THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THUESPAY, AUGUST U, lM*. 0f|.lkt ssay f «* ■« of teas «VEftV TMO " % •OWfMAN PUMJtMINO Ca 1«M «M BNMicni THCT8PAY. AUCP8T IS, UU. m^CQtj____ $ikm Us* flMcr^ of tbe world »rc Kg toward. Esrop* wfcsre the frsslssf egoatet If tks worths fcis- E Is epperoiUy about to be ea- Hsi to, bMMt which a few weeks and the finite of tbelr labor are pre. eented for Judgment by tbelr elders, the children will be already the richer In experience and have tasted the joy I won oT yjtol interest to as and q( ^^^^y^on. They will have known MRjr *• VeraCrsz, ■WkM * AMATEUR AVO WOWBtl. !s its extent and pretensions the bortienltaral show wnleh will be held to the aorta end of ibe ciiy to «*••*- toaw to •otooraparabto at all witn &sm eaMUttoao. which hare bora given in Lake Forest mad Winnetka. Trained and experienced gardeners WilKnot present rival triumphs of their art. them will be nothing par- ticularly startling to the Individual exhibits in the display to be made by the garden dab of the Ltoeotowood •ad Crandon schools, but there Is far oliollf nr« to the occasion- (, ■ Real Estate Transfers H|QH FRIGES Wilmette Churches in New Trier Township Vmmmmmmm m ..... < "" Hi ■ ■' ■ . Lake Gale. Methodist Church. nd WUmette avenues. T. K. -, 1024 Lake avenue. A Undivided % of e. 40. lot G, sub- lots 11 to 16. etc.. Aug 4 (Percy T. Johnston to Alfred «to schooL Classes »:to a. for aB.A Orchestra, K. W. JfcCalloagh, 10:45 a. m.--Sermon. Subject, "The Mas who Knifed His Bible." J S p. m.--Sermon. Subject: "The Cedar of Lebanon."' C:15 p. m.--Epworth league. EL H. Stafford, president. 8 p. m.--The pastor will preach at the Kenilworth mission. Seats for strangers. Visitors In Wilmette eapectoUy invited. Test our welcome The Methodist church has been for- tunate In securing, as director of their choir the coning year. Mr. C. \V. Ed- wards, director of the Illinois Col- lege of Music. Chicago, a man of wide experience to that work. It is prob- _ tor display able that they will have a quartette T~. ,.. fc^-, or double quartette at the morning _JbA "salts obtttoed by the beya i^T|ce> ^ - chor08 <* the young and girls enrolled to the garden dob, people for the afternoon vesper serv ,Whea the a rhlcb were being watched with the closest attention, are now completely feat sight of. It seemed that when roorta, the self-elected dictator of the Republic of Mexico, was forced Jgggs ■ ,hy the unceasing efforts of the state department at Washington to resign ,»* i^ostossey of the Mexican Repub- lic, the chances of this country liav- B§to toterrsss to their affairs were greatly diminished and that our fleet Wk •oldiers how to, and near. Vera OrtMR would soon be ordered home. Wipmm, bofroyor, not reckoning with the man who is now about to seise the presidency of the republic; a man as unscrupulous as Huerta; a BB ><> whom this government has lent every possible aid with the ob- |*ML toTytow\ of lotting him lettlo Mexico's affairs without our inter- ▼•ntlon and who has repaid ui by doing sTsrythlng In bto power to hin- der ibis government in its efforts to bring about some understanding be- twtton tbe warring factions. This man is Carranza. head of the ConsUtu- ttonal movement and the man who will soon be the head of the Mexican republic, unless halted by the Federal army now In Mexico City--a feat whleh is hardly expected.----- t ■' ■■ ■ ■■ Carranza has been approached by rsprseenUllvos of the president pro torn of tftev Mexican republic with | proposals of pesoe. The Federals are1 willing to turn the affairs of tho government over into the hands of TSfe Constitutionalists and surrender to them the City of Mexico without further fighting or bloodshed, but Car- Mass baa repulsed all their represen- tad declares that the only proposal which he will consider la unconditional surrender, asserting at. tils same time that all those who wore to any way responsible for the jar of the former president, Ma- would be shot. The men now In power In Mexico City have obso- lntely no assurance that their lives will be spared although they, In all probability, knew nothing of Huerta's intention to murder tbe former preslr fHtv Moreover, Carransa has threat- ened to put to death, as rebels, all men now to power to Mexican affairs unless his proposal of unconditional surrender to Immediately accepted. It makes but little difference what to* Fed>r»i«^do--whether- »>>*y sur- or whether the Coostltution the satisfaction of a useful task well accomplished. They will nave come w.. <«ur m*» * *H;yj&TB*g £S% fee. Mr. Edwards had charge of the music ' to the Sacramento boulevard church, Chicago, when Rev. T. If. Gale was pastor. Mr. Gale vouched for the excellence of the music under Mr. Ed- wards' direction, and of his remark- able ability of making tbe reheat sals both educationally and socially valua- ble to the singers. It is intended to give special pro- mo C.750 50 things and a deeper understanding of the toil that lies behind the food they sat sad the dowers they enjoy. Tbe garden club will pay in charac- ter development, whereas the horticul- ture exhibition psys tribute in prises for excellence. The children's is the better part * * * WHAT 18 AJt EDITORf Do you know what an editor is" Does one of these definitions offered by Life happen to be yours? By an unsuccessful contributor: A malignant person, utterly devoid of literary discrimination or taste. A player of favorites. An unjust judge. By an "Interest" be opposes: A dog in the manger. A mule. A pin- bead. A fathead. An ignoramus. A breeder of popular clamor; By a rival editor: An accident. A personification of conceit. By bis wife: An absent-minded genius, who requires her public praise sod private discipline. By a successful contributor: A keen but amiable man, who holds the key to tbe treasury. A friend in need. A good fairy. The hope of the future. * * & ONE BETTER THAN TANGO. After tbe mad fever of dancing which has prevailed for the last few years, it is Interesting to hear that rhythmical gjuinMtlcg will be laugliT Tputo! "Faltiiful -fir-pttie, gaitoiul *- Much. cantatas. Persons having good voices, who would enjoy such work and as- sociations and sing one service Sun- day, drop' a card to Mr. Gale, and announcement of the rehearsals will be sent them. They should, il pos- sible, be at the first rehearsal. Wilmette Baptist Church. Sunday services held in the Wom- an's Club building, corner of Green- leaf avenue and' Tenth street. Rev. B. Frank Taber, pastor. Residence 1018 Eleventh street Telephone 1150. Bible school at 9:46 a. m. Public worship with sermon by the pastor at 11 a. m. Subject: "The Well by tbe Gate." Mrs. O. W. Schmidt will be the soloist at this service. Mrs. C. W. Bralthwaite, accompanist. Mrs. Schmidt will sing, "Father, Like a Shepherd Lead Us," by Gounod, and "Consider and Hear Me," by Wooler. The prayer meeting on Wednesday evening, AUg. 19, will be held at" the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Weldon, 922 Oakwood avenue. The Wilmette Presbyterian Church. Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue, ReV. J. M. Wilson, pastor. Rev. Wm. S. Marquis, D. D., secre. tary for beneficence of the Synod of Illinois and formerly pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Rock Island, will preach morning and eve- ning, 11 o'clock and 7:45. Mr. W. A. Alexander will sing at both services. Miss Corettc'B organ program: Morning: Choral Dundee.................Parry Meditation ..................Sturges Sanctus ..................Karg-Elert Evening: Pilgrims' Cho^ia ............Wpgner Evening Star.......-----.. -.. Wagner Siegfried's Rheinfarth........Wagne March (Melstersingers)......Wagner Mid-week service Wednesday. Blomquist;.................. Simons ft Co. Sub. lot 4. block 1. etc^ Aug. 4 (It F- Canwsster to Rcbt. F. Koib)........... Twp. 42, pt. n. avg- 27 29-42-13. ineumb.. $5,000. Aug. 1 (Geo. W. Maber to Fred W. Sutton > Wilmette. Lake Shore Add., tot 5. block 12. toepjnb.. *3.500. May 1 (AndreisJjeniltt et aL tp 8jam Beaumont)....... North Chicago--S. L. Co.'s sob. 1 2. b 7. 17. It, 42. 13. Aug. 3 (Mrs. Mary Woelk to Wil- liam Aitken)................ Kenilworth--Oxford add a.. 1 2, b 29. incumb. 33,50V. Aug. S. (Mattie B. Utley to John C. V Carpenter) -----............*m Twp. 42. 1 10. s e %ot s e %, 33. 42. 13, July 31 (William Tempel to William H. Tag, * gert) ........._-±.......--• , Wilmette--Dingee's addn. If ' and e 10 of 1 7. b 6, incumb. $0,000, Aug. 4 (Henry S. Thomas to George L. Wire) 11,000 Winnetka--Park S&Ss.! 1 (ex- cept w 30).- b C. July 24 (Wil- helmlna C. Pitcher to Helen - M. Ware) ................. 1 Winnetka--Garland's addn, all if t i ting * mr> 38 of lot 3, b 21. July 27.(George W. Maker to B. F. Zfanmer)----- Winnetka--Carlton Park sub, I 12, b 34 (except part), July 7 (William H. Swan to Glenn F. Spaulding) .............. Winnetka, w 55 of e 129 of 1 II and 12, b 1 of b 7, etc., Aug. 5 (Gustav Lindabl to Henning Jensen)........... 10 10 4,200 875 10 |......IHIMMI.......'« I Unclaimed Ztnmi I at the **1M otn*? i lllMIMMimi iWr ;■ .-r The following uncial ed I. tterr. are held in the Wilmette posteffiee. Un* less called for before Aug. 12 they will be sent to the dsad letter office: R. J. Kern. Lempi Keisala. , Lucile Lawrens. Mnggie Thompson. Wilmette Motor Car Works. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Walcott at Northwestern this year, especially as It Is guaranteed to give "grace, beauty, poise and health," something that the tango and other kindred dunces failed to do. The new course to be Introduced Is called the eu rythmy dance, which of itself wilt make no particular appeal to those who like the rollicking suggestion of the tango, Texas Tommy, turkey trot, et cetera ad nauseam. But after re- velling for a year or more In the so- called dances In which the dancers whirled. Blde-stepped, etc., It is a re- lief to hear of a new dance -which claims to he rhythmical and In which "every little movement lias a mean- ing all Us own." * rH * PEACEFUL PURSUITS. It was refreshing to turn from the lurid war extras long enough to attend the horticultural exhibit given in Win- netka last Thursday. Hero the friend- ly powers gathered and the exhibit of dowers, fruits and vegetables raised on the north shore, following as it did close upon a similar event in Lake In "I was glad wUou they Bald unto me, Let us go up Into the house of1 ihe Lord." NEEDLECRAFT SHOP. ifjity. Carransa is bent on revenge and srarder Is sore to follow. It fee carries out his threat and puts to death bis enemies indiscriminately, Children's Dresses 1 to 16 years. Ladies' Waists, $3.00 up. To Order. Corsets to Measure. Smocking, Hemstitching. THE NBHDLECRAFT SHOP. 717-712 Venetian Bldg., II Bast Washington St, Chicago. Tel. Central 4ts1. Moat Precious Possession. When I see about me, to the fields of intellectual attainment and culture, to the walks of business and In fam- ily life, so many disasters and trag- edies long drawn out,'of falling health and collapse of nerves; brain end mus- cle, I feel that health Is the only bul- wark upon which everything we prise In Intellectual culture and religious perfection can ever be reared.--G. Stanley Hall. WILL PREVAIL (Continued from Page 1.) knick-knacks for hair dressing imported, and even the ordinary black hairpins may be worth more than 5 cents per package soon. Safety matches, now 1 cent per box, are made in Sweden. They may in- crease in price to 2 or 3 cents per box. The jobbing houses are doing busi- ness, but most of them have with- drawn all quotations and fill orders at prevailing prices. It is expected that a tax will levied on legal documents, checks and other negotiable papers soon, since the revenues on imports have fallen off so much that the government will be embarrassed for funds. ^OX MEW ATE BANK". EVAN ~~~~~~~~r~"~~"~--"""".. -ONE WOMAN'S LIFE." The Victoria theater's attraction, commencing with a Sunday matinee. Aug. 16, will be that strong western love drama. "One Woman's Life," by William Jossey. The author has created a story or love and emotion which caiflcTlts audience with it from the first rise of the curtain and holding their interest to the final drop. The story involves a woman who is unhappily married, but existing with her husband; she is living to anticipation of again meeting the one she loves, the father of «« child, from whom she was separated by acci- dent and could never find trace of. Years passed; his memory remained her Idol. Fate leads him to her in an isolated mining camp on the sum- mit of the Rocky mountains during the gold excitement of Leadville. The same day of this happy reunion the husband is killed in an explosion and the play closes with a satisfactory ending. The production is said to be a marvel of scenic art and a capable cast has been secured for the support of the co-stars--Mr. Rodney Ranous and Miss Marie Nelson, who appear under the management of Messrs. Rowland and Clifford. Lots Like That. A certain famous skyscraper builder said in his New York office the other day, apropos of costs and values: "Costs and values get confused be- cause there are so many men who, if sunshine had to be paid for, would swear that gas gave a much more bril- liant light"--New York Times. Talking Machinesmk French, German, Italianjind Spanish Language Outfits Whin y«* want a Machine or Rtcords, call ap Winnetka 693-W, or mtral 3S97. JAMES I. LYONS, 25 West Lake Sfrttt, CHICAGO IE ivery Conveniencii fery ^ Depositors m and remodeling oar banking root ive 5 mitoi the comfort, convenience and pleasure of depositors. The State Bank of Evanaton affords to its deposi- tom the many benefits which come from long experi- ence in banking as well as the convenience of modern facilities. New accounts invited--small as well as large. 3 cfo interest paid on savings. T * )1~T lUifciiiif j 3% IN TERES' «*%? ML 111 ROWLAND A CLIFFORD.dnc) PRESENT RODNEY am MARIE RANOUS % NELSON In a N«w Play of The Golden West ONE WOMAN'S «VY WM. JOSSEY -- Drown MiHT ./Uouri!*!imTKKTll Imittigati '•■•Of WITHOUT MMl Hntn PLATK8 iiM50< I JUnd of comfort ind durability. Our ctlikratrt 53.00 tits hut itood tht -- -~-r- last ot tlmt. ralnliss titrjellng. bu •othtariociPKlaUzu-. boKHUI/TATIofc FttKKt Soutbeast Corner Randoloh sad Clark Streets QPfngggsjsp* nntur- Sunday 9 igtt____ leaving his office a sub- scriber should leave word, with the person responsible for answering the telephony, when he will return and where he Can be reached while out. By adopting this system telephone calls can be pfoperly referred to ~i$i£~ siibr scriber, and repeated and fruitless efforts on the part of other subscribers to reach him at the office will be avoided. The plan suggested will improve the service generally and increase its value. < Chicago Telephone Company H. B. Gates, District Ml Telephone 9903 News Want Ads Bring Results jeras thatr way Into MsjtJco i^reit,^roveTTnaTTHeTJarden cluf and the Gardeners' club of the north shore were doing much to add to the attractiveness of ther already surpass Ingly beautiful suburbs. Prises were the work of forming a new govern- j distributed among the exhibitors, also meat ta MagloowUl have to be done garden boohs, which will stimulate la- sgaln, as no lasting govern tvrest among the contestants. This can be built up on murder JWtth this prospect In view, it looks ta pacify our southern neigh that the Psa-Curouean eon* terest among the contestants. This work is a foretaste ot the time when "sword* shall have been beaten Into tkcttsh car-forces may yet as Trtowsnarss and Spears Into pruning hooks." and these ace the which make for peace. A Brief History of Cheneaux Islands By FRANK R. GROVEfc, Esq. A book every lover of the Mackinac country should have. Beautifully printed in Sepia or India Tint stock, illustrations on Vellum Plate.- From the press of 4he4*owman Publishing Co. Bound in Boards and boxed, per copy . . $1.00 Bound in Heavy Paper; per copy .... ^50 Evanston, Illinois Call Evanston Qne-Q-Two-Fow or Wilmette Six Hundred When Yon Want Anything Foster 630 DAVIS STREET Pint or 1 Pint Size, each Quart Size, each .'.«._-■ LLGailon Size^each-^-^ Squat Jelly Glasses, each tie l-airTruitJarRing^RtaiL jars in all sizes,glass or screw tops,doz.8c