orcAK (Continued trim fig* 1.) - kerest of harmony between the jriurties and to prevent the possl- the election of a Democratic t to the connty board, an- id that he would not permit the his name an a candidate against Iclc means that Republican* and Ires alike will vote for Ja"r. iek for president of the couu- and Republicans and Pro- in Wilmette are urged to the Republican cplamn for the didates for county cotnmts- and then to go orer into the re column and put a cross of Mr. McCormtck's name, i ho appears as a candidate for t of the county board. Return the Favor. a return favor and as In the » of Mr. Basse's withdrawal as a the candidate wham the aatrest ttnfltnea* fur tiki office that has brought about the coftsoli dated effort on the part of the Re- publicans and Progressives to elect Mr. Lemon The Republican party goes Into the election nest Tuesday proud of the candidates nominated to aft county ■*mm .and. lays particular stress upon the «ve candidatesfor county commls- sioaers in the country district; Mr Lemon, candidate for county superin- tendent of schools; Wm. II. Weber, and Adam Wolf, for the board of as- sessors; and Geo. K. Schmitt, the Re- publican candidate for the very im- portant office of sheriff of Cook coun- ty; and Wallace Q. Clark and George W,.Puul3ln for trustees of the sanitary district of Chicago. S, FRIDAY, OCTOWKRiMJM. Oraaie aed Lemon Triasi ' An orange tree will sspktfgfgt Jto- dues 2U.0O0 orsngfO. wails a case ssiSam yieMs sere tSsa S.S0O Meanest Man. The meanest man has again been discovered. He offered a policeman a confederate $100 bill-by way of a bribe.--New York Sun. ! , Hint From Hubby. Mrs. Blowltt (with newspaper)-- prcsl- j 'JoB0' wb*t aoef •wanderlust' mean?" m Progressive party has with- { 5* Husbaad-"U's an ailment my dot <e name of its candidate for ' uperintendent of schools and members of that party to for Mr. Lemon, Republican for that very important of- This move Is one in favor of i.Hjinship and is distinctly in Interest of good government. It "result in the defeat of Mr. To- who is the present incumbent, and i Belt The Bell telephone protects home and family. In case of sudden illness it will bring the doctd? quickly; incase of fire or other danger it will bring prompt aid at any hour of the day or night. Bell service is good insurance. No home should be without a There a« twJffltof laugh; ^iUfl.mSi^^1^^^ Is a restrained bellow snd the other Is an audible smile. te one. Uvl Chicago Telephone Company H. B. Gates, District Manager Telephone 9903 ■ ■■ .-. U-- - '■ . mmmmmm Classified Business GENERAL MERCHANDISE JEWELERS on Easy Payments Rent on Easy Terms ALL MAKES WW AND REBUILT URING A SPECIALTY Special Good Bargains Ine Typewriter, Supplies HENRY HORNER ' Democratic Candidate for . Judge of the Probate Court Election November J, 1914 Born and educated in Chicago. Re- ceived the endorsement at the pri- maries of the Chicago Bar Association and also endorsement of the leading Chicago newspapers. Served as the attorney for the Cook County Board of Assessors one year, without pay, and has for years devoted a large por- tion of his time to civic improvement and charitable work. _____ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm liiii TELEI Hft Ads d Advertisements 3>n£ wiLME-rcfi' i«i#w ' in the Lake Shore News are charged it Cat following rates Real Est# Ghaiifiatioas, 7 \'2 cents per line. All Oihtt dissipations. 5 cents per line, sm Price. 15 cents. No advertisement charged for less than 25 cents. TAyiONS W4KTED p.- YOUNG LADY WANTS as nurse maid with a fam- leaves Chicago:for the win- child must be 4 or over. Ad- take Shore W 731. 246d-ltp WANTED--BY YOUNG AUGUSTRODEL1US Successor to Rodellus dL Rosen. Expert Watchmaker and Optician. Repairing of complicated watches and clocks. Many years' expert- . ence with best known Chicago houses. Phone 2632. 827 Davla 8tree» MEN'S WEAR Fine fruits--In and ont of sea- son--always form a part of our large stock of Select and Fancy Groceries. Baker's Steel Cut Coffee lb Good. GEO. B. WINTER Quality and npt Quantity--the ._,: best for the money--is our mot- to. Our large stock of groceries . Is always select, and Fresh Fruits and Vegetables a speci- alty. A. m VAN DEU3EN Clothes Ready Made--Clothes to Order. Packard Shoes for Men. Sorosls Shoes for Ladlcr Gkm Children. Gentlemen's Jf-urnlsn- ing Goods. •,. HAYES THE AVENUE HOUSE Private Exchange llib ; Sunday Dinner a Specialty, 1 to 2:80 P. M. Evanstoiggjg Tils Phone ilia FOR SALE, CHEAP--AN ELECTRIC seal coat, length 34, bust 36; value, $75; condition perfect. Phone Wil- mette 1202. ltp k-TION a maid or I can sew. \*-.------:------- nurse girl,' morn- Phone Eranston ----------------------np- FOR SALE--USED SEWING MA- f chines taken in trade on our new Singer rotary- It will pdjryou to see us before buying. Domestic......................* 6!00 Standard......................--WW* Wheeler ft Wilson............. 8.00 P5BTON WANTED--AS CHAITF-1 ginger...... .............10.00 with .eight years* experience, standard, drop-head...!........ 12W years' experience in Evans- j Department store (new)........ 12.00 .Keeps. Car clean, j Aiso a ^go assortment of Singers used for. demonstration at very low prices. Patterson Bros., 1522 Slier- man-av. ltc ari-'l running stooothly. Will on reasonable salary. Phone ' mton 1803. Address A 111. Shore News. ltp Spanish Language Outfits Whin yea want a Machine or Ricorit, call ca Winnttka 69SW,or tntral 3S07. JiUtt I. LTWS. 25 Witt like Strut. CHICAGO Ilinmm AwnieaiaK Choice locati*n,'l£r«<% well i:urn Cleaning System. Lourie Will Safes. Lar* {>rivate porch rooms. Store-rooms snd Isondries > arjre snd well-equipped. MASON & SI Telephone 285 LET US UNITE ON • Jo Defeat Roger Sullivan LET US ELECT ER KVIQ And give Mm a Progressive County Board te complete the splendid werk he ham begun % <. .-' !&• LET US VOTE FOR OLIVER tor Sheriff TH0MS for County Clerk PETERSON for County Treosurer 00ENING for Appellate Court Cltrk PRENTISS for Coooty Judge VAIL for Probote Cltrk KALES for Probote Judge HELLER tor CrluilMl Court Oort TOWNER K. WEBSTER for Board of Review and WALTER C. BRUCE and LEWIS N. SMITH for Assessors will tax us all fairly. RASTER and SEDGWICK and MARTIN on the Sanitary Board, will work far the and not for the electricity trust. essive Is ever nominated by any party in Cook County. VOTE THIS Ticket and you will five money for yourselves by doing away with lee and interest grabbing and secure honest, efficient and economical government. Board, Gard, Cooniey, Mitchell, Singleton will continue to give you the devoted and intelligent service the Progressive County Commissioners have been giving you for two years. Jn Congress, Progressive Candidates will work for "Permanent Prosperity.ry In (he.Legislature, Progressives will stand for Political, Social and Industrial Advance. I and Job Holders You have been trying to get rid of for years compose the Rej bblican ______Democratic tickets. The Progressive ticket hain't slfob ' r- holder or a professional politician on it. -g A vote for the Progtesslve fa a vote tor Yourself l'.SO Sherman Avcnu- tlEX'CED HOUSEMAN. GOOD nice; capable or iloinn any- Phonr* 354.1 Glenccfe. Mi Ion-si. Ttp IE RENT--ROOMS RKNT--A HOOM AND BATH; pivforred. Address S01 Central- ■Wihnette. He j >ARD AND ROOM l t- WITH OH -best of home cooking KOR SALE--USKD PIANOS TAKEN in trade on.our 88-note player. It will pay y6u to see us before buy- ing. Our prices are $50 to $i-"»0 lower than C^hicaiso. Lindeman & Sons.............% 8">.00 Behning ...................... 113.00 Dahl ......................... 165.00 Baby Grand .................. 195.00 Stcinway.....................200.00 Outside player, with 50 rolls.. 25.00 Easy payments. PATTERSON BROS.. WITHOUT' tSSt Sherman Ave. ltc Call i MISCELLANEOUS^ = Address 731 Tenth-st. 46wtf ROOMS WANTED A metal worker would liko to get into communication with others who work on leather, wood, pottery, china, IN WH>METTE, ROOM! water colors,, Weaving or needlework ptfdln small family by middle- • to join in a Holiday Art Shop in the woman: only plain home com- j north shore towns. Address A 113, ^fequlred. Address 112 LakojLak© Shore News. ltc "Stews. SUtowaWMimJH.......- -lit.'. Mo m RENT--HOUSES RENT -- rm OENTRAL-AV., tie: .?-room modern house, Vheat. Rent $49. 51w-2tc RENT--COTTAGE IN GROSS »lnt on hake-av. Joe Thalmann. le Wilm«ite 1211. Up JX>RSAL& BASKETRY LESSONS GIVEN Learn to make your own trays, sand- wich baskets, and candle sticks. Hiss A. Hopkins, 1116-Ninth-street. Tel. Wilmette 1586. ltc FOR SALE EVANSTON HOMES . . 1 -■--.-- -9t ^fASON^^MART SALE-ONE TOP WAGON AND rney. 1101 >fonroe-st. Phone ltc PAIR OF SOLID] sck andirons, $K», snd beautiful r-psnel, solid brass Are screen, 127 Lindrn-av., Wilmette. ltc E--A BEAUTIFUL SOUND mare, 6 years old, gaited to 1002 Greenleaf-av., Wil- a^'.j. Wilmette. ltp ofaltntKMt wkat*v«r BSim MOt MM Ct.. «HS IMMIM «*t 15 K- Wanhimrton St. Phone Central r.7f ■BinS Th* AdwrtiMiiMint Wrt» You t ' ■aaaa BiiS. » --■fcaaaaj LAWRENCE Y. SHERMAN AWR£NCE If. SHERMAN Lawrence Y. Sherman served twelve years in the Illinois Legislature eight years of this period as presiding officer. He was Speaker of the House from 1899 to 1903; and Lieutenant Governor and President of the Senate from 1965 to 1909, and for two years he has repre- sented the State of Illinois in the United States Senate. During the time he was presiding officer of the House and Senate he was present throughout the sessions and responsible for legislation. No good legislation was suppressed and no bad legislation enacted during that time. A general supervision and a detailed knowledge of measures marked his performance of official duties. Not a scandal arose or a charge of improper conduct marred his service as such presiding officer. His labor in the legislative department of the state is found in the laws of that period. Chicago and this state never appealed to him without a prompt and effi- cient response in an intelligent and effective way. The constructive and remedial laws required for the expanding needs of Chicago and the state found in him an officer who measured up to the progressive requirements of the office. Among the laws, in connection with the passage of which he is entitled to great credit, and in some instances the chief credit, by the people of this state, are: The law for the assessment of property creating the Board of Assessors and Board of Review. .v The State Pawners' Act for the incorporation of and limiting the interest on loans by such associations. The abolition of township government in Chicago. The submission to the people of a constitutional amendment, abolishing justice courts and creating the municipal court system and its subsequent adoption in a state-wide election. The State Civil Service Act. The Repeal of the Allen Law. The first discussion of and putting in form a measure for the consolida- tion of the Public Charities of Hie State. He served after the actual consolidation of such charities under file Act of 1909 as the first president and executive officer of the Board of Administra- tion which has unified the management of the seventeen public charities ol Illinois, placing them on an economical, efficient and business-like basis in ♦he expenditure of five million dollars oi public money per annum in Hie care of unfortunate wards of the State. EVANSTON REPUBLICAN CLUB. JAMES A. PATTEN, President, HARRISON B. RILEY, Treasurer, CHARLES G. DAWES, Vice-Pres. PERKINS B. BASS, Secretary. f- . wmmm