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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jan 1915, p. 2

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, jANtfi -~ = Social Happenings in WMmefti By SUTH RISLEY Phong Wilmttt* 1940 Two hundred and fifty members rep- resenting fifteen chapters of the Beta Zeta Phi fraternity attended their an- nual reception and smoker at the Ho- tel LaSalle Saturday evening. There «M a program of vaudeville, college seags sad addresses. A number of the young nan from Wilmette, Kenll- worth and Winnetka were tat attend •ace, ' " very attractively decorated to represent the four leaaona of the yeaj Mrs. Higgs gave her annual Christ- mas party at the Oullmette Country dub a week ago Tuesday afternoon. The "T. a" dub gave a sleighrido party last Saturday evening; after which a delightful supper was en- joyed at Theobold'8. Mr. Barley Clarke entertained four- teen of his friends at dinner SaturdayJ^rar^rlday Luncheon and Bridge evening at his home, 118 Broadway Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Susan M. Hoff- man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoffman of Gross Point, and Mrs. B. J. Bans, son of Mr. John Hens, also of Gross Point. The wedding is to take place early In the spring. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ohlendorf gave a dancing party Saturday evening at their home, 287 Linden avenue,* for their guest, Miss Susan Miller of Terre Hants, Ind. The Misses Frances and Gertrude Slade entertained st cards New Year's eve at their horns, 117 Broadway. There were three tables. Tuesday afternoon Miss Anna San- derson entertained informally for Miss Lillis Harner of Painesville, O., who la the guest of Mrs. William G. Sander* son, on Lake avenue, at her home in Itavcnswood. On Saturday evening, December 28, Mrs. Sanderson enter- tained a number of guests informally for her guest. - There will be an informal dance at the Ouilmetto Country club tomorrow evening. On Monday afternoon another of the afternoon bridge parties will be given at the Country club. New Year's day several receptions were bold' along the north shore. One of interest to Wilmette residents was that given by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Van Sehalk at their residence Tn Htgji)^)^ ParkV, Among the ladles g-esenled, Nfr Piekwiefe and his- who assisted at the tea table was Mrs. Hubert Harmon of 214 Sixth street. The affair was given in honor Of Mrs. R'oscoe Havard of Los Ange- les, Csl., formerly Miss Muriel Boul- ten, very popular among the younger set in Highland Park. Mr. and Mrs., Havard are on their way to London. Mr. and Mrs- Hubert Harmon, 214 Sixth street, were the dinner guests TnesdSy, evening of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Butter at their libme* & Lake Forest. The Misses Margaret and bproiny Rodman, 714 Elmwood avenue, enter- tained twenty-one of their friends at luncheon Saturday. Later the party attended the "movies." The- table dub will be entertained today at the horns of Mrs. John Clark Baker, 847 Hill street. Sewing for the Infant Welfare station located at Nobis and Chicago avenues will be done. This evening the Bound Robin Dancing club will hold Its regular dancing party at the Oullmette Coun- try dub. Tomorrow evening- the Alpha Omi- cron Pi sorority of Northwestern uni- versity will give a dancing party at the Wilmette Woman's dub. . The Fortnightly club is to bo enter- tained at luncheon and bridge Mon day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Phillip A. Grau, 825 Elmwood avenue. On Friday afternoon and evening January 29. Mrs. Charles E. Lord will give a card party st her home, 616 Central avenue, for the benefit of St. Francis Xavler church. Both bridge and "600" will be played, and the games will start promptly at 2 and 8 o'clock. Tickets are $1. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Thurman. 822 Linden avenue, will entertain the Evening Lindefi Avenue circle at their home tomorrow. The afternoon meet- ing of the* club was held Monday at the home of Mrs. Ralph C. Whitsett, 830 Oakwood avenue. A novel entertainment to to be given by the Woman's association of the Presbyterian church next-Friday eve ning in the church parlors. It is to be known as a "Dickens' Evening," and about sixty impersonations wiiF be friends will be among those present A cordial Invitation to extended to the membera of the congregation and their friends. Mr. Joseph Gillsoa entertained the young men of his Sunday school dass and their young lady guests at dinner on New Years day at hla home, 706 Forest avenue. Covers were laid for thirty-four. ' , f Following the entertainment given at BE Augustine's parish house Wednesday evening there was an in formal dance, In which dl the young people, both young and old, partici- pated. «MS«»MMS»»»SSSSS»»M»»» Wilmette Societies and Clubs i 68IMMIMMMMMIMMM Mrs. Royal A. Bsckmnn entertained her "600" club at luncheon Tuesday at her home on Ninth street. The Ladies' Aid society of the Con gregatlonal church will meet today In the church parlors. Luncheon will be nerved as usual. ' Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Williams will be hosts, to the. Evening "600" club to- morrow evening at their home, 918 Central avenue. & Mrs. Arthur Southworth, 1010 Elm- Ifood avenue, was hostess Tuesday to one of the many luncheon and bridge clubs In the Tillage. Wilmette Camp R. N. of A. gave a large card party Wednesday evening at Jones' hall. The Travel Study class will meet Tuesday afternoon at the residence Of Mrs. F. L. Joy, 812 Central ave- tine. "The Italian Lakes" will be the subject under discussion. Mrs. It. W. Jordan entertained the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club at her home, 1317 Elmwood avenue, this week. Covers were ldd- for twenty-four. On Wednesday afternoon a meeting of the child and home department of the Woman's dub was held. The sub jtect under discussion was "Eugenics," led by Or. Sarah Hobson. Mrs. Edgar O. Blake was the hostess of the after- noon. The Reading circle will hold its Mrs. Samuel H. Vowcll, 116 Sixth street, entertained the members of the Crescent circle Tuesday afternoon. The Thimble club met at the home of Mrs. II. A. Gould, 1130 Lake avenue, this week. __An all-day -masting- of the philan thropy department of the Woman's club was held Tuesday. Comforters were made and packed to be sent to European soldiers. Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weltman ot 1622 Forest avenue spent the holidays in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Louis K. Gillson, 70G Forest avenue, were the hosts at a family dinner last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ira M. Hatch and family, 916 Greenleaf avenue, moved Saturday to their new home in Cleve- land, O. Miss Flora Brownlle of Ravenawood was the guest of Mrs. Harry Cumber- land, 119 Fifth street, during the holi- days. MIbs Helen Dingee returned Tues- day to Smith college, after spending the holidays at her home, 932 Lake avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and two chil- dren of Akron, O., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Gillson, 706 For- est avenue. Miss Lillis Harper of Painesville, O., is spending several weeks as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Sanderson, 1011 Lake avenue. Mr. and Mrs. William Craig Sproul of Rockford, 111., were the guests over Christmas of Mr. and Mrs. John Clark next meeting on Monday afternoon, j Baker, 347 Hill street January 18, at the home of Mrs. How- Miss Marjorfe Noyes. 827 Oakwood ard Field, 918 Central avenue. 'avenue, returned to Milwaukee Downer â€" I academy Wednesday morning, where The annud holiday party of the she to attending school. Coxy Corner circle was held Tuesday j Miss Ruth Gates, who has been afternoon at the home of Mrs. Morton j spending the holidays with her par- Ik Paterson, 925 Chestnut street, tents, at 1147 Wilmette avenue, re- _-, j turned Sunday to Burlington, la A meeting of the Home Social club Mrs. Joseph N. Leake of Phila- was freTd Wednesday afternoon at the delphla. Pa., arrived Tuesday to spend residence of Mrs. Leon Hairritt, 214 the week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs One of the various Tuesday lunch- eon and bridge dubs were delightfully entertained at the home of Mrs. Wil Ham Corndl, 801 Ashland avenue Mrs. Louis Diseases hâ€"fas to the Drama Study dub Tuesday afternoon her M'PSIS.' 1201 Greenwood avenue. David E. Allen. 518 Forest avenue. Mr. Lester Graves left Sunday eve- ning for New York city, after a snort visit- with his -parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Graves, 106 Sixth street. Mrs. Willard B. Hough and her niece, Miss Jeaaette Tuthill, of 186 Fifth street, have returned home after visiting relatives In Kansas- City, Mo. The Misses Maxine and Isabel Ar- 'roses are la splendid condition. - nold of Madison, Wis., returned home lad Friday after spending the holidays as the guests of Mr. and Mrs, B. M Bnckman, 1084 Linden avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Lockhart of Kenosha, Wis., said Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Smith of Chicago, spent New Tsar's day d the homo of Dr. and Mrs. C. O. Smith, 1825 Greenwood avenue. After an extended wedding trip through northern Michigan and Wis* consin, Mr. and Mrs. Hearst Cady have returned to the horns of Mrs; William Cady, 825 Forest avenue, for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Moriey. 1204 ashiand avenue, nave as their guests for' a fortnight their two daughters. Mesdames C. B. Van Dyke of Muske- gon, Mich.v and James H. Wdker of Detroit, Mich. Messrs. Roland Williams, Marshall Sykes and Maurice Maynard ldt yes- terday for the Kentucky Military academy, at Louisville, and after short time will go on to Florida, where, they will remain until April. Mr. and Mrs. Ira M. Hatch, 915 Greenleaf avenue, have postponed their trip to Cleveland indefinitely, owing to the Illness of Mrs. Hatch, who to in St Luke's hospital. Thefr daughter, Jean, returned to her col* lego, but Miss Marjorie will remain until her mother has recovered. The Guild of the Kenllworth Union church met Monday afternoon. Mr. Paul Schulze left Sunday night for New Haven, N. Y., where he is at- tending school, Mrs. A. J. Brock of Warwick road entertained at luncheon and bridge Wednesday at her home. Covers were laid for twelve. One of the mod delightful affairs to be given during the holiday season was the dinner-dance given on New Year's eve by Miss Ruth Woodward, at her home on Abbottsford road Forty guests were present. Miss Marlon Tilt returned Monday to her home in Holland, Mich., after spending the holidays as the guest of bar aunt, Mrs. Frsaeriefc 6. Little, on Essex road. Mr. and Mrs. Tilt were here for a short time around Christ mas, but returned over a week ago. tflHUiMHItHHimi^ in Winnetka Miss Sarah Hpyt returns this-weak fronLJDlemlandVJQ.--------â€"â€"â€"â€" Miss Velma Voltz left town Christ- mas day to attend the Christmas dances at La Porte, Ind. The chord vesper service will be held the last Sunday in each month at the Congregational church. The Art Instltuto Extension Draw ing class will begin Its winter term tomorrow at the Woman's dub. The meetings of the Red Cross cir- cle will be held at the parish house, Linden and Oak streets, on Tuesday and Friday mornings at 10 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Prouty spent Now Year's day at Fox river fishing through the ice. Twenty-three pick- erel and perch made up the day's catch. Miss Packer of New Trier to ex tending her Christmas vacation two weeks on account of the illness of her sister. Her place is being filled by Miss Elizabeth Case. Mrs. Everett of Chicago began a course ot Emerson readings Wednes day at Mrs. William Ratter's on Ce- dar street. "Self-Reliance" was chosen for the first essay. The regular meetings of the Philan thropic department of the Woman's society of the Congregational church were resumed Monday. Mrs. Albert M. Kales read a new play of J. M. Barrio's called "Tho Day." Next Wednesday evening an inter- esting entertainment will be given in the new ball room of the Virginia ho- tel for the benefit of the Ell Bates settlement. Miss Loraino Wyman will give a program of songs. Mrs. E. S. Adams and Miss Julie R. Adams will continue their talks oh present-day topics In the assembly room of the public library on Tuesday afternoons at 3:15, beginning January 12. In these talks the effect of the European War will be studied and Its course followed. Other topics of present Interest, such as civil service, the state assembly, war finances, gov- ernment employment agencies, and the royal families of Europe, will be discussed. The price for the course to 85. 8lngle tickets, 81. Those de- siring to attend are requested to send their names to Mrs. Robert Steven- son, Jr., or to Mrs. J. F. Porter. Mr. and Mrs. N. Landon Hoyt and daughter, Josephine, with Mrs. L. R. Davis of Evanston, have been spend- ing the holiday season with Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hoyt In their beau- tiful home; "ST. a-tart-Terrace," on tho St. John's river, Green Cove Springs, Fia. Mr. Hoyt has been hav- ing fine sport quail shooting, and has not failed to get the number permit- ted by the game law. While the weather has not been as fine as usual at St. John's river. Jack Frost has made but one visit. When ho succeed- ed in cutting down the tropical bloom, but stopped short of hurting the fine , crop of oranges and grape fruit. The strawberries are nearly ribs sard Miss Irene Ethel Gould Whose Engagement Has Just Been Announced Christmas Saving Club IT will be easy for you to save, and have money, if you fake advantage of our Savii - Courtesy Chicago HtnU _MRsid4u*s^JJcrbed^O^»ieV«3&^ Pt Beta Phi sorer- Luke avenne, have announced the en- gagement of their daughter, Irene Ethel, to Roy Aliieitson, son of Mrs. J. Alhcrtaon," 472J North Hermitage avenue, Chicago. Miss Gould to a graduate of the University of Illinois lty circles and In the younger set of Wilmette. Her fiance is a graduate of Northwestern university, where he gained prominence in several branches of athletics as well as in scholastic endeavor. He is a member. of the Sigma Nu fraternity. ATTRACTIONS FOR THE WEEK. The Village theater is offering some splendid attractions for the week com- mencing next Monday. ^MondeyH^fe^^«ahingtoir^rvrag^r famous sketch'; 4'Rlp Van Winkle," adapted to motion pictures in five parts from the original manuscript used by Joseph Jefferson, will be shown. On Tuesday afternoon and evening. "The Rose 61 the Rancho," v.:: i Bessie JBarriBcde in the leading role, will be shown. This picture has met with great success wherever it has been shown. Wednesday night, the famous dra- matic sensation, " The Tigress." with Madame Olgu Petrova in the leading role, may be seen. Thursday night the first and only motion drama of its kind, "A Boy and the Law," by Judge Willis.Brown, will bo shown. This is a five-reel drama of real life and should be seen by every* boy ai»d. every boy's mother in the village. ^_ On Friday night, the Famous Play- ers company will present Carlyle Blackwell In "The Last Chapter." This to a story of love, romance and adventure by Richard Harding Davis. Saturday afternoon and evening, ^sJfe_flo.w^ wuiUUico Brady in the-f leading role, will be shown. This story is so well known that further comment io unnecessary. OBITUARY. Mr*. Louise L. Culver. After an Illness of twelve days, Mrs. Louise L. Culver died Monday morn- ing at 9 o'clock at her homo, 109 Sixth street, of pneumonia. She was thirty- six years old. Private funeral services were held" yesterday in Waukesha. Wis. Mrs. Culver leaves, besides her husband, a~TSve-year-old son, Gordon, to mourn her death. Stanley Mr. Cul- ver Is national secretary of the Broth- erhood of Railway employes. Regular Hercules. Whenever there is a street spat nearly every woman has the Idea that her husband would be a very fiend for carnage if she didn't hold him back. â€"Lou is v i 11 e Co u ri er-Jou r nal. l/^tEbc TWlishtette/Beautie Shop Aartba M ttebi TELEPHONE 7t 1200 CENT] BANK [NUB WILMETTE, ILLINOIS BREAKFAST Man; have our a w4 â-  wi0 ItakJh ?f Bread* â€"Wax \ii-juirniii"T JjvanjdJH of iphpsmliyexji Wrapped in Paperâ€" Wilmette Baking Do. HIS Wi'melfe Its. Tel. Wilmette 441 Wilmette Fruit Store GEORGE PIERANTONI, Minager Taxi Gf b Service Night and Day J* W. Meyer & Sou 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone Wilmette 426 Wilmette U* Studio for Rent Suitable forafte meetings, teas, terer available telephone Wj Mrs. Lo 120 Woodbine d parties, club kp Rmellent ca- rfyi|formation Clarke NEWS WANT ADS BRING RE8ULT8 Matinee and Evening . ^ OUR ?OHCY ^^ A Big Star in a Big Feature Every Night Admission 15c *1 OS»SS#i»>»silttrn.>tt»»tt<ttt»fSM#Mf8»8tM<»M^| ur Savings Account Jul hot suffer because you pay cash for meatsâ€"in fact you will have more money to save. It's a good New Year a hattt -8tartno*- Per Pound ^wtftVorArmour'a Hamarwhol^or half rrrr Swift's or Armour's Bacon, whole or half---- Fancy Home-dressed Chickens Leg of Lamb..... Rib Roast of Beef. Pork Roast Fork Chops Porterhouse Sirloin Round Freshi Shot Shoulder, Loin Rib Shoulder Lamb Lamb Stew Leg Veal Sic Loin VeaMBast Loin Veal Chops..... Rib Veal Chopa*...... Shoulder Veal Roast . Veal Stew........... Sauer Kraut, quart ... Spare Ribs, per pound Lard, per pound.................. Brookneld Sausage, meat or link.... ~v--...?,. â- &.•*...... Fresh Oysters, always on hand, per quart, 35c Ja J. NILLES,Market 635 W. Railroad Ave., Wilmette g^m^ol^M.im ♦»»sste»»ssssss>ss»»»<ss»s»essss»><»sse»»seee»e< •TTE S * Gardne Popular pricesâ€"S! rWc solicit your shoe repair! We call for 609 W ramily repaired an factory new. I season of we cordially spect for the fall and win* and and in* oar worav -.A-SIB* SS5 BallroMd A?e #j|*l(RY LYNN StMln&fS* VlVfllV W WM Vndta i

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