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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jan 1914, p. 6

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«*-. *mmmmmmm^mmi THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1«4. ..... THE MEWS' GA LLERY OF BEAUTIFUL LAKE SHORE HOMES 4At^Vteetingof Clu^ Annual Re- ports Were Read Which Showed Thatthe Debt Has Been Greatly Reduced. Terry SUapkins , ■ • Manager 222-224 WE T MAPI SO H STREET, Near Fiftn Atenue "L" Slalioi Franklin 39 SS for Telephone Orders Our Great Annual Clean-Up Sale OWE NOW BUT $14,000 An extra meeting or the Evanston Woman's club was held which was de- voted entirely to reports from officers and a review of the year's work. There was a very good attendance, showing that many of the members are as interested in the practical work done by the club as in the delightful piograms furnished. Debt Being Lowered. Mi?. W. C. Alexander reported that Now in Ful1 Progress at this New Convenient Store I The very finest pro.iucs in the land at ridiculously low prices. Prios th-«t cannot fail to rapidly remove our overstock--You 11 like ourjgffwit:ffiLservice--our high qmlity--our prompt deiivr ries--.nd best of all -our extremely low pints. : Stop here on your way to or from the Northwestern or Union Depots. Store open Saturday Evening uotil 8:00 P. M. Mall orders iweiw proapt attention "Hazel crest," Home of Mr. Benjamin F. Demuth, Highland Park, the debt on the club house was now [ but $20,000, and $5,000 of this sum was already pledged in building cer- 1 tificates. Previous to making this i loan of $20,000 from the bank there was a $5,000 debt half of which was ] paid by the building committee and l half from the club treasury. In Feb- ruary, at the time of the first interest payment it is probable that $1,000 bond will be paid. In addition to the payment made on the debt of the building, by February 1, $1,000 will have been given to charity. Club -jn«mbers were delightexL-hy this splen- did statement of affairs as made by the treasurer. Mrs. Jones Odell pave a most inter- esting and detailed account of the work being done by the Day Nursery association. The association is affiliat- ed with the Central Charities and a committee of three from the Woman's club work with them helping in every way possible this splendid work. The property used by the association was purchased by a member of the Wom- an's club and given for this purpose, For ten cents a day a child is cared , foi and given luncheon and a 5 o'clock supper. Children whose mothers are ; working and who cannot go home1 from school to luncheon are furnished the noonday meal for five cents. The children's teeth are examined and cared for. Where babies are given : bottles during the day, a bottle is also ' prepared for the mother to take home ; with her for the baby at night in or- 1 der that the food many always be unl- ^form_ and properly prepared. Mrs.jj ; Lawrence Wilder is in charge of this i work and by a contribution of from 50 cents to $25 one may become a mem- ber of the association and a helper in I this worthy cause. ' Cf. Little Illness This Year. For Friday and Saturday Double'S.&H.'or Fish Stamps All Day Friady 10 lbs. Granulated Su- j Loose - Wiles--Biscuit I Try our Justice Brand gar ...............39c Co.'s Crispo Crackers, | Flour, % bbl.......65c Fancy Michigan Pota- In tin, about 4 lbs., reg- 2-lb. pkg. Crystal Oomi- toes, peck .........21c! lar 50c can, for this no Sugar ..........igc Large Can Ripe Olives j sale .............. .43c j F. Bertollio Pure Olive for ................15c Macaroni or Spaghetti, oil is giving good satis- Petersen's Swedish Wa- 3 pkgs. for.........25c | faction on the North fers. Spec'l this sale 19c 30 oz. jar of large Queen j Shore--give it a trial Renhoth Fancy Ha- Olives, very special.29c \ at this price, gal $298- waiian Pineapple, can While they last, Hart- ( ^ gai. $1.50; quart 79c 23c; doz.........$2.65.ley's imported Marma- immmt v.»». o. « Bear Brand Fancy As- lade, a 30c seller, for j ™ *•"• .™- ^ paragus, 1 lb. can. per this sale...........19c !jJ.,UdoJ°r this M,e'«g. dozen ..........*$1.35 Crispo Crackers, three *c» aoz..........*105 Large 75c hot. Cocktail pkgs. for......... .11c American Family soap. Cherries. Special for Sport Brand Sardines, 10 Dars for.........39c this sale ..........59c in pure olive oil, 18c Fancy Hotel Mush- Just received, 1,000 8- can 13c; doz......$1.35 . rooms, for this sale, per lb. boxes of Prunes-- Dr. Price's 1-lb. can can ...............19C special for this week. Baking Powder. Spe- Campbell's Assorted per box ...........98c cial ...............39c Soups, doz.......$.1.00 Lowest Possible Prices on Butter, Eggs & Ohese 1 I : il < Mountain Brook Pure Creamery Butter, lb. 36c; 5 lbs........$1.75 Pure White Clover Honey, regular 25c jar, this sale, each.....45c Cudahy's Pure Fig Mar- malade, 1 lb. jar, for this sale ..........20c Elgin Creamery Butter .Genuine imported Style, guaranteed good Roquefort Cheese, per to the last ounce, 5-lb. lb............ ___42e pail $1.42; per lb...29c ., .. _ Katina Brand imported Holland Brand Cream- Camembert Cheese, ery Butter, the best each ..............29c that can be had, per cottage Cheese, 10c a 10..................i9« pkg., 3 for.........25c j Fresh Meats at Wholesale, Stockyards Prices! Oscar Mayer Edelweiss Brookfield Pork Sau- Leg or Loin of Veal Lard. 4-lb. net jar, each sage, per lb........22c Roast, from milk-fed J for ...............59c , C h o i c e Dry Picked calves, per lb___20y2c Choice Brisket Corned Geese, Turkeys and Strictly fresh Pork Ten- Beef, boneless, lb. 16!/2c Ducks-slowest prices. derloins, lb........33c Choice Chicken Mack- ™?}c? "ind,2Uarter1f! j £*^ C*fe£ice N**£t erel -i for 25e Fall^Lamb, lb......16c : Pot Roast, lb.....14/ac ere1, s Ior.......... . Prime Native Rib Roast, | No. 1 Sugar Cured Miller & Hart Uniform per lb...........20'/2c Smoked Ham. lb.. 16'/2c Sliced Bacon, lb. 30'/2c Fresh Pig Shoulder Swift's Premium Bacon, "Choice! "Southdown Leg Ham, per lb......125£c 4 to 6 lbs., per lb.. 25c of Mutton, lb.....12'/2c Choice Loin or Rib No. 1 Strip Bacon, per Mickelberry Sausage Lamb Chops, lb____22c lb.................21e Meat or Link Sausage,, Loin or English Mutton Crown Roast put up oil per lb.............22c Chops, per lb------16'/£c short notice. I COMING SOON ! ORCHHAfcLS,TRA Tues. Bl%° Jan. 20 WESSEES & VOEGELI Announce Recital by AGNES NERING Soprano. Assisted hy I CHICAGO LITTLE THEATRE $1 I Fourth Floor Fine Arts Blinding xrt>pt Sun. & Man.. 8:80 *1 &Sat..2ii(j »' CHRIST MASTIDE IlcinK the old tale dune in story and mime for those of all aires. Evenings. < Matinee*. Thur --Courtesy Hook of the North Shore. Home of Mr. Frank L. Wean, Corner Ravin* and Forest"Avenues, Highland Park. FINE-I TonW"815 AD'TCI Matinees !/>K. 1 0| Thursdays, Saturdays FIRSTTIME ON ANY STAGE LJ, rf■ -fr ,T. ,y, AAA i!fn iTi ntt riTi ih .3 F-T'tTTTTTTtTTtT ■!« What People Are Doing TTTTV in Kenilwortii Mrs. W, N. Williams is entertaining her mother from Mississippi. Miss Beatrice Starr is ri&coverinj; --from an attack of chlckeapox. Mrs. II. H. Everett h.ik for her , guest Mrs. G. D. Fairfield of Ames, Iowa.- Mr. and Mrs. John Uurnham left i last week for Pasadena, Cal., where] they will remain until spring'.'" j ^_ P. E. M. Cole is expected home 'this week from a week's trip in New J ^fork,------------------: Mr. and Mrs. John C. Everett an ! noumce the birth of a daughter iTTj their home last week. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Olmsteadhavu -returned to their'home in Omaha -after, a visit with their daughter, Mrs.Bent- . ly McCloiid. -------, Mr. and Mrs. C>K. Blackwood have expect to___visit Egypt. Palestine. France and other European countries. Miss Harriet Keichmanu and Miss Marjorie Burchard are home from Uie IvaiiKton hospital, where they under w««iii mi operation lor the removal of ! ""'»'• tonsils. _lt«it.ti_ are reported as III. THVing. MAKES A PROMISE. M.v. r Kaplan, a tish peddler, was '•' kvn in cuttodi hy the Kvanstou police ful peddling without a license His militH ».i, .ilinost depleted. Tnit Upon promise |<i seeurc a license the next time he i-ome> in Hvanston. h<> was- d+KrhHrprrl in- Chwt of police Shaffer TOOLS STOLEN- '. Automobile tools, valued Ut $25. were 'stolen from the garage of Mjix ' Witkowor. 1509 Chicago avenue, Ev-1 siirrrtoti. sornetune Saturday night. An entrance was gained by breaking a hasp on the door. ft"M"i- 'i-******** v'M"r<"i"i"i"X'» i; What People Are Doing in Glencoe •i ...... * :• m • TTTTTTl __Members olibe_i,adlesl Aid^socletj: of the tllencoe. Methodist were enter- tained at a luncheon in the home of Mrs. W. A. Fox in Longwood avenue Wednesday afternoon. The afternoon was spent at work. Mrs. Edmund Teuton of Bluff street OFFER PEACE PRIZES. expects to go to Detroit next week fori Another opportunity for remuuera an extended stay. j tjVt. literary competition has been Mrs. .lames Evetts is visitmu her I lai(, 0,H,n to Uu, students of North- da.iKli.er, Erleen, at Kemper hall thr* I w<,Htern bv th(, offoring o£ the John "Miss- Dorothy Dillon has returned I R' Lh«,"wn Prices for orations ^h. the subject ot international peace. Th lFned-froal-fr-t^4p^n tlte eastr-Their nfeces, Misses l^ouise and Mabel .Holmes ot Philadelphia, accompanied them for a short visit. 2"Mr, and "Mra M. Armstrojig „of- ext-^Miesday lor New York, where they plan to ^sall-Peb. 1 fo: J1Q T Q F E EASY,__________ Two automobile speeders escaped with a light line of |5 and costs each Saturday by--Porfce Magistrate John F HnyV-r-JThey^wor^ J--}fi Piker^ft returned to her home In Racine. Wis., after a visit with Miss Katherine Johnson. Former Justice of the Peace M. T. l.ane is convalescent after* an attack of la grippe. "5Jr~ahd Mrs. Goss gave a dancing party to a few friends in their home ■ ui Longwood avenue Friday evening. Little Edith Built n, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John II. Mullen of Bluff street, is recovering from a siege of tonsilitis. Mrs. H. A. Hammer was agreeably surprised in "her feme in Park avenue JLake: Forest real estate dealer and Eu- gene dotteller, ?>%?>"> Bosworth avenue, nfBfsday afternoon by ^^uinber; oT friends and neighbors. The event wa her birthday ajiniversary*______ Annual election of officers of the Noting Woman's-guild of-tho Glonooo Methodist church will be held in the home of Miss Edna Powers Friday afternoon. contest for men will be subject to conditions similar to those apply- ing to the. Kirk contest. The public contest will be held March 20. Fit' 4een-dollars oaoh for the first--four contestants, with an additional $10 to the winner, will be awarded. The winner will represent Northwestern University in the state contest of the Intercollegiate Peace Society, the vic- tor of which contest will receive $75. A group contest for several states For the Visiting Nurse association, I Mrs. Odell reported that--^here had I not been as much illness this year as during the previous year, owing to the fact that there had been no seri- ous epidemic. The president of the Woman's club is ex-officio a member of the Visiting Nurse committee and __ „, - - VIOI INIST I the clmVis a yearly,contributor to thej-MliS® „R^rtSCnaK 59,.. 75c si, «.50 ' work, while many club members serve 011 the committee and contribute to the --»■■m-i^■--• cause. To Mrs. P. C. Lutkin much 1 "* ~~~ ~ "*"" * praise is due for her untiring efforts ■ in having the work of the Visiting j ; Nurse accomplish the greatest possible good for the community. Great help to this cause w ill be rendered by the free dispensary which is being erected -UmuH^b 4iiu combined efforts of the I Visiting Nurse Association, the Tuber-:* culqsis institute and the Bureau of 1 Charity. Mrs. Low for the Social Service de- partment gave an Interesting resume of *be yeirr'-s ^rvork speaking of the half-holiday work, the tuberculosis survey, the flower mission, the Christ- t mas party and proposed classosrirr' citizenship. *-- Mrs. Hlldreth for the Art and Lit- erature department announced a meet- ing for Jan, 27. at which time Dr. Eastman, a Sioux Indian, will lecture on "The Real Indian." On Jan. 22 at 8 p. ni. Miss Helen Keller and her teacher, Mrs. Macy, will give a lec- ture. Mrs. Fiske announced that at 10 o'clock Friday morning there would 1>< a meeting for any members inter- ested in the study of parliamentary • Iflw. 4-f-enougii membm *4gnify a-de- sire rn lotn a class ot this kind su .a class will be formed. A FUTILE SEARCH. A hurry-up run was made by As- sistant GjWef of Police Johnston and other oftykets in the jiolice automobile to Harloff Bros.' grocery. Ash- land avenue and Lake street, to apprehend two strange Ihett. who wore seen prowling around in the alley by.former police officer Sandy Trent. When the police arrived no trace of the suspicious characters KING'S RESTAURANT Por 30 years the name has stood for pure, clean food, prrt.it cooking, ideal service and right prices. KINO* * take a particular prldo in their business and you get the benefit of it Eat at KINO'S to-day and you'll come back to- morrow. 10 Course Table ~ ' Sunday 75c .. ff A Play in 4 Acts by R. M. LOVETT T^rso^T0 Best seats $1.00 in their business and you get the benefit of it Eat at KINO'S to-day and you'll come back to- morrow. 10 Course Table De Hote Dinner 5th AVENUE Bet- Madison and Washington St*. Sherwood Music School Tounded by Wm. H. Sherwood 712 Fine Arts Building GEORGIA KOBERt President WALTER KELLER, Director Highest Standard of Artisur Piano, Organ, Harmony, Counter Point Composition, VocaL Violin, Public School Music, Musical His- tory, School of Expression. For catalogue address JESSIE K. READ Business Manager 410 S. Michigan Avenue ORCHESTRA HALL CHICAGO F and also a national contest will later be held. ~Tlre~women are ottered an eFsay contest on internatlonal~neaee. These ■rouid~be-foundr Aate3r!£?n Jan, 18 Milan and the Italian Lakes With the original BtmoWjf Color illustrations Graphic Motion Pictures Jan. 21. at 8:15 Ian. 23. at 8iir, Wed. Eve.. Fri. Eve, essays, which anT to be from 3,0001 to 5,»00 words in length, must be sub i mitted- by April IS. - ONETWORE. Q. A^Sayers. 213r7 Sherm;in avenue^ retJOFtetiF-to the Evanston police that his bicycle had been stolen from in front of 1024 Maple avenue. It was .valued-' at-$iL ----------- Sat. Mat., Jan. 24, at 2:15 SOUTHERN, INDIA ytcfefe Nowt prices 25c-16$l NEWS WANT ADS BRING REStfttS= George W. Monro Voice Specialist TH. HanitM 4577 39 E. VAN BUREN ST. Pupils fitted for Church, Recital, Concert, Qnt torio, aud Qpera.--------■ Four thoroughly equi)^ ped, assistants. Pi^l* ^oolfefJ^E^tn^fiBae? Mr. Munro tests all voices J--and supervises all work. .•-■■.■ ■-■"■;"-■-■. '■-•■---.

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