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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Feb 1914, p. 7

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#»>Hl Mr. Bruce Windes has bees ttl for '"Mr! an* Mrs. W. G. Wailing are in North C^iina. T'; '".^J Mrs. B. 5*. France has recovered from her recent Illness. - • Mrl and Mrs. J. O. Syme and daugh- ter are~lnI New Orleans^ T T:r"~' Miss" Harriet Houghtellng Is to sail 'from" New;ybrk today tor Prance. -Mrs\--Ji-K\-S^^!^^ar-«treetrhas been in the Presbyterian hospital for a week. '.?£*"'" The two children of Mr. and Mrs. p. D. Fulton of Ridge avenue are'ill with mumps. . The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' "SamifflS";'BBsendr^th':ef 8*3 Cherry street is iiifwitni*pne,tim6nl^. Miss Emma Qulder of Fir. street entertainep#> number of friends; at her home Sunday afternoon. Mr. Ernest M.'Burkett returned last Saturday fro^ Hppedale." Q;/Wher# he haW* been tor the past four inOrtths Mr. Alexander Will is able to be out ahj; is.^ngaking.;% jrabld re^ove^y; fmm an operation performed recently. Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Post* who, hay^ been at Battle Creek, Mich., for two weeks, are expected home earjy. next Lieut Hs^^RelHy\;is tb sail from San Francisco this week for ah extended tour of the Philippines and Japan. :'■■'■■-:■■*;' ^4'.» ■ ;.* An illustrated lecture On Japan was given befot^,ihembers'ofthe Frlendly} arid Forthightiy clubs' ^ Wednesday "evening. V-.-, .:.l.._.._:-, Ensign Robert Elmer was atrhome last; week. For some time he has ^ been stationed with the fleet oft the Mexican coast. Miss Edna Densmore, who has bee/j ill forthei last twoLWeekjg^jsJrgcovJB^ Evanston Suffrage Leader Says Valuable Information Is Con- tained in Book Written by Local Teacher. Whoi >re . p*«Hent of U» Stewart Autornobilo Academy aTNtw York City. U regarded as tfcoleadhur authority In Motar Car education in this country. » ieftig irj! GENERAL MERCriM«uii>L JEWELERS Let us solve your motoring problems and discuss your comments. Correspondence invited for pabUcaiion every Friday. , Motoring Department, The News: .too deeply Wttta the crown or master I ha* the m^br^ta m 2fel^ WILL BE Um^^0 vjBy'. Catharine; Waugh McCuiloeh. Evanston women do not lightly re- gard thW new voting privflege hut With modesty and dilt^hcehavebeen studying "civics in a way to jistqnteh old voteraV FourVdlfferent study class- es have been conducted by Miss Mary LrChlldsnbrth^ilgh^hcolr^As these afejl hearing 'completion, other groups are being organized in other parts of Evanston. ■;.:';', .-';'"/ Mrsl Herbert L. Fisk has been giv- ing' lecturesvin several, places and has hauled recently, and since that time It runs well- at a slow rate of speed, but When I- go' faster than, twenty miles an hour it misses. I have four coils with buzzers, no magneto. What do you think is wrong? R. Si M. If you are sure that the carburetor Is adjusted properly for high speed, would suggest that you clean out the tinier bo that the roller will make a clean contact with the segments br contact pieces. If- they are dirty the roller at the end of the finer shaft wi'ii not make a good electrical con- nection when going very fast. 1 ' you Speak of can be eliminated by moving the two gears slightly apart. Most ears are equipped with an ad- justment, so that the differential, as a unit,* may be moved from side to side: ***** i'?~JTVal'eMln^aityvahd dance wilfbe held ln^ the; r^nilwoith^clabrSaturday [evening. J:; : V--'i. "Mrs. A. P. Relchmarin has for Her guest her father, H. E. Dent of Torsh- to, Canada. Mr.;-an*-Mrsf-01iver=ftr Barrettleft this Week tor FlortdarWhtere:they will | remain several we^ks. .;' j __ George Maher gave a helpful talk I before the*youthful meffibers"^f^tlie rmkjriSJ Joseph Sears club in the: Union church &**.'&£* asy»««'V *^ 7" 7\ <« «T>An ,^ (AUGUST RODEM | Successor to RodellW & ■ i........Expert Watchmaker and Repairing or compftcatTO; .and clocks. Many years', * ence, with best known ■ > houses. Phone 2632. 827 Davis Motoring Department. The Mews: My "arburetor has been causing me considerable trouble the past tew months by a lack of power. Until a month ago this carburetor was i% Inches, but have since changed it to a I 1-inch size of the same model^Thirt gayo" fairly "good Jesuits for about a week. Since then it has been neces- sary to change the adjustment on' both air and gasoline nearly every day. The motor has excellent compression, and J the magneto is In perfect condition. * • ;.:,...<::::,;-^-i. r. T, s.. The symptoms indicate that the Livery and teaming Building Material KENILWORTH Motoring Department, The News: Will a gasbline motor of. either four or sixcylinders cojme to a standstill with!any of its pistons in the top dead centre? Kendrlck -Van Pelt.. if the'cibmpressibn' Jri all of. the cyl inders is good and the bearings free the pistons will not stop at dead cen^aeollne^peleading from the tank tre. The compression resistance will prevent this. * ' ing and hopes to be able to atteno school next week. . ' Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Dresser, who have been occupying the Linden house on Lincoln avenue for the past jia^a mouths. hayjaj^taulned^tP^Sa^ Francisco, their termer home. * ' Inuring the ©bid' weather of Srindaj the boiler of the ^eating plant of th> F, D. Fultohliome burst and left the farnily without UXeanS of heating the home. Temporary heating . arrangJB- ments were made to_ heat one room E. C. rVMEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN SUCCEEDS Though theCdmmllte^l^M Lacked Literature. / At first there,was no special litera- ture showing IiUhoi8_w_omen's.- politi- cal ilimitatlbhs. Jrhe first thing was-a 24 page booklet reprinted from The EvanstonJNews* report of the address In September before the Evanston Po- litical Equality League. Motoring Department, The News: The»carbui^tori«nrjnyl jiiadster al- I believe this begun xiburses at' Central school ahd at" the Ehierson Street Presbyterian church.^-"^rsV'^WiA^lipcy-has classesftows"the gas to escape. at the Washington school and in the Woman's-cluk She has also started the women of Wilmette on a course; occurs at the pin that shuts off the gas. I am ,of jthe. bpinibh that the pin does not seati or that the cork is too heavj anddoei not float^sumf^an^o^ thingllwt^wojiW ennse-a-mqtor-to^act to ■ the carburetor is obstructed to a certain extent, so that the gasoline 3oea-aot flow^^jreely-to the carburetor. Would suggest removing the ..entire pipe and strainer, and cleaning. It would also be advisable bp strain the gasoline In'the tank to'exclude the possibility of any water _or sediment getting into the carburetors. Another SrhJ!e_Jbi8!^jeas==£i£aj^^ making"-sure-to-centre -th'^valvja-pl< at the time, ttlsf possible that tbi valve pin and seat are worn conslde^ ably, and if bo, it would be more at vlsable to Install new parts. cents, the -Chicago; Womaiit's-Cjf y club got out'a six' page catechism which was cheaper and was translated into nine languages. This was largely re- sponsible for the 159,000 registration of ChlcagoTwomeh. ~r i-^r: : Then the Hlinots W. C. T. U., through ; its franchise superintendent, Mrs.^-li.' Belle Goodman,- published a 72 page booklet, "Illinois^ Voters*_Hand- book," for only is cents.; v, The first edition. was-almosj^ AauBted^so-^greal^^s^he-^emandi Then an. even more compfehenBive remedy the trouble? W.H.Brown J ~ The float m the carburetor may b adjusted too high, or, as you suggest the| trouble may. be.;to the valve,.. 1 tfie*. float, valve does pot fit perfectl ■■ the gasoline will leak. It such Js th^ case,'iH8fbest:tw replace the oldrvalvl with a new one. Very often this valv' Motoring Department, The NeWs: < ■ We.are using;athr^e-tbnchaln-drlv{; ttuck to deliver lbadia Ithat neve weigh more than~ two tbhs7 'The true never has difflcUltyiln making thefhiL"-' --most of»themi )n high ugear-r-but i cannot travel more thanutwelve milr ah hour on the level, on account of A half hundred, and possibly more, new membeH^v^r^be^lhtrbdUce^^at tlie^anauet-table: Of:7thb;-Evanston Commercial association next' JBVednes- day, due to the activity of the memj5^r;shlfr^coTfflmittee^~o^ ganizatibn under .the leadership of .William 3. HamUton.; Mr. Hamilton announced yesterday that from the re-' sponse thus far the campaign will be a success:and-that the material gain will more than top the 325 mark which Was set by the hew ■ committee, Todsiteia total of „thlrty-twp appli- cations have-been-handed Chairman Hanflltbn~wnich;^^^WitMhe^rombeWsf promises that have been made, makes it sure^'that the^ remaining eighteen andeven more wIlLbe procured before the date of the banquet. ~ A-plain ^bstantlal growth israll that is intended to result from - the campaign; There is to be nb boom^no ^iirryi^ng^--and•-^:scurryilpg here r and there to influence the local merchants to join the associailon as is experi- enced in membership campaigns for ^ther_bJ^nlzaUbh&'^3SH§. Eyanston Commercial association Is a powerful and;influentiai^ody^of^usinessH»b^ professional L'meni:-bahded'--tpgethe)p-'fo'r tffeir;mu1^iF^ibn^nd'.as such they stand aloof from any scheme or plan , to "rope" hew members into the sssor ciatfdn.['"vr^fs^isrtb^'e" no--hOld=up' affair." said3 Mr. Hamilton today. pamphlet came from the pen of Miss, govemor^whlch controls the speed c AUCe^feenacre. It is also a "Hand- the engine. How can we get nun book" iahd its 136 pages cost Jaceht^ speed?- . .-. - --. - -^&£f'i ^^L_Mt^Chiids-Wrft«^Book^ |. It Ifii not advisable to drive a heat But an Evanston woman, MissMary L. Chllds, has put out the best, of all In her new cloth-bound 50c book,^ACt^^ ua13bveralnenOO^ino^s7•-"it hasispockets on~the iackshlft 25»iages and gives ntaps charts^f^ as > ou describe is the float median ism of the carburetor. When this is stiff or outof brdsrit does not open and close.the float valve when V. should. -^ "-_____• Sunday evening. * - 1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stearns ahd daughter plan to leave Monday for an indefinite sojourn iu Cuba a rid Other ] points'- In - the-south.--«=^- •--------,--| Mrs._ James Murray: js.speriding a ( tew--weeks in New York city. Sht» | willfalso^vfsitrln^other" eastern cities j hpfnr'ft rfttii'rning home. Mrs. John Vennema^ will be leader J in "the reg^J^^eeUggJof ..the.Jitera-j ture cbmmfttee of thq Nftighbor-s,! which will nieet in the home of- Mrs. j A. F. Relchmanh next Thursdayjifter-j noon. Victor Hugo's writings will be j. discussed. _;'- ■ ■ '. ■ ' - '" ■'-----"3. -|.Aj Agent Hartford Fir* liuwanc* Co* and Illinois Lit* Inmranct Co. GROCERIES Pine i:t ruita--ia-^ad^utrof""8ea> sba-^ajways form a part of bur large stoelTeT Select and Fancy-- Groceries. Baker's Steel Cut Coffee is Cood. !. GEO. B. WINTER MEN'S WEAR Clothes Ready Made-- Cloth« Order. Packard Shoes for . JSprosis Shoes for Ladle; Children. Gentlemen's Fur - irig Goodsl .V.:. HAYES & HAYIE PRINTING Quality yand not LQuanttty--the beat, for the.jnoney^--is our mot- , to, Cfur large stock of grocjries is. -always select, and Fresh . Fruits;, arid-Vegetables a speci- alty,^^; ■ " .......' - .. !___ S. AytNlDEU5BN Printing of All Kinds Done Promptly an d ~~~~ Salisfactorlly by The BOWMAN PUB. Telephones 585 and 589,' PLAYER PIANOS "SANItARY DISTRiCT" IS LECTURE SUBJECT HOTELS Trustee fieorge % Paulfin Wit! Speak at ^tomaR^s^lttb--- This IViorniug.-.---&. Motoring Department, The News: z; I have a Jackson and when I throt- truckjasterjhanthe^spe^; mentioned However, you can easily arrange fo: a higher gear by substltuttng Jarge. This wtl in an ordinary^ law book. Her per- sonal, researches among institutions and records have -enriched: the." pagesk Her own Opinions as' to'remedies;for ciVlC difficulties .make interesting read- ing. Her careful topical arrangement makes each chapter complete- in itself. Her citations of original'- authorities lead-the reader to rich mlpes of further research and hpr. Questions servo as a quiz for the solitary woman student at home.,Thisbook isndt wrlttenZifpr . women but, for voters.'-of "both sexes, and While 1t*w~fll' give you more speer on the level ground, It will lessen th< pulllnjgr capacity for'hill work. ae^dbwhTThe motor> for tWo, or "three minutes -and;:the^open-the:rthTottle; the motor seems to choke, and some- times will stop altogether. Could you tell me the trouble? C.Hoffman. Your trouble Is in the carburetor. Would suggest your trying a new aUx, lliary air valve spring/ Also inspect float and float.valve and note' if same work freely" and ^properly. J/. Motoring Depairtment,-Thd-Newsi^- ivlsfr-the-useHOf-powdered nnphite In the crjipk case^of a BplaSf jyBtem engine? Oil is pumped into Aha: main bearing • and troughs]-into vhlch the cranks-rdip^ Will elther. iaVe any bad effect on the motor?2 . :,-■.',---■- -;-'v-'ivC. M. Greenwood.' .-' 'Powdered graphite is not to be He «mn*ii»ientxinr^ Bplash system engine. While graphite will not materially .injure the- work- ing parts, it Wiii havea tendency"tc clog up the various holes and grooves Motoring Department, The .News:^ w zlTlmlxB^i^oiajxiy car heats badtj It was leaking some, and 1 put 1 about a pint of flaxseed meal, then ra It for ten miles without cylinder oi It<greW very hot, and, I think, bake thex meal to the colls. Since then have been troubled withrits heatln badly. It is a zigzag type^of radlatpi Is^therr^nythingTJrpany^wayto: re. move whatever chokes it Up, arid clea. it thorpughftr? A Reader. Would suggest that you remove th radiator arid phig up the outlet at th: bottom, having firsts of course, drainei but women will be the most eager Stu- dehts. -" - *- Will Sell at Meeting. At .the Woman's club meeting for Feb. 17, wblch will be a sort of'a voters7 rally, copies of, this bodk-wttr|^Jiy2i iK'^wa^ be-on hand for.sale. Mrs. Shermangg ^ ap a Btron8'solutton of iye ah^ j^g^^m^£ft^liarge.of >hf ^1 water-and^flir the radlatorr Let h stand for a few minutes and then re table and^urge-tbe=hew~voters^to-earn-1 est study. move plug at the bottom of radiator 'We're riot going around like- a band - oTHhunters, bagging hew. members here and there as. we.would so much game. It is a business proposition, pure and simple and I believe that those Evanston business men who have not yet Identified themselves rrrwlthxthe ^oeiaaon^ predate the benefits they will derive. All that Terriaihs IS tor us to explain to them what tire have to offer them arid from a business viewpoint of rea- 1r-soning they are soon ShbWn. • • The committee members have been usually active in soUcitittg" business r,: andrprotesslonal men for new mem-r_jde berfc- -Ani mriny^ actlye^nembers' oftpi the a8Bociation: who-are not on the jcojnmlttee, have given valuable assist- .^__ance jh procuring new■■'"members.^^j: though only eight days distant, iMr. __ Hamilton is confident that the .full number of new. meriibers which* the committed set out to procure,L Will Z.,: hawTsignbd J*plfeat|on--bSlh8=*^ that tinted 7 :: Z Any business or professional man who is desirous of becoming a' mem- ber of the association at this time is urged' tot telephone or send Tils name to Chairman Hamiitoif nrZariy mem- ber e£ the membership coriariaittee and the blank will be furnished him.'-...The following is the list of the membership committee members: Daniel McCann, Robert Lorimer, - Edward St«nger^ij,. C. Mercer, Joseph Wichman, L. J. Knapp, Thomas F, Mahoa-^ahd~Johh .W. Kerevan. No woman voter„shou!dJ»i without ^^ ^ Bpiotlon drain otf> ;it it. -euld then be agbod^idea to attacl ahose'in Which there Is a strong pres REYNOLDS TO SPEAK. . "Mr.WIlft'ed^-Tl'eynolds of the-1111- nois Children's Homerand Aid society Is- to address - the Current- Events class at-the Congregational church on tdayr morning,.. Feb. 15.. He is vto abeuT a new scheme for the dls- ination and information regdrd^ ing'the many"aimilstic and human!-; tarian activities operating in the City of Ghtcago. Mr. Reynolds is the sec- retary of this educational committee oh Chicago-Philanthropy^ --.Thjta. coin- mlttee was 'recently organized by Prof. Charles IL Henderson of th£ University of Chicago. ItTssUes eaett month a syllabus settingi-forth some particular municipal need, arid the way it is being met by some-altruistic society. It is preventing duplication: It is making social workers acquainted with each^ other^ Mr. Joel Dubois Hunter of the juvenile court isJojpte* sure of water--turn on the water anc allow it to run through, the radiator for some time! ~" -RUri-DOWN 9Y TRUCK. While riding a bleycle_south in Chi- cago avenue MondajjjQe^geTtoAyarA: 514 itfnn. street,^;Eyanston, was rim doWn by a Crawley & Ball -auto ex- press truck. Due to^hlspresence of mij^ljejumpej^fr^the wheel when h^wns-^truefcand::esfiap^^ His bicycle wris wrecked. FINED FOR DRINKING. Edward Wolf, ti years old, 1419 Barrow avenue, was fined $5-and costs Monday morning on a drunkenness ChargeT by JusUce Boyer. He ma not escape the payment of the fine as did Gus Olson; but was told that he would be sent to the bridewell unless the amount was paid. He admitted that he was a member of a crowd; of youths who badjbeett Celebr^ West section Saturday night Motoring Department, The News: _■ V^e'have a car which has been heat Ing" «p too much. The pump workf periectly^itge fan belt i&- kept tlgh' and we have been using a heavier oi than usual, but it still' cbntlriues i< heat ■ up unnecessarilyi - ^We have' jus- put in a new pump, and the clrcula tion seems to be perfect The cai does riot 'heat up as much in propor "tion when running, in low as whfeij running In intermediate or high. Cat it be that the water pipes and con nection are too small? X. Y: z.y&; Co;:;. If the coiling system of vonr en &?k' Is right at one time there is rib reason why it should not be right at another. Reasons for motors over heating are "usually other than the design. tJld type radiators have-h habit of becoming clogged and inefficient from slight causes. " if yjcu« Jjyiiadera_ar4: free from carbon, your valves timed properly and the spark timed prop- erly, your trouble seemsT traceable-tc the radiator. 6tecej^jthejrater is cir cidailDgflsrjBEerly: ^OTr=troubletiti.ni doubtedlylies, in the radiating ability xif the radiator. The tabes or se tions may have a deposit of foreign mattet^whichi-whileVEet iasdering .ih.e, flow of water, nevertheless' prevents the proper radiation. --------- ~ Motoring Department, The NeWs: Although the differential in my car is well lubricated. 1 cannot stop the singing. What can you suggest? - R, Ttimbell. _It is very likely that the pinion on the end of the driving shaft Is meshed THE AVENUE HOUSE Private Exchange 1110 V .Sunday Dinner a Specialty, . ;•."; 1 tO 2^30^P M. ; . V Phone ilia , The class In cltigenship will meet on Thursday morninfTFeb: 12, at 10 o'clock in^thc lecture room^of tlrt club EblBl?rC6mmhjs^ lin will'speak on "The Sariitfry Dts- tiict^--This mfeetirig^^ll^be-orgen^ eral Interest and a large' att*u<iarice .is desired. These classes are. veiy ifxr stfuctiye arid the benefit derived frohi them more thari crimpensateS for giv- ing one morning every other week from the busy days to tlie study of civic affairs.. . The. hand books reepm- niended for the use of women voters can be; purch^sodlat^thM^ gvery^meriibeirof the^ornatfs^club-is urged to j:omo and take parfTln the JlacrissmnJfQik^ng^^ -ATryone-interested in^h^^bject^tmt; riot alrijpBher~of the-club may attend these classes on payment of a twen^ Tlvo^eriT'feonstieaebrmcetingr"^ - -r:;-- L^ARWPN JPROUTY Police iViagistrata Jurisdiction same as that of a Justice of the Peace . _'_■._.-U PROtWBUILDlNG ^^F^ ^ PLAYER^PIANOS ■ 89-NOTE; INSIDE :PLAYER|^ installed in all upright pianos. Call and See this player.. Our prices are very loW. PATTERSON BR( Tci. Evan»tone54 1522 Sherriisi A m Spanish Language Outfit*^ Whtft'-yau want a. Machint ot RtcardSttatl Wmnetka 693*W,ot Cmital 3S07. JAMES I.LY0HS.25 West take Slrit^i Contractor ana Builder Rtpaitint Promptly Atttndtd To PhweWinnetUalZS * Shop: 909 Linden Avt* Habbard Woods, Illinois ; Ladies^ailof-Mad Suits'^ $50 to $1 «...........mil | in i I ._ i . .i '- : - Best Material and Workman! ■-. "■."" ".■',■ -:.' TiL/'fii Sladek ^Si 118 NORTH STATB STREET .' >' _:__,_ JQe^iite Fields : ■ Phone Central SIS CHLCMK The Men's club of the Christian of blirto^the: Tespectlve~bearlnir sttr faces: It is not necessary, arid the advantages to be gained by its use srjfnotwsrtb^theesperirnerit. WouW advise you,i using a high-gfttdeot'bil free from as much graphite or carbon Ingredients as posBiblev -------■--: Metpririg Dspartmerii Tho~New8: I; have a four-cylinder, thirty-five horsepoweri^ar^f^ttis7year!s--modei which has suddenly developed a pe- culiar missing. -The ear is equipped with a good-make;^ magneto and misses on cylinders' 2 arid S at all speeds "and hits, aslwefl "as ever dn cylinders 1 ajldv4. There is ho spark st~2^riU^wffateVer, while 1 anA„i have a^ strorig^sparhS The^Vires are in good shape; also the plugs. What 1b the remedy for this trouble? ^......-------,^'.;...---------iVr R^--TttTtteiV.: -The trouble; It appears, lies fit thf primary--lntemipteriln the 'magneto One of the cams which 'operates thl? without doubt is worn of defective and does not cause the interrupter points to open; , There arb two cams;operating the Interrupter which Work alternately; The firing• order of your■ engine itr either 1-2-4-3 or 1-3-4-2. and it is evi- dent that ene cam operates for the spark in 1 and 4 cylinders arid the other cam for the 2 and 3 cylinders The trouble may be located by re moving the magneto and revolving the armature slowly by hand. Wat^ the Interrupter pointsrto see if;thes separate properly every; half revolu tion of the armature shaft. Motoring Department, The News: - My1' car he* the ft-ont aile-badly Dent,-and since having it repaired I find the car sways at speeds, of from twenty-five to toirty»flye miles an hour. How -can 1 find: out whether front axle. arid Wheels are. right, and how can I teil whether frbutjindjcear Wheels "track/* t3ameB„Br(ed% ^.The swaying maybe jcaused by the felloes of the Wheels being bent. T«his can lie seeri bjc jacking; up the front wheels and spinning them. Also note if front axle a'tandsyat. j^ght anjde> tbltheJ:frame. JJTo ^ske^ure.,^e wheels are lined up properly, measure the distance from the rear axle to-thP; front axle on each side and see If the two-wheels are parallel to^eachrP.^bJ^ After doingr^thlSjciEotot: the ^ft wheels straight ahead and measure the distance from rim to rim at thf back of the Wheel arid- front. Th> rtoi_ihouldi^be--npproximsteiy ciw* quarter inch closer together to frprit than in rear. If All the axles and wheels lirie up properly, there is no reason why they Should hot^.'track." TO GIVE LINCOLN DINNER Drowi *«•«! WIXMODT -»H A mattrtl c( comfort sqd dtiraittiity. Oat Ciitfatirf SB.uO sals Mvt Btood tlio tsst ot tlma. Falnlfis ejtiactmg. bit ttflfsnlatweTaltert: CO^CtTATIQyyKKia. ^-SoWMa^t Cerwrr-ttawdriipn and^CtarlcllHtctf On«*ioy*ioinc« until?-- Sun4nV,9tol2: i All Wiring GuirtHtced Electiic The^-^dlnner_-_J^ll be served by the Ladies' Aid society. After the dinner toasts will be givSn bri"Liricblri bj| a number of the. men j of the church. These wiH^ber^Lineblnl arid Temperance," R. F. Blesemeier; "Lincoln as Viewed by a 8outherner;M T: P. Clarksori; "Lincoln and the Re- call of: Judicial Decisions," Prof. R. 0- Piickinger;" "Lincoln arid .'Political ©hies," Rev. Or P.; Jordan. P. A- Deathorage presides.-- ThOTfrlends-bf th» r^iii't'h nm Invltfd to tit" dfowfo1'- but are urged to seepre tickets In ad- vance as the seating is llrillted. iKlinge®, White H13H GRAPE GROCERIES AWO HEUS *Ri4ge Avenue, near Lake Ave* Phone Wilmette 4.10 Phont Wllnullt43f ---HARRT-Aw WITKOWSRT . ;. Proprlttw;v-^..;;i WIRING, RBMtRMii SUPPLIES = GLENCOE, ILLINOIS- PhoneGI«B9«4i Phone Wlnnetl* 58? £OOD INSPECTION. { ^Stajtft F^od -Commissioner W. Scott A Specialty We have so wide a reputa v7":"':/or siutl in handling worn fine garments that you may have over&wted ftiet thai we do equally jwell with men's clot We do the work right Here in Eiwn$$ 622 Davis St ^ ^ _ r _ (Evanston 1730 Phones: > WilrrieHe 1475 Matthews for a week past hriB. been holding a conference with his inspec- tion force at headquartors,. Manhattan Buildlngr-ehicago^tor^the purpose^ of discussing^rconditlbns in the state arid giving Jinstructlons-aSTto rthe. comirig: year'sv'woTkv-^^-T-1-^'........... - i The men have gone forth to their respective districtsT with orders to give special attention to the wbrk of sanitation. '• Section 1 of the State Sanitary Law readsTJS^foilows^r-"'^^-^"'-"?^"""......-^ ■ - "Be it enacted by the people of the state of Illinois, represented ii| the general assembly: that every building, room, basement, inclosure or prenv Ises, occupied/ used or maintained ^s a bakery, confectionery, caririery. packing house, slaughter house, cream* ery, cheese factoryrrestaurantf hot4U grocery, meat marketi or as a ^actbr^, shop, warehouse, or Striy public place or manufactur^hig pJace^seUJorJ#e preparation,Zl manufacture, packing, storage, sale or distribution of any food, as demiedxby: statute, which 6 Intended; for sale, sball-be^prepeHy and adequately lighted, drained^ •)lumbe d and ventilated, and shall be conducted with strict regard to the In-i fln^ponj>g such conditlona^upon^thal health of the operatives, employes,] Clerks or other persons therein enji ployed, alod the purity arid wholesome- (l ness of therfood thereiffpwduced, prei pared, manufactured, packed, stored, Sold or distributed." ~Th«2sa^ta^prepMatlo^ pro duction of foods are quite as impor- tonVafr^e^^baraeter-^t^the-lngredt ents which they contain or their la-j Fruits and Vegetables in Season The'inspectors will visit and inspect j KcnHworih, IH. » Phones 104l-lo^ every food -establlshn]jfeut::lMthete^lS'fiJ!-UlJ-'«., '.■»' " hi ._n - , i m ' . im<«*---■-> " \s* V;J9l«' DEADER IN f^^^roccrtesyiRcats, Botions & Ijardu Phone Winnetka 46 & 78 - Hubbard Woods, trlcts and make a report tothoTristn: office as to conditions, accompanied Commissioner Matthews urges all morrow. 10 Course Table De Mote Dinner local health, food or sanitary officials 'S«nAssf?5c to accompany the injectors and to §ft JKgSJE Bet. MvJisoo -nd w«bingtoB st*. uoiemo~eoiiuiawiB»";-- ---;---- All vsrietiM of Shmbb«ry. ' Hoses, Fruit sod Onjaiaeotal Haidy, H«bac«0«stl9W*riaf ^

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