VOLV, N0.3L Phone Wilmette 1640. WILMETTE, ILLINOIS. THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1914. Room 2, Brown Building. ^RICEMVBC rs DAY EXERCISES ON CI iliil a IV HI Annual Observance of Day Will Take Place in All Protestant . Churches In Wiimetta_ Sabbath Morning. PROGRAMS ANNOUNCED Sunday School Pupils Will Appear in Recitations and Songs in 1 Childrenfa day will be fittingly ob- served in 'Wilmette this year. Pro- grams have been announced In three of the local churches, to be given In- stead of the regular Sunday morning preaching services. Comlfig a* it does on the second Sunday in June, Children's day this yearlajfjo comes on another day for flag observance day. The two observ- ances will be kept jointly. --^hs^ftrtlpwlng program wHLbeTjtven by. the: pupils, of the Methodist Sunday school: ;•::•.";./"•".'■• Prelude--Ifostlve March in D..... .... v. ..«*.- A,........Henry Smoot ProcesBlonal--"By His Cross Tri- umphant." - Song--"The Sabbath Bells"-----:.. -V-.-.-..,.*;.;..^•^.•-"••••The Juniors Prkyer ,'.. *... ;. •.........Tho Pastor Recitation, "The Meaning of Chil- . dren's Day." , ' Charles Carlson, Theodore Coffey, -----:X. LyleMoore, Todd Wheeler,. T; Herrington Mitchell. Song,. i,v .,. • "• -"Sweet Like Flowers" Mary Ellen Behtley, Natalie Ybhpers, liuth Moore, Lillian Fitch, Ethel Colw^ Recitation, "Make Your Own Peace" Harding Van Schaak. - soio...vv;v/.^........ ..."Ten- Me* Margaret Stafford. ■^B^^^n^A^^^r^PVlm^ii.r Rose" Jean Fernauld, Marlon Mannerud, Catherine Smurr. Announcements. Offertory--Offertolro in B flat..Read Remarks , • ri'i.■';'■'.The Superintendent Recitation and Song.... ."Sunshine" Harriet ^Woedcock, Margery _• Smith, Ethel May Sturgeon, Jessie Shurt- .., leff, Margaret Fosberg, Beatrice Rand,; Margaret Weiss, Gene- vieve Kmrlch, Loraine Eber. Recitatlbii^...;.:.."Hfs Little Glrr A s ijPorothy Fleming.___ Recitation .♦ :-.'...........Cradle Roll Mary? Hanson, Milton Emrlch. •s. John Moore. Cradle Roll Song,^.../The Beginners SCHOOLS WILL CLOSE HERE NEXT WEEK Both the New Trier High and Grade Schools Will End Ses- sions Coming Week. Only one more week of school and Wllmette's 900 school children will be free' for -the Summer. New Trier township high school will also close next week and- hundreds of north shore boys and girls will leave their Studies Denind to enjoy a three months'vacation. • The commencement exercises for the Central Avenue grade school will be held at the New Trier high school as- sembly hall Friday night, June 19. Tho graduating exercises for the township high1 school seniors will take place next Thursday evening, June 18. Bishop W. F. McDowell will be the speaker. There are about 88 graduates in the graduating class at New Trier this year. The following is the list of pupils who will graduate from the Wilmette Central Avenue grade school: Mae and Nettle Sloes. Donald M. Pattlson, Helen' Phelps, Dorothy Hardenbroob, Katherine Schcldcnhelm, Georgia Rondenet, Gertrude Schildgen, Marlon Behin, Elizabeth Sanderson, Roberta Skinner,' Margaret Hasklns, Margaret Macauley, Stella Cooke, Elizabeth Singleton, Madeline Snow, Isabel Specht, C. Seymour Nason, Virginia Ruth Olwln, Claude Stephens, Mildred Latham, Ruth Hawkinson, C. Brooks Middleton, Helen Phelps, Harry B. Kirtland, Edward Hanson, Grace Mo watt, Linus RoBberg, James D. Wlg- glesworth, Judson Stone, Henrietta Felke, Nathaniel Hawkinson, Edward W. Richardson, Jake G. Searle, Arthur Wilhelm, Carieton Nortbam, Walter J. Nelson,' Edward C. Schweitzer, Emma Knoble, Hazel Brown, Slllnor Schell, Alice Gallagher, M. Lucile West, Jacob B. Greiner Jr., Ethel G. Barrett, Florence V. Wray, Edna R. La Duke, Roy Abramson, Katherine Cody, Howard F. Dusham, William A. Corruscavish, Richard David Hopp, Harold Loomis Brown, Gertrude Helen Gillette, Robert E. Armstrong, Samuel Harris Clark. Thilo Boesch, Frances E. Hogle, Bruce Ward Colegrove, Ger- trude Feltmannr-Wllllam - Lapsing. Freeman, David Roberts, Adah Muriel Renholds, Grace Eager, Leo J. Hein- zen. Wilfrid Q. Dawe. Stuart 8. Crtp- pen, Jr.; Eleanor Ambler, Margaret Gordon, KennetfcrC.r Bennett- BIymer and Barbara Duerst. , CHORAL CLUB GIVES First Apj)eaiance„MJ¥to^^^ Presentation of flowers^ tot3radte Roll members. . Christening. ' __'___!__ Benediction i:,...._. • • • • The Pastor At - tfie Wttniette Congregational church, the Children's day festival will be given at the morning worship hour Sunday. This is an unusually pretty service and much time has been devoted to the drilling of the children during the last few weeks for the -events ". '.' ',""■" ':;":-----"-;---------: -- At the Wilmette Baptist church an interesting program will be presented. The program follows: Thesfull program is as fpllpwsi__ r^^v/asI,liigtoin' ~Plin^r^^pi;j; ':£.:■< . Song^lloif^^-i - R'espwsiyMjBeading. « Songj'.Nb.-^JOfe. .■■;v . . \~/ Prayer,; V; closingwith the Lord's Prayer. " - ' "/'"' Welcome: ' r zrs:.:i_^zzit: The last evening meeting of the Par- ents' club of the Logan school was held Thursday night. A series of thunder showers kept a number of members at home, but what the audi- ence lacked in numbers was more than made up in enthusiasm. The program was given by members and friends of the Choral club under the leadership of Mrs. Gordon, with BEAUTY SHOP EXPERT VICTIM OF DAN Edith M. Kilmer,Popular Wil. mette Manicurist, Surprises Friends With Wedding, Dan Cupids with a true aim, has pierced the heart of one of Wilmette's most popular public servants, and to crown a romance which has been en- acted aurtng tne last two weeks. •BBmJL Kilmer, former proprietor of a beauty shop in the Wilmette Ex- change State Bank building, has be- come a bride, thus surprising her clos- est friends. For some time the beauty aid has been telling her close friends that the wedding bells would sooa chime for her, but she would not hint at the date. She did not even infer that she was going to be listed with the June brides. She Sprung a com- plete surprise. On Monday the story leaked out. Although somewhat reticent the beauty expert' admitted that "recently" she had become the bride of Mr. John M. Van Braraer of Evanston, and that after Monday, June 15, she would no longer be found ministering to the beauty needs of the scores of. north shore women who have been her cus- tomers. She is to be matron of a cozy little home in Edge water. Mrs. Van Bramer has been engaged mette for about seven years and,' be- cause of her charming personality, has built up a business that included the patronage from lake shore towns from WUmette to Waukegan. She is popular .with all of her patrons and will be missed in this community. Mr. Van Bramer Is a mechanical engineer, and is employed by the Standard Oil company. He holds a responsible po- sition -with the Chicago branch of the Rockefeller mammoth industry. Miss Martha Behrens, who has been assistant in the Kilmer beauty parlor, has purchased the business from Mrs. Van Bramer. She has been with Mrs. Van Bramer for the last four-years. MANY SEEK RELIEF AT PUBLIC BATHING BEACH &£ njineMot Spell Forces Crowds to Cooling Lake Water This Week. 7Wjjpfe the torrid weather arriving earlier than usual this year, the Wil- mette public bathing beach Is proving a veritable mecca for young and old. On Sunday morning and afternoon large crowds gathered at the beach and sought relief from the Intense i^s^of^the-Bun-ln-the-laker As no buildings have been provided. ^rganfeatloiHBif^MccesS" at ParenIs^nC|U^^e^tr~ I the uui^Me^vn-^eopIo who skm in BUYS $30 Smooth Young Woman Arrest- ed oni Theft Charges, Works Jfiiliner. WAS HE^gWN DESIGNER Former College Woman Selects Choice Leghorn and Orders Trim- ming l9^ueen^ Ttsi«-r Bonnet is Recovered. Miss Hazel Pollock, alias Helen Pol- lock, who hasi^peen arrested by the Chicago police 'fallowing a number of jewel robberies i% different places, did not pass Wilmette up.. The former young co-ed' worked successfully here but did hot procure any precious jewels. Instead she got a perfectly In "the beouly parior"busln^ Rambo, the Wilmette avenue milliner. But Miss Rambo' has recovered the high priced hat and is hot loser by the experience. The last of the week she went to Chicago, where she found the hat at the Hyde Park police station where Miss Pollock is incarcerated.:<f Works Credit Came. './ . Ry a clever, iruse, Miss Pollock pro- cured the costly hat. She pretended that she had forgotten her check book when she called for the hat and pf»er giving the best of references aud even going so far as to;ahow that she was accredited by -the Wilmette* Woman's club, a false;sta^t#3ient. It Is said, the Wilmette milliner allowed the hat to leave her shop. Mfltm days later Miss Pollock was arre|ted bjr the Chicago police charged ^Jih numerous other robberies and • confidence game schemes. - :~~,'J-!ij"^g-^ ■ "k^>~$$ki --■■t~ • •.•■ -f|»lonii|Oj»n .Hat-* That Miss-Poliojsk has styIU»h ideas, ^^tteste^4>y%^^t^fctaefethiat ahe- de- signed the piece "of-head gear in a good raannor. She selected a pretty shaped leghorn hot out of the local milliner's stock anjLJ&en ordered It trimmed with orchids and other cost- ly trimmings. A tew £ays later when she called far the finished hat, she was much vexed. She had left her home without bringing her check book along. However shewaspriejin^for such an emergency and -by?* some move pro- cured a blank form from a local drug store atatim? that sn#jyas O, K.'d by E1110U f IhlKf. . Edward Schmidt. Richard Bellamyr Welcome yerse. ■;'.......Mona Heller Song "...'.">:»'&-v■;...... ■•Summer^Glory" Children's Chormv Mrs. Nortbam ob accompanist. They sang, "Sail On, O Ship of State," "In- teger Vitae," "The Dancers," "Drink to HIe Only with Thine Eyes," and th,e lake Jit ihe beach have been an? noylng"thlB residents in the neighbor- hood or the beach by dressing in-full view of the several homes there. Com- plaint was made at the meeting of the village trustees last Week and the 'matter was referred to the public serv- ice committee for action. Because of the nearness to the Northwestern Elevated terminal, the distance being only a few blocks, a large number of persons from Chicago form crowds at tmT beach on Saturdays and Sundays Recitation..;'.v:..... .Dorothy Bennett Exercises--"Spjhe_of the Boys of the Blbiel" 7 "v ■•■;>/ '? By Six Boys., . . Object Lessen......• • ... The Pastor 1 Rev. rBi Frank Taber. -PresenVatlon-of mem1)ei^c*^bBrcradIe roll • - -.r- ;:t .-' Sunshine....Exercises by Eight Girls Song by four little girls. - ■ h_ Recitation.....,......... .John Mahrin Recitation......... ;Evelyn Segsworth 8ong.^..^i^v;.?4That Sweet Story" Minhe Mae Schmidt Recitation.. /.._.. ,Stuart_i3riEpenJ_it Songr^:,--.rh-i-n:. VrrrrrrlPrank--Tucker Song, i....... .>.Primary Department Remarks on the work of our Publica- tion Society... .... .Mr*. Cot. Major Offering. v f u Song..........;."Banners Gleaming.' Children's Chorus Miss Martha Lusted gave a piano boIo in_her uBual" dellgfitful mahher. Mrs.. Hilton gave several whistling solos. Mrs. Burrows and Miss Phelps also sang. All were generous enough tp respond to encores. The readings by Miss bo captivated the audience that she recited jnore ttiaha half dozen differ- ent classic and humorous stories be- fore quiet could be restored. The recital was the first given by the^horaHJlubTwhlch^ls^-inpanch-or ganlzatlon of the Parents' club. Much appreciation was expressed at the ex- cellent work accomplished In the Short time that it has been organised. "*•: Many of these persons' have liltle or no regard for the residents of the vll- lage and oftentimes create scenes at -^he-place, r . ' ■■"^==^--"i-i-""/"'r" Last summer a movement was started;*jr the -Juvenile Protective as- sociation of the north shore looking toward the placing of a police matron or other oifilcer at the beach to pre- serye order and also to look after the Irene Paulsoir 4KiysHiBd-glrlB-who-eongregate there. The association is without funds to promote this Scheme this summer un- less some generous hearted citizens conie forward with cash donations for payment ifor Bervices of Buch an offl. ^et^IiylWinnetka a swimming ln- -i)VftArMOVE^O^ri8CON8ir*r- Mis. Jadob Schwall has returned from Sugar Bush, Wis., where she has been completing arrangements_to_ move to that place within the next five weeks with her two Sons, Prank and Charles. Mrs, Schall is a well known resident of Gross Point. ^NJOVJEACk PARTY, _^ ^A^lly=he»Bh=^rty^^as^enJo^d by membere -uT^the nBirzabethan Lit- erary society of New Trier High school Saturday evening at the Wil- Hbre Than a mette bathing beach half hundred pupils attended -- PA88gNQEB8^ffnrar» W. D^ Matthews and familyVwW leave„tomorrow. evening for De Michv where thex^wlUrspendra days. ^They wUi return Tuesday the new steamship. South Amerlcari1 which will make its maiden? trip to Chicago on* that 'date. GOOD MOtloN^CTtmE SHO^ Slxreelsof good new pictures were shown to more than 300 members of the Oullmette Country club Saturday eveningr^^The^'movies^lncluded two of the latest released films. structor and his wife were engaged last summer at the public bathing beach of -that village and gave Valu- able serrleei In looking after the wel- lare of the scores of children -and JKounf people. , ■'. r. v ^?ltVls claimed that the Wilmette bathing beach is,one of the finest along the north shore. It Is sandy and-well graveUediiar^a-dlBtance of several hundred feet along the shore, which also extends Into the lake for several yardB. The placing of build- ings at the beach for thebathera is saW^Qf--ithe--public - improvements greatly neededr ... _ \ . ■.-/ ;~.:'-~^. Miss RambO excellent references of a Kenllworth familyrwltlr whom she said she formerly made her home. Tiai was the last the local milliner evet'.'saw;'*of...the hat'until she recov- ered it at the Hyde Park police sta tion. "■'"..'■-::,5'. ^-:.-\:- ^lBS^Boek^id;^ot^y^to hide her identity. She gave her^correct name which is responslble^for Miss Rambo rccovering-the-^ApeuBive leghorn bon- net. She was stylishly dressed when the pttrchase was made and had every appearance of being a young woman of Ireflhemenu LOCAL CLUBWOMEN ON BIENNIAL COMMITTEES Twenty Wilmette Ladies Are Busy Looking After Interest of Delegates to Big Meet. Twenty Wilmette clubwomen* mem- bers of the Wilmette Woman's club, are putting In a strenuous week this week In assisting in caring for the thousands of visiting clubwomen who hav^-coiae^to^CJSicago^TSTRte^ biennial convention of the General Federation of Women's clubs. -The sessions Started Tuesday and wiRcon- tinuo until Friday, June" 19. The twenty local women are serving on various committees, -the duties of which are to care for the comfort of ;«* flrsiiJuK-ueiegatea-.----------7^"" f? Mrs. H. B. Gates, president of the Wilmette Woman's club, is chairman of the reserves and is also a member of the stage privileges committee. Mrs. A. J. Coburn and Mrs. E. L. Scbeidenhelm are members of the art committee, while Mesdames J. M. and B. F. Brown are members of the badge and credentials committee, respec- tively, tf '•' The following Wilmette ladies are members of the various committees: Distribution of literature committee, Mrs. Volney Under hill; furnishings committee, Mrs. H. G. Hodgklns; board .of. ticket committee, Mesdames J, G. Wray, D. M. Gallie, J. B, Olwln, and F. J. Scheidenhelm; local press committee, Mrs. C. N. Roberts and Mrs. H. J. Smith; local transportation and baggage committee, Mrs. B. G. Calloway and Mrs. Emit Butz; plat- form and communication committee. Miss Edna Lewis; registration com- mittee, >Wrs. F. D. Day and L. J. Pier- son and reserve, on registration com- mittee, Mrs, Charles A. Wanner.*. The headquarters for the Illinois delegates is at the Hotel LaSalle, room 212. 'i Splendid entertainment has been provided for each evening during the convention tor the thou- sands of delegates, : including 'sym- phony concerts, etc. Other features have been arranged so that each guest may see as many sights as possible in the wonderful city of Chicago, ■ ■ mm* • «■ »•»•••■»»••* a HUKI BY HERE'S A WATCH-CAT THAT GIVES ALARMS House Pet Runs Upstairs and Frightens Thieves AWay^~ Realty Office Robbed. Tabby, the common house cat In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Lynch, 927 Greenwood avenue, need have no fear of being cast in the lake with stones tied around.. its ..neck. That is, not in the immediate future, at any rate. For this week Tabby was of real; service in protecting the lives and property of members of the Lynch household. ': ~~~.~. ■--'-' On Monday night, thieves broke Into the Lynch home, gaining an entrance through the coat closet in the front "c^^e=hou8ft.:: Tabby, qulCKly aroused hy the slightest noise, sized up the thugs. Then, with a bound, the cat dashed upstairs. After 'scratching around the bedrooms of Mr. and Mrs, Lynch, Tabby made a return trip to the- first floor. Then a second and third trips were made, but Mr. Lynch was the only; member of the family aroused by the noise. He called to Mrs. Lynch and asked about the noise. In her semi-consciousness Mrs. Lynch replied that It was the cat It was not until the family arose: the next morning.that they discovered that a visit had been made W jrobbers.i ^;.:: It 1b thought that the robbers had obtained; only a fair start in robbing the house, .when the cat gave the alarm. Two bed rooms oh the sec- ond floor which - were unoccupied Were entered, but not bins of any value was taken. Three rooms were ran- sacked. Two coats belonging to Mr. Lynch, n $20 camera and $6 kodak and a halt dozen .pearl handled-silver fruit knj^eW^ An' investigation showed that: the. thieves had tried to effect an entrance through basement windows, but that the "jimmies" did not force open the windows. For the fourth time in tho last three months ti|e real estate office of Wood«; bury ft Co., 322 Linden ■; avenue, wras estered by thieves Sunday night. About ^SS worth of candy and; fifty cents in money was taken, together with a manicure set valued ai |7. Just three weeks ago the office was broken Into and candy valued at $15 was stolon. It Is thought that the theft was committed: by: local talent Roy Sellers Unconscious for Eight Hours r^liblvingAccl- dont#JGameiSaturda^ While practicing prior to the base- ball game between the Lawndaie and Wilmette baseball teams Saturday aft- ernoon, Roy Sellers of^ Rogers -Park theJocaLWdmen'sjIiub^hclalsogave- jwas atruGk-lh--toe-^^d--by-u^ba!^ -^North shore motorists, who delight thrown by his brother and for a time It was ^eared_flial the-youth, was fatally Injured. He was Immediately. In testing the Speed of their autos on the smooth Wilmette pavements In jaine^streetrandT^fiist Railroad-aVOi taken to -the Evanston-hosplwl where^n^o^-niust exercise care. The^smn he remained in an unconscious state for more than eight hours. However, he recovered rapidly and was able to be removed to his home Tuesday. A fairly large crowd:was in attend; ance at the ball game and consider- able- excitement was occasioned over the accident. Physicians were hur- riedly summoned, aud after first aid was given, little hope was held out Tor the r^peWra^^i^fitleif#. R was thought that Sellers had suf- fered a compound fracture of the skull. Upon a closer examination at the hospital, it was found that the Miss Rambo experienced consider- able difficulty In getting back the bat at the Chicago"-police station. She Is not favorably impressed, she says, wlto^lSods^wnW tn^ police attend to business. CALVIN WILSON DIES thought, The physicians worked for several hours over the youth and finally, after eight hours, lie regained conscious- ness. Sellers is about-18. years of ^tger--^tfis--bretlter-was-aimost^pres^ Nonagenarian VVho Formerly Resided Here ftisses Away KIRCHBERG STORE MOVEf^ Rdward kirchbefg, the-State-street ewefer, who resides in Wilmette, has recently moved his stock of jewelry Into a well arranged room at 104 North State street. For many years his establishment has been located op- posite the Field store andTat the new address. Is sW opposite thelbig mer- cantlle house. The new quarters are commodious anr an Invitation Is ex- ^aded-to^^llnorth^4jh^ visit the store, - ~-rir~:r-:-^ trated; over the accident The gamo was not stopped by the uhf^uhate occurrence, and tho Wilmette boys fin: ished winners by a bit; margin. WILL VOTE S oravsrai BUILDING P Petitions Signed by More Th| JWP^Citizens Are Clrculafi Asking for Special Elec- tion on Issue. Annrn cac!L!TIFS NEFOFI Rapid Growth of Kopudtion in VillagK Makes New Structure NecMsary at Once -- Assembly Hall _ Included irPfoiect. spe»' .caat:: i?.»..«»»r~_ -f <»VJU Of MOTORCYCLE'COP'ON JOB; SPEEDERS BEWARE Neyy Gfflcer Averages One Ar- rest Each Day of Motorists Who Violate State Law, Voters of Wilmette will be given the opportunity soon to determine by their ballot whether or hot this la go will nave added school facilities Petitions are how being circulate and more than 400 signatures been attached thereto, asking the? cal board of' education: to "call a clal election when a vote will be "for" or "against'* tho proposition purchase a building lot joining Central Avenue school property tho north and also to decide wt or not a new school building may erected thereon. Petition for Plan. ,; The: following is the petition: Tor^hi^Bosta3i-eS mette. ',: We, the undersigned legal voters School District No. 39, petition your honorable body to call an electfon vote "for"! or "against" the tnllm propositions: (i> To purchase for the use the district the north one-half of nine, block twenty-three, village Wilmette^ which land adjoins present school site consisting of thirteen and fourteen, and this soot one-half of lot nine, all In block ti ty-three. village, of Wilmette. i 2) To erect a school building; the site' consisting of lot nine at lots thirteen •■■ and .fourteen; all; block:>twent^h'ree»-;:-v<lfai^^^ mette, or on any part'of said site. because of tho rapid growth of Wife mette, it is necessary that more; school rooms be provided at once. The members of tho local board education^ have^ for: some time 1mm working on a tentative plan, to vide a building which will anew both in giving tho, village added tation rooms and ah assembly rod for the pupils, a feature in the sen* huHdingZIwhteh-^waa. ent|rely;±|jvsi looked when the two atrjicturesw' erected. The plan upon which the members Lhave~p>aetteally dec* mcr motorcycle, policeman of WB* mette, Mr. Peter X ffchaeffer, Jr.* Is on the job. * • .~»r- '■■&AB!it ^what'a more. Mr. Officer Schaetter Is demonstrating to the vil- lage trustees who named; hint to the job tWOvweelts; ago that;hlB^ B^rvle««B are needed. The new f'cop" has aver- aged an arrest each day, and each ar- rest &as meant a fine fortaB^gflMri during the last week. Justice of the Peace B. P. puhshoe Is the tribunal before whom the vio- lators of the motor vehicle law ore taken. The fines in the halt dozen or so cases heard by_;. thei Justice have been from |6 to |10 each, varying, ef .course, according to the speed the motorist waB traveling,, and other circumstances Incident to the; arrest. Thus far every speeder; takeh before ts-toHmake^tberCentral Avenue at Tenia fltrotrirtnocBniral school the village. It Is centrally located being about an equal distance front nil sections of the village. With the new Logan school located on the west side, the pupils from families in ths portion can bo instructed in the mary and Intermediate work it Is possible, that the grade department for the older can" be centered Sit the Central" noe Institution. Property Badly Needed, The dimensionsTor the present C tral Avenue school property "'is '?£&%? 215 feet. The 250 foot frontage on Tenth street and the Central a*sW hue frontage is 21S feet. The ^llfj^ foot lot adjoining the property on tl north Is owned by August Specht and the board has an option on the;pls^ Tuftifrn n.iy.^ hftW ndmltted m* ^JLJ&m^mM^ZlM^^^^ in Waukegan Monday. >|ews was'received; In Wilmette Tuesday of tne sudden death of Cal- vin Wilson, a tonner Weil known reSK dent ot this village, which occurred in Waukegan Monday night. Mr. Wil- son jwas M yearfeoJd. ■ He was tfee grandfather of ^m^AmmT^^s^n, 428 Ninth street, r-"-' Despite.his advanced age, Mr. Wil- son was unusually actjye and retained a bright cheery disposition. Only re-: centiyhe celebrated his hthety-tBird: birthday- anniversary, Bunwunded by more than fifty relatives and friends. On Sunday he fell down a flight j>f stairs*and suffered^ atcompoond ffac-" ture of the left limb. He was unable to withstand the shock attendant to the injury and died In a Waukegan hospital Monday night Mr. Wilson lived; to Wilmette until about six years ago^ 80^2*?^*"!!^ khbwhr "especially--among -the--older citizens of this village. He was often seen about the village streets and al- deared him to alt of the villagers. WELCOMED AT CHURCH j(!ev%"B^ £rank Taber Invites Menin Gongri^ioji^Rea --inov^oats^t^ervfeei^ \ An innovation much appreciated by tho mnn who were present at the^serY- iee of theiWIlmetteBapilst. churc|i_ift ttlght was introduced by Itev. B. Prank Taber, tho pastor, who~ an= hoonced that all men who felt it would add to their' comfort might" have the privilege- of remevlng tlietr' coats. Nearly every man In the congregation accepted the Invitation with alacrity, and it is safe to say enjoyed the: pastor's sermon jdli the more tor ;ao doingV^Mr.J TrtejFiiays that /'keep cool" will be the rule at his services during the summer. This Is tho first church In Wilmette ^n^whlch the^ceatless man^has-hcenv welcon?ed. ■;•----> '■■;■' ~ gttllt Members of the Swift family and also the Crane family-of Lake Porfist_were_among-JtheT-contrlbutor^ to the "speed fnnd"; during;'.-ti|o' last week. ,x-..,.;.-;:;■;■:. ■;:; Kline street seems to jethe^iiopular Bpoedway for the violators. It Is. wen pay^d With brick, and because thestreet is free from traffic at almost any hour of the day^aaiomobile drivers favor this thoroughfare. Officer Schaelfer gives most of his attentioft-to Kline Street, although bccoslonally:he picks up a fast driver in West Railroad avenue. " --:---~----^=--'. "■.:.'■' .■- TO OANCB BEPORE OELEGATitS. Mlsaesrlrene Paulson and Frances Plentye have been chosen as the two Wilmette^ girls who wilt dance with Miss Laura Lee. a pupil of Miss Ruth tue"Z\voman^ club-bwild^ given for the delegates to the General Federation of Women's Clubs In con- vention In Chicago this week. This la hn honor which has beenj-bestowea; upon the Wilmette young women selected out Of a groep^ofv*6^®!*1 uancerB along the north shore. chased it will 'give an addutonai ttpai age of more than 1<H> *^t e» Tss^ Btrcet for- building -itttrjweau, sight by the board membera si years ago actuated them to pur a building^ lot just noif^o^*^*^ two present brick strocfurea stand, and with thejsJdltlonj^La foot lot a splendid location for « other building wlQ be gained, v Although the plans for the 4 school building are only t«sl»a»* the school officials .-feel-'that ..,:1 have worked out a sat^SS!B--r- BCheme which will Klve.jho nece*. They:.:jMive;.tii; sary heeded facilities, misd a;1twe-st6ry brick buiMHt«|i frontage of which on Tenth will be about 102 feet It ia that-the^eeaomlcal way to huf be to plan four recitation room: on the first and second floors front of the building -and th< tinuo the assembly hall to the ea of the building sp%ce to the; J length of the lot or to a depth of feet. This would give a spafi> both siiles or the building for p ground.. Assembly and Athletle Hall, An assembly ban has ■' Ions;'. .*' A «»n waslorn to Mr. and MrsJ^^^g^e^a^o^ p^d^^LoneyrrritoyTatVelierA^^ « Pa where^^^tHey are the guests of aB<i exercises is neaded. In 4 Mrs. McLoney's parents. They wUl',^ ^^^^l^iTi return to their hnm« t« thU vltlage potendent Harpw_sfeatoq mat tm at^8Ifr;Uikevavcau«'sCJSi::^- '• ■' "■' " (Continued on page 4,