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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Nov 1915, p. 3

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->;., i â-  aVBSSl T Socml \* in Wilmette K*oeWi|snette 1"'~ in i ii i i meetings, with • luncheon served at hoon by Mrs. Moore and her assist- ant*. ;Thi,North Shore Alumnae associa- tion of Kappa Kappa Gamma soror- jf\. inwrn to aorta j perhaps n«t« h~! to Vanity ftur. »i ?* â„¢ f1* *osth»- aset'sg atrth* home of Mr*, c. B. Conover, 744 Hln- man avenue, Evanston, on Wednesday. â-  Mra. D. E. Allen. Mr*. Richard H. Jordan and Mrs. George C. Murdoch were hostessse at ft large bridge party yeaterdfty afternoon at the Oullmette Country club.___ ^lore reaideott *aa tbaraf Miss Roth least • competitor. Mr*. Selden F. £Ur Alien, daughter of Mr. and -.VTilto is the editor, with Mrs. B. A. um. William Day Alien, liW Min. Dawson and Mrs. Harry B. Wheelock â- Hi 2n avehoer io Hftftjr-Miner Vawter Tfienton Harbor, Wilch., which took Ice SatUrdftV Ceding at 8:30 o'clock 57 the First Congregational church. Following the ceremony, which was read by tk*'WtU^:MiMtfmmi-9i-i^ feptlon was held ftt the Country club. The bridal- gOjrn Was of white satin, the abort lilt skirt being scalloped ftt the hert, with *n overdrane of Spanish ..tace used on ihe bridal dreaa of the. 'bride's mother. The bodice was also trimmed with the same lace and with pearls. The Iretl was of tulle, waa geld with a band of pearls and fas- tened with orange blossoms, while the court train of chiffon embroidered in pearls fell from the shoulders. Her bouauet was of bride a roses and lilies of the valley..,!',.;,:.... ;A;,. '«'•'•.;. Miss Ruth Sanders, as maid of hon. or, wore a short dress of pink tulle, bridesmaids. Miss Kathryn Clark of Chicago, 'and' tpi Misses Jessie and Helen Vawter, *W»t*f* of the groom, were in «^^ftt»|onfed after the oame modal as the maid of honor, but ln rainbow shades. Miss Clark was in yellow. Miss Jessie Vawter in green and Mist Helen Vowter In blue. They carried arm bouauett efroeee.- jr-T Mr. Louis W. Mack- Of Chicago ,erved 9*.jmf$.\*^~iWfo':?lbto were: Andrew Martin of Cleveland. Ohio. Gordon Hall of Chicago, Rob* ret lielknap of Denton Harbor, and Clarsnce Barker ano): ^y|'Moaer of this city, 'i'.,.;.^^,^ ;"• , , • The chancel of the church wail decorated with tali white vases filled with white chrysanthemums, ,and banked with palms. Large cartde- libra wlth^llghted: candles were also need, forming an attractive back- ground. .'.'.. r Mr. and Mrs. Vawter will be at home after Jan. 1 at 1626 Hlnman avenue. Following U the program for the coming month at the Oullmette Coun- try club:, " f ••; â- â- "•/. . "'â- â-  •; 4 ... Saturday, November 6â€"Bridge, 8:30 p. m. • ... .1 , . Monday, November 8â€"Annual stag party. 8 p.** Note the hour.Jhak a friend or two. Get acquainted with the new msintsrs. Flay billiards, bridge, pool or bowl a frame or twd. Thenâ€"a short program of the highest grade, headed by a famous New York cabaret girl. Light refreshments and smoked. •'.â-  •::'â-  :Xâ- â€¢{,:. ' - '.'•",;'£ v, &',v. Saturday, November 13-Harveat dinner, 7 p. m. Dattclng. afterwards. This dinner will be an especially op- portune time for new members io meet one another and become acquainted. Watch for special announcement. Monday, November lfc-BHide, f.10 p. m! Flayers wltl select tnalrVbhhr ners and continue playing with the flame partners throughout the after- noon. Members may bring resident guests' .upon payment of fee as provid- ed by houBe m$%K *&' â- V'--" Saturday, November 20â€"Military euchre, turkey prizes, 8:30 p. m. Friday, .HajftnSv'. 26-Junlor infor- mal dance, 8:30 p. m. Harry B. Wheelock associate editors, and John M. Glenn and George M. Ludlow, associate di- rectors. Though the cover design haa not boon aeen by the reviewer. It Is the work of Mm. Frank c. Dakin. #neu«h tn it*»if t»iew*tthe-buyerrr Miss Edith Ccrctia sad chorus choir will give the following program Sun- day ftt the MethodUt church: i tortaa.m, St,Cecelia ...........'.Vr'.... Batiste Chorus, Praise the Lord. ..Handegger Offertory, Spring Song. .Mendelssohn Solo, The Trumpet Shall Sound (Messiah) ! * wa Mr. Edwards Quartette. No Shadows, Vender. .Gaul Toccata Nocturne 5 p. m. All Thru the Night. Jtranaio...............J1Wi When Thru the Night..Liszt Road .D'Every . .Chopin ...Porter ..Jlttl mtmmmmmmi IftranaVri especiallyinvited." Saturday, November 27-ThanksgtT- Amon" those wh? aw"|ftr IttSSi\W*r% LntorfcrnVal Program was Miss Clau party. Refreshments 25 cents per plate. â- \:\^ 4fpW -'-' : ' \~! New members admitted to the club' »lnce October 1: Royal A. Buckman. 210 Ninth street; John W. CuUen, 1231 Ashland avenue; George W. Day, 907 Eimwfaod avenue; Fred P. Fok, 614 Aeh street, Wlnnetka; Frank l Oelrlcb, 1107 Elmwood avenue; Robert W. Tdnsill, 836 Greenwood avenue; rharles W. Triggs, 1112 Asbury ave- nue, Evanaton; E. A. Zimmerman, 933 Linden avinujB. ' The Epworth League are maltirig caborate planB for a Hallowe'en party to be; held this evening in the church parlors. Following is a reprint Of the invitation airat out to the league mem- ber.s: "^. Tâ- :â- /*""-r """'â- ]_ "With a, small white package under your arm, encasing a sheety shroud, >ip quietly 'neath the dark, dark Kit tun ghosts suspect and your pack- â- ro our place and a Hallowe'en crowd. ... the southwest corner of Forest and Tenth you'll meet a man u ith a sporty, tail, black lid. , • •«1l speak to you In a low. low tone. Make never a sound and never a moan, But obey, or youTl wish younWdr'; v »en you reach the door of bur hum- ble place. »nst three times loudly knockâ€"_ >ne knock to ennounce it's a longed- for-guestr â- "--.-- w..a nnock for the hostess, one knock Hallowe'en lock. The'. Book dt Cranford Village/ mpilod In the interest of Christd- »her House, came off the press 00 Tuesduy and should bo of particular -merest to north shore residehU. The magazine ef forty^.iht pages tt com- posed entirely of contributions from u»e pens of E\anston talent, names to be conjured with m ikerary JSm^ * few of them being Mrs. Harrison B. Rlifcy.vHri.. Edgefto &** fr^derlck W. Harnwell. B. Wheelock. Mrs. Helen Klwrr, David The editorial staff is one to Insure the success of the magazineâ€"though Mra. ; A very delightful evening was given last Saturday by the Mesdames Ralph »%!f*vr !n* C* ft ^tadten at the latUr>a home, 1624 Elm wood avenue. Tkft first of the evening waa given oyer to music, rendered by Mrs, Bird. vocalist; Mr. Arthur Render of Roser* Park, violinist, and Mr*. Booaer, p£ acist. Cards were played during the -mginder of the evening. There were fee tables, -.t'-f. J7? :'* Following f« the program for the next meetings of the Music Study class of the Woman's club, to be held nest Wednesday morning at the club hOfiie. Mra. J. J. siddall Is in charge of the meeting. (The subject is, "Music of ;war and pftea." moo soios wiu be given by Mesdames C. W. Wrigley and A. B. Wilson and Mine Mary mm, and vocal selections by the Mesdames Florence Butler Bnite, Ti G. WInnet, C. J. Carlson and R. J. Burrows. . Saturday, November 27, is the date set for the wedding of Miss Mary H. Embree, daughter of Mrs. J. R. Em- bree, to B. Frank Lewis, Jr., 608 Cen- tral, avenue. The wedding win take place in the evening at the residence Of the bride's mother, 1834 Chicago a v. enue, Evanston, and the bride's sister. Miss Rachel Embree, aa maid of honor, will be her only attendim. Mr. Baker Of Wilmette will serve as best man. . The meeting of the Wilmette Worn- en's club, held Wednesday afternoon, was in charge of the Music Study class, with Mrs. Frank Tichenor as hostess of the afternoon.: Mr. Henry Purmort Barnes, director of the piano- forte departmeb t of the Cosmopolitan School of Music, was the speaker of the afternccn, his subject being, "Pro gram and Descriptive Music." The Evening club of St. Augustine Episcopal church gave a musical pro* gram last evening in the parish house. followed by an informal dancing party. ed on the .Mr. and Mrs. Cbarlea R. flmfth, HI Broadway, have announced the engage- ment of their daughter. Louise Eliza- beth, to Mr. Cecil Dobson of Great Falls, Mont The regular monthly luncheon of the Alpha Phi sorority waa held at IS o'clock Saturday in the southeast tea room at Field's. Elaborate plans are under way for the annual stag party to be held Mon- day evening at the Oullmette Country club. Bridge will be played tomorrow evening.; Miss Gertrude Wheeler was another of the many hostesses on Saturday evening at a Hallowe'en party at her Pasadena, Cal., who home on Wood court. Mrs. M. H. McMillen, 1010 Linden avenue, entertained the Neighborhood Circle Tuesday for an all-day meeting. The first division of the Methodist chUreh will hold ah all-day meeting Monday in the church parlors. Pergonal Mention of Wilmette Folk laudla Coxe, vocalist; Miss Erna Smith, piano, and Miss Irene PaullaOb, reader. . The bazaar, which was to have been given by the. Woman's auxiliary of St. Augustine's Episcopal church on Thursday, November 18, has been chanted to the day preceding, or Wed- nesday. November If. The affair wi|! be held In the pariah house, with a tur- key dinner served at forelock. An exceedingly, largo .crowd at- tended the afternoon meeting at the Logan school Monday afternoon, when Mrs. Gertrude Thurston, probation of- ficer, spoke on her subject of "Some Problems In the Discipline of Chil- dren." Special music wee rendered by Mrs. Howard Shaw, soloist, and Miss Martha Lusted, pianist. The Ladies' Aid society of the Methodist Church Will hold their reg- ular monthly luncheon on Thursday at twelve o'clock. The first division will serve. A special 'table wlH be reserved for the business mea of the village. ;-._.,. Last evening the regular monthly meeting of tte-&tvttft'- and Teachers' detlon of the Logan school was In the new auditorium of the Central avenue school. Mr. James Abbott, traveler and lecturer of Chi- cago, gave «« Illustrated lecture on Thursday evening, November 18, Mffle Ooedecke, assisted by her pa- oils and MIbs Agnes Kueshler, will give a recital at her studio In the Fine Arts building. A number of wilmette and Kenllworth young people will ap- pear on the program. • - On next Thursday evening the Bap* tlst church will hold their onnual Harvest Home dinner fn the Women's club building. The dinner will be served by the members of the Wont' eft's association. - «: „ A meeting of the Woman's. Home and Foreign Missionary society la called for this afternoon at the home Of Mrs. H. L. Bel^pi ^shtand *ve-j nue. The program Is 10 be In charge a^iJlra> FlerenOe:Daiuawu. - , Wtttmr Nesblt. inV Mr. j There will be a guB* meetlag to- wnmjr wesmi. 1 o-clooh at SrT Anguetlnes ih house. On next Friday there be another of the s'May auxiliary Dr. Macauley and Miss Margaret Macauley, who spent the summer camping near the lake, left Saturday to Join Mra. Macauley and Mlsa Doro. thy Macauley in Chicago for the win- ter.' "â-  Miss Victorese Arnold returned last Friday to her home in Madison, wis., after spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Barton Buckman, 720 Laurel avenue. Miss Josle McAdams of Toronto, Can,, Ik visiting Mrs. Humphrey Bonme, 218 Ninth street. Miss Mac- Adams la returning from an extended trip to the Pacific coast. Mr. Sherman 8yhee returned from Madison, Wis., to spend the week-end at his home, 825 Lake avenue. Mrs. Harry D. Davisson, 812 Prairie avenue, entertalrted twenty-five Bap- tist women of the west aide last Fri- day. Mrs. Robert B. Hill, who has been visiting friends in Evanston and Wil- mette. returned to Pasadena, Cal., on Wednesday of last week.. ' -' Mr. M. W. Bowen of 880 Lake ave- nue returned Monday evening from M and Mrs. George Keehn have Illinois univarslty, where he attended .^ ^0 hw.4 oflrl and Itrh the annual "Hoine-Coming. Miss Lynne Smith returned from Marengo, HI., where ahe is teaching school, to spend the weekend ether honie, 1825 .Greenwood avenue. lai â-  â-  â€"a^â€"â€"Bftji *â- ' ssj A. Glencoe Mrs. John Taylor entertained wljth a tea Wednesday. Mra. Robert Hall returned home Monday from Peoria, 111. The Basket dob will meet this after- noon with Mrs. A. D. Watson. The Knitting club will meet Friday. Nov. 12, with Mrs. Mary Becker. » Madame Preston Is a guest at the home of her son. Mr. Frank Preston. Miss Fisher of Edge water was the guest this week of Mrs. A. D. Watson. Mr. Alfred oppenhelmer and family have returned to Chicago for the win- ter.....:4„^__ .., Mrs. Lawrence Howard, of White Water. Wis., is the guest of Mrs. C. H. Howard. Mrs. Paul Drown and daughter of Indianapolis are the guests of Mrs. E. D. Brlgham. The guild. of the St. Elisabeth church held en all-day meeting with luncheon Tuesday. Mrs. Arthur Bradley of Rogers Park was hostess Thursday at a tea for her Olencoe friends Drama class met Wednesday prolog,With Mrs.' William Baehr, 260 St. Pates street. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Moffer were the guests last week of Mr. and â-  Mrs. Charles Alison. The Neighborhood club will hold its second dance of the seeaon Batnrdsy evening at the school gymnasium. Mr., and Mra. HeatOn Owsley closed their Glencoe home last week and re- turned to Chicago for the winter. The Glencoe Chapter of the Daugh- era of the Empire will meet Mosd-y afternoon. Nov. 2, with Mrs. Charles Alison. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alison were at • tea Sunday evenmg in hon- or of their guests. M«- and Mrs. Dan Moffer.' Mr. Henry Wlenecke and Mrs. Aus- tin Armstrong were called to Palatine. Ml., Friday by the death of their brother. Mr. Edward L. Glaser and family have closed their borne in Glencoe aid taken rooms at the Blackstone for the winter. Mrs. State? of Walton place, Chi- cago. will entertain the ladles of the Washington circle at a luncheon Wednesday. Nov. 10. Messrs. George and Bert Combs Portland, ore., wno nave w»n aw guests of their stater. Mrs. Beg Beck- er, have returned home. l>Mn "«**•* Pardee conducted the early service1 and gave the sermon at the eleven o'clock service at the St. Kllsabeth church last Sunday. The concert given Thursday eve-' S^JLW.WIlllfer «h* heaefit of iue twner ana Aia rand wee a great attcces* T%a jlbl receipts isso. Mrs. Aieivine E. 8to«P and daugh. ,er, Miss RHaabeth. who have spent the summer at their home o„ Sheridan road, left Friday of last week for New At the^ntant Welfare bridge St Mrs. Harnett's Monday afternoon, Mra. Hvarts Taylor. Mlsa Mary Hall and Mlsa Bessie Budd were the prise win* ners. The Women's leasee of the Union church served a luncheon to 120 per sons Tuesday. During the afternoon session Mrs. Lawrence Howard spoke of the "Scheffieur Memorial and the Work Among the immigrant Popula- tion." The new quartet win sing at the Glencoe Union church Sunday morn- ing the following: Postludeâ€"Fantasia, by Mozart; Anthemâ€"With Joy We Hall the Sacred Day, by Mueller: Offertory Larghetto, Mozart; Anthem â€"O, Light, O Love, O Spirit, Pin* autl; Postludeâ€"12th Mess. Gloria, Mosart. Mr. and Mrs. Loony Richardson of were visiting Glencoe relatives, left last â€"(?)â€" on their hatts Journey. The Richard- sons and five other friends motored from Pasadena, Cal.. In a seven-pas- sanger Pierce-Arrow. They were three weeks On the wey, and during the trip had one blow-out. Aa the little boy would say, "Some oar, that." The marriage of Miss Haset Dean Goes, daughter of Mr. end Mrs. Sam- uel George Goes, to Harold Blloti Hlrsch, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Hiredi of Maltlend, Flu., took place Saturday evening at the Glencoe Union church, Reverend Douglas Cornell officiating. { Miss Gobs was attended by Mrs. Jesael Whyte of Kenoshft as matron Of honor. The, Misses.yerna Hlrsch. Darcy Orde, Rachel Embree and Helen Johnson were bridesmaids. William Schnur waa beet man; Ro- land Hurford, Ben Schnur, Lawrence Whiting and Sam Gobs were ushers. The bride was gowned lb a white satin and duchess laee with a long, long train. The veil waa caught with orange blossoms, and she carried a bouquet of white orchids and Illy of the valley. The matron of honor wore a gown of satin and carried red roses. The bridesmaids wore white silk tulle, caught with pink rose buds, rhlnestone girdles and short veils* end carried pink roses tied with pink rib- bon. After the ceremony a reception waa held at the home of the bride. Longwood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Hlrsch are spending their honeymoon at White Sulphur Springs. Charles Armstrong on Essex road for the winter. 1 The Kenllworth club gave a military euchre party at the Kenllworth Assem- bly ball on Tuesday evening. The Neighbors of Kenllworth will give a charity ban November 12. The proceeds of this ball wilt be used for philanthropic work. ' 1 The fourth of a series of lectures by Dr. Arthur Guy Teiryonfbrthweav ern university will ha given this eve- ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schulze. The subject for this lecture Is "The Ring Around Germany Last Thursday afternoon Mra. Paul schulse took the Kenllworth ladles through one of their moot modern and boautlfttl bread factories.â€"They left Kenllworth at 1:18 In a special ear and went to the South Side, where they were shown through the factory. The trustees of the Kenllworth Union church entertained the old and the BOW members at a dinner a week ago Tuesday evening. The dinner was served in the Kenllworth gymnasium, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Arm- strong, who are to leave soon for California, were the guests of honor. Dinner was served to 188 people. The decorations were In charge of Mrs. F. M. Cole, and the committees In charge of the dinner arrangements Were MM. H. H. Everett, chairman; Mrs. Grant Ridgeway. Mrs. James H. Prentiss. Mrs. H. A. Foresman, Mrs. Charles M. Armstrong. Mrs. Frank M. Chaffee. Mrs, F, C. Uttta aid^ Mrs. Jt. #. Preeanv aaaaassa" ni1 "isaasssa ml ,1 ria new « The C A. Tibbais family, formerly ef Chicago, are now In their home at fill Hawthorne lane. A bowling club of the young mar- ried people are meeting on Tuesday evenings at the Woman's club. Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Post of Maple street, who have spent the past two months at Oneldo. 111., are to return to thehr home this week. are to close their Wlnnetka home next month and are to go into town for the winter. â- Â«. Icebergs. If the wind Is in ths right direction a sort of cold smell gives sailors warn, tag of the proximity of an Icebexa. •spsess^i- New Trier loses to La Grange Men t»V% [Continued from Page 1.) tartans, automatically, but have eauh- Iished a scholarship basis for receiv- ing ethers. No jrtttdent whose ysarlv English grade if below 80 Is eligible. The president Is Clara Snydacker; the vice-president is Helen Osgood; the treasurer. Elisabeth Balrd. Ths Victorians have,a full ship, some of the new members, re- ceived only after try-outs, are Mar- garet. Shlppen. Meg and Prances Gor- don, Marie Braun, Mildred s Bowers. Mildred Light, Mildred dale, Ida Cfthfield, Florence Cook. Twenty- three lire now ott. the list. Several have not yet had ah opportunity to try-out. The new officers are as fol- lows: President. Gertrude Shlppen; vice-president, Mildred Light; secre- tary, Theodosla Paynter; treasurer, Joy Jackson. " The Senate has among Its new mem- bers some of the decidedly efficient and dependable members of the school, and promises to make the Seuoblans look to their laurels in the annual debate hitherto won by the girls. John King is president. Tho House of Representatives, under ths leadership of Wliilain Preeman, is presenting some interest- ing programs. Last week there wee a debate on the subject of Introducing military training in the high schools of the United States. The next pro- gram will be a mock trial,, with a cur- tain-raiser tn the form of a burial of Julius Caesar, or rather hie well- thumbed Commentaries, given by the new freshmen members. MRS. DURAND IS EVEN WITH STOCK OFFICIALS Names Calves After 'em, Calling One "Dyson/' the Other "Shanley." . > Lake Bluff, so recently swept by anger, disappointment and other sen- tlments because or losses In blooded herds by the foot and mouth disease, was yesterday Bwept by -a- gale of laughter. ^ .Mrs. Scott Duread of Crabtree Farm, who for months has protected her valuable herd of Ouernseys irom slaughter by the live stock coiiiuug- Klon, started it. She got even with the commission In a manner that no- body except a woman would have thought of. j Two calves of opposite sexes ware yesterday added to Mrs. Durand's herd, and here are the names she be- stowed on them: •Shanley, Governor of Crabtree," in honor of B. J, Shanley, preaident of the state board of live stock commis- sioners. "Dyson, Girl of Crabtree," after Dr. O. E. Dyson, state veterinarian. Three further additions to the herd are expected ia a day or two, and they will be named In honor of At- torney General Lucey, Dr. Brown and Dr. Pattksonjâ€"the^exact former the November--December--Chriftmat _ â€". Will it be a wasteful strain or a helpful inspiration? Useless txWe/lhat Utter or real value that helps?/ft/ Gold is pretty, but iWo^not grow; it must bcHvrfrt \ with bafrore it will work. >s1t in this bartkjjiaw interest unt/Fffshed. Thetfworkistftheir ley make owner; the^grow in vah^ Christmas gifts worth whileT â€" FOR REN'1'CARR,NGT0N NEW building, eB ^SSaV' ana w dSh ^ksHSsTJdS) ^ asm vjlAfirAA. Ills Glencoe, 111. Stores with baarments. Steam heat, 65 feet deep. Suitable for any business. Also six room apartments, all modern conveniences. Enquire MURRAY & TERRY, »»J£*Z5*- We fJlMit everything R.^MADLgY1*! NorthSho Lawns cared PRIVATE W, EVANS Y. M. C. tjowcleanars RVICE y^ cleaMsUnealrud. JfnrMSBsd 10* PAtftsS AMD BAILS WINNETKA »Prasii»s* sanrtavat â- 191$ m* â-  WINNE rSinsiU' WE SELL GOOD, AUTOMOBILES names depending somewhat on the sex of the new arrivals. "If those names don't hill them, the foot and mouth disease will never hurt them," remarked Mrs. Durand. HAS EARNED A RE8T. Prcfeaser Robert L. Cntnnock sril Mrs. Cumnock will leave soon to spend the winter In southern Csllfornla. He aaya that he never enjoyed teaching more than that he has done recently, but that lie has earned n rest and ia going to take It He has been at the head of the Cumnock School of Oratory of Northwestern university for more than forty years, â€"â€"«â€"'â- â- â-  f»' upon which al/telephon^accou HARRY LYNN Staph) ft fwicjf OwcBripj frnlts and V$AtAm4**m Kealtwsrtb, HT Phones 1041-1042 \mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmInmmJMETTESHGB REPAIR »HOP run-*lass work dflsS/ftjr expafMnoso snocaBskcf 1 Out J/oooâ€"Goo* wen,.a|od ag%cst ressoosblt pricw yss is •â- ssjb trial Sjaiser Wilmette lff» #â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â-  expected to btycleaned up. Bills should \fb paid prior to the fifteenth; otherwiseâ€"confusion and inconvenience may ensike. When thousands of small accounts are kept, a definite date must by fixed when their payment may be counted on. Please keep the telephone date in mind, theâ€" r" â-  â-  * ' - â- â- 'â- 'â-  Fifteenth Day of the Current Month Telephone Company Gates, District Manager xiManane .-nana) ' â- â€¢ 'â- :â- 'â- '

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