t THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER jUli IIMMIIIIIlMHIllMlll | What People Are Doing; in | SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Special Warrant No. 102, Mrs. Douglas Smith has returned from a month's stay In New York. Mr. sad Mrs. London Hoyt give a dance thla evening at their place, "Breezy Point." ----- -H n Mrs. Richard Nash, formerly of line of West Kenwood, has taken a house at 41k.set] Sheridan road. *•'•' |the j Mr*. Wilfred Miller, #32 Elm street,! Illinois. IS at the Evanston hospital recovering from the from an operation for appendicitis.. raent on Mrs. Harry C. Seymour, 850 Linden wart*« 4©T avenue, has been elected a member el; *•§• the Tenth District Program Commit- d too. • Mr. and Mrs. George \v. Blossom have as their guests Mrs. Rhodes and h>r daughter. Miss Rhodes of St. Pant, Minn. Mrs. L. Cook of Kenosha, Wis., Sent Thanksgiving with her daughter, rs. M. H. Lieber. at the family rest* dence. 985 Elm street. ■ Mrs. George Wallace Law and Miss Law of Elmhuret gave a tea-dance In honor of Miss Georgiana Owsley, Wed- nesday, at the Blackstone hotel. • Mr. and Mrs. William C. Boyden, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Bell and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fairbanks will share s box at go benefit performance to be given for e Chicago Lying-in hospital at the Auditorium, December 18. I Mrs. Otis AittSWprtfa Skjnaer, AQ2 Willow street, announces the engage ment of her daughter. Miss Marian Streeter Skinner, to Forrest Roderick Lowry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Charles Lowry of* River Forest. . Announcement Is mado of the en- gsRoment of Miss Catherine Dunimer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Francis Dummer of Chicago to Walter T* iiney Fisher, son of Mr. and Mrs Walter L. Fisher, Sheridan road, j Miss Margaret Graver, who with her mother, Mrs. Thomas W. Grover, Is visiting Mrs. Victor Biting, 830 Mt. Pleasant court, was thrown. from a j NOTICE: Public Notice is hereby given that the County Court of Cook ! County. Illinois, has rendered Judg- ment for a special assessment upon property benefited by the following Paving with vltrlBed paving brick and otherwi the present iiue, lying end Charles Street with said stts> teenth Street, and the central twenty* three (33) feet of spencer Avenue from the line of Fifteenth Street to tho east line of Seventeenth Street produced north from Charles Street, Ito the Village of Wllmette. Cook County, Illinois, as will more fully appear from the certified copy of tho pert of'judgment on file In my office: that Imette Ave-f the warrant for the collection of such thwesterly ! assessment is in the hands of the on-j e end the deraigned. Said assessment is pay street. In!Able In 10 installments; the amount nty,|rof the first installment is 93,918.48, pear;and the amount of each of the re- maining installments is $3,071.20; nil installments bear Interest at the rate of 6% per annum. The first Install- ment is payable on the 2nd day of January, 1916, and one Installment on installments; the amount the Sad day of each succeeding Jan- tallment Is $900.00, and .vary thereafter until all installments 1 T '■■ >ii£ *•*' each of the remaining » 3500.00; all install- in terest at' the rate of annum., The first In- b payable on the 2nd day 1313, and one Installment on the 2nd day of each succeeding January thereafter until all install- ments areuattf. fill paafons interested are hereby ikBiftasrto call and pay the amount aslfffsed at the collector's office in the Village Hall in. said Village of Wil- raette within thirty days from the date hereof. DATED this lat day of December, A. D. 1914. FRANK FORRESTER. Collector. are paid. All persons interested are hereby notified to call and pay the amount assessed st the collector's office in the Village Hall in said Village of Wii- mette within thirty days from the date hereof. DATED this 1st day of December, A. D. 1914. FRANK FORRESTER, Collector. on tbe 3nd day of each succeeding January thereafter until all Install- ■eata are paid. - Ail penon* iotefeaied am hereby notified to call and pay the amount assessed at the collectors office in the Village HaQ In said Village of Wil- mette within thirty days from tbe date hereof. DATED this 1st day of December. A. D. 1914. FRANK FORRESTER. Collector. TICE. •FECIAL ASSESSMENT. Special Warrant \m 103. NOTICE; PubUc Ngce is hereby given that the cJunty^BlPSaavof Cook Coins?: Illinois* has rendered judg- nifinfor a speaal asaefcnafntupon prepcrtyi;raeS&yS^ th7 foStmlag j mv improv4flfcnl: \^f jr |cop Ora|ljJ|,\curbin]?rgutte|iHR. paving offlc and otherwpo improving j lectio twenty-thjfe (23) feet of bands of the undersigned with the cent FIfteent of S SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Special Warrant No. 104. NOTICE republic Notice, is hereby gives thasnhe CountyJplurt of Cook CouftiBirilllnols, haj^endered judg- mentfor a speciaacaaajsHtuent "P011 property benefited bytn\ following Improvement: Grading?, curBhk giifering^Jp.ving anl oAerwise iafproving lleyloafh of Antral Ave tag .venue to PROPOSALS For Grading, Curbing, Paving with Asphalt Macadam and otherwise im- proving a part of Fifth Street: Wllmette 8p«cial Assessment No. 105. Wllmette, Illinois. December 7,J»U ealed proposals for ing. pavmgjajSjFaspbalt otayrw^paTap-- tweVlFtwo (22) from the South 1 the North Una ceptlng the In Avenue with with the intersect! West line of Fifth Iage of nois. considered unless accompanied by such check or cash. The contractor will be paid in bon«» and vouchers, payable solely out of the assessment for said improvement, wben collected. In accordance with the provisions or the ordinance there for, and hi the manner prescribed by law, which bonds will bear Interest at the rate of five (5) per centum per annum. The contractor to whom the con- tract may be awarded will be required to furnish a bond to the satisfaction and approval of said Board of Local Improvements, In a sum equal to fifty (CO) per centum of the contract price, conditioned for tho faithful perform- ance of the contract. Proposals will be received for tbe construction of said improvement as a whole; and said Board of Local im- provements reserves the right to re- ject any and all Wds. JOHN D- OOVW99BU-' HERBERT C. ARMS, JOSEPH HBlNgTO. OSCAR W. SCHIflDT. CHARLES C. SCHULTZ, Board of Local improvements of tho Village of Wllmette. It Couldnt Hurt Her. Mama--"Keep quiet, Edna. Ton never hear me cry when my hair la be- ing combed." Small Bdna*-"Y-yes, but a lot of your h-halr hain't h-hltched to your h-head." ■ reet, its, took ce with ttons for receive<Lf35y the Board vemensF of said Village until 8 o'clock P. M. on 15th day of December, at Which time sa*d Pr°- n be publicly opened, exam- declared by said Board of Local Improvements In tbe Village Hall in said Village of Wllmette. The specifications for said Improve- ment and. blank proposals will be fur- nished at the office of said Board oi west line of Local Improvements, in said Village e east line of Hall. . ,.,» .... Proposals must be mado out on t. in the Village of Wil k County, Illinois, as will j blanks furnished by said Board of ppeur front the certified i Local improvements, and must be ad- judgment on file in my i dressed to tbe Board of Local Im- at the warrant for the col- provementa of the Village of Wil- of such assessment Is in the i mette, Wilmette, Illinois, and Indorsed Said as- "Proposals for improvement of a part Classified Advertisements TELEPHONE. WILMETTE 1640 Wtet Ads in the Lake Shore News art charged at tie following rates Real Estate Classifications. 7}A cents per line. All Other mmgjm 5 ceati pet Ut. Miaimom Price. 15 cents. Ne wfrtmm&i cfcqplM «•» **• m SITUATIONS WANTED From Now on--the ier. it- provides itiog paths--not m two as oi oilier machinps. Result, 100% or added ribbon service. Dollars and Cents! When shall we send a machine and a demon- strator. pes? cart, at tbe corner of Oak and'or Wi ct frofli the south line laessment is payable in 5 installments; of Fifth Street," and all proposals Avenue to the north line j the amount of the first installment is must be accompanied by cash, or a kte Avenue and the Central; 3370.00. and the amount of each of certified check payable to the order of Maple streets, Saturday, but received j twenty-three (23) feet of Sixteenth the remaining Installments is 3300.00; the President of the Board of Local no injuries from the fall. Tho horse j strnet from the north line of Wil- all installments bear Interest at the Improvements *6r the Village of Wil- took fright at an incoming train and imette Avenue to the south line of rate of 5% per annum. The first in- mette for a sum of not leas than tei bolted but was caught before he bad Lake Avenue, except the intersections si ailment is payable on the 2nd day (10) per ccntuss .of the aggregate b run far. , of. Central Avenue, Highland Street of January, 1915. and one installment the/proposal, and no proposal will bo i ■ »#W| > propof as»e>ea<saae<»o»»a<s3»3<»»eeee»s<SM333e>iti<>aee>»eeeos»>e>ee»»<s>e»tt>»»»ee>»3t3S3ee3e am We were very fortunate in securing all our imported toys before the European war set in* These together with our comprehensive stock of clever and ingenious American novelties are w~1 : and feel that our patrons American novelties are well deserving of the larger space and greater display we have given them. We are very well pleased with the exceptional variety of playthings ^f is will be equally delighted. By all means, bring the children to see the wonderful variety of toys in the greatest toy shop on the North Shore ▼ &£ « : 35c-COOKING RANGES 19c 75c MAGIC LANTERNS A Truly Charming Doll Display A booth arrangement that makes it possible for "youto view hundreds of dolls at a moment's glance Pressed Dolls, from 10c to $10.00 Jointed Kid Body Dolls, 29c to $6.00 Celluloid Dolls, from 69c to $1.59 SOME NEW KINDS OF TOY DISHES All of the old fashioned kind ■» agrceablo to little git-Is, ko«i many novelties. A large range of prices. Decorated China oiahca, 2d*. Aluminum Set Dishes, 20c TEDDY BEARS FUR ANIMA 4 luiBo varut> COWS, ll&a i , t) lambt;. bcuall celluloid nil MuiS Just ue*ps uf them t light the l.Ule oi,c» TedJy B«an>. 0o ENGLISH DOLL CABsi, $3.65, $3.85, $4^5 Our Neckwear Section ha the Reputation for Showing New Things First : 35c Unbreakable Doll Heads.....23c antes, Mechanical Toys, Etc. d dolls, meu.. ical toys, doll heads games, horns, sa banks, drum^^^iumi- num tfcA-fl^fsTwash sets, tool chests, celluloid an- imals, etc. Automobiles. apiing drive, 10c to $1.89 Pertorunug duga tuiu back summersault very ^musing.49c Drums, froru 9c to. Schoenhut's b^|j0^rand pianos . .^^0^^!^.. $2.48 Boy ^p^al^soldier, police- id fireman's uniforms, and.........$1.19 Xmas trte stands, 10c, 39c and.............49c Chautauqua black boards....... $1.19 Sunset Li.nitoa trat,.*. engine and 2 coaches, engine vuth fric- tion drive 28 inches long, $2.19 fToolc and ladder ffucks, 29c to..............$1.19 Steam engines, from 09c to.................$1.89 PopuW games, large vari- ety ...................5c Games, including bull in china shop, sharp shooters, etc....................85c Empire Express building blocks ................25c Toy town telegraph____25c American model builder sets, 98c, $1.98, $2.98, $4.98 Santa Claus masks, 25c to 50c Collapsible doll carta, steel frame..................... 50c LARGE DOLL LAWN SWINGS, ONLY 8c 4 I B it yuU warn *o Know tvhat's styli&h. what'i, goiuu t k, popular in collars oi neck tnT. mings, a ininutc's visit U out neckwc&r department will .show you Rail at >. lvwi) la lVluch D«;r.iaitd Wow for Christmas Gifts L ... » , . „tLu . Ual>. /- j • j 1 I'ik A. kt'tlild.S ,i.i»i.i . .,,-./,. .< .j/< r< J i r<> >>y Ic ev*.ry pm..nase of 50. or .nore. New neckwear is added almost j daily to this selection. > >..c ..in |,ojo by Our bcautltui 1, i ,11. .iL ivory hesier {.ieves The poa *ibihvy i tikakiug p a hutidsomc dresser aeX at moderate c , t is well void, your attention, /ou can save quiu i good deal by buying the pieces separately. f£t%0t*isMl Some Vfcrv ^ood &*»> <jy&Ksi,iA,l, shoe horns, button hooks, eorn knives and cuticle scissors, for only................... jj For the Little tots & Infants o Our Infant*' section is a treat 4or most mothers. Every \ \ desire to lavish beautiful things on the be by can be fulfilled 11 here. Bring the tittle one* to see the doll-infants. |M<»»»<t»......M»......MM......IM..........M......Mt Ike i chiefs -Perhaps the >st Popular of All Presents We h<w a d>utt>t.ioU.g . iuu a ut l.„lti imported and Am«-rica» r..adc handkerchiefs, duintily put up in holiday bi^xes ready for giving Offers far Early Purchasers WOMEN'S HANOKth CHIEFS or ^iicor import cl lawn, tcautifiil cm broldered corners, lr» bandBomc < nristmae i,»*es 3 for 29c HANOKCR CHIEr-a Daintily embroidered cur ners and edges; packed in fancy Japanese bas- kets; a ^or..... ... 39c WOMEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS Lons initials; packed- in fancy Santa Claus boxes; 3 for. .. :............ 39c Other handkerchief from 26c to $1 each. Useful Gifts ». ...... <uo4« and more people look to the utility of tut Christ- mas ^itt And after all there is no greater satisfaction Mum knowing that your gift is appreciated for its real value and that day after day it is a continuous reminder of the cheerful giver. Our house furnishing section is featuring hundreds of charming gifts that combine utility and beauty. This week there are many special inducements to early shoppers. Portable Electric Gas Lamp* Welcome, ornamental and highly valued Christmas gifts. This week a reduc- tion of 15 per cent on every lamp in stock. **»«! ^THB.STORE.THAT SELLS EVERYTHING- December Snows Bring Raincoat Shows CHILOREN'8 RAIN CAPES--Of rainproof mercerized sateen, plaid lined hood, with school bag. in Xmas box.........2«50 WOMEN'S RAIN COATS--Of silk finish, rain proof, rubberized cloth, in Xmas box, ^ for.......................5.95 / *......iiimtiiMimMm.......................................„...............iiiiiiiwin........... m