Tt*E I^AKE SHORE NE^^hURSPAy; MARCH 19,1914. dCS: m ii SOCIAL HAFrENiNCS IN *t> .W1LMBTTB <T J> "St. Patrick's day Tuesday gave many Wilhiette folk an'oppor-i turiiiv to celebrate the anniversary of the time that all of the ^nakes were driven out."./if Ireland by ;the patron iaint. !>£5pite^Ii5t the t'aie oi celebration falls, in the middle of the Lenten period when fsoclai activities are at a standstill, several parties Were held in Wil- Societies arid Clubs •JLm ~J» The Amicitia clu b meets tonight with Myron Hart. Abbbtsford toad. Kenilworth. nue. .,!â- * '•"â- â- - Mr.--is- M.; Cammlngs of Oberlin, O., Suite-avert;:ot3te:Mie*,:ffiji£Moy:fa Bowers, W24- Eleventh stjroetj Mrs. John Brandenburg of Waverly, Iowa, is visitlsg at the home of Mrs. H. W. Hopp, 22f> Linden avenue. Seafcn* olf his niother. . "~ ;-v;- ^a'":R"Nr""lBj;of Youngstoiwi; Ohio,- has returned. home oftej? a very pleasant stay with her sister^ Mrs. Bi Mi Reeves, 1734 Elmwood avenue. .' Mrs. Harry bulenbeck and' flttfa '^^â- "^'^""'^^^m^^^MMMm City'la the guest other daughter,Mrs R. H. Huntsman; 211 Ninth street. :, , . „ .,. Mrs^ ^fiu^ B^r* oOJtoth street -Dr. George .tp^n ^^4^J«^^^^ jen|e«aThed4lm^rth^hore^ Probably one of the jolliest ^nd most "genuinely" good time Iclub on Wednesday. ^fU0^^GeT^^1^ Su I23(r Greenwood* av* ^herings\vas held 4n thehomevof Dr. and Mrs, Kriik^ LowerJ,, -., - ' â„¢^tfhW^S JhS^^ S^ 014 Hillvstrect. Five; hundred was played whjle other (unique and U*^ novel feature;; ^wcre included in the evening s entertainment, flic |£^5jK*J*£*?"? ^!March 2l'j<leco^tiv>ns were in green and clever favors of candy snakes, hats, ;?|^apirockpslnUalahs,.etc.v were distributed. J^ The guests; included • Mr. andjVfrs, E. Rarlier,_E,_D.iJiuc|anan, Ktrnest.Gazel, Edward FfaTl, Efank Robinson; Frank Robins, Frank vpohr; Royal A.: Buckman, rj^^^hahtz, Tr- A. Lower, Thomas Coyne. A. Abrams, Chester Mogle and C; W. Petersen and Mr. Caughlin. Dr. M. C. Hecht and Mrs. Wolf. â- â- ",-.-. "; * & m 'â- '..:â- ] . â- :. <' " ... Mrs, George M. Forbes, Ninth| Mfsr^Charles H. Eldred of Fourth street, .en tertained .eighty guests at! street will entertain next. Thursday, irds Wednesday afternoon. . March 26, with a luncheon, followed ! by six tables of auction bridge. Mrs. B. F. Affleck, 827 Greenwood j « -r- ^:. p^eAue^enteffatn ztlthVa luncheon - Mrs. B. Anderson, 1123 BimWOod find card party Friday, March 27. ,:-, avenue, will entertain ten guests at a birthday-Easter party for her. little at tho Woman's club. JgJfeyi-ewy^oi^r^l^ gieg^Vlena|r^hnrph meets this afteri Ioanr wtth^irs^3t^r%rd~#iff: .': Mrs: Jatia Clark Baker, 347 Hlli street, entertains the* French class for luncheon next Monday, March 23. , The ComanchejCard club will meeC Tuesday, March 31, at the home of M*s*-F«hk-Watson^ 1204 Forest ave- nue. ','----I-------- .--â€"-.- â- ^ Mrs. Charles G.. Hhskin, 139 East,; Hazel avenue, Glencoe, will entertain Jr-b^ Itb^7^t24^oresT ayen^ rbe^rravel dub^Taeg^yT^arcir247 .entertained niewbers of the P. K. club; afternoon at a'dinner in her home Friday even-j :_'.. 'â- 'â€".â- â- â- Vinf-.^..:.... â- â- y-:;-~- ;â- -]---; Mrs.:-;0aiies^^-;C^son-^d;^ar8. â€"> " •', James Glendening Uray and Mrs. Lila « Mrs. W« 15. Pauftoh; 715 Washing- j L. Williams have Issued invitations to ten avenue, will entertain friends ;a musicaljfdr Tuesday, March 24, at from JlaTrenswood: at bridge this afterrf theiWoman'tf ciub. jtOOn. ..:.--.....â- ,..;...'...;'â- • . ;.:" ; â- â- . '-..,--â- /--'-..;.:. ;------- .-â- :_^_;__ _:;.._„.; r,.-,-,;. â€"... i Tuesday Mr87rHwe#McKihney, 815 | "Mr. and X»Irs. Win. G. Beyrer, 1022; Linden avenue^ entertained in honor Of JLake aveiuie, entertained forty guests4st.iPaWck,sr,day with Ave. tables of -Several handsome Mrs. James Melville will read a paper on "Granada and the Alhambra." The Reading Circle met Monday afternoon at the iome-ot"MTs.""F. T^ Cutler, 1001 Lake^avenue. The nexr meeting ^wlll; beâ€"on-Mondayt-March 30^at vMrs. Lyman-Drake'sr 933 Lake avenue. ~â€"- ;-•" I DUIenbeck's mother In Woodlaytt. Rogers, returned;to Waukegah, Biuni.-,,Mr. .and, Mrs, JC. Huntsnian ^of day. â€" -r; --:â- r ..Judith Gap, Montana, have';returned Mr. and M«, Henry Harfst, 1503; home afteV sevferat weeks' >stay with Lake avenue, are home after spending: Mrs. R^_Jff. Huntsman^ Jll Ninth awerahwre*kaT^^oT^Sprlngs/*A|*a^ r â- ;;,/ ..,; â- "7"; *;...:' f] «aa. , , ,i j Mrs. Lucihda Rossi 10ir Central Mrs. L. SLiBerry and children of!avenue, Mspendlngthe winter in New Oak avenue are guests in the home \ York at the home of her daughter, of;Mr. S. S. Dingee. 920 Lake ave-]Mrs. Frank Marbury, formerly of Wil- n.ue. . :l v4V.'1'5 •• :I mette. 'â- ' " ~~ " Miss Ethel Lusted, who suffered an ' '.MS!lui4^Iis..,JS'^--Ro^iterr--W2b- Injury to her left foot recently~whne; j Central avenue, will leave" ^Vllmette, playing basketball," is able to be j jiay 1. They will spend"'tne summer about, ,;i':\--y:Z~ Mrs. Luella Austin, 901 Oakwood avenue, who has been visiting in F!or.- ida for two months, has returned home. â- -â- '•.-.':">-'" in .northern Michigan and .are unde- cided as to their future plans. - â- The many friends-ofâ€"Missâ€"Jeanne Taggert will be glad to learn that she is improving in health. Miss Taggert Miss Julia Bruch of Bunaloi Newtfeftpp January for Chandler, Ariz. York, is the guest at the home of Mr. {Dr and Mrs. W. G. Barackman, for- and Mrs. Louis Briich, 1201Greenwood [ mer Wllmette residents, are also lo- avenue. - , ~?T T ' lea ted in Chandler. ? > > Mrs. Jenkins, mother of Mrs. F. B.l Dr. Alice Tuttle, C22 Washington Crossley, 600 Washington avenue.Who avenue, has-been entertaining hersjs has been seriously ill, is greatly aim-iter, Mrs. Gus Schmurman of Lexipg proved. ------- : | â€"-miixm;^^ Ky:r^andTherTawtlyec!iMrs;: S. B. Legan, and also MtlSTMrTD^Wiiey, both of New York. Mrs. Segan and a^t^^lv^r,;liep^8. Dancing clttb^Sat | auction. T bridge^â€"Seyera i&a%nlgJitvV:itH:^v-------;-r--:+--;'--; -'TrT7"fiJrtzes\were dlstTibtroed; liftlrs. C. N. Roberts, 1014 Lake ave- ptie,: entertained the members of the 'Drama istudy club> at a Tuhcheoh In her homo Tuesday. MrB. C. P. Evans, 616 Gregory ave- nue, will entertain;the ladies of the firth division of the Methodist church, and their husbands, with a "basket" dinner Friday evening.; There will be : Mrs. Hayes McKinney[* and . Mrs Jphnjfl/Cochran^l^ ent^i^in^^ bridge-lunchedn in honor Of Mrs. F. A, Rye on Friday of this week at the home oflMrs, 1 Mjbkukney^YS iLlnden avenue '-* Mra Carl Latham, 229 Sixth street, gayt; a St. Patrick's day party for the ; â- â€". ^^^jlS^L-2J^^-. l°f _ the TuesdayJ__Miss Ueatrico. Miller, 700 Linden £ridgo club this week. .'avenue, entertained the~~HIgh: Ideal ~ _ ^ 'chib at her^ home J|aturday^afternoon. '"," About 'thirty'ybulig'latilesT'nm'mCersrShe Was-assisted\ '^V. Miss Eleanor ;bf the Zenohian Literary society at ' Anbere. rNew Trier, and the following teachers, j AB -iL.J^i-'. *:Mfss Grover, Miss George, Miss Ray- mond and .Miss Ulrick, assembled last ^Friday evening, at the home of Mr. VWiUlam -Hess, on'-. Greenleaf street, as a â- sUrprlao'to "Miss Jessie Hess. wkim «!â- _Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. .Spinney, 927 Ashland avenue, entertained twenty guests at auction bridge in their home Friday- evening: Each guest was dressed in an unique man- ner. i i!. •'• t:.n% \ r - '.â- i""*~1 tki'WV WumanCumire :"p<jff<ic"te(t-ArTwith \i1itcli I can â- •'â- bring'about perfect digestion, ab- ;?f6tifonra8(iiriii1a(16i» arid excfeti^n,' : ^hiBfoIot^l llijereby, is'^eplcriishedi .^ho cells and tissues a^o reconstruct- â- ^-':;;v/l-;v_.".rt U2u"use^f^e^c"ine^I»--~ ,, ;r.,triitrieiiIs',Cpr ;ii\ytlu"ng that i^.-up-,., '.: piessactr I cuEe^cHroinc-^aimientsiâ€" ;s= rnstiy' cases' aihmints of twenty years duration.. â€" ^±^_ .--- :-;'.£5Thfcs6r statements can be verified ' by atfyborly who'AvilHnvestigate j«'»p'To know what I have done, or to . ^Gjik ttf-on«' who.-.has been .cured, by : Effflfir: is;3q-3)QZcaavinqedL that these„ statements are ab^h3te^facts._i__.fI__: Chester Levere ::r-;-- Human Culiurist 1812 Ch Icago XvÂ¥n^r~^^ (p Mr^. J?tejd^D^Bbckmah^ML^afe wood avenue, entertained}. iseveral ^riends^t^^nchecn-Monj^yinSionjor of hetislpteHn-law, Mrs.'W.T,w!.: John-' son, who soon departs- for Lea An- Bcles, Chi.; There was a Japanese garden party «tHtne-Countt;y"'?ejiilir W4^tetai(6y; 4vev ning for the Seniors. A junior in- formal is scheduled for Friday, March 27, and on the 28. there Will be "open house" with bowling, billiards, cards and dancing. ___I_ : _____â- _. ~X®®rI" YEIV*???'* r^V 2«e»#; G; Snow) • -.-..-- • -^> .,"-•••• ChgbrTf. S. L.;Cpw'SUb. L,9, . j|. 11, |,0^9, Oct. 27 .(Geo. .;R Gohaalvea to Chasi 3; Jackson) .. • ^ •: • • - • • • ♦ r Chgo. N. S.. L. Co:>:Sub. L 6, B 8, March 5 (Jonas- H> Mtadsen to Erik:Haglum).;.W>.,^..: Wlnnetkaâ€"Alles* let Addr, L' 7 - and- 8. JR 2,_:Incumb. . JP4.000, March 4 (Emil+ Steiabrecher to Robert Stevenson,, Jr.).... Lake View, lot ^.fesUb. lot 6^- hlock 83, 16-17-42-13, incumb. $6,000, March JO; (Ethel M. Copeiand to ^edeir^k^ S^ Tyrrell)- ;;.•.-..».-,..'•.'.:..-..>.;•'! rGiuiimette~R^ervaWOH,7.s. sec. 3.4201 Baxter's sub. of pt. s. 34 ft; ;lbt li^JjiockBtof^% lot 26, j etc., incumb. $t,0^',i;March 7, ] (Richard M. Harvey to Clar- 11 ence A. DamaiareHK;...;... j West Kenilworth, lot 3, block C, July 15 (Dennis Colbert to 400| Eben R. Chrlstensen).V.;..,a Same, lot 1, block G, July 15- (same to JayiP. Knlght)!^,^-:.-;1 Kenilworth, lot 4, -block 5, 50 March 11 (Herbert Hi Miles to Edith BiMIng Milei) rr^r^.: Wllmette, Gage's add, Jots 9 " 'ami 10, block'^; exceptâ- â- p%, of ldt»>.....Ma*f!ifc< Mrv (FTftnk b. ; Jd'| Tinker to Emil Rudert)..,... 3.000 500 500 3,000 bitten by H. PARK ABBOTT^ iterffl^orth Mrs. B- Sijfturder of Dayton, Ohio, is visiting at therhome of her daugh- ter, Mrs. George A. Harper, 1424 For- est avenue. .'.,'" v;' ~â€"r Mr. and .Mra^jiccd N\- ReQua, 620 Washington' 'avenue, have^-as their guest Miss M. E. KcQua of Niagara Falls, N. Y. . f Mrs. Arthur H. Howard, 1055 Wil- Mrs. Wiley left Monday for Ben* Ore. Real Estate Tmristers in New Trier Township mette avenue, returned Saturday from Rockford. J[ll„ Rafter visiting friends and relatives.":" TT The ladies of the MuslirStudy class. Mrs. Lee F. English and son Ralph > have their home, 1007 i Greeenwood avenue, after a trip in ! New Hampshire. j Rev.~W. E.vReed and "little son of i Ecuador, S. ^A,yâ€"are tho„jweek-end^ . â- .. ., ,, , r - , , guests of Mrs.*Lee F. English, 1007; together with their friends, who en- Greenwood avenue. joyed the piano lecture-recital given by Henry Burmort Eames, director of the.pianoforte department of the Cos- mopolitan School of Music, at the Woman's club last week, were unani- mous in praise of the affair. The sub- ject, "How to Listen to Music," was presented |n such a manner that It Village of Winnetkaâ€"L 18, B 8, March 2 (Mabel L. Briggs to Edward J^Schaadj-.â- .^â- , ♦ *â- >.."<.f Twp. 42, pt. S E %, 20-42-13, Feb.,20 (Roland D. Whitman quitclaims to Central Trust Co. of 111.)............... ChgO. N. S. L Co., L 7. B 33, Incumb. $3007^ March 6-{Geo. M. Stephens to North Shore Improvement Co.).......... Mrs, F. A. Clarke departed last ^yihnette__VUlage, â€" iMngee's . week for Fort Sam Houston, Texas,! Add., LI and 2, B 7, incumb. Where she will reside with her son, $7,000, Feb. 11 (Ida E. Clarke Major W-L. Clarke. to Adete G. Spear);......... ; Dr.* I. Watte^Hodsens, 507 Green- j Wllmetteâ€"Wllsoa'st Add., L 7 jeaf avenue, was called to Philadel and pt. L 6, B 6, Marich 9 ,. 10 10 Was a revelation to music lovers. The child and home department of | tlie'Wb'mah's' club ariiiduhee ah"open meeting on Wednesday, March 25* qt 2:30 p-Hni in the_ club house._i_Mrs. HT^TC^inirthTara^is In charge] Mr*" Gwtrtide H. Murdough of -the Columbia School "of Miisic, assistants, j Cottage* and Nodppivs I'lautu In ISlooiii t'ttvorn Itidtitx-tHely Origlnfit For I.hhcIujoiik and Dinner I'artfcu Uave Vaur Clothes The guests wero Mrs. R. A. Ituck- unuv^lrs^^-SrrFIower-.-Mrs. Turnoek, _ .......,.. ,,....., _;..............._, MrStC; Hipgle, Mrs. H. Foster, Mrs. | and Mrs" Mildred Buhl of "wllmetteI, ,- Butt Bucluhsn, MtB.Jiatch^Mrs.J3en [will render anhusical program and I Thuscn, Mrs. Koogle and Mrs. John !arso give a dettionstration of the Vlr-[| W^St- ! gll Educational,:.^t^.,of .music. vAt 'I ' "~V r - ~ f^feVge attendance1% desired. . Mrs. Fred _lJ.JiiCKman,--881-Oak- ^woQJ_4aMnue*^-entei^ne4-- Monday afternoon at. a farewell luncheon for Mrs...-- Walter -Johnson of Evaneton. who leaves March 24 for Los Angeles. C'al. The table decorations were sWeetTpeas?-^â€"' : =: -~--â€"- Music lovers of Wllmette and ad- ^oming^suburbs are Tooklng" forward I with- much interest to the recital I which will be given next Tuesday j nights March 24, at 8 o'clock, by the (pupils of Mme. Eda Goedeek^' as- Islsted by Miss Agnes KUehliir, so- [p'ranb, at the. Wllmette Womah'slclub. i Tho following program will I given: * '-;:,C-: â- T i ttTV i " TV^TVV F 4 TT • â- m VW1 HATCHING us grow, means that ydu are interested in tfs. Inter- ested in us, means depositing with us. T^^jij»g^j^lw4i^:means banking with 'your friends, and you r fricn^Si will treat you better than those who do not know you. * ; , / The Bank needs friends. You need the banV. Mutual friendship an4 <c«k ^bperatuiaTis a gainior^bo^hl^y p^ ^ Wiktt^0^$s^ lntet^1^$ BUYING MARCH Ladies'WaMor^ 7 $0fQrM^-44Shr$35 4 ^||'Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed Spring ^n^.Summer Styles arid : ' *'- ^MlfoifJFoiiriCldtVes Cleaned arid Remodeled -;J - ,, Before the EastetiRufih-.'^ i ,•â- , t£% t«i PKon<Ri&i9l2^X 6f. wâ€"mmmm 111 iium in Wiimette **+**** Mrs. Ida Hatch, !) 15 Greonlcaf ave- nue, is spending a month In Florida. Mrs. Hall, 1129 Central avenue. Is suffering from an attack of la grippe. Mrs. Louis A. Clark, 716 Lake ave- nue, is visiting in Minneapolis, Minn. Burt C._Hardenbrook is HI. at bis be I home, 1101 Forest avenue, with la- I grippe. ONE WEEK MORE :tft MV WONOERFUL OFFER T1KRE" f HE TJE.ST TATrJOrtINO TOMORROW â„¢* J will itlucc on Biito my ontirc stock of Q REASONS- ' . . i\l â- 'â- â- â- •'â- 1stâ€"To niakonrw riislomcie. Vv 2nd- To rNTHODUCK rny new stock, -A£L--rr^i"rTokctp n>y tailors btwy. 1 Spring gong ,J.,.„-,.^..-----~.^ Merkel Mtb. E. \V. Stahl and Miss Millicent i, Ruth Watt. - iofWobdlawn spent the week-end with j fiuona Nottc................. Nevin i, Mrs. William Hess. Ellsabetlv Brown. A son was^orn to Mr. and Mrs. ir^g^SflOgLz. .^^-.-.^. MendetesglrtrhPerclvaHvi^eatlerv IQlti Ashland ave- ^vTrglnla Olwin^ jnue, last Monday. ,e PapHlOttTTT^...:....... Lavalleo I Mrs. H. G-. Wilson, 925 Forest nve- ISthcl Plentye. j nue, entertained Mra. Calhoun 1jT~| _Vocal Solos..:------r „. _ j Gleneoe-forTihe week-end. t Sans tol ................. D'Hardelot 1 Miss Susan Northam entertained as - 1 Hear a Thrush------ .......Cadmau her guest. Miss Klizabeth Wilson of; Miss Agnes Kuchler, rLaPorte, Ind., last week. i Valsotte............:...., Borowsky : Mniahd MrsJ Earl G.;Low, 1320 Cen-:* -Mrs,-Clement C. MltchelL- tral avehtie, have a welcome littlo vis- Scotch Poem ......------- MacDowcll \ itor at tneir homoâ€"a boy. ' â€"Miss Marie Hasten f Mrs._J, _IiaUm_JJmyv419 Washing- Puct: _ , ttm avqnue, who has beenJll jvlth la-! Hungariaii^auca^^^^^Brafjmap^ .vjissuiv.MarthaandMarjoriel.usted Mra. R. L. Brown of Dayton. Ohio,; {From a Log Oibin. .,.,. MacDowell Joyâ€"ot Autumn.. ^^. r. B^0rifmi^ MSnday, March 23, we wiltrgiw a discount of 20°fo on all jCleanitigL &nd Repairing of yovtr Or&titdl Rag$ and Carpets. Wift; make?tliis offer to introduce our work to new customers and hope our old ones will avail them- _slelves of their opportunity. KAfHIAN BROS. Formerly^Eastern Rug Cleaning Co. £±im Gr^enleaf Avenue, WlLMETTE Telephone. Wiimette 1200 Store Open Evenings -* - -^iiif^>^ *â- > i !>i-. â- â- â- :«*;-> :â- 'â- !• NEW PROCESS CLEANING AND EYEING 1152 Cert tral Avenue Wiimette. Illinois â- .' PKones Wiimette SXO .Jfc:&ffihit& JjeghpftTaHd •i.GP pair S*tU»Hf ;.-'• jt ±wU£ 15M««)rtst^Ave. fa.%%%* Whrnettc MI..JJ'B!'ti"."fj'<fe!i"Mt ':" 1209 WlLMETTE AVENUE Too Qh, that's altright^, just riend it up to I The American Welding Co, w. they will fix all kinds of OastingB, elK [ COR. FOREST AND RIDGE. AVE.! Phone Wtn*iit*l38iH WUmette, Illinois William G. Beyrer! Electrical Construction, Hardware, ; ! Gas and Electrical Fixtures, Auto- mobile Supplies ^ ___j, ThlB Season we will carry Ferry's Garden Seeds i Office Telephone 81 - 1150 CENTRAL AVENUE. â- i. :" Resilience <>5 5 WlLMETTE, UL. inncpncement Miss Alanieda Lewis is_4hfi_^ufi8±_at=the^honic ,\iaci)gwelffLpWi 7„* EimwcK)d avenue. ATiftte ovlf a monui Jtgo we published a circularâ€"to the effect that ^veliad etistoitners for certain classes of property - JrtTitmet^ :... '"*;'Jv'*":" -----^â€"-â€"rzr- Autuuiii -iVli8s-.\Iart4taâ€"bustedr Rev. j. W, Fogarty, a former n%ctor qiaminado.of st Aupustine^iJjJUilHCOPal rTfu?vi»,1 Since tlicn.we have had so many Inquiries for houses and Jots-along_4he North Shore thatT«re have deemed it" advis-v I^TwrsviSiir'i^ eoiw up nn4_l<?»v arijMf y.da want ^$3ttm^3{Fffim=SPRlW Final Cut in Prices! fc^Voeal ^Solo r jObstination -----........ Fontenalles j Down in the-Koreaf;-.....,... 1 ,;ui<lon | t "'- - --'.:.-Miss Agnes Knehler. {0 Mazurka ............-----... Chopin I K* {Song Without Words-----Mendelssohn j o siiont the,week-end-with Mr. and Airs your or- SUITANI]L 1X1RA4E^NTS Of tic Same Material a$ Your Suit ~MIss Marjorie Lusted. J iraiiailein ;f TflajofrrrrTrr... 'Pchopin j ^te.beBttaum, "No. 2..~,.."...-.-?«. - LlsKt4 f:rorfni^rnnirrfflIhniipBt»Kâ€"^â€"^-a^h^nfe-f Mrs. Kdward K. Rathbono.-.^-li Ballade in G MInOr .,.,/,. .^Chopiitj^ Miss Louise Mueller. . Whereto get the Best Seeds Vaughaifs Seeds Are flow being Used by all good _G-2lf_d e.tLers,^and \ JH*ve4irov£d Xhey Are the best, and No _ wise persojUL abte~to getaln closer touch with the "situation by having an office i igbl in Wiimette. J ---------- -We therefore wishâ€" to: announce that we have opened a Local Offki' zX poo linden Avenue {Opposite the '*//' Ter- tiiinal) and will transact a general Real Estate Business. ___Mr,_H. 1). Hill will have chargeand will be assisted by â€"Mr. IT. Ivt-&ghrer, both residents of Wiimette. Work- Automobllo noil CitrrlaKO lTi>ho!st<>rln^. .. Tiunk.s4»ud All Leather lioods Ilepnlred. â€"Charles:B^4*ettt80tt:~z H arii ess Maker 133S Central Avenuw«fy ' -WliUtfETTK, 11.1. i __ All work promptly and neatly done Telephone V/iiinciie zi â- ' SPECJA-fcfgl <ii»ln I'mâ€"11 in AUXOMOBILE/ttB^miBfG â- A '.'â- â- '"'â- â- '•••":â- â€"A--"- ? For Easy gtkrtia^ in Cold Weathet We eqaip yoojf FORD with a taxioaur J. Wc Mef er & Sons %7%S Colu/mbus Avenue Phone Wllmettei 426 . Wiimette THE BEST FOOD AT THE N„r,« SJu^nf^iLa Vk«i»t MOSTltEASONARLB: PPiryg____; ***« 753 Twelfth 8t.t Phone 1026 Office tp9 Central Am., Phone t079 619 W. Railroad foe. WIIMETTE,lit.! p*0^inmm ; v a ^^JBg^in conjnncUott-wlta^mr^^tb^F^HTeesT^fliey wTlHje7in position tojgjye owners prompt andeffieieat-serviee;--------- For courtedos treatment an^l.g«|e^ results we respectfully request that you list'your prpperiylttithfis^' ~$qws any other. ESjCBKBri' QtemP'* MOVg TO NEW LOCATION. Sehultz^ft Mttn}, flp TaiiorH, who nre nowâ€"located - â€" -atâ€" - WestzrzJJatiroad^ â- ^rTo Your fa% Measure ^ ^»__, ^^ ......... ... , --â€"-:- ~*r . â- ; IVjavenue, inoved this, week to. the,, '} J35*S4B Stiil and Extra Paiify M* j?S Q' atoreroom formerlyâ€" occuPled-hy^-ti»ftrf TCalitz" market at .."ilte CentraLaycnnc. ngorl>ver a "mdhth workmen have been I ll>^ engagen :tnr^TemodelIngi3j^ "extenaiver InTprbveinehts oo {ilus storeroom ln_accordance^ to the. needs oP&eaew oceupantsriTNewiBxi tures of latest design-ami other novel- act wise. Write for Free Catalogue now, VA^GHAN'IS SEEDSTGRE 31.33 W. RlltfOlPh » for shmor liriTrjes Jurinsr tbi* '6ftirjt J^r^gBt2Cfi*B«^~»^BeS=t*»*«jrts-fr I'pricf! of one. Lea ve totir Ordter Eeifieaww^â€" Mi goo<2s Mark«t te tUM jritfttrc* 1000 Jiew style* to eelect from. t^asMyM^.No^lsuppoinimenfs jlear-nave^heea Instolled^Q^^at-ltae .,- „ _^|new store will be very.attractive aa'j l*P4»0 i well as serviceatole;-------â€"-â€" â- . npHE only thing chwpaboliltttif baskets is the-ptk£« I We carry a full line of sollcYMahogany, Clrcas- * Stan Walnut, Solid OtikM^fis#<Ste£ke^^ 4ineof broad cloths and cfe]pes; /For the teasoti that ^c manufacture all of oni &m pske'ts, we can and do goaraHtee a saving to thelfutbficafenw-on^ti!^ bue^alfr^ / ^_ 7 Wm^'Scott^rmerly ^'^#^HebbIeth^alte: j^f^pnston^jsjnanage^a^paj^ ^wnero^ur Evanston