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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jun 1914, p. 2

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THE LAKK^HORS XEWS, THURSDAY, JUNE 4, IS .SOCIAL HA1»1=^NIRfc3 tit :TWWomM'« daib was tnuaatonaed a veritable garden yesterday tor musical given by Mrs. C. C. Mitch . Mrs. E. L. Fits-Randolph, and Mrs. L. Robbins. Flower boxes were arranged under the windows, large -hanging baskets were suspended 'from the ceiling, and .the walls Ja the entrance and the auditorium were '■ banked with paras ana patted plants. The stage contained a pretty pergola, covered with green, and large baskets /of pink loses. The mantelpiece in i the dub room was banked with green, in front of which stood a large re- Ireabment table, decorated in .pink, and presided oyer by Mesdames Rex ford Bellamy, Edwin Thurman, Chas. Gibson, and Hayes McKinncy. Assist- ing in receiving the guests were Mes- dames Chas. A. Wanner, Robert Coch- Tan, H. J. Wolf. Robert Smith, and Louis Springer. „ A number of young women acted as ' habere and assisted in passing the re- •{resbments, among them Misses Mar* garet and Norma McMlllen, Marcelle jbayelle, . Margaret Stattman, Hazel Plerson, Margaret Hall, Helen Gemmll, ? Marion Perkins, Vera Lobanoff, and 'Margaret Scbeldenhelm. A program %as given by Jtis. Mluale Fluh Grimii, •accompanied by Mr. L. R. Hammond, pianist and composer, consisting of jfjonie •fifteen selections, among them an %Vbi from "•Louise/* two German songs ^ind others; This Was a very beautiful ^snd successful entertainment and was jj^ajoyed -bs--serosa^---hundred--Nsrth J3bore ladles.. ; ■;.; :' ■m i »n i m ■ ■ i ii i ri i ■li 11 Mrs. William O. Belt, 601 Washing- ton avenue, will entertain a -few friends at dinner is gteir..'fcoBiOi8Jaityir- iflliytjBSwdag.'..--"'-.'.^:. Mrs. Charles w: Wrlgley, «t Green- leaf avenue, entertained at luncheon and bridge Monday afternoon for her aunt. Mrs. M. D. Ring, of Philadel- phia, Pa.':y ':.':"■••■;■ '.._v z~:\f^j"■"' BOW ™ "'Z .-'.-JlrsK^-^^iw^'W day.from a trip to Iowa, P. V. Bright, 606 Central avenue, re- turned Sunday from a two months' stay In Europe. Mr. and Mr. Norman Setts spent the week end !n Madison visiting Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Welsh. Mrs. C. Daumbach of Edgewater was the guest of Mrs. C. H. Klemm, Mrs. F. R^Roblnadn, 715'Lmdin 420 Park avenue. Monday. v avenue, was a luncheon hostess WcoV .,Mrs. Agnes FIckey of Chicago was nesday. ■ ^^-^uM^imS^u^^Mi^Mi'^-'Wt- mer, 1603 Lake avenue. Mrs. G. Macrklin of Highland Park will entertain the members of-the Pot Luck club £tt ~ her home Thursday, June 11. ;.-■ •■< Mrs, H. Danforth Skelton, 511 West Railroad avenue, win entertain 'the Merry Matrons Wednesday, June 10, at her home. " * Among the many accounts of the prides and weddings of this June oi 4914, which clai m our undivided at- tention at present, comes an occasional! meet Friday at the home of Mrs. Wm. Shint that the stately matrons andjh. Wykoff, 1233 Elmwood avenue, sweet-faced mothers we know, once] --. MilmeHe Societies and Clubs There wilt be a social and business meeting of, the Woman's Association Of St. Augustine's church at too -par- ish house on the-afternoon of Friday, § June 12. This will be the last meet- ing of the association until next fall. The local charity organization met at the Woman's club Monday evening for a .business -session. The Central .Avenue circle will. ^teod in the 1 ime-light, as bright and girlish pictures as our brides of today. ^J?5S very unusual "wedding party' jjvill be given this Saturday when Mr. «md Mrs. E. W. McCullough celebrate ^the anniversary of their silver wed-, allng. The guests, about one hundred jn number, are the same who wit- nessed . a pretty June wedding twenty- Tflve years ago, which took place at the ^Bethany Congregational . church in •Chicago. The members of the bridal o^fcaftjr. who gathered about the bride ;and groom, then as light-hearted boys jind girls, will be with them Saturday "evening, as serious business men and •gracious matrons, whose daughters, %ow young ladies, will be in charge in the dining room. The spacious rooms in the McCullough home will be dec- prated in pink and white, with many powers and ferns. The occasion will ^ a happy one, as such a reunion of «iany old friends must be. T , . -| The - «s?em>flfth wedding-santvst- •ary of Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Patch >as Wednesday of last week, and they «*rere tendered a delightful surprise £hat evening by tho members of the ladles' and men's whist clubs, who presented them with a beautiful sliver sandwich plate, engraved with their . monograms -and the two dates. Mrs. Arthur Taylor entertained at luncheon Friday in honor of her sis- ter, Mrs. ParriSh. Mrs. James Melville will entertain the Travel club on her, spacious porch next;Tue8day^witfi a picnic luncheon. This is the last meeting of the year, -and -Mrs. 'Haskin Of Glencoe will read a paper reviewing the work of tho Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Steele and . Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Dibble will give a dance at the Ouilmette Country club next Friday evening, June 12. | Mr. and Mrs. William B.~Wrenn, 618 Linden avenue, entertained several young folks at a birthday party for their son, William Brent Wrenn, Jr.. Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shantz, 1053 Linden avenue, will celebrate their thirtieth wedding anniversary tomor- row evening. Twenty-foUr guests have , becn-invited-to pass tho evening at bridge In the Shantz home. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Meyers, 1341 Elmwood avenue, 'cntertainedr-menF bers of the Admiralty club of Chicago at dinner* in their home Saturday, eve- ning. ---.:.----,- - V- ■ The members of tho Crescent and th« Jposy Corner .circle gave a lawn party: Tuesday afternoon at the homo of Mrs. C. P. Van Schaack, 614 Linden avenue.--■ ■■..•.:~ .." .---;--. - '. , ■.;.,./. Mrs. Albert G. Frost entertained her Luncheon and Bridge club Friday. Mrs. A. C. Wenban. 900 Lake ave- nue, will bo hostess to the Tuesday Bridge and Luncheon club next Tues- day. ■"• - . •------------------l--------- There will bo an informal meeting of the Young Woman's auxiliary at the club Monday. The .June card party given at the Woman's club for the benefit of the building fund will be given on the ■:17th." .,-.,., -., ... • v..,-' The North Shore Luncheon club was entertained at the home of Mrs. Arthur Rogers Wednesday \oT~TasF week, i /The Neighborhood circle held the June meeting Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Clifford, 803 Lake avenue. The .Baptist Woman's Mission and Aid society will serve luncheon to the public in Brown's hall Monday noon. At the afternoon meeting. Mrs. A. E. White will be hostess and Mrs. !Peter Flnlay will lead the devotional services. Dr. Jordan of Evanston is expected to give a talk on "Innova- tion." The Washington Avenue circle will be entertained by Mrs. Van Dyke on rWashington avenue next Monday. The meeting of the Drama study class was postponed from yesterday afternoon, on .account of the Muaicale at the Woman's club, until the 17th. when" it will be held at the home of Mrs. Donald M. Gallle on Elmwood ^avenue. Miss Kathcrinc King, will entertain (the Study class Wednesday afternoon. A club party was given at the Ouil- motto Country club Friday evening. This week] on Friday the program an- nounces "cards, auction bridge, at 2:30, and a Junior party at 8:30 o'clock." On Saturday- there will be a moving picture show.at 8:00 o'clock. Mrs.. Sheldon Oreiner, 931 Green- wood avenue, 'entertained several friends at luncheon and bridge Wed* nesday afternoon for Miss Marjorie S JT**IorLof; Chicago. ;, 1 Mr, and Mrs, Charles W. Wrigley entertained at dinner • Decoration day at .Westmorelandi Cbnntrv olub. The evening was most delightfully spent in dancing. -"'-.■-■■ '.-'"'y-■■•• - -... •,■.' ■ ;' Mrs. Harry Cumberland, 119 Fifth ^~Street* was hostess at n 1 dncheon' Tues- --dayyafterswij.Tfor^SRpf ■^ua^Fram^OT " Glasgow, flcOtlandr-w^ho was married to Frank Scott of Minneapolis, M|nn., Wednesday. : r :- Two-miscellaneous showers ware given thiB week -in honor of Miss Mar- " Ion Perkins wiio ' win jhe" one of the- June brides. Miss Gladys Mars at} Keai i wort h entertal ned yon Thursday; and Mrs. Ralph Horn of Evanston on) Monday afternoon. The Merry Matrons will meet Wed- nesday with Mrs. H. D. Skelton on Railroad avenue. --:Mrs; Ralph PotterrTftTLInden ave- nue, entertained the members of .the French class Monday. The First division meets Monday at the homo of Mrs. Geo. F. Wright, 921 Thirteenth street. There will jbe a luncheon. ,at the Methodist church today at noon in charge of the Second division, fal- lowed by a business meeting at 1 o'clock. . V - The June meeting of tho Second division will be held next Tuesday at theyhome^r^«i**MftE"jSiHuir W'irgliUi strest^'.;' ' " r *'--';•: '%, "■:■■ •Miss Jane Owen has returned from Topeka, Kas., where she has been vis- iting relatives since April 1. -- Mr. *nd Mrs.' B. E. Buckman, 726 Laurel avanne, returned Sunday from a ten days' stay^ in^New^lSMft: Dr. Emma I. Harte of Davenport, la., was the week-end guest oi Mrs. F. AVBedlan,^711Washington avenue. ;jgr. .Cfesfties Shantz of Asbury Park, N. J., passed Memorial day with Mr. sad Mrs, 8: M. Dingeo. 9*6 Lake ave- 'nue.';iI;;i:. :'-:--' \ ■' .■■'■':".>. •" ■ & • Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Baker of Chi- cago were guests over Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Buck, 1215 Lake ave- nue. :.-:.■- - ;■ •--- . ■: ■,:■-■■:■, -.'-'■• Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Middleton spent Memorial day in La Porte, Indiana, motoring down and back with a party Of ytrlends.' v . The quarantine at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Dingee, 912 Lake avenue, for scarlet fever, was raised last week. •'...■• ' ~ ' . Curtis Bird, tho small son of -Mr. and Mrs. George H. Bird, on Washing- ton avenue, is recovering from an at- tack of diphtheria. Mrs. C. W. Braithwaite, 906 Green- woo?! avenue, is in Decatur, 111., where she is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Woods. Miss Juliette Gates is expected home.-' today -■ from ' the Evansville Junior'College-where- she has been teaching this winter. Rollln P. Williams, 919 Central ave- nue, has. Just .returned: from Louis- ville, '..ky^wiere^eTras"heen attend- ing Military academy. Mrs. Charles C. Carnahan, 700 Cen- tral avenue, entertained members of the, bridge club at luncheon Tuesday afternoon in her home.-----------' ! Mrs. A. W. Hawkes, 714 .Central avenue, will leave tomorrow for Kan- sas C1 ty, Mo., where she will visit her mother for several weeks. Robert M. Lobanoff of Milwaukee passed Memorial day the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Loba- noff, 1118 Greenleaf "avenue. Mrs. Louis Bruch and children, Helen and Marcla, 1201 Greenwood- avenue, have >gone to Buffalo, N. Y., where;ihsir...wJli^Isit'lfor a^few weekst' Mrs. J. -F. Parrish with her small daughter, of Glendive, Mont, spent last week at the home of her sister/ Mrs. Arthur Taylor, 835 Central ave- nue. Mrs.-Frank Robbins-and son, Frank, Jr., and Miss Margaret Stattman spent the week-end In Indianapolis, where they attended the automobile races. Dr. and Mrs. E. J. Lewis of Sank Center, Minn., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Gates, 1126 Wilmette avenue. Mrs. Lewis is Mrs. Gate's sister, ^ ^___________ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cobb of Chi- cago, Mr. Frank Warne of New York and Miss Ethel Braiton were the guests of Mr. and Mia. G. W. Burnett, 623 Central avenue,, Sunday. Lester Graves of New York is the guest of iiis--parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert G. Graves, 105 Sixth street, during his vacation period from his duties in the eastern metropolis. Mrs. Parsons, Mr» and Mrs. E. B. Rathbone and Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Carnahan motored to Wisconsin Friday, where they enjoyed a tour of sevoral towns over Memorial day. Dr. Gallic returned Sunday from Mudlavia, where he has been resting for a'week. Mrs. Gallie and Donald Gallle motored to Mudlavia Decora- tion day, returning with Dr. Gallic Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Blake who have -heen-the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Plate, 1227 'Elmwood avenue, left Monday for their home in St. Louis. Mr. Blake was here in the capacity of commissioner to the general assembly. held 'i|ijr the Presbyterian church in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. JEred G. White left Thursday in their automobile for a trip through the eastern states. They attended the automobile races in In- dmuappilsrSaturday and left that city Sunday'«for New Yjork, They plan to travel as far as Buffalo In the auto and then ship it home and return byl P. V. Bright, 606 Central avenue, re- turned Sunday after spending two months in Europe. Miss Anna Buell of St Joseph,. Mo., is the guest of Mrs. George W. Rose Mrs. J. R. Gatbercoal, 1538 Forest avenue, retunw^Monday from a six weeks' stay ,i|n';;.jUp.Ang^ef^iau,-i:.,..i Mrs. W. D. Matthews and son, 1521 Lake avenue, have returned .from Enid, Okla., after a five weeks'stay. '■%&*.' E. R. liulford of La Crosse, Wis., is the guest of his brother, Her- bert B. Mulford, g85 Elmwood avenue. Miss Emily Martin of Buffalo and Delawin was the week-end guest of Mrs. Louis Bruch,' I20i/Qre«nw9sd avenue. . £'.- Mr. and Mrs. Walter D, Elmer, Mr. and Mrs: Samuel Cohen motored Fri- day to St Joe, Mich., returning Sun- day evening. , Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Matthews. 1521 Lake avenue, spent tho week end at Wales, Wis., thS guest of Bir. * John Coon, superintendent of state sana- torium. V) ~v ■ y Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Bateman, 735 Michigan avenue, who have been so- journing for a month in the west, in- cluding Seattle,?Portland, Van CoUver, B. C., and Dah&s, Canadsi, returned Suttdayl : ' .:-••-»:•..'«;'?.:;., Mrs. ■AIbert.'aB|ge of Elmwood' ave- nue returned Saturday from' the Pres- byterian hospital where she under- went ah operation under Dr. Webster. Mrs. Page is recovering as rapidly as -can be' expected. •""-■• •'•' :1^- . Mr. .James s^Crossley has rented his home at 407 Washington avenue to Mr. Martin Asbur of Chicago, and with Mrs. Crossley will Spend the summer at Castle Park, Mich.,- return- ing the 1st of October. > -' Mrs. Mary Dennick, 572 West Rail- road avenue, -departed Tuesday for Mattoon wheres|ie will attend^an- nual state cottvlp-tlon of 'the Grand Army of Republic. She will return the last of the week. Mrs. A. N.F|get 1107 Elmwood ave- nue, who underwent a serious oper- ation at the Presbyterian, hospital three weeks.;aseytrsturaed Friday, Her many friends will be giad to know she has greatly improved. Mrs. G. A./Kuehl with her children, Henry and Gertrude, leave tills week to spend the month of June in Iowa, visiting Ames and Davenport. Mr. and Mrs. Kuebl expect to remove to Hammond, Ind;,yearly in July. i Mrs, WJUiamlMlace Kerr and chil- dren, tu^^greatt^vcBfier^tiiai^ed^igst-f week for Elkhartv Ind.. where they re- main during ~ the summer months. They have rented their home for the New Trier Jottings The Annual Exhibit. As announced last week, New Trier will hold its annual exhibit and *«£ oeptlon to parents Friday evening, June 5, at 8 o'clock. All departments of the school will be open with in- structors in their several rooms ready to meet the parents and friends of their students and explain any parts of the work desired. Students will be- at"work In the household eco- nomics end : manual training depart- ments, and interesting specimens of tho work done in other departments will be available to the guests.-^ Re-: freshments will be served at nominal prices 4n the mess hall. It Is hoped that; there may be a large attendance. Something like a thousand invitations designed by Miss Grover and deco- rated hy the students in the art dot partment have been given to pupils of the school to present to their par- ents and friends, but no special invi- tation is necessary for anyone of the many friends along the north shore. The German Club Entertainment The i German club gave; a very de- lightful evening to the school, on Frt day: evening. May 29. The entertain- ment cossisied first In music by !the New iTrier trio, and the -:danclng;by [the Doty twins. A pantomine fol- lowed, in which Margaret Rodman and' Lawrence Wade: took part,;..'MIss George reading aloud. Then came a^ play in Which Eleanor Carmen, Helen Plate, Malcolm MelVille and lEben? Erickson took part, and after that' a tango contest;in which.itbe. contest-: ants were Eben Erickson, Charles Burgy, Milton Grlswold, Cedric Smith,; Ralph Snyder and Paul Sainpie.' The evening closed with, refreshments and dancing. About sixty were present. Hifc Years toQiiiie L :^B&George W+Bittmaf* Gw&f*dirii If you realize the need of money now, you must also realize how indispensable it will be in future years, when your earning capacity will *e fess. No amount is too small for saving. h One dollar will open an account in the Wilmette Exchange Sttite Bank which may provide for you in the years to come. -Friday Evenings Wilmette ^Ei^^ Senior examinations begin June 9, regular examinations June .11. The school year closes with the commence- ment exercises and address by Bishop McDowell, Thursday evening. Junerl§." WILL TOUR EUROPE.. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Furman and children of Glen Ellyn, who will leave next week for Christiania, NDrway,to spend the summer traveling in Eii-, rope,; visited over Memorial day in his old home In Wilmette. summer to Mr. and Mrs. A. rHTHuni of Chlcaga -y, ;> Mrs.- Hugh Kendall Boice of Orange, ,N. J., who has been the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Snider, is spending two we^iS on the south side at the home bfm Cather-in-law, Mr. H. M. Boice, 5337 East End avenue, before returning to; her home. A party of Wilmette people con- sisting of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Patch, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur South worth and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schlosser, spent the week end at) Powers Lake, Wis. They left "Friday morning ln~autoinn- biles, returning Monday morning, and reported that the flshipg is now excel- lent.':'.; * .*; Try our superb line of Itemc Made Gafces Pineapple^ Strawberry, Figy Mar sJim a I low, . 0hocola te.Caramel and .many o tJLer kinds i&esh Strawberry J$e Telephone 440 Willi. II as WIJmcM* Ave. Home-Made Ice Cream is the only kind that we handle. - Visit aar Sapiiatyy^ . ■ Ice Cream Parlor '- f4 Wilmette #ruit Stori* Pierantonl Brothers, Proprietors '.- Dealers lb ice Cream and Confectionary Uli Wilmette Avenue Alt Kinds of Fruils T Cigars and Tobaccos 'v -..■■ '?.; ■■,"** ■■.: . ■;.., ,-'.,rr- ....".■ "',. a THIS COMPdN will be accepted as Five Dollars towards the pur- chase price of any Suit of Xadics*^-or--Gentlemen's clot he s ordered of us du r- ing the summer months. Cleaning, Pressing and Re- modeling at reduced prices All Wbrk Called for and Delivered George J. Eber ~7 Telephone 18 ! 1431 Greenleaf Ave. WILMETTE .'■>"' -'-l«-<aa.ai... ;;1!pW*« jmv r„ .lliA. IUU OdTU 1116 tykmyou earry your parcels home do you think that you are saving any money for the merchant? You may be saving for some merchants but when you carry your meats home from my store you may feel sure that you are putting money in your own pocket. I can afford io give you better prices because you pay me cash meats and save yourself the delivery cost. t^mRAT^^ Hind qgjrtcr Spring Lsmb, eain.,..«.«.......>......42OO Fore quarter Spring Lamb. e»ch....-w^...^..?. v,$1^50 Scvcnth'RibRoastBeef.lb.20c Shoulder Lamb Chop. lb. 20c -Frah1cfoft^Sansagcr^li^I3c" Cooked Corned Beef. lb. 30c Balk Lard. lb.:.............15c Veal Loaf. lb. ..i.........25c Boiled Ham, lb.............40c Leg Lamb, lb...............20c ShoolderLambH!oast.lb.l8c Whole or Half Ham. lb. 18c lD«*«*«««««o ••••••••*•• ••••••»••£, JC 635 West Railroad Avenue, Wilmette ,' *to>i.ii27B-3?9 Second door south of Central WEM0TE QUAUTY AJ CHICAGOIPRICBS I TELEPHONE WILMETTE T6 1209 WILMETTE AVENUE ~|g| • Aluminum. ■"^ Sronse, Etc. Can bo welded and made strong as now. Call up the (Ndtlnc.) A. P. (JUAHAM, Mgr. COR. FOREST ANB-WDOt AVE. Phono Wilmiitto 1331--^ ^ - Wlteettc,, Illinois | mmm KNdW That the WESTERN CASKET 6 UNDERTAKING CO. can save you from .?0 to 50 per ceafon all Funeral Supplies? HOW CAN WE? Well wc manufacture all of our own Caskets and Supphcs.That's How WE CHALLENGE a comparison of prices and quality. Automobile service furnished when desired. W. H. SCOTT (who was formerly with J. L. Hebblethwaite). is financially interested in our Wilmette Store and will manage the same. 1123 CENTRAL.AVE. ___ TELEPHONE 280 ~ Residence Phone Evanston 2903 j I i WE AIUD TAKING ORDERS JlPjy-lgy^lhg A^l *e*«o" WC. t-adlea' and; Men's Suits at reduced-prices, so as to keep our help busy^ Garments remod- elied to' lat«Mt-iraW Cleaning and' ■m «p-f«-Date U«ts7wfl Htn-s Tailoring 1 Eltctfic Place, WIlmitM Telephone 241 Dressmaking Including fancy suits and evening wraps. Corsets made to order. MissM. Boland n Raom 54, Brown Bldg. ■■ Tel. 1338 PIANIST AND TEACHER. Five years! study abroad under celo- orated tea^cners." 431 EIGHTH STREET, WILMETTE. Tel. Wilmette 2S0. s pec m LISTS AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING For Easy Starting tn ^ Cold Weather _ W* equip your FORD t/ith a Dash Primer for SI.50 TaxifiafiSeriieeHigi J. W. Meyer & Sons 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone Wilmette 426 Wilmette i. wsipms JOBBING A SPECIALTY PRICES RE,ASOWABLE miraom wiuotte J3S4 Res. 1302 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette, III. 2831 Washington Booletird, Ctilciga Wilmette Branch. Brown BWg. Room 23 Strictly high grade instruc- tions. Piano, violin, voice, expression, etc, y _____J Rpmon Girxin and olhera :•■■,-. WilUer call for Infotmatlon : *?!+ This cloth covered Casket, lined with white silk, with .complete furnishings, Only $30.00. - ^-'---y~-- ?yy K*t«blUb*d in IMM-^-,-.--,- - Tot 1610 1225 Wilmette Avo. --Rose Bushes (Bed, White. Pink, Yellow), per dozer Cannas (King Jftihihert, Red). Per dozen....;..................v Chas. Hender#n (Yellow and other leadingN ^varieties, finest stock. Per dozen-----: T.... .■'. .-.i... ..;■.-.-.; .-.*..;-•.-'.■,....... T...$1.60 Geraniums (Beat varieties, finest stock, per dozen............. '$1.50 ^?ters" ewxiiif '- eoleus, calliopsls, candytuft, cobea, vines, ^fevef-: few."lobelia, English ivy. forget-me-not, pansies, daisies, nasturtiums, y nrignonett^. salbrlas. ypetuniaa, jnapdragooi^ ^v^ ^yon yay need Jj^plBRts.^^lLyl^y ^^,y^;y^.^ ^^,^-^--"-'- - ■-■■^ > Koosovoit tsarns In pots and baskets, elegant stock,-'aTfTOO and op. "TWlwry^ireet^trom^ur-g^eenhousesH^S^^ntral-Avenuer---r^fe^c^r REDUCEp>RICES ON ALL BEDDING STOCK With *he Same careful attention to details which has made our > ' ^oirfeie^loitery i^tiire) Confectionery ■- ■ JlSS Wilmette Avenue ►o-Stte^essful we have opened a New Pop Corn Shop in the Wilmette TheatreBuilding ?atial24 Everytlung fresh and? pure* -- w- - ■-.;.••'. tPMpJCorn-Skop^~ Telephone 1591 1124 Central Avenue

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