THE LAKii SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1914. :_:_«the long unci eccentric feathers of jut winter's vogue have been modified •-the extravagant bows have been reefed and the email head-sizes con- siderably enlarged â€" these are the changes one notices first in the milli- nery offerings for Spring.' A note of moderation Is struck In size, shape and trimming that is a natural consequence of the extreme otyles of the past season. While the bats are not large, they are of a size that is bound to prove more generally becoming than the very small ones in recent favor. A great variety of shapes is shown, With a preference perhaps for the roll- ing or upturned brims. Adaptations of the sailor are very smart, especially those having a slight dip at the front and,, back. Especially new is the shape of some of the crownsâ€"sept- angular. This Idea Is also carried out on a few of the wider brims. The tricome has lost nothing of its -Jaunty charm in the attractive varia- tions it has developed. Besides the regularly upturned tricornes, which are â- till in evidence, and so smart on cer- tain types, there is_a~8hape. which turns up sharply across the back and Into a shallow point in front, the width being considerably greater from side to aide than from back to front The mushroom styles are good, and lend themselves well to the vogue for silk covered crowns. One demure model, small and of the softest Milan, had the crown covered with accordion plaited messaline in gendarme blue. The sole trimming was.a small cocknde «T~"bI3e leathers seF at a surprising angle,*toward the face, that gave the bat just the bit of dash required to offset the droop of the mushroom brim. Upturned brims that widen and flare toward the back are numerous, with either ribbon or feather trimming. A charming, airy grace was imparted to a clever shape of this description by the poising of two pair of small canary-colored wings, one at the edge of the brim at its greatest height, the other toward the front of the brim on the low side. While the eccentricâ€" often ridiculousâ€"placing of feather or- naments that prevailed during the winter has been brought within reason- able bounds perhaps just in time to avoid legislation against them, one notices still certain roguish tendencies among designers. Here is a simple enough flat shape, with the brim slightly rolled to the side, the entire top covered with a soft, figured crepe in quiet colors, and perched perilously on the very edge of the brim a feather stick-up, small to be sure, but wired to an unexpected angle. And there is a perfectly round sailor shape, the crown covered with biue changeable silk with four small, rounded double wings of green ami black placed about ft at right angles and equi-dlstant. For the most part, however, th« Spring offerings are simple In line an trimming. Colors tend to the darker shades, although a fuchsia shade and a brilliant electric blue may be numbered tinong the favorites. Purple, gend- irme blue, fawn and mocha as well as the enduring taupe shades are prominent in both braids and trim mi tigs. Except in the extremely tailored models, tne (softer tiralds predominate. Milan, supple and adaptable, Is much used. Hemp and leghorn, aiul « â- •-•• braid called Aigoâ€"in reality the re- vival of a braid that was popular sev eral years agoâ€"form many of the smartest hats. A few Panamas ap- pear, chic indications of mid-summer's trend. Knitted scarfs constitute the sole trimming of many of these. Quills are seen Oh several of the stlnT-brTmmed models, while the delicate Numldle and Goura continue to hold their own In spite of a long season of popularity. Ostrich fantasies, always graceful and lecomlng, trim many of the dressier models. Silk crepe, in both Dresden and Oriental designs, covering the crown and entire upper brim promises to be a marked characteristic of Spring modes. Printed ratine, in the lighter weights, is also used In this way.^fm A novel touch on a smfrrl hat of black Algo braid was a scarlet poppy, in headed passamenterie, so cleverly applied to the upturned brim at the side front as to look as if It were beaded direct iy onto the braid. Two single-ply ostrich feathers were placed at the back of this Frenchy model. A beautiful shade of rose satin was used to form the crown of a black hemp, straight t>rim hat of good lines. A narrow piping of thesatin .was. car- ried" around' the upper brim, about an Inch back fr<>m the edge, 'and a Nu- mldle, caught half way to the tip with a narrow band of satin, was placed directly in the front. This piping with a bright colored silk is employed t<> good advantage on many of the somber-hued models. Orange conilined with taupe, green with black, fuchsia with midnight blue are most effective. Moire ribbon, which seems eminently more suited to Spring than Winter millinery continues in high favor. One of the exclusive shops features a bon- net shaped creation, the crown com- pletely swathed with moire ribbon in the exquisite fuchsia shade, and hav- ing a bow of moderate dimensions up- standing at the back. Flowers are little used as yet Occa- sionally one sees a little bunch of French blossoms tucked close on the upper brim to carry out a color note; but aside from that feathers and rib- bons hold full sway. A WORD ABOUT VEILINGS Veilings will not abate a jot in popu- larity for Spring. Many of the novel- ties that appeared late in the season will be carried over, but developed i'> the lighter and more open meshes. Shadow lace effects, too becoming to be soon forsaken, show new designs more fllmy and fascinating than ever before. Btauty root designs show the butterfly, the dragon, the sunburst, the large velvet dot and any number of odd floral designs. Plain mesh veils, particularly the hexagon meshes, are well liked, and In the bordered French veils will be found many novel designs. P -5 - "_"- ' Display of Exclusive /^odels fop Sprip<5 1914 April First, Second and Third L,C. Ranribo & Co. Wilmette, Illinois Beginning Wednesday, April 1 YOU cannot hclj> being delighted with the beau- tiful display of fashionable Spring Hats we've prepared for you. Our entire millinery section has a charming Spriny like expression that appeals to the taste of every v >man The hats are so pretty, and so very fashiot ible. Every one of them gives the wearer the assn rancc of good style and good materials* A notev\ >rthy feature of these hats is the moderate prices foi the values represented. Prices $2.95 to ^35.00, E&L>cclal attention iS Jttcclcd to oui katiuc hut .spec for $5.00 For il ; Home Milliner Every needed feather and floral trimming, pretty shapes of every description; Ostrich Plumes of all colors at moderate prices. ___ THE STORE THAT SELLS EVERYTHING 'OOOOOOOOO^OOOOOQOOQOOOqQqOOOOOQOOOOOaOOOftftO^OOftQaoQoftflti Oriental tendencies, so conspicuous to the apparel modes of the past season snd showing no signs of diminishing favor, ire responsible for many at- tractive novelties In Jewelry. _ Necklaces especially show this Influ- ence, and though some of them may be bought as low as #10.00, they look as though they might once have been worn by some dark-skinned Eastern princess. Antique designs have been copied faithfully, and some beautiful effects obtained with Imitation stones. Combinations of jade and white coral, mounted on dull silver, or Jade and moonstones; Imitation aqua ma- rines with an antique setting; rose finished gold La Vallleres with orna- ments of engraved crystal and pearls, and any number of other artistic neck- laces may be found that range in price from $5.00 to $50.00. Among the newest offerings in fancy colored bend necklaces, of which there Is a bewildering array, are those hav- ing a silk tassel ornament that hangs from a cluster of the beads in the front The necklaces are formed of various combinations of beadsâ€"jade with gilt, gnlalltn with jet, crystal with amberâ€"with the tassel matching one or the other of the colorings. Enamel lockets, in delicate shades, with chains to match will add a dainty touch of color to the white lingerie dress or blouse. In particular keeping with the quaint flchu effects so much worn this season are the old-fashioned onyx lockets aet with tiny pearls and suspended from heavy onyx chains. Indeed, the woman who Is the fortunate possessor of a few pieces of old jewelry would do well to have them remodeled and reset, as th* vogue for these lovely old things Is apt to be long lived. Cameos are much to evidence both in necklaces and brooches. ComMnS ? with Imitation pearls, many oFiS.! pink cameos make most beautiful nect laces and defy detection. Breast pins and bracelets of carta Ivory have also been revived. rtSf pins, large and round and finely csritff cost from twenty to forty dollars. Waist sets are in demand just for wear with the various filmy m and vest effects so popular. The 1( bar pin Is used at the throat and two smaller ones to phi together frills that are used so extensive Particularly dainty and attractive «â- â- a white enamel set, noted in one off shops, that was set with rows pearls. For wear also with the coiiarw blouses or frocks are black veim ribands, of various widths, with slide* of pearls or brilliants. For evening wear the tulle bands with jeweled slides Will be much worn. Hat pins have taken on most raofl«t proportions. The simple, small, gold pins, round or pear shaped, take lead. When set with stones at all i are usually selected with a view ti> carrying out the color scheme of tho hat. m Crystal jewelry, usually la foi ground rock crystal and variously en- graved Is having a decided vogue at present, especially in watch pendant* and brooches. " The new bracelets are broader than formerly, perhaps a half an Inch at the widest point,, from which they taper gradually toward the ends. The flex.: ible styles have the preference, and many novel designs in these are shown, Most unusual Is a bracelet of diamonds in which a moire effect is obtained bj the use of a waving line of sapphires, Easter Announcement BBsnssssi An attractive line of Street and Jj Dress Hats on Display at Miss O'Brien's HAT SHOP^^M Easter Cards and Gift Suggestions in Hand- Wrought Jewelry Open Evenings except Wednesday and Friday THE ONLY POWER SPRAY ON THE NORTH SHORE Have your trees and shrubs sprayed how. This is the time the park systems are doing it, and it is time for you to do it, before they bud out, as' a stronger solution can be used while the trees are in a dormant con- dition. We Bpray them for you at reasonable prices, $1.00 to $2.60 each, ac- cording to size and number to be sprayed. Special low prices on large orders. «o get your neighbors to join in with you and take advantage of the chtaptr rates. if you aie in doubt aa io your trees having scale, I will inspect them fice of charges. It is better to spend a few dollars than to lose valuable shade treesJKjX The Perennial Garden JOHN FREEMAN, Proprietor 818 NOYES STREET Nurseryman and Landscape Gardener Rear Korihwsstern Elevated Station TELEPHONE 1106 OFFICE AT THE GARDEN EVANSTON. ILL. â- Real Estate Agents, Brokers and Buyers of North Shore Property Stores, Offices, Flats and Residences for sale and rent ------_â€"in Evanston,, Wilmette and Winnetka. JHgatimtti esti Je Y'fissti 1564 SHERMAN AVENUE M