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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1914, p. 2

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY: JUNE li, 1S14. SMLM6S IM *av<MHKBi * number of inter-1 of Mr*. G. L. Martin, 1016 Elmwood wedding announcement* this j avenue, during the General Federation Mr. and Mrs. Wilson T. Whlf-jof Women's clubs in its biennial con- e announced tne saarriaie of v-«tion at Chicago. Mrs. Calanan la ter, Marlon Frances, to Mr. president of the Des Moines Woman's Foster, son of Judge George clab. ef Austin, which '--»in:-^.talirf|Ji»^ViVj i'r. 'i.X^'i '.v'"f.) ,.V ' .'.'ugsap Saturday afternoon. Jane 20. at en home, 1120 - Ashland ave- ng «f considerable interest ATlUnette people is that of " Taylor and Mr. Charles il, vbich will be Saturday, ' Dr. MaeKenale of IJoWe hall the service. This is to be ceremony at the home of the parents. Mr. and Mrs. Court- . Taylor, C212 Ingieslde aveaue. Esther Taylor, the brides sister, be her only attendant. Mr. .and C. C- Taylor were prominent resi- ' Wllmette up to the time of «tMSw*aH*"iff %ia^aamnVawLB sffi reuvyeai* ago. %' y.r; other June bride will tie Miss Ce Barker, whose wedding to ira"'ijvWix iirimsnaw takes place Tuesday evening at Wilmette rian church at S: 30" o'clock. marriage of Miss Marion Per- :daugS^:rbT':"'Mr.and 'Mrs."'"'Ii' to Mr. Glen Gemmil, son of i Mrs. H. S. Gemmil, took place home of the bride's parents on street. Rev. Thomas Keene performed liie Ceremony. Mr. Glen Gemmil left yesterday Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Gemmil and Helen Gemmil for an uutomo- of several weeks to points of t in the east. Societies and Clubs ; Mrs. Frank Watson entertained her Thimble club Tuesday afternoon. •■'.•'•- The Tuesday Bride and Luncheon Club meet at the home of Mrs. A. C. Wenban, 900 Lake avenue. , The monthly card party will be Mr. and Mrs. J. | j and son departed iMrs. given by tlie Woman's club nest Wed- nesday at the .club house. Mrs. Philip Bright Is in charge, assisted by Mrs. Fitz-Randolph, * Mrs. - Benjamin Gage, Mrs. John Cochran, Mrs. Hayes Mc- Kinney, Mrs. Arthur Allen,Mrs. George A. Van Dyke and Mrs. Frank Bobbins. ■'"■'-' '■'-■■' '--■ he party given for/ the Cozy circle by the, Crescent circle ay of last week practically all jjnembers of both circles attended enjoyed a delightful afternoon. A consisting of games, songs piano selections was arranged-by Crescent circle, and the spacious of the handsome Van Schaack containing rare collections of lies, were thrown open to the Ir>. Chas. H. Brethold entertained sixteen guests at a family din* turday in honor of her slater, of Hamburg, Germany, who ading the summer in this coun- Mrs. John G-;Munro of Elm- avenue celebrated their "tin" anniversary Tuesday, Juno 2, ling about twelve close and relatives at a dinner at the "silver" and other! table ap- lents were all of tin.. The rooms decorated wlth-^lnware^'---^---.^ » recital given by Miss Dorothy td Miss Ernau Smith Tuesday week at the Country club was red by a large and enthusiastic lence of their friends. Miss Smith her part of the program en* ability in her rendering; of compositions. "Miss Rae al- charms with her beautiful voice, iron the -lively applause to which well accustomed. - Virginia Ruth Olwin, 820 Lake ■, will entertain several friends fcwn i^ty^aturdAy'attornoon. Ig^^TiBrr^^Th^B^ilWrhbo^ the will attend the moving picture V S Smith, CIS Tenth strcei talned friends at dinner Friday ring. • . and Mrs. W. P. Hammond, 4047 avenue, will celebrate' their wedding anniversary this eve- Five hundred will bo. played by guests. ."-'•"' ".--^^.. ■ -'■'._•' embers of the graduating class of At the annual meeting or the Cozy Corner circle Thursday Mrs. William G. Sweetman was elected chairman of the circle, witjli Sirs. Toeker vice- chairman. Mrs. H. H. ;:Moore was chosen chairman of the work commit- tee, with Mts. Davidson and Mrs. Wade as assistants. .Mrs. Fagg will be secretary, Mrs. Hosmer. treasurer, and Mrs. Cook, chairman of the call- ing committee. The next meeting will be Thursday, June 25, at the home of Mrs.'Wade.- ■ \ ' Mrs. F. N. Williams will entertain the -Evening Card club this coming Saturday. There will be a club party at the Ouilraette Country club next Saturday at 8:30 o'clock. The Woman's .Foreign .Missionary Society of the Methodist church will meet at the home of Mrs. D. F. Stoker in Kenll worth today. > The II. and W. club will be enter- tained next Tuesday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Wray, C188 Washington ave. nue. /■ j ■ ' ■' ■ 4 The annual meeting for the election of officers of the Ladles' Society of the Congregational church will be held tornorrow in i the church club room at 2:80. ' This will be the last meeting until September. i ;/^t*^ Dr. E. C. Moulton Is the goes* oS ■Mr.MA&to92SLM~ fit***. "■■■ ^v'W'A^ Richard Webber returned this week from a^bB»h)ess'trip to'Alton, 1tt^L>_ MIss Marjorle Whlffen returned Saturday from Knox college in Gales- 'burg.'" -•■?•.'■'•'••. Ea^Ie Wbeelock returned home Sun- day from Illinois for the summer vacation. Miss Jeanne Taggert is spending; the summer In Ceres. ' Calif., near San Francisco. &•'"••■' .Mrs. Harry.Spear (Jennie Munn) of La Grange spent Monday with Mrs. Frank Watson. Mr. and Mrs. William Maclean re- turned Monday from a week Bpent at Ocean Springs. Miss Maude Allen and Jesse D. Phil- lips were dinner guests of friends in Oak Bark Thursday. Miss Esther Hutchinson of Ottum- •wa,-",*u,-^was-: tne>ween>«ad gueit-ut Miss Helen Skinner. Mrs. W. P. Hammond; 1047 Linden avenue, has ^as her guest Miss Mary Hammond of Warsaw, Rl. V Seymour and Faith, the two children of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Burge, are In quarantine for chickenpox. Mrs. Hoyt 'King to expected home today from a visit Of two weeks In her old-hoine. Union City,iPa.' Miss Marlon Richey.- of <New 'York was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. George Dyer, a few days this week. Mrs. D. E. Allen, -S18 Forest avenue, returned Friday ■from Florida -where she spent the winter months. Miss Helen Olendorf is the guest of relatives and friends In Terre Haute, Ind., for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Renneckar spent a few days this week at Fox Lake, at- tending the Rexal convention. Mrs. J. D. Whitley returned today from a visit of two weeks with friends and relatives in Indianapolis. Mr. and Mrs. J. Parker Gowing and MlsS Hortense Gowlng left Monday to spend a week in Atlantic City. Sherman Sykes, Morris Maynard and Roland Williams are home from the Kentucky Military academy. Miss Esther Dyer returned home Thursday afternoon from the Mac- Duffie school in Springfield, Mass. < Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Thompson --.re- turned this week from Florida, where they have been spending the Winter. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Packer of Cen- tral avenue left last -week to spend the month of June lit Atlantic City. MlsS Marguerite Thompson will re- turn home Sunday from Onarga. Wis., where she -has been teaching ibis year. Mrs. -R. offer,' daughter Monday for De- li trolt, Mich., where; they will attend the wedding of a cousin of Mrs. Coul- ter.." '■$:.. \ ' ;.U'.v;:: Miss Mary Smith of Galesburg, IUv, and Mrs. A. B. Colton of Kansas CiCjr. arc the gutsaia; of their sister, Mrs. W.'T. -Whlffen,-of Ashland ave- nue. - '.:' ;«:^5:-, Mrs. Marr; Ci Mass., is visiting 'her-cousin, Mrs. R. W. Jordan, a few iireeks on her wirr home from a winter spent in Cali- fornia. ..........-,.r.^.^_.-,- ,-«. -;i,-,;V. . Mrs. J. I- Skelton. 911 Lake nvfemie» returned Saturday after a pleasant stay of several days'"'with her daugh- ter, J! rs. .Clifford Hubbard, of Rock : Island, Til. &%£.' ?*«*'£ ?Song......"For the Man of Gallilee I Mrs. Walter Av Heimbuecher and |-t- »r--r^*~J^[^CJhprui, ' -: ? -.«-"- two children, Robert and Worcester, Announcements. j ners', the primary and junior depart- ments will have charge of, the sery- ices and at 5 p. m. the adult and lnt«rr mediate classes will have; charge. The pastor.. Rev. T, K. Galev- wRl»preach a special sermon to the,young people. Intermediate and junior churches wlU convene at 4 p. m. ] ""; At ti: ir» the Epworth league service In charge. of Miss Rose DuersL All of Can^rtftej | ynnntf r^op1^ **» lntrlfed"to«thto serv- ' Vesper Service. 5 O'clock. Prelude--Spring Song,.. Mendelssohn Hymn ....-....;.. .-The eongw«atft)n Prayer .'.....<.......Mr* McCullough Song, "Praiso the Lord".The Chorus Responsive reodiuB--Page 214, 13th •-':'-selection.l .'-"-..»■".*>• v*; of St. Louis came Monday tb spend. the summer with; tier parents, 'm4m> Mrs. .M. A. Smith, «T Park avejiM^^ • Mrs. Charles . Wlgelsworth; ijiFMj0£. cago is the guest of her neice,' Mrs1. Joseph Shantz, 1053 Linden avehiieL Dr. Waiter Wleelsworth of Chicago also spent Sunday at the Shantz home. The two children of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Greiner, Ned and Jane Grelrier, are spending the summer in Toplh- .•be^...v|tlch^-'inn4e||':>|he care Ht'^ttM, Greiner's sister,;Tw» Grace BrougS ton--......------:-:^ - -l '"'■■r"^ ": Miss Ruth Gates via expected home tomorrow from Burlington, la. Miss Gates will stay In:W^lmette until ime 22nd and then will leave for/'flke summer school of-the University^ of Wisconsin. 7' '."i;r Robert Gaffner of Olney and Walter B. Gaffney of Seattle, Wash., who"have been the guests of the. former's daugh- ter, Mrs,- Ernest ,<XCazel,,and fam^#^ 1055 Linden avenue, have returned to their homes. .-•■,-"^2;i*, ••.- ,^,i;: ' Miss . Louise Mueller left Saturday for New , York where she was joined by her sister. Miss Josephine Mueller, and Miss Cynthia Straw and Miss Leonore Duia. The party will sail for Europe today. • '^ ~\ ?• Elizabeth and Junjs .Vlulvey, the: small daughters" of Mr. and Mrs. Rich-, ard J. Mulvey, 800 Oak wood avenue, were operated .upon for tonsllitis at the Evanston hospital last week. The operations were successful. :Mrs. R C. Osgood and children, 835 Offertorj Sking..;-;..-.'.-.>,<1Gu!d« BoUk Divine" J Miss Laura Flentye and: Chorus - -" Young ■ People's ;Sermon> -. .v.-i. .'./,• i >..... ,4.:. v......;....*Rey. tMr.r; Gale Song, "Blessings"..;.... -The Chorus Hymn ............. .The Congregation Benediction ........... •-The Pastor First Congregational Church. Next Sunday is Children's day. The Sunday school will meet at 10:30, in- stead of at the usual hour, and at 11 o'clock there will be a chlldren?s fes- iival service in,"the church. Parents who wish to present their little ones for consecration .and -baptism should notify Mr. Bowers not later than Sat- urday. : 5f~::#i v"-' ! ; ■';. Sunday is also. Flag day and the children's service will take notice of that'tact. At 5 o'clock the address on the general subject of Jtbe _?!!MJnor 'Prof -phets^.>>.wlil be on "The ^Prophet Hosea." '. ' .. > ■••...'•'■•.:->-'• "--'^y Wilmetta Bapti«t Church. Sunday services held in the Worn an's club building, coiner of Tenth. street and Greenleaf avenue. Rev. B. Frank Taber, pastor. Residence, 1018 Eleventh street. Phone 1150 Wilmette. This is Children's Sunday. On ac- count of the Children's day exercises there Will be no regular session of the Bible school, but all members of the school are requested to meet-at 10:30 a. m. Children's day exercises at 11 a. m. to which all are invited.- At 7:30 in /the evening the pastor in the fhfiik wttiie tie lias plenty creates a friend in the bank to whom he can turn when he has little, J Having confidence in this bank begets its confidence in you and we can't, ahy of us, get very far on the road to success without giving and receiving confidences. This bank has fairly earned your con- fidence through square dealings ' and helpful service- " It will appreciate your account.'.-.'.' X>p^n Saturday Mornings at':' 8 A. Mv ■' vrSf - ■' i:;v-T- __£:„- -tf-^-^ i M-i - mum iiilim -* iwi« htm >"'». Oakwood avenue, left the first of the w|11 glve an ^mu8trated address on Mrs.-W. E. Ingersoll, on Central ave* nue. entertained the Reading circle Monday afternoon. : Mrs. R. w. Jordon will entertain the Eight club Tuesday afternoon. The North Shore Luncheon club will be entertained Wednesday by Mrs. E. M. Murphy, 5905 Prairie avenue. The public service committee will hold a business meeting at the Wil- mette Woman's club, Friday evening. anjby a dance tomorrow evening at 'Me home Pf Chester' M. Hoglo, 407 ^mtral avenue. ;-- ™ * Blr ' ;;--.:~*"' - -"--' ■'- i pttrs. H. T. Lorenzo entertained members of the Idle Hour club in her bnnie Saturday evening. It was the teat meeting of the club until next fall. DECIDE TO ni M OuiImette 36ountry Club Plan Re^irrarigement of Club House. „,„...wv,,., v.. ...y „.„,„^..h .... „>X The Ouilmotte Country club build- HpCehtral Avenue public school wiM ing will undergo extensive changes D. Maney of Crown the week-end guests Harry Hopp, 225 Lin- during the next few months, if plans formulated by officials of the club in an adjourned meeting Monday eve- ning are effected. The officials decided that the assembly hall of the building must be enlarged and that the billiard and pool room should be removed to the basement adjourning the bowling alleys. Changes also will be made-In the-kitchen. The proposed change in the assem I V-tyrs. Lyman Drake' entertained a Idumber of friends infotroally Saturday^^, , ^iBfcgWJBeTSealitifulTporch 4>f^tbeBiv « '» ls to make more room on the | Brake home. SHfai. ■. Charles Hastings of Central BSpuo entertained Tuesday afternoon WjBt bridge In henor-gf-Mra. Edwin iWibster of Galesburg. .-• 0wr. and Mrs; A, S. Webster gave a proge party Tuesday evening at their home on Washington avenue. Miss Dorothy Brown gave a dance "Inrday-nIghTist^the~r»ew-Trier a«- sly hall for the members of the Athletic association. --J:-- Jifcr.'and Mrs. Walterrl>:^fefeTeahir ||ic>-and Mrs. Samuel P. Dibble will Ive a dance to a large number of s at the Ouilmette Country club w evening. ' ---:•;-;'-■;- "'■'""■ Sir. and 'Mrs. H. V. Donaldson and JiSghter, Miss Grace - Donaldson,..re- 't«)rned. to their home at 11J5C Forest avenue after a two months* trip abroad. They visited in ■Cermany, nanee, Italy and other European countries. -..-v-^---;.-- .--■.■:■ right supports in the assembly: hall so. that ample room will be given tor dancing. ~- The expense-to be-incurred In mak- ing the changes at the club will, total several thousands dollars, but when completed will give much better ac- commodations for large gatherings. The removing of the billiard and pool A. Buckman, Ninth street, departs. Thursday ttrL Delavan, Wis.. where she expects to visit for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. James Brown of Chi- cago were the-guests of Mr. and-Mrs, Marshal R. Knox, 519 Potest avenue, Sunday. Mrs. John Conna of Chicago is the guest of her aiBter, Mrs. Charles B. Stafford, 1012 Linden avenue, for a few days. Mrs. Charles E. Hastings, 5P3 Cer- tral avenue, feft yesterday for Lauder- dale, Wis., where she will visit for sev- eral days. ' Mrs. A. Saff, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Chas. H. Brethold. left Tuesday to visit other relatives in Chicago; ~ Mr. and Mrs. Point, la., Were of Mr. ahd Mrs. den avenue. Mr. Frank Huntsman of Hebron, Neb., was the guest over Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Huntsman, 211 Ninth street. Miss Mary Boddte Patterson of Gal- latin, Tenn., is spending the summer with Mrs. John B. Boddie, 835 Fif- teenth street. Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Buckman. 831 Oakwood avenue, motored to Madi- son, Wis., this morning, to be gone several days. Miss Stella Perkins is expected home tomorrow to spend several oays before she leaves to spend the sum- mer in Denver, Colo. Mrs. M. A. Smith returned Tuesday of last week from a visit in Minneap- olis. She was accompanied by her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Harry W. Smith. Mr. and" Mrs. James Edwin Webster of Galesburg visited their son and daughter, Mr.-and Mrs. A. S. Webster, of Washington avenue a few days this week. David K. Tone and family, 1100 Elm- wood avenue departed last week for Grand Haven. Mich., where tbey will -week for Booth Bay, Maine, for a visit. Later they will go; to Atbol, Mass., Where they will spend the remainder of the summer in their cottage at that place. They will be,gone about three months. ; CACKLE, CACKLE. ■The thirty-ninth-annual convention of the American Poultry association will be held at Chicago, 111.,- August 8 to 15, Inclusive.;;#Hotel Sherman, just opposite the city hall, will bo the headquarters. Arrangements have been completed by the Chicago Poul- try society and Chicago Association of Commerce to give the visiting members of the American Poultry as; sociation and their wives'..the most royal entertainment. Chicago, the City Beautiful, with its cool vilake breezes,. is- the ideal place to spend your vacation. Entertainment will consist of auto trips through Chica- go's beautiful .parks and boulevards, ball games, moving pictures of poul- try with lectures, trip £q.stock yards. CHURCH BULLETIN Methodist Episcopal Church. ., Next Sunday is children's day I and The^ services will be charge of,the Sunday school. At 10:45 the ,begin- "Little Children the World . Over.,"t Stereopticon views will show the chil- dren of all lands at their play,-their, work and worship. Special illustrated songs. The.prayer meeting on Wednesday evening, June 18, will be held at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. p. R, Finlay, 419 Ninth street. Ice Cream is the only kind that we haadle. Visit our Sanitary "" « Ite CrcJam p>arlor -i Wilmette Fruit Store Piermtoni Brothers, Proprietors Dealers in Ice Cream and Confectionery 1211 Wilmette Avenue III Kinds of Fruits Cigars and Tobaccos our superb line of ie MadetCalces Pineapple, Strawberry; FigyMarshmallow, ' Chocolate,Caramel and . mmy o thet\ kinds Fresh Strawberry Pie THIS COUPON will be accepted as Five Dollars towards the pur- chase price of any Suit of Ladies' or Gentlemen's clothes ordered of us dur- ing the summer months. Clewing, Pressing and Re- modeling at reduced prices , All Work Called for and Delivered George J. Eber Telephone iS 1131 Greenleaf Ave. WILMETTE L With owrCo^S^0fjfiolh^M accounts has ,been eliminated and our customers reap the beitefiL You get Lake ShkrejQ^^ Chicago Prices, ---■--'-•■■■ : ,■-------- ^.j^ijgy^^p Hind Quarters Spring Lamb, perpoandl.v5-i..i'....-.....^.....-.............. Fore Quarters Spring Lamb. per pound. ^'.n.W..-:J. ;........................ Seventh Rib Beef Roast, per pound.. :f'../.*....................:........ Cooked Corned Beef, .perpountll.V.v,^^............................. Round Steak, •' per-pbttnd..^.;i.............................. Fresh Qrouud Hamburger, perpoohd....... i,.............-........... Pork Roast, v per.pound...i..............i___;...u;. .-.•___. Sirloin Steak, ,. >, per pound. .„-.-, .>'..<•••. '• .......'..'..-.. .■■• -SeA....... Shoulder Lamb Chops, per pound. ._t..,,.,......................... '.*. „ Rib Veal Chops, per pound...,,,«. %.......___±................. Loin Veal Chops,. i ,i>- ^*dw ppnnd\...;....»%*: .*...«. .^------.....„.. IV.. 635 West Railroad Avenue, Wilmette Telephones 278 and 279- ' ,'^'nid!Door";3ou'ih .'oJP. TELEPHONE WILMETTE 76 1209 WILMETTE AVENUE Aluminum. . Bronze, Etc Can be wolilcd and maile strong as now. Call up the American Welding Co. (Not Inc.) . A,JP. GBJLHAM.Mxr. COR. FOREST AND RIDGE. AVE. Phone WUmetto 1381 Wilmette, Illinois west Bide of this portion of the build- ing bo that when banquets and other like functions are held, no ..crowded conditions will prevail. It was also decided rn remove ffeveral of the-uj>-j-apend the a^miuer In ;thelr~ciottggg there. s Miss Peart Woodford of Sioux City, la., and Mr. E. Huchner of Tilsonburg, Canada, were guests of the home of J. E. Dean, C3d Park avenue,, Tues- day evening Mr. and Mrs. W. H. H. Tucker of 'Logansport, Ind., were the guests of their sons, W. A. Tucker, 1214 Lake hall to the basemen "Mrs- Jamew CalanaTrof DerMglnea^ Ja., arrived Tuesday to be the guest' nent in the recital. will add'to. enthusiasm in bowling, Plans and specifications' were or- dered drawn up and bid» accepted for the proposed improvements so that the new officers, who will be Installed the first of next month, may take im- mediate action. .. 1 is .■ thought,. nvenue, and JL A. ^ruckeiv^se Doyle MUSICAL RECITAL. ^ ~ A Joint'musical recital will be given at the new bank building fn Winnetka next Monday afternoon, June 15, by members of the faculty of Columbia School of Music../The:instnictoret:36 charge of the Wilmette and Winnetka BraHoheFeT tills sclioe! will be "rami court, last week. Dressmaking Including fancy suits and evening wraps. Corsets made to order. MissM. Bpland Room S*i Brown Bfdg^ * TXei. 133S m Suits Ladies' and MADE TO Reasonable Prices /■"■ Cjuiclc Service Cleaning, Pressing and Alterations Tfie'Up-to-OaleWies' & Men's Tailoring lElectrlcPl. /Phone241 Wilmette m SPECrAtiSfS AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING For Easy Starting in Cold Weather We equip your FORD with a Dash Primer for $1.50 " J. W. Meyer & Sons 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone Wilmette 426 Wilmette •xV-'-JS^-'S^WPIIBf m li^.y JA3TJV ,7»" Contractor 6 Bmldcf < JOBBING A dPEiCI^L'^ir PRICE3REASON AM*.Hi TELkPHONK wr£MsrrB:i3&4 Res. 1302 Wilni«tteAwM Iljl^ri. FOR RENT \ Price $18.00 and $20.00 J l'i aiock Wen of Keollwortb Depot ^.«. WILSON Pkom-tT4 ■A : TH E NEWEST BOO KS CAN ALWAYS BE FOUND AT TKE THE NEW BOOK SHOP ^CANNA^$t^0dd2.,finelifge plants in bud f* ^CERANJBJMS, scarlet, Site to $1.00 doz. , Asters, Pansies, Petunias, Salvias, Snapdragons, and ail mis- cellaneous stock at greatly reduced prices^cleartupr v^ROOSEVELT FERNS,special, 75c to *3 ". PROMPT BELIVERX PHONE WILMETTE. 23 - - Sn^^owtbSlVMt r^RAJLCO. ebonies: 1625 Central Ave. Store: 615 Railroad Ave. 1----------WILMETTE, ILLINOIS i^or.Vacatlon Needi we offer an exceptional aelfecrlon ef ""fiction as well as books of a more serious nature. See our 1000 Titles of Summer Fiction at.^i.;.;..^/.^.^ M 17 W.JACKSON MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTEWTION CHICAGO KNOW Thirifc^TESt^N CASKEiTfi JUNfiWL«ClNC t» can s»ve yo» from 30 to 50 per cent on all Fnneral Supplies? HOW CAN WE? Wdl we manufacture all of our own Caskets and Supplies/That's How WE CHALLENCE a comparison of prices and quality. Automobile service furnished when desired. W. H. SCOTT --M4f^-iM^^^^-^J^^^^sS^)irn financially ----- interested; in our Wilmette Store and will manage the same. im CENTRAL AVE. TELEPHONE 280 ° Residence Phone Evanston 2903 * --

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