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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Jan 1914, p. 3

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS THURSDAY, JANUARY 22HW4: Evanston Theater Was Filled With Gay Audience Monday When Benefit Was Given By Drama Club. PRETTY MAIDS AS.-USHERS i1 SK'UOTy night was gala night at the Kwiaston. Tht occasion was a benefit perform- a„,v i,» the Evanston Stock company for the public library, an institution in whifh the society folk of Evanston art .i'<-ply interested, if their pres- ent- in the playhouse that night is l0 i„: < onstrued as an expression of int. r- st in the library. Every Seat Sold. !-:w!> seat in the house was sold lou- t-fore the day of the perform- an••••. every; opportunity to participate in iix «»> event taken early. For the occasion the management of il> theater had chosen "Green Sum; Kings." the play in which Mar- gar-t Angliu appeared two years ago in i hi« ;i{JO so successfully, a choice whk-h was most happily upheld Mon- day iiiulit. It was an ambitious thing for the >tiick company to do. to match dieir work against that of theatrical -iai- of the first magnitude and that ^o ircsh in the minds of the theater- uoi'is; people. That they were able to ii\.- a satisfactory performance of Cntn Stockings" is proof that the ■contemplation of work had no terrors for the players at the Evanston thea- Gave Their Best. II,. inspiration of an enthusiastic au.lieme was reflected in the acting of th« stock company: each member of the cist gave of his best. The play ius'H is interesting, but it was the splendid work of the players which muleof Monday night's performance a most satisfactory evening's entertain- ment Advantage was taken of the occasion by Kr\. George Craig Stewart to pre- sent to the representative body of Ev- an-stT.h people "the cause of the public lihrarj. its embarrassed financial posi- tion the untiring efforts of the board aii'i tlit librarian to give to the public the maximum of service for the min- imum >t cost, which it is to be Imped fen on fertile soil and will be ,.i 'tl'iittve of a full harvest of inter- e-t 111 the affairs of tlie library--an i. ii'.iiiiiu which concerns so intimate i. • utiod of the city. Spoke in Behalf of Club. Eugene Garnett in her habitual .f" uih and happy manner spoke in ■--- ("half of the Drama club, of which i- president. .Mr. Harry 1.. Min- • r appeared before the curtain to ; Ttj tTie cause-ot the Eraustun then- ■• ■ ";.> nrg> the support of the Kv- !..!i public for the organization .:-i : his management, to speak* for t:ts.lit of a worthwhile company to in a city such as'Evanston, where i.••»■■! t>l" such a work is great. i « UM-en the second and third nets i Ih.rothy Dickson and Mr. Donald nl.irh gave an exhibition of social ..us which «-•»•■> neartfly applauded i ■•■■■ audience. The Boxholders. I boxholders for the evening Mesdames Eugene H. Garnett, ii.e-rison B. Riley. Alfred H. Gross. ' its Dawes, A. Starr Best, Ira B. i , Raymond Cook, T. W. Robinson, ■ •Id T. lckes, W. A. Illsley. W, A. • - <• W Elpicke. THE NEWS'GALLERY OF BEAUTIFUL LAKE SHORE HOMES WAUKEGAN ADOPTS ONE ! tureaque little cities to Zam, Jthe capi- taV of Dalmatia, and thence to Ragusa. nn^nr rr » a5f*^-<r»nB ****• n. wherc« atwr visiting' the ancient tbrtl- IVIUnt tVAWSTUW !UtA " uu * «*o^sr >|««<* interef the tour will lead through Curzola ---------..'..:...__ ■'."" fand Cattaro to Cittinje, the capita* pf Tl_. T. T, ill . it V 'Montenegro. The illustraltlons'Will I hlS lime I hey Want tO HaVe consist of Mr. Elmendorfs original a Paper Baler, Just Like "TB5ibrtar-siid«ft-ai«a- ntta^-i«^i»ii-feiati This Gity Now Uses. Don pictures. WATCH J?OR NEW BUILDINGS. -Sev^ralH>&-the^Eyaastoji_polic£^hay_e. Once again the municipality of been detailed recently., since there has Waukegarr has decided upon adopt- [been a lull In police work, to look up ing an Idea from Evanston. This »*»>' property owner who Is either time it is the paper baleri According! erecting a new structure or doing fre- 4o--vewar^reeelvecl--from the Lake? £pair,worfr without a building permit county seat, the city commissioners there have been so influenced with the saving shown in the annual re- port made by Superintendent of Streets Herbert H. Sherer that of a baler or two for YVAukegan. That Evanston is up to date and fol- low* out theLlaiehl and most approved methods in handling problems which ..-■...- Courtesy Book of the North Shore. Home of Mr. George W. Roberts 912 South Sheridan Road, Highland Park. ■ It M IIIII111| nil 11 m »|, j; What People Are Doing j in Highland Park ** TEMPERANCE MEETING ONE TO BE REMEMBERED Miss Mildred Mihills is in Atlantic City for an indefinite stay. 4 Dr. Lyman Sexsmith has as his guest his mother, who is visiting here from Fond du Lac, Wis. Miss Celia Vail, who has been visit- ing relatives in Indianapolis, has re- turned home. Mr. and Mrs. Everett C. Deming are receiving congratulations over the birth of a daughter, January 10. Mrs. Rex. L. Jones and her son, Seymour, have returned from an ex- tended trip in the east. Miss Eva Morton had as her guests on Sunday the Misses Isabella Norton and Alice Drinkwater of Edgewater. . Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Mason have left for a southern trip of a couple of months' duration. They will spend the greater part of their time in Bi- loxi. Miss., later going to Cuba. Mrs. Lucien M. Williams with her son, Lucien E., are in New York and will sail today on the steamer Laco- nia for Egypt, where they will remain the rest of the winter. Miss Carolyn Shields left Thursday for New York, where she will leave lor a trip abroad, in company with Miss Bessie Stearns of New York. They will make an extended trip through Italy, returning home in the spring. BITTEN BY DOG. While attempting to separate his bulldog from another canine "which he was fighting, William Russell. 1" years old. residing at 212:'. Darrow avenue, Evanston, was bitten by the other dog in the fleshy part of the right leg. The wound was immedi- ately cauterized and its owner, an em ploye of the Ling's express, was noti- fied by the police to Keep the dog tied up for ten days awaiting develop- All-Day Meeting at First Metho- dist Church Thursday Teemed With Interest. meats. HIS AUTO SMOKED William Gibson, driver of a motor i truck, residing at :!71S Emerald avc 1 nue. Chicago, was arrested by Traffic j Officer Charles Paasch on a charge of; violating the smoke section of the I motor vehicle ordinance. AN UNDESIRABLE. Amiel Williams, colored, who has been employed in a Greenwood boule- vard home, was fined $200 and costs by Police Magistrate Boyer Friday morning on a disorderly conduct charge. In lieu of the fine he was given one hour by Chief of Police Shaffer to leave the city, never to re- turn. The joint meeting of the Evanston unions pf the W. C. T. V. on .!an- 15 was one long to be remembered by those in attendance. Favored beyond most of those on this day. the program bete the names of two of the national officers and of the state president of the organization. Those not having heard Mrs. Lillian M X. Stevens utter her proclamation for national constitutional prohibi- tion in 1911 or the presentation of the joint resolution in congress by Hon. Richmond P. Hobson, listened to these ftom the lips of a young woman and a young man. Miss Gwyneth Fulcher and Mr. C. T. Travis, representing the Prances- E. Willard__Young People's union. The impassioned speech of Mary Harris Armor of Georgia at the congressional hearing in Washington in December lost nothing in point as it came from the life of Mrsr U. Sr Grant, while the stately bearing and logical argument of Mrs. Ella A. Boole, president of New York state W. C T. U. were reproduced by Mrs (5 W. Boot. Mrs. Frames I*. I'arks. national cor- responding secretary, gave a masterly presentation of the plans for the cam paigti. a vivid picture of the- great Washington parade and meetings and exeat comfort and hope to her hearers In reading extracts from Mi da's Cri leilon and the Liquor Dealers Journal Pastors Frost. Sflfler and Whiteside, t at h in his own distinctive manner, [in seiited truth helpfully and insplr iugly, Mrs. Elizabeth P. Hutchinson, .^atlauaL-treasuEiJi^-nf the--W'. C T. LL tenderly place of Mrs. Skaer and san "The Sweet Story of Old." On this day of prayer, God's word and prayer to him were frequent and" strong features. Mrs. A. Arnold, ev- angelistic superintendent of the Ev- ajjston, and Mrs. Eva- ©, Jones, presi- dent of the Marcy union, took the first hour. Mrs. S. A. Kean and Mrs. Har- vey Calkins the second. Dr. Frost the third and Rev. 11. C. Karman much fittingly closed the program with thoughts on prayer suggested by the Word. . The last prayer was voiced bj Mrs. Jennie M. Kemp, superintend- ent of the press department of the Na- tional W. C. T. U. The resolution of endorsement was adopted by the audi- (nee and the workers dispersed, hav- ing done what they could to launch a great nation-wide campaign in which all residents of this city, knowing Che blessing of homes partially shielded from the drink ctfrse through the wis- dt.m and efforts of men of an earlier day in securing prohibition for this community, should take a definite and whole-hearted part that their homes and all other homes in the land may be further safeguarded by_the. nation- al government. THUGS HOLD UP MAN; OCHTSi^aflffiM W. E. Hills Hands Over Crisp Bill to Bandits Who Disappear When Auto Approaches. The glare v approaching two amateur tempt to rel Evanston of Ridfcc avenue streets Monda 1 the headlights on an automobile frustrated hold-up men in tin at ieve W. E. Hills of his bank roll in Itetween Main and Lee y night shortly after '.' showed samples of the endorsements (>;' i he amendment which now are pouring into headquarters, showed I: \\ the church ami other organiza liens were responding to the call for Im lp. how great is the crisis and the opportunity. Miss Helen L. Hurd, the state president, clearly and convinc- ingly told how to ,'arry out these plans and asked prayer for the thou- sands of women, many of whom for the first time are to definitely take their stand by the side of the W. C. T. l'. in actual work in getting rid of the saloons in :!00 of the cities and towns of the state in April. Miss Helen Thrasher sang inspir- ingly "The White Ribbon Glory Song" and Mrs Rtllth Rjsser McKay- took the o'eloe In- fact the from the auto saved Hills exactly $7" Mr Hills was walking south in l(idge avenue and had noticed two men walking rapidly behind him. As they overtook him, one of the pair commanded him to hold up his hands ; at I lie point of a revolver. j "What do you want," Hills an : sw-red. "Money'.'" i ile was told to band out his valu , ablss, but. no attempt was made u> ! search his clothing. Both men ap ! peared extremely nervous. "I'll just give you $10," said Hills nonchalantly, and he extracted a roll ; of b:!ls from his pocket, at the same | time picking the top note off and ! handing it to the robber who held jjlie revolver pointed at him. "That's ■♦♦III 1111111 I III! | !»»♦»»■ » I What People Are Doing;; in Lake Forest t'Otrfront officials in cities of its size, is shown in numerous measures and plans that Waukegnn has copied from Evanston within the last year. Al- though the commission form of gov- ernment has been" adopted there, the city is said to be Many paces behind Evanston in development, especially in civic pride. Only last week the president and vice president of the Waukegan Wom- an's club visited Evanston to gain in- formation concerning the operation of an associated charities organization and also concerning the wotk of a police matron. Neither of these im- portnnt agencies, in which much good work has been accomplished in Ev- anston, is conducted in Waukegan Herbert F. Aiitunjea Piano tmi«r and Repairer 1117 Main St.rEvanstoftV -- Telephones Evarston S475-J and 449 ■#•---- Official Tuner for North w atern School of Ifoafe Mrs. M. H, Patterson of Chicago was a Lakt} Forest visitor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Clow, Jr., are rejoicing over the arrival, of a lit- tle daughter. Mrs. George Wen ban is in~St. Louis, having been called there by the death of her grand fat iter. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Pomeroy have returned from Minneapolis and now are living in the Blackler home. Miss Isabelle Robbins and Miss Katherine Meeker are to be brides- maids at the" Bo wen-Hind wedding February 21. Mr. Chauncey Tibbitts has arrived in Lake Forest to take the position of general manager of Mellody farm, the J. Ogdeu Armour estate. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McElwce have left for Castle Springs, Arizona. They will continue on to California, where they will spend the winter. '"Dr. John "McCurdy amT bride:"'Tiitr<rf " Winnifred Jones) spent the week-end at the country home of her father, Mr. David Benton Jones, Green Bay road. Mr. Harold F. McCormick will give his annual reception for the members of the grand opera company on Fri- day evening, January 30. In the gold ballroom of the Congress hotel. Mrs. Hobart Chat field-Taylor with her son, Robert, sailed from New York Saturday on the Adriatic to join hfi' husband, who started on a tour of Egypt sonic months ago. for I he both of you. he enough added. Just at that moment the atltomo bile, northbound, filled the street wtHl light and the would-be hold-ups to.>k to their heels Mr Hills immediate 4k»oa- -trf--tigtrt-r-ly-notifiod thc-police n.nd-Chlof Shttf fer and Assistant Chief Johnston with other officers went to the place. A i<«x>*i description was furnished of tl:e two men. One suspect was picked Up by the officers ten minutes later, but Mr. Hills was unable to identify him. Mr. Hills was of the opinion that he had given the robber a $10 bill, but on counting his money wh »n he arrived home, found that the to;) tio'.e was only a fiveapot. The police believe that the men ar^ amateurs for several reasons. In th.' first place, a hold-up so early in tx'.c evening is never perpetrated by; pro- fessionals, the authorities say, and the fact that the robbers (led when the auto approached attested their lack of bravery. ELMENDORF AT ORCHESTRA HALL. On Sunday afternoon. Jan. 25, at Orchestra hall. Owight Elmendorf, the artist and globe-trotter, will offer a tour through Dalmatia, Herzegovina and Montenegro,--the belligerent lit- tle countries that comprise a part of the allied Balkan states. Mr. Elmen- dorf 's trip will begin at Flume, at the north of the Adriatic sea. and will proceed southward through many pic- HARRY LYNN Staple & Fancy Groceries Fruits and Vegetables in Season Kenilworth, III. Phones 1041-1042 Evanston's Finest Apartments" THE PARKER Hinman Avenue and Churc.h Street ;.-., Choice location. Lartre, well-tiirhted rooms Vac- uum Cteanintr System. Laurie Wall Safe*. Larije firivate porch ronma. Store-rooms and laundries arire and weir-equipped. MASON & SMART Telephone 28!V-------------------:15StH3hermart Avenue^ Trees Spra All varietier «f Shrubbery, Vines, Roses, Fruit and Ornamental Trees? Hardy, Herbaceous Howering Plants Perennial Gardens JOHN FREEMAN, Proprietor 818 Noyes Strut PHONE tic* ...... ■- BEST AND CHEAPEST QUICKEST, CLEANEST, AND MOST CONVENIENT LIGHT ARC LIGHTS F OR STORED AND LARGii- SPACES. INCANDESCENT LIGHTS FOR THE HOME. t RANGES, RADIATORS; HEATERS, WATER HEATERS. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS ■*/. V UCCESSORS TO The Northwestern Gas tight and Coke Go. 1611 Benson Avenue. Evanston TELEPHONES 89-90 0i NoRTif Sn0re Trust Www STATE BANK CAPITAL, .$100.000 II Makes loans x>n improved North Shore real estate from Rogers Park to Highland Park, and on fatms i* TaKe county. II Issues Certificates of Deposit for not less than six months in denominations of Sioo and multiples on whir-it itj>ay* four percent interest. --------..........■-■-^~-~~^~^^Zy^-^.;: II Offers for investment first mortgages on improve* real estate, netting the investor five and one-half pei?tvi't *« ----- sums of $500 and upward. Send for list. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Fred McGaire, Presidont Oharl--A. WflriUimui, Vice-President Ira J. deer, Conusel R. O. Keller Arthnr W. Vercoe, Cashier Banking Rooms Central Avenue and Sheridan Road A It Till fit W. VKRCOK CnnhUr Highland Park, ulinob ■":■'-■ - ■. ■. . t5 SOMETHING FOR EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE ^; s of Quality MONOGRAMS AND STAMPING Km broidery, Designing, Mono crams, Stamping and Novelties VENETIAN ART ROOMS, Miss Minnie Lange^ttQP.,_ 617-618 Venetian Building, sbington-SW- Chicago LADIES' TAILORS PAULSON, HANSON & CO.. Exclusive "Ladies' Tailors, i'ormerly located In North American Bldg.--now 616-620 S. Michigan Ave. Suite 910. Phone Wabash 6195.. NEW IMPORTEB-GOODSlWILI. AR- RIVE IN JANUARY LADIES' TAILORS. LADIES' TAILORING. Plain and Fancy Suits at Reasonable Prices. __ Workmanship Guaranteed. GOWNS 4MPORTED. phone Evanston 1997. 518 Hamilton St. A NYSTftOM. NEEDLECRAFT SHOP. CHILDREN'S FROCKS AND LADIES' BLOUSES MADE TO ORDER, CHTITDREN^-SMOCKING FROCK& MONOGRAMMING AND STAMPING. THE NEEDLECRAFT SHOP, 717-718 Venetian Bldg., 15 East Washington St., Chicago. TOILET ARTICLES. RICH. HUDNUTS MARVELOUS COLO CREAM HAS NEVER BEEN EXCELLED Van Buren St., near M leaf gas. OIL PAINTINGS, THE DISCRIMINATING find much pleaaure^Ur a visit to MOTJLTON-A RICKETT'8 GALLERIES. ■ LADIES' TAILORS, DISTINCTIVE CLOTHES. NEWEST FABRICS. LATEST STYLES PRICES'REASONASnB.- LARSON ft ANDERSON, 803 Mailers Bldg.. Madlaon 8t. and Wabash Ave,, Chicago. Tel. Cent 6162. W. 11. MOSHIER CO.. EXCLUSIVE LADIES* TAILORS. January and February. 616-622 South Michigan Avenue. -.:. --P-- --Chicago, LADIES' TAILORS. -_J^*JK LAST \yjORD_IN____.._ Ladies' suits made to order now .at very reasonable prices. --Latest Spring novelties to select front^; ---^HARR¥riElNHORN & £Q„ Ladies' Tailor and Furrier. 904 Mailers Bldg. 5 S Wabash Av*. T-----------eemrar rers: HAIR CULTURE -- Tbo Layton System ot Hair Caltnre has a NEW BEAUTY DEVICE, known as the "American Beauty." Grows Special Reduction in Prices during eyebrows.._.:Renews Nature's Charms. Removes Creases, Reduces Doublo Chin. Residential calls on request Phone Harrison 5144. 1104 Republic Bids- _ ^___ . * .'1P ' "■..■■'.-■■■ .......

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