THE LAKESHORE MEW8L gRIDAT, It AV f, ltll. Social Happenings in Wilmette ettibroideretf cfttt^^ The waist wasvery simply made of chiffon, with two streamers of wide black velvet running from the front over the shoulders and flowing loosely down three-quarters of the length of the gown. The foundation of the skirt was of cream law, with an over-drapery, first of the lavender taffeta and then of the chiffon. Her small white tulle cap was.held in place by a dainty wreath of cherry blossoms. Each honor maid carried a bouquet of lavender sweet peas. ..... The bridesmaids, and there were four of them, the Misses Harriett Blodgett of Suncook, N. H., Ruth L. Blacker of Boston, Mass., Anna Gitmore of Williamsport, Pa., and Virginia Daniel! of Menominee, Mich., were dressed alike, their frocks carrying out the color scheme of lavender and white. Again we must turn to the earlier times, the days of hoop .skirts and cunning little bodices, for that is very, nearly the description of their costumes. They were made of lavender messaline with ovej'-drapw^jvhite^chiffon, ihol_with goldthreads. Both the little bolero, laced with black velvet, and the skirt were trimmed with small clusters of the cherry blossoms. A narrow wreath of these same blossoms was worn around the head, caught at one side with a large lavender tulle butterfly bow. Colonial arm bouquets of pink, lavender and white.sweet peas were carried. Last, hut not least, in the procession were the two little ribbon- stretchers, Ruth Kasten, a sister of the bride, and Dorothea Schmedt- gen of Wilmette, both of whom looked very pretty in their simple little 1 dresses of white net. '. ~°rr A second unusual occurrence at this affair was the singing of Lohen- grin's Wedding March by some ten younger girls as the wedding party marched slowly up the church aisle. Among those who took part in this feature were the Misses Beatrice and Florence Pease, Harriette and Virginia Ridgway, Helen Ruth, Lucille Curtiss, Dorothy Flood, Harriett ' Rekhirtann, Louise Tinsman, Helen Schulze, Father Bellows and Mary Alice Stevens of Kenilworth and Miss Beatrice Sclfridge of London, England. >pThe decorations in both the church and the home, where a large reception was held following the ceremony, were in palms, ferns, pink * roses, snap dragons and smilax. Mr, Dyar formerly attended the University of Wisconsin, and is a member of the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity, and Mrs. Dyar is a graduate of Wcllesley college. It is the intention of the bridal party to hold a reunion of their own at the annual Wellesley reunion, to be held in the cast in June. Mr. and Mrs. Dyar left Tuesday night for an extended wedding trip \ and will be at home to their friends after July 1, at 1778 Crawford road, Cleveland, O. Activities at the Indian Hill Country club, which will celebrate its | first birthday this summer at Winnetka with a very gay year to its credit, have begun in a more or less informal fashion The club was closed for some weeks during the winter, anil the Saturday evening dinners are now resumed, with tentative plans for invitation Kolf and tennis tournaments in the making. The club has not been idle during the respite and will «.,»«.u >vUi. I the early tennis season, having six courts instead of the two of last /car i, Further than that, the club members are responsible for the new nine miles of bridle path, now completed through the estates of Winnetka. I including the Delanos, the Ettons, the 11 ought clings and the Hibbards, and others, which are quite the most beautiful equestrian roadways along the north shore. Riding is to be an ejoyable feature of the life of the north shore towns this summer. The Misses Oblendort gave a mi« cellaneous shower Saturday evening at their home, 237 Linden avenue, for MIbh Ethel Barrow, whose marriage is to take place tomorrow evening at . *.- her residence, 427 Laurel avenue. ill ■ ""* Mrs. Harry W. Mons, 921 Oakwood avenue, entertained at luncheon last Friday several Chicago school teach- ers, among them Mesdaraes Gertrude Pease. Lela Graham Stewart, Cady Young Wright and Mhw Hester Ben- nett, Master Prank Bourne, 21g Nintii street, entertained eleven little friends on Saturday afternoon. May 1, the oc- cation being his seventh birthday. ' Miss velma Voltz entertained at cards Monday afternoon at her home in Winnetka In honor of her guest. Miss Helen Payne of La Porte. Ind. Among the guests were the Misses Margaret Ktattmaii. Irene Gould and Bern ire Shurtleff from Wilmette. j On Tuesday eteniag. May li. tw music committee and Miss Edith Co- lette, organist of the Presbyterian church, are making elaborate arrange- ments for a muslcale. Selections from Mendelssohn's Elijah will be given and the following artists will partici- pate in the presentation: Naomi Na- sor and Ruth Hypes, soprano; Fred ericka Downing and Edith Maldwyn Jones, a member of i'n<- a cappetla choir, contralto; John B. Miller and varied pro&iam ««,> *»>..„ *.. ,„ usual, the sleighi of h„.i<i 'a... r .1.1 entertaining and the Indian vuaidtn. by her native s.nging and dancing, won approval. The remaining artists showed themselves to advantage In a short sketch that was presented Tomorrow . v.i.ln^ —i »|,„ »/.,„,»»., club will be given a fo.mal dancing party. It is .xpected that thl*will be the gala festivity of the month, for the guests are to e om<- dressed in the garb of springtime. Next Wednesday u... uaim. >t ..... Country club will give & lunchun ind bridge in the clubhouse, Quests na* i?,. „ , , ■___■> RUTH RlaLEY, < The wedding of Miss Marie Lenore Kasten, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman A. Kasten of Kenilworth, to H. Huntington Dyar of Cleveland, O., son of Mr. ami Mrs. Hugh W. Dyar of Abbottsford road, Kenilworth, took place on Tuesday evening at the Kenilworth Union church. The ceremony, at seven-thirty o'clock, was performed by the Rev. Dr. Charles Horswell. Mr. Hugh W. Dyar, father of the groom, served as best man, and the ushers were: Messrs. Robert Dyar of New York city, a brother of the groom; Robert Alton and Edwin P.adger of Winnetka, Harold Bickd of Racine, Wis., Cecil Vaughn and Elmer Baker, Jr., of Chicago. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a gown of white satin trimmed with rose point lace. Tne tulle veil fell front aOiny cap of rose point lace, caught with orange blossoms, to the edge of the full court train. The bridalbouquet was a shower of lilies of the valley ami lavender orchids. Unlike most weddings, there were two maids of honor, Miss Doro- thy B. Kasten, a younger sister of the bride, who wore a dainty old- fashioned gown of white and lavender-flowered taffeta, looking as though she had just stepped out of Hie Ws; and Miss Edna Verrall of Wilnwette, who wore a costume of cream colorecnace^ombinccl^ith^ pier. " Hon. Kutherlne Marrlner of Menoml nee, Mich., and Ruth Saunders of Kv anston will attend Miss Pope as brides- tlon of coloratura effects la operatic and song classics. Har weft baa the endorsement of musical critics sad she has achieved great success through oat the West and South. Aa Interest- las; feature of the program will be a group of southern direct Mags, ia costume. Mfg. Collar being a native southerner, her in ter pre tat Ion of these numbers will bring us in close touch with the "Sunny South." Mr. AatvBlo Sala, although only twenty-one years of age. uatf already become 'cellist at the SpaniBh court. a coveted honor that is sought by many, but bestowed on few. A wedding attractlve*for Its simplic- ity will be solemnised next Saturday evening at the Congregational church, alien Miss Helen Jessie Pope, laugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Pope, 910 Lake avenue, will be united in murrlage to Edwin Hunt Badger, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Badger of Win- netka. Rev. Roy B. Bowers will read the service. Miss Carolina Pope, of Waukegan, a cousin, will be the maid maids__The flower girls will beJlttia ktaehosa aad oridgs Frances Badger and Isabel and Bits* beth Pope. Mr. Shreve Badger will serve Mr. Badger as best man, and the following young men will act as ushers: Messrs. Duncan Clinch and Harold Seymour of Winnetka, Donald Gallic Kenyon Pope, and William Pope of Wilmette and Andrew Taylor of Kenilworth Pergonal Mention of Wilmette Folk Winnetka Mr. J. C. Maanerud, »04 Oakwood avesse, to quite III at his home. Mrs. Thomas Keene dale, 11S4 Lake avenue, is reported to be improving slowly. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Roach have moved from lass Ashland avenue to Winnetka. Mr. Rowland Roberts of Oak Park, spent the wasksnd with friends in Wilmette. Miss Bsteile Pierce, left Tuesday evening for an extended visit, in south- ern Florida. Miss Dorothy Bute. Is convalescing at her bone, 70S Washington avenue, from pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Lars Bnger and fam- ily of 1112 Greenwood avenue have moved to Rogers Park. Miss Irene Gould will entertain her Tuesday Card club Tuesday afternoon at her homo, 1130 Lake avenue. Mrs. Frederick Cain will give a at her homo, M7 Central avenue. Mrs. Chariot Braithwalte, tM Green- wood avenue, returned Sunday from a visit with friends in Decatur. 111. Miss Bsteile Martin of Chicago spent the week-end with her aunt, Mrs. Ralph Pettlt, 1033 Ashland avenue. Mr. R. P. Fatch, €11 Washington ave- A small reception at the home wIHt^^, |r|p g j^ Uck SpringB( follow the ceremony. _ Another wedding of interest will be solemnised tomorrow evening, when Miss Ethel Barrow, daughter of Mr. William Barrow, 426 Laurel avenue, will become the bride of Mr. Orvllle O. Hanklns of Huston, La., formerly of Decatur, 111. WiJtmettwSoeUHer □ and Clubs □ The Drama Study class was enter tained on Wednesday afternoon of last week, at the home of Mrs. Fred- erick M. Bowes, 1033 Greenwood ave- nue. One of the smaller Tuesday lunch- eon and bridge clubs was entertained this week at the home of Mrs. C. M. MacDonald, 1239 Blmwood avenue. The North Bnd circle of the Con- gregational church met last week with Mrs. It. W. Jordan, at her home, 1317 Blmwood avenue. Miss Margaret McMtllen was hostess to the "Twiggs" yesterday afternoon, »t her home. 1010 Linden avenue. II..- rtftl.nU, \ft< moon Oiirifto <;|Ub „ ill h.i ontertanied tomonow at the home of Miss Margaret SchetdenUtdm. 804 Forest avenue. w.e Tuesday Lu.icuean an i Vive Hun drea club this week at bet- home 1014 Linden avenue. Mi., MllvB JVl I'UU.ij ...... .. k. W-rt„ i jesdh/ to ner small luu« n aa and bridge clab. at tier ho no, iZSS ifllm- wood u venue 11. 'i- be invited. It Is wiiir t.-fitrt tkiat th*3 ..i,tni.^irt of the Oullmette Intnct.ig < lub close their season of informal danclnii par- ties which have been held bi-monthly at the Wilmette Woman's club. The final party of the year was given last Saturday evening, when a number of guests were In attendance, "We had the time of oar Hie ' t» a common expression among the >oai.g people who attended the vox social at the Methodist church last Friday evening. The luncheon was neatly packed la boxes by the young ladies in sttendance. These boxes were pur- chased by the young men for two shillings. The affair was voted sn en tire success. i /Id f,«. -ir next i\an. teon *. of Mrs CharW* B. l,ord 6 avenue the . nae 6 Central eon uiid Bridge i lui a Tui Ouy Luadi !,.jstfjss Us, i week lad. Mr. and Mrs. Roman J. Bngels. 1624 Spencer avenue, announce the birth of a daughter on Wednesday evonlng, April 28. The Sphinx fraternity of New Trier high school will give a dancing party this evening at the Oullmette Coun- try club. Little Miss Betty Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon S. Smith. G18 [Tenth street, Is recovering from scar- let fever. Master Bryson Field, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Field. 1203 Blmwood avenue, has recovered from an attack of chicken pox. Mr. and Mrs. Royal A. Buckman, Ninth street near Oakwood avenue, leturned Friday evening from aa ex- tended visit Itt Paris, 111. Next Tuesday, Mrs. Parsons will en- tertain her Luncheon and Bridge club at her home, 710 Central avenue. Cov- ers will be laid for twelve. Miss Pansy Law. arrived Sunday from her homo In Springfield, Mo., to be the guest of her aunt, Miss Anna Law, 1187 Forest avenue. The Alpha Phi sorority of North- western university gave an informal dancing party last Friday evening at the Oullmette Country club. Tomorrow evening the Zeia Phi Eta sorority of Cumnock School of ora tory will hold their annual May party at the Winnetka Woman's club. Messrs Frank liaker, 50? Lake n.,- uae, and Percy Andrews, 411 iA\ki- avenue. Lave ivturned fr*...n a fori night's stay »t French Lick Springs Ind. Lluta Mia. t ../.-once blade . oluino-l *>unday to lit. home in the cay. after spending her spring vacation wltn her aunt, Mrs. Charles B. Sl«*de. 11 Broadway avenue. Miss H«len Payne ««(..,-u<mI ».. uer luitno in La tWte, ind.. morning afte. a week's visit with Miss Velma Vqltz. at her home. 883 Kim street, Winm.ku. Mr. and Mis Oeoigo si Kedn«td, uad daughter. Miss Don.ih> Redfleld. who have spending ^he past month at tne home >n Wash- ington avenue, having returned from their wlnte#home> In Chicago, at that into their own home at avenue, Saturday. Bora to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Vsr- aey, a daughter. May 2. Mrs. Norman 8. Hope aatertateed at dinner for nine on Monday evening. Mrs. Sam A. Stein gave a luncheon, Wednesday. Covers wore Mid for The Friendship Circle will gtvo a dance at Community House-«n Mon- day evening. Miss June Smith has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Douglas Smith, for the past weak. A shirt-waist dance wilt be held In the gymnasium of Community 1 touac, Saturdsy evening. Mrs. Lambert A. Hopkins was a luncheon hostess Monday, preliminary to her depature for Michigan to spend the summer months. Tuesday. Mrs. Douglas Smith gave a luncheon to the members of the treasurer's committee of the Woman's soelety of the Congregational church. The annual luncheon and meeting of the Woman's club was held Thursday ed for the coming year. There was no musical program. Two of the flower maids at the pretty wedding In Bvanston of Miss Winifred Kimball Wlnne to Richard O Conkling were Mlas Emily and Miss Isabel Scott of Hubbard Woods. The last rehearsal of the Winnetka chorus will he held at Community House. Tuesday. A reception Is to be given shortly at the home of Mr. Frank H. Fuller, Hawthorne Lane. Two muslcales were given by Mr. and Mrs. John May on Monday and Wednesday evenings. Mrs. May, who was assisted by Mr. Arthur sang, Kraft Miss Eleanor the accompaniments. Scbelb played vmseasnip. Loyalty no longer consists In moo* Ing the ordinary responsibilities In citizenship, ar even In manlfestlm willingness to surrender life in n time of peril. Citizenship has, like all life itself, become exceedingly complex; end the man can be the right kind of citizen only as he realizes that every thought and every act of bis life must bear a conscious relation to society and to the well-being of the people. The Way of Life. Life no doubt is paved with enjoy- ments, but we must all expect times of anxiety, of suffering and of sorrow; and when these come It is an Inesti- mable comfort to have some deep in* terest which will, at any rate to some extent, enable us to escape from our- selves.—Sir John Lubbock. Securing Happiness. There Is no such thing as finding true hspplness by searching for it directly. It must come, if It come at all. Indirectly, or by the service, the love, and the happiness we give to others.—R W. Trlno. Carrying It Tee Par a.. fe»Teeable ulspositlon lb « «i«« but .gome people are so j& y to get alangjfwlth that it's no tut. to get along wjlh them, Ellas Bredin. tenor; and Burton | - Thatcher and Arthur Banana, bari- j On Friday «*«»lng. May 21. a Joint tone. There will be no admission recital will be given at die Wilmette fee, and aa especial invitation is of- S Woman's club, by Mrs. Marion Mid- Xered to the general public. \ dleton Colley, coloratura soprano, and — ; Mr. Antonio Sala. a 'cellist of the court H The.Ladles' Aid society of the Meth-: of Spain. Assisting these two artists adfst church served a "Savoy" lunch- or note will be Edna Lucille Baum, -308- -yesterday- te the church garters jus interpreiativiK dancer nf tirrti* ami to aa exceedingly Isrge number of > her accompanist, Mrs. Ella Cetly Clark. A rare opportunity Is being | Offered the residents of the north scheduled to j shore towns, la being able to hear at the ■ audi an excellent troupe of artists all one time, aad it is hoped that a •meat, and the Met- j large number of people will become mppHiasj mgrlirt waa sacared ia its i interested. Mr. W. JoUer of the Clark Ilia mwuumI ...oellua ..i tn /\u« .tae's ,/aiish v ill be heiJ l.ita . venlng In th« parlsn house Ycany reports will b» read «nd tho annual election of o<fic«rs will take place. It is de- sired that as many aa possible of the members of the parish will atienJ. Th«- YuauM iMUlctt Au»lll«r> t>f (h.■ wilmette Wv/tnan's .;ltib held ti..-ir annual meeting on Monday aft .-moon of last week at the club house. The following officers were elected: Miss Margaret Hall, president; Miss Clara Noerse. vice-president; Miss Alice | WatsoBv aecretary; Mlsa Dorovny Al- ien, treasurer; Miss Katuerine King, chairman of the philanthropy depart- ment; Miss Louise Smith, chairman of the Program committee, and Miss ^Florence Ayar*. chairman \>i the doclal committee. Following the business session, a dainty repast was served by Mrs. Lena Hess at long tables decora- ted to represent the four seasons of the year. Appropriate toasts were of- fered from each of these tables by Miss Louise Smith. Mrs. Donald M. (Jallie. Miss Clara Nourse and Mrs. Henry B. Gates, retiring president of the Woman's club. The Home Missionary soctety of t'ae Wilmette Methodist church met Tues- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. B. H. Robinson. 630 Central avenue. i ADDITIONAL PROFITS Do your efforts produce a profit? If they do you can keep ".3 and also make it earn for you. Savingsjfeflfcf ited wi chan5^5ttfte| Bank a earng^liMflends. In aOTtjojtvour piiaili Hill In buildin up ajrfjjft and standing for you that wi be oWnestimable value. ,, WILMETTE EXCHANGE ' gjr ' ———— THEATRITi aawaw^wawawsssawsfwaassssss JJJ I I MOMS J THEATRE, BEAUTIFUL Til Hmm of IN Pipt OrgM H HMmf it -iwSrSto irVORLD DAY *««« "»^ "W isiay, MAT.msEVE.-Pil ADEUIDETHUKSTONA THOMAS. METI Thursday, VARIE1 MBPE "STR0NGHEART" ROBERT BDWON'g Oraat gailiis Alto CHAS. CHAPUN "Kg&OT CMTku \h JACKIE SAUNDERS in iSVJl "lU-Starred Bobbie" CELEBRATED PLAYERS RETA JOLIVET snd HOUSE PETERS in ft.., i.„ y.,, dm RETA JOLIVET snd HOUSE PETERS in Saturday,may 15 «the unafraid" MAT. and EVE.-PARAM01NT DAT Also "SOUTH AMERICAN TRAVELS" ——>————— —i——————— Follow the Crowds—Get the Habit Admission 15c - Children 10c Tbe Oaforg company tP9**r last Satarday evening —Tnsra will ao no Innchoon st the Congregational church on Friday. May 14. but Hie regular monthly meet at a rcry lata aate. of fh« However. | studio Is the director of the affair. Mrs. Colley iipMBSBlS a beautiful aat Jowared at all aad a pleasing gad' soprano voice excelling in the dlrec election of lag of too Ladies' AM society will be held In the church parlors in the after- noon at half past two o'clock. Aa in- teresting prograai wilt be provided and the ladles will serve ice-cream sad cake. It Is hoped that as many as possible will keep this ia salad, for Mils is the final meeting preceding tag —- IS THE TIME PANAMA HATS STRAW AND AM0 REBLOCKED 7e/. Wihnette 1934 Chicago Telephone Company H. B. Gates, District Ts