THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1914. For f~ eihough t in Clothes New York, August 16. Bow tew women realize the economy of a wisely planned ward- lobe. < Instead, they allow themselves to purchase each garment In a hap- feasant manner. This la the cause of more worries, more failures and more heartaches than women realise. Jk. woman usually receives but little preparation to St her for managing a home. She takes it for granted that because her mother did it and her grandmother did it, that she, also, win be able to do It--when the time comes. This ssme lack of fore- thought extends to a woman's ward- robe. Clothes she mast have, and pretty ones, and she buys regardless it whether or no, a thing la suited to her particular style or figure. Some special occasion arises which requires » gown, lacking in her wardrobe. Thereupon she rushes from shop to shop, finally buying (as her time is -limited) something which costs more than she Intended. The dress has to fee altered; this again depletes her pocket book, and as a finale she real- ises that the hastily bought, hastily altered gown, did fairly well for the affair for which she bought it, but it Is too elaborate for some occasions, too perishable for economy, and last, hut hot least, that It does not suit her style. \_ Another, Insidious, deceitful and crafty enemy to the proper wardrobe, and to that feeling of well being which la associated with being smartly and suitably gowned, is the unwise use of the bargain counter. Its temptations are responsible for - many an ill-chosen outfit Mo: should be saved for some really good thing is spent on something which is cheap, but has no value in the specific wuMmho it may be a collar which is worth SO cents and you get it for 35, but you have no dress with which to wear it; It may be a belt that is not Appropriate or a pair of shoes the wrong color, or an array of conspicu- ous stockings- when the frocks and shoes to suit are lacking. Colors, fabrics, and accessories are constant- ly changing, .and the temptation of getting sostetiiiug for little or nothing is a feminine characteristic much catered to by the wily storekeeper wishing to get rid of his stock. In other, and shorter words, system and thoughts must be applied to the wararobt. The few absolutely neCO sary clothes, suited to the occasions which your position in life calls for, ate all that the well-dressed woman's wardrobe should contain; then, when the styles change, you are not forced to we&r oui-of-vIoiG frocks. In every gathering of well-dressed women, mingling* freely, unobtrusive- ly, with coy gravity, among the loose kimono styles, Is the basque of 1880. that decollete gowns should not be worn until after 6 o'clock, any more than a man's dress suit should bo worn before then. But the way* of arriving at these low neck dresses ar0 like observing tha tetter of the law. The satin slip is cut very low, but Is worn with a long sleeved bodice of lace or maline. thin and transparent. "TOM'S" PUPILS WILL GIVE EXHIBIT THURSDAY Thomas Robinson's summer swim- ming classes will close on Thursday of this week. As has been his custom in former years, "Tom" will have an exhibition on Thursday evening; and Saturday afternoon. His pupils will have a chance to "show off" how pro- ficient they are In the art of swim- ming. Many features are on the pro- gram. One is a relay race> between two teams of five boys each. Twenty- four girls, ranging in ages from - 5 to 14 years, will form the letters "N. TJ." in the tank. Other events are fancy diving, exhibition of yark»us strokes, and distance races. Tom has. had a largo class this year._______" "The rolling stone gathers BO ta) a tlmeworn proverb, but, after all. it may well bo questioned whether moss gathering Is the high- est use to which a stone can be put The stones that grind the meal tor man's bread are not less valuable because they are unseated with moss and the man who refuses to move along the road of general progress or helpfulness because It may inter- fere with his ehanco to accumulate for himself la not an ideal citizen.-- Selected. Cases Not Similar. Experience teaches a man that he can make a steer move forward by twisting the obstinate animal's tall; intuition keeps him from applying the same method in the case of a balky mule.--Toledo nia'e. Profit of Books. The profit of books is according to the sensibility of the reader. The profoundest thought or passion sleeps as in a mine, unless an equal mind and heart finds - and publishes it.---, Emerson. He Might Bite. A good many people sympathize with the under dog, but they don't want the upper dog to know it, says the New York Times._______________ 32 North 5th Aye. Between Madison and Washington Stsv CHICAGO, ILL. Popular Price Restaurant Baa St.i.iil th» Teat for Thirty Year* The Condition of Lake Water Pollution of Lake Water by Sewerage is the subject of much discussion. Authorities agree that LAKE WATER is unfit for drinking^ puTposesr ___WHAT 1SJTHE REMEDY? ORDER AT ONCE CORINNIS WAUKESHA WATER-ALWAYS PURE AN£ HEALTHFUL HINCKLEY & SeHMITT, Inc. Telephone Evanston 980 Distributor* Margot Lace Edging Craqucle Net is Used to Develop this Charm. ing Frock.--------------------- which is-cut high enough, however, to cover the collar bone. Although color la conspicuous In the sash, stockings and hat of the ten nis costume, in the lining of the cape coat, or In the development ofthe em- broidered afternoon dress, there .ts no more striking costume than the all-white gown worn with a white hat, white shoes, white gloves and even white veil. The long straight tunic has taken a prominent place with the over-wuists and long-waists, in taffeta, satin, laco and net. The Bccond illustration shows a late summer dress of white taffeta and Margot lace with craquelS net top. This net is made of fine thread in an Irregular mesh, which reminds one of the crackle on old porcelain or Chinese pottery, and is extremely good in the net top laces so extremely fa«h ionable this season. The yoke to this dress is of the Margot lace with the shaves of the plain Margot edgtid craquel6 net. A wide pleated flonncu of Margot edged craquel6 net is at- tached to a taffeta yoke. The over- waist is of taffeta and has extended fronts which tie in the back like the sash ends of a child's old-fashioned pinafore. The under skirt is also of taffeta. A cunning little toque entirely covered with flowers and having a white wing standing saucily upright, In the front, gives a touch of imperious charm to the costume. Black or white, and black and white are worn considerably by the smartest dressed women. In fact, the late sum- mer proves to have a growing fund- ness for the magpie colors. Looking up and down Fifth avenue one sees a dotting of black and white with just enough color thrown in to add spice to an otherwise monotony of color. Wide crushed girdles, buttoning up the back or front, give the hasquo ef- fect to a dress, and artf decidejy the rage. In silk, or In the same cloth aa the dress, they arv. effective. As an addition to an old dress which needs a new touch to bring it up-todate they are excellent. A straight wide belt of moire is an excellent addition ^to your white frock of crepe or of organdy As a last addition to the summer clothes are white silk stockings wltli sprays of flowers painted on the front, extending up five or bIx Inches from the instep. In wild roses, pink or yel- low, these are dainty to wear with Not quite so tight, to be sure, but with j white pumps and sheer organdy or net seamed and fitted back, and buttoning dresses. Etragly down the front. Wine colored , Ono 0f tne secrets of being well POplln Is used for the attractive mcdel j dr^ged i„ the hot summer weather Is illustrated, with collars and cuffa ^^ to~ faTlU>vayB immaculate. With"" 1 white satin. The back is fitted, but j (rr8niy laundered frock, white shoes the fronts aro unseamed except under' and a becoming hat the day may be the arm. The lower line of tho waist j fact.d wltn t,Quanlmity whether It Is conservatively--long, fitting closely j i,rjngg weal or woe. over a skirt with a snug-fitting long, _____________________ tunic. The pleated lower section of this slrtfMgfrvcs ample fulness. To firiuh the smart stand away col'ar Is j| fipri-ow, hhurk mairf- rihhon tin, with flowing ends. .The large hat In sailor effect is well suited to the costume -with which It is worn, and accents A Striking Dress with Basque Waist ___ and Long Tunic Skirt • Of s Different Kind. Oh. Will." i Ik- said, moving a trifle "hrtrfnr, "I am so glad you arc not rich: They say that some of these millionaires receive threatening let- ters saying that something dreadful the trimly picturesque effect of the j willifeppen to them If they don't pay costume. ~ - i the day-time dresses are often so low-cut that tbey_Beem most Incon- sstent to those brought up to the Idea Statesman. the-wrltRTs suma^ermoney."* "Oh, li thst all?" replied Will. "Why. I get plenty of such letters.8'--Yonksrs Sheets & Last Call Sale Wed., Thurs., Friday, Satur- day and Mon. August 12, 13, 14, 15* and tf . The Most Important Sale of the Season Begins Wednesday Arthe^ramc of ifaisrTatcrsignifics, it is the last call for all odd lots of Summer merchandise. Fall goods are coming in every day. We MUST rid our shelves of every vestige of Summer. Every article placed on sale has been carefully examined and every price has been cut so as to appeal to the shrewdest shoppers. We are determined that the close of this sale shall leave us better prepared for Fall business than ever before in our history. You are the judge. Come and examine these sales goods. See what things go to make THE LAST CALL SALE THE STRONGEST OF THE SEASON J.»tI.Il«T»»»g»»*fTTI««»TI«TI»g»«ll»TXTI»IIlIIIIIIIXllIIIXlir ' '•■•jT'"'■•■' Housewives, boarding house and hotel keep- ers, READ THIS! SHEETS, full large ^ize, 72x90 in. Special........ S, extra good quality, 72x90; the Sunlight £l^n brand. Special for ^J £ (f Same brand, 81x90, for PILLOWCASES, 42x36 in., the Clover brand, for.................. G. 1. H. Hemstitched Pillow- case, 45x36 in. Special for....... 730 36 in., 9c 'illow- 17c LAST CALL SALE OF Towels & Toweling Unbleached Linen Crash Toweling, 12ic qual- ity, a yard for...... Bleached Linen Crash Toweling, splendid washable material. Special, a yard___.......... 7|c Crash ashable 9Jc All Summer Dress Goods Must Go Beautiful Fabrics Priced for a Clean Sweep 50c White Ratine, 40 in. wide . . This is an unparalleled opportunity to buy the sea- son's most popular fabric at a onee-a-year price Wool Ratine-- Ss 1:00 value. Last call 49c White Qrepes-S<3K& Values up to 50c for price, per yard Astonishing Dress Fabrics, Yd. A big lot of plain colored soisettes, fine batistes, white corded suiting and several pieces of other dress goods worth up to 29c a yard for 7ic. 29c rTT»«»»«gr»vTtt»*^rTxriggx»riii*iixgxxxxTXXTXxrxx: Dolls, Dolls ■sinmm--nr ■«■--■ iimi mill n .....wi..... ■■ A great lot of DOLLS and TOYS bought at a very low price will be sold during this Sale at way be- low regular wholesale price LAST CALL SALE OF Stamped Goods AND Art Needlework i.iiviim tmm ■■ilibwi i ■mm ii-- . i mi i. imtm^vm Everything Fnthis department is marked way down to make a clean sweep. Children's Dresses and Cloaks,Women's Muslin Underwear, Towels Auto Scarfs Made of silk mull in plain colors and dotted* 59c and G5c ^fcw* value, all colors, only.. OUy Colored Veilings Worth up to 50c a yard !n\-..."................ LAST CALL SALE OF Beautiful Embroideries and Laces 9c Net Guimpes Several styles, all 5('c Oft/* qualities fur...... 0*^C Tango Cords Alt colors, only...... 9c -AUtttr jgmrn Coumsr September Fashion Sheets September MeCall Magazine Fall (jnarkrlv and lir.brordcrv Magazire 'Prices are very low. 27 Embroidery Flouncings, inch wide, worth up *j f%n to 39c a yard, for JL*Jyh Embroidery Flouncing, 27 inch wide, worth up to $1.00 a yard, EJQ/» 45 in. Embroidered Crepe, extra fine material and fine worRy wortfrl>I:25alyard, Oriental Laces, the very latest, worth up A C\f% to 35c a yard, for .................J.4^U ^*THE STORE THAT SELLS EYF.RVTHrNfr ®?fS&lf^@Sf and Pillowcases and all kinds of Pillow Tops, Centerpieces and Scarfs. Don't forget to attend this great Sale. Stamp- ed Coods will be sold at al- most half price. Last Call Nation Sale Pearl Buttons, pure while, ^f* be buttons, all sizes, dozen, ^^ Supreme Hair'Nets with elastic, as good as any 10c net. 1 A^ 3 for...................JAJC Lingerie Braid, with self thread- ing bodkin, all colors, 0>* a piere....... ..; rrrr. r., .Q** One lot of large size fancy Pearl Buttons, roat size, in white and smoke colors. , , 1 fW* ^A curd only.............AUv M. & K. Darning Cotton, C- 3 spools for................•Jw Steel Hairpins, straight and crinTped, all sizes. (Jp 4 packages for...... Perfecto Sanitary Nap^ kins,3 for. Cushion Bark Shirt Neck Bands, ali sizes, only... ., > ------------------'-- Children's genuine Patent Leather Belts, only.,... ■bWbSBHbIBMbsVHBbssssSBI