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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Dec 1913, p. 3

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THK I.AKK SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1913. niiiiiiiiiiritiniiijii I What People Are Doing : .„^.lnEiranclnnâ€"â- *-$ in Evanston Mr. X O. Dannenf€p~oTtKe"Avenue House lettr-Sstiirday for Applet on, Wis. Miss Marjorie Van Home, 1303 Jud- son avenue, returned to Arlington Heights, 111.. Monday morning. Mrs. Delia Brand of Washington, D.C, is the guest of Mrs. P. R. Shoe- maker, 2400 Hartzell street. Mr. Henry Mitchell of Gary, Intl.. spent Sunday with bis sister, Miss Ruth Mitchell, 2203 Central street. The Misses Gertrude and Elsie Roome, 837 Hinman avenue, enter- tained informally at their home Sat- urday evening. Miss Theodora Grantham returned to Madison, Wis., Sunday after spending the week-end at her home, 24IS Hartzell street. Miss Grace Deets returned Monday to her home in Des Moines, la., after being the week-end guest of Miss Ma- rio Shoemaker, 2400 Hartzell street. Mr. Frank Staehle returned Thurs- day from Cleveland, Ohio, to spend Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Staehle, 2416 Park place. Dr. and Mrs. D. E. Waterbury, 1105 Davis street, entertained at dinner Sunday. Covers were laid for twelve. Among their guests were Mr and Mrs. L. P- Sykes of Wilniette. Mrs. A. W. Underwood and chil- dren, Eunice and Josephine, 1745 Hin- man avenue, who are spending the winter in Clearwater, Fla.. will be joined by Mr. Underwood at Christ- mas. Mrs. Newburg, Dewey avenue and ihurch street, entertained at dinner Sunday in honor of Rev. and Mrs. J. V. Carlson and family. Rev. Carl- son has recently come to the Swedish Mission church. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Williams, who have recently moved here from Wash- ington, D. C, have as their guest Mrs. Williams' mother, Mrs. Russeil B. Har- rison of Washington, D. C, daughter- in-law of Ex-President HarriEon. Miss "Marion Chase of Waterman Hall. Sycamore, 111., and Miss Marga- ret Chase, who is attending school at Pawnee, 111., Bpent Thanksgiving; and the week-end with their father, Mr. Winsor Chase, 1116 Maple avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Wightman and daughter, Catherine, 1454 Maple avenue, left for Washington Monday evening. Mr. Wightman has been pointed by Gov. Dunne one of the state delegates to tire Rivers and~Hi Lors conference being held in Wash- ington this week. Mr. Edwin L. Shuman, 221 Kedzle street, has resigned his position. as literary editor of the Chicago Record- Herald and accepted the position of. assistant general manager o? the As- sociattd Sunday Magazines in New York. He leaves the last of this week for New York and Mrs. Shuman, her mother, Mrs. N. S. Thompson, and her sister, Miss Stella Tboffipssn. will fol- low in a fe|w weeks. A surprise party was given by Dr. and Mrs. D. E. Waterbury. 1105 Davis street. Thanksgiving, for their son, Kenneth, and their daughter, Ethel. The house was hung with yellow and brown Japanese lanternsj and the din- ing room table decorations were poln- settias. The thirty-five or forty guests came en masque, wearing their cos- tumes until invited to the dining room for refreshments. • When Miss NMlie Mayborn of Polo, 111., and Miss Nellie Ambrose of Dixon, III., un- masked they were greeted by exclama- tions of great surprise by Miss Water- fury and MrT^Watefbury, who had bpen kept in ignorance of their ar- rival. " JUiss Marie Risen, who is attending Longwoad academy at Longwood, 111., and Robert Risch. a student at Notre Dame university, have returned to their studies after passing Thanksgiv- ing with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.- .Tonh P. Risch, 806 Monroe street. Mrs. Paul, Tletgens,.^622 Forest ave- nu<\ Ivas issued cards "for a dance to. be given for her oldest daughter, Miss Virginia Tietgens, on Tuesday, Decem- ber 23. On the afternoon following party for her youngest daughter, Mrs. Tietgens will give a Christmas Betty. Surrounded by a bevy of young de- butantes the Misses^ Constance and Elizabeth Illsley were presented to so- ricty Saturday afternoon at a tea giv- en between the hours of 4 and 7 by xheir- ^parentSr-Mrr and Mrs. -William A. illsley, 908 Seward avenue. The tea was followed by a dinner-dance. Smith sisters furnished the music dur^ ins: the afternoon and Johnny Hand's orchestra for the dance in the even- ing. The house was beautifully deco- »ated in yellow flowers, ferns a palms, in the receiving line were Mr. and Mrs. Illsley, Mr.- and Mrs. John Boyee Smith of New York, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Illsley, Mr.- and--Mra John Slade and Mr. ahd~Mrs. Rollin A. Keyes. The young people assisting were the Misses Dorothy Gross, Janet Hall. Olive Johnson, Betty Cockle of Peoria, Frances Walker of Peoria, Ell- "zabeth Douglas of Oak Park, Marjbria Moore of Oak ParkT^Marion Phillip, Isabel Phillips, Gladys Spry. Eleanor The Country club pool tournament began with fifty entries. The contest lasts during the entire winter. Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Sammons, 1031 Madison street, announce the z^^ererrwill he^ a iinteettagrnt nhe Woman's Foreign Missionary society of the First Methodist church Wed- nesday at 2:30 o'clock in the church parlors. Messrs. Ray and Ralph Woods, who are attending the Univeralty^ot^uu riols, spent the holiday with their mother. Mrs. Belle M. Woods, 525 Lee street. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton F. Balch, Miss Gladys Balch and Mr. Harold Balch, 2221 Harrison street, spent the Thanksgiving vacation with relatives in Winona, Minn. Mr. Frederick Gilbert Everts of this city was united in marriage to Miss Alice A. Place, daughter of Mrs. Chas. Place of Milwaukee, Wis. Rev. M. E. Eversg, D. D., of this city, p-rformed the'eeremony. Announcement is made of the mar- riage of Miss Ruth Rough of New Al- bany, Ind., and Mr. Leo J. Michels of Chicago, which took place Thursday noon at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Frank Orman Beck, 2641 Prairie ave- nue, Rev. Beck officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Michels will reside at 4321 Cham- Judson avenue, bad as their guest Thanksgiving their cousin, Miss Cath- erine Wilson of Oak Park, ___________ Miss Sarah Louise Bufflngtoh re- turned from Wellesley to spend Thanksgiving- with her^parentsyâ€"Mrr and Mrs. E. J. Buffington, 1140 Forest avenue. Mrs. H. J. Smith of Owosso, Okla., is the guest of relatives in Evanston. Mr. Frank J. Mitchell arrived in Ev- anston yesterday from San Domingo end will make his home at 2333 Lin- coln street for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Whitehead, 2315 Park place, were the guests Thursday of Mrs. Whitehead's brother, Mr. Miller, at his home in Glencoe. Mr. H. G. Graves and daughters, Gertrude and Louise, 2109 Colfax street, spent Thanksgiving day at the home of their sister In Cedar Rapids. Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Colby Davis, 1723 As- 1332 Hinman1 avenue, were married l Master Ferdinand Borrell, 919 Hin- bury avenue, bad as their guests Thursday at 5 o'clock at the Lake rest- man avenue, entertained a number of deuce. The bride was attended by • little friends Thursday in honor of two^attendants, the bridegroom's sis- [hto 'ourtn birthday: The small host ter, Miss Grace Merrick. .j^a^a,.0f:h.B«l-lbnrT«ends,-7foni--cnndleih-ott-lito honor, and the bride's niece. Polly cake, and ate at 4 o'clock, after which Pletscb,na"flower girl. Mr PappaiLL«H» Wttle^pe^e-drew straws for four Gregory of Chicago served as best man,' Pr'*es- Messrs; Donald Miller and Harold | Tomorrow evening the first meet- Wing ushered. A supper followed the ing of the young people's dancing Thanksgiving their daughter and son- in-law. Rev. and Mrs. Frederick Gram ot De Kalb. Plain avenue. Chicago. MJss_BllUe_Klrkman. Lake street Prof, and Mrs. E W.Nichols,ZS3S:*nd Ridge avenuev spent Thanksgiv ing at Dana Hall. She will visit in Hackensack, N. J., before returning. Miss Gertrude Lake, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Lake, and Clinton ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Merrick, will (class will be held in the Llneolnwood Merrick, son of George P. Merrick, be at home at 843 Ridge avenue. The marriage of Miss Catherine Elizabeth Riley, daughter of Mrs. Pat- rick M. Riley, 43 East Division street, Chicago, to William McKinley, speaker of the house at Springfield, took place 1332 Hinman avenue, was united in marriage Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock at the home of the bride's par- ents. 1708 Ridge avenue. Bishop Wil- liam Fraser McDowell officiated .„ ;.:;. ....----- ... „.„,„,,„.„, ,„„,x .,„„, Miss Grace Merrick, sister of the ThurBday mornlng at 10 0.clock at !â„¢&â„¢^J^**"« ^2 school. This class is for young people of high school age and older, and will meet -on alternate Friday evenings from 8 to 10 o'clock. It will be under the direction of a very competent teacher, and Instead of opening the groom, served as maid of honor and Mr. Tappan Gregory of Chicago as best man. Little Polly Pietsch, niec^e of the bride, was the brides only other attendant. The ushers were Donald Mtilerâ€"and Harold Wing. A supper followed the ceremony. Mr and Mrs. Merrick will be at home at 843 Ridge avenue. Miss Gertrude Lake, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Lake, and Clinton P. Merrick, son of George P. Merrick, wedding trip. m the residence of Archbishop Quigley. Mr. A. A. McKinley, 1104 Dempster street.-fS a brother of the speaker, will be devoted to social dancing, with the lesson following. ' A quiet wedding took place Friday Miss May Julia Riley, sister of the evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. bride, was maid of honor, and John George W. Pattullo. 1934 Sherman ave- Riley. brother of the brtde, served as nue. when their daughter. Miss Edith best man. Only Immediate mem- Mabel Pattullo. and William Lister, of bers of the two families were present Hfe. Scotland, wen* united in mar- at the ceremony and the wedding riage. The Rev. James Madison St I f- breakfast. which followed. Mr. and itr road the service. Miss Mar- Pamillo___actedâ€"as_ U Mc'KThley- ^hT: ast on ^toti trar -Dm son Of Perth, Scotland/as best man. Mr. John Small, also of Perth, ushered. The bride's gown was of white crepe" meteor, with a corsage bouquet of white roses, and she wore a tulle veil caught with orange blossoms. The bridesmaid was cos- tumed in blue crepe meteor with pink rosebud trimmings and a corsage hou- quet of pisk roses. Yellow and brown chrysanthemums and potted plants were used in the living room deco- rations and carnations in the dining room. On account of the recent death of a member In the bridegroom's fam- ily. Mrs. Joseph McCullunr, the wed- ding was very quiet. Among 'the out-of-town guests were Mr. ahd Mrs. William Heaney of Lake Forest, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pattullo, South Chicago. The bride Is a gradu- ate of the designing 1905 .class. Of. the Art Institute and of the Evanston hos- pital class of 1909. The bride- groom is a senior student In the John Marshall Law school. -HeHls- at present employed- in the BuriingtonJ freight claim office* Chicago. Mr, and V«' Lister will be at home at 1753. bridesmaid, and Mr. John E. Robert- j Berteau awmnvJtavenswoed.---------- HS3S!^3Sfl$teBli3^JSS tnour. Caroline Dawes, Catherine Flan-. her, Lillian Foster. Marjorie Kimball, Josephine Dole, Ruth Hypes, Cather- ine Balmer, Dorothy Tolman, Cather- ine Hall, Emma Towne, Lois Wilder, Theodosia Clarke, Sarah Washburne, Dorothy Palmer and Gladys Beyers. All kinds of toys and play- things for the little ones. >.rder to have he best selection and to get the greatest values and best service. Please shop early in the week and early in the day. with every purchased Toys made before Dec. 15y we will give a set of Pamos Mosaics absolutely^ tree. It pays to shop now. Trading No stamps given on O . C. O. D. after 10 days Stamps = ....... iâ€"â€"Aâ€"â- â€"nnnr~~â€"â€"*â- â€"^-^â€" DRUGS Cure that Cold Now. Don't Let It 0rsg-t>ir.--------------- :j gr. Lithia Tablets..............18c 50c Hobson's Eczema Ointment.. .39c 25c Hobson'S'Rat and Roach Paste. 19c $1 bot. Reliable Hair Restorer-----50c 50c bot. Dyspepsia Tablets........35c 10c box Bronchial Troches.........7c $1 bot. Tonic Syrup of Hypophos- phltes at......................50c 25c bot. Bell%Pine Tar & Honey. .19c $1 bot. Buckllns Electric Bitters. .83c 10c Acme MehthoT Inhaler.........7c. DOLL FURNITUREâ€"Dining room, parlor and other sets; tapestry and plain wood effects - ~ Specially.priced,„^^ I &C A LOT OF FUR DOGS-One of the best toys for children; S?T...............19c TOOL CHESTS-Buy a use- ful thing for your boy. Plane. .lammer, mallet, saw, square all complete; ^« 59c chests for.........OifC MECHANICAL TRAIN â€" Ready for play. Engine, ten der, car and circle of track; $1.00 train -« for................. 59c ZYLOPHONE â€" splele." 8 keys sticks; iff 25c zylophone for.....I 5C WASH SETS=-Complete with- wrlnger, basket, dryer and wash tub; ?Ch 50c sets for...........«5ctC TIN GROCERY WAGONâ€" Beautiful, bright enamel, rub- uer tires; ^ ^ 25c wagon for........./ ifC TOY TEA SETâ€"Beautifully decorated diqbes. MILK WAGONâ€"Attractively painted wagon with f - horse attached ,-v..m 1 jC Other Tool"Chests up to $3.00 Wlafly priced at?.. ZSC Suitable GIFTS for Everyone wonderful assortment of every Kind of Dolls, ranging in prices from 25c id $10.00. See our GREAT DISPLAY on first floor. and Little WOMEN'S NECKWEAR â€"Prettily boxed, the latest and most ^ - â€" pleasing styles, $1 down to. .&jC HANDKERCHIEFS â€" All boxed, ready for giving; endless variety to suit every taste and purse. WOMEN'S BAR PINS AND CUFF PINS, in satin-lined boxes. Brace lets for infants, girls and women. STERLING SILVER f * HAT PINS, each............I UC New TIE PINS FOR WOMEN circlets; warranted gold front................. .....25c INITIALED BAR PINS AND CUFF PTNS TO MATCHâ€"3 lb a set; war- ranted for 5 years, *%-C*% per set.....................£ 3 C 11 y .9 i * AXJ I %l I •sv_____ C 'wtw^" *ii dl/ ^â€" U srs &saf I T 1P^** V7 M-----' i..â€" . STAMPED WORK TO EMBROIDER TOWELS NIGHT DRESSES PILLOW SHAMS PILLOW CASES CHILDREN'S DRESSES CORSET COVERS COMBINATION SUITS PILLOW TOPS <>nd a world of other stamped arti cles. A FORTUNATE PURCHA8E FROM A GREAT EA8TERN MAN- UFACTURERâ€"Toilet sets, shaving sets, manicure^ outfits, picture frames, powder and puff boxes and hundreds of pretty things purchased at Xi l-:Jc on the dollar and marked below ordinary wholesale prices. Books for Men, Women and Children Story Books, Novels, etc. Beautiful leather padded gift volumes. Hun- dreds of good reading volumes. NOVELTIES. WORK BOXES, tn leather, from $4.00 down to.., â- .... GLOVE and HANKDER- CHIEF BOXE8, 10c to..... OXIDIZED METAL i g\ s\/ ^#EWEL CASES, Z5c to., I UA)U 25c 1.50 CLOCKS OF ALL KINDS t . ^rx up to ...................iO.UU Smokers' Articles of all kindi Suitable gifts for men. MEN'S COLLAR AND "CUFF BOXESâ€"All kinds (leather and wood), shaving sets, etc.. playing-- card seta, etc. This is the Christ- mas store for men's gifts. NECKLACES FOR WOMENJKN CHILDRENâ€"Gold plated and sterl- ing silver; prettily _ â€" *%m mounted; $2.50 down to.....i£%)C HAIR ORNAMENTS â€"Combs and Barrettes, plain and rhlnestone set- tings. A great variety. All mod- erately priced. SPECIALâ€"Guaranteed gilded Clock -r-a beautiful and-useful-ornata' Specially priced at-.................... mmm A pleasing display of plated silverware of many kindsâ€" Children's Set: Knife, fork, teaspoon, napkin ring and drinking cup, in'beautiful lin«d box. Wonderful ^ift,79c Colonial Pepper and Salts, very popular, per set......49C Silver Bon Bon Dishes, different shapes, each... 10c n~^Gi ^Jb-O Perfumes J§pecijd!V^___ bottled for; Holiday ifts, >npretty boxes, half ounce to :: _ two ounce >ttles,____z fltota/l|2M tow Remarkably attractive assortment* of Batten- burg and Cluny Scarfs, Centerpieces and Doiliea, all llgca. Jg to 72 inthss square. A wide range of prices. Silverware of Every Description. Beautiful articles for gifts, and articles for the dresser, gifts at very low prices. Plated table ware Remarkably pretty â€"i ;. "' '."*' The Greatest Opporiunity of the Year New Stylish Winter Suits for Just Half AihwooFserges, popKfis^jagonalSy broadcloths and other stunning suits, beautifully lined and trimmed. We can't put in words the strength of this sale. It's wonderful. __ 25.00 Suits, 12.50 and other prices j Women's and Misses' boucie,kerseys & fane mixtures, blacMt co org. JLiafge'JiBjior-tiPeff7" toaelecFfrol Coats. Many beautifulr â€"4>reit«av~0olored silks, nrodels in astrakhanfi erepe de chine, taffeta^ ]y messahnes, poplins, f- charmeuse and crepe Remarkable Sale Men's Suits & 0'coats $25.00 Overcoats, $1«.95__ IfsSJiOO Overcoats, $15.9^ $22.50 Suits at f f7.50 HolidayWMsJiir UrnMien 35.00 Suits, 17.50 Street and Evening flfertV Smoking Jackets. MietamM selection for guts; .in dark blue, grey, brown and green, handsomely trimmed with silk frogs, $7.50 O 10tVH~~10: . â-  â- Â»â- â€".â€".â€"sâ€"* «â€"« * .â€"i MEN'S HOLIDAY SUSPENDERS-Come put iin in single boxes, In great variety U> "eli^t from; plain lisle web. also silk web; ~| R#| very pretty patterns at 50c, 75c $1 aa4*•"*-* OWINATION SETS OF SUSP1NO- ERS, GARTERS AMI ARMBANDS COMBINED â€"A very nice present for man, m Q Bf assorted colors, at 78e ttiOOand.....A•!**? MEN'S WINTER SEALSKIN CAPSâ€"In thO popular Detroit shape; adjustable visor, extra heavy satin lined. *> QR Real $5.00 value, at...............r.«*•«*•* Other Fur Caps at $2.00 up to f 10.00. MENS FINE BLANKET BATH ROBESâ€"hi beautiful patterasTEandsomely firbubearwftr a cord and tassel; slaes small, medium Mki JargevAtSa.fSi tt,B0,------- -'â- : W.S0 and ....*................ 7.50 . â- --rr I

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