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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jan 1914, p. 4

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THE Mitel SHORE IfEWS THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, Itl*: ■"^■1. Cfie £**' simt< n*«* tfc* jprwJocS. of tfc* -'1 jnimM »w £yKHiTWtfiiiioAir •f'Ia«3«p«&-; lijam.. ysH^iit.; ,;,1Te fear*- rearfcd a *«i-; 'THE SOWMAft PUBLtSHIftfi CO. eratioa asica T*n*ra£«i ambtag oaf '^fcm^-^Bwrfltaa"-' 7 *aaag&« E«ttor ***** «* "»--■ «* «tWM»eij*fs*j IJfcfeag.- Bowtpao . jlasoctato Editor tfeaa of attention and resjipftet There 3!B"1^****L** ** ' Cfay■ ■Km^^-m==Wf^m»"mtt^'t!i*K yot_»* people'- eas b« taught by their elder*. if VSefe had be*n t&ft"""pir«at>e?~irlgrgr ence fr/r the. dljrnisy which authority BENEFIT PUY FOR EVANSTON 11 :: AT THE EVANSTON j; THEATER ■ IHIMIIIIIIiltlll...... StJke pm"*ltegenar'Iff all Use unusual 5|is»-«aaweii aialtara Mina -nattft ea|aile of aanplaflBta* «a* Ea*t and i'afa afeoraBt;TME ' HaTfs&ani. ""Mr- f HEwaM as Higgias. Mr. Br&wa aa WU- teaav Mr. Mortoni as Taoaws, M!s» 'gtpge as Mary, aarf Miss anastraag Htt?gJtc:iiIPTI0N rHtt%UB-M-3&UL- '■£ •tlTTU LORD PAUMTX£«OY •* ________:___£2a/«TA___________....... Ka.i of Dwlacosr. - J*aa Oa»a<tea.ta3. Jaa^.28M*:J*^ caaracte« _«!* CVrfrJc »r»I >l»r.: Favulcn?).... [ assaaTSaBre'SSe^iS oriB*ers_of Mrs.. ............... .BSwoeiiy Oars. B«irae«. s story. '° »r. Havimbam, a s^icfeor.. ."._ i. , . . \ Uttie Dorothy Clark Is-really astoa- --...........;:.. 3fc C. Vazr-slyfeH-finssr ia-the-ease- and -zraee and aa- .W. Hobbs, a Gro,-- . :Ga& garter!^' sr_r3__c«. wt.a whie.i~*fre olays terrflte. fiii^Toa, a'Farnj*;- Btfwarf Ewafie! Ik&oosa «*«*«** MAxta* from-a Dfama Ctui> Arfange for PfO» WOMMg aGroom .Cham. D. Brows. StaTi* «oM. dM I$de girl performed aer _AH asattar for paftlfeatloo la any ™*" Iwr ""* ""s^17 WOM:B ■■--"•* •"j™"™ " ' ~ , . itoaaaa, a Footmaa Jam** G. Morton difiealt task with apparent ease, .•oak's i**«* sboald reach ow ©«e« <ioof«T». there had never been the nn- OUCtiOH 0* bree/l*ilOCKin^ iff*. ErrcA irD**r^--->____Neiie Reddt Et iaa'\ se<;»«sary to arge the people m *t«t tfeaa nooa 00 Monday pfe^^t ,i,™m»«a«ce of the Carabao 2S Benefit Jfl the EvanStOfl Mina..... Rl*bie Ro3a*a *' Evaafe^a u arail themsetveaof t^s %j„^„^.-..-;.___gBasaassaafeegaBggBa-r^pr^ ' « DCiiciii m urc Lfeiwiuii !!««*, aBootUaek -- Billie' Leicester epportaaity to enjoy this play. The HlM**^a«-NC0a*ClOT-ttatt«rJm ^^ tt-.lh» «"»rJ«i wpwt Theatre OH January 19. *tary ....:........F1«r«ac»"Caiaer«o»BUnc7 of the story, the assaraace ■FlWl.at the poatotBee at B*anatoa. for fayeatal aothortr.7 moeb of oar ._________. ^ane.............Alice Aramrea? «f eiceileat »ork oa the part of the Ml Hiiiitur ma ■«! Of IfaWlH Z, g^asijHjj sf u-iva aad rlriir ^oald ftn«1 ....... SCENES. -members of the **** 'f™J**£J™ 4fj*^_________ r !? rl ^ 1 ^ASK ^£N€WMiS RESPONSE a^x -u-mx** v,«m in Mm x* ** •»«*«*««« - to v™*™* « \vm-M trAved- If there were more ren- "*"» wt^ttivww Tnswr-^T.w*. ,, ,, -. _ .-„ . ■<r>~"-"~',,":«sr^~r^r-^;yr----.--~-r~i.-rsrTr.rr;.--.".. ____________, ______ ___ foi*a Ho'-if-r, >eir ior_. ^iTHtrBaDAY, JANUARY 15, 1314. eratioo Tor womanhood prf/te/rtiv«; AfT II--Morning fioom in Dorin pa^aunaM__a*M«-«-M-«^^ are d«dirn«l to- *o»d> The. opeulag ni«bt of the -Green . , coort CaMle. Eagland. ■MVK •/■/'./• * \i, rut' KM flit fifth =__ : . ... < ' Stocklnita" en«a«enieRt at the Evans- ACT III--Sam* a* Act II. TitI. &UMS9K A f> it nit, ftrzifiinsrrn:. tfrt* and yoantc women otherwise un- ----- Tim*----Th* Pr<_ni ton theater. Monday. Jan. !_>. ha a been "me-- me hTfB-.T. .-,--- ____ ____ ., „.___________.,,„ _Tho»e who have r.ot read and loved taken over By the library eomniittee Dorothy riar_ _t i&e caat. it_nr»* a -UCtAa-^n '-. ?^5i hoasesr throashoat rhe "seek. Advice <";ulte to-the- p>e4_».- on this occasion :*. "Mak-e your reservations Jtt^*_ra___LJ3r.^_ASAV«'Ho» to K_=e^ jkfr may remember hl« Inoolrle* ^atjr.n »ajtin^ rf>orfta an,j oth<;r po^ of the Evanaton Drama -clob for the "^r'l>ord~Fa7intl^7 are "few." Th* A UNIQUE REUNION. il_l___he whereabout* of the "nel«b- n_ ^^^ pnrpoae of raiwlng f«nd» to purchase »-ory baa beer, a iavorite with little A tr-riqae reunioa was held at th* -J-E___iy pataaa aba Hvcd ______ ____:-l_„*_"___________ new Jdayj and carrent dramatic ]it- i>'^ple^ln the t«o-yore years or so ho_r=^ of Mrs U. S. Grant. 2^2'> Or- eratore for the Evanaton Public;,11 «inc*Tt-W_r ^rW^T^od interesting, rtngroa avenue^ Eraaatom during the rr>o. to thoiw; of r.per years.-a fact holiday a Mrs. Grant had as her gaeal , v hkh insures a ■n-'.safal week of its her mother, Mrs. N. H. WincheJl of Mr* Raymond C<Mk or Mlaa Alice ,,iU >n r,ur ^lUv .^.ghonze. Minneapolis- Mian. Mrs. Wine-hell is a H/maton or at the Public library. --'Fhe present of IrtttgDoroifay Clark graduate J.I Albion college, Michigan, Generou* Reaponae Asked. \u .he cas^ of Prir-'- ^'bap, which was of tfee fla-s °- '-^^ -"-iQS one °- the f .majchinery. At ».h* wmelualOB of the j,w, ^ -„t.\\ Wh-n ai?ain ihe aubje*' There are many reasonh why re' the attraction at » jfeyfaoof and eoald b«: coanted upon " 4 tJTTLE I.h.WHS. Jet times of nines* or other occasion of The teaching of aea hygiene, will 1*« brary atrera <« lead a wilting and capable abandoned In i:bica«o schools, for th'- Iband to the running of the domestic pf««enf, at TeisT, and, pt^rhaj/st, it Is CTATP B A MKn arnc}*;, one '.-ould only acknowledge. *halL_can_ _p for action of the srbool *&->»** f° '■"* appeal «r,ou!d be hearty and ftf-ofitaneofift. The library' ll^'-f the neighbor of a jfeneration ago f^/ard, It may Ia- there *i/l be leBa anf • •an we«;k, cotiv jhii' instltutj___ijr» wij.;£i? fe.v_.ribody JHl gone to join the ranks of departed ruoslty provoked, ibo**- who cling to \* intere«t**d. if. drama section i» o. the o)/j notion of eompeHJng chlldrejo *f>"'{-:>> *alue'in the town out of which thi« week a mo*- . 1 l ! »1 ■. '•"'^ iJrar/iJi l«-a^ue, now a national or- ,, • .f.,, -«rrwi«..tinn !o dbtcover f<v r:hanee tru'hH which rn'- proaacuon aarii/jxlioa, originated, and the pia> -j-{,f. ^-y,- ^ arj ihey *hould hav«- b-:;, taught quHe „,■ a ri.:Ughtful___yening s entertain "! • ■' "'" -;'; ■■""•■•■"" :'!t ,.;,.1,r;.iiv ,.i!l b- L-HB shocked and rr,.-n- for old and young alike. Sel- dom U h/; atrtOlilffg and charming a i.lay prewnvd for a benefit. 'Gi'HHn SToe a public of faer 3arprr»tag ability as an Evanaton Christ- Brst women in America to be grada-1 # rt the Bvaaaton alfd frorr: a college. Later she >e.d | " th* chair of professor, of French at i ibi 'u~~1^*n»a a»d to mmp'-rx that nh«- ba„ -------afervwl htrr time of u**fulne«* and b<i- ,;.«he last few yearw. Hs^-#tfU Or Evas* =-»pr«-»»k»n of dtisap fiesa ot the past ia no longer nt-ccs- Sary 001* even desirable, for have we not a HcU-nUfiv. aubstlrute, the vl»ltlnj< irvrae, all honor to her? It is a wholesome thing, at time», when We become dJ»gruntled, when the tirnea mem oat of joint, and notii naturally We are made to u M, UtU,s in tMf that nelKhborll- proval. ro'iTW" tiTjH b<en nhort In CTFTea Tin !;• ' and lniio« < ri< <• and th'- (joxKi^ of rh»lr 'hildt'-n lonlng Hi" '-i u8': of tTi«■ other. Ing aft It ahould and ought to h<-. to reflect iipO»> »iOet»t i^OnditlonH fisrrhey f»ow are and an tli«-y have been In the past. It tieJpsi '" ""• ei/Bjputation <>t \ .;. -»n4-d«;traetft. <tomev. hfii.._/.-^/ /. ///■_ 1 _ _j_IjUUE TIL1L IIQMH. tram the" Trimmer flTmoKTrfm-e which j 'J^' ciitapkxlty of o.tr w;hool syatem tiango about tb<- 'IiIokh (hat a TJie--tit)--,--"tyrr-en--SSl^-.King f«-r^ to a tradl'ton that an unmarried <-.'d«-r «lht«r must wear green atoek but it !ok*i at tli«- rnarriaK'- of ia younger fii« fer t'elia Karaday, the'heroine, ha« fiKurativoly *or;, ^-re'-n stocking" twi/e, for two of r.tr younger .-.:ster- r.nditioiiM -a hi' h have made y,i»e m«n n;lV(. marn«d When a third sister. i>d *om< fi iook ijpoti hij'h Instruct ion not ,*-> out '>f n>-r n-i-ns, announcen h n<-c"-R«ary Th«.-y bav<- tx-gun Uj_i_"r ••ngaej'm<-nt..r>Ha revoiu agajpat ..„ the donning of green atocklngs ajrain -rtT**+U~f -*+»<■ diff<r'f)"• b'-tween j'" ' ku * tsthools It ha« ro'j'ii'-d but km,all part of the younjr p<-op] h_iM not t,<-.„ unprodu'-tlve of r<-«'iltH f'.r par'ntH haw b'<n «"t. thinking ol trfigs. Hex perf'■: rnance of the r6le t'edric Errol, i. -d Fauntleroy," is .;"resting feature a■ 'he Evanaton. MI as Redd, as .■ Captain Errol, ■ :i*- Earl of Dorin- of Cedric, heir to - jf the older earl. Bjnsaset and 1[eir :> makes a most a temper ko short ; proof of the tor- "«) a gouty foot. .\5f». Errol, svkJo* th< youngest .->on 'ourt and mothet the ritle and «sta" f+r" u most charnting~ -And so v, itli Lbj@_ neighbor. Mottt luMplrlnK irt "" KxvftnuK tit n port i>t the *ork whl« h ha« b" n a<:<:ompti!Jh«d b, lh< band of vlMl'tlNK i„ Hi' i:\liY, r/Hteh Mt4i:nLion lion by thoB<- who know, thoH< thtnk they Know ;tnd by trron'1 J UK' who who kn< .)"ll" 'bat mir«*'», Hehool i*iu. ■ ■ round* "«rry ih'ti^ui hearts of those a ho i Ihe itlmph'tit prlti' ipb lliK. who aire for titi into' ait unfriendly v fond hut ignoram i ------«•««'<'- f»»i th*4r ehlldrtiij III Hlrkfi<'«*, who folios Of Ihe fliedieal tllHpeel ------M In. len'eli miflt'-f! In til id women whoMe i Hi" horn'H and ■• d lo t»< laujjbi of hygienic in babl'-H unli'T'd irltl, who tejich iilh'-fK bow to II, lltll'll ll.l. While • hey know nothing ' :iHf.i/in !m hoillid ' '< J»r'< • hi Km ; no many 'iplniori- b' Ij Mi' hiding witw of that would *er-m to set her finally on the nhelf Sb<- ban b'-en away from bom' oil a vlMft, and upon h'-r return hhe pretend* 'hat she has beeome en- ■ gaged to a "-t'ain Colonel John Smith, vvbo Iiafv ju»i U'-'n H'-nt a way upon an T^prdttfcrr. *n r^jfrrJrlifafid. -- Hbe>>-$refi f. Die- <■,,-.,;,..! SfTiifil °1 love L-4fer, jr, "-i,ding to ip-ntro-, ;t later! bu' i.'T .'.ufige.,1 -,i.it«T find3 ;t. and'inTiTjreTrt I> placei U i» it,,- j,,ail Th" in :i-,^„' .,;. at, tl" Mr. Clarend ;; ialible old '-arl. < a-^ 'o be convineii. i 'nt he endures fo b'- HUpe; th' i.i'h his lords!.'.i out the play, ia - popular Idea of nueh a title iiiipl! , •',r'ablet at least. MiSH I.elre..,t.r . .-:-ioual bootblai.'i !:.ip<Thonation of •; iiU: overcome b- !■ - friends, hut i :.>.' h\\ the digli it y '«.' a profession. '■'. Il'ibbn. eonforriij* i.-' ; he corner j.ro< Albion. At the reunion were present Mrs. Woolle.V of Giencoe, a classmate of Mrs Wincheil at Albion: Mrs. Geo. Jobnatone of Portage, Wis., who at- tended Mrs. Winchell's class in French at Albion in 1*»>1: Mrs. E. E. <'iarke of Rogers Park, also an early Albion graduate, and Mrs. Francis Woolley of (Jlencoe. When the guests stepped into the__dining_j_-__ca____r luncheon they made the pleasing dis covery that the plate cards bore their maiden names. This made a decided hit with all the women, especially with Mrs. Crants mother, who now is well essing gown in along in vears Mrs wincheil re- .ppears through- turn^d t0 her home Monday. Her hus- rcely up to the f.and arrived Saturday on his return elegance which tram attendance at a convention, but '"' " looks core. ' nroceeded at one to his home in ; Minneapolis. I*iek, the "pro-! _____________________________. i.-i an interesting j 'ing America, a STOLE LUMBER. A quantity of lumber was reported he superiority of : sto^.n to l!lf. gvanston jK)lice Monday the kss assum-, by jonn Carlson, a contractor, resid : being a member I jpg at 2325 Hartray avenue. The theft Satterlee as Mr J waa committed at a new house Carl- tiie popular-Idea! son I., building at 2313 Hartray ave- and goes, through nue. OVERCOATS At ^id'Winter Clearance Prices ■ ..... To rapidly dispose of the remainder of our stock of Men's. Boys and Children's,Overcoats we offer a special discount of 20-c from the regular prices on any garment remaining in stock. Wnllror Av Nnrimnn 2nd Floor, The Shops Bldf., 17-23 H. W«bisb,Chic.»o Jpl%lie4t©yalr4a«#Bs^ SAM VOLK & L, PAIS. Proarieter* Successors to E. Sylvander Spring Styles Have Arrived You are iavited to call and examine the New Spring Styles and Samples for H__oj_aen_s_ Tailored_3nits that have jnst arrived Special Reduction of from $10 to $15 Until Feb. 15th Call at either of our stores for courteous service and Satisfaction Guarantied Cleaning,Dying-,_Remod- eling work called for and delivered. SAM. VOLK & L. PAIS, Props. |uc£f£v^DET£ TWO STORES 603 Dempster St.---1321 Emerson St. TWO TELEPHONES 1128--42?4 i- lo orld d I- orl all • From make famli- Iglibo .1 lH;.-lt|o|j .11* ']:-. Ill l I II' J I i'.ll III - '. VI ■ rt' • I v.otlldn't i' be w< t .! little iibOUf th' ohs.dcrliig 'b' ..i putting in' i and bo>M In vailety of BuhJ. <J I. to'., to think j'i mul'lplb ity of oi, I'lUie.. tl.lttl. I. 1,1 in heal Hi and in ihe trail ! r,,, u of iK-boob-.. ' t!,. •tori' h bow to ■ *'" '■ I III ' I i Kill A ll II ll r'lallll t ll.-ll Wit i .ii .iiid p'thapH, look to i(i<«i- an ■ splimntion of th« d'-'tlrie In ilifTi|eiii'r"-^fc4*4i good hiiiiKi! and a f-'mii! •. . nft.-r .,,,„ I. • ■ pt.on. v • d- - id ■■ »" l r,d ..: '.- t In. ... ('„Aa,«rr"„, ,,„ • f I.I .fTi'tti i,;,.,(, t|; II. ii<l di-< i,: • r tl,•• death U__ UK -.ill . illlli. ted at III m br« ,n int.- • in- ne v. ti, I,, r Ii 1..1JM" "- that ih'ie i, .,- :,uilly i. 'In .inn a c.-riain ' oloi.. I ,1 N'. iiiitth, l> S i) II.- humorously comes '. 'Hll ii|nHi 'elia the v.-iv d.iv that if "■'• i. death iioti'.- ha* ciiiH ner of thi- tini. ii<r and -slty • f dli >n Hi hlld of inl' pi-t" iiiourtiin Tf rrrp-^- JTV'" prop'iiy. : In those f-eiiioos of every city in which the poor, the. Ignorant, and, In many Instancx, the foreign born «•!■■ meat of the papilhititMi, live hud'H'd together under condl! louw which tip pear lo be unendurable lo tin- chan< < Visitor, If in 111'-- visiting and the I I pchool mini' to whom we mttsl look ; for nn early, If temporary, alleviation of discomfort and distrww. Kduca "fi'OH of parents In night schools, of mothers in mothers' elubn, lliew; an iwedn bowo for th« future harvest. 'The nurse who vIhHk them In Ihelr i«i lndn of iJliiti'C'iS IS I In- angel to he the neare-hl and frrend nr-TTie - itr-itr tJf^ .,l,n Aim He Ii' IHIIIlll' I those v. ho .1 I i- dllllgei | j, l |,i In ■f -.in I'M' it'll popII i' ad dlwmter In itn Hll Kliu; in Igi at Ion i ■ |i"i 11 vs Ii |i I, ii niiib'l ii -if ni« n and <a ol nbelier ninopg ni« from the hardships ".' their li'ini' i n v iMuiiieiit may re I alii I'OUrrfoe tn look Into th- future riotn th'- I'HUltM of compel It |v, I'chol ;i!idii|p iiMtn in i oll< gi. studies, by wlli'll :||ih' ^Otlllg lll'll secured ""1 re.m-iils bun " most TtiTTin.1 parted, .uid engage.., in ;i spirited duel of wit-., with 'elia. i-iu h trvlti^ to outdo the otln-r lii ii'.ltiK up to this ■itory tti.tr thi'v both know to be Qc- titiou" lli" hprlghilineriM .,t Miss Margant Amdm and Mr ll Reeves- j Smith In this protracted ntruggle of wit <wlll never be forgotten hv those1 «Jio hhw the pi;i> two >uars aKO. In the rourne of the ami aide duel, the colonel and <Vlia lhll in- love with j ujicli otlnr. and In the end -die has ; only to declare that the reports of j Colonel Smith's death have been' .x el ii si ve Air. rit.-> I dilit^.V 1 limit- )mui rial I'at terns William $• Lord Fountain Square Kvaiiston, Illinois Evanston Phone 1024 Wijmette Phone 600 No charge for connections PAUL POIRET Designed a Paris Larrymade uiulii the .Iohki'ii | great I Hi" names of the •""> a Th" f in' i' i "f -tlio now. ■}■ + i '•III V M'.ltV "I.I'H T-^Tho ChU^i+fo Tiltiiini; tuut lianu 1m d ! a iltili ""Whose obji-et-- Ii Is i" foul, i Amorlcan tlii¥ali>, «.birli in th< opin j, ion of those who nn Interested Is In . \>, ,,vld< n djinjKcr of Ignotnfnioui d<:ith apd thin '•"' lull right soon. Tiie slogan ■.! ihe new or gmiiziitloii is Inscribed upon their budge, it button which may be .cinii-d I' ge nrholaihhlp:-. I'l I I I /HI fill ill Mjliliers. in ill. order '•! merit weri III SHOW II / l',lll\S|||\ l'"l'II |.|1I III, M Mil I II, I'll' mill. It II I 1 (ioollM\N l„i_l !_.___ Srnll ', (p.npi.v l'| mu -, [ I Nl \ ' I ' Vi II \ \ ,I1H I .1 A I I |\ . i«K> "Seals for ."V\__imt-<l',^TB'n\Mo'~cj,y Tl th'jii. new knights of chivalry, f ■~ tt Isn't probable that the Tribune _Myvloty of Chivalry will produce any liOtlceStde elTei't upon tiPMiuchlvulrotis character or the time for the tendency (Of uitu to remain In possession of £«eala^iu?r*ttl»lb^-_^i*4ynm one manifestation of Indifference to _Uie■ dciiiattai- ofrgOTiiTtiay. aud nut^tF '. le Ii Si-rtiliilJ llllVAN prayed thiil I uili'ht In lp hllll lo "make ll un 1 ai '■ foi thin government to i" .ii villi Mexico," the Washing pulilli- Inl.i pi, t..(l tip, p,.(ii |„n lo in that ..nl'. an Inlerpoxltloii of i'ml.I avert war lietwi.n heen spur I ;' " and "in neii;lili.n of nierll "nib l«Mt Mi i!!:> \n Ih a pious H'.nl given In . v. | i > ., ,. |,i,., religious fnitl III a wliolr-Kottir . x. i v-day ^«>i I nl wax .iiiii Ills U(l*l un. . may, tlni. r<.i. . In ' i-iu. its ri not r<io Bcrjoim - ark now ••• He-ill ni' liiiput* nee oil lliu purl "I Un- fini runienl lo help Itself. exiiggerated. in order to claim her husband. second ad of this comedy- drauiii Ih one of the most parkllng and roH-|cl<ing in all fnrct-comedy, and the play iiH a whole is well worth go- ing a distance to see. NEW BOOK OF VIEWS SOON. Northwestern I'liiversitj will soon j issue a booklet of views of ihe cam- pus and the city of Kvnnston, under I the tin,, of •■I'nmpiis iind Town." 't j promises to be the most elaborate af-| fair of |t« liltnl nti-r atteinpt.il by the! uiiiverslti and po monev <>r effort has > make It a publication WAtSTS Poirct's latest style masterpieces. We will show new mc xJel •nth. Rxcli s eacn montn. exclusive service. The daring simplicity of design coupled with Poiret originality makes these waists so splendidly suited for wear with present suit styles. This month we have Rose Brocaded Crepe Blouse, size 40, price $15.00 Plum Brocaded Silk Blouse, size 36, price $27.00 I.WHlMnli hitM lost the Services of Supei int.mleni .,f Streets SiiKur.it, who liiet beep M.leit.,1 froni u large nuni- ln I nl appHiauli. f*u I Iire- olllf*' of VII- The lust photographer in Chicago tool* most of the pictures and high ! class artists have been bus', on ihe decoration?. The book will cunlaiti vet-v little ilest riptlvn matter. The cover design will he done in purple, -white and gold-:. -iMAe thousand copies are being issued and they will he of fered for sale lo students and alumni til the actual cost price. GIRL RETURNS. --Mabel--Hoy or.___the If. year old elrl ..who tan away lrom her home, il!> 4ft*.e-M»pei Inter+dent of (ifencoe. 10vans ,,. „ . *-' Slieiinan avenue, Evanston, relumed SflKlilEB from tlie clly even while wlafa-rhome of Win. N. S. WertB, in the ROod mp: Tor hiin a successful career lii theI uuU<lHnf* She has stated that she la ^J^H-rryi lhat_:ahe__lcf t______rms_o___jMta_ The New Laces 1914 is to be a great year for laces from all indications, they will be generoii-ly used on botTT outer and under garments and the sheerer laces especially will lie in great demand. We-have- assembled a beautiful assortment and call special attention to the Camisole Laces for Bodices and Corset Covers, Beautiful-flhadow pat- IQp terns. Per yd..........-.#*fl' Our Annual Sale of Under muslins Has shown that this year the assortment is more extensive and the garments more beautiful than ever before. Yet our prices are the lowest we have ever been able to quote. The display of hand- embroidered garments at popular prices is especially noteworthy. Complete showing of Gowns, Skirts, Princes Slips, Combinations, Drawers and Corset Covers. Crepe Gowns at 95c A pretty model in square low neck with long sleeves, trim- med with linen lace. Embroidered Crepe Gowns $1.45 downs of Soft, crepe with hand embroidered designs in yoke and short sleeves, trim- med aiso with ribbon run laces. Hand Embroidered Gowns ------- $2S0 (iowns made of finest nain- sook with pretty hand em- broidorcd design on yoke «__ kimona sleeves, trimmedwith harrow linen lace. Crepe Combinations 95c New knicker drawer combin- ations of crepe neatly trimmed with lace and ribbon. Hand Embroidered Com- ____ binations$ 1.45 Combinations of fine nainsook with hand embroidery on botli corset cover and_jii_aw_exs-and trimmed with cluny laces. ffandr EmbroidetedrCom- binaiions $2.19 sook, trimmed Wrth4iBen4a<>e^ \ and beautifully em broideredT~" ----

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