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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jan 1914, p. 7

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THE LAKE SHORE^NEWs! THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1914. *+*•! j What People Are Doing? Win jrr and tfrsr N; H. Blatchtord are Georgia;----------'----------~--; vJmE^SEWSTGSLI^MJbEMAWrFFUE.LAKE SHOREHOMES uiiigi Classified Business List i„ Augusta Mr and Mrs. LouisJ.Hopkins plan .<,* leave soon for their winter home ,„ St. Augustine. Florida. ur and Mrs- H" M' Ann,ng of ?™* avenue have been at Palm Beach, past week,____^ Mr J. Q- Syme of Willow street had ' 'hi8 guest Sunday Mr. C. W. Hub- wd, a former resident of WInnetka, Mrs. G. B. Calklniof Elder Lane en iiect tertained at her home last Monday in honor of Mrs. Bersback. r Mr. and Mrs.- A. J. Burkhardt have Wed f",in 1011 Spruce street to Korth avtnuc, Hubbard Woods. Mr. ami Mrs. Joseplr Spiegel of ^tt Sheridan road left early In the week for California to be gone until spring. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Reilly of Chi- j capo were the guests of Mrs. H. J. j Reilly of-Lincoln avenue for the week-! end. Mrs. John S. Burnett of Sheridan j road sanK at a benefit concert given ' Tn Finfl Alts theater Tuesday even- Jng- ---community House Dramatic club C. A. THORSEN Livery and Teaming Building Material -Phant-2&J- Residtnce Phone 264 TCENttWURTH Agent Hartford Fire.ln'ahince Co. and Illinois Lift Insurant* Co, GROCERIES ----------------------------,----!--------------, Fine fruits--in and odt of sea- son--always foTOT a part of out large stock of Select and Fancy Groceries. Baker's Steel Cut Coffee is Good. G BO. B. WINTER T cave a private performance for friends of members Tuesday evening in their club roams. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Connor are occu- pying. ..the house at 630 Willow street, reeenily occupied by Mrs. Waser, Mrs. Waser having -riioved to Hubbard Woods. Dr. >'• C. Beach of Port Huron, Mich., was the guest of Miss Virginia Cusliintr of Provident avenue last j week. Dr. Reach is a nephew of Miss! Cushini-'. ' Pr. and Mrs. C. A. Wood have closed ill' ir Maple avenue home and. hav eon'1 to town for the rest of the winter They have taken apartments fli th'1 'Virginia hotel: j ^rW^gagoment has been announced 1 ]V|Gre Than 250 PerSOttS Were of Miss Martha Greeley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Greeley, of Pros- pect avenue, to Mr. Bennett Welling- ton Cooke of Chicago. The home of Mr. Allan W. Wylie of Spruce street Was threatened by fire early M unlay morning. With the help neieiibors the fire was under con- trol wlnn the department arrived. Mrs. Kstrlic Nordberg has sold her cleaning .nid dyeing business to Mr. --Courtesy Book of the North Shore. Home of Mr. Stephen H. Harrington (east front, overlooking Lake Michigan), Highland Hark. Quaffty and net ^ttaj^y^-^The best for the money---4S -our mot- to. Our large stock of groceries is always select, and' Fresh Fruits and Vegetables a speci- alty. ' ' A. S. VAN DEUSEN IE" TALK AT LOCAL CLUB class of offerings if we continue," he said. "However, we must have the support of the community, else the theater will be leased to others and no policy can then be dictated by the owners on the class of entertainment. Comedies have proven popular and while all of our plays may not have struck a popular chord with every patron we have tried to present a va- riety of offerings. The North Shore villages have-been--more liberal in their patronage than the residents of in Attendance Last Night-at Woman's Club When Sub- "." "|ect Was Discussed. GOOD IDEAS PHESEN.tD Tiiarits iiaines and lsrto givs all her attention to her n^w enterprise, "The Tea Room." This new venture of Mrs. Nordberg and Miss Hilda Salveson has proven a success from the start. The members of the fire department are to hold their annual dance at the j Woman's club on Saturday night. The dance this year is to be a masquerade. Chief \V J. Schultz expects a large crowd, as this is one of the. most pop- ular public dances of the winter. Miss Mable Old father, Miss Marie j Fmul nberg, Miss Edna Densmore, A suggestion that Evausmti. take the initiative by installing motion picture apparatus Jn all its public schools and an earnest plea for the support of the Evattston Stock company that clean and well-supervised amusement may be offered In the city, were fea- tures of the open meeting held under the joint auspices of the Drama club and the Woman's club of Evanston in the Woman's club building Monday night for the discussion of the moving picture problem and other theatricals. More than 250 "persons attended the meeting and a deep interest in the Miss uini.,.,1 Hamm and Miss Delia, topic was manifested. After talks Mors. >|.. nt last Sunday in Gary, Ind.. as i lie guests of Mrs. Charles Wahl. Mrs. Wahl was Miss L.ydia Mors. In lore her marriage last fall. Mrs. t harles G. Bolte, Mrs. N. H. Blatclitord, Mrs. W. L. Kroeschell, Mrs. James G. Weart, Mrs. Robert Stevenson. Jr., Mrs. August Magnus, Mrs. Rudolph Matz. Mrs. C. N. gtrotz, Mrs. .1 ,\. Hunt, Mrs. A. E. McCordie, Mrs. c, Fenger, MrB. J. N. Ott, Mrs. Moiris Oreeley, Mrs. W. P. Sldley, Mrs. A. Wood, Mrs. W. A. Otis and Mrs. P. U Fuller are the patronesses-oTthe An Inn iho recital which will be given i> evening. This recital Is to be on <»f the big musical events ot the venter. Arthur Uhe, a WInnetka urn*1 tnrtn. ira very^tatented artist.-- The Wmnetka mail carriers and the if-rkn of tiic winnetka postoffice en- r<iaited the members of the North Slior- Civil Service Retirement asso- ciation it Assembly hall of Community Hour., hat Saturday night. This asso- ciation which has a large membership ! ■ s in the mail carriers and and t. pest oil has fo law of gress : ice • clerks all over the country. its object the enactment into i bill to be presented io Con- biting a pension to civil serv- Bervtn }<■ cv. 0tj4c: ^'inn 1 I PUPS' Hie I: even v..r.< Klo,!, from of Wp Rpfr. i netka employes of postoffices who, after a Riven number of years, may da retirement pension. Their « a most worthy one. The .i members of this association i.are'i a good program for their Mr. S. H- Greeley welcomed mbers with a speech, which put lie in good humor. Speeches !>o made by Postmaster A. M. r and Peter Cordes, a carrier ^anston. Mr. Fred Shotswell ikegan presided at the meeting. made by Harry Minturn, manager of the Evanston Stock company, Major M. L. C. Funkhouscr, second deputy superintendent of police of Chicago, and Miss Harriet Vittum of the North- western University settlement, sev- eral questions pertinent to the pro- duction of film shows were asked by persons in the audience. Continued applause was given each speaker when emphasis was made on clean and moral amusements. Mrs. Dawes Opens Meeting. On behalf of the Woman's club of Evanston Mrs. Rufus C. Dawes opened the meeting with a brief introductory speech stating that that organization was always willing and ready to join in any movement which tended to re- _ form and for that reason had joined hands with the Drama club in the meeting for the discussion of the mo- tion picture topic. She was followed by Mrs. Eugene H. Garnett, a leading member of the Drama club, who pre- sided. Mrs. Garnett in an interesting manner told of the co-operation need- clean amusement__ln_ Evanston and made a statement concerning the poor 1 Evanston, which shows the (taken by people residing in ! along the North Shore i age from the north-side of Chicago is j limited on account of the ten cent ! railway fare. Thus, it is readily seen that support must he forthcoming j from Evanston else the stock com I puny will disband. 1 Miss Vittum Speaks. j From her experiences in settlement I work, Miss Harriet Vittum enter- | tained the audience with her clear 'forceful remarks concerning the'mo- rTr0n~phrcure ^probtcrnv - She asserted I that the five cent theater has been i overlooked as one of the educational advantages and since no national supervision has been granted, many films picturing horrors and scenes that create an unfavorable impression on children, are being displayed in theaters all over the state and in other I states. She recounted the experi- ences in trying to have lurid pictures j stopped in Chicago and commended the work being accomplished by Ma- jor Funkhouscr and his staff in cen- soring such pictures. Instead of the "thrillers" which many film concerns are now manufacturing. Miss Vittum suggested that fairy stories, scenery, achievements of the day such as the 1 ti t dustry curtailed by one man. The case in the court are based on the proposi- tion that a censorship on motion pic- tures is not any more legal than it would be on stories to bo-pubUshtHl in the newspapers. "The theater offerings in Chicago during Christmas week were deplor- able," he-continued___"There was The Fight,' 'The Traffic.' 'Help Wanted,' "Follies' and others. Think of these productions to be offered our children bile they are home front college on recently tn cost ;; What People Are Doing +*+* HOTELS THE AV€IMU3 HOUSE Private Exchange 1110 Sunday Dinner a Specialty. 1 to 2:30 P. M. Phone 1110. interest 1 theiji vacation. We have villages 'stopped films aggregating Our patron-[ about $100,000 which related to such performances as the foregoing offer- ings and that is the reason the suits vcre filed against me. "It is. high time, I believe, for the parents to grab their children by the necks and kerp them away from such lustful performances. They have not the reverence for the parents that < hildren in the years past had and that is the reason I suggest the paren- tal slipper to make them behave. "t don't enjoy--this worJu^^or--UL, keep at it 1 won't have a friend left. Every friend I ever had I believe Is a ft lend of someone in the moving pic- ture business. They call me over the telephone and besiege my office telling me. to go easy. But I am going to enforce the ordinances in Chicago regulating the film shows. I do not believe that the film trust threat, will separate -me from my job." SERVICES CONTINUE AT UNITED CHURCH I Miss Helen Gruel has returned ii'rom Danville, where she visited rela- tives | Miss George of Chicago was the weekend guest of Mrs. James War ren last week. I Miss Dorothy Schofield has returned to her studies at Smith college, rroin | which school she will bo graduated ■ in June. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sampson of • Elgin were guests at the homo of | Mr. and Mrs. Oscar F. Hell lust week I Mrs. Sampson is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hell. Among the functions given during the holidays for eastern college girls who were home for their vacation was a luncheon given Friday for Miss Murgu dishing and Miss Gladys Word has been received in High land Park of the engagement of Mi Charlotte Friese, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. \V. Friese of Kenilworth, for- merly of Highland Park, to John B. Henning, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Henning of-Peoria.-------- - CARLTON PROUTY Police Magistrate Jurisdiction same as that of a Justice of the Peace PROUTY BUILDING Telephone Winnctki 7 WINNETKA AJJ5i/*T: UOJ> E LI U q[ Successor to Rodellus & Rosen. Expert-Watchmaker and Optician. .-;" Repairing of complicated, watches^ and clocks..-Many years* experi-fc! ence with .best knowm-^Chicago^ houses. Phone 2632. 827 Davi3 Street MEN'S WEAR Clothes Ready Made--Clothes to " Order. Packard Shoes for Men. ■ Sorosis Shoes for Ladlf "nd "Children. "Gentlemen's Furnish- ^ ing Goods. ■'-• HAYES & HAYES PRINTING ------Printing of Att--Ktnda-----------1 Done Promptly and Satisfactorily by The f BOWMAN PUB. CO.« Telephones 585 and 586. PLAYER PIANOS PLAYER PIANOS 83 NOTE INSIDE PLAYER installed in all upright pianos. Call and see this player.. Our pricea--are very low. PATTERSON BROSr Tel. Ev«n«tqn.tt54 1522 Sherman AveV 4ftHtHrg4lBBWftftS- Old Phonographs remodeled to play New Edison Records f; Language taught by phonograph. IMi.mw vCliuixlkn »>Q3-W-<ntd t^ntt*l-3g07 JAMES I. LYONS i.% WKST r.AKK ST. i IIICAGO R. L. GONSALVES Contractor and Builder Repairing Promptly Attended To Phme Winnetka 425 Shop: 909 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods, lUmois TS financial support given the Evanston Stock company this season and the possibility of that organization leav- ing Evanston soon unless the citizens j rallied to its support. In a brief address Mr. Minturn gave j facts about the state of affairs at the I Evanston theater. He lamented the | poor attendance during the season and j suggested that the only logical plan | to keep the present stock company Lthere is an annual subscription list. This guarantee, he stated, should be $1,400 a week. He declared that the , „., owners of the theater were not grasp- mrnts were served by the Win- j |jjg {qt & large refurn on their inve8t. numbers._________. • ment but since the receipts of the j present season did not maintain the BANKRUPT ^ALES. 4company, It would -necessarily- -force. the owners to lease the theater to out- siders in which event a cheaper fprm of entertainment would be substituted for the Evanston public. In detail Mr. Minturn explained that the weekly expenses of the present companyr4n- cludlng the large prices paid for roy- alties for the plays produced, totalled between $1,500 and $1,600. Recently Instated that the loss to the owners of thne^h^aWhaa^DeeTr^between $400 for Week of Service at His Church. building of the Panama canal and I ReVi Qe0, Whiteside Arranges i many other Interesting subjects could ' ° be substituted. "The motion picture speaks to all nationalities," said Miss Vittum. "AH of the foreigners of our great cities can understand these pho- toplays whether they can speak Eng- lish or not. Thus it is imperative that the class of American amusement be supervised. By bringing about a high The meetings that started a week ago at the United Presbyterian church have grown steadily in interest and standard of pictures, we can mold bet^jtlie outlook for this week is most en- ter citizenship in all of our foreign- j couragIng. A strong program fcas born boys and girls, the citizens of the j next generation." Maj. Funkhouses Speaks Last. Major FunkhOuser closed the meet- ing with an interesting talk telling of the difficulties which have beset him since he has started war on the film concerns which produce sensational pictures. "I'm about as welcome as a carbuncle on the end of your nose In the position I now hold," he said in prefacing his remarks. "I have gained a good education in the work thus~far--given by "Rev. L. W. Walter of the Th.> new law forbidding merchants from advertising sales of "bankrupt stocks" unless they are bona fide was ested in a federal court In Chicago last week and a; conviction secured. The merchant set up as a defense that some^of hjs stock -was, in fact, pur- pf bankrupt cffcC but thft court held that the merchant's advertising was misleading and in- tended to deceive, ah^ a fine of $200 *as imposed Tertised. the public may be certain it a fact, since no merchant will be &ral courts. in experience working with Miss Vit turn, Mrs. Gertrude Howe Britton, Mrs. Landauer, and others. And now we are beginning to get the censor- ship in good working order. There are twenty-five film rental concerns in Chicago and daily I send men from my office to view the new pictures they receive. Since I have discovered that fully 85 per cent of the audiences at the motion picture play house are women and children it is vitally im- portant that nothing but clean and moral pictures be shown. Now I have a small theater in my office and daily I ask representative social workers to act as a jury in passing an^many ot the pictures before they are shown to the public. Out of the^85 per cent be- tween 40 and 60 per cent are children who. comprise the "'movie' audiences." Most Expense Involved. Major Funkhouser recited the de- tails and expense attached in making many of the films which are stopped in Chicago. He toULp_f_the two suits filed in the Federal court against him questioned the cehsh-Bhlp--es-E tablished in Chicago. One of these PRESSING arranged and good preaching will bo enjoyed every evening this weete--Revv O. F:--Jordan=of=tte= Christian church will preach the ser- mon this evening. Dr. A. S. C. Clarke of the Second Presbyterian church will preach on Tuesday evening.. On Wednesday evening Dr. F. G. Ayers of the University wiH--preaeh- On- Thursday evening the sermon will be Evangelical Lutheran church, and on Friday evening Rev. M. J. Holmes of the Wheadon Methodist church will preach. On Sunday the Ordinance of the Lord's Supper will be observed and Dr. A. I. Young of Pittsburgh, Pa., will deliver the sermon. Tbeso services are open to all. It is a time of prayer and getting right with God. Services at 7:30 o'clock. Everybody welcome. ---------.----......-- FIGHTER DISCHARGED. | Ernest Mersch, 1131) Warren ave- nue, who was arrested a few weeks ago after an assault Upon FredGludy. i a llorist's helper, when it was feared Cludy. would die from blood poison which developed from wounds inflict- 1 td by the former, was discharged by Police Magistrate ~Boyer--Saturday j evening. The evidence in the case ! showed that the fight was the result of a drunken brawl and that uiuuy was as -much to bjame as his assail ant. oursislemTttl'.Tii ln«. jiif>dl» ot niniori' md 1»*rf I'l.iTO sa«t5ft< * mortal ot contort and Curability Out c»lebr,it8d SI UO ttti ha«a stood Ihi titt ot limo. Palnlm •itrict<ng but ooth sating specialized CONSULTATION PRICK. Southeast Cornrr Randolph and Clark Streets. Open evoniniTH until 7- Sunday 9 to 12 We ARE MAKING Ladies'Tailor-Made Suits for $30 to $35 Best Material and Workmanship Slddsk ?"S3I11 118 NORTH STATB STREET-- < ppositc Fields 0 Phone Central 815 CHICAGO Klinge <Sb White HIGH GRIPE GRiT.EBIFS AND MEATS Ridge Avenue, near Lake Ave. - Phone Wilmette 430 Phone Wilmttte 431 GROSS POINT, ILL. Telephone Winnetka 278 C.T. NORTHROP REAL ESTATE LOANS and R*NTING Gage St., Hubbard Woods A Pleasure to Show the Property All Wiring Guaranteed Electric Shop HARRY A.WITKOWSKY Proprtelor f WIRING, REPAIRING ~ SURPLIEf GLENCOf^LLiNOIS Phone Winnetka S87 SPhone Gtencot 490 Johnson &ilohnson MASON AND CARPSNTIR CONTRACTORS WT^------- BUILDING SMOKES. Another complaint was made regard- ing an alleged violation of the smoke ordinance to the Evanston police Mon- day. The rooming house conducted oy Mrs. A. Bennett, Grrington avenue arid Library street, was cited as the place where thick clouds of smoke each morning and throughout the day All the atmosphere. The police notified Mrs. Bennett to purchase a better quality of coat and thus ■ eliminate the alleged nuisance. . $fo tendance. Gave Clean Plays. pflliag >o 4ake chancesrwith thfr fed-------gggd^BJ a*wayp gjgj to:-give clean p^Brand^xpecMd^Mduce this same suits has been disposed of by Judge Gai^enterr-fevorahTy^o~ti»e- Chicago '■ * Til IS " Z06&I1B t hflt llGT©- ^'11!»g^^ by the ntor ing picture trust that they have $15, 000.000 to flghT mg' hgBald, "and'that they are^ffotnsbing to havetfieliF REPAIRING Phone WinnetR a 278. __Maynard Bldg,_ H. E. ODHNER Merchant Tatlor Ladies' and Gents' Suits Blade to Order 1046-48jGa*e-S*. JftabbaptiWq«}ds,JlL AUrKinds of Fancy Cleaning Don't Head This Ad. Unless You Own An Automobile We have hfi entirely new process of clean- ing emboli out of the motor. We on in out the c rhon wih oxy- gen which do* * the work better than by scraping an<J it> abso- lutely ha nvess to the rent f the motor. Do not confuse this wi h trie old iquid forms of carbon rem* \\**r. 11 is iiWnpt essa ry to ta k e down the^motor We c «n complete the job in half *»our. The beHt Bartof all is 'he"prre'e A CYLINDER Wintretka Garage WM.T. WS4S.S fSOT.JPros.. 562 Linco'n Arenue Phone 166 C. A. FORBEHG DEALER IN fancy Groceries, Meats, notionsjS|^rdw^ Phone Winne4k*4&&3&--------- ----^Hunbgrd ^oods^Jl^ A Specialty We have so wide a reputation for skill in handling women's fine garments that you may have Overlooked the foci that we do equally well witl^fnetCs clothes. We do the work right here i%[Evanston. 622 Davis St \ Evanston 1730 Phones: ?Wi|mette ,47S ".;;: IHJ£= Arnold Massage Vibrator FOR GIVING THE Celebrated Massage - AT HOME ±Was$2S*is nom&S METROPOLITAN ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO. Everything Electrical 1IIIIWTjriwSt. Phi ' VSt S. Wstasu At*. ? CHICAGO iiss i!3S-»-S5 Sitin '

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