) mmm f0U9 fmmm AfWSniSttftiAn AyiMA Jap £ktitn Wrg^rrrftrfrWrT WW PrT frWrr Masse nasi flaac Cttuii&lM wyvlrW wnm. WW TJFPPjprPplPFji'y ^TrfrW ' ffrW r&fr Seal vacations, where good feed. atiraCtftM mwinynilngu and *>ntnrtmln, ^PfrfJPIFrT f^ ^TrrTrrTrTrrrW^ "rTFr"* »'II f.1*'F ( ^r.ML OWffW Frr * frFrfTn^r^r rfr rTrV*T7*- W^rWfFn^ girls. Js the work of the King's Daugh ters of Evanston. T)kepy work is done in such a Quiet way that many people do not know of the existence of the mneieir AT the scone ol their actlvl- The society owns the comfortable and roomy home at 2329 Hartzell strfift Here they entertain each W££k jtflFffffg iiftfi BiimiiX0r tnoiUhs. The several of the members are delegated to run the place. The guests arc taken to Bavinia park, on automobile lake shore and shown the many points 0* Interest and places of beauty in this vicinity. ' Tha first fyo weeks pf M»k season was spent in entertaining older women, ?he remainder pf the time has been devoted to girls over four- teen yefijrf. of age. T^e pnfy cost to them is one dollar a Week. A club # a similar nature as the JByppstop organization looks after 'tfipsp gfrfc in m Wlnt»h and holds weekly -ppet* iftpMi^ y*f1»w.B vewmmt nwe» m$ spMs) CfPterf, yhey play basketball and indulge in other indoor sports and spend many social evenings to* gether. T^eBvsnston elrple dsf rays the expense of this club. 4 Tba Evanston home accommodates ten girls at a time. 4 young woman is employed each year as a head rpsf dent. She manages the place and does mpph to make the, tired wprkjpg girii who Mm* ppt for a r"e»t ppJpy tMr »^y. ?4| Ipast a dozen nationali- ties are represented among typ sum- mer vfs|tors. Hflf? mim !aff!ttrt!ontr The Klnpfs Daughters bpld tho|r meetings the iirst Tuesday Jp each month. Thpir work at sweh times in. dudes sewing fpy Ipstftpfaps py |pd> viduals In need. Tills year they have furnished material and made gar- ments for the--Evanston Visiting Flood in the Chka*eRiver in tS49 and the Damage Which ft Caused IteBegfkkm Wum* **&, Wkkh WUh M Breaking Up of the Ice, Destroyed Ships #*4 Brfigm, mid* For limWm lest. flu M ftJlVfVlAtJfl* ^IJffAV aMumv jfiiii ihiilr ^^^fc^^" aft at riflioh iffjr * Mite ■Ifltflnrr fiTiimnallr jMiitni- It'W or WTTlr inHP.JITH..'1*" <^n'PI» WaflJF PTTTrTTT" lac 4o Aha j>»«^m* in jiautetr. flatav !*fl^ Bt*WtP^ tP* r*^^^^^^!fc!P^' ffl^ ^SWW~ pm4 nfcftwtf of fth# nffrflBitt*. Ahf rriah n>f ^^jf-* &r^t^ "^ W&tfiW F9fr *rmttitrr- Ute Aom g over of ■ sts. t fflff WW.' (W'flfwr-isha tiirnir atnfrarti crowaS el neonte |j^ma4 j%«> ^a ||^^ Mp i III? l'.FHfPk»i f WHi'II **riT.T^i^^ err jpvifpi' ^* laS ffl^ if JSK^J?1 ^ was opened spring floods were of quite v^v^v ^WTTn^WT* flw*n noouing city. gr<VWfn» ft^ffg a previous aeneration different lorn. The men of **"» last UIIIIII ('.'If FIJI JJJ.1 rrTP^ rTHTr rfr rfrff RlWr p^TPQWry ™r^PWiT nTrTvWr Wrrrr wtttp* tions which no Jnffff,r «*»*a<n hut in 1 Miiiw wFffi'rr fnT fiipf^'f wyrffrprjf ffin1 rrr that haye arisen wh|ch require just as resolute treatment, nrnhlems nertain- rc^Hf II'1!' fT"»1. 11! I' r!' ' fTrflrriTnWT^- fTTTrffTn ins to the harbor ""* its navigation interests, as well as the related sub- iects of nure water, dralnaas and wa- When one speaks of floods in the Chicago river it scarcely seems pos- sUble thmt they couLd occur when one considers the almost level situation of in ihe »^^**i*i«jr streets. FTT^ ITM" ilU JFI ITrTTT*** rTT7TTTTTT7T>* Wt*rrP j'WrWlT* .W^T WWW W^*!" f^V P'r fovfitfttii Jhy tlukte .who sitnrMfid Aluttii** said 430K joi ftibe nstiw In xe- material was aeain broueht to a stand. FJfa H > 1.11 "VTF TTT^TTTT I 'I I 'UJVIM WT IT B* Jlllll/ <tihe ice below realstina tor a time the "FIT* PP*r Ct" P'^TWtTTIP Frrr ff nW" llll !wmttoteri pr?m&.' #m* of foe •jrrtny^r vessels »^m %rithstoo4 4le- struction. .while armmi *iiaiw sniaUer cra/t were iiroairiiig tin «u&4 Addinji numerous Xrasments u ^fc<> £enersi Wp*- ______ ^_ ■^The scenes |n /the rf^rajv between JfMffSSrTrW ™¥r?W-TWBr tHffr rSfr r^rr born, were west MtoM&Styf W^ the Democrat the next day. "Piled In* discriminate! v in some places, lay yes* sels, most of them as /(we craft as float upon the lake. a mass pf entangled Wreck, between l^em lay pieces of canal hattM. a bow sticking out here I STFFTT rT*TvTT*r,* FT FTTW Fll I' n I f) W "nTT* rP ( ~ and a stern ^^ere. .and » mass of wreck in other nlaces. £round ud into al*M5SS rrr -Trrn*r ftt^*^™ iprfTTTrnT iTfT rnn^T rwf'*,^T^r small snouali tor klnJUng wood. Tall snars here and there lay aicrnss th*e fWUW^4y" ) '#fj» fWMt Bavinia Programs -Thursday Aftarnoon at 3 ........................... Mtipifli Baaaaa amnstf Aram -"Hansel nod Greter* ..............Htfmue-^Uaek ^vertuiHS, "Nelusina\ .. .MeadeUJSOhu *r* »f. *; IWlWly. -5r£ A«e sAsaat. will sCatura Atals <^eek -Chibi rRrfKt-r-n ittV. is rliMlsr itcs. Sahsst s^wimer. |fr. and Man. #. F* *KWW- !», a W/eek nr 4*vo #t *o<*(qi^. W M* «»n^oss«*e........... Mlw .A#e>V #»d«er, J0$ ^eda^e American fanAasJe street, is vUritAo# Mr. and Mrs. jHarcfld ffVrWr^m 0 IrWM- com»« «* <c*ain fV wf^Wp^v* ^^» pW* IPir. And Mi*, «arry Qtafa W ffOf- aat avanue. nnj Mrs. A. f. ^ha^ne, ^ jr^west arepue. a*e on a pMMb# pVp,9 & rW fa F*FVrr*pte»u. Wtt- air« jmj-lfc^j* jcaks and Miss -IffPlC* RRCIBRILkU- ■ ■" ;T"T ni.i'i _ "Tr---*_ §#&*, Mm &&?*<>$ i*m »enyer. <Qdo,. WmO ttV? «l>ent r*r"-ee vW«ek#. Mr. and Mrs. ««*ton H. ftaAes,. W g r?^^ 1^ Ranches, put tbU fffl ] |n Ine^fCaj^plapglement, |ay knot ' be readily understood by recalling the fa<*> #hn<- the Desolaines euite nearly : .:l- . "TTrTr ,_rr^-_ Hi ?p>Trr MM .'! fyTnTr" Fp-.t I "_. ted and twisted in al| direct ions. Some /•or&r cr## of various kinds were wrecked or Inlured. and forF?Wl ffF?*^ thp foot*, costly bridges oyer cpustfuet- ed Ip the y^ and the on|y pne~ (that Pfrrr-rWP now to**!* of." (Fprrlef wer^ *- ffnfifi ftMaWlshed at thp principal flm croas|n«s after (tfrp flood bad subsided. In one place a annroaches the south branch of the FFPFfr F FfFFF1 TT* W "Tnv F7FFFFF FfrFFrfr^FF rrr FFFr" r*rrfrWpN Ttv&t FFT fTr> ^rrrFrpnF rfrfrT' Frfr* -fQrM*F- «*f"!«#rrr- ffHR?*^ ^? fWW^ rfrr^W rrr rrirv^W \fr rrP^Prr^r*? .Tr'T ^rrffr rrr the off days ft oyefflpwed its banks and inundated the few country be- tween the two streams, fhp pes- nWnef l^kes r^r# > frun^ed WfpafjSgft 'goat' |#y ^foss ^"rfyar (eba^- n/lscpnslp, fiatFFfiFlnf fflany small j w ^w -,M*-^ ^ p^k str/epf. fn affluents on m way fp ^hp Imwrn ^ cppFpp of a few mpptbs all (the .SchUbcwtTftw* > Dvorak-Stock ...,..,..,,..«er*e>Tt sftiadam AufltcWIy (Opera by ffucqW wW» p?r §&& ^r«Mer >VTieatley, ^sneesco fi^ddi. VViUiam Schuater. /CohMIm. ffj/ihan* rrrONFy rTrW'rToW «^ ^* AWftpg. (C*i»e.vjd ^umaAP, .»e#-«os ^u^e. >-7V*ftfe*Jen^* .«0, ?.,, , ..M*** <*>* Me^yett. ,(,c,» iFar^ndole. P^nap av^ue, have jsjnfl^d from j Ffonte pp>A-£a<0 by Mr. A«r*d Qvp^nsel the J*l^waAer /b^ at pennon ttarbof. j Me^dy in K flat..... .... Mich, where rfjhey snemv aeyexa! i ,••••,......•• T«A^Ua^^,wsky-SAook weeks. rOtfifmiB^oa--•?« ttiMwtft). Mrs. 4r*?apW jjlenpett ttsM r^wae* &#* music frpm •^erampw--.. to her fame pVf* Madison- $Mf., W 3*t «*#?> *pf^Fr?# JP6** <-Wf? ^e*^ y?Vb her ajfcu*) Mfls. p^warF* ^fl»#t^on* p^ pidae ay/anne. Mf. Arch|baj|d A. McjrSWey, Wt pepppster strne^ |s spend|n« aeyeral days |p jgprrWfield. ip., Wfth h|s brother. Mr. \V?#pani Mc^n|ey, whp is snes^er of the house of repreaettta- t|yep at the #Aa|p capital. Ruti.r*! wtjrin <s) ^es^^u|-htB ...........fl^heslt *jb> p^u7ftcbipe»o .... ,,,-•.-, -ffspPpf &§#*, <Oue TMPF*»and and <Qpe *li«bts...................... ^tp"***-' March MfWASpVw..,,,-.. .....«. ^«USS friday (EycffilAfl s# ft:|ft A_a Aolteina. O^era by PiPcdpi (tflrs# apd foprtfcl orjtsp vwltl? Walter WpwatrVey, fteatrJce "HOUSE of FEATURES *&Sr W5LMETTE -«ar SPECIAL-Mondsy. Aug. 17 ffeto fAfty yf^#itfe>s>s €ft. f«es«aa fSSmfd Pfffe^ rafJ©«i # Mr- snd Mr*- ^ M- GolFerl, «<W» | ^* Palme, M## Maaop, l>mps HCr^*- ^Opfay stp-eet, leftt Sat,prday fox Ms*- 1ST, AJVfF^d j^aufmap, Wli«#m ^CftPS- pna*ep,'Ky.. wpJWe Ibey were ^a||ed|l«r. *>ancpacp padd|. by the ^unprajl of Mrs. fiPpwelJ's mother. Mrp. W.. M- pattpsrapn- Mp-». patt,er«PP 4led suddenly at iSaralpaa r^ypf ys||ey Tfte f'FHylFlF>'f #epira||nf Ihp H»»- plaines from thp south branch is so jipw rb*t in a rise pf Fftpy, pypn pf a few feep, the waters of the fpjrmpr at ream wpp|df- np4ey fop -ftM pppd|- ||pps. pppy pypy ^bp slight natural bar* rier into the latter, ajid the level oj pbp Pblcagp rfypy fpuM PhFr* ft* «|«lPk- py rafsep, frpapenp|y ^p a dangerous pytpptf causing serious damage phrpugfrppt llfP city aR4 IQ ftp sb|p- ping along tfap rNKf• » WW fW F«* mpmbprppV pbpt originally thp flpw pf the Chicago rfyey was lakewards, but since the drainage canal was ppppep the flpw has been reyersedf apd tfop wats^r ^rpn- the lake enters the riyer at its mouth apd joins the Dcsplaines at Lockport. |p the sprlpg pf |849 php mpsp dfs- astrous flpp4 thp^ had eypr ppeprred in the Chicago ffyey tflpk place, re- sulting in an Jmmepsp amppnt o\ de- ftrpctfpp tp »h|pp|pg» r?FW«W apd tb,P |pss 9f *. pumbey of ||ye*. pp r\w ||rh pf March |p that yeay thp |pe was st|}| Nurje association, hpve mended -.|ptb ing for thp Illinois Home and Aid so ciety, hemmeU linen tor the Kvanston hospital, besides doing thp necessary sewlpg fpr tbp homo. Thp Byapsjp^ |{(pg's pppgh,ters wa« organized in J883 fty |fyf. flapje! B. -Oar^ppr- T^P first fppmbershlp Ust had ten young wompp whp 4«- slyp^ |p devote some time fp p^ar|ty. The circle is not p fll Hated with the national organization of tfte same namp, except that eacli member pays p nominal fee into the general trope has been the'ehier activity pf the as- sociation since that «me. Thp home Wp| purchased fpy |3.000, and ^e TOO^ay was chiefly made by the man- agement n| a golf club fpr severe,! seajppi. The officers at thp present time p^: Mrs. Charles W. STppfforfl. presidept; Mrs,. Walter plU ScpU, vlcepr««lr|apt; Mr|. Henry Dwight, second vlep*pyes|- <lpp|j Mrs. Luther Miller, acting |r«aa- WfPt an<l recording secretary. The directors arp Mrs. y>e<| y^, Mrs. Wpltpr C. Jones, Mrs. E. K|. ^pard,. and Mrs. \, v. ppf m«\n- quUp flrm |p rhp y|ypr, and pttpp twp pr thypp p"pyn pf hPPY? ra|p» rhP ppp- pie wprp Plarmspt wf p rppprt rhpr the Dcsplalnes was rppWy Fl»lftg PPfl PPT ry|pg along in its flood a vast quan t|^y pf |pe whlPh ftan: gfirgf-4 Irf PhPP- pel. The pppumu|pte<| WPtarP PP-fl l«-e had pyprflpwpfl |ptp thP IPW plPPP hP^ twepp *hP rwp ityppIRs, kppwp ps Mpq l^kp, along rte HPB Pf rflP PW pPFr" ago. prpm this ppipt, tha flPPP" PPfflP down |ptp ^he «PPth hrPPPh. ra|fllpg tho wplpr app* breakjpg up tpP |PP wh|ch was pl|ed pp pt mppy pp|pts. threptpnlng thP «pfpty Pf ihP'TPWPW bridges trfpl- pad beep destroyed |p thp flppd had bpep replaced. Such was Ike DrpfflBtnes! of Ipe Prfpepgp pepple in repairing the damage and )pas pp- pasfpped by the disaster- in the yepf W9, wfoen tpe tr9ft4 ppppyre^. Chlpagp had pepp_ |npprpflr yatpijl as a p|ty twelve yeprs- ,t# pppu- lation was 23,000, and its growth **» extremely yapfd. fire rtHrrPrl PPl ¥leh|gpp pap#l pp4 Peeif PpPrPielpd the yppy PPfpre PRd was entering upon a nrpsperpup ppreer- PpffrmpPlPPrfop w|Ph Ipe epsl was pfPlPfy hy way Pf the fpptpa |p the seaspp pf ppep ppyf gptlpp, as ft W* fpI PPWP year* he- fpf-e the pp*yepl pf fhe ra||rpad». lyPFre stppmpys were flftfpg pp ppqrpiPP* business fp thP tr-pp»pPFfPt|PB Pf pas* sepgprs, ppd the laHe yewels were the payrleyp pf westprp pFpdpetP IP the ppstPrp rPPFHP*». TPtpFPlPg with ppf- goes pf ppaj, sa|t ppd |ppThPF 'FPIP the pnppr |akp ppris. ppFtHRaiely there !§ rp pepesilty pt the pFewpt fifty pf gHPFfllpg Bgpfpsi floods fp ^he FfyeF rf eyep fFRm the faf-p, fp spfte pf pcppsfpppf "tfflftf w^yps^-which hPYft RcveF Peep re- ury each year A few years after the -^--^^^^^^^^^1^^ POWER* organization it was decided to open _. , th , . tho Umo fffll fell rUff fell a fresh air home in North Evanston jj&W*£ oponfng of navigation U|IAU for working girls of Chicago, and thin f«n -SL VP-.-.5-,. .tontv-alx aaXai mUUH I Mrs. Edward J. avenue, entei an old fashioned neighborhood picnic «at !**$, Lunch was served on the the ladies sewed l-p avenue; sup*., |«I7 Lake Mrs. J, A. Piatt, 1G21 Lake Mrs. Walter D. Elmer and ten steam yeasts,. tWPRty*s|* sailing vessels, and My-ieyen. canal boats, the owners pf wh,lpp, %\ PPPP tPP* nm iMWWP fflfWf tP aecgrP m apfpty pf m\t pFPnart*. AP M* fWW rose |hp "MF'PPe WW lifted tp wjthfp twp py t^TPP fPP* pj Ihe tpp ol th« -yhpryet, w^PP abflp,t W p'p|ppk fa \§Q fprppppp Ipp,^ ypnflrll, as pf distant prtfllery. were penr$ towards |hP southern extremity pf the p|ty. |pfl|- cating a breaking up pf ^P ^ IP <PP^ direction. Very sppp pftpywffrds thPFP m.addtd. tp IhPse sounds the crash- ing pf tippers ppd snapping pt haws- ers as the masses of Ice bore dowp upon the endangered cr*fL Crowds pf PPPnJs ^W^P^ & tP? river banks to Tfft^ff mjig ftp? the ladies aOU'agtt^os |n, ^neafr4^ J0&g$m their 9h«drep W|th I going pp, Wracted by the crash and Wr ^hl^pop^ be heard P|^ pyey^p pf \\f craft li3L*S[SrtfiMrf drawn into them. VhPPPyPF m ^W inn, ie:!5 Lake Henry Hartt. 1503 Lake avenue; Mrs. •vanua.; ■Hm^TwmmmWi lAke r.T*' pao<! MU M. of whom are aneau nf Mr- Hoffman # garded very sprfppsfy, thPRPh fRflfPt- fpg pppsfdprphlP dpmpgp pt tfmps. PRt we stiff hpye the pvpf pFo»PRt rfpR- lems of hPFPPF fpiproypmepts, pfeys fpy steamers, seawalls, and § whole serlca pf hyd^FPgFPphfP pR*rlP«l fRyRfv ing flFPlRRgp. WRtPFWPy", PRP" R purp wrIpf ■wppfy- iJpph p htetQFfppl spPtPh as we hpye gfypR ahpyp hR» ft* vrIrp |p flyfpg RttpRtfpp fflf R n-qfppnt pppp one stage pf tpP Pfty'a flpye|opn)ppt along these \\uw. ing the suinnior Mrs. Harrison P Wley. p«*2 SheFl- dan yoad, and Mys. /es»|e p>, P»ypPF Of t?t. p>Uf», m.; left last week IW WMwtWr, #• f v »N» I*r3y »/p# loin their pastern director- Tftey wIM complete thp arrangements for (their np-y opera- "TffP Magl« Wrr&4/' P/ffpPP Vppp ftp produced next season, Mr. and Mrp, ^Irarles j*. StPyew, 2io:5 Prrfpgjton ayppue, haye left fPF Spider Lake, ftpay HeyW004, Wla- Mr. apd Mrs. ft p. Ware, >»»* |p4- spp pyppue, and |w« dppghteFP- Pier- ence pad M#r|pp- left Satprday for a t*P weeks' stay fp f^s Muskpka lake regfPR Pf Panada. Mrs. Charles ^f Whitney and f«m- Hy, fpdsop pyepupppd ^buyph street, jfft ^atprdpy fPF Aihelstppe, Wis-, where iiw h#y» a pptlpge- Ther e?PPPl fp bft..aa/av^jpr.jh{ee pr fppy weeks. Mf If M. Wa-ffPF. secretary of th« Eyppstop Ppmmeyg|«| psspcfpMop, has gopo fp Minneapolis, Mfpp, fpy tWP weeks' yapptfpp. ify7.|. P- riPtHPiyffy will attend to the asapcfaMQR h«s|- pess dprfpa; My. WPllpPF'r? IPsenepr My. ppfl Mr*. FFe4py|pk I'pbpm ppf- ebrnicMl tRofr fpntR WPfldlRg applyep- sary Pvf^RF Pfc MlPlF h°P-p fR Glen VfPW- PPffPWfRg »P 4iRR8F Rt the Pfph R PPRtfRgenp pf fffepds cp||pd Pt thefF FP8WePee rr4 |epdere4 them a spreppRe rrr" vrfIrrp gffM pf Mr- WRFP- My. and Mrs. Charles Browpfpg, ao38 sherRiRR rvprrp- hpyp purpRftseii R RRR"P fR PRlf PRIM, RRff Wflf mRRP thefF fWtJFP hoRTe-thpyp, movfpg tp thRl pity fhe flFst pf pp*t mpnt»» Mrs. Prpwpfpg prp; daughter, Norma, will leave todsi^ for a two weeks' vfpft fipWAay Aytarnaoa a| », (UyepTture, "IP .Spp-pua/',,, • • (QoWwaf* ^altet Suite Efryb*ftw,.,,.,.,pYnfnJn| Walts, Tpies from |he yieoup W««4#, ' r. .-".•:: .t. r. v............;, stwuss Hungarian Papces........... &*#&«* |ptermls»rOP--30 wipuite*, i9yep*ture, "We piederpwus",-,,,... •.- ■.- -«L.- • .• • .■ • ■ • ■ • • • • • .•. - • .• §«f»mss Sympboplc pWem, "Ms Preludes"., ........,.....,..,........,., Mm •:p|dp of the ya|kyrte#"....., W#g»ey ##KrFTr#y gyswlfffl »| fifsV .- AW*.- Opera by Verdi with l»y PspMv f^pise LP Pprop, MopW Sawwloff. fjmls Prel4fer, Alfred ftapfmau, William Schuster, eh*ra*f§pCharacter Ismadeppp^ small duties ^||fn||y^erforpm4, oriietf Usfffirtiy pf spcrfflpes. Of kip4fy sjctp of |pya rr4 4Rty--Pmersop, PUREWA1EB pprthf »frI/ meiw Ham* Rp4 Prow Pllffr Sfrvfo* Til- MiRV 30 ?g Air §t W^LLAPP, aiinf l»?l PrTrrWftft Ave. J---I-pv-fl-fofl 2?p Mwifiss ail 3?O0 0*«l0cfc ____$€*t*n9wea*MU, A4mi§§ion 2t* ' Ayeiist 18th ____ rWflrrPrrffry ~Wrr9 ^VflFfrPrFB.* l?.aWro»s Players Co, pf^flfs if A^K^ DAHN in ((AliA ^^ Y%>«M Y>Samt^f Tb«? faflMrtff fnt*r»afi©ngj Kofflafj^y f>y Wrmmm Ho«»f4, AH §#tli 10 *fat# Pp»'I miss this PamoiP War Pram*,' Two Evcfl/of P«f fofinaflccf. it 7;30 if 9P. M. Tickets XiT p1^g25 ccnte HARRY LYNN Staple & Fancy Groceries Fruits apd Vegetables fp Season Kppilwprih, III* PhPMi rw l - HW? aT?©w»«v»a?»t#w JOHN HUGH I.A II CHicaga Tille irdlrusl fiidy. I| »F»lHMT-l«i|i«lll«lrM? fP PPPFfPr (Cpptipp^ from, pafa-U nel at ono place became jammed with ice and^t-se^ *^ ^rpn> ^y #a* tags Chp^opd rUlag |p Its rep,r vpujd, propel m mass forward nrlth destruc- ave fpyep. pR lightly cepstrpcted, vessel VfppW at ppep be crushed like ganalL canal hpata would dlsap- p^p*^^nr^nr • ™" "l jv! ■ "~ \»"' "ti ii -™ t ^"^ frpip S^W Pfldpy the masses pt sndjf3fe|aa^ p| vessels, and eetpa bepeHls ip ppnpeclipp wHh Ihe PPl prp| rpspprces pf th0 CPPPlFy hPYP thp|? Ipwyeys and repFe*PPlPiiypii CPpsta.pMy at wPFk scikinj- ^p have iesislation \\ia,t pjay be panr-ed tppch' |pg ^he flPYPlppn-cpt Pf ^p»P re- spprpes. *WCl^ as win fpY^FjhiPiffl. wftP> pp,t yegp,^ |q the wWfc tatwwt- WP. WhP PFP WPrPhPiW Pi PpflgFP»». ayp hPTP P» thP p,d,yppptep pf the imh |lC and should dp pyp--y<hlPg WP«f Ofl- sll)|y cap \Q, safeg\M-y4 thaly inteft-st. |t hP« PPPP YPfy gfPMI^Pi during >hp l»uht wPPll iPr iPd, PPPPr* ^PffifPfv* PWP WMWF% Pr#d^ *R -P* ^P^I«H«lift have that cppcepl|pp. pif ^P^ PPA|t|pn as rppyesepmiYPS p| ^p people, pay presented on the Sp?$ ?' 'h^- ^P^P> ha» pppp strepuousjy fought out by both sides pad |he spnpp-^eyp- p| epp;- •e^y^lpp, ipcmdlftg members pf all thp PPW^ PftF^IW- hPYP ^fP* gSff QPtlPPll; Wyst factpry PwRPF---"Thf9 RPPt ppfpfda business looks bad fpr thP pppptry" Pecpnd ppctory Qwppf-- 'Ypi, ihp fppfpry pf ihp pwl gepprp* Ifpp will Ippp p iptpfp phM-tebPF rftPifpe"~P«pH. N. LGONSALVES mmm and SoiKKr #«f#pTflf Prfli«yfl| 4M«n<ieJ F« p/u«* ^inn«(fcj <#4 S^ftp- Iff* IMtu Art- N f$W i« rti« ihne m ^aff«n«§ «ardeB^- «nd plsnt qui IwfeWTOH* tierder*- Piffnnisli pl««Kd R«w vill 8^ well «Htb!l«M this felh «^ vtt^ milt fine felawnfaf plunw fop nexi y§ir, Qwf *t«€k ©f her1>a??Q«j| p1*flf« faeludw piffiiMly ivwyrtlng \M\% haf^y in !hloMm«ff« We Iwve an ^m pecially fin? !qi ef nime^ vartetfo e( pnle* which iw now in blooir,. A vfeit tQ the nar^en will enAvinet y©M thai wt have tn« ai««a fhaf wiM live yen aartalaeittn, Advice free regard* in| ihe iay ina^ni nf i^nnda- Where it ia deaired we bitnteh e^Rerttneed menw prepare «fnwnda «adv fnr piagiinft >ye r^iiie jBn^ip^ pTansj give estimates- " piant %\\ vafietiea nf ahFnhhery- tfeea, tte- Quf prTeea are very wnderate and nwr piawa are mnen largef than thnae paiiy fMrni^hed thfnmh em^tne*--= -THUR80AY= Chat, V, Hm% M»n<mr mmmmmmmmBssmJoo in nvf pikiLf ■-»- A wowlnrfpl pt«*t»re, wWh the scepps ss{ {;; 1'sUm4. ~-------$ht> tBtiytiaj grp whqwn la llisir iihiphI patpfs, LOYALTY Ak*Q A KIEVSTONf COMKI WPAV.-MAT. and EVe,- PERENNIAL GARDENS Te^ne UM Ivtai^n III -Hajria iiieei- IvaiiK n "A Woman Laughs" womaMminai TANGO ANO CABARET nmmuimmimmmmmmmmtmnmmmi^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm SATUROAY..MAT. and K.I.------ "Tho Rival Railroad's Plot4' A Iwp pwI ita*y, ppBtftiPiwg many ihrills, WON DAY-MAT. anil evi,«--- WAK IS ri&LL iPFPipnatnyttOPlorf. Classified Business List 9JMWA> MiWeMANDHt JEWKLCftt limn ammwwjiMMMtammcftmmM* QMoetmct ^ipe frplta-lp and. out of sp# sop--ftlw«a form ft P4i large stock pf isleet M Uroosries. R*k ©PffH J»S«PA AUQU3T RUURLIUS gupeasapf la Hsdtlhjs I Rhm. K*pp« WalPhsJrtilWf and Qatfetaa, neualtlpf af pam|4|a«ted w*tQ««t aw fjnei% 'KMf-.ytM*' agntfl' p»jp pfiia -i»i*~iiiRi« eatpaajp •hspt MM. at? Mvtt 1** Qpallly apd ^»«, fwfap 1 IP, Qur^ larga stack of gTPpaflaa «a always «M*ct, «m rraspj ipmw paa, vsgsispisii a apsvc A*S. VAN OIUSBNlTHB AVBHtt 2 ■ TT^Vl^V™ Tl'Tn *TlVI i^W* "™ ^^"" WffiWrl | ' Hon from a comic ODera or & fu&UT strewing t^p pttrtpPP> f| ^a P^WPra paadlaga. T^* *anp-i prpp^da: "Mra •pop; A* aw tap hrWges then In f^sjtanea carried %way. some of the er Tcssels -yefp IMted atn>o#A am-. t^Tt!T^h -Vt" tti^ Wpi** Wn* ^W^ ™flS fla^ Uj >wuaf4 m f^pUnlal iieut. ao ut r vu tot <A ittl mi thrm -mi *«r* ajblp to raa^i, to*. ^ 9pg»|"*-T»a QQfcQ* All VlsfaaA Qt&aAftAMad electric bhop ----- MASSt 4. <HTaft^1tfcf ^Tt^lwT Jny' 7 \y^!P w ^>^a^ ~ QilHCfpa, HlUtQlS, •ffjjsssaa Wtea^tfca Mtf ■_____ *w*fHaSiVTrw 11>Pa