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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jun 1914, p. 5

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Mm sksfa ■»*■■ THE LAKE SHORE HEWS, yiEW HAS .............lili« i What People Are Doing j and Pastime Committee of -the Pepwlar Golf Club Arranges Fine Matches for Season. JULY-4 mm COMPLETE The sports and pastime committee of the Glen View Golf club have ar- ranged a schedule of events for the season's play that is second to that of no clnb in the west. This commit- tee, which is a live one, is composed mostly of Evanston men, its personnel being: Charles B. Yerkes, chairman; Or. Frank C. Dakin, Jesse E. Hum- phrey, Thomas A. Noyes and Richard R. Stone. " , A typical" program has been pre- pared for July 4, when the members will contest for the President's cup, presented by Louis A. Ferguson, and the Independence cup, which was pre- sented by Robert P. Lament. A Putting Contest. There will also be an approaching and putting contest in the afternoon. July 23 to 1!5 the members' tourna- ment will be held. This event will be played Thursday and Friday after- noons and all day Saturday. An uuusual event is scheduled for Aug. 8, when the members will play the qualifying round for the Benedict mixed, foursome cup, which is open to married couples of the Glen View club, the lowest eight net scores to qualify. '■« June 27 is the date set for the qual- ifying round of the peering Benedict trophy, which was presented by Charles W. C. peering in 1902 and has to be won three times to become the property of a player. The record to date is: * 1902, JPercival Manchester; 1903, Lucius C. Fuller; 1904. Edward A. Engler; 1905, Louis A. Ferguson; 190G, Ashley O. Jones; 1907, Edward A. Engler;' 19D8, *%& VaHor; 1909. J. H. S. Lee; 1910,, Perkins B. Uass: 1911, George Ludlow; 1912, G. TV Kelly; 1913, C. J. True. / Qualifying round club cnampionfriAp and for the Gild Hickory cup wUi be played Aug. 8, and play for the,Grand- father's cup, presented by Dr. Sanger Brown, and open, to members who are grandfathers, and which was won in 1912 by George H. Mttpre and last year by Sanger Brown, will commence on the same date. Sept. 25 and 2G are the. dates set for the celebrated "twa days at Glen View" tournament and the season's play closes Oct. 3 with a class tour- nament and play for the Harvest cup, which was presented by William H. Bartlett in 1905, anyone being a three rimes' winner to become owner of the cup. The names engaved on the enp to date are: 1905, Frank C. Litts; 1906, Knowlton L. Ames j- 4907T George if. Fisher; 1908, Thomas Kane; 1909, C. H. Thayer;' 1910, R. P. Lamont; 1911, H. L. Angell; 1912, L. McGulre; 1913, T. McGulre. Annual harvest dinner iq the evening. The qualifying round for the fel- lowship cup 2d, which was presented by J. J. Charles and is open to mem- bers over 46 years of age. was played Juno 13, and R. E. Wilsey, J. S. Bar- tie, L. A. Ferguson, F. R. Judd, E. C. Carter, T.-J^--Dougherty? ^3»v C-J. Swan and D. A. Noyers were the for- tunate eight members to qualify. This trophy has to be won twice in suc- cession or by a player three different years to become his property, and the names engraved on the cup to date are: 1910, Rollin A. Keyes; 1911. Charles E. Yerkes; 1912; W. L. Ross, and last year by Jesse E. Pumphrey. There was a class handicap tourna- ment Twith -a -prtze-to the player hav- ing the lowest net score which was won In class A by W. H. Kidston. 88-^12^-76yTa cTasaT B by R. W. Grange. 98--18--80. and Dr. H. P. Patrick won In class C with 97--24--73. fchree matches were decided in the first round match play for the Matur- ity cup. G. M. Moore defeated E. M. Ashcraft of Calumet, 2 and 1; A. N. Young won frem. R. W. Hunt, 2 and l.'and R. C. Lake removed Thomas Kane by the same score, and E. A. Mayo, W. H. Kidston and L. A Fergu- son were successful in the second round of match play for the Frasier If . " TAYLOR'S APPOINTMENT [FIRMED BY SENATE Mrs. Sarah Baxter sailed on Friday for several months in Europe^, • Miss Mildred Wennberg 1s very iU at her home, 2226 East Railroad ave- nue. Miss Dow of Brookltne, Mass., Is the guest of Miss Helen Talbot, 521 Grove street. , Mr. Jouett Singleton, 1422 Judaon avenue, has returned from Princeton. university for the summer. Miss Marguerite Nichols returned Saturday to her home, 839 Judson ave- nue, from Weliesley college. Mrs. E. T. Abbott of Minneapolis is the guest of her brother. Mr. William A. Cavanagh, 728 Judson avenue. The Manday Reading club met Mon- day afternoon with Mrs.* Chester Addison Bush, 2310 Harrison street. Miss Mildred Griggs, 724 Forest avenue, returned last week from Mad- toonville, Ky., where she has been teaching. An Alpha Phi luncheon for conven- tion delegates will be held in Mar- shall Field's south grill room on next Saturday. The Oak Leaf circle gave a truck ride. and dinner party Monday at Pine Grove farm. Covers were laid for twenty.-^-- > Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Howe, 2222 Lincoln street, have gone on a two weeks' trip to Boston, New York and other eastern points. The Oak Leaf circle met Wednes- day .evening at the home of the Misses Esther and Marjorlc Grantham, 2415 Hartzcll street. - Mrs. W. G. Krueger. formerly Miss Elizabeth McKay, left Tuesday for "New York, where she will sail on Thursday for Europe. Mr. and Mrs. John Fox, who occu- pied the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Norris, 2327 Harrison street, have moved to 2509 Pioneer road. Professor and Mrs. F. W. Nichols. 839 Judson avenue, will leave the end of the week for Marengo. Mich., where they Will spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell Hoyt, 1575 Ashland avenue, will leave Fri- day for Michigan, where they have taken a cottage near St. Joseph. Mr. John F. Stafford, 1571 Ridge avenue, has returned from a trip to Lake Osakis, Minn., where he ad- dressed a fire insurance convention. Mre. J. H. Stinesh of. Providence, has arrived in this city for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. H. C. Tilden, 25 Greenwood boulevard. Mr. and Mrs. David McCurrach, Sr., of 408 Lee street, sailed from Mon- treal last Saturday for Scotland, where they will spend the summer. "mt John 8avTtW "809 Washington street, left last week for Hanover, N. H., where he will attend the fifth re- union of his claSs at Dartmouth col- lege. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gates of Cleve- land, O., will return this week, after spending a week with Mr. Gates' bIb- ter, Mrs. Charles H. Rose, 2410 Park place. -x Mrs. William H. Lee and daughter, Miss Laura Lee, 1310 Hinman avenue, will sail on Wednesday for Europe, where Miss Lee will study classic dancing. Mrs. Henry Buswell and family. 1014 Greenwood bbulevard, left Mon- day tor their home at Great Smith Hay, where Mr. Buswell will join them later in the season. Mrs. Ralph Starkweather and her aon. Ralph, have returned from a trip around the world, on which they start- ed last September, and have taken a home in this city for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Linhiger. 1635 Hinman avenue, have returned from Topeka, Kan., where they attended the wedding of their son. Herbert Lininger, and MIsb Alice Larimer----------_ TONIGHT A telegram received Monday by The News from Congressman Charles M. Thomson states the senate has confirmed the appointment of George Taylor as postmaster at Ev- Immediately upon receipt of message' a representative of The showed it to the grocer-post- -to-be. "That's the. first I have of the confirmation, but it cer- is good news," was his com- ment. It will probably be about ten days before Mr. Taylor will take charge of the nostofice. Mr. Henry C. Tilden, 325 Greenwood boulevard, spent last week in New Ygrk, returning by way of Detroit, where he was Joined by Mrs. Tilden. They arrived in this city on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore W. Robin- Son, 1620 Ridge avenue, left last Sun- day for Cambridge, Mass.. where they will attend the graduating exercises of their son, Edgar, who is a member of this year's clasB at Harvard uni- versity. The annual meeting of the Evans- ton Players club was held Monday eve at St. Mark's parish house. A business meeting of the active mem- bers was called at 8 o'clock, when the reports of the secretary and treasurer were read, followed by the election officers, which was as follows: Presi dent, Henry C. Tilden; vice president, J. L. Barchard; secretary. Charles H. Ferguson; treasurer, Donald Scott; directors, Mrs. Frederick Arnd, Mrs. A. Starr Best, Mrs. ^Charles A. Vilas, Mr. F. W. Harnwell, Mr. Gardner Read and Mr. J. Mitchell Hoyt. At 9 o'clock the associate membersN. of the ciub came In and a "spring gambol" was enjoyed by all. The program opened with a musical selection, with Mr. ElliotV Johnson at the piano. Don- old Kimbara, drummer, and Mr. Fred- ericks Arnd, with the bones. Mrs. Barchard gave a reading entitled, "In the Wings," that was delightfully done. A very clever and humorous sketch, "The Silent System," by Mrs. Frederick Arnd and Mr. W. J. Fabian, brought forth great applause. Mrs. Greenwood Murch gave several vocal selections In her Inimitable manner, and Mrs. Arthur Hawxhurst charmed the audtenee with*** little French reading. "Le Petit Savoyard." Mr. Frederick Arnd closed the program with a song, Wlw--aa» Watermelon Vine Grows," the audience joining In the chorus, making the evening a marry and-Informal affairforall. Dancing and refreshments followed. = ■S THURSDAY, JUNE 18, X91C -- Mr. Jack Charles, 1319 Hinman ave- nue, haa returned from Cornell tor the summer. Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Crltchetl of 904 Michigan avenue have gone to Atlan- tic City, N. J. . Miss Gladys Anderson. 2506 Hart ray avenue, returned Saturday from Den- nlBon university. Mr. Henry Itttchoil of Gary, Ind.. was the week-end, guest of his sister Mr. and Mrs. WUUam McCabe were pleasantly surprised on last Saturday, June 13, at their home, 1810 Wesley avenue, by a party of friends in honor of their twenty-fifth wedding annlver- Mins Ruth Mltenrll. 2203 The Camp Fire Girls of the Lincoln street school participated in a picnic at Lin- The annual reception will be given cola park Monday. Mr. Julian Phillips and Mr. Jack Patten are spending several weeks camping in Indiana. Mr. Weir Williams. 3233 Orrington avenue, has returned from Wesleyan college for the summer. Mr. and Mrs, Wiley J. Lit tic John. 1832 Hinman avenue, have gone to Europe for several months. Mrs. A. Jr Henderson of Savannah, Ga.. is the guest of Mrs. Citve N. Sherwood, 915 Forest avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hobart, 1112 Grove street, announce the birth of a daughter on Saturday, June 13. Mr. Walter Stockton, 1109 Hinman avenue, returned Sunday from Prince- ton university for the summer. Miss Harriet Hopkins, 1221 Hin- man avenue, has returned from West- over, where she has been attending school. Miss Elizabeth Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan W. Williams. ,1301 Sheridan road, returned last week from Bryn Mawr. Mr. and Mrs. William A, Gardner and family, 1218 Sheridan road, will leave Wednesday for their summer home at Wianno, Mass. Rev. Harry F. Ward, 2512 Park place, left last week on a lecture trip through Texas. His subject Is "The Church and Social Service." Saturday afternoon Mrs. Will Wal- ter, 1507 Hinman avenue, entertained at a The Dansant for her guest, Miss Esther Bradley of Dubuque, la. Miss Merrell Smith of Denver, Colo., will spend a few days with her aunt, Mrs. William F. Stahl. 1032 Hin- man avenue, en route to New York, Mr. Phillip Griffen, 1127 Forest ave- nue, and Mr. Rawleigh Warner, 427 Greenwood boulevard, returned to Princeton university for their class reunion. Mr. Hamilton Walters, 1507 Hinman avenue, left Sunday on a surveying trip through -northern Wisconsin. Loronz Walters returned from Ashe- ville school last week. Miss Alice Mosely, 909 Forest ave- nue, entertained at supper Sunday evening for Miss Dorothy Deshler; Griffith of Indianapolis, who is the guest of Miss Frances Charles. Mrs. Charles Ward Northrup will entertain for Miss Elizabeth Case on Tuesday afternoon, June 23, between the hours of 4 and 6 o'clock at. the Evanston Woman's club. Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Griswold and family, will return tomorrow from Now Yorky and will aixmd a week in tills city before going to their sum- mer home at Green Lake, \Vi8. MIsb Ethelwyn Hinckley, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Hinckley, 1015 Greenwood boulevard, returned last Thursday from Northampton, Mass., where she has been attending school. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Butow and M|as Helen Butow, 2636 Railroad avenue, attended the graduating exercises last Friday evening at the Desplaines High school of Miss Emma Butow, formerly of this city. at the Agard Deaconess Rest Home. Lake Bluff. WoSspday. Mrs. John 11. Witter Is in charge. Mrs. Gilbert S. Pond and daughter, Elisabeth, of Hew York City, formerly of Evanston, are making an extended visit with relative* and friends In Ev- anston and Wiimetto. Central i8***'- Miss Jeanette Rldlon. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. John Ridlon, formerly of this city, who has been attending Miss Shipley's school at Bryn Mawr, iuta j.miu-u her parents at their sum- mer home at Newport for the summer. Mrr and Mrs. Homer ,H,^Kingsley and the Misses Katharine and Helen Kingsley of 1229 Judson avenue will leave for Europe for the summer on 'Thursday. They will sail on the Cu- Prof. and Mrs. Robert L. Cumnock j nurd steamer will land in Now; York on Monday,' treal on next June 22, arriving In this city on the j principally in 25th, staying for a week at the homo ! Switzerland of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Claude IS. Cumnock, 1115 GrOve street. Mr. and MrnyTranela Hardy, 1214 Ridge avenue, announced the engage- ment of their daughter. Ediths Wat- bridge, to Archibald n. Young of Louisville, Ky. Th was made at a dlnn "Andania" Saturday. Germany, from Mon and travel Italy and The Evanston Woman's club held an informal afternoon at the club-house today, at which Mrs. 11. S. Shedd was the hostess. Miss (Catherine Beebe read several Irish stories, and a trio consisting of Miss Edna MacDonatd, viola, Mrs. Godard. violin, and Miss announcement I Zella Marshall, piano, gave instruinen- given on Sat-Ltal selections. ©to Cro cro <xo crocro cro era cro on Cr& cro cro H cro cro cro <XO Mvte fe> tit »«>«» '*« tor thorn who era knowknw. KejTMcntnolunly METAI. }£X ami CLASS bat afara tomiort and gc tltiathcy. Cro | WE MOW HOW 10 MT TOUR EYES gj§ Spectacles and Eye Glasses OX? S8 R. L. GONSALVi CORtTiCtOf iltf BKlMCT *T*iri*t Pr--ptl, AttimUd U PhMuWintHkaUS Sk*r: 90* LimUm < • JftrtNr* Wmm. IMu*» ■■■■«' WaTRYS heidkamp j®> OPTICIANS «5* [56w.RANDOLPH ST.EsfabfetadJWjJ oootooo'l CHICAGO-loowoo W PUREWA " "i i M Forthetruly modern He: TWO CKKTS a nxt Red Cross Filter TBI MAIM 3o »• CHAS. S. WALLACE. A»»t (l*2t Orrington A»<- Ttl. EvaH»i _..„,.| ' ... '" " urday evening. Mi88 Barbara Sonnen, 2614 Harrison Mr. KU'hard tiaii. 1138 Judson ave-; street, entertained a number of her nue. will return on Saturday from \ friends Informally Sunday afternoon Princeton university. Miss Dorothy In honor or her thirteenth birthday. Hall, who haa been attending Miss | The house was very prettily decorated Wright's school in Kryn Mawr. Pa., j la Pink and whlto. Among those who Is visiting in tho east, and will not I attended were Margaret Mohr. Mil- return to this city until the middle !dred and Myrtle Bent, "Bubbles" of juiy, ; Schmidt, Gladys De Clorcq. Marguerite Mr. Edwin P. Walker, 2333 Uncoln j Gradler, Gertrudo Green and Inabel street, returned on Saturday from San ; Branch. Diego, where fio, was called by a | serious fall Sustained by his father, Mr. P. H. Walker, several weeks ago. Mr. Walker is vary much improved in health and Will return to this city with Mrs. Walker In. September.. Mrs. William Tod llelmuth, ex-presi- dent of the New York State Suffrage society and president of the Society of Pioneers of the General Federa- tion, entertained at dinner last Satur- day evening at the Congress hotel. Among the guests of honor was Mrs. Wirt E. Humphrey of 2146 Orrington avenue. Mrs. Robert S. Clark and Miss Theodosia Clark. 1110 Michigan ave- nue, will not return to this city until the latter part of next week. While in the east Mrs. Clark and Miss Clark attended the graduating exercises at Annapolis, where Mr. Stewart Clark is studying, and from there havo via-- ited in Atlantic tJIty. and will spend soveral days hi "Philadelphia before returning to this city. Just before leaving this city for K^„ •***.-- «t- «£ "*»*--t1 0..-J--. Mia^i liei iiuim- in Oh toui .•..•■......, .-.■.,.. Madalynne Connor ^announced hercn- gagement to Ratfh R. Obehchain. Both have been prominent in social affairs at Northwestern university, Mr. Obenchain, who graduated from the Northwestern nnlfsrslty law school iaat^eeterrtrayqwidillRlMEW^ law class and a member of the Phi Kappa Sigma-fraternity,' His home is in South WMtciy, Inn". The wed- In the fall. NEWS WANT ADS BRING RESULTS ding will take place In »v . v n.<.' D r o w SMI At 104 North State St., one door North of Washington St., you will find EDWARD KIRCH BERG Diamond Merchant--ham ind Saauficfurer Wedding rings and gifts of all kinds We recommend him to our readers THE EVANSTON Phones 2898-3899 Chaa. E. New, Mgr. The Great Loop Success. Children ' under 16 not admitted FRIDAY A War Feature of Great Power. Two Parts Tango and Cabaret Night. i--SATURDAY----- Special Children's Show Sat. Mat,. An Animated Cartoon Feature All Children under 12 yrs. 8c A Specially Picked Show lor Children and Adults MONDAY- The Third Degree From the Famous Play of that name All Seats 10c |*m opes fns 2 ft 5 IN 7 to 10:30 cur„S|««TKKTII Imi.IIialt 11 of , WITHOUT ait* 36,tar. VI.ATKS ,„.U< *mimltfec«if»Hi««<uribllilr. Oor w etltkratte M 00 Mil hm tloos lh» •Othia.ict ioiclallll«.,C00NsT'i.TATI<>,N rKKW Southeast Corner Hsndolph and Clsrk Streets _Op«n mSSSmt »iBt«T*<aB«ay» to w '■'■» ALLAN UN "Tat 18m if Btod Itrtiw- 3 Sailings Ewry Wiek O II TOAWDFROM & BE U -VIA- Scenlc St Lawrence Route MMtritJ Qh'K--UfstBtti Msatrsai--Quebec--Burt--lutes BMlon TM m Turtise Qalreplc Sent S. 8. "Alsatian" and "Calgarian* 25,000 Ton* Dl»pl«ccmtnt URGEST --FINEST FASTEST CANADIAN ROUTE Ocean Passage less Tlae Four Days The Sleaaer el tlaej Anratttees Cmbhw in suite with private bath ami toilet. Spacious •into rooina. Glass ineloaed iiromon- Si!e deck. Vfr-mte Caf« Gota- forttbte Louiuiea. Electric l»aK- ■eager Elevators. Orchestra. Gymnasium. Uiuurpasaed ac- comodation, an classes. Lowest rates. Summer innervation lista now open. Kerly bookinR* rce- ommenoed. Send for descriptive Booklet "O." For full particu- lars as to rsilinm. rates, etc.* apply nearest Local Agent, o HUM 4 CO, General i gents 117 north Dtarbore Street, Clictgs is now being prepared covering tlie local Exchange of the Chicago Telephone Company Owing to constant growth and extension of telephone service the Telephone Directory becomes, each year, a more comprehensive and convenient reference list of names and addresses. Prospective patrons should sign con- tracts for service as soon as possible in order that their names may be listed in The New Directory Chicago Telephone Company H. B. Gates. District Manager 11 mm earn The Condition oi Lake Water ■awewaaaw Pollution of Lake Water by Sewerage i8 the subject of much discussion. Authorities agree that LAKE WATER is unfit for drinking purposes. WHAT IS THE^REMEDY? ORDER AT ONCE CORINNIS WAUKESHA WATER-ALWAYS PURE AND HEALTHFUL HINCKLEY & Telephone Evanston 980 Distributori "Away With Mosquitoes' UseHHTISKEETCREAM Positively prevents bites and sringa of all insccis. Dclightfu!ly perfumed. Hsslinf for s'jr.burns aadchafiogs and old biles. Different from ail sacb preparations. Accept no sabstitotsi. Aek your druggisttor if- Price 25CJ>ertllb* Chetmical Saedalty Co. cmcAco sStsat Two Gift First Book of the North Shore A book every lover of the Mackinac country should have* Beautifully printed in Sepia or India Tint stock, illustrations on Vellum Plate. From the press of the Bowman Publishing Co. Bound in Boards and boxed, per copy . Bound in Heavy Paper, ^er copy $1.00 .SO Price $150 and See Display at ANDLER'S 630 DAVIS STREET Second Book of the North Shore Price $2.00 Homes, Gardens, Landscapes, High- ways and Byways, Past and Present by MARIAN A. WHITE Intensely Interesting, Historically Valuable, Pro- fusely Illustrated in sepia and of increasing value, a* books will not be reprinted. Make remittancesdirect t* MARIAN 6028 Sheridan Road . WHITE r Chicafo

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