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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Oct 1914, p. 2

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esa THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY. OCTOBER % 1814. mmmmmmmm--mmmmmmmmmmmammmmmktmmmmmmm itif'il ' -------- ........... :ial Happening* in L«o!» «»n«*H rsisracd Mea- nt Kankakee, IIL At luncheon intntatne* the Misses Marion total Nicholson and Ethel Tid- of Riverside, IU., at her homo avenue. luhert C. Ambler gave a very house-party on last Batur- Sunday. Sept. J 9 and 20, at le, 1015 Wilmette avenue, for Cheater, and her daughter, the occasion being the for- birthday. On Saturday the were the Misses Gladys Am- Marlon McKenna, Marguerite and Mildred Sahlint. of La IIL, and Messrs. Harold Bell tin. IIL. Joseph Wright of River Bernard Oaks of May wood and Hubble of Wilmette. The ladies io the party remained 'night, and were among the at dinner the neat day. Other were Barry Rlchter, Leonard and Reader Hobble of Wll- and Harold Bell of Austin. afternoon in honor of Miss Caroline Lusted, at the home of Miss Diets, 1005 Qreenleaf avenue. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Moon wUl give a smell Informal dancing party at noma, 325 Sheridan road, tomorrow ; was the luncheon guest of Mrs evening. nave moved from 1707 Elmwood ave- nue, to the tana of Mrs, Jacob Sehwall. Mr. and Mrs. John A ONiel of Chi- cago were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Suite, 112 Sixth street. Mrs. Benjamin Ott and little daugh- ter, Margaret, 1228 Lake avenue, have returned from a, few days' visit la the country. v Mrs. James Price of An " Si. Friday evening the parlors of lette Presbyterian church scene of a very delightful In- reception, tendered to Dr. -and lames Martin Wilson. A Vic- furnished the music and excel- Bfreshments were served. Milton S. Barker entertained and bridge yesterday aft- it her home, 710 Park avenue, Gladys Mars of Kenllworth, marriage to Elmer Becker of o will .take place on Oct. 14. oilier pretty wedding le to be soletanlzed this month, when Miss line Lusted, daughter of Mr. and SSSJ^ni wood avenue, will become the brido of finish Collins Walters of Chicago on )cL 12. Miss Marjorle Lusted will Hand her sister as meld of honor, the Misses Martha and Ethel two other sisters, will be esmalds. Little Elisabeth Fox and „ Steam will be the flower girls, ..'Roy Patterson of Des Moines, la., Swill' serve Mr. Walters as best man end the ushers will be Dr. Julius Lack- her and Mr. Thomas Boyle of Chicago. Mrs. Carl Granniz and Mies Marion lets entertained at cards yesterday KitzKandolpb, 824 Linden avenue, Wednesday. Miss Berniece Shurtleff, 815 Lake avenue, returned Wednesday evening from a visit with friends in Iowa and in Rockford. III. Messrs. Frank and Berrian Fariaat of Austin were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Guy 8. Hammond, 1 Crescent place. Miss Julia Heycox of Marietta, O., arrived Monday to spend a few days Congratulations as the guest of Mrs. Fred G. White; every state in 1021 Central avenue. Mrs. E. R. Webber. 815 Forest ave- nue, la spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Payne, at her new, home in Paw Paw, Mich. Mrs. Albert Noyes. 827 Oakwood avenue, spent last Friday with her daughter. Marjorle, who is attending Milwaukee-Downer this year. The Misses Esther and Hilda Hau- gen of South Bend, Ind., will be the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Beyer. 1022 Lake avenue. Mrs. Herbert G. Graves and daugh- ter, Miss Ethel. i05 81»th street, re- turned last Sunday from a week's visit with relatives and friends io Omaha, Neb. •Mrs. Lau will return today from a visit with her daughter In Waukesha, Wis., to the home of .another daugh- ter. Mrs. Gordon Culver, 519 Gregory , avenue; »»d &.-, * ^llss Katharine Diets is expected at the home of Mrs. George C. Murdoch, 1818 Elmwood avenue, this week, aft- er an extended visit in Chautauqua, N.Y. Mr. Cleveland Morse, returned yes- . jf terday from a ten days' business trip Mrs- Charles 8. McCoy will enter- [tjg_ }Metoa .nas.v^s_41se home of its- W«» atlJridge this arternoon at her L, te~ Mrg^ BrBegt Bartlett. 1324 Elm There___-_____" Mr. Harry Bridwell, 82T Elmwood avenue, will entertain the young peo- ple of the Baptist church this evening. About fifty friends and relatives gathered at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Alpheus E. White, 1030 Greenwood avenue. Tuesday night, the occasion being the fifteenth wedding anniver- sary of Mr. and Mrs. William White. The home was very prettily decorated to. yellow and green. were received from New England except Maine. A very delightful program was rendered by the Misses Olive and Muriel LaChs- pelle, and Mr. Ernest LaChapelle. three relatives of the Whites. Rev. Thomas Keene Gale of the Wilmette Methodist church, read a poem dedi- cated to Mr. White by a former pastor Of Mr. and Mrs. White, and also a letter. Rev. B. F. Taber of the Bap- tist church led in prayer. The out-of- town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Apps and Mrs. LaChapelle of Evanston, Mrs. A. LaChapelle and family of Waukegan, and Mr. and Mrs. Deo A. Stoker of Kenllworth. Mr. and Mrs; White were the recipients of a number of beautiful things, among them an autograph book in which all of the guests inscribed their names. ' Mrs. Albert S. Webster entertained at cards •: toddy * at her home, 502 Washington avenue. In honor of her E. Webster and Miss Webster of GaleSbhrg, 111. There were five tables. '-'■ home, 730 Ashland Will be five tables. avenue. Mr. and Mrs.'C. M. Hinman, who have been guests In the home of Mr. and Mrs, Rexford Bellamy. 1050 Lin- den avenue, will, occupy their new, home o* Park place, North Evanston, this week. Mrs. Edwin Butt and daughter, Mrs. Frederick Swope, returned last Satur- day to their home to. Des Moines, la., after spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Weld, 1018 Thirteenth street. Mr. J. A. MacLean and son, George, 910 Qreenleaf avenue, returned Mon- day from a four day's fishing and hunting trip at Fox Lake, 111. Mrs. MacLean baa been suffering from an attack of tonsiiitis and was unable to go. After an extended Western trip, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Culver and son, Stan- ley, have returned to their home at 100 Sixth street. Mrs. Culver has been visiting her sister in Nebraska, and Mr. Culver has teen in the West on business. IIHIIIIIIIIIM.....MM. ; What People Are Doing i in Winnstka A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Volraan, Monday, Sept. Mrs. Hermon B. Butler of^JlS^P^OS-jf pect avenue, has taken Mrs. Ml W. Wake's house at 1215 Astor street, Chicago, for the winter. MrrHand Mrs."Samttel Greeley, Jr„ announce the birth of a son, Samuel Sewell Greeley IIL September 16. Mrs. James L. HoughteUng of 731 Prospect avenue will give a tea on Saturday afternoon, October 10, at her home for the purpose of intro- ducing her daughter. Miss Margaret HoughteUng, to society. Mrs. Hough- teUng and her daughters will be at borne at their town house, 850 Lin- coln parkway, Wednesdays in Decem- ber. iMIIIIHIIIIMMMIMIIIi Wilt People An Doing in Evanston Mrs. Paul Helnsen, 2411 Park place, entertained informally yesterday aft- Masters Donald and Jack Spohr. tOtt Lincoln street, are visiting rela- tives la. Downers Grove. UL Mr. Harold Bennett. 2508 Hartzell street, has resumed his studies at St. John's Military academy. Delafield, wis. The first business meeting of the year of the Oak Leaf Circle was held Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Isabel Dale, SStT Central street. The annual election of officers took place: President, Miss Esther Moore; first vice-president. Miss May Palm; sec- ond vice-president. Miss Jane Rose; secretary. Miss Marjorle Grantham, and treasurer, Miss Bertha Moore. MANAGEMENT S. A. \Vheelodcr Phillip.Hoffman, Asafael \V. Gage, HgBJri!j|yfcr; JjtjE. C. \&oi*Ortii, J. A. Scars, B. F. Lewis and J. H". Schacfer arc the Directors of the Wilmette Exchange State Bank, They take a constructive as well as supervising interest in the Bank's business. Their ability, judgment and varied experience is at the Bank*s disposal. Their, names alone arc an assurance of a conservative yet sympa- thetic policy. .D---i;>.r\ ; :', WiU^Stlrg j^&S .SANK ' i'».,T;iK" - TWO GOOD SHOWS COMING. "Checkers,*' with Thomas \V. Ross in the leading role, will be shown at the Wilmette theater, Thursday, Oct 8. This picture is in six parts and every part' is full of action. On Tuesday, Oct. 6. "The Day of Days," with Cyril Scott as Perceval will be shown at the Vil- lage theater. "The Day of Days" Is a powerful drama, with New York at night as a background. This picture | has scored a remarkable success J wherever it has been shown. Mrs. J. Hugh Foster entertained at bridge Wednesday afternoon at her home, 921 Green leaf avenue. There were seven tables. . -- . ili $- ' There will be an Informal dance at Ike Ouilmetto Country, club tomorrow evening. F*- Wilmette Societies and Clubs e regular business meeting of the division of the Ladies' Aid so- of the Wilmette Methodist was held last Friday afternoon home of Mrs. Louis M. Spring Hill street. A report of inter- was rendered by the work com ilttee of the association. People lo- in s£* around the Marcy Home it are being cared for, and dur- past year over three hundred i of material has been made into apparel of all descriptions. litable work is to be contln- thls year.. IflFhw Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge dab was delightfully entertained this reek at the home of Mrs. E. Jackson Cease, 633 Forest avenue. 'For various reasons the bi-monthly neetlng of the Friday Luncheon and Bridge club was advanced to Thurs- this week, end was held at the The monthly luncheon and business meeting of the Wilmette Methodist church was held yesterday afternoon In the church parlors., Last Friday the Pottawatamles Camp Fire held a study of the Con- stellations at the home of Mis* Ruth Watt, 811 Ashland avenue. A candy pull was also an event of the evening. Tomorrow morning at eleven o'clock they will start on a hike north and take their luncheon. The Wilmette Woman's Democratic league Will hold its first business meeting Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 13, at thb home of Mrs. Theodore Breyer, 725 Washington avenue. The Wilmette Woman's club will hold its first meeting next Wednes- day afternoon St' the clubhouse. This wood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Klemm, 420 Park avehue, spent the week-end at Diamond Lake. 111., where they at- tended the silver wedding anniversary of their consuls. Mrs. Milton Reed Barker, 707 Wash- ington avenue, returned last Satur- day from a ten days' visit with rela- tives at Marion, Cedar Rapids and Mount Vernon, la. By the very sudden death of her father, Miss Louise Heusner, who has been the guest of Miss Dorothy Col- lier, 001 Lake avenue, has been re- called to her home in Portland, Ore. Mr.t1H. O. Geer of Rockford, ftX. with his sister, Mrs. George Wood of Constantino. Mich., are guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Milton Reed Barker, 707 Washington avenue. Miss Pauline Stevens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Stevens, former residents of Wilmette, Is living at the Gertrude house while attending the Chicago Kindergarten Institute. Constantinople's Mosques. Tfcsrs--are- three-kandred-mosques In Constantinople, of which the 15 royal ones are regarded as the finest In the world. The meaning of the name of Turkey's capital is "city of Constantino." The most noted of the mosques is that of St. Sophia, the first ancient existing Christian church, which was converted into a mosque in 1453 on the capture of the city by the Turks under MOhammed It-- r~' Is hot' to be an open meeting. Mem- bers--lia^e--beeB~reen*eted--to--man- checks for the amount of their dues in advance, if convenient, to Mr*. F. D. Day, treasurer of the club, who upon receipt of same, will send out membership tickets. Owing to the usual congestion at the opening meet- ing, thts plan has been adopted, and it is hoped that advantage will be Geo. S. Miller & Co. ARTISTIC DECORATING AH order* will receive prompt attention, work g-aanuiteed. / a yean in Wilmitf P. O. B»x ZZ mm ___ ■a. AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING For Easy Starting in Cold Weather Wo equip your FORD with a Dash Primer for $1.50 NOTICE. Oh and after date I will not be re- sponsible for any debts contracted by anybody but myself or son, Raymond. Mrs. W. D. Ketchum. 1054 Linden avenue, Wilmette. 111. 47w-»tc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'■------------------------------------------------ , ■ i------i Ice Cream Purity and Qualify Brat Made in Wilmette WilmetteTftiit Store GEORGE PIERANTONI, Manager We offer extra fine long stem roses, all our own rn7.-.■ growing, at WHOLESALE PRICES Killarney, White Killarney, Killarney Brilliant (new), Richmond Sunburst, i 50c per dozen and up. Also carry a full line of everything in CUT FLO WERS. Funeral orders filled on snort notice. Flowers for all occasions. >;: Olcnm 615 Railroad Avenue VJlSeill, Tel. Wilmette 23 GritnkoStts MS Ctntral A Mmmbh • 1 ■ 11 ■ 11 ■ 11 r ■ ■ Our materials for the fall and win- ter season Of 1914-15 are now hers and we cordially invite you to call and In- spect same. We guarantee our work. WM. KAPLAN LADIEV AMD OKSTS' TAILOR OSS Ballrond Ave. BeflYon Bid*. Taxi Gab Service --» J. W. Meyer 6 Sons 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone Wlkttette 426 Wilmette »»e»aS4»aaoe»ooaa*a*4oooeess**sassaaaisaaeaaai -- home of Mrs. Johru T. Greenwood avenue. Ling, 111C taken of it. {The regular weekly luncheon and ldge party was given Wednesday at e North Shore Golf club. "sairs. Frank Lincoln Fowler will be hostess to the members of the Cres- cent, circle next Tuesday afternoon at her residence, 630 Linden avenue. '.Mrs. H. M. Van Hoesen of Highland Park entertained the Fortnightly club jf luncheon Tuesday. ^The Central Avenue circle will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Oeorge Barry, 912 Greenleaf avenue, ttfets afternoon. MMs Anna Dinjree. 9W Lake ave- nue, was hostess to her Tuesday 'Luncheon and Bridge club this week. V'The Drama Study club met Wednes- [day afternoon with Mrs. John iliff. '1315 Greenwood avenue. Miss Elvira Burwash iii i i • ■ ■ •fi' i i i i r •; -«i announces the opening of her Wil- mette Studio in Room 23, Brown Building--Wednesdays. :: lH$r$yCTJONS IN VOICE AND PIANO - The next meeting of the Thursday crub will be held next week at the home of Mrs. William T. Smith. 615 Lake avenue. The next meeting of the Music Study class will be held on Tuesday morning, Oct. 13. at 10 o'clock in the [<»»»»»»d»»»»»»»a»w»»»0»»a»»»»»»»0>»»»»»»e»»i»a»»»a*S»»» Woman's club building. ■am FRESH ROLLS -------*^-----. for ---------------- BREAKFAST "*, Many Wilmette Families have taken advantage of . our early morning deli very__ Why Mat ¥««■> ~-Wax Paper-- Wilmette Baking Go. II65 Wilmette Aft. Tel. Wilmette 449 mmmmmm--mmm --_-- Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk . Mrs. John J. Lindmau, 869 Pine street, Winnetka, will entertain the members of the Tuesday Luncheon add Bridge club next Tuesday sfter- noon- Mr. C. C. Carnahan, 700 Central ave- nue, is in California on ah extended business'trip. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Brook, 125 Sixth street, motored to Milwaukee, Wis., Saturday. Mrs. Talmar Kent of Elkhart. Ind., was the guest of Mrs. Albert P. Snite, 112 Sixth street, last Friday. Mrs. Hubert P. Harmon, 214 Sixth street, has returned from a short Visit with friends in Hinsdale. 111. Mrs. E. B. Rathbone, 710 Central avenue, left Wednesday evening to spend the winter in California. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Thomas. 600 Lake avenue, left Saturday for their winter home at Ceresota, Cal. " Mr. and Mrs. Henry' Harfst. 1503 Lake avenue, have as their guest, Mr. i MOVIES! MOVIES I MOVIES! MOTION PICTURES of your own children. Taken at your own home. Its much better than the old '.sit-still-and-don't- move-please" picture. Think of the pleasure your children will have in throwing such a picture on the screen in ten or fifteen years from now. It's the duty of every mother and father to have such a picture taken. DOESN'T COST MUCH. Call W. K. EVANS. Room 2, Brown Building Phone Wilmette 1640 2831 Washington Boulevard, Chicago lr Wilmette Branch, Brown Bldg., Room 23 .-. Strictly high grade Inductions O. W. Edwards. PianoT^ Elvira Burwftsh. Voice. . Edna Beiner Marshall, Expres- slon. Marie Edwards, Piano, And others. Write or call for information. ------ --_ Hansen Photographic Studio : Printing and Developing Done at Lowest Prices Ron 29 Brown Bldg. Wilmette Take the Trouble of lurrying Meat Home from Chicago? When you can buy it CHEAPER right here in Wilmette by paying cash for it? North Shore quality at less than Chicago prices. Here are Some of Our Round Steak, per lb..'. .'.V...'..'..,. .'J..'... .^%...'. ^..;.',_. ^l|ijjB. Fresh Ground Hamburger Steak, per pound... /.v. bp^Ww*^B Shoulder Lamb Chops, ptt pound. ..,,..°.....:...'.-... 1; .ifil Lx>in or Rib Lamb Chops, per pound............», .CT. •. Ijfll Bulk Lard, per pound.............. .....!_____......,x6t Pork Sausage, per pound...'.................... ■:'.■•*.■„•.'. .ti# Frankfurter Sausages, per pound___.................... i6c Cooked Corned Beef, .per pound.........',',.....,.......,37V Veal Loaf, per pound.............................-,.. k. .37c Shoulder Lamb Stew, per pound....................... 19c Whole or Half Hams, per pound......t......_t tJLU ^^. ^^^.aat Whole of Half Strips of Bacon, per pound................28c Leg of Lamb, per pound...............■--&?■...,.......a>fj JV^holc Shoulder of Lamb, per pound. Rib Roast of Beef, per pound. .S9C J I Nil I 1TQ 633 W. IMNwi Aw. • «*• nlWWftJ* 3ad Door South Of Central Av*. Telephones 378 <md 379 WILMETTE mmm MI^IMi • m- Jf m^mmmmmmm ^,».a f^.^^^ Aluminum. CaSO troll, Bronre, Etc ' C»n be welded end made siren* a* new. CeJluDtho American Welding Co. (NotInc.) A. P. f.BAHAM, Mgr. COR. FOREST AND RIDGE. AVE. Phone Wilmette 1381 Wilmette. Illinois MARRY LYNN Staple & Fancy Groceries Fruits and Vegetables In Season Kenilworth, III. Phones 1041-1042 Ladies9 and Gentlemen's Tailoring < I am pleated to announce that the very latest novelties in materials, de- signs and trimmings for the FALL <fe WINTER SEASON of 1914-1915 -: have arrived, and I herewith extend a cordial invitation to you to call and I inspect same. By placing your orders early, before the busy season sets in, you ■ will receive garments when desired, and that avoid annoying disappointments. Thanking you for past favors, and soliciting their continuance, I am for Best Quality. Correct Styles, Artistic Workmanship and Perfect Bit j GEORGE J. E,BER imCreeoleefAve. • ■ ! ; Lun E j |The Ouilmctte Dancing dob will amid lis first dnnce of the ienfiOu at the Wilmette Woman'* club tomorrow evening The hostesses at the evening $81 be Mrs. Frank B. Lower, Mrs. Compton, Mra. Fred D. Mrs. John A. Rippel, Mre. Robinson, and Mra. Frank Harfst's motber of Davenport. la. Mr. and Mrs. Ixiuis K. flUlson and j family, 70S Forest avenue, hato%e-! turned from Grand Haven, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Alexander, 1163 Sentral. avenue, moved yesterdajr7tort leir new hom« at 700 Linden avenue.] Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Decker, 9011 Greenwood-avenue, left Wednesday for their new home at Ocean Springs, Mo. ~ Miss Dorothy Collier, 601 Lake ave- rime, haa gone to Madison, Wis., to (take up a course la "Home Econ- ! omics." Mr. and Mrs. Edward Prochnow iMiivls ths TimeTo Plant Bulbs f We are carrying a futllfne of shrubs, bulbs and perennials. We also trim hedges and trees Cut Flowers for All Occasions -- Jw FLINT 6 SON 621 W. Railroad At*. Telephone 1104 Wilmette, 111. Residence Phone 11 IS S61 Fir St. Phone 676-L AUTO DOCTOR Win call, examine your car. give estimate and do Work in your own garage. IE. C. MfcLVlMC____: WINNETKA GERTRUDE LEES ROBERTS Announces-the^Opening of a At 621 GREGORY AVE. Lessons at Studio or Residence TELEPHONE 1285 mmmttmtmm ;et and Undertaking Company A Western Casket does not mean a Cheap Casket, ft does mean a Chtap rrice. We carry a line of Caskets rangingin prices from Twenty-Five tip to Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars. They are Caskets you will pay from Fifty w Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars for any place else. We manufacture aH of our own Caskets at out Own Factory, thus saving you from Thirty to Fifty Jfcr Ctw. WM. H. SCOTT (eight years with J. L. Hebblethwaite) im manager and part owner of our Witmctti Suite and will give his personal attention to every detail. <f We challenge a comparison at prices, and guarantee first eJass •ervice. AUTOMOBILE SERVICE FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED. Plume Wilmette 280 WM. H. SCOTT. mtmttm 1123 Centre!

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