-^__ THE LAKE SHORE-N^Wb. 'TflffrRSDAY, JANUARY IS, 19U. T* Morning servlee, 11 o'clock. Sermon by Bev. B. Frank" Taber, , New Baptist Pastor Assumes M People AreDoingJi His Duties in WUmeHel s^riHTSSr^fSS^SW^ «S f features that I thought v«re uowtae, because-1 felt the chance* were very ♦lllllt ... The bill as it passed the Sen-, The devotional meeting at 8 o'clock j ate1 wasi a decided ksjwMieS9eBfc~e*®fc- JKfednesday ^exening, January_^21i jsiU s^-n^..*-**. .-. -U^w*^> w ....... » w^t,^^ ae.. !^lf'!;..?m^»^«;;i^ »»y *»»rgjg:»i|g?a*j business trip. ".-"...■: % tor of the Wilmette Baptist church, is Mrs. K. 1*. Klegam of Asbury, N.i., j now in charge of the services of thta is visiting friends here for a few days.; church and has created a favorable She, formerly resided here. ' ^ \ impression among the,members of that 1 Marion Bute, 702 Washington ave- congregation. He i» an earnest work- ttue/is recovering from an attack-xjfrj er and has started out with the assur- tonsilitis. .':-T:iMrs. Arthur J. Taylor has for her: Ripest her mother, Mrs. J. A. Wilson | of Indianajiolis, Ind. PPjlirs. A E. Eggert, 914 Oak wood ave-; ^fe, entertained a^"iew fHen^ds" at a'.! luncheon Monday afternoon. Miss Stella ReQua of Medina, N. Y.. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred N. ReQua, C20 Washington avenue. ---^MrBr4*~&r Sykes,-825^ fcake-a venae, - is in Rockford, the guest of her mother for a few days. : ;¥Mrs. Theodore Breyer entertained fifteen guests at a luncheon in her home Thursday. liss Margaret McCne, 631 Washing- > ton avenue, is recovering from a slight illness. /Mrs. John Jenkins and daughter. Miss Martha Jenkins, left Tuesday for Elgin, where they will visit the for- mer's daughter, Mrs. A E. Comstock. : Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Colvin are now al home larthe home they purchased • of Dr. D. B. Macauley, 820 Lake ave- nue4 Mrs. Frank Tv ^T^ibiilties are «2!T^^vS?iiii was"therefore/glad to vote At 8 o'clock Friday evening, Janu ZiJU35X££tt of theory 23, in^e Woman, club buiiding. lion on the north shore. The Battle Committee. ~.u^«Crt« Creek church, which he just left, has CHARLES M. THOMSON a membership of 725 persons and a Washington, D. C. Jan. 10. 1914. an installation service.for our pastor. Rev. B: Frank Taber, will be held: AH- local pastors and congregations, and all BaptisripasTorB and congregations of the north shore have been invited to jcin in this service. A cordial -wel- come is extended to all. Bean Shailer Matthews will preside. Our pastor. Rev. B. Frank Taber, and Mrs. Taber will move to Wilmette- TO REPRESENT EVANSTON. Fireman Edward Mersch will repre «ent the Evanston fire department at the state meeting of' firemen, which convenes in Canton, 111., next Tuesday. The sessionwill lasf »™*e_d^8-|on Friday. January 16, and will be lo- Mr. Mersch Is secretary of the Evans-, . r..... .._*__ ^ _______ ton benevolent?, ssor iation of firemen. CHURCH BULLETIN cated at 1046 Greenwood avenue. A hearty welcome is in store for them. Rev. B. Frank, Taber. -Cutler, 1001 Lake avenue, entertained a number of little girls ittTiei^hoffie^Ffiday afternoon in ante of support from his hundreds of .Bible class for men comprised of more honor of the birthday anniversary of numbers. '; . than 125 members. her'little -daughter, Margaret. Rev. Taher is a New Yorker, and ai Itcv- an<1 Mfs. Taber have four chil- Mrs. Joseph F. Davis, 727 Ashland yaduate.of Cornell university He en•! dren, two sons who are married, and avenue,, was hostess Monday after- t(.rftd be Rooh(.st,r Thwlog„.ai 8,rni.' noon ata card party. Fourteen guests - enjoyed ^the afternoon at the Davis * , J ii-±-* ■-■> institution left it to study law. Later ■Mr. and Mrs. 13. ETBucTiman, 12H i,IB hoa,,n ian«-cT5inrhT UMirioTan- Laurel avenue, entertained members Rattan, Kansas. In that Kansas town WILMETTE. M. E. Church. Wilmette and Lake avenues. Rev ) T. K. Gale, minister. 1024 Lake ave- j^nuei--Phone 654; The pastor will preach next Sunday morning at 10:45 o'clock on "The First Miracle." and at 5 p. m. on , "Betheada." These are sermons in a i series on "Mountain Peaks in St. John's Gospel." Miss Rae and the double quartet will furnish music at both services. Sunday school at 'r.30 o'clock as usual next Sunday morning. Junior league for all boys and girls at 3:30 next Sunday afternoon. Kpworth league at <t:15, in charge of Miss Cress. Presbyterian Church. Ninth street and i.nenleaf avenue. GLENCOE. The North Shore Methodist Church. Hazel and Greenleaf Avenues Glencoe. Horace G Smith. Pastor. aool, 10:15--am;-------------- Worship. 11:15 a. m.; 7:30 p. m. Glencoe Union Church. Dr. Douglas H. Cornell, pastor. Sunday services as follows: Sunday school. 9:45 a. m.; preaching service at 11 a. m.; mid-week prayer service, is held lo the church every Wednes- day night at 8 o'clock. ./ , ;...... ' ", ; - ; DEPOSITS JANUARY W $56,387.76^1908 $95,745.85-1909 $180,395.99 1910 $226,271.62--1911 $273,824.13--1912 $3t6f4S9^47^t9t3 $357,949.64--1914 3 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS 0**f*****9******»***********************f •••*** of the Dinner club in their borne Fri- «'• b'-cam*- pastor of a Baptist ehureh day evening. The evening was spent that had not prospered but after ftv.- at auction bridge. ___Dr. and Mi-s. II. G. Searle, 527 Wash- ington-avenue, and sons, John and Howard, Jr., expect to leave next week for Miami, Fla., where they will re- main until spring. Miss Ruth Gates has returned to Burlington, Iowa, after spending thrpe weeks with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hr^BT^GHteis; m« Witmette avenue. Miss Juliette Gates, another daugh- ter, returned last week to Evansvlllo, Ind., where she resumed her studies^ son. ^Frederick, have returned to their home at 835 Central avenue after an extensive trip in the east. They en- Joyed a boat trip from New Orleans to New York and then, passed much time In Philadelphia. Washington and other places. years he had rejuvenated and strengthened i,t. After leaving Man- hattan, Rev. Taber went to Marshall, Mic,h. Later he moved to Saginaw, j f0r Home and Foreign Missions; mem where he remained for twelve years. U,., 0f state executive board of For Then he accepted the pastorate of the FJaptist church in Battle Creek, Mich., where he has been for the last nine years. In accepting the call to the ****** I ******* I* ••**<* t I***** I NORTH SHORE ADVISORY BOARD J ■ »t 11 tilt ********* nn ##♦■> •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦>♦♦+♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦ | Thomson Tells of I 1 Work in Congress f ♦♦♦♦♦♦' ♦♦<♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ To the I'. ople of the Tenth Con- gressional District: , One of my fellow members in ihe house, who is nerving his s< ciind term recently announced to the people or his district (Ohio), that he would -rrtrt--be a candidate for re-clcctton. Arnnnx other ihinKS lie told them tlia' "no man who wants to be intel|.ct;ial ly honest, has any buxitu «h in ■• >u L'r.ss." What noiiHeiiHt- |f that srate Itient were fine (, ii(l all intellectually li)>n«^t men acted accordingly, i wenld mean that the country would to look to an admittedly dishon framing of Its laws; a f members without in ! a son and daughter at home. They will reside at 1046 Greenwood avenue, Dr. J. M. Wilson," pastor. Wilmette. 'I he- pastor will s|»-ak .Sunday at II ___tn addJximi to his ^awioral -dni.hjs._aL DQ on tlT-he My-attali_u_j Etoyidences H< v. Tah'r loiind time for outside of God." Perhaps t re is a reason work in church societies and other or- why individuals and f-tnilies are test ganizaildhsTh Michigan. He was lion- ed; and may it not be always gra- cious? At 7:45 he -j'-aks on "Joo-- Transfigured jChriat_and the Transtig- ur»d Church." Miss f'orette will ren- d< r tfce following program on the organ: - Fifth Concerto.............Handel Larghetto-- Alh-gio Alia Sicilian -- I'r< .--to "Auf den Friihling' ..........Grieg (Jffertory, Lente Se •■ nuto... .Chopin March ............ Mr. Samuel K Ken- Mr. Samuel K. K i WINNFTKA. Congregational Church. Pastors--Edwin F. Sue!!, residence 672 Lincoln avenue, telephone 505-J;jO J. W. «*. Da vies, residence 1004 Pine! street, telephone 470. Services- Sunday school. 9:45 a. m.; morning worship. 11 o'clock: vesper servi< e. 7> p.--m- The communion ice: First Sunday in January, March May. July. September and November I |[I We have taken over the ~ Wilmette Motor CarWorks^ and have started in business with the firm resolve to treat our customers with prompt, courteous and efficient service. Repair work a specialty. GEO. DESMOND, Prop. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«.»»♦♦♦»»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»♦»< "i<<l by being chosen officer in the fol- I'witig organizations: Second vice- pi«sid<nt of th<. Michigan State Bap- tist convention; chairman state board Phone Ontral 3J61 Lace Dyeing s Specialty M. Gillespie r..S:VriS^M.r SttJes ami \Iuffg Cleaned and Remade 217-718 Venetian Blrg. 15 C. Washtngrcn St. Chicago etgti Missions; and a member of the Ann Arbor guild, whose work was con fined to the students at the State uni \ t tsity. constituents have not given that an- swer for they have k< pt him at work . Mendelssohn ' widdduKr shrd rr will read a j week service ; u "John Khox,, -the Scottish Presh :-rian Leader."] '" br* The week following Dr. William W, Some Anderson will speak on "Traditional-1 o' these are the Alaska Railroad Bill, isrn and Mysticism in Religion." ! the Immigration Bill and the so-called Active plans are in operation for Seamen's BUI. I hope to continue my ■v,n to Church Sunday." Specla'I open letters to the people of our Con- music is in preparation and a special gKssional district during the regular welcome will be given to all who) session and shall endeavor to give come. The pastor is preparing a sou in the. .Iloum conUnwuaiy-^^ffi^e-JESnM^ avlnffig' than twenty years. Many Interesting measures a fore us in the House just now. Schullz J Nord (Tailoring NEW PROCESS CLEANING AND DYEING 631 West Railroad Ave. Wilmette. Illinois Phones Wilmette 320 TELEPHONE: HIGHLAND PARK 32 0 Mrs. George Smith, Jr, Private Employment Agency CALL ME! I furnish good help with good reference. 35 St. Johns Ave, Highland Park.Ili. Office Hours: 8"toll; j to 5~ Saturday, 8 to 12 The annual meeting and luncheon of the North Sliorje Advisory board of the Illinois Children's Home and Aid l'«v society was held Monday morning, * est body for th Jan. 5. at the Evanston home, HT'> body made up Ridge avenue. The honorary and as- Illative, originality or judgment, but -noeiate members were invited, and a uith minds compUi«dy subservient to large number were present. The re some controlling i-iteresr. Needless to ports of officers and chairmen of com -say, the people would not tolerate mittees were read and were most en- Hitch a condition of things. -couraginy, showing an Tncrease"TiTong" UHt tho statumrtt is not true. all lines of activities. Rather the converse of it is true. The treasurer reported the receipts, namely, no man has any business in including the amount in hand Jan. 1, congress unless he wants to be and is 1913. were 8SM04.66. and expenditures intellectually hmiesrti ttnl.ss he tui* $»,3<;G.71. leaving a balance of $:iT.!Ja some convictions and is willitm to In the treasury, instead of $143, as stand by them and act ncci.>rdlngly. on Stated in The Evanston News on Tues- matter what anvt.ody rise dm s or day. v. hat the polith-trl effrrt may be. Dr. Uwight Clark, Who gives so My colleague fr-.m Ohio says that a generously-of his time and strength member of con«rcK« must lie "vvillitm to the care of children, was present and reported the hottne--iiLjLQpd condi tlon and the children receiving excel lo barter his convictions for political expediency." I have no doubt theiv arc members who would and who do lent cart; and attention. The annual ,H,t hesitate to do that, but I am Klad charity ball was given in November, i have come in contact with many and the proceeds, when' received, will be used for current expenses during the year. _ The fall donation of provisions and kitchen supplies was the largest ever received and the board extend their gratitude and appreciation to the resi- dents of Evanston and the north shore for their 'gepemus"rWpoTIFfi™t6" the numerous appeals for money, clothing and food. Two hundred and seventy Children have' been - placed in home» during the past year ___}\mh--one or two changes, the offi- cers and representatives whose terms expired were re-elected himan Culture is a perfected Art with which 1 can bring about perfect digestion, ah 3KB3ism assimilation- and- exct£ti6n. The blood thereby, is replenished, thecals and tissues are reconstruct- ed. Without the use of Medicine, In- struments, or anything that is Un- iphsiiuujt^-Lcure chronic ailments.' in many cases ailments of twenty years duration. . -- ; "These ^statement* can be verified by anybody who will investigate To know what-1 have done, or to- talk to one who has been7cured by me is to be convinced that, these statements are absolute facts7~ Chester Levere ~"Human~€ulturtst 184 2 Chicago Avenue who 1 know would not. One such member that I have In mind repre- sents the district adjoining our* on the north, Ihe first Wisconsin. Al- though he is serving hi* eleventh con- -swaiUvc tfi'in in the house be has n< ver become very prominent politi- <allv. as he miizht htive _Jf he had iliLasiircd his actions by "political ex- . n'dkney." Indeed he has been so. In- _ex|»dienl politically as tr> incur the dlsplejipure of two speakers of his own patty who deprived him of important positions In hi by Mm .as chairman of committees of tin rirst rank. lie has been "discipline.! " his bills have been pigeon-holed and the like be- : cause he would not forget his convic- j tlons and surrcndi i his judgment to j the dictation of somebody who as- : sumed to dictate | presume our fiiend from Ohio would call the'ca- reer of this mnnhrr fn the House a failure From the standpoint of po- litical success It probably is. But many of the political arwl legislative iniquities which this member has j steadfastly fought against, notwith- standing 'political expediency," have ^finally been overt brown" and in this taccompllshment he haa had a real some Information of interest on these ..ml either bills I have remained in Washington "luting tin- holiday r. cc>,s. | re- I turned home early in October after the I HouH'- had passed the Currency [Jill. I As no business was taken up In the ! lions-- for sunn- time, I was able to j j ri main at home for about six weeks. jl spent all of that time out in the j district toinn through every pneincti oallinK upon the merchants and local j ' busiiv-ss ni'ti. One elected to server I the people in a representative capacity: oiiKlit to do all In ran to keep in touch i tidt t4et-m. 1 Wl should- exert my-1 *• If an much -to keep in touch-witb you ', after election as I did to get In touch! v itIi \oti before i-l.ition That is why! 1 spent my six weeks at- home, tjolngi through Ihe district calling uoi the j bllSitleSS people whom I could reach. Curing that Mine I made a r- w less1 '!.,-,n litis llv" lniiiilr.il calls in the dis- trict The new Bankini; and Curr-in y law s< < m« to be meeting with rattier a bet- ter reception on the part of tin bank- ers than was predicted for It some v.eeks ago. I voted for the bill as It ve-nir of the occasion for every at- tendant Baptist Church. Sunday services held in the Wom- an's club building, corner of Greenleaf SPECIALISTS _ AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING For Easy Starting in Cold Weather We equip your FORD with a Dash Primer for $1.50 Taxi Gab Service Night and Day J. W. Meyer & Sons 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone Wilmette 426 Wilmette The best bread made on the North Shore --*------ THE------------ Wilmette Baking Co. 1165 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 441; For Bakery Goods of Superfine Quality Goods you can place before the mo3t discriminating guest, call WILSON'S North Shore Bakery 1148 CENTRA!* AVENUE Phones Wilmette 413-414. Wilmette Auto Delivery S. Beilin & Sons' JewelryStore ELfCTRIC PLACE ®, CENTRAL AVE. WILMETTE. ILL. JEe-.caij.y_a completcstocfc oil everything in the tine of Jewelry- Sam's Restaurant THE BEST FOOD AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES 619 W. Railroad Ave. WILMETTE, ILL. part, and the whole nation is the bet- ter for It. He has rendered a real and a lasting service to thf>.people of his district and -of-tho eonntry,-nn<_ were ho not a man of "intellectual honesty'7" he could noFliave rendered It. Shall wo say that such a man has no business in Congress?" HIB 1 THE only thing cheap about our caskets is the price. We carry a full line of Solid Mahogany,Circas- sian Walnut, Solid Oak»._tc , as wtlj a> the usual •iueof broad cloths ai.d crepes. For the nasor th^t we manufacture all of our own caskets, we can aiu* do guarantee a saving to the public from One-third to one-half. Wm. H, Scott, formerly with J L. Hehblethwaite of Evanston, is manager and part owner of our F^vanston store and will personal]) supeiinttrd e\ei> Vetail Automobile Service Furnished Store Phone Evanston 98 Residence Phone Evnasion 2903 WM. H. SCCHT 1007 DAVIS ST\ Manager EVANSTON, ILL. J. A. >HANE Real Estate, Loans, Renting and Insurance Ni.nii Shore II.......» anil VikiiiiI Res.. 753 Twelfth St., Phone 1026 Office 1128 Central Ave., Phone 1079 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS TKLEI'HONE: WILMETTE 446 Miss Dorothy Macauley Teacher oi Piano and Vocal WILMFTTE, ILL. Reffbknce: Caruthor'a Scliool of rMano Ralph W.Faupel TheVillage Electrician In connection with his regular Glectrical Contracting business, has put m a full line of Colum- bia Grafonoias and Records. You are invited to come and bear them. 609 W. RAILROAD AVE. •'hone 522 Wilmette J.'B. Heckler 1137 Greenleaf Avenue Wilmette, Illinois Real Estate, Loans Renting and Insurance Real Estate bought and sold on commission First mortgage Loans Negotiated Rents collected and taxes paid Estates managed for non-residents Phone Wilmette 500 b«MM*p«** +m Agency for B. P. S. PAINTS Varnishes Stains Floor Wax BEST PAINT SOLD W. G. BEYRER. Hardware I. W. 5IPE.5 Contractor 6 Builder JOBBING '* SPF.CIALTY PRICES RCaSONABLE TELEPHONE WILMETTE 1384 Res. 1302 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette; III. Wilmette Club Livery CROSS & CO., Proprietors 1225 Central Avenue. Wilmette. 111. Telephone Wilmette 21 CABS CARRIAGES SURREYS MOVING EXPRESSING BOARDING ■•<• I pholstor ng. " t-^nther Goods Repaired. Charles R. Petersen Harness Maker l»'4A Central Avenuo Cro.. liver, WIWWTTK, ILL. All work promptly and neatly done Telephone Wilmette 21 Office Phone 296 Shop & Res. Phone 158 A. C. WOLFF Tin, sheet metal and furnace work. Furnaces, "utters, spouts and metal roofs. :: y. y. :: ESTIMATES FURNISHED Furnace Cleaning and Repairing Office, 1124 Central Ave. Shop, 620 Park Ave. (rear), Wilmette '.: ATTORNEY-AT-LAW JOHN HUGH LALLY 916 Chicago Title ind Trust Bldg. 69 W. Washington si. Central 1667. Residence 1131 Oak Ave. Tel.lSK Sanitary Barber Shop FIRST CLASS SERVICE Children's Hair Cutting a Specialty ALL HAIR CUTS, 25c Wilmette 1139 Greenleaf Avenue W1LMETTE DAIRY Pore Mfflyii|ga^ 1819 Elmwood Avenue TELEPHONE 324 WILMETTE;, ILL. LAWN GRASS AND jSejfJWnj^j^BLgFlowerCfeg««: EgW^TOwer.1.4 Quu^-StovMny «ndl hrdy Pt.bbS