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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Sep 1914, p. 2

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UUCBOHOtt sHCW*. TllllBSDAT^t^PTKMBBK IttTUNF " i immmmm--"...... i, ii mi ji i i r Social Happenings in Wilmette ■PMH~'.iluii iitf ii »s=g=aeaa:' : I*e wedding of Miss Maude Altai ijKr. Jtssa Daer Ftttfcja will ***** £ee at the flaifijr raasa'snrn Setur- ■y, September 18. at 8 o'clock la the •wening. Ittss Doradtr JOkm. atster of the Kt «m to saM of baaor. awl Mr. Philips, of Boston, brother of bridegroom, wilt be best man. little nieces of the bride, Lois BliWBOtt Allen, will be flower Tliere will be four ushers, Mr. Allen, Mr. Boardman H. Hop- • of Merlon, Pa.; Mr. Joseph Ham- of Evans ton, and Mr. of Chicago. Invitations nave been Issued by Irs, Charles McCue of «31 Washing- is* avenue for a luncheon and show- r to be given Friday of this week, in wor of Miss Maude Allen, whose ■|iCa to Mr. Jess* D. Philips will ETflaee September ISth. l The Epsilon chapter of the Zeta Beta Pal sorority were the guests at a vasty pretty luncheon last Thurs- *ay afternoon given by Miss Clemen- pip F--tmar at her borne, 412 Cen- wm avenue. Tfee dining room was aery elaborately decorated lin yellow Mra. wmm 9*90*9. «• Mwl» street, and Mrs. Lloyd Lourle eater- talned at- bridge on fWija*, ailafsaaa at the home at Mrs. Lourie, 1028. Lake avenue. ' A merry crowd of young people took possession of -the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Collier, €01 take avenue, over the week-end and Labor day. They were the guests of Miss Dorothy Collier MM all former mem- bers of the Kewatin Camp. The Tfffsifj Marion and Until Roberts of Wilmette. Miss Louise Heusner of Portland. Ore., and Messrs. Karl Kroeck, of Milwaukee. Wis.; William Carter. Robert Barger. and Kent Cur- tiss of Chicago;.,and Edward Austin of Wilmette made ap the party. Mrs. Caff P. Johnson, 222 Tenth street, entertained at luncheon on Tuesday of last week in honor of Mrs. Geo. Powers of Butler, lad., who has been visiting bar for several days. The guests were Mra. E. M, Heacock, Mra J. L. Morrison, Mra. Fanning of But- ler, lad., and Mrs. Geo. Powers aad her daughter, Lois, of Butler, lad. or Lse Beieiai mjareo automobBe aeddeftt ati entertafaed at m m Wilmette Societies and Clubs 1 mkm Tbo Central Avenue Circle was .vary delightfully entertained last hursday afternoon by Mrs. Charles W. Plerae, at bar home, 920 Linden avenue. The Drama Study club met last Wednesday afternoon at the home of lira. Charles N. Roberts, 1014 Lake avenue. Mrs. Arthur B. Seibold, 523 Wash- ington street, will entertain the mem- bers of the Thursday club at her home today. The first regular meeting for the season of the Woman's Democratic league will be held Tuesday, Octo- ber 6, at the home of Mrs. Theodore Breyer, 725 Washington street. Mrs. Frank Cutler, 1001 Lake ave- nue, will entertain tbo Woman's For- eign Missionary society of the Meth- odist church this afternoon at 2:20 o'clock. Mm. W. F. McDowell will make the address of the afternoon. Mia, Frederick M. Bowes was host- ess to the Tuesday Bridge and Lunch- eon club this week at her home, 1033 Greenwood avenue. ; A special feature of the card party ftt the Woman's club next Wednesday afternoon will be the union of every two tables with a prize for each set. The committee in charge of the after- boon consists of the following: Mrs. If. W. Zabel, chairman, and Mesdames E. V. Bright, H. N. Snow, C. H. Searle, C. R. Dart, 8. H. Gallagher, H, S. Gem- mill, A. W. Allen, and C. W. MacDon- ald. Tna first mooting of the Ladles' Aid society of the Wilmette Congrega- tional church will be held on Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. An Interest- ing part of the program will be an address by Mrs. Julia Way, assistant superintendent of the Illinois Chil- dren's Home, regarding the work of this organisation. Following the busi- ness meeting a reception will be ten- dered the officers and members of the society. The Central Avenue Circle -will then conduct a bakery saio. Mr. and Mra. J. H. Ctesdenln of" 916 Elmwood avenue, announce the ibirth of * son Tuesday, Aug. 18. Mr. Lysle Smith, 1225 Greenwood avenue, is making a Chautauqua tour of the Central states this month. Miss Etta Sullivan of Milwaukee, Wis., waa the guest this week of Mrs F. H. Gallagher, 1233 Forest avenue. Mr. Leroy Hammond. 1 Crescent place, baa returned from a three weeks' outing at Dewey Lake, Mich. Mr. and Mra. A. E. Barber. 621 Lin den avenue, are at home after a three weeks* vacation at White Lake. Mich. Miss Marguerite Thompson is in Onargo, III., this year, where she will make one of the high school faculty. Mrs. G. H. Cannlff, 723 Central ave- nue. Is In North Carolina making an extended visit among friends and rela- tives. Miss Gertrude Taber. 1018 Eleventh street, has been spending the week In Battle Creek, Mich., the guest of rela- tives. David Camelon of 125 Fourth street Is enjoying an outing aa the guest of bis uncle. Dr. Camelon of Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Henry Harfst. 1601 Lake ave- nue, has returned from Belvldere, HI., where she baa been tbo guest of her mother. Mrs. John Murray and three chil- dren of Chicago were the week-end guests of Mrs. J. C. Blaylock, 230 Doyle court. Mrs. F. D. Day, 810 Oakwood ave- nue, has returned from a short visit with her daughter at her home in Racine, Wis. Mrs. Bruce B. Powell, 908 Ashland avenue, will return about the fifteenth of this month from an extended visit In California. Mra. William G. Anderson. 1011 Lake avenue, has as her guests Miss Florence Carroll and Mrs. Clyde Jud- son of Painesvtlle O. Mr. George G. Burge, 321 Fourth street, has returned from an extended trip In New England. His nephew of Boston returned with him. ___ Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Finlay and family, 419 Ninth street, returned last Thursday evening from a month's va- cation spent at Gull Lake, Mich. Mrs. Chas. Major. 215 Ninth street, who has been summering at Christ- mas Cove, Me., with her little son, re- turned to Wilmette this week. The Misses Mary and Mildred Lath- Mrs, m c cards Thursday aftcgaaosL Miss Marie Hasten is one of those leading la the several golf contests at Indian fUiL Rev. and Mra. Edward' L. Eustis wiB retcra Satarday from an extended visit in tbo east. Work win be started oa the new In- tercepting sewer soon. The eewer will be laid along Sheridan road. Mr. and Mrs, ML Ball have been traveling through the east. Ridgeway aad daughter re- turned home Mat week from a three weeks' stay at Ephralm, Wis. Miss Alva Southward of Oxford road, gave a slumber party hut even- ing for a number of her girt friends. Miss Doris Travcr entertained infor- mally last Thursday afternoon at her Lome. Abbottsford road near Melrose avenue. Mrs. James H. Prentiss was a luncheon hostess Thursday at bar home, Roafya read, c^ar Kenilworth avenue. Dr. Henry H. Everett, Camnor road near Kenilworth avenue, baa re- turned front an outing at Lake, 111. Mra. Gillett baa returned from Ep- wortb Heights, at Ludington, Mich., and to staying with bar mother in Evanston. Mr. Thomas Edmonds will leave the first of next week for the east, where he will enter Philips Exeter prepar- atory academy. Mr. Price Schulze, Jr., Melrose ave- nue near Sheridan road, had aa his guest over the week-end, Mr. Lichtsln of Toronto, Can. Mrs. C. W. Gasque won the nine- hole modal play for Women given at the North Shore Golf club last week. She had a low net score of 43. Messrs. Henry Everett, Gordon Mar- shall, Richard Taylor, Franklin Miller, and Grant Kheen left Tuesday for a bicycle trip to Lake Geneva, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Gasque, aad daughter, Cumnor road near Woodstock avenue/ returned Tuesday from an outing at Green Lake, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Percy B. Bckhart, and daughter, Eleanor, Roslyn road near Cumberland avenue, are visiting at the Piatt's summer home in Massachu- setts. Mlsa Carrol Sanborn of Essex road has gone east She will visit in New York for a week or two before enter- ing Dana Hall, where she will attend school. Announcement is made of the mar- riage of Miss Sadie Mellne of Kenil- worth and Mr. William Stickraus of Chicago, which took place Monday at the home of Rev. T. K. Gale. Mrs. C. D. Scott and daughter. EdithrreTurned^thBllrir orthlrwreer to their home In Toronto, Can., after spending a fortnight as the guests of Mrs. A. F. Reichman. Kenilworth ave- nue, near Abbotsford road. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace L. Serreli have announced the engagement of :tbenrst wffl be flower girl aad Junior Cresap ring bearer. Tbo miffing patty 4MB consist of Miss E2va Southward. Heater Weatwortb. Miss Laekner, Miss Elisabeth Virginia Powell, Miss Lucy Miss Edith Chandler, Mlsa Florence Evans aad Miss Charlotte Everett Tbo saea include, Mr. Leaa ABea, Mr. Herbert Taylor, Mr. Vincent Taylor, Me. JOfaa CooBdge, Mr. Robert Oyer, Mr. Robert Lester, and Mr. .......urn.....iiiiiii I What People Are Doing: ► « .... .- A new dancing club, known as the Wilmette Dancing club, has Just re- cently been organised, with Dr. Frank 8. Lower as president; Mr. Frederick D. Buckman, as secretary, and Mr. John A..Rlppel, as treasurer. The di- rectors are: Messrs. Frank Robinson. Edgbert Contptoh and Frank Bobbins. New members are still desired. see Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk their daughter, Frances May, to HeF bert Bower Taylor, son of Mrs. Wil- liam J. Taylor of Cumnor road. No date has been set for the wedding. The Rev. and Mrs. Edward L. Eus- tis have spent, the summer at their cottage, "Westover," at Nantucket, Mass., and after a week In Maine will return Saturday. September 12. They am, 229 Sixth street, returned this!will live this.year at the Greenwood week from Cohasset, Mass., where! Inn, Evanston, they have been visiting relatives. The Kenilworth basketball team Master Robert Tucker Drake, the' came out third in the North Shore youngcBt son of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman! Basketball league, with a percentage M. Drake, 933 Lake avenue, is visiting {of .666. Their line up Is: right field, Mr. John Blasius and family of Elm street have moved to 872 Ash street. Mr. Roger Sherman baa returned from a abort vacation spent at Charle- voix, Mich, Mr. Frank Kleopfer is in the Evans- ton hospital recovering from aa opera- tion for appendicitis. Mr. aad Mrs. David Citron, former- ly of Chicago, are now occupying their new home at S52 Elder lane. Dr. Casey Wood has returned from his European travels and has Joined his wife and niece at the Virginia be- tel la Chicago. Mrs. W. C. Crosby has returned to tbo east after spending several weeks with her mother, Mrs. James E. Quan, of 675 Cedar street, Mrs. Florence Preston, Mlsa Grace Deily and Miss Sadie Cole returned Monday from a.two weeks' vacation trip to Lennox, Wis. Miss Edith Clark of Chicago and Miss Ethel Carlson of Wheaton, 111., both former residents of Winnetka. are visiting Miss Ruth Leiber of Elm street. j Mrs. William Bach, who has been very HI for several months at the home of her daughter, Mra. Krelter on Provident avenue. Is now rapidly re- covering. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. de Windt and daughters, Caroline and Alice, have returned to their Sheridan road home after spending the summer months in Massachusetts. The Misses Williams announce the engagement of their niece, Miss Lois Pittman, to Mr. Harold Keith, son of Mrs. Elbridge Keith of 1900 Prairie avenue. Chicago. No date has been set for the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Ayres Boal and fam- ily will return thiy week after spend- ing the summer In tneir bungalow in the Michigan woods Just above Char- levoix. An October debutante will be Miss Margaret Houghtcling, daughter of Mrs. James R. Houghteling, who will be Introduced at the family summer home here. The Hough telings will not return to their home at 850 Lincoln parkway until Nov. 16. Mr. and Mrs. John Buckingham of 266 Linden street gave a house party over Labor day for their daughter. Miss--AMcr iBucfctngham, nnd Miss Dorothy Morrison of New York, who is visiting them. Miss Morrison re- turned a week ago from Europe, land- ing at Quebec. Miss Harriet Bucking- ham Is to return to Miss Wheeler's school in Providence, 4t. I., the latter Dr. aad Mrs. Cbartea M. 8taart, ttl road, returned Friday from a three weeks* trip to Bloc tea, D. & Mrs. WBfiasa A. Rlaley ter, the Misses Constance and Eliza- beth. 90S Seward avenue, returned last week from Bay Head. N. £, where they have apeat six wertra.""-- Mr. Frank Morris, a former resident of this ctty. Is visiting his aister; Mrs. Jcha 8. Boreamore. 24*7 narriaoa atreet;" Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Spearman, 1012 Wesley avenue, returned yester- day from Mlaoeqaa. Wis., where they _-- •~zZ . Securities and Investments Clahjesck Schuj>gkk,1703 Lake Ave.,\Vii.mextk IF YOU HAVE ONE THOUSAND DOL- LARS or any other sum, large or small, to invest you will find safety for it at the Wil- mette Exchange State Bank. This bank pays three per cent interest on savings. The bank owns as investments for its own funds, and will sell to its patrons, securi- ties paying a higher rate of interest. These securities are investments of the highest type with no speculative features. The officers of the bank are glad to advise as to the uses and advantages of checking ac- counts, savings accounts and investments. WILMETTE fVtn BANK :>■■• Miss Grace Merrick aad Merrick, 1322 HInman avenue, have returned from Green Lake. Wis., where they have been for a month. ' Mra. A. L. Geyser aad Mrs. Charles Graves of this ctty will sail oa the 19th oa the steamship "Nordham" from 'Rotterdam. They are now in Amsterdam. Dr. Couden Laughttn, bead of the German department at the Evanston academy, has returned from bis sum- mer vacation, which he spent oa Vashon Island, Wash. Mr. Newell C. Knight, Jr, 1326 Asbury avenue, returned Sunday from Les Cheneaux, where he spent the summer, and will leave neat week for Hctehktas Preparatory school. Miss Jeanne Livingston aad two nieces, Carol aad Margaret Living- ston, returned Friday to* their home in Rochester, N. Y., after spending the summer as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Houston, 2611 Dewey ave- Mr. A. Fletcher Smith, 2500 Hart- zell street, left Thursday evening to Join Mrs. Smith at Plum Lake, Wis. Dr. and Mrs. S. Victor Balderston and Mrs. Smith are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Lee Lewis at their summer home.. part of September. ;IIIIMIIIIHUIMmMM I What People Are Doing! in Evanston Mrs. B.T. RoodhouBe, 427 Laurel avenue, Is visiting m the east. Mrs. R. E. Smith. 1050 Linden ave- nue, has returned after asbort^lslt in Chicago. Mrs. Bliaabeth Russell of Oreenleaf avenue baa returned from Grand Rap- ids, Mich. Mrs. Jlary^E. Springer. 707 Central avenue, has returned from an outing at Harvard; ill. Mr. Carlton Kaumeyer, 601 Linden •venue, "mat^rLak; F^ eol4*«M«t M!*«^ ■*«£ ^lA^ Joge this year relatives at Canton Junction, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B. Mulford and daughter, 83fi Elmwood avenue, spent the week-end and Labor day at Power's and Geneva Lakes, Wis. Word has been received from the Misses Marjorie Day and Ethel Bru- ten, that they sailed from Liverpool, England, on Saturday, September 5. Mrs. Butler of Mudlavia, 111., re- turned last Wednesday to her homo after being the guest of Mrs. Per- cival N. Butler, 1016 Ashland avenue. Mrs. F. H. Gallagher and two daugh- ters, Alice and Margaret, 1233, Korest avenue, returned last week from a short visit with friends In Benton Harbor, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Jason Saunderson have returned to their home in Sioux City, la., after being the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Stltlman, 1620 Lake avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Gates, 1126 Wilmette avenue, returned Tuesday after spending a very delightful week at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wray, In Kegonza, Wis. a Rev. T. K. Gale, pastor of the Wil- Warren Pease, Jr.; left field, Franklin Bellows; center, Hllmar Zimmerman; right guard, Wallace Evans; left guard, Services at the Church of the Holy Comforter have been continued through the summer with good attend- ance, the Rev. March Chase officiating. On Sunday, September 13, the rector, tho Rev. Edward L. Eustis, will of- ficiate and preach, and tho Sunday school will open. MeHsrs. and Metidames Frank Young, Cumnor road near Kenilworth avenue; J K. Farley, Abbottsford road near Woodstock avenuo; Guy Osborn, Cum- nor road near Kenilworth avenue; Harry V. Crooks of Kenilworth; and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cory and Mr. Charles Sherer of Chicago enjoyed a delightful week-end bouse party at Pine Lake, Ind., in the cottage ad- Joining that of Mr. and Mrs. F. "Cod" Cole. The following notice was posted in the Kenilworth post office: "Ford Own- ers Beware. "Three Ford automobiles belonging to prominent citizens of this village were found lying upside down on Ken- Dr. and Mrs. Amos W. Patten, 2017 Sherman avenue, returned Sunday from Williams Ray. Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Roberts, 2203 Central atreet, returned Saturday from a trip to southern Illinois. Prof, and Mrs. James Lardner, 810 Milbura street, returned last week from Chippewa Lake, Mich. For Many Wilmette Families have taken advantage of our early morning delivery Why Not You? All Bread Wrapped in --Wax Paper-- Wilmette Baking Co. 1165 ftirsjtttt Am. Tel. Wilneffe 441 While on Your Vacation Remember Yotif Friends at Home with Beautiful Cut Flowers --------■ i i ■ 1 1. . ■ ■. Leave your orders with us, we shall be pleased to f«!! your every want with strictly fresh flowers at lowest wholesale prices. Store: 615 Railroad Ave. Greenhouses: 1625 Central Ave. Telephone Wilmette 23 PYFER & OLSEM, Wilmette, Successors STAR FLORAL CO. We deliver to any part of Evanston. Wilmette, Kena»octn. Giencoe. »»inneik* and all Printing and Developing Done at Lowest JWcea- Room 29 Brown Bldg. Wilmette Cast* Iron, ££2Fl\c .Can be welded and made strong aa new. -------^----------run ..-- n__ ^ --== Call up the American Welding Co. (NotInc.) A. P. GKAHA.M, Mer. COR. FOREST AND RIDGE, AVE. Phone Wilmette 1381 WUmette, Illinois AT YOUR SERVICE When in need of .any Ladles' or Gentlemen's tailoring Telephone Wilmette 6*7. We are here to try and please you. WM. KAPLAN i.AUii;v AND iJKNTS* TAILOR 6SS Batlroad Ave. BeftVon Bids. Why Pay Doable Prices When by Paying Cash You Can Get the Best at Less than Chicago Prices? = Some of Our Leaders Pork Shoulder, per pound..............................18c Round Steak, per pound....,...........................25c Fresh Ground Hamburger Steak, per pound........_______18c Shoulder Lamb Chops, per pound.. .*>...................22c Loin or Rib Lamb Chops, per pound....................28c Bulk Lard, per pound.................................. l6e Pork Sausage, per pound_____...........................16c Home Made Sausage Meat, per pound...................22c Cooked Corned Beef, per pound..............?.........27c Veal Loaf, per pound..................................27c Shoulder Lamb Stew, per pound........................19c VVhple or Half Strips of Bacon, per pound...............25c Leg of Lamb, per pound........;......................20c Whole Shoulder of Lamb, per pound....................18c Rib Roast of Beef, per pound...........................22c L I I Nil I 1TQ 635 W. Railroad Ave. *#• *#• l^li>l>JV%J9 Second Door South off Central Telephones 278 and 279 WILMETTE ■***■ Snowflake Ice Cream Purity and Quality First Made in Wilmette Wilmette Fruit Store GEORGE PIERANTONI, Manager Mr. Ellis C, Latham of New York Is expected to visit relatives in Wil- mette thin week. Mr. J. W. Rush. 7*7 Linden avenue, cafo to officiate at the marriage of i iiworth avenue. While no external in Miss Judith Marie Carlson and Mr. juries were apparent, the machines Charles Lawrence Cotton of Rockford, were ruined. Inquiry has developed l!l- - that some miscreant has sprinkled in- Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan C. Drake'sect powder oa the streets of Kenil- returned SuB«ay'trom an outinf at !■»« family, 1«6 Lake avanua, •eoonv j worth." €80 - Misscssks. Minn. Mr. Earl Oowinc. avenue, has gone Princeton university. Mr. John C. Blaylock. 280 Doyle court, is In St. Paul, Minn.. ofr4aH« tended business trip. ipanted by the Mosdames A. P. Peirce, Washington MQl Lake avenue, and Charles N. to attend Roberts, 1014 Lake avenue, motored Greenwood aveaoe, are visiting Baltimore, Mo., this week. In In less than one week the annual North Shore Pageant will be given at Ravinia. Under the chairmanship of to Starved Rock. ill. over the weak- Mrs. W. Pease, Kenilworth vrftT pra- end and Labor day. = Mr. W- Quinbach and family, for- mer residents of Wilmette, but lately Mrs.W. N.Waldner and family. 1040 of Black River Palls, Wis., will again make their home her*. Mr. Utalnnajeh was formerly connected with Hubbell's sent one of the most striking of the dances. The Kenilworth dance will represent the great Chicago fire. Those who are to tak^ nart ara: Miss Harriet' Stuart, Miss tfftityh Isoni, Miss Nettle Isom, Miss SSmmw Swi *U, Miss Ag- SPECIALISTS AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Per Easy Starting in Cold Weather We equip your FORD with a Dash Primer for $1.50 YOU CAN HAVE YOUR Sfc" DRESSES Made at your noma ky Tafephoaiog Wilmette 241 We Remudol ^.a^jM* Unrmenta In tbe l.at.nt Styh'H.----- Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailoring I am pleased to announce that the very latest novelties in materials, de- signs and trimmings for tbe FALL <ft WINTER SEASON of 1914-1915 have arrived, and I herewith extend a cordial invitation to you to call assj inspect same. By placing your orders early, before tbe busy season seta in, yon will receive garments when desired, and thus avoid annoying disappointments. Thanking you for past favors, and soliciting their continuance, I'am for Best Quality, Correct Styles', Artistic Workmanship and Perfect Fit GEORGE J. E.BER 1131 Creenleaf Ave. HARRY LYNN Staple & Fancy Groceries Fruits and Vegetables in Season Kenilworth. III. Phones 1041-1042 561 Fir St. Phone 675-L AUTO DOCTOR Will call, examine your car, give estimate and do work in your own garage. E. C. MELVINE WINNETKA ■aaesejsssesasaiBsaaaJsesiiMaaBSHaMBBsaMaei MRS. MILDRED BUHL announces the Reopening x>f her Piano Studio at Rooms 50,51 and 53 Brown Building Class and Private Instructions i News Want Ads Bring' Kesulta Western Casket and Undertaking Company A Western Casket does not mean a Cheap Casket. It does mean a Cheap Prteev We carry a, line of Caskets ranging in prices from Twenty-Five up to Three Hundred audi Fifty Dollars. They sre Caskets you will pay from Fifty to Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars for any place else. We manufacture all of Jaur owu Tfrs&tst^si our =0iw Facfc/y, mm saving you from J/iirfy fo Fifty Per Cent. WM.'H. SCOTT (eight years with J. L. Hehblethwaite) if manafcr and part owner of our Wilmette Store and will give hit personal attention to every detiil. <f We challenge a comparison of prices, and guarantee first class AUTOMOBILE SERVICE FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED. service. t Phone Wilmette 280 WM. fl. SCOTT, Manager 1123 Central Avenue .......

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