORTH SHORE TALENT IN "THE CAMPUS MOUSER" The New Future Association Announces Play to Take; Place Dec. 8-9, The Northwestern Glee \club with ^lalcrnn^Vhitfteljl-asTSoloisti- wilt-fur- Famous Young Golfer Tells dfFBas2» anaie of the Hrst act o* therLnicago Orchestra Member HisVJsitto the Westmore- T2E£2S£ig!SlS2l| Works .All Afternoon Ignor- Jand Country Club and .IS^^iLS^*-^:. ant of Sudden Death of- " Highly Praises It. ' The cast numbers 200 and is being Wife in Wtnnetka* TOSTARTlENeENT SHOW Big Deal Has" Been! Closed Giving HARD TIME REACHING MT^^^^^^^I INQUEST HELD -TUESDAY success* ,( ,, , , Mrs. T. B. Blnekstone leads the list Auer_8emg Picked Up' on the Uen- ;cf boxholdcrs, and it is rumored that a well known Chicago Tnan intends buy tog the-whole-gaHcry-anor-turning- rhem-SUe^Setween-OeacborjL__l tral Street Roadt He Plays Oven and Clark Sts.,10 Years' Rent Entire Links and Makes Amounting to $120,000. , it oyer t<t the newsboys. Verdict Rendered That Death of Woman Patient Resulted From. ; -AccidentarrVllTronTpler^ Favorable Comment. The baTl room of the La Salle hotel where rehearsals are being held has boon'transformed into a veritable the- Into Lake. /. Due to the <iuie4c work of Wlllianr ~~ Bodkin ~& Brown, a motorman on a northbound manipulators Keane, of the the Evanston I "Ghic Svansr-the-famous^ golfer "movies," are 1 going to invade the loop district A j deal was ' closed Monday whereby \ esterday noon, while addressing the j rial and business affairs in that city, members of the Current Events class j having been one of the charter mem- of the First Congregational church j bers of the I. p. p. F. lodge No. 14 of "Jit^igl^glUe~i8~^fProgTes^ivenmremHthaTplaceâ€"Por-afew-years the fam- ber of the board and-was elected from iiy^ resided in South Dakota. Mr. this district. The speaker arraigned | Clyde was born in Cherry Valley, ihe entiresystein^uhderâ€"whichâ€"the rNrrYr,~May -8, 1846, where he was board operates and declared that even j ieared. When a young man he came if the system were good^fea-Bjembers • v/eBt. He was a veteran of the Civil pay little attention to business. * He I war> having served In the Forty-fifth asserted that the board, In making up j New York Infantry and settled in the corporation tax list, discriminated janesville. Besides his wife, Mrs. Jen- agalnst Chicago cwcernsâ€"and -let' Rj6 Clyde, he leaves one sonr Albert E. downstate corporatigpa off easily. j Clyde of Glencoe, and one daughter, •The whole thing is a farce," said j MrB Ei A# Krebs of Chicago. Mr. Nightingale. ^'TEerhoard review; punerai services were conducted in Northwestern Elevated train,. W.: P. Work, a carpenter, 1419 Sherman ave- nue, /Evanston, was saved from death.] they take charge of a building on the oTth~Bide"0f^tatli8on-streetT-befcween junty assessors' work is log rolling, pure and simple. The mem- bers get together *nd say to each other: 'Don't vote for any Increases in my district and I won't vote for any in yours/ That's the way practically all the work la done*" Assessment is "Farce." the Clyde home In Glencoe Saturday afternoon byâ€"Rev. D. H. Cornell, pas- tor of the Glencoe Union church. On Sunday the body was taken to Jaies- vllle, Wis., for burial. Members of the Wllmette Odd Fellows' lodge acted as pall bearers and escort to the funeral from the Clyde home to the Tallroad-Htation;â€"â€"------------------------- beneath the wheels of the train Mon- day morning at the Davis street sta- tion, after he had been robbed of $30 in money and his gold watch, and thrown from the elevated platform In front of the train by four thugs. The first truck of the car-passed over Work, who was lying in the center of the track. Luckily, he is a man of small stature and, aside from a few bruises and abrasions about the face, he es- caped Injury. Realizing 'hat the man would_bejground beneath the wheels, Brown reversed the power with a sud^ denness which almost threw the pas- sengers from their seats, and stopped the train after the first truck had passed over Work.. He Was extricated and taken to tire-police station, where his few injuries were dressed. °- Later he was arraigned in the po- lice court on a charge of drunkenness and, after telling the story of the rob- bery, the case was continued for a week. n. '" " : ~ The board is composed of tweuty- six members, one from each congres- sional district, twenty-five, and the state auditor. •The assessment of personal-prop-. erty by local assessors said the pi AV EftR POOD RARIFR speaker, "has been a farce, is now a] Tlill TUIrTvUII DnOltO farce, and will always be one so long ________^__ Z-___ as such a tax exists. The local as- sessments on personal property, town | Qg p|ayers win Render a8d city lots, Improved and unlm-i^«. Y J proved farm lands, are sent from the j " J fog Witching nOUr at New county offlcialsto the-state board of + _ .>' â- â- . . ortL_.i _____â- â€" r^equalizatlon. These reports are turned , I Tier nlgn OCnOOI. over to the .various committees for re-"' - vision. . "As a matter of fact, the personal; Few recent plays have attracted and former student of Evanston aca'd- emy. has nothing but words of praise. for the new Westmoreland Country tub. inter, and all the nartlclpapts are fullj Vnt-tm^^j^^f thirrfflcrrthat-thc of gnthusjasjn. Cl_:- .. •'.'. â- "".___i-Til Lbodyjjf his wifir was being held in an Mr- Carl Pfau has the leading role Evanston morgue- unidentified, Frank of Rialconi" Douglas, the Adonis of At-; c. Mltrelstaedt. a member 'of the CSF~ water college. Hejast appearedHierecfcernw^^ntmb^^ "Miss Rob White^______ ____ j viola through a lengthy rehearsal Mon^ Miss Nnllar-rtoscn of-^ergey's-Chl, aa>. afternoon;â€"When- he^retumed •Chick" has captlared more than j„ Clark^d Dearborn streets, for a term^v-score of golf titles and is considered of ten years at_A_rental of $120,000 jan authority on the Scottish game. HJsj cage Opera, school, ^PT^'^Vujse^ra â-  toJhjE hoitte* 1^* Berttaii^^^^St for the period. golfing notes, which appear dally in of Louisville, Ky.. represented by W.rb>-thousands of golf fans. -When th<^ D. Kerfoot, to J. F. Bodkin and John solo from La Boheme. She will be as-:ca!,0t late that night, he was told that sisted by the olght stunning young la-; ,yj wife, Mrs. Marie_MJttiOstaea^»Jiad_ dies of the "High School Dance." She; Wvn droWned-in-thrtake off the shore hj-the^protfigt^ilZMcs^Erederick-Web^ La t W1 nnetka. She had been a patienr young goffer visited the Westmoreland ; jtipr. Having a splendid dramatic so-^ in th<, North Shore Health resort at x!lub he_j)layedjDver the^entire course, ftfrano voice, critics who have heard j winnetka for three weeks and was and so knows what he is talking about. hor D»"edjct a brilliant, futurtj for her. ? expected to return home this Satur- Walter Babcock leads the tennis ;tltty>^A Coroner«8-jury-ln-^es8lon in nnri ! He is not slow-in telling "how he hap- \ . , n „„..., ,-.,„!,„„„ __^ nnn !â€"*• ^^------~* - Jâ€" * *M .-«â- Â»"»â- Â»Â« ana : dance and Dorothy Dickson and Don-. Kvonston Turtrfnv n>tnrn,..i •» v,.r,ifr.f basement structure at 68 West Madl-lpened to visit the links to the west of * „,,, Klmhni.to Argl to <1n ,h„ Argentine L..." »„". ~Tâ„¢ y " . ' .fâ„¢. . Keane of Evanston.________:_, A Four-8tbry Building. The building le ac. four-story j>»d Kimbark are to do the Argentine [ tnat â-  aeath" 'was "caused* bv" accidental son street. The building, which-JsjEvanston-and in what condition hiei Tango. Miss Dickson haB introduced !dt!0^n4n^^_____- Jâ-  - - on the north side of the street, be-jfound the course< The toiiowinJs. ar$in' number of original and novel situa-S * ~ ~~~7- ';,. tween Clark and Dearborn streets, on.. h|8 OWIj words used In telling of hla tions, into all the dances, as she has| . . jTeamster Finds Body, a lot 20%xl67% feet, ha9 been leased â-  â-  " for ten years, from May 1, 1915, at a net rental or $120,000 for the term, the tenants to pay taxes, insurance and special assessments. Bodkin & ""_ property committee for several years more attention that the "Witching s^lias never made a single change in the [Hour," by Augustus Thomas, which assessments in any county, in the | will be presented at the New Trier ""state-------------â€"â€"i--------â€"THigliâ€"schoor theater-next Saturday- . "The only Instance in recent years I evening Dec. 6. by the Northwestern "where the board had made any in^jU^J^^^P"^8^..^"â„¢; -^riaMncreases-in^ounty^assess^ ment was in Lake county. This in-tPoor babies of Ch.cago. This corn- crease," he said, "was entirely a mat-jpany ot players have produced an ar- - ter of pollticaLrevenge^on the part tlstic rendition of this play Their -*T cerfafn members of the board against training has been underhthe.f r«f^ â- 11other members who had proposed the) of Mrs Mary Hlght. who is an ac^ abolishment of the board. Icomplished stage tevorlte and who formerly was leading lady with the -MemlWr-J!U|«tCOMej!t?__^^ â€"^~HaeTBeen Drinking;------------- Work was returning from the Devon avenue saloon district and was intoxi- cated. He stated that be came to Howard avenue on the surface line and, having missed connections with an bvanstcn car, walked over to the Elevated. When he boarded an Ev- anston Elevated iTahr-av-the Howard avenue station. Work asserts that four or five other toughs entered the same car. They gathered about him and began to crowd and Jostle him. Work had three $10 bills loose in his trousers pocket. This money was taken by the thugs and his watch was snatched from the chain. Upon reaching the Davis street sta- tion, Work left the train with the four toughs. He was remonstrating against the robbery when It is alleged that two of the thugs struck blm and pushed him from the platform onto the tracks._________'_: Another northbound train was fol- lowing closely behind the one on ypif.fi Work- lmd been a passenger. trip-to. Westmoreland andjiis descrip- j been coaching for Miss Gerrish, the; The body of Mrs. Mlttelstaedt was tion of the grounds: - autbbiVoUhe play. /,-,.; trashed ashore at-^WaVerlr places "For a long time i *ad wanted -tok^Mlss Mildred Johnson, a dalntyjlt- wft|ch ,g 0|1 the. dividing-lltie .betwim eee a new golf course out beyond Ev [tie dancer to whom Evanston has been WInnetka and Kenllworth, Monday ,. , , „ ,„ . anston. but until Ihsi Sunday my de-t Indebted Jor many beautiful *>«<>„ wmiftn. Aw « wnmette TZtZlfl'TlZu^Tihl lime had been, occupied and I had; "Runty Sho^ fl«»r fo. a .» and intent thcattr. T!«e tuai^ba^4^Mijaitt lftffaHon of the she created In the same play last win- ftl„ lnlrn h>if_M|, ^j^^^ti*^ Westmoreland club.-â€"Htnew-in~a-gen-rj4er-when it was given in San Diego -erai-wey-that-lt was on, the filen _VZle: electric line, but that was about all.' I Gt rrlsh of Mlnneapils. She haa^chos , Uce ftjjd w^ftn (^ . r f ga^,,. w ,j £S^^SF5??=?^SH»«^ all,on tl,*C"^*!" Peterson of that place= arrived at the «.»«t t^Jtx ^^^^iolBhK;of^tWlt^,'0,l,,8,, m t0nmT beach, the body -w washed ashore. 'ILaat Sjtnda>Ll_coHjpgiRpg gOWttg tllf> dtalpgije teems with college ex- outfit and. accompanied by my; p7i>H8|onB, muBlc catchy, dances eh- hroth.r. Eliot H. Evans, set rortn to, t|.anclng Everything moves along In j \^ a very professional manner. Insuring everyone a very^Tenjoyable-evenlng. (yi upper floors, which are in charge of Keebler ft Co., will bp^jyibj^ ^ •Tlie-custom-lh-thaboard-has never to raise the assessment in ai rotinty unless the. member of that dis- The theater: at the New Trier High rschbol.^whicfi is styled the^ assembly I hall, Is complete in every way and Before he could get to his feet, the second train bore down upon him. Fate alone dealtV^klndly with Work and in his^r^nkeh-stupor he escaped wlth-only-the few bruises. â€"Othe trlct gives his consent, which is sel-1 furnishes ample facilities for the ren- 4iotn-enoughr~rThe meetings of these j dering of the splendid play^ The stage eommlttees are an -absblute^arce448â€"equippedâ€"with- alt the up-to-date I >uring that entire three months' ses- sion of the board meeting two or three days each week from August to Nov. i'0 inclusive of this year, no one of the three committees of the board was in session more'than a total of five hours. The personal! property, and town and city lot's", committees, were An Ideal Location.' The location the Evanston men have secured Is said to be ideal foi the moving picture business. Tt is said there is only one site equal to It In Chicago, on State street. The Evans- ton men hope to start business short- ly after the first of the year. Taev are now conducting negotiations with the present occupants, and'if they are successful, they will start at once the -work of remodeling the building. â€" The taking over of the lease on the Madison street site is the climax to their careers in the picture business. It makes ten theaters of which they now are In charge. Besides the three, show bouses^ they operate In Evans- ton,: they conduct amusement places in Kenosha, Racine, "Gross Point, Jollet and Elgin. * The Evanston showmen understand the moving plcture"buslness from A to7Z^indlhelr^fHeTids-predict-nothIng j but success for them In their new and j bigger field in the loop district of Chicago. -*- . â-  . '• gtvfii. .n =»m w»^-^!asbtQUIihL j^by^e^waves. JJeare-: JJ!cj^_wasjvrUie^^^ seek Westmoreland. We liv<: in Rog- ers Park, so we took tlie BvanBton"!^ With no marks of identification save au engagement ring bearing the ini- *P. M. to M. H^'rthe Winnetki anthorlties were puzzled. The body Hebblethwalte brought to TBeT Several persons witnessed the. acci- dent and marvelled at Work's lucky es- cape from Instant death. Among the witnesses were Frank Maxwell, 1000 Emerson street; Luclle Hogan, 607 Davis street; J. Wetland, 622 Davis to Central street andi then waited Mr j Tlie wrIter_ „^lng 8een the play in ^ { ^ t w|R^ • WjW ,ftter teen minutes foran^anston surface, rort|and. regfeta very much, the ab-, Idontlfted b omclalB from the Win. car running west. When vnrreached Bence of a mji^eo fterfot inance toffnp^^^rt1t^amr-^-^â€"â€"--=-=n=r: the end or the line we were told that j tlj0 IUtle folks. Tickets on, sale at ^ordi„R to testimony given at the the GJen yiew^ar-had just gone ajid Co1wpU'» ami-McCaHum A ^^^^fm^nt^Dt8 mojnfpg by Mr. Mlttet- the next was due in an hourr^My Sherman avenue? brother, who had been there before, as- . j -'â- .-_â- :__ sured me that we would save time by j walking, which we forthwith proceed*! ed to do^--â- --------------- ' ' - â- ...........----- "The road waB of clay and we were heavily laTdenT Soon a^beautlfulr big limousine came by and as we stepped to one side the owner of the car, sit-! Ting beside his chauffeur, the empty prnminpnt lA/j I mp tte body of the car^ capable^ of holdlngtrrOJTlinent Â¥V I4JIIC 11C overburdened golfers, put his I Q(aimS MlSS KathaFiffl6 DaVlS high In the air and looked! THOMAS OF WILMEHE WEDS IN CITY tstaedt, his wife, had been a patient at Kh^irealrtf "resort for three weeks. | where she was receiving treatment for 11 viâ- â€¢!• trouble. She was accustomed to Lwalk-from-three-to^flve miles each day sBlong,the lake shore, UHimlly In tlio hntorningâ€"af ter---reeelv4ng-TTaâ€"treatment I for her ailment. Mr. Mlttelstaedt vla- j ited bis wife last Sundayâ€"and they ; walked several; miles that day along rtlm shorer^-â€"â€"â€" ~=^f=-â€"-.-----;â€"â€"- â- â€" ~ HUBBARD WOODS TO HAVE FREE DELIVERY head neither to the lefrnoTTlght Of him. Our opinion of the limousine man was, emphasized by the fact that the sun bad-not reached a high point in the As His Bride- Believe Death Accidental. "TVyhTIe" no attendants or representa. j lives from the-Winnetka resort an- . ,.. « i i- u*« ! peared arthe inquest, it is understood The marriage of Miss Marjorie. H^';;^^ %hfj last time-Mrt. MiUeistoedt paraphernalia used in the large play- houses. Ev^en ^gjjf^^SSk 8treet: Peter sandberg. 622 Davis the stage is supplied, together wRh-^^ ^ Con8taD,e Charleg Hed- a full set of scenery. Mom m declare that had Work The production of the "Witching been & large perso„ he would probably Hour" Saturday night marks tlie qpen^ havft been kllleA ing of the structure tor entertainments while Wbrlt^Md"fftt l^H>*»gtg"y ot for the public of tlie north shore and r ailed together by the chairman only â-  jg 8erVe as a social center meeting Three times. These^meetings lasted j-la-e- Muc^hTinterest is shown in the only from an hour to an hour and &|t>penmg of the school theater and half each time, -T 7ZZZ7 . J seats are selling fast at 50 cents e*chr "Here's how the work was done bv J Tne, entertainment is iii charge of the • he personal property committee. Thei philanthropic committee of the Nelgb- Telld^ng~q^iote"lsTverbatim fronv ®ne4g6re' club ofâ€"KenHworth and each of three meetings: ------------___._____'memyr u hifiy, selling tickets for the ^The chairman, reading off the flg--|^arRy performnnce. ures of one county: 'O, I guess that-s-p-"-' Jillâ€"right; what do you_say, boys?'! \love it be accepted as sent in,' a f5 member moved; itâ€" wasâ€"carried--at| „jonce. â-  , :- ' t â€".-"The next-county considered, the-^ ^WlondeFlvhy that) GLENCOE his assailants, her states that he would be able to identfy them Reported by pfficers. The holdup is one of the -boldest and most^bw^dlylMflCthatjias cpme-to- the attention of the Evanston au- thorities for years. When the facta were "presented toâ€"Police Magistrate John F. Bdyer by Officer "â- William" Residents of Hubbard Woods will be given free mair^HveTy~Tifter~Jan 1 from cording completed Winnetka. For some time there has been an annoyauce~Jjoth„ta_Gleneoe and Winnetka postoffices by mail whlclFhas beeTraddressedTto residents of Hubbard Woods to these post- offices. ~~ The Hubbard Woods postofflce will be maintained after the free"delivery heRvens and It-was cold work trudg- ?derson^payls.'^f^ter ?g Mj^Jath-jt|>ii|> af><m ftJ,Ve WM at j0.30 o^iocfc ing along that clay â- road.^ farlne WillaceTlavIsT^ "JuBt as we^were reaching a high^venue^Chlcago^Jo Thonms^ugene, um_ t),;»f time for her customarr solemn: "'l^,-:___,..,.._ ^^.:_^» «.-*-k« Or^mail^liveTriifter^n. -to" get out of the way.' - We t-nwd.^r. Jg^-j^^ b>ule' was at Lannlng ^nd^therAiwho assisted in rescuing Work from beneath the train in addition to statements made by Work", an investigation was ordered and the .case continued for a week. "This Is a bold piece of work and ^hould-bp-cl«areiLupv' sald-the-police magistrate. "I have no deslte to Pun- ^ni^nf^fahhnrd^Wood^Ill-traveliMwe. Truely It lpoked^r against; the ^rlde^ ^ „rii Y- ......fi wl« the clear blue of that perfect autumn ;mony. Mi. aud-^Srar-Thompson t"i Mrs. Sherman Booth. Glencoe's lsh Work if he is a victim of thugs. We will have the-officers look Into this matter." --â€" cliirifman asked: county is so low?' JAnswer Was: 'O, the floods this spring, I guess.' Car- ried as sent in.Withrthe next county j suffragist, who was one of the three the chairman asked: .'This county,4jeadje;rs•â€"jn the state^ to secure the r-wliy sohlgh?' Answer: -Floods didn't pa8Sage of the Illinois equal rights bill ^ PHI,RCH bazaar touch it.' Chairman: «Ohr all right, if* the state legislature last spring. GLENCOE ^HURCH B^ZAA«- _ letjt go.' " attending the national convention Members of the Woman's guild of "About this time a suggestion was f _ , suffrage leaders in Washing- the St. Elisabeth s church will con- uuide by one of the members that It ^n; D C, thU^egg^S^^ o^Ptl^ thelr-annual- (^rlstmas-baxaar hill when we had about concluded that i Thompson of Wllmette J*** v^?w£ t morning walk. It is thought that sh* the walk to Westmoreland was end-â- !l«ed Saturday evening at 8 Ifg^mtfriJig^^ less, we received an imperative order St. Peter's Episcopal church, Chlcagc..- ^ where the body was recov- -to get out of the way.' -We turned Hev. William^ Carson^ Shaw, J?cto£ j ered Anfl .losing M,b»tow^:'l^;!M| -Relatives assert that -Mrs^-Mittet- staedt^waa^not-givett-to meianchblm and do not think that she committed suicides la^iteo^her-aiBictki^ah* . always was hppefut of recovery, and , „, .. •â- '-.-.'. ** K„»lthe Tact that she was to havtf beeu Ludlow J. Washburn acted as best;'^ . v ^ssii- »w_ ._„»i.»».^„ «&«â- â-  man. The ushers were Lowell D, Kern a ed talned five golfers, and room was lm- medlately-found^on the muo guards ! Ban Tor - i^o' more with their attendant bags;' .....â- ;-â€"â€",---^_..-_,..... ^ I - _^_ Greens Are AH Large. We were soon1 in sight of West- ot: Miss! Miss, Dee ' idlscharged from the Institution-thla planJs-adople^T-as_aJhrahchlofZthe^__ of Watseka. Ill.....Eurl Rathbun of Glen - â-  ^uce that she did not take her Eltyn. Willlnnt-Woolaton-otOeneva-as^ and Claude Ailing and Paul Hanke. own lifev Hrgh~on~na hill, bcautifulr: bqtb^of Evanstotu A reception-to an* stood the club- mediate reli mother followed the cere- from the Hubbard Woods branch. Jfould-be better to take more tune and go ~more slowly with- the consid- -erati.on;of-the figures. The answer to â- Msâ€"suggestion' was: anyway.* Z....Mrr^lgtfJtog^iOMd'JKat^.oniB day (Continued on Page 2.) program to give six lectures on up-to- date methods In lobbying. r...:.L^mt Having had much experieace-in-thv egislattlrv as-u-luub>*t in the school auditorium next Tues-j day^and^ WednesdayV Dec. d-and 10^ fa-addition to the-anmeroiig^booths^ j As of fanct work wlllj _want to get home thTs afterhbbnZLeC3t^wUi.fi^cctl^^^ go ahead: we can't change-any of It. ....."" nlderntlff1',fl thft convention. also mate a trip to New York, wnere she wiH make a-speech before the Woman's Political union of New York. dinner..will be' served at gT She^mlo^ock-eaclr evening.--The menu witti indued chop suey, older» coffee; dough- nuts, cake. Ice ^cream. etc* Dancing will be enjoyed^hlthe^ehlngs. Special Notice Chicago's most prominent Teach- ers of Music and Dramatic in this issue. See page 9 H.6.GHATFIELD-TAYL0R LEAVES ON LONG TRIP day. It Is approached by a pfettrl be at home after Jan. ^-at-^Cen- winding road' and the ground rolls j tral avenue. Wilmette. The bride away from It on either side. [Kroorn h>» graf^te^ the•â- ^jg^Jg "As my brother and-I were overdue of nilnois^l^the- class of 1910^ afld In our htatch with Klttsmah^f West- ^e bride, after only three ^ars, moreland and Kober of Evanston, wc wo«,^won her degree,jt Northweat: wematoncet.thelockerroo^^ week „ we found excellent nnd.muclVrrke-l^^JJ^^ « ^~Z^^rk^l^. saH^^^erdi^^il* one at Edgewater. v ^ ____;:_.____iii-;-~-â-  â€" â-  Algiers on board the^ LacCnla At the ^^^de^hort-work^f-fhe-dres^ ______^^^râ€"/ ^ -^.^n ~~ ' docferhe salctr-"r antJ^fo^ to^Alglera stepped MEETING *LACE CHANGED, ry^^ raai. ae mV |i{^ book. "!»• Hobart C, Chatfleld-Taylor.-â- . the Lake Forest millionaire author and Almost all clubman, who ha*~ been~stuying:_for the Ritx-Carltoa in Hir- ing'.'" as we were late, .and jib dock He saicrr for ;t rest, as ray latest book, opadZthelfirWitjgrainjjTO While workmen are-remodeUng the^I-ifâ€"^rG&^^t.-<ray:published Satur- I saw "the land^falrlyftSWinglng^awarTpafrshbouseo^ it Is a companion book to my [with gently sloping hills and not a. primary department of theâ€"Sunday: ,Ltt^ ot jjollere'.' Goldoniâ€"waa the "hint ofT monotony about it. Some- B» hoor will meet in the Winnetka ^tijfah Mc^re>rllnl^may itatoUfc Ait where I had received, the impression woman's club, " ' â-  •â- " ' â-  ^y^y>»t ;'" â- "-••'.""", •--;-â- :-;-^;-.-. . ;. .. K ^Vlthlu a month Mrs. Cli^Oht-Tay^ TioT^^expecte *o join her husband.. and,. -that this much-heralded course had _ â€"â€"-â€"--â- â- "â- â- â- â- â- â€"~- ..:-;," not turned out wcTTftnTFthfiW coupled gLENCGE JUSTICE «TRICKEf4. with my^dimejraty iOt^ttlHg to It, had ; fURtice of the Fence S: Ai-^G«*aT«^q|Wi^t^:J*ltt'-ip» to Egypt for the not prcpared-me for a favorable ^udg- ^^^^^ strlc^ken w^^ rhc* plan merit, but I soon discovered that tlt« | pf heaft trouble the first of last weal [ toJ pais Kaattft IU Rume. In tho early ^ lihiiifte-irM in n ourprlBinsly good con- j |t'n)i f)ir B1iv1;^ q+vu wmt nnable toi spring they wrjll apenf some Umg te rtition for the time since Its construe- ^ ^n hl>( bfflce. Ha Is convaiesceht" j:"F»nWing'Aen^retnTn-n^Sw^r^?^ about June i. ~. ~ .-â- --• - " ~ (Continued on Pag» 4.) . ..>-;..;,- ;â- ,-*â- "". â-  1 " _ â- "... â- '_â- 

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