THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1*14. >UBUSHBJO_BVBRY THURSDAY BT THE BOWMAN PUBLISHING CO.. 526 Davit Street, Evanston. Albert H Bowman . Bertha R. Bowman jMnes Leonard Lee INSTRUCTION IN MANNERS. .-^Jhfi-^dowjneat-jot-a, national thea- ter in which. lesson a in good manners should betsu£b^tlire^n thelneasant medium of the drama has been sug- gested as a suitable benevolence for Managing Editor > some philanthropic millionaire. An- Associate Editor .. . , , ... . ' " other who deplores the lack of cour- City Editor Subscription prick. $2 a year All matter tor publication in any week's issue should reach our office lot later than noon on Monday. Entered as secona-ciass matter June 28. 1911. at the postoffice at Bvanstoft, Illinois, uader the Act of March 3, ,79. -- •iTHURSDAY, JANUARY 22. 1914. CMUL L.ABOR. tesy which is so often evident with us, recommends aii instructor in manners in the public schools with a "half hour's daily drill in the proper de- portment of children in their various relations In life." Thus again is the relative value of teaching by example and precept brought up. Given the kindly philanthropist I could be found to endow a theater of [ manners, the difficulty Is not solved. ARE III LEAS NOTED DIVINE COMING TO NORTHWESTERN Church Census Just Completed 1>hows That Most Homes Contain Persons Belong- ing to 1 hat faith. Or. James F. Dickie of Ameri- can Church in Berlin to Speak Here Friday. The Rev. James F. Dickie, O.D., who has played an unusual part in cer- tain international relations between the United States and Germany, has been secured by the German Depart- ment for an illustrated lecture on "Through Thuringia and the Luther- land."_______ Dr. Dickie has1 boon for many years | ony there in a single union church or- _. A movement is in contemplation so j We ahoul<] have to t , t lhe b j A most interesting religious census ganlzation--an achievement which to reeulate the course of study in' 'of tne cU> <* Evanston has just been probably cannot be paralleled in any to > Miiate > in; r out s<. ot stuuj in _ waya an(] compeI ,hpm to como for ,,<>. con,pieted. under the direction of Prof. WELL KNOWN ENGLI3H BIBLE TEACHER HERE THIS WEEK. Mr. Alfred Mace, a Bible,, teacher from England, is in Evanston this week giving six addresses in the ball of the Evanston public li- brary. He is said to be a very at- ; Berlin, and has held together the col- tractive and forcefulTiublic speaker METHODlSIStABf SfCONDjthe Pastor of the American church In and the higher life of the capital, has Written a number of very freah and Interesting works on Qermahy, an* has a genial and; simple jtfyie_oi pre- sentation. In dealing with Thuringia, he treats of the historical heart of Oer* mony, full of vivid^f romantic associa- tions. His lecture'will be of real value to all lovers and students of that coun- try. C " The lecture will be given-atrS o'clock on Friday, January 23, in Lunt Llbray, and tickets may be nad at the-Regia- trar's office, or from the German De- partment for 25 cents. MICHELI'S SPAGHETTI . C *ZZ£2?]!X2£S' ""AAVjOti; /■ Fimoui Italian Restaurant EVENING DINNER 75 Cents - WCesit Private Dining Room for SO to 150 People Arrangements Made for Motor Psrtire school that home work will be elimin- ' S. C. Bronson of Garrett Biblical in- , other European capital. The beautiful . , . . lite instruction. Furthermore such an : "'": --*"••---"» '"TV"* ""*""I"** """ I gothic American church near the Noll- ated, an accomplishment which it ap-. \ stitute. For the past two months the •; . ,7™ , ^ " " ]r". > infringement on the province of thej work has been carried on and more enaorIPlata Is the tasterul and artistic 0; young ladles' finishing school is scarce- tban thlrtv different people have been j1Peult of »«■, labors. j employed on the job. It is a very ! The pastor of this church, who has Children whose lives have fallen in ly Iair* comprehensive piece of work and has J stood in close relation to the Emperor i Whv not, settle the question by aid involved much painstaking labor and; '....". ... unpleasant places where Tt^Ts pears will be rather difficult achieve. But there is sense in it. those necessary for them to join the ranks at tollers for money to help to meet the financial needs of the family are protected from overstrain by a law which limits the hours of labor. Women, too, may^not labor at remun- --erative work more than the hours prescribed by the law of the state. Does it not, then, seem inconsistent that boys and girls ot" grade and high school age should be expected to put in four hours in class attendance, or more if the vocational courses are taken and perhaps five or six hours' study in preparation for those classes? We know that not all students take school work so seriously that they give the time requisite for proper mastery of work assigned, but some do and they are the conscientious, average pupils. Boys and girls in high school, overgrown, perhaps, and not yet possessed of the endurance of ma- and is a fearless exponent of the tra- ditional faith of the church In the verbal inspiration of the scriptures, the deity of Christ and His second coming. The people of Evanston will thus have an opportunity to hear one from across the sea present the old truths of the Bible in a new light. The public 1s invited and there is no admission-fee. MICHIGAN AVENUE AND lltk STREET CHICAGO S^EGl^^ALE 315.00 BABY CON VEHTIBLE <KM^ARTS, making aJao high chairs *ndbed» * V «« with this combination,now...............................,,.,...................S><3.7Q Teddy Bear* and Dolts at Wholesale Pruas. SEE the Liv« Armadellos. that Unique Ba.v« $C00 Mask: Lanterns at«.« M ■ - . .„_ are made from. "■*«• Sea us for Theatre Prizes. ; MEXICAN gURJO CO. ai&^Sfl^ ;.^g Special Offer Duringthe balance S February TT f6r$35 for FIT AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED JOHN BERNSTEIN, Ladies' Tailor 1907 CENTRAL STREET, North Side Phone uw thought to carry It to iccessful (tating a home department in the; rompJelJon. n is without doubt the school of manners, with courtesy in largest and most complete religious survey that has ever been taken In , the city, and is a very valuable asset I VOXVEXIEXT 8CAPEOOAT. turity, lrTfteyjperrormTweu tne worn expected of them must give fully as much time to hard mental labor as children of the same age put in in fac- tory or shop. In one case dire neces- sity is responsible for the misfortune. In the other, who or what? It la considered rather commend- able than otherwise for college stu- dents to burn the midnight oil. It is expected and demanded of those who have pride in the records they will leave behind them. One has but to consider the tired and almost wan faces of the majority of students just before a vacation time, which usually is coincident with examination time. I the home for the first losBon to be re- peated ad infinitum until the children to the various pastors of Evanston. become letter perfect? Has Cost Money. -J: •'.-. ;J? The project has involved the ex- penditure of over $500, and those who have examined the files are thorough- j The Tango appears to have become ly confident that it will prove a very a convenient scapegoat upon which to paying Investment. Th«r6 are more than 8.000 filing cards, in typewritten load sins both of omission and com- form, containing the names, ad- mission, a Minneapolis divine preach- dres8es> churc» affiliation or prefer- ence, Sunday school attendance and Ing on the subject of the new dance other information of all of the faml- sald, "It is the dance of death and in ',los in Evanston. These cards are ,--,,„ , , . properly classified according to tne due time slides ,o hell." A British various religious beliefs and Internally publisher burdens the much discussed tin alphabetical order/which make the ... ... - ..,,,. „ . files very usable and easy to handle. ran go with responsibility for the de-; DmMm *fc „, • * ■ i Besides the files, a large map was cline in tiie circulation of books which ! made showing by colored dots the dls- he says. Ms not as large nowadays as'!!"ibutl°"0ff, tn* Varpr^U8 re»8lon9 throughout the city. This map Is 4x6 ii might be." feet and Is a most remarkable piece And so it goes. Nevertheless there! of work' Both the flles and the maD are to be kept in Mr. Dale's office at is no cessation in the Tango for all the Central Y. M. C. A., and are open the warning of everlasting fire and in ifor Mublic inspection. Lists contain- i ing the same information were made the face.of the outcry of publishers at j for the pastors. Exclusive Agents Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Fountain Square Evanston, Illinois Svanston Phone1024 Wilmette Phone 600 No charge for connections The New Wash Fabrtes the waning interest in honks--tbe danre goes on. Much of woman's new liberty, rights or responsibilities, call them what you will, are acquisitions the It is very interesting tr> note--the following figures, which have been tabulated from the results of the sur- vey, and which are approximately ac- curate: - - ...*.. tionable. For instance, we can think ..^to-be-sujre-lliat-thete-bas been.nnduel^ lrmnosnmns ^n„h,|^ j-cnurcb. Inroads made upon the hours which should have been given to sleep or to recreation. We regulate by legal decree the time that young people may w<>.k for an employer. Shouldn't there l»« some limit to the hours that Btudcms be al- lowed to con their books? * fK * ON SOCIAL SUCCESS. The intimate relation between wealth and wnat IS called "social suc- cess" is pretty generally recognized, but a new idea has been presented by the head of a Well known girls' school in the east. This educator asserts that a girl though poor may taste all the ^^pleasurcB of a goetety-"favorite-^>revtei- Many Methodists. Methodists are found in l,os:s homes in the city, slu of which have persons desirability of which is at least ques- j who are affiliated with Methodist churches, while 243 contain those who prefer the Methodist church; this <>r many pleusanter positions of trust, contains Swedish Methodists also, than secretary to the ambas,i ('atholiics are found in 1,179 homes, ; 1,103 of which have persons who are sudor t.» Mexico. an honor affiliated with that denomination, which Norway has just tendered a w'1,,e ""'^ lt; Prefer the Catholic church, woman. Considering the present con Lutherans are found in 1,062 homes, ditions in our next door neighbor, a J ,J2{) ot which have persons who are affiliated, while in 142 are persons who very masculine disregard for the dan-j prefer ,„„ LuthePan churcn geis that lurk in the dark might be j Episcopalians are found in 805 homes. i;S2 of which are affiliated homes, while in 123 homes are per- cation for one contemplating a visit to ! sons who prefer the Episcopal 4Q-Utch Printed VoileSy 25c yd. 20 pieces of specially pretty figures and stripes. Last season an inferior cloth sold for 40c a yard. ^ _, January Price, a yard.........&3C Plain Color Ratine at 85c yd. considered rather a-n essential qualiti- After ; i losed th only six series ot t»'8ts which dis- fact that out of 100 citizens i could be workers, the sought, to correct, but the by-prod- ed only she possess these qualifica- tions: A strong body with nerve control. The power of clear thought. A terse power of expression with good English speech. A rightly difected will. A social conscience. An Intense desire to serve. A faith in God's spirit as the dire ing force in human life. As we read the characteristics of the young woman who expects "to ar- rive" socially, we are Impressed with the thought that she must be quite a woman and the question presents It- self-- does the possession of money make up tor the lack of these quali- ties or are the same tests to be applied stnous republic:----- Presbyterians are found in 790 homes, 625 of which contain affiliated persons, while 165 have persons who prefer the Presbyterian church. Congregationaiists are found in 383 considered good : homes, 322 of which contain persons . ,., l, . u 'affiliated, while in 61, persons prefer tty or Washington has ... „ ' ., , / *". " 1 the Congregational church. become Inspired to institute a correct' Baptists are found in 331 homes, walk crusade. An undue loss of energy I ~87 of wh!<n co»lain affiliated persons, i while in 44 are persons who prefer the in locomotion is the feature which It, Baptist church,. Christian Scientists are found in 2f.o homes, urt of greater grace and dignity Is I „ , ... 19° African Methodists. quite as worth striving for. It Is the; - „,-,-. , , , . , i ' African M othodlst s a re -found in 190 i. M. (. A. which has begun the cru- jlomea sade, that useful organization which, Colored Baptists are found in 108 homes. Members of the Christian church are found in "JO homes. , , .. ,. _ ,. Free Methodists are found in 27 < i< ncy of the \oung men to whom it ■ homes. ministers. Unitarians are found in 43 homes. t" -7 "^- 5T " ""Jewish acilrerenTS" are found In 36 i homes. j Th- Unite,! States must see her op-, AJ, other reilgioU8 ,.reed8 are dI. ' portiinity to extend aid to Japan, vided among 95 homes. is already doing so much to increase the mental, physical and moral effi- sorely afflicted by famine~and disaster. Perhaps the most startling thing which was discovered in the survey but it is rather to be regretted that j was the fact that in over 800 homes the buj-den »f 'be cry of tho press is!1" the cityJ*e™ Were„ Per8ons ^ were not affiliated, or had no prefer- the fact that we may do ourselves a ence fbr any religious belief; this will good turn by showing an interest in open up a new fleId for U,p husK Das" i^ors of the city, and it is believed-that" the sufferings of this valiant little many of these homes will be reached people. It may follow thai kindness by some, religious organization before many months have elapsed. extended in time of trouble is a cer- tain cement to lasting friendship, but it Isn't becoming for one nation thus to trade'upon an act which should be JAILED AS VAGRANTS. Because they were only accessories petty thefts committed the petty thefts ,.„.„..... prompted only by a ready sympathy !Dy Theodore Dupre and' Fred Mich- wi*h a stricken people.------------- --j Wnl, now awaiting trial on a robbery * * * ! charge in Freeport. the charges Keeping a watch over the Issuance j against Arthur Mersch and Louis Ano of marriage licenses may not be an ex-1 wore changed to vagrancy Frldi citing occupation, but It Is one effec-:Tho Ev"181011 police. Upon a plea of 45 inches wide. Shown in cadet, navy, coral, lavender, white and castor. A grade usually sold for $1.25. 0 _ January Price, a yard..........0*5C All-Wool French Chatties 25 striking new patterns. Many de- signs are 4 and 5 color work and are worth 75c per yard. Our own impor- tation, the first under the new tariff. i Special at 38c a yard Uim IN J*U«E WHKFE--In all- the most desirable weights. Values that cannot be duplicated later in the season. At per yard, $1.50, $1.25, $1.00, 85c, J75C, 50c ^ _, And7......................25C CREPE RATINE, a new fabric that can be used for any garment, suit, skirt or dress. Excellent grades that wash and wear in a remark- OtZr* able way. Yard, 75c and...... *3*jC BROCADE RATINE in silk and cot- ton; are as popular as ever and will be in greater demand than ever this sea- son. 40 inches wide. ^ OK A yard .. ................^•&& Foreign Silk Crepes 50c a These fabrics, are the pride of the wash goods section. The fabric is so silky and crepey--the patterns are very ar- tistic and the color combinations are beautiful. _ _ Per yard ....................SOC EMBROIDERED VOILES AND CREPES in superior qualities for the prices asked. We have never had a showing to compare with these beau- tiful pieces. A yard, £T/1^» $1.75, $1.35, $1.00, 75c and.... %>UC Long Cloths, Special January Prices Soft Finish, 10c yard......$1.10 piece Soft Finish, 15c yard......$1.65 piece Soft Finish, 20c yard......$2.20 piece Soft Finish, 25c yard......$2.75 piece Soft Finish, ^0c~yard... .$3.25 piece Soft Finish, 3fic yard , $3,8$ pfocfr Chamois Finish, 20c yard. .$2.20 piece Chamois Finish, 25c yard..$2.75 piece Chamois Finish, 30c yard. .$3.25 piece Chamois Finish, 35c yard. $3.85 piece Imported French Crepes p In individual dress lengths. Single pat- terns in a wide range of colorings, ex- quisite fabrics that you will admire greatly. Per yard $3.00, $2.50, $2.00, $1.50, and.. I .(/(/ New Wash Crepes 18c a yard For our January Sale we offer these excellent figured dress crepes at only 18c a yard. The patterns and colorings are dainty and the fabric will be very popular this year. Special January Sale Price, yd.. I OC Plaid Ratine Skirt- ing, $1.00 yd. tive way of reducing the number of divorces and Illegal marriages, and thercfe*© well worth walle. guilty, Justice Boyer fined each $100, and committed them to the county jail to serve ont the fine. The^ternvof Im- prisonment will be sixty-eight days. Hemstitched Lunch Napkins 19 Cents Each 15 in. square spake hemstitched all pure linen, in a dozen new patterns; a very special lot. Buy them in any number that you want. 1 Chs Each.......................................i ZfC Glass Toweling, 10c a yard Red and blue checks, in 17-in. crash, fast 1 f%r» colors. Special for January. Yard.............I %JC Quilted Mattress Protectors Special January Prices These mattress protectors are made of fine white muslin and specially prepared white cotton, quilted to- gether and neatly bound. Can be easily washed. iP.T 27x34 inches..................................$0.49 36x76 inches ___.............................$1.30 "~^x7ffTnches..........._____................$1.50 54x76 inches......... .......................$1,80 60x76 inches.................................$2.00 68x76 inches ....,,,.,........ ttttx, . ^T7TTTTltfc20z: January Offerings in Towels Bath Towels 39c With colored borders, excellent weight and fast colors. Stripe-borders in blue, pink, lavender and *y£ gold. Each, 50c and.........................3&C Linen Towels--Guest Room Size In plain white, white with self-figured borders, white with dainty fast color borders. « .. Per dozen, $5.50, $4.00 and..................d.iD .Each, 50c, 35c and.....,,...,-..,,...............25c Face Cloths to match towels with colored borders. Each ...._______........ Turknit Face Cloths. Six for. lOc White Face Cloths, at 10c, 15c and............. ,80c Silk Face Cloths at, each___'.♦..*.___*..........85c LINEN TOWELS of unequalled values, Hemstitched ends, plain and all-over patterns; white, pink or blue "borders; dainty borders that are fast coming into gen- eral use. SPECIAL for this sale. ~ ^M^cb^2^3&5r50^^^ ":;