>/\-;itf/,CW«»/^,;V«»«'nti>»ift' 2407 Pio- neer roadi returned last week from an intended? trlpJn tiio^est. : * ,innehter was born Monday to Mr. nuei at the Evanston hospital. ' MiBS Adelaide Baker of Manhattan, Kan., is visiting her parents, Mr. and ^jars.-H.--B. Baker, 1325 Hudson ave< ' nue. ...' ■' .. Mrs. Howard. Jcnncr and children, «n« Colfax street, are spending the T&oHdayswith relative*.in 'Davenport, vfowiu"""1"";" ":": '"-■:'---------■.....~~" - Miss Kathryn Rose, 2410 Park place, Wiii leave New Year's day to spend the week-end with Miss Jane; Blackburn at her home,In Bloomlngton, 111.--------- Madame Beardslee and Mr. George Beardslee of Rogers Park will he the -guests _of _ Mr> and j<Jrs. Louis B. Beardslee, 23W Harrison^ street, Christmas day. > Mr. and Mrs. George Corson and Mrs. A. V. Bergen of Denver, Colo, have been spending the holidays with Mr. Corson's sister, Mrs. A. L. Jenks, $14 Colfax street < " '-- Mr. and Mrs; George M. Benedict, 1831 Hinman avenue, announce the marriage"bl theirdaughter, Kather- ine, to Mr. Charles Ludwig Peth, on Saturday, Dec. 27. Miss Ruth. Kimball, 1563 Ridge ave- nue, ° gave a ^iinn^r » Friday, Dec. 26, preceding the Cptintry club party, in honor of Miss Billie Kirkman and Miss Emma Towne Mr. and Mrs. H. H, Windsor, 1020 Forest ffTenue",' spent '■ Christinas In Daytona, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. H. ,E> Byram and fam- ily, 2S65 Sheridan place, spent Christ- mas in Omaha, Neb. j Mies Dorothy Bull, 1105 Elm wood 'avenue, has been spending the"holt) days in St Louis, Mo. --- - ~ - : Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Gerould and son, Walter, 1200 Judson avenue, has gone to Berkeley, Cal. Miss Martha Black, 839 Sherman avenue, came from Mattoon to spend the holidays at h^r home. Miss-Beatrice Morley and Miss tier-.. Miss Helen Davis, 318 Main street, Who is attending Mills college at Oak- land, Cal., is spending her three weeks' vacation with her brother and sister and their families in San Diego, Cat. ',';' ■'■_,'. ■-.:-.. The Western association of the Alpha Delta Phi gave' a reception and smoker to its members and un- dergraduates from the Western chap- ters On Saturday, Dec. 27, at 12:30 p. m. at the University club, Chicago. President A. W. Harris of Northwest- ern university is vice-president of the association, :" ~ '■',"' "'"MrsT'Trwto Rev, 1128 Ridge avenue, has as her guests during the holidays her father and hier brothers, Mr. Wil liam E. Jones and Messrs. Jewett and Wilbur Jones:of SCLouis^Mo, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Houston of Ran sas City, Mo., spent. Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Hi A. MontgomeryrllSC Judson__av6njue. Mjvand Mrs. Hous ton will shortly move~to-ehleago^^- Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood J. Townc and little daughter of Champaign an spending the holidays With Mrs. Towne's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Jones, of the Parker apartments. Mr. -Townsehd^JB^ Smith- has_ re- turned to Metropolis, 111., where he is engaged in business, after spending Christmas with his mother, brothers and sisterS, at 2235 Sherman avenue George F. Zoneis has been elects J chairman of the insurance subdivision comprising the life, guaranty and surety, liability .and. accident of the Chicago Association of Commerce for 1«H Mr, and Mrs. Robert McKay, who nave been visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ewald and Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis McKay, left Fri- day for their new home In Hartley, Iowa. ---------------------- -------------- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bardwell and Mrs. Bard well's "sister, Gladys, of Del- ayan," 111.,' have1 'been spending the holidays with Mrs. Bard well's motner, Mrs. Townsend Smith, 2235 Sherman avenue. Mr. Edmund Hahn is home for the holidays from Dartmouth college, sig nalized his first term there by taking the Rollins prize for declamation in competition with much'more advanced students. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Prosser, 811 Colfax street, had as their guests dur ing Christmas week Dr. and Mrs. Adams of Henry. 111. Mr. and Mrs Wilkinson of Morgan Park and Mrs Mary Adams oLChicago, ___ Mis3 Stella Skinner, who left last neer road, has returned from a trip to Los Angeles and San Francisco, Cal. The Zeta Beta Psi sorority will hold .heir annual Christmas dance on Fri- day evening, Jan. 2r at the Country „nib. "TSIr. Leeds Nelson OT Montreal, Caii.7 spent Christmas at the home of Mr. --and Mrs. W. H. M&filcarJ_742 MJchigan avenue. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Mochon, 620 Clark street, have been spending the holi days with Mr. Mochon's brother in vVbeaton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Comrle, 1794 Orrington avenue, have been the holi- day guests of Mrs. Comrie's parents in Cleveland, O. Mrs. Ella H. Gallup, 936 Hinman avenue, has gone to Indianapolis, lnd. where she will make her home with her daughter, Mrs. Sterne. ■--- Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Murdock enter tained W. D. Murdock and family ana Rev. J. H. Ailing to dinner at the Ave- nue house on Christmas. Mr. and Mrsr Montague Ferry, 2130 Harrison street, spent Christina;. week in Oak Park with Mrs. Ferry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Speck. JVff JSearge Wittholri ami Mlaa Ma- Cheyerihe on account of the" snow and was usable to fulfill her first appoint- ment in Riverside, Cal., where she was to deliver a lecture. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur K. Towne and Miss Emma Towne entertained at a reception, followed by Haric ing, on the evening cf Tuesday. Dec. 30, at the Evanston Country club. Those assisting were Mes- dataes Andrew Hassell Lance, Talmpn Gilbert Simmons and Harry Marshall Yule of Kenosha, Wis.; Charles H. Barry, Walter W.' Dwight, Francis A. Hardy, Arthur GTffbrd. William Hola- bird, Rollln A. KeyeB, Harry Putman, John Dean Towne, John JTrust Sickel; John C. Spry, and-Bamuel G. Strick- trude Morley have returned from Alma college, St, Thomas, Canada. Mr. Herbert Jones, 839 Sherman avenue,spent the holidays at--hit home, coming from Mattoon. ___'. . Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wilder (nee Violet Copeland), 2630 Prairie avssus, a "daughter, Dec; 19."------~" Mrs. Irene Lane and her daughter, 714. Reba place, are guests of Mrs. Lane's daughter in Cleveland, O. Mr. and'Mrs. Edward Griswold of Missouri spent Christ mas with M rs. E. P. Griswold, 1142 Ridge avenue. Mr. William Shipman, who is attend- ing the University of Illinois, spent the Christmas vacation in Evanston. '-. Mr. D. H. Stevens, 2705 Park place, who is attending Chicago university, is home for the Christmas vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Richardson, and son, Peirce, 2712 Harrison street, will spend the holidays in Malta, 111. Miss Chorale Boyd of Madison, Wis., was the week-end guest of Miss Miriam Wagner, 1823 Hinman avenue. Mr. John CT=BpPas4cerj=624=Sheridan square, has, been home for the holi- days from the University of Michigan. --Mrr-George^. Valentine, 2 407 Pit- tTlda Wittbold gave a Christmas part;, i ucsday evening at their home, Cen tral street and Reese avenue. Dr. and Mrs. Dan B. Brummitt and son, 2523 Park place, left Frlda:> morning to spend-the_holldaya in To :eha and Independence, Kan. Mrs. Anna Rcinhardt and son, Jos- eph of-Madison, Wis., are the holiday uests of Mr. and Mrs.. E. J. Buffing- ton and Mr/and Mra^ Brenncman. Dr. and Mrs. James M. Kirk of Ha- vana, N. D., are spending the holiday* with Dr. Kirk's sister, Mrs: C. F. Champlin, 2330 Orrington avenue. , Mr. Lester Parker, principal of the High school at Geneva, 111., is spend- ing the holidays at the home of Mrs. Mary W. ©rmesf 847- Judson, avenue.__ Miss Christinia van Husan of De- week for California, was delayed in ^^ Mieh\,vteitetMn Evanston last week. She is one of the most popular debutantes of the season in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Kent Shaffer of Den- ver, Colo., are spending the holidays with Mr. Shaffer's parents, Mr. and Mm Jjt C^^feaffcrT-4704^^Judaoi nue. " Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Primley, Forest avenue and Greenwood boulevard, left the .first of this week for Pasadena. Gal., where they will spend the win- tec, " , - Mr. and Mrs. Eben O. McNalr, Jr., of the south side spent Christmas- with Mrs. McNair's parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Linthicum, 1922 Orrington avenue_______ Miss Helen McMurchy and Mr. Jas. land; Misses Janet Lance, Kenosha; McMurchy, 1202 Main street, returned Thcodosia Clark, Carolyn Dawes, Ger- this week from St. Angelas, Morris. trade Gilford, Helen Gifford, Adelaide m„ and St. Viator colloge, Bourbon Hempstead, Constance and Elizabeth nais, 111. IllsleyrLoulse-KappaSj Rutt Kimball, Mrs. Louis Winchct. 1214 Forest Billie Kirkman, Margaret Lord, Alice avenue, gave an informal dance Sat ^Djr.jttdLMrs. 1VV.JJ. Alexander* 1040 Orrington avenue, will entertain at Christmas dinner tomorrow. There frill bo fifteen guests. Christmas "gWCniF^ni^e--usedj--in--profusion throughout the house. Polnsettlas will he included In the living room decorations and red carnations in the dining room. ; ; Miss Louise "Sprague has returned from Sweotbrlar college to spend the Christmas holidays with heir parents, Mr. arid Mrs. R. Vf. Sprague, 2104 Lin- coln -street;,' '■, :".•" ■) ."*■...... iirlr'. and' Mrs."W. A. Gardner will gave a dancing party Tuesday, Dec. 30. at their homo, 1218 Shcrf J.an road. In honor of their daughter, Miss Willa- mine Gardner, who is at home for the holidays from Miss Baldwin's school. Mrs, Richard. Cartwrlght Hall gave a reception ' at her home^-ll^* Judson avenue, yesterday between the hoursr of-. 4 and 0. Those assisting were ^Mesdames K.^j^jsur- Bngton, R. C. Clark, Chester Corey, F. EpVench. B. R. Hurlbut, A. B. Lord, George Ludlow, • Francis Miller of ^Ie^Co^t£Wi:^_P^8ey^Atthur' Rogers. S. Kathertno^ Rogersr Edwin Sherman, E. Earl Spencer, Highland Park; E. F. Skinner,-Lloyd B. Taylor, John Wilder, Nathan W. WilliataB. | Mr. and Mrs. C. C. jGrlswold. ent«r- talned at the Woman's club Monday in honor of their daughters, the Miss- es Laura and Louise Griswold.' On Saturday Mrs. Forest Hopkins and Mrs. Lloyd B. Taylor gave a young people's dance at the Woman's club in honor of their daughters, Miss Harriet Hopkins and Miss Louise Tay- lor. '""*: ... - m Dr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Black, 1250 Asbury avenue, have been entertaining a family Christmas house party. Their guests are Dr. and Mrs. G. V; Black and Miss Clara Black of Chicago, Dr. and Mrs. Qarl E. Black, Mr. Ellsworth Black, Misses Dorothy, Marjorie and Betty Black, Mr. and-Mrs. Klrby :V. Black of Jacksonville, 111.; Mr. and Mrs.- Mark Baldwin and Misses Clara Elizabeth and Helen BaldwtiirofDu- luth, Minn. They arrived the day be- fore Christmas and will be here until after the holidays.... Miss Norma Davis, 318 Main^ street j is spending her Christmas vacation at Moscow, Idaho, where shs-teacheis. Mies Eleanor Houston Hill, 1102 Grove street, is home froni Bryn Mawr college for the Christmas vaca- tion. ' .•;' ..-:-.-..,.. ..^: Miss Marjorie Do Golyer, who Is teaching in Minneapolis. Minn., has been spending the holidays.with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Do Golyer, 1910 Sherman avenue. > Mr. Edward C. Boyhton of Cam- bridge, Mass., has come to Evanston to spend the Christmas holidays, a guest in the noma of hi* fiancee, Miss Ch"arlottev5v. PJ^ce7liv^HIhmati/ave- nue.. ■'."yAr , . ' ','.;• * Miss Annie Raphes and Mrs. Wil- liam Hanchett gave an informal tea Wednesday" afternoon, vDec. 31, • at the home of Miss Kappes, 1432 As- bury avenue, in honor of Miss Hay- den of Boston and Mrs. Williams. Mr. •Bd.Mwtl'*?^!^ man avenue. Mrs. Frank Ewald, Mr. and H. Perry, Jr., Mr. ajid Mrs. McKay and Mr. and Mr*. A. spent Christmas in Engiewood, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson AxtelL Mrs. Albert7 F. Dean, 1106 street, who has been ill at the side hosp ital in Call for nia for weeks, is recovering and Is exp home by the first of the year. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller 806 Forest avenue, announce gagoment of their Son, Alvin son Fargo of New York City. Jane Jeffcott'of Somerville, N. _£ Miss Dora Anderson, 318 D Street, was a lanchWs"-S'SstesS day Ini honor of Miss Gtedys #4 son, who has returned from Denn School of Music for the holidays. T A Great Stocfe=Reducing Event during which we many Rinds of Merchandise at cost , REQUEST -Are you getting our circu- 4ar? If not* please notify our advertising department Women's Wear Bargains Offers Too Good To Overlook! RosmbergsR$dr TradingStapips mean 3c off every dollar. Save ihem 1 WOMEN'S COATS of best quality Ara- bian lamb, lined throughout with good satin; regular |22.50 values. Pre Inventory Sale Price ...... t..."... 16.98 WOMEN'S AND' MISSES* COATS of black Persia fur, largo shawl.collar nml deep turnback cuffs, lined with best quail- ity satin, in black and colbra; $27.f>0. Pre- Invcntory Sale Price. - C:=J Lzz7 Q' WOMEN'S AND MISSES'- COATS of - ilnc black sealvtto plu^i;^1 iiiQl.Uxraushqut with Skinner's sntin, guaranteed \to wear 2 seasons; $.3.3.50 values. .90^' o' WOMEN'S AND MISSES' COATS of good Astraklian, in navy and black; large shawl collar .and cuffs of black plush. Pre In- ventory Sale Price......... 9.98 WOMEN*3~\AND MISSES' 6UTT3 of all wool serge. In navy and black. Cutaway coat, lined with, good satin; regular $14 !*S values. This sa'e hi.;..-..... 7,49 I A special lot q! $1 corsets, in batiste and coutil, alt new models, in broken sizes. While they last, only....... ♦♦*♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦<•♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦* ~ •^•?r. « Spoi^G^its COATS MISS IS1 SPORT COATS, K-.ado of boucle cloth, in' green nnd navy, regular <9 QO J10.50 values. * •*'0 OaATS___ MISSES' SPORT COATS, of all wool Angora," in grcoa only, regular f.r».00 r» QA values ......O. SJO Fre - Inventory Meii's Clothes Worth While Saving Hart Schaffner & Marx And Other Good Makes ;M#i SuitsfiO'coats $25.00 values $17.95 $22.50 values $16.95 $20.00 values $15.95 $18.00 values $13.95 $15.00 values $11 95 $ 12,50 values $9.95 Boys' NORF0L& KnicKerbockerSuits $10.00 Suits TS^TSuits $6.50 Suits $5:00 Suits. $3.95 Swts.. $3.45 Suits.. $6V95 T$Sr#F $4.95 $3.95 ,$2$5 $2.55' Bays' Overcoats $12.50 Coats ..$9.95 $$.50Coats___$6.y5 $6.95 Coats. ^$S45l $5.00Coats ..$3.9$ $3.95 Coats.. $2M WOMEW'S WAISTS-Fine Jawn and voiles, high neck and long sleeves, prettily trimmed with lace and embroidery; 'TfW* sizes 31 to H..........' v' WOMEN'S SHORT PETTI- WOMEN'S SWEATER COATS, or all t INFANtS' SWEATERS, plain COATS, of goOd warm eiaSMU--£- *ool--yarn, -juntbo ^nlt!- 'large roli£-.atiicli",'wl^ltfr witb -blue] ftndjilinlt ctte, plain white, Ulue, pink and ^ co.lar; cardinal, navy end grey; regu- * boirdofs, also plain rod and grey. groy; also pink and «A.( « lar $S 00 values •* Cljtt I Special for this blue stripes. for pale at f WOMEN'S SWEATER COATS, ;pjalu_ and fancy sUtcht sha^ collar, red;and grcyr reg»t- $5.00 values for ......... 2.98 Moseley, Louise Tennis, Dorothy Tho- man. Gladys Spry and Eleanor Spry. "■■•■.. m - I" -- Suggestions for the Chris t m as Shopper Pictures, Picture Frames, Pottery, Leather Goods, "Hand Made Jewejry^ At is #i4XDrjtftsWare. '■I*!;. ■*•-•_-!'>■ »: .s--oi--Gbristtn^c--- H Cards, Engraved and' Hand g Paint-id, known in- Ghkago. -- m Bayberry Candles, Candle. H Sticks and Sichets. j» ■■'-. ■/' ' ■ •• ■ ■ ;: :: $fte Only Shop of its Kind S in Chicago urday afternoon at the Woman's club in honor of her daughter, Miss-Mary Louise Wincbet, Messrs. Bert Emslcy, who is attend ing Harvard university, and Geo. Sher- burn, who Is attending Chicago univer- sity, are guests or Mr. D. H. Stevens. 2705 Park place. - Mr. and Mrs. J. V.' Williamson ol ^TtflC |18 South Mi. hi>an Ave. % Phone Rardolph SQIT Havana, N. D., arc spending the boii- days wi'.h Mrs. WilliamBon's daugh ter, Mrs. Charles F. Champlin, 2330 :Orflhgton avenue. " _ 7*"^ 1__ Miss Dorothy Gross, llOO'RldgTave- ,nue, returned last week from IPhHa delphiar Pa .where she Is attending the~Drexei School of Economlite^ntf Domestic Scjcncc.^_^ . , .... :-■ . Miss Eleanor Houston Hill, 1102 Grove street, returned _ from Bryn Mawr college Iblspendrtlie" Clrris^nra? vacation;^vith her parents/Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hill. •.■'"'* Miss Dorothy Worjic who is attend- ing Girton schooK> Wlnnetka, will spend the holidays* jvltbVher^grand-; parentsrMr. and Mjjg.. FrahXlGogld; I Mrs. W. A. Gardner, 1218 Sheridan rT0ad7Hto-cnie#flininjB *»«»•■ wiother and ' her two sisters for the holidays, Mrs. F. B. Rlg^ Miss Biggs and Mrs. A. K. Irinley of Effi^flJ^Pidi;, : ^ bildr*n!s_jCOATS=r^ ^OT good" ^;rey chinchilla, lined throughout with- red flannel, black volve; collar; sjjjes 6 to 11 ^pearsf regular $10 values. 7.98 Children's SWEAT- ER COATS, made of wool yarn, in plain and fancy Htitch; colors red and grey; ail siies, 1.29 MEN'S WORKING SHIRTS, well made of goad Shaker flan- nel, high military collar; siz^s 10, lC'/j and 17. While they last, AJ4 half price A LOT OF SUITS Plain and fancy iais- turea, not this ttvx- sou's styles, values up to $15, for ...... 2.98 ^OMEN'S SUITS- Good quality black velvet,' lined with Skinner's satin; re,T ulaf $22.00^ <| *%C values.:7. .A£• CD *tc WOMEN'S HEAD SHAWLS, made -of fine Silk mall- ialb colors; 5dc quality^ B9e BOYS' BLOUSE WAISTS of Roo.l Sbaker flannel, high nnflitary cxdjaVr^Spe-- Ribbons No. 100, fine alt silk Taffeta Ribbons, all shades: regular 25c quality; a tOn yard only- ....j&G PH.UOW TOPS -- IJesf quality, all the latest designs, worth up to 50c. As ions as they last «■».-. for..........15C CORSET COVER EMBROIDERY, very fine quality; regular 3»c quality; ,Q a ynrd for.... 1 .VL 27lnch EMBROID- ERY FLOUNCING-- Flno pattefJis, regu- lar price 39c; ' a yard for.. H E A V YCLtLNiYz*M TORCHON_^l.INEN, WN D C OT-TiON #ACES. Very spc- _sd-for-Mrui. sale, • " >»f a. yard ,. m SHEETS and Pit- LOWCASES, white v/ing sheets, 72xftn, full" bleached. Spe- cially priced <yn~ tot........... 39 c PILLOWCASES -- Good q]ualityr"bleach-" ed; S6x4C: T5* Special for.... / £C DOVER ELANKETS --Extra heavy, full size, double Ittanir=- ets, siXc C0x76. In grey and tan; regu- rlar^pricer: ^L45. for_... Special Bar^iiim UNIVERSAL DLANKKTS -- Extra heavy wool" nap, 70x80 size; grey ani white; regular price 1 WO 52.49, for............:.... I •Otl AUSTRALIAN PLAID WOOL BLANKETS--Full 12-4 size, beautiful light plaids, t) f»'f some cheap at $4,09, for. I.G9 VERY FINE QUALITY WOOL NAP -PLAIN PINK CLANKETjr--124 si**, heavy, single; regular $:;.00 quality, fdr............... FULL SIZE COMFORTERS--FlUea with white cotton, covered with good siiKaime. L*l %,* Special for "................O UV ^ AL-E^fyt^LAJPiKd ^ETS^-^^-Hcayv. - wool - nap, size Cf.xt8~; grey only; regular prlc-i' ONE LOT OF FINE SILK COVERED ODMFORTERS--Filled" with the very *?*?r-------■ f >Q "f^ncat-wlrlte batting; sold- ,»l yd CI" for .. •.... v I •**«* regularly ior $5.00, for.....*>«.fi •/ WOM EN'S AND MISSES' COATS, li* all wool fancy Jni*^ tures, regular -il5.fl0_ valu'esV ~~ 1:"-"; _..'."] .'_" WOMEN'S AND MISSES' SKIRTS of* all wool Scotch plaldj re&u]ar $6.00 vahioj ;' LOT OF EXTRA FINE QUALITY COMFORTERS--Heavy or light, tuftod or knotted; regular ?1.S0 :5uallty for r. Eiress Goods Sale EDEN FLANNEL-- in 7 benuTirul nght stripes; 18c quality; a yard'.........9'/2t WOOL- 0RES8 GOODS of all kinds, in jil'al'h and fancy, worth up~to $1.50 a ~ ^Scrtmsv^Swisses-Tinit" ynrd,",for ......■ .59c All WOOL SERGE. F.LACK BRILLIAN- TINE and ALPACA, C5c value, a yard NAP t **** "---------•• 3gc 42-inch wide Black and White. Shepherd Check Dross Qoods, C5c quality,"a yam for .............39a veLVETEEN -~ All colors, best qualitv^ 65c grade, a yd v. 43c ORESSGINGHAM-- Red Seal and Tollo du Nords. In short ^'f;..i.-3»- lengths, a yard..SJ4c ENGLISH 'MADRAS -- 3(i inches Wlflo, light stripe ana Tig ures; 1So value; a yartl'. .^±t^Ju9}es§__ W«XTX-JSHAKEjnt ^tANWE^rfronr-tlw- piece, and short lengths, worth 12'^c a yard, ror..... V/zs H 3i^S^^n *♦»♦**♦♦♦♦♦** ♦♦♦♦*0»4>**^ i Women's Handbags. < Solid leather and leather lined, full equfipc^SMr -$i^ftjwalii^ lor^^L a si 6 HEAVY RATINE-- 2Tinches-widB, light blue,. pink, lavender and Con e n h a g e n blue; 25c quality: a yard....... 14,/£ar CURTA.N GOODS-- Lapfiets, in plain white and: colored, worth up to 25c a yard, for ...'.. .S'/ac Eiderdown FLAN- A'gL. tn erey mixed; INO SACQUES of boat quaiuy percale,:; in light anil dark blue, and neat fig* ures; sizes 36 to 44, 49c Children's tdATS-- In nit wool mixtures, button htghS*t7Tiee*ti or shawl collar, lu grey, brown, tan and naVy; regular $8,00 values; 0 to 11 yrs., 5.0O 15c quality, ydTtcyj* COTTON TOWEL- ING, In -bleached and unbleached, reg- ular price BciftLyard^ for ....;.......514i ALBERTA OUTING FLANNEL >~ Extra wide, Ipll ynrd wide. new~ material for Night Gowns and- Pajamas, 25c qual- ity, a yard ....iV/sc TURKISH TOWEL* gooa ■ quality.. Special. 13c Men's GREY WOOL UNDERWEAR «* Shirts, and drawers cut >ult In sisc: f og- ular price $1.35 a garment,'now' xjai S5S^ b^iJ^H I mm-tM. wrttei, I all colorst 25c <|uat^ TURKISH TOWELS f 4M$$i extra Tteavy quality, donblft knot* jeA^pgipial big bar^ gain' for........ • ffc COTTON WORK HO 8 E -- Rockford Sox, .mixed greys and blues.,; Pre-ln- ventory? ^rlce^Hpafe: §& Wool UNDERWEAR --Broken sizes,. 11.09 and $1.25 u ndcrwear, a garment. U7V 1ty far ^trrr- Half Price on ait Remaining^ ±EzfJmis