=5= bob: happenings in Wilmette A. Smith entertained in- sturday afternoon at her n rare avenue. S Pottawattamie Camp Fire girls rehearsing for a play. "The Four ," to be given a week from Fri- *« the li"Sii at the home of-Mr. lira. Arthur Rodman, 714 Elm- avenue. There will be seven fcbleaux given, also representing the Seven camp lire laws. Tickets will be ve cents for children and ten cents %>r adults. The proceeds will go to *he Tribune ice fund. The girls are MM THE LAKE The Arden Shore committee will ■give a benefit lawn .party, Aug. 28, at the home of Mr*. C. P. Van Schaack, Git Linden avenue. There will be a cake sale and card party, with many beautiful prizes. Tickets may be se- cured from the following ladies: Mrs. Cr €. MitcheJUV 814 Linden avenue; Mrs: C. P. Van Schaack; Mrs. ?. M. Knox, 519 Forest avenue; Mrs. J. V- Miss Evelyn Segsworth, U«T Wil- mette avenue, left Thursday night to visit relatives at Travers City, Mlcju Mr. Harry Cumberland of IW fftfth street, who has been on an extensive trip through the west, is again at hone. ■' Mr. Raymond Joslyn of Chicago spent the week-end wttb his relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. *. Hough, J«5 Fifth street. Miss Dorothy Rice of Chicago spent the past week with her aunt, Mrs. Thomas Coyne, returning to her home Mrs. F. A- Wilson epfrrMdsed a Wihnette, having lived here many years. Thegr removed to How ICerk Cfty «hottt two years ago. Mrs. Mar- bury has returned to Wilmette each mmmnr with ttoajsys, Bass a/ad Jbafce, ***•# 1**0 **** A4*v • M^^RK? >*■> n»^V ^SW^BR^P™** Mr. Robert Ross, J011 Central avenue. Cowing, 630 Washington avenue; Mrs. .1. B. Greiner, 681' Lake avenue; Mrs. number of friends from Hammond, G. D. White, 1101 Greenwood avenue; j ind.. and Chicago tor several days Mrs: E. P. Bartlette, 1324 Elm wood last week. avenue; Mrs. p. W. Schmidt, 827 Elm- Mrs. Eda Dawson returned this IfEW1. THURSDAY, AUCWT 1*. Ml *^^ jp»Pp» i^g w&' sbwb^t ^* ^»^ = * ■' ,» m *m Kenilworth Memo 5C 1 rrwr tby "^s* *£*e ietng drilled by their guardian, Miss wood avenue; Mrs. Fred Harwood, j week to her home, 1022 Lake avenue, 606 Greenleaf avenue; Miss Hortenae i after spending several months in Cowing, and Mrs. O. C. Eastman, 412) California. Central avenue. Jfcogers. :M. - ,jA "" " *' Several Wilmette families motored to the Reed farm near Glen View, 111., Jhis week. An old-fashioned camp lire was built, and after luncheon the Sfarty gathered around the fire sing- ing songs and telling stories. Those %ho enjoyed the trip were Messrs. D. %.. Gallie, T. C. Gale, W. H. Thayer* L. H. Daggett, E. W. McCullough, Jlausson and their families. 2 The Panama hat on which chance* Spore sold for the benefit of the Arden lore camp will be raffled off tonight the Wilmette theater, on Central venue. One of the ladies on the len Shore committee will sell ckets at the box office, and chances the hat will also be sold at the iter. Miss Margaret Crippen, 1025 Lin- | den avenue, entertained seven girl I friends of the neighborhood in honor ; of her birthday last Tuesday. Miss Gertrude Englemann, 1011 Greenleaf avenue, entertained several iriends on Wednesday at luncheon for the Misses Mathilda and Adele Koph, who are to be her guests for two weeks. Miss Englemann's lunch- eon guests were the Misses Emma Burge and Madge Linch of Wilmette, the Misses Helen E. Peterson, Minnie Knight and Clara Miller from Chi- cago, and Mesdames G. Keisling, Harry Knight and B. Englemann. . Wilmette Societies and Clubs * The Wilmette Arden Shore com- mittee held their annual card party at the Woman's club on Wednesday |Jf last week and a large crowd was ♦resent to help make the party a suc- cess. The exact returns are not Show* at this time, but the ladies Dlaim that they are sure of at least Ijiighty dollars. During the afternoon sbances were sold on a hat and bag jfrhich are to be raffled off, the pro- ceeds to go to the Arden Shore fund. . Jfhose winning prizes in the card games were: *» Mrs. Geo. D. White, 1101 Green- jVood avenue, first prize at bridge. m Mrs. Beasley, first prize at 600. * Mrs. Scott, first prize in euehre, C Other prizes were won by: -Mrs. C. C. Mitchell, 814 Linden ave- % Mrs'. 8. G. Nordorf, 1507 Lake ave- nue. yMrs. &. WUJordan, 1317 Elmwood avetiuer-----" :------__:--,-.,--------- -Mrs. G. W. Harrington, 1068 Lin- den avenue. * Mrs. H. J. Richter, 1211 Hill street. H Mrs. J. P. Gowing, C30 Washington avenue. Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk Mr. Chas. Thompson, Pine street, is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Decker have returned from the east. pearlie Delebecque is visiting rela- tives in Chicago. Miss Ger,trude Arend is visiting rela- tives in Cleveland, O. Mr. and Mrs. Conable and children are at Menominee, Mich. Miss Juliette Gates spent last week with friends in Chicago. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. J. 8. Cook, 1017 Greenleaf ave- nue, left last Monday with her three children for a two weeks' visit fa Peoria, 111. Miss Florence Rae, 822 Elmwood avenue, left Tuesday for Delavan Lake, Wis., and expects to remain several days. Mrs. F. H. Gallagher and daughters, 1223 Forest avenue, is home from a visit of several days in Milwaukee end Madison, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Buckmau, 726 Laurel avenue, have returned to Wil- mette after spending ten days camp- ing at Crystal Lake. • Mrs. W. J. Thrumston and daugh- ter, June, 934 Sixteenth street, are in Marshall, Minn-, the guests of Mrs. Th rums ton's mother. Mrs. Z. Hall and daughter, Jo- ! sephine, of Chatsworth, 111., were the guests of Mrs. J. B. Cathercoal, 1638 Forest .avenue, last week. Mr. Geo. H. pattlson and family, 823 Ashland avenue, have returned from Butternut Lake, Wis., where they have been for a month. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Simmons and two small sons, Dwight and Wells, 110 Fifth street, are at home after a two weeks' sojourn at Delavan Lake. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Gates left Sat- urday on the new steamer. South American, tor the Duluth and Geor- gian Bay trip, returning next Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. s. D. Buckman and daughter, Eleanor, 831 Oakwood ave- nue, are visiting In St. Paul, Minn., where tbey will remain for several days: Mrs. Edward J. Hoffman, 1635 LakB Ceo. Burkitt has been ill. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rogers spent j avenue, has Mrs. NaiscbaJder of Wa the week-end in Waukegan. bash, Ind., and Mrs. Straka and sop, Mr',W' J.' kosher, 121 Sixth street, j Miles, of Milwaukee, as guests this week. Mrs.' Oscar W. Schmidt, 827 Elm-j m. t» in Wisconsin on business, Mrs. W. J. Mosher, 121 Sixth street, spent the week-end in Michigan. Mr. Otto Wernecke returned from the Evanston hospital Saturday. Mr. Henry Harfst, 1503 Lake ave- nue, is at Sa]| Lake City this week. Mr. Brenton Groves, 1223 Wilmette avenue, spent the week-end at Geneva. Mr. Peterson spent this week with Mr. Orian Galitz, 1206 Gregory avenue. Mrs. Fitz Randolph, 824 Linden avenue, spent Tuesday at LibertyvIHe, wood avenue. 3 Mrs. Palmer. ; The bat, on which chances were sold at the party, is now on display j qt Rennacker's drug store. Those; who hold chances are requested to save their names and the number on their ticket with Miss Hortense j flowing, as it is to be raffled off some time this week. i Mrs. J. D. Colt, who has been stay- ing at the Virginia hotel in Chicago for several months, will be hostess to the members of the Drama Study clasB next Wednesday. The ladies will be entertained at Marshall Field's for luncheon, in one of the private dining rooms, where they will remain { for the work of the afternoon. ■-- %™ ' ;;Mrs. F. D. Day, 810 Oakwood ave nue, entertains the Tuesday Bridge and Luncheon club next week. MjrSilfoyMacpherspn of Jiorth Edge-! water entertained the North Shore i Luncheon club yesterday, ........ J The Eight club was entertained by j Mrs. Whiffen on Monday. The Reading circle meets next Mon- ... dajLat the home of Mrs. H. K. Snider,.' ou Washington avenue. Mrs. George White will entertain i the Friday club on Aug. 21. .The Central Avenue circle met Fri- day afternoon at -the home of Miss Carrie Brown on Eleventh street. I The Woman's club will give a card party Wednesday, Aug. 19, for " the benefit of the building fund. The committee in charge" is composed or Mrs. Theodore Breyer, 725 Washing- ton avenue, chairman; .Mrs. Arthur Allen, 102!) Thirteenth street; Mrs David Dickinson, 511 Washington ave- nue; Mrs. H. J. Richter, 1211 Hill : .street; Mrs. Frank Gallagher. 1233 j Mrs. Richardson, who was injured while horseback riding, Is slowly im- proving. Mrs. J. F. Stone, 70C Linden avenue, Is entertaining Miss Moody of Min- neapolis. Mr. and Mrs, Zaremha, 107.'? Lake avenue, are summering in northern Wisconsin. Miss Margaret Hall, 1129 Central avenue,--has--left--for an--outing--at" Saugatuck, Mich. Mrs. Ira Gamron and sons, 124 Sixth street, are at Saugatuck for a two-weeks' outing. Mrs. E. J Bentlfcy Is expected home this week from a visit with relatives in St Claire, 111. The Misses Newman of Aurora were the week-end guests of Mrs Hill. 1520 Columbus avenue. The Misses Ella Rosberg and Klo ronce Steffens have gone for a week's outing at l.ake Geneva. Mrs. Hubert Harmon. 214 Sixth street, crossed the lake Sunday with friends from Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Crippen, 1025 Linden avenue, have returned from Lake wood, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Win. E. Hess and Miss Jessie Hess left Friday to spend the week-ond at Bluff Lake. Mrs. E. B. Wheelock and Miss Mabel Wheelock left Monday for. a two weeks' visit-to Saugatuck. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kloepfer at- tended the post masters' convention held in St. Paul, Aug. fi. Miss Jeannette Tuthill. 126 Fifth street, visited relatives in Wis., over the week-end. Mrs. Lulu Allen returned this week from her trip to Yellowstone Park and was summoned to Vermont at once by the serious illness of her brother. Mrs. Lulu Allen, 929 Central avenue, returned from the west last week, and has left for her old home In Vermont, where she expects to remain until the first of September. Mr. H. J. Gould, whom many will remember as a former resident of Wilmette, spept the week-end in the village recently, Mjc, Gould and family are now living in New York. Mr. J. R Harper, 719 Park avenue, returned to Wilmette to spend the week-end. Mrs. Samuel Groves left with Mrs. Harper to be the guest of tlje Harper family at their country home. Mfc O. C. Eastman and Miss Clemen- tine Eastman, 412 Central avenue, re- turned home ThfiTweek. Mr. Eastman has been spending some time at Mud- j lavla, and Miss Eastman has been at Danville, 111. Mrs. N. T. Anderson, 230 Hill street, j to recovering from an illness con- tracted-three months ago when an j attack of diphtheria left ber with par- tial paralysis. Mrs. Anderson is in the Selgle House sanitarium. MIsb Finlay of Battle Creek, Mich., who has been the guest of her brother, MY."P. R. Finlay and Mrs. Finlay, 419 Ninth street, left the first of last week with Mrs. Finlay for Gull Lake, Mich., where they expect to remain some time. 1 En route for her home in Terre Hau^e, Ind., Mi»s Burah Mae Tread : way spent the week-end with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. s. 8 Millar of Oakwood avenue. Miss Treadway has heen a resident of Wll- | lnrcl hall whtl.. taking the six weeks' ] course in music and drawing at North- | western university.' Mrs. W. G Beyrer, 1022 l^ke ave >ue; Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Moore and j bon. James Moore, of Slu-ridan road, left Sunday on an eastern automo- fMftiWSli Mrs. C. Carew, formerly of Kenil- worth, Is visiting Mrs. J. €. Murray. Mr. snd Mrs. J. B. Thorsen m»& Mies Alice Thorsen are at Spring Lake, Mich. Mrs. B. Wheeler entertained a few of her friends at dinner Tuesday night St the Skokie Golf dub. Mrs. W. J. Taylor and daughter Helen are visiting Dr. and Mrs Stearns on their farm near Fenville, Mich. D. W. If art man, editor of the Lake Forester, says that the worst road around Chicago is Sheridan road through Kenilworth and Wilmette, MISS Lucy Duncan Hall, who has been studying in Europe for the past year, will teach the Dalcroze system of Eurhythmy at the Northwestern school of music this year. She studied this system at Hellerau, Germany, Kenilworth has several people in Europe, Dr. and Mrs. C. Case, Mrs. c. K. Parmelce and aunt, Mrs. Bay, Dorothy Flood, Dr. Franklin H. Mar- tin has been appointed chairman of the committee to look after the 1,000 American surgeons who attended the dlnlcal congress in London. The Philathea class of the Wilmette Methodist church gave Miss Boss Ducrst a very pleasant mrprlBe Mon- day at the home of Mrs. Dee A. Stoker, Abbottsford road. Miss Duerst is leaving in two weeks for California, where she will study nursing, The young people spent a very enjoyable evening. Mrs. Clarence Gasque entertained a party jof guests during last week at her home on Camper road, the ones' slon being the celebration of Mr. Casque's birthday, which occurred last Friday. The house party con- sisted of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bent- ley of the Gienview chtb, Mr. Harry Applegate of Chisago, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. M. Meachem of Seattle, Wash., and Miss Anna Panneran of Chicago. The guests spent most of their time during the day playing golf 00 the Skokie golf links and their evenings at Ravinia. Several dinner parties were given in their honor. The children of "Kenilworth are ex- pecting a great time today. Today will occur the annual children's party to be held on the base- ball held at Ravinia park. All the north shore towns Will be represented. Last year the event was a party, each child dressed as a flower, Kenilworth representing the violet. This year tl- entertainment will represent a circus. Every child Is urged to dress in circus costume, but any fancy dress costume may be used. Mrs. W. W Wheelock was appointed by Mrs. Warren Pease as chairman of the Kenilworth committee. She is as- sisted by Mrs. M. e. Newman and MIbs Marie Kasten. Horatio Chandler and Edward Parnudee have offered to get up an animal "stunt," the mmtm *t'ifr, and Nn. Man Be- sery of Melrose Park on a motor <U*P to Canada. Miss Jessie BttjMtt 4* Undep nfcnset to the guest <** <qej*a*e <e#4 Mrs. Brad- ley «t the tlasnidafr farm near Uh- ertyville. Mr. and. Mr*- Mages and daughters, Winifred and Willow, and Miss Anas Jemison of Jfnlifcaj | Woods are at Three \mtaem, Wis. Mlas KUzaheth Kultchsr, who has **^* ^^^WJ^^PWj* ^WM.« W-Jm^^ ^^^^W^WW<s WP tne weeks, is now via**** Mm W, K Copeiand, Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Smith former- ly of Waukegan are now occupying the new hegae at 753 Foxdale avenue. Mrs. Smith was formerly Miss Hazel Peveere of Winnetka. Mrs. M. W. Sfokes and son Edwin of Marshall, Tex., are the sweat* of Mrs. Stokes* daughter, Un. Carroll D. Murphy of Cherry street. They will remain in Winnetka for shout six weeks. Among those who gave dinnera at the Indian Hill club at Winnetka Sat- urday eveiling were' John W. Syme, John B, Dickinson, Frank R. Greene, C. L. Day, G. W. Blossom, E. W. Bichey, A. E. McCordic and John B. Montgomery. Capt. and Mrs, Frank Mason of Paris, who are the guests of their son and bis wife, Mrs. Fraoeis P. Mason, are In Cleveland, O., where tbey win attend a large reception given in their honor by Mr. anA Mrs. Ambrose Bob- bins on Aug. 12. Mrs. Francis P. Mason entertained at a large tea 00 Friday afternoon In honor of ber husband's parents and Mrs. Frank Mason of Paris. Among! those present were Mesdames Ira C:Wood, Charles Sturgis, George A. Thornc, John A. Jameson, Alfred May-! nard, Morris L. Greeley, and Joseph Husband. Mr. and Mrs, William Gold Hlbbard. gave a garden party and fete on Fri day afternoon and evening in their delightful garden on Willow road: The proceeds of the party went to enlarge the building fund of the Arden Shore camp near Lake Bluff where many lit- tle tenement children and their moth- ers enjoy long weeks of outing. r*Y :■ OF THIS BANK J'ari ieulars regarding accounts an out books «re <mly supplied *o mar emaUmven 3» ptwww, to tiieir known representatives at upon maihfwir*- twm in writW. On thb Imm we mvite your Open Friday evenings town J to $ P, M. WILMETTE &m. ymmmmmmmmmmaManm ~-**~-*mmmiim White on Your V§c*$km Remember Voor " 111 n 11 in 1 mi»i 11...........1 Friend* i Homo wkk BemttituiCvt ftowen " '■ I IV"""......I ■ "■' I . ".'"'> 1 ,n ,.ii»i iiii mi «Mn. 11 mini mi Leave your orders with us, we shall fee pleased to fill your every want with strictly fresh flowers *t Uweet wholesale prices. Store; 015 flsffrA§4 Ave, Greenhouses; 1625 Central Ave, Telephone Wilmeite 23 PYFER & OLSEM, Wilmeite, •gcesssors STAB fLOBAL CO, W»4aUy«r to ftor p*n of Ev«iu«>,n. Wilm.tte, Kenilworth. G.leneo*, Wi north snore town*. Also 4«hr«r /lower* on board steamer* asUiag from ilflMMIMd^HIMdlfddH. STi invitation is extended to all children- They will meet in the con- cert building under the Kenilworth banner and the parade will be led by the boys of the Allendale and Olen- wood farms. These boys will be en- tertained all day, the north shore women providing their dinner, MrB. P. M. Chaffee has charge of this part of the committee from Kenilworth. in Highland Park Mrs. John Bunnell of Highland Park entertained at an informal bridge Wednesday. Mrs. Charles C. Clark, wife of Maj. Clark, is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Irwin Marshall of Highland Perk, pre- paratory to sailing to China. Mr, and Mrs. J. B. TerbeJ! of. High- land Park were host and hostess at a dinner party at Onwentsia club Thursday, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Moore of Cleveland, O. Mr. and Mrs, Moore are the guests of Mr. and j Mrs. John Glass of Ravinia. Many i affairs have been given in honor of; Mrs. Glass' guests. Through the courtesy of Highland Hall, the young women of the High- land Park V. W. c A. h£ve planned | an entertainment for, tiie benefit of j; the association, Mrs: W, A. Alexan- der is chairman and organizer of the affair, which will take the form of a musical tea. to last from 4 to 7. Mem- 's Tailoring aW I an pleased »o announce that the very l-tsst novfittea id mfhrfbJjf, ft- signs and trimmings for Ino fMJL * WINTBBSEASON of 19t«.|9l5 have arrived, and I herewith e*m& a cordial invitation to you to call and inspect same. By placing yo»r order* early, before the busy season sets in, yon will receive garments when desired, and thus avoid annoying disappointments. Tbaokipg you for past favors, and aolfcifing their continuance, tad for • flWf QualHv. Cortert Stvfa ArtMle Workmanthi* and Periftt F{t GEORGE J. fcBER 5Wnr0t, Phone 6TW* wAUTQ DOCTOR WIU call, examine your car, give jjatimate »nd do work Bryour garage, E, O, MttVINC WINNETKA I!♦*♦*<I»♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦»»♦♦♦ in Winnetka past Kenosha I bile trip, with Boston as their destlna | tion Mrs. Batchford of Boston, who William Norris spent the week-end has been the guest of her daughter. at the home of Mr. E. R. Webber, I near Paw Paw l^»ke, Mich., Mr. B. D. Hovey was In town tor a few days last w<iek. returning to Independence. la.. Saturday. Mr. lOdward G. Stevenson und fam- ily,%2i Central avenue, left Saturday foi\ an extended trip in California. Miss Dorothy Fullmer, of Manito- woc Wis., has been visiting Miss Esther Hoffman, l•;:!.", Lake avenue. Herbert Stufford. Jullen Hess, and Mrs. Moore, will return with them. Mrs. Beyrer will return to Wilmette in two weeks, while Mr. and Mrs. Moore and tfeeir son will remain un- til school opens in September. Ross Marbury. the 12 year-old son Mr. George Dejly *^SRt the week in Jennings, Wis. Mr. Alfred Tilroe and sister Helen are visiting relatives in Chicago, Mr. N. Laiuiou Hoyt and family left Friday for a motor trip to St. Paul. The Misses Ruth and Marlon Easier are visiting relatives at Adrian, Mich Mrs. E. La Beau of Kosewood ave- nue is visiting relatives in Akrqn, O. Mrs. C H Thon-.pson and daughter, Stella, of Pine street, ate at Muskegon, Mich. Mr. and Mrs d. Hovey and family are visiting friends at Independence, la. Miss Georgiana pwslty of Prospect avenue, la visiting In CJrand Rapids. Midi. MIbs Gertrude Arend is in New York, where she will Temaln until the Ice Cream Purity and Quilfty First Made in Wilmette hers of the grand opera company now playing at Ravinia Park and members of the Chicago Symphony orchestra will furnish the entertainment. The Misses Marion and Blanche Mason were hostesses at a tea given at the A. O. Mason home in Highland Park, at a recent date. The affair was given In honor of Mrs. Edmund Eitol of Indianapolis and Miss Emma smoot of Beaumont, Cal. Those re- ceiving with the Misses Mason were Mrs. A. O. Mason and Mrs. W. D. Mes- senger. Among the ladies who as- sisted were Mrs. Sellar -Rullard, Mrs- ■ George Wi ehilda. Mrs. George Ran- dall Boberts, Mrs. Henry Atwoter, Mrs. Frederick Preston, Mrs. Samuel Holmes, and the Misses Lois Wil- liams. Edith Lovell and Miss Marjorle Mason of Galesburg, HI. mette Fruit Store GisGRQE PJBRANTONl, Manager Bashful Papa, "A man la never buccobsiuI until he la abw to borrow money. If ho can borrow it and escape raying it back, he is more than successful. Father' baa been very successful; he is also very bashful. Why, he's so bashful when he borrows money ha can't get up enough nerve to ask a It back." --Eschargo SPECIALISTS AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING For Easy Starting in Cold Weather We equip yow F0KU with a Dw«JlTimirforH,SQ J. W. Meyer & Sons Many Wflinane Families nave taken nd vantage tof our early rooming delivery Why Not Y*ut AHBrend Wrapped j*: , --•W§g Paper-* Wilmette liking Co, I» W. SI CoatMctof 6 BuiHtf ^MMfMMammfWmmMMmaaaWaaWmMmammmMMMMMmaaWmMam JOWtlNO A •-CCWsl'tV PMCE3 RtASOXABLE WMrHOW WaMlTTH3M Rn.-i302WiillHlAil.l WIlMRlJII. -» man to take at youR service American We -- ' Whw «• noo« °< W »dM«ei' or (NaUacl A?|S Gentlemen's Could Stand it Longor. ! Wilmette 667. A lecturer one torrential night ad-, and nleasu you tlllAlt' tailoring Tolenhone COR rORIST AND It IDG We are bore to try PlwwWihMttaMKl WUmett*,! recent events. Ross has been spend- ing the summer with his adnt, Miss! ...«| Elizabeth Marbury, the well known! Gresnlea* avenue, and Mrs. JohnTfiT-! T.honi" Htt" r".rned fu"d*yT e^ P^wright. and her two friends. Miss j son. ISHForest avenue. Both bridge ""^"Z * ""*'?* ^ 1^1™^ An» Jldrwn. the daughter of Pier- ?snd BOO will be nlaved Tickets may Mf and Mr8, DaUon' 1625 Ij*ke ave-| p6nt M^an. and Miss Elsie DeWolf.! Jo^bUiJed 3^ memoer of "he «r' '"'tS^l * ^ UP the'fe8" who are the •**« owners of the fam I committee They expect to be gone several days.: ous vUla of Marte Antoinette In Ver ! Dr. and Mrs, p. M. Gallie and Don-1 sailles. the Beltt Trianon, near Paris. I aid tiaille motored Saturday to Grand ; They open the villa each year as their Beach, Mich., to spend the week-end. | summer residence. The most recent I of Mr. and Mrs. Kranics Marbury. is j end of the month. one of the group of Wilmette people! ^Haa-eatheiiue Metcalf -of ^tolyokc. stranded- in Europe by the course of; Mam, 1rthe gunst dt Was Alice^uck : The first division of the Methodist toadies' Aid met Monday with Mrs. Daniels. 1135 Elmwood avenue. Mrs. George Gardener, 716 Central \ letter which his parents have received avenue, left yesterday for a trip of | from Ross was written from Switier several weeks to Glacier National land, where he was motoring with his meeting _of_.thft_ssc4Rark_ ----------------- ------fwmtTllsrWiWift ««« *» loverneas. Mr. Samuel Groves and daughter. | It la thought that the party may re- Helen. 1223 Wilmette avenue, will main la Bwltierland. which is neutral spend the week-end at Hartford, j territory until the trouble Is settled. The monthly end division of the Methodist Ladies' Aid waa held. Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Milton Borker, Jr., 710 Park avenue. dressed an audience which might have been much larger without taxing the seating capacity of the halt. Natu- rally he wag willing to curtail his ad- dress, and. having reached what he considered the psychological moment. said: "I'm afraid I've kept you too long." Whereupon a voice replied: "Qo on. It's still raining." WM, KAPLAN lADUV AMI (itNTV TAII.Olt Oaa Knilroml Av«. n«nr«i, Hills;, YOUR FRIENDS OUT OF THE CITY Europe. A large crowd oj; prised f*e4 s. JEWELRY PURCHASED KL5°?«S - .' J&^ftMdtAsi-awAsmlMw _ TCP right H the confldenc* ingham of Linden street. Miss Jane Wildman. 648 Cherry ave- nue, entertained Mr. and Mrs. Frank Planners last Sunday at tea. Mr. and Mrs. wm. M. U Fiske and family Of Bryant avenue are at Tarl- ton Lake, N. H., for <dx weeks. Miss Margaret Schajl of Chicago is thfr guest of Mhw Margaret Koo^ Spruce street for several weeks. Miss Ethel Blaslus, who has been in SSJ^^wJfiSWEi-,*" -- ^*i»: *J*£am m*teiXr^&^jSm"& WM, M- SCOTT (citfht year« with J. L. Hebblcthwaite) u ssnaiaar and part owner of on* tTZ^Zia^:^s^nZl wiU ,fiv^hi, p0rsonal «"**»to -«y ^ 5 ** • ■ her daughter Mrginlas return -from'f tervice. AtJTOXtrmil.* Mivirr piibumumi < Stl'Wi °-1tf W^r*1* Western Casket and Undertake Cowp*if £neirZ*?Trknen ;9aske« Lan8in8 ln^rices from ^entyFive up to Hundred and Fifty Dollars. They are Caskets you wiU pay from Fi Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars for m pi.ee else. We * •wvtes. AUTOMOBILE SERVICE Pkonc WUmcttc 280 WM. H. SCOTT. Miw^r *m pnvft *^^ liaaCentNil ■ '