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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Mar 1914, p. 6

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1014 â- Mr young men who want to be army offl- and-give him army training thai would that sitort by. defeating the high B CUT LHI FORT SHERIDAN Secretary of War Garrison Has a Plan to Establish School for Training Young Men ^ in Army Life. jeers, but who have not the time to always be bencflclal to him. When ! spend four years at West Point or the plan was first discussed it was are unable to be appointed to this rumored that one of the schools would 'J great training schoolr" - j be located at Evanston, but since The sites under consideration are then the government has purchased at Fort Sheridan, Frankfort, Mien.; ; mora) land at Fort Sheridan, which ; LudingtoJi. Mich., afld . Pu^ i The other site will be somewhere In fa school, for the students will havs j the ncrthwest. -^the benefit of being in camp with the I^S^^T^nT F^rbea* ^* ! Students in graduating classes of regulars. S^^jm/o-ST- : " I high school and ; colleges, graduates i -------.â€"â€"------------- _ «>«* Time, 0,21 4s,. far/ undergraduates, "ihay rQualify-^or;r--^^~-^|^ â-  â- "â- --â€"^~~~Zâ€"!3! pL" '.. â-  shoulder straps by the investment of The gyanston academy swimming j THfi OIIAMA CLUB. 122.50 in cash and five weeks; of time. J team won the city championshipllnl _ T#e Dram* iidjub of Evanston an* The : .government; does not promise; â- â- â- .-â- :;?.â- â- â- â- â- â- . •â- ..'•â- â€¢â- â-  ,:. â-  - ' â-  â-  -•" 'â-  -:-----~.~-y--r^-.^.,: . , ,-, , . ., . an immediate commission, but assur- school team, 44 tat 23. The academy second team won from JLanc Tech Wth a scoie of 28 to 2C. Summaries: _: Plungeâ€"Olmstead. H. S., first; Sim- onsen,r^r^a^SBnoTPosC «:s., third. Distance, CO feet Time, 0:<« 2-5. 40-yard Swimâ€"Gould, it S., first; course of four lectures *<» Admission by membershipjUckct of [noon at * °**^fev ^^^»o» coarse. be given in the department room of ] current year. Guest tickets, .50 j $5; private lessons ?2 per hour; pay. •â- " able in advance. At home afternoons â€"• jto arrange for instruction. Enter p«. IMPROVED. ipils how for May recital. Studio. 120 the Woman's club, on Tuesday morn-cents to single lecture. lags in March, at 10 o'clock, on "The ,-,.:.. ^ ,T ,......:.. Drama of Today," by leaders in. the MRS. PARMELEE new movement.- J Mrs. C 1C. Parmlee of Melrose ave-! V/oodblne Ave., Wilmctte; Phone l5i». Englishâ€"MaK*.3^8enauASha^ Meifairi*'...'...'... '.....- . -. • .'-n' , -. Marrh 10 "Jena GfllswarthyT by i teriaa hospital ia.Chlcagouta greatly March 10, jomt cais*oriny, oy»imiJKjVcd and l8 ejjneeted home this Horace 3. Bridges, leader of the Eth- week/, 5 leal society of.Chicago. [_.'â- * â-  â-  .. '.,,.â- '.. . .ttt-.'-.. Americanâ€"March ^7,: -*wmfemi-*©R«TTO <:offiEld Clarke, Moody;" Jdarch 24, /'Percy I DRAMATIC READER â- Vaughn_J-.....-.â- , ... Mackaye;" by Prof. J. G- Carter Troop \ announces a chiluK n s viat-s m < iceu of the University of Toronto. tion to be held every l^naay'after- u^JHlaFeSem! or...... SGTK-Big-Siosii o£ £•«*«'Spw&iitfee-Hcnr Evanstonlsto have an army ig school close by ance is given to those who attend the schools that should a call for volun- teers be necessitated by a declaration of war between the United States and a first-class European power, tney will be given commands. Students must pay their own trans? homes and the school and: provide ] with a uniform costing-between $5 7 T lahdllO; If they do not destroy any train-; _ _ _.-. 3J"t SOH00LS TO START! f°„ a„„H*„i „„* nrnviHo themselves r ... j property^vliile in camp. $&-of-the Secretary of War ^2250 wlll be retUraed to them. Bright Prospects. Prospects of service and shoulder straps, according to government oth- cers, would be excellent for the sum- larrison claims Uncle Sam has not [ sufficiently large-; army of trained len successfully to combat an army a first-lass powfefr. It Is the secre- try's hope to increase the army un- til It shall Include 600,000 men, all j mer "students should there be A-war, {trained at least in some degree. | for the ariny woui<i need ah6un0,000 As an Initial jyaj^thi_e^tti8h- i officera to command Uie^vohinteersrâ€" ment of at least four, and probably j It |8' expected that thousands of five, summer military camps,for >nejyoungmen will take advantage of this ihstru^on^f^udent»-ln-mrltary tac-j oHer pf the government to attend tics has been ordered. i during the summer months. It is Will Train Young Men. pointed outbyarmy men that the By starting these summer schools,] five weeks of training would made an tlie government will make it easy for-ideal summer's vacation for a student Rosenberg^ Red Trading Stamps are good as money. Are you saving them? "THE STORE THAT SELLS EVERYTHING' These Offerings for Sat., March 4, 5* 6 & 7 A itmarkable Mattress Sals II â-  11II11 < *** MIHMIIIKW Want e TELEPHONES: EVANSTON 585 WILMETTE14a? Want Ads in the take Shore News are charged at the following rales Real Estate Classifications. 7 V2 cents per line. ^k\\ Ofhrr Classifications. 5 cents ner line Minimum Price. 15 cents. No advertisement charged for less than 25 cenl II1111 11 III 11 III 11II111111111 111II11 M III 1111)1 II «*>>»• HELP WANTED I FOR RENT-Ofrces WANTEDâ€"YOUNG GIRL'TO ASSIST -â€"' ', with housework; must go home J FOR RENT nights, - References required; Apply j |;>S26:Elghth*st, Wilmette. PhOne 1412. |WAN^BDr-MiPPLB-AGED WOMAN | to- -work In bakery and lunch room; j / must be able to cook. Apply F.| Cabisch, 734.Elm-8L^_WlnnetUa. ^1 V.;":;.:-;....-; â- ,,;":"-": :-'-"- ,â- â€¢ '."Wfee.-?"' WANTBDâ€"GIRL FOR GENERAL houaework; German or Swede i>re- ferreJ. Apply at 710 hinden-aV. Phone C79. ; lie OFFICES OVER THE KenilwofUotoro^^twot sets^of dou- ble offices; hot water heat, elec- tricity and gas; elegant location; tiiiitable for doctors, dentists, etc. Apply; Phone 834-R or-Box 59, Kenll- woith, III. X^-â- 'â- ' -^â€"-46w-4tc' EXPERIENCED HOUSE AND GAR- j den Work, by tl>e hour. A. quldbcch,. j WANTED â€" SUITE OF MODERN Postoffice Box 1C5, Gross"'Point, 111.1 furnished rooms with light house- -.;v. > 17w-2tpd|'----heepins privileges. State'price and ^OfalsfcUlSâ€" ST^rDENl^^OF^^eUly turcd tastes dcsJrii8_x>ppoJtunlty_jtaJ, travel; as "tutor or companion next 'summer. Address D 424, Lake Shore News. ltp FOR SALE SALE- »DPR1GHT JPIANOf IN iaranteed4-casy_ - payment»r~*Jf s-.ou.- 1522. Slier man-a v., -Pattersonâ€"Brosr,- Evaaston. ltc HRSALE-HOUSEy FOR SALEâ€"719 MADISON-ST., 8 rooms.- Jio_t..jvatcr. J[ieat,Lhardwood floors, lot 50x130; $4,250 for quick [ ualo. Exclusive" agent." ~4^ FOR SALEâ€"E. M.S. AUTOMOBILE,! ; in good icqndltion, $400. 410 linden- St., Winaetka, Phone Wlnnetka 74. .:>'- ' - ' 17w-3te.i offer on 80 feet front; between Dempster and I Wantedâ€"Cash _ onJildge-av. CraljMits. ' 217 Kcdale-8t., 8> rooms, hot water - -heat, "hardwood floors, lot 42x125; ____ ______ __ price if sold tpiick, $4,750. FOR SALE â€".STIUCTLV FRESH j will sell *-brlckr-two-flat building oggs. William J.jChapman, Jr..2015j__f.)lf;,p „„ nn\..u__sale; -liardwood ^zQttingMt^^k^^mTl&M^- ltc |~^floets,and trim; Inquire at offlcc. Geo. H. Crain, 845 Chlcago-av. FOR SALEâ€"1913 BAKER ELEC-; ^Jbrfcy-XJiarjdrivft, two-revolving front seats; used a short time â- a%demon-j : tratbr chr; repainted and in per-, ^fectr^onditibtU-^ppiyâ€"to__N. IliX Blat,ehford, Jr., 785 Linden av., Hu-b-j bard Woods, 1111_ _ jitc i FOR^^SALEâ€"BlbifESTlC SEWING] â€" machine; in fine sewingâ€"prderr^ "~~guaranteed; $C.00> Patterson Bros.,; ^viS_2. Sberman-av.r EvanstonP^ -"^t-e-f tern----------1â€" . ..... If you are going to move this spring call and see what I have to, offer In houses, hats,, apartmentsT I7w-t r ___Geo.JLL_Craln, 845 Chlcago-av:._L BOARD AND ROOM 1554 ASBURY AVE.. THE ASBURY. ROOMS SINGLE QR EN SUITE, i lEXCELLENT^-ClllSlNE. PHONE M?,vMRS:F C DiEFENDORF. â€" FOR SALE--------- EVANSTON HOMES 15S0 Sherman-av. 3»w-tf- lCw-tf! NEWS WANT ADS BRING riESUtTSTT EVANSTQN THEATRE FOUNTAIN SQUARE EVANSTON AMUSEMtNT CO , PHO^. PHONES 2898-2999 H L. W«NTURK^ft9ANAGCB AND BALANCE OF EVANSTON STOCK COMPANY Presents Booth Tarkington and Harry Leon "Wilficn's Lomantic Southern Play As Played by Dustin Farnui A great big human play with a message to all the I -W*x-Glry M o n.<?ay N s g h t S o uye^niir^W^to* Give nr XJ&iial ^SnpWrit" fciatin*»<e» Ttie.. :i hut*, ancl Sat. #HEX^-^ WEEK Tftc Traveling salesman1 WmttcWeliMattresses Most WonderfiUJfalue!! ^Fhe sheets are biiilt up of iayers1rfil*^^ the^tiekiiigraiM^uiilike^o^ not stuffed, but tlie sheets of pure unbleached cotton are laid one upon another. ajractionjoJ^s^riginar thickness. ;. ^The Elastic TFelt lilattresses also differ from those made of any other material in |)^t they never require re-making, and the only renovation th^y ever require is an w^sional-airing4fr4jhe^hot sun slune. It wilin^^ thmrwm^^^hw lowest price ever quoted for, mattresses of the quality we offer . We are the North Sh<»re Jipme of the fSmburtiikly guarsjj^tetjj:i'uft.kltSt Tzparr4TeiilalH5eopl^.l -TTfiyy mayxosi little more at the ourstrtr but tliey?re cheaper in the long run, because each trunk carries a remarkable five year guarantee. When you think of Likly -Xdiggflge, guaranteed for five y^ar^ :^J^jM^^gQ9d assortment of Trunks from $8 to $13 We announce, too, a clearance of trunks of several makes at worffll* savings. ^prk^ltoUinery Our spring hats are at tracting a great deal of -attention-and=justly so. Everything that is fash- ionable is reflected itV these beautiful new shapes and trimmings. £ have just purchased at a low ^rice 50 dozen fine band shirts of Ferguson-McKinney hrand, supe- ^ey are niw^rm terns of which will immediately appeal to men of good taste. One fine feature of these shirts that has made them so popular, is that they^are cut fuller in size than almost any shirts made. Furtherim^ come

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