THE LAKE SBOK £ wK™s> 5?RI»AY, NOVEMBER 20^ r914. ASixty-MileVoyage on the Old Canal BY J. SEYMOUR CURREY PROSPEROUS ERA FOR THE ENTIRE U. S. (Continued from Page 1.) ; ernooii by James K. yuan, chairman I tor the "commission. The order provide* l. for the_r«LenipUoiiof all uuused por-! tlon* of monthly (U'kets between Chi-, cago and Aurora, l51gtn. Harrington, 9t. Charles, Wlnthrop -Harbor and in* j terraedtate points. The rule applies i to Wllne'tte and otheja north shore > towns. I alter many bad died, u low attempt- ed one stormy night to escape by {flight under cover.of darkness. They ; were met, however, &» they J«s?G;.dc*?l ' from the rock by the watchful ho- ntegers, and nearly all of them were ir imaginary launch party whichj known to white meu, they bad crossed\ tomahawked. Eleven of them suit- found shelter and food at the!Lake Michigan at the beginning of. ceeded in reaching some canoes tied over night at Joliet, must make l their journey of exploration, along its I up at the river's brink, and these; _^ . .. v„j», ! early start on this, the second upper portion, three hundred milee' eventually arrived at St. Louis. Thiai \ne JfTencn .anT J^JSoSPET! of the voyage, as there is a dis away from the point where they were I wretched remnant were too few lnitnent8 have just nought liw.wu oar-, roon to enter it again. It waa as yet j numbers to continue a tribal organs f£&*J?*r. * $W *? a v.*ry ^ I VICTORIA TtfEJfcTRE. r miles yet to be cov-' roon to enter it again. It waa as yet j numbers to continue a tribal organs l:W WL ^ * ■**?£ .w *» '*** *"£ J"ck Laits comedyiEj|aa of the before wo reach the end of the'only a surmise that it would turn out! cation, and the remaining members j pr°fr ror, »aimou tnat una just oeen eweago shyscrapera. -"Hflfp Wanted," at La Salle. Such a diatanceUo be tf»<? same body of water. Both'joined other tribes and their identity «oia "» r*"™^' 'J™8 !? t* fiA **l\VvU1 bo the attraction at the Victoria! I easily be sailed over in our j of ths streams they were at this mo- was thus completely lost. This epl-|"tman ?"*,, ™ v T* 'ffiaSL tarw,Ri' corner Belmont and Sheffield Edy little craft in ^much less time I moht scruUfaicing would have led them! sode lathe history of the early Indian j ,. - BA ,"1 ■ ", " V « t *!r#n'avpnwe* n63tt -***K: beginning with j the ton or twelve hour8 we areito the unknown lake, but on the ad-i wars has Been called "the ln»t of the; f™* *» ^^VX ^S™"n? Vt tiK) Ut*URl Sunday matinee, and prom iwing for the trip, but sailing in vice of their Indian friends (for I Illinois" by Judge Catoh, who wrote "^^tneH0*"8" •narrow trough of the canal prisfat Frenchmen were always making an becottnt of the tragedy. T» j J^/J".™"*1^ itof^eeet^ty W^^ It was tue • aaxinr Elliott orky where it dnp: i go success. It Is now at popular prices with j tho aamo cant and production that has been playing the $2 theatres, and might justly be considered a "the* ntrical bargain." The cast is h<»ad«d by Ida St. Loon, and includes Lynn Pratt,. Blanche Douglas, Gavin HarrL*; Dorothy Walters, Elsie Weston, M. S. Ubidaine. Auabel Xellsou. Walter i.fwis urn! Belle Courtney. Owing to t tie unusual demand for seats, ott ex- tr* matinee will be given on Friday. tretch of open water, as the wash met them), they took the route by the city a rapidly passing boat is apt to way of the Detplalnes, and. us Mar-stek seller In one of the hotels i« ire the banks and high speed, ie ercfore prohibited by the canal au- Mities. Then,. again, we shall be flayed by the locks through which IP must p-.iss, as through ,so many ;' 000,000 to pay for supplies. They aro | w about aTmn^u>iBg*»■»«»* fljwntitles of autamo-j to the Fourtli of m: *?%tle trucks, blankets, canned vege- Lh4eR takcm to tJw Maxim> quette relates Jn bis Journal, they j the place, soon *rj*Ted a which Jpey passed river, known even by its present name The party con- [opened tor use twentyflve years ^wjnVbe^naJ^f',an7"itooatght orwts eways. rne total length of the;slated of Ave men besides thei twottlie completion of the old Erie cattal jn,8Da{«mont on the part of tlie adialn- rtols and Michigan canal, from its; leaders, traveling in two canoes. Mar in New York state, which' was its ? t^tratimi tt» Washington" i»ning at Bridseport on'tho Chicago i quette had expended, all his enthu-; model .and inspiration. Indeed, the ; __ __ ' per, to:Us end at La Salle'is ninety-jslasm' in describing in his journal]old Erie canal may be said to have . >on mlles^, Throughput Its courseitheir first view of the Mississippi,|been "the mother of canals,"for afteriC5QMMIJTBBS TO ifere are sevehtectt locks which oVer-jwblch they had discovered » couple! it 'was opened a great' number of other'" r*Tzm MAVrvv it \/""iV »ine a difference In^ level.between the of months before "'arriving at this'canals were built all over the coun-i i»lil JHtJJNKiI IfAClV \io points, amounting to 146 feet in point, but the sensations of the travel- tr>. pur canal was built by the state j * ' " -^^; "■ * r trtlcal heigbt. | ers must have' been just a» remark-! of Illinois, and it cost |R,500,ooo. Tins j Before entering the lock and de- able when the glorious lake burst upon j sum was fully repaid from the tolls j North- Western RoadlsSUeS ldlng the eight or ten feet to reach ie level of the nectstreteh of ten ilea on the canal, we may pause long Chough to say a few words about the pity of Joliet. When it was first set- le«l the place received the name of their view, though nothing more than j received during Its period of prosper the bare fact Is mentioned ;ln the j Ity. It was twelve years In tlie.course journal. All the old explorers h«4 aJ o.*;: conistructlon, a longer period than wonderful faculty of anticipating the!has been required to build the Panama geographical features of the regions j canal'. In the old days, when the canal through which they wore moving, In- was In use for the transportation cf Siet "though^^for what reason In not] deed, it was almost a "sixth sense" I grain aSd merchandise, canal boats Ijkr.'^ome haye^ thought that the | w^^ta^B.T-"Fro»:the flow of the w<ere towed down to the Mississippi ime was bestowed upon it because streams, from the aspect of the coun- j from i^o Salle, which was the head e older town of Romeo, a few miles I try about them, they could almost un- j of navigation on the Illinois river, orth nfwM^MMhnt f?r"» as ftj.^jprt»- PiTinglv determine the character of and were thus able*to carry cargoes te' neighbor tbo names "Romeo the region beyond their sight and to and from all the cities lining the Juliet" seeming to belong to {knowledge. Mr** as theyapproached Mnkajot the "Father of Waters" For ;ther Others again say that It was i the great lake itself the flight of gulls a few years, before railroads were o named in honor of a daughter of}in ever increasing numbers circling built;"there wero finely appointed pas- oof the fcanal commissioners. After j over their beads would have given senger boats running mt the canal ^jhe years of existence under this!an indicaUon of the great body of called "packets," drawn by horftcs amo the Inhabitants made a change i water which they Wore nearing; justjhUched up "tandem." and proceeding o Joliet a far more appropriate j as Columbus noticed the flocks oi i along tho tow path at a brisk trot. PU> irime, commemorating the bid French! land birds in flight as he approached j lures and descriptions of thase boats who. with Marquette.! the shores of America while his shtpa Rive a very attractive impression of Aassed up the Desplaines river on hlajwere Still far at pea. ; the comforts of travel by this means fay to Lake Michigan. For a een-j in the courhe of the following two <* fDuvevance. rivaling, indeed, the tury or more before the place was!0r three weeks the exploring party H,a*tor ' ™ntJ* &?t present day. Order to Agents To Re- deem Tickets. settled, a remarkable mound of gravel. |had made their way from the mouth ! ,U"B «abin the full length of the boat; standing a short distance below it. I of the Chicago river along flie west-! »f Mntod white, the many windows -w^herl^borothenameof "Jo-jern shore of what Marquette called'^t which were protected by green st Mound:-or as it appears 6n some f «u,e Uac deslllhoifc" to their start-i blhiusv aaa gW! ■wUn^ ?^J5"3g aps, "Mt. Joliet." This mound has hng point at Green Bay, ifter their ■ ^r« <*>»* «" at ease and look o it ^ent years utterly -«>*«* W. •~^V«W?i^: Uj^. •« 1?^^iSESTSaSri^irtS Followtpg general reeommenclations n;.-i'!" by tlie Illinois public trinities commission the Chicago and North- Western railroad has issued an order to all ticket agents providing for the redemption of the unused pin-! inns of monthly commutation tickets, accord- ing to a .statement, made yesterday aft- RIGHT PRICES HAVE BEEN "THE KEY TO OUR SUCCESS GOOD FURNITURE \E/V-.would tx« more than pleased to sh ^™ our goods; under no obligation to biij. Solid Mahogany In Tapestry f RE FINISHING and UPHOLSTERY SHOP HTSrassben 4658-62 BROADWAY ^K CHICAGO Pictorial Farming. t Photographers and engravers have ■ made farming very fascinating. With j the right periodicals before him m fellow can spend a very delightful even in Kin agricultural pursuits.v To- j ledo Dlade. Persistent Man. Friend--"What about the rent of a| place like this? I suppose the land I lord sHkHii lot Tor It?" llardup--"Yes,' rather. He's alwayt)""nskihg for'"'It Classified Advertisements TELEPH6Nfe. WILMETTE 1640 Want Ads in th: lake Shofc News are chiiycii at the follovbg fslti Real Estate Classifications. 7'^ cents per I inc. Ml Other Ciasstficattoas. S cents per line. Minimum Price. 15 cents. No adverttsemeat charged" (or less thin 25 cents. it Help wantei> EVANSTON THEATRE e gravel having been mined and car- j raonth8. These remarkaHle leaders | ™* comfortable fashion all the way .off-tor-joadJnaking purposes.^ jWere both young men! Joliet twenty-\rfo™.L*f^l,«i ®h, f^°' *„», iust below JdUet ^iver wt^nn!^ht a^^ ^^ it and runs over airocky bed, where bold and adventnrous spirit o'.the-i . . Ug M Ik a considerable a^Ity. thus Frepch wa, -^»^»h» ^~2^3i ^ S.f^u£"eSSM-%^£aebl£ sating a stretch of raplda which en- so far into the unknown regions of j ' variety W small ely prevents boat navigation. The the west, .without maps and_^guided: W S Us oi age It la hoAveTcr ^P^^ainas^an^^ cr these rapids, is thereby exposed| dians ^**»«^™lj£?JZ* mJny attractions fphc tourist the oxldltlng Influences of the airt| by the Canadian-French government ' grtlisirwe shaU resume ,d the water is thus largely purified j at MTdntreal, and it was greatly to its | J^^^Z^^m^r^Z I the sewage brought Jown from Chi-1 credit that such able and courageous j °U[™^ °°T^M^ "t? Xfluence By the time the waters reach j leaders were chosen for the purpose.! J • M,„.,JE^: lillmrla river, some twolvo mlloB j Qnr launch la now- speeding along | Blow, they have lost almost all of!the fianal, passing the city of Mor ... offensiveness. indeed, fish {ris, where stands the monument to j ibounds in the Illinois river, in spite that staunch old frtend of the white! [the sewage contents of the watero | man, the Indian Chief Shabbona,; llpwing into it. The channel of the! Soon after we pasa the towns of Sen jpiaines river is here flanked by jeca and Marseilies» and directly &*-l lines of bluffs, leaving a valley a mile! proach the city of Ottawa. This city j or more In wldUt, plainly showing the [was named for a tribe of Indians, but ccurac of the mlgMy <iooii Chichi we have departed in bur yay of pro- poured over the divide in the post-jnounctog the name from the original Blacial epoch, when Lake Michigan I manner of doing so. Old Fernando j Was from forty to sixty feet higher Jones always said that the second syl-1 than it is at the present day. It was lable of the name should be accented our own Dr. Henry M. bannister of Instead of the first, but modern usage j Kyanston. who wrote the first scleh- has decreed otherwise. Hero we see tiflc description of this event, deduced J the Fox river flowing into Illinois from his observations, for which he j from the north. We must remember received due credit from the geoto-lthat there are two Fox rivers men-j gists of tlila state some fifty years ago.! tioned on the maps and in the geeg* j Continuing our voyage along the oldi raphies--one the Fox river of Wia-1 canal for a distance of teu miles, we {consin. which flows into Green Bay', arrive at the crossing of the DuPage} (up which the two explorers men-, river, an afllluent of the Desplaine* tioned ascended on their way to the * and passing, through the locks, whi6h! discovery pf the Mississippi), and the retain the levels in the canal, we find; FOx river of Illinois. The canal and I ourselves in the old town of Chan-!the Illinois river run close together; tiahon. once\& busy shipping; point In from the beginning of the latter to! the palmy days of the canal's prosper-1 the end of the canal at ta Salle, and | ity. The town la npw much decayed,{the river, with its picturesque islands and its former residence portion has j and other natural features, are in view j h^rgeiy-Teverted-io-fanning lands. The: conatantly. On this portion ot its place has interest for a number of!course the river is following;an east! Evanston residents, it having been jandUwest direction. At some distance | the birthplace of Mrs. H. H. C. Mil-' below Ottawa we pass near Buffalo j |ier, whoso father's family were old!Rock, but we cannot linger long here, residents there. Mra. Miller's father i although it Is a most attractive nat-j is Joseph Lewis, at one time post- j ural object, an.d_onii: a_.ygar. or twoi ter, graindmyer, and deader in gen-1 ago was purchased by the Crane com. f U merchandise* and It %as here that! pany of Chicago, to be used tor a| r. MUter came as-the principal of a j recreation park for lt» emoloyftfta---L biKli school, and first met the lady But far away on the opposite side j who afterwards became his wife. It tof the river we catch our first glimpse j was in tills town that James Currey; of Starved Rook, the most interesting j settled when he first came west, and natural monument in the »tat« of llli-; It was here- that the two youngest i nois. This rock is now the property children of his family, Mary and Ar* of the state, together with a large j tbur, were born. The natural situ- j tract of land lying near it, and Its at- i ation of t'hannahon ig & lovely one,: tractions are open to all .visitors.! lyins a-A it does near the confluence Professor James A. James .of the | of the Du t*age and Desplaines rivers, I Northwestern university l& president | and surrounded by wooded hills ana 0r the State Park commission, which I fertile farming lands. The town has j controls "Starred Bock Park." Long; never had any. direct raitroaa connec- j before It was caned Starved Rock.-p taons, its nearest point on the Hock {however, It bore the name of the i Island railroad Tine "being a station j "Rock of St. LouliT^o: name given - some .three miles away. to it by La Salle, under whose dl-( h»irf»» attlawad tilt nMCl IOW«r L r^^Uut^ a loTt *"** bUllt ..UnOIllJtS |. level on the canal, we soon find our- j mmmi t by ', Tont y. although It was j selves coming into view of the month j abandoned some years later. We must j of the Kankakee river, lure mingling i .member that though La Salle, was its waters with those of the Dee-:one of the most famous explorers of! plalnes. and thus forming the Illinois his time, he did not visit this region j river. As we gaze on the glistening until six year* after Joliet and Mar-j( 1fyo4 stretching far to the west, we [quette, had passed through the coun-r ran imagine the two explorers, Joliet tr> and bad laid it open to the knowl-11 and Marquette, examining the two edge of the world. The present name rivers ahead of them, when they had,of Starved Rock is derived from an arrived at this point In order to de-j event which occurred about 1570, termine their course towards the great, nearly a ccutary after La Salle's body of water, which they knew, from ! visit, when> band of Illinois Indians Friday and Saturday, D'ANNU (The Italian Sha Stupendous Photo 21 Historical Tremeud es Keenly Dramatic rdl Broadly Humorous WO Production Matinee, 2 to 7 p. m> Evening Performance 8:15 pvin. All Seats Reserved for Evening Performance. WAlfrED--Y O U ty G l»ADV .FOR Ileal work._j3orae ona comfort- ^l>ari'iua»k< ith. r in iietkflF#Vpply at ^Co., Wln- FOH BALE ly living rilmctte or office "of Nori TnT^a^OT^iihoTT it MACH FOR EENT--KOOMS RENT--HOUSES FOR SALE--XmtiU AHWINtJ I'ivj*. overhauled and guaranteed. Sin#r.......j*.'.' Jfetest-t Wmmy tnestle •■■§■*•■•■ bead .... Wj.. .\JC-...... New Free .. ^W.,............ \ 5M Wilcox & Glbbs.............. I*.0O Also other bargains cm slightly used tuachineg. Pot ter sen Bros.. 1522 S*nerniaii-av.. Kv'anston. I FOR1 JRNT ♦.el^Pd pore Wilson, Ken II Worth RABIJ2J ittn fin^t nth. Wm.i Phohe; '2. r>2w-4tc TBNJPT WIS ,m#iin 8*r< Tmette); concession. < Wilmette-av., FOR SALSr~USB# pianos taken piaaSa and pi: !-^pd#mnn & ' ('■peering Doll & Sous 4 Stein way . Ilaby Grand . Ka»y payments. irpRIG«lIT »»uk our new ..Jt MM JJBLET j 12tb-Ht.,j Easy payments. Patterson tr^a^^LJS^2JLtlB«jj^n<»., Kvanston. mtr*mmmmim*mmmm SA1.E-H0USES From Now on--the niain- prsaaeir other^typewriter company, theirs. Voi nave the worry and time that repairs cost. This alone should make you want to investigate the Victor. Wiilymi? EVAN mmmmmmmmmmtmmmmm SCELLANEOUS another. HURANCB--HOT I'einpanytrf/Liv inHiiru^j^Tco orld, in>irroj^|\\cn goods, re'n ts; ■ kAvc: A. WightH^r &■ agents. Phimo 2(>:i. E* * o Nsun- I, mrgest In the household . _ Charles resident MASOM erman-av. Jltw-tt PURCHASED AT THE la i**p*rit»hl«i 104 ». Stall St Classified Business List GENERAL MERCHANDISE 20^ SOUTH MAR ROB N ST t f-1. T CHICAGO clocks, once with house*. Phone 2632. GROCERIES of sea- part of oar and Fancy Cut ER Clorj Order. Sorosla Chlldreo. hur HA Aft*lt»- 3>p,-,Tll*'PT MEN'S WEAR ft wman Evansion Publishing U