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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Sep 1914, p. 6

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i THE LAKE 8HORE NEW. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER K, MM. ■■-- OF IE ABE Makes It Unlawful to Live in Any Dwelling That Is Un- I fit MRS. WILSON'S IDE/ Fashion Gleanings •om Paris Openings F« New York, Sent 24l |kwped up with artificial roses. Toe with a single blush rose. Artificial flowers, roses especially are used In place of buckles and rosettes. Metallic rrnMi - nn| WBWWHW/ as • Mm** »» *a aaaaa^eaajfc - bm^ *e--^ i ^ ± *Wr««iM mazeheaiwar^^ has * *■■*' «* «■» . . __ ... . ■ i eui noaftlon ««ii i« fashion news seeps in bodic unknown Way across the Atlantic In Paris the conturiers hare had their openings, though the picturesque Paul stripes of pfafc and Meek, all the store elty in aUks a fective indeed, fjsilasllafl of the far hjrtitllr--; leopard, with black spota and civet «2ecUve piarkins*. al am ef - Colors for millinery differ from the colors of frocks and costumes, iaieaa these is a aew blue called del d'Eaypte la Ma Late Wife of the Presidenl Was Behind the Measure.* ; ■y Charlea M. Th«m««. On Monday of this week the house passed the bin known as the District of Colombia alley bill. This is the bill in which the wife of President Wll- of the fife and drum. Cheriut has had «^ds *»* °^eri ^*S£2 « her opening. Her coats hang straight | bead* Cut steel ^J^^JjJ from the shoulders to hem. Wide «>!««»« and gold. Among £« Calk* cular tunics. full length, were seen on jf*"™ <>»« «* 'TSZl^^iJFLXl many of her skirts. An unusual suit broidery of steel threads and ehlna which she offered was of bright golden j beads. tan. The coat was in the redingotej Many frocks in the Moyea Age style pleated below the waistline,;style are shown and are exceedingly belted at the hips and buttoning from ; fashionable. Blue continues to be par- the shoulder to the belt in a straight tlcularly stylish and hi these iast- line. The skirt was laid In groups of; named frocks is combined with blaek ., pleaU with braided bands at either satin. Other frocks, afternoon and the present war will have upon our hip producing a pocket effect. j evening gowns are made with straight 1 clothes. It may be only a military ef- The CaUot Soeurs feature narrow »nort skirts, cut like m chemise, feet and jet theremay **•*»• «* foundation skirts with oversklrts of)These are worn over full skirts of come more Interest!!*, v in velvet ssed for the facing to wide- fcrlmmedhats. Fragonard and Nattier blues conUnue to be -very smart for certain types of hats. From the Balkan disturbance came the Balkan blouse and many Turkish effects in clothes, now th3 Mexican trouble has brought out silks and rib- bons In Artec colors and designs and It will be Interesting to ncte the effect may ANMNB LAUSifi. their list of especially far Rose, author of ~Tke The mere name. seems to breathe drama, for the are liquid and fail upon the ear urtth that subtle cadence that has made the sd lyric live tor almost Iff of a tiultar? our modern civic one is of the i ef that district. r*d*. ef Nature fa ft a type, a maa who has mark one who baa Med to _ behind Om veil of human life and is paying the penalty fa a morbid attf. tudeofmlnd. Given these ilnsssnrs, it U easily seen that the oae is interested in life, what it asm how best one may const. Physical hav« given the at the «. a_ the east hS - to utersna this new Play- Bpedal stress hi M upon the lighting effects, which « now aad quite away from the tloaaS treatment of this in the theater. especially in these days 'news want ana bring rcsults The play tells the and her developme . mystic years of maidenhood, to the when nature stirs within her. the inevitable male enters her life. Born In the wonderful mad of the Scots and drawing hi the glamour and the mystery of that tradition-haunted country. Annie Laurie looks on life as ausaethfag of a. problem to be solved., There are three men attracted to bar,]; each strongly Individualised and on widely divergent lines. One man Isj from the city with all the graces and. ^cnar-tif'.w BVf i i>mb-=. ATEBANKotEVANSTON foundation skirts with oversiarts 01 ;*«"-"« «**~ "--"----- *-- ----- - «"" "*w*^ rZ .....^ ----•_!«.-- draped metallic effects, and their coatsi »elvet of silk, or satto barred or; 8pring up and tofiueacs our a™"*-;^ CMUmlffr it Ml S are drawn in at the waist and flare bs--r«aecked with velvet ribbon. These as the long tunic and basque appeared k*. low Gallot's sleeves are usually long [are often belted at the hips In the --overnight. awf son was so greatly interested and for titles of beaver fur and braiding. the success of which she expressed a wish a few hours before her death In the laying out of the streets in »•«• "»» ** ** some parts of Washington, a number of very deep blocks or squares were created. In these blocks the lots were frequently 300 feet deep and some- times more. These blocks contained low priced residence property. Those „. who built homes here put them on the front ends of the lots near the street. Some real estate dealer say his op- portunity. He went into one ot-theae blocks and offered to buy the rear por- tions of the deep lots wiiicii "their -----owners had no use for and were glad to sell. Having secured the rear ends of all the lotc in the block, he had a big square piece of ground entirely surrounded by the lots facing the streets on the four sides of the blocks and backing up to his land. The Tenement District. Thereupon,he bought one of these outside lots-or half a lot Just enough to give his property an outlet to one of j, the streets. Then he resubdivided bis land, putting a solid row of little tenements entirely around it, facing in toward the center of the block, leav- ing the narrow opening on one side leading out to one of the streets. Sometimes, where he had enough room, he would build an extra row of tenements down the middle of the . open space remaining after he had put up bis rows of buildings running .-.round the outside edge of his prop- erty. Having worked this plan in one block he repeated it in others. These Inside alley tenements were rented almost exclusively to colored people. In some cases stores would be opened in these inside blocks and they be cujne more or less isolated commu- nities. ■ '.^Naturally, these were not desirable dwellings. The houses were cheaply constructed and the occupants were very poor. One can scarcely believe that there arc over fifty such squares or bloelte in the beautiful citv of Washington of the soft chiffon velvet tucked in crosswise tucks from tho waist to the low neck, which is outlined with a glittering band of jet insertion. ^Iiort sleeves of net bare bands-of -velvet tor|end- are edge them. Cn the foundation skirt of white satin are black velvet but- tons placed straight down the front, and over It hangs a pleated tunic and flounce of net, with wide velvet bands at the bottom of each. The waist Is finished with a velvet sash_baviBg the ends looped In front For the young girl the simplest of As the tenements have grown old and cut of repair,- the most unhealthy and unsanitary conditions have come to prevail in these places. Tuberculosis has' become very common among the people living there and other diseases also. In addition to this they hav«> ^^Olne^^elTta^le^reedlng- places for crime ana"vlce of the lowest tort_ Conditions are so bsd in many of these blocks that at the time the house committee on the District of Columbia, in connection with their consideration of this bill. Visited them for the purpose of inspection, together with a committee of men and women of Washington representing civic and charitable organisations, a sort of an Advance guard went nhead;;tnjjrcparc the way for fear the party mlghi Stumble upon scenes and condition; unfit for respectable people to wit ness. One of the members of that party has told me personally since that although he has knocked abou' the world a good deal during his life be never saw anything to equal th< squalor -and' filth and the unhealthj and indecent conditions that prevai in these alley communities. ■ BUI Puts an End to This. . The alley bill Just passed by the house seeks to put an end to this con dition of things. The bill makes 1 unlawful to build any dwelling on anj parcel of ground fronting on_an_alle or other thoroughfare unless such alley Is at least thirty feet wide for it entire length and runs straight to ant opens out upon two of the street bordering tbe-square and Is auppUe; with sewer and water mains and ga or electric light As to dwelling houses now exiatini cn these blind, Inside alleys, the Ml provides that where they have do predated or been -damaged more tha' cne-bslf their original value, they car not be repaired or reconstructed to dwelling" places unless the alley o thoroughfare is made to conform t the conditions referred to above. Finally, the bill provides that th use or occupation of any ol thee buildings now existing, for dwellln purposes, "Is hereby declared ii Jurious to life, to the public healtl morals, safety and welfare of sal District of Columbia, and such use c occupation of any such building o _ on street costumes and suits are finished with a cuff of the same fabric. Bernard, is using fuller skirts. He, also, shows both long and short Jack- ets, and for trimmings is using quan- front or In the hack, but they show no waistline." The advent of autumn with Its flut- ter of multicolored leaves and the rustle of the wind through barren branches, always brings with it a An interesting thing about these j "ore sombre hue In women's clothes, openings Is that no purchase can be!Deep, dark blue, black, prairie green 'and tete de negre brown are the colors which are replacing the gaily-bued clothes of the summer time. The ex* ceptions are royal blue and copper color. Metallic effects are supreme and are seen in weird and queer combinations; WiH eoaduet clMJta U <Undn* ««** tfced ««etio-l of M_ Boulfe C Kur«. » noted tertraetor «tf ttw atSMaWl Most powerful is he who baa hlav.'^Ktos? self in his «wn power.--Seneca. ?tSu^WLuSSSmt, N* Velvet is one of the favored fab- rics for day or evening wear among fall and winter materials, also, the wonderful fur cloths which so faith- fully imitate the Persian lamb, mole and other smooth furs are the rage. A striking gown has a basque waist! tor Instance, a rich yeUow is brocaded with silver; a fine gold tissue Is shad- owed with gray, and worn over tomato red and emerald green. The stripes continue to be popular brlBlant fat their contrast Nothing too large or too small for 45 EDMONDS Funeral Directors 131? fsasraoo. St. Phone Bt ■ ^mmw W ■»*a>»^^aw ot ^fefeVW Automobile Service mr* COMPANY J mmi M. Forty Years of wry THE age and successful career of this bank are guarantees of satisfactory service to cus- tomers. There is nothing that can take the place of ex- perience in financial matters and for this reason our depositors are enabled to feel that they are afforded the highest form of safety and that their .business will receive the most efficient attention. We invite your patronage. JBf% Velvet, Net and White Satin Combined In This Stunning Costume. frocks are shown and tho crinoline ••tylcs seem well suited to her dainty ance frocks and evening dresses 'rgandy continues to be extremely >opu?ar and a dress with a skirt hav- ing a series of organdy ruffles, picot dged, and a waist of net, with over- vai8t of organdy, is effective and girl- sh. The overwaist and sleeves are Tlil\ SI OR E. TH ^ T SF Rosentrcr6's E, VA 'Nf S '!' O N Phones In All Dents. Evanston 2400 WUmette 1100 Some Excellent Drag Specials Mermen's Talcum Powder, 2 for.............25c Armour's Buttermilk Soap, 3 for... . ----lie Bunte's Assorted Fruit Canutes, per jar......10c Aspirin Tablets,2 doz............... ....25c Mellin's Food, 75c size.......................57c HinekJe's Cascara Pius, bottle of 100...... .25c Chemically Pure Peroxide, 8 oz. bottle........15c Delightful Surprises In >ther structure, on, from,"and after uly 1. 1018, sholl be unlawful." Through the enactment of this law | buildings ender^these cpnditions will" ie stopped, and that within the next Ive years these communities of dts- 3$!se and„,yj.ee may l»: wiped out en■ •:lrel.v. ?v- The senate passed the bill ye3ter iay and it will, thereldrc, become a aw as soon as the president has signed lfc---EF~\-*^ ■ hi. . " -- IftlcrsonBrcs. Get our low t>ri ra oji NKWorlHiU imw «ach m KepoiriniT of Stinrw, "Vhfel.r A W|i««»h Vileox Md Oibt .as .11 otlM* ah k«* u. -- *■ hlnrt. »• 522 Sherman / v> rteNMSM aVAMSSwM Every day a few more smart suits, coats and dresses arrive. Just today a small shipment from New York was unpacked. We were all surprised at the handsome styles. They're so good looking Women's and Misses" Fall Coats In wool kersey and novelty mixtures, Russian blouse^ circular back and plain tailored models, many-etrarming styles tft select from. An excellent value----- Wide Wale Cheviot Linod with best quality satin, 45 inch coat, collar, cuffs and,belt of black vel- vet, plainer plaited skirt,effect, women's and misses' sizes, a wonderful suit for Many Pretty New Fall Waists 98 Hbow cottarsTtoiSg set-in sleeves, all the newest fabrics, voiles, lawns, allover embroidery; organ- dies and crepes, trimmed with lace, insertion, em- broidery and pique......-«...................... New SKirts for Fall Wear 5* Made of a very fine French serge, wltrT^eateoTor box pleated tunic, also yoke effects. Well tailored and perfect fitting. Women's and misses' sizes----- All the new fall shades. No drawstrings, no bunching, no wrinkles to disfigure the outer garments. Klosnt~aTe-^made_- with invisible elastic waist band, materi- als are of finest silk jersey and messa- lines, with plain band and accordion pleat- ed flounce. s=........ GINGHAM AND PERCALE AO^ SCHOOL DRESSES FOR ONLY OtC Neat checks and stripes, in broken sizes, regular $1 value. While they last.........'..................68c Pretty School Dresses French ginghams, percales, madras and beautiful new plaids, prettily trimmed with white pique and combina- tion colors........... , preuwy 1.69 Girls' Rainproof School Capes, 1.69 Of best rainproof rubberized cloth, plaid hood, in navy only. Sizes 6 to 14 years, $1.69. '* ; - ~---*--; ; - . Hose for Everyone in the Family CHIUDREN-8 SCHOOL STOCKINGS, (or boyg and girls, in fine and heavy ribbed, fleece-lined, S l£jK with double knees, heels and toes......*... * ^ V^ WOMEN'S FLEECE LINED HOSE, with ribbed or hem tops, high spliced heels and toes, very ^|g_ elastic, regular and extra sixes............»wv INFANTE' FINE CASHMERE HOEE, with sift heels------of thlS and toes, in black, white, tan, sky and #fc^fc --" FRIDAY SPECIAL A of Wool Dress Goods Many pieces in the selection. Values double and 1 Qr> more. Yard............lift, Small Pieces of Silk Velvet, Each 9c SATURDAY SPECIAL A Lot of Dress Ginghams and Percales Golden Rod and *jl 1 Renfrew. Yard......... / 2& Turkish Wash Bags Very satisfactory 1 fir quality. 9 for.-----;....* W * ft A Thoroughly Inviting Display Gilt Edge Silk Poplin The widely advertised Many beautiful shades. A yard............... Extra Heavy Storm Serge 54 inches wide, mannish finish, blue and black only. A Imported Belgian Serge colors, all wool, 36 ............49c A variety of Inches wide. A yard...... AUWoolSerge Navy, black and white,, close weave, 45 inches wide. nQn A yard......:...,....____./** Imported All Wool Serge jgjj «« ■»»£*:.».... QgC McCall October Patterns Now Here i Drop in at your leisure and see_:0Jr_jiey fall designs. You will not be urged to buy. DEFERRED PAYMENTS can be arranged to suit your convenience as to paying. than those prevailing in loop stores. Our list of customers who have become convinced fact is growing larger everyday.

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