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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Apr 1916, p. 2

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RIB AY, APRIL 1*; 1916. fei==r j£^5^77^7,.i Books about Birds The nipidi-tv AV-ith wtti^tpA^merjetHV-Avi-kt-birffe arc ' disappeaxmg is antple nva.soih {(/r their protection; but there, is a more appealini4^_JCVi^L^pat=^liey_:aiLd_ immeasufabh-_t.o the joy ot life./ wl Kiiooufage the'boys and s^irhTto Team more aWout-- our native hirds^and .-tit-p.rutec-t-theiiV■=■"" How to Attrac By Neltje Blanchan Handbook of Birds of U. S. By Bailey.... 7=Wfld-Bird-Gtiests y fricn'U-wfcA-meviean \YnhH>irds will~l)em- teVested in' the -■following list of hooks on birds.! :rthe Birds. Bird Studies for Home and Herman--C. T)e ^_^£L Western .$3.r>o^ = : By Ernsfc-ttare-fc^aynes-r. $2:00 Bird Life. -- ^By Frank AI. CTiapnian...$2.00 "--handbook"Of Birds cf Eastern- North America. By Frank M. ChlTpTriah77r$3.5fl Handbook of Birds. By Frank At '.;',■ " ,;■ ■Chapman.-"■--■' Bockatl--- feditioiu • Leather ... :,.•..........-. ..$4.00. Methods of Attracting Birds. - .=44.'By Gilbert H. trafton. .7. $1.25 iA^rMc Bird Studies School.___By Groat ..'.'■ Hew to Study Birds." .,,$2.00 n$i.co .UM By Herbert K, J o b^ , "Sport cf "Bird Study. TS"! .■-jJiy.. Herbert K. Job.. i..' .Eiel.d_:BaatMJWJl{LBir.ds..;____:__ By F. Scliuyler Mathews,$2.00 l¥rid Birar^GuicTeT TFVy7"ClieslW7\7 Heed. (Moth,:........,. .$0.7^ -J-. Tlu^ame.- Leather :..:. .,$1,00- American Birds, Studied and Photographed from Life, By "William. L.. i'inley:.-, v.. .$1.5f) 218-224 WABASH AVENUE 7£ BETWEEN ADAMS ANP JACKSON CHARITY PLAY GETS is BIGGEST OF CROWlK (Continued from Page 1.) house- party~*;to four $iri-5u©nds, she :was arzdiaiiiict star. Her's was the highly emotional role perfectly^ por- trayed, while supporting her .appearecLlwas any ju :.'secaH^l--a:i 1- a Part Miss AfarjorieNoyes, Alms'sFlorence Ayers, Miss Margaret Henneckar, and- loaded; but 8t 41, at t hat highly dra- matic momenl it was impossible--to tell. ,\y3iaVJ0jy^'^r-5lfr» P«uCI|? '^W^-r'-i' ■-■■'■- Real P^am'atic TaWot. • Each uto.uib.^s at ttys^.cast knew her part faultily. What if in the excitement of Webii;-3lar;s discovery a lino was^ dy^4d^d~-tliG::prompter' came to the jjcafiiZ heroically?. No break (if there of the KBOULEVARD PLAN^ ^ IL^^Al, LAWYER ^ (Continued from"Hge*$^^M s one noticed it, in'.'tin little Miss Kuttr Risley. ; The comedy enacted, built "tefts'tic Wcakuessc^FSrC^tb sex,was all the .more appreciated by tkaJaJidienec for "ihTsT fact". But the .company threw so much "pep" and ?eal dramatic art Jiuto their "lines^ that the audience-- was -.Kept gripping- their chairs with dread expectation -wh< n atra: Paver's ,sci C'lims in ojiiainied frightened sus ?'. The prograi i intended, "lien with, the farce | "poai.ance 0f "ch T^-andr Bis Barr*"-OT on the charac-. tranip- musici*^ tteB=nteTe-.tiBiM ci,arfev KicliaftTt^T pie and Lyman ' • a series of l^anit'tHi'-and -banjo' P.upi- --ThesR-WTTR-fai'.mvert By "The Follies hyl^'ftonald Sam- Who pTeseTTtsu" oT'76;" in whieU appeared .Aiiss. Alice Watson, Miss Florence Ayres, Miss Louise Llrryd, jMi^s I'lr^hethTHa^teitnsr -GftiUtyhiT, t -Mi^r Bernice Dillon, Miss"NeTr*" ,{-<i-f *"*»»* nnrf- Mins the nppf-araiice iii;thoihoiust)iiold pi" the': v™. ■ v huraflarj vdio had terrilioct the ne;gh certain, v. ' - ': »•■'• ~ r7"Tr .■ ':' ___ ■■^.._^,-,, ■■ ••■-, ■ •■■ ■■r~£==~z^-tr "TiTI ss 'Frances Tfemye rr*r--^r-:.~€ieverly#Stagecl. ±~^£l±t l<.:vu-frmui and Miss =A-Hccr Wlreelorkr Farre-tituV tragedy ^or^-so eluy^r-ly- trvo~'trvi rd \"nun .U. . , , , daiiccy "Thjs?'MO, iiLtcrminglaa'that. whcji Miss Margarec'tTjjo],,,.., "of fwh'ici' Kciineckar irowiied u^'oat'■ the, "silly" py.^hinfv"'wintin-.' Sttittishness^ojl.her hostess and *-lh^v"! nicrr> The stain : guests and 'assayed, to venthro iiuo | "giny(0 ripple, t;: the--supposed burglar-Uijunfed room [ t'ho~"bird» bc'^S.i ■iniai'uied .except' ,1j\--rrcr- siiprcme seli'-: South V.'iud- blr command, every man in the <lar|i and ijuwitjls." ,-The :' erowde-.V "auditorium Yell it his" duty j tiint.l^vort iaWfrtiW appeared, in :ir7nr~ftiterpretative; ttrrf--SpiJing-,"--the- ir.-; .""-vASpring. comes ,-:;_•:' ■ ftiyt fatla-siim- •inesV-.fii^fbjjBok , be- *:.i'i)'vVo"fa' blpsBom and uf- ^.ajjo^t. The .'.?:. ,and •;JjSiT"Spring - u.o'u'tt^<ed^^lent she iiji'iic'uh: rtjtw.lp'r'inp: nf. i to rtisli to t1-'^^'"0- : i^^^t^1^ Miss ; the- suspense seeuiei! t-ao- inu.'ch' to bear-) F;en^e:■ ..p'roijOB.'i •: ^.plause, . 'bv.iug ;; ami .theii::>.aW.ul^_-.:li-Loi.iho.od,._ ap-" bo^ftnr;u 1 lieirMatM :};hi> '-sppt-lj^ht ap- [parcntiy.: ■rb.'it thfe ^Iriylife AU;.?, iJU.it.b_.: j>a::iitus,. tlus-<?^tt^i'featui',ej'oi* the .1 Iiriv.ir: v.-o.ijd.::swb^m^-w___rfri8Kt^ pr'ouAW sf,is^v,fT..".AnHs^'iaimber was i.tss. Dixon eigtn^o^ irenj^The^.^;^ , \t 'ft.i;:!;.nv :idded that th'ese -Pnt.Teniil Ojir jc.usiorriers^a!^ our finfendss_yghK become so since cbrrting to trade vritit..t^^_*4!':: •':',■ '•' . "^ ■ .' ----■ One trial^vili^cTjsasgfctfte you. CHAS. HARRER^'-'iJ^^^PlV^^JACK'.5 DN ifirai^s^ra 6ii west Railroad Ave - Pmone I :^'ezlTZ' i <-n Vahy j-rrcyamTr^rrrtT" eaviitv^alIj>iithctieaHy: l-Rrniless. little, iitis^iai1."-'■ ■»':'■'(' exc.'a«i»t-4 ."./id" the"- muU titutie tVeyniul the ioorlis-xlit- .staciiri ^K'Uiu'e^fAve;*?: (((l overcome tmtil heaiLUiJj.riut' |, ~^ cities and villages, approved--April 16, 1«72,. in force July '■!,"' 1872, and, any and all amendments therettf. ^:L .^ Par. 2008. .Con.tro.Llof driveways: Ste............ Secr.3. Said corporate authorities nay, by ordinance, regulate, restrain and wmtrbl~tne speed oT~travel upon said-pleasure drives, and prescrib#»he kind of vehicles that'sfeb»-bet«8How«d upon the~same, and In all thinge may regulate, restrain ~and-coritrol,,the use •afraaid ple&BUre d^yew*ysjWf^e B^0" 116 or individuals, \and rc^j^ r^xct^ge^ therefrom funeral prtj^s^^sTEeariMf xnd traffic teams^an-tfvehicieVSQ^to freerth<r^nTe~fron^ny-^ind--all-busi» ness trafiic or. objestfeaable " travel, and-make the same aV pleasure' tirive- way for pleasure 'driving only, and may prescribe in such ordinances such -fines or penalties for the__ylolatlon _of ..other .ordinanc^s/.^xlg-^ji^vji,^^ .;J$TM"^_ifc i^ prepaivil to do more for itepati;ons (ha^n ro-^; jili y^ligffilaf c, and dis)'"1'^ tl'^'r ■nirturvs / ,■ ' ■!■' '[,"', /■'.,'." ^^A*i^n^^orriT7Tiimtrciallyris i^feed^m-jrqTy^by^t lie ^e-Gf - • I -^ We-\yilHoaii7 to those who have domdhsti-atetl their v^orfch-- ■ihc money to build their howe.,-^iilaxst;^ rmeet-ajj^^ircrgetrcw. "L_" ;: . "-'ii'"'" 1 ---".'..: '~^~^~-^^'"~^ ■' '■'■--'-^~^- WIIOTOT^E^l^SSR^^ An objection to making -Joese nine blocks of Central avenue a boulevard and pleasure driveway, is that such an act is a special preference given to and iouglit ~by the Central avenue resi- dents of those nine blocks. It-"Avas stated at the meetings- held ' with_re- -gard-to theV^pi'evluus uijliitmiut; vvhij-li^ has iDeett repealed, 'thatlbeTeasoh" for j creating these jiine blocks of boule-1 "Va'rd, was to 'preserve the new resur- facing of the street "from speedy deterioration by heavy*-traffic." This is^.not .the motive that ought to act-4 uate such 'legislation. The new pe-j. rrs=by -thegJFOperty-- c-WS^&£con--J- lemi'iatc tha creation of the same ex- tent of this street a boulevard,-and tt wilL be__noted that the area is the same as that which, was resurfaced FOR RENT^ jGARRINGTQN NEW BUILPING^ Gleneoc,'!!!., .-v ..p-^ rBBTTeflts"-"«ie*"- FeWT: .The creation of .this portion-of Ceil tral avenue into, a boulevard, dees--not^| Stores with basements. Steam heat, 65 feet deep Business. Also six room apartments, all modern conveniences Enquire ;;j jr_l_:all> IjSsi&^ia^'die^ireh^^ a J..ittiy. f'fitrvmis: -Not thai' anyo.ne tliought f^^'^H^R^nt^1iftt:P^4^^a^.^V:^v"'ro l^zahVihr!-Sail:u,iii^;.uiti L^ijlra Flentye. .iW's^a^aptigLiU"-:--a.<;. wTs^gGtT'ahd -iWo'.t.. deservf.~< rr-ln gARRYLTNN' TTTs ~r: Miss hoav^t- v;:;s.[l mrrr Staple &F ano« Orocsries -0a'^ W fruits and VejJetiibLcs in .Sea; TOT- iteTitlw^TtfffTffr ri.oia". an .._ 104,2 W-C(r'F^J. b- of-.;.'tfle. way , in; ;>v,h ■ita^'ilmettq ary arist^,. ren- .:'"Tlie Littl'st •:u Farnum had i -en the. stage" street itself, and especially extreme nprth part of Wiimette Uif^-pa i-t_ .west of--the--Chieago-& Ntrrthwestenr. l^.ilroltiripft out when ' comes to any--matter of benefit, j : Tht-y'will not be lefrrout, however,! n-it.'cduTesr^to-the matrer-oftaxa-; Jjojl._AjLa.ttPrnpt i s made-tO--&ugar--j coat the proposition as placed upon! igg? ti.K5 ballot by the statement that said street shall be improved "TiiiU. and "IhT maintained in ths^.same manner a"s 01 her street:- are improved and main- tained." Von" must remember, hovv- <rvers;._l-ha.t ■ maintenance. -.«f a hoiile- Vard is ' quite ■ another ..|lirn;;(j.^t|otk. taiaBBaaKiffl'mastg^EaiEEgLaigtseJBgKaiiagB m ss aaia e a as p± 40yM» WlTHnilT Pt ATFS Svslem •~'■"■"■- _-_-l-Lrani ' niainlenamjc - of other ;strreets idiingryebeami- ^xhis_argument ai>pended_. 8^ the ref-., ry^pnrany local j erejdum statement docS'.'not Im^n!,1" personation, ofcUhirt^the sajiio..amojm^alvyroneaTgftgtt Misses>Elizabetb j belaid. That WouldT^f^nHich/lep^R "Alothei\'Vj.bg the ,HasKifia.,-;FU re'Bffl Mfffit?;:\ Alice -Wat-1 and^hat^s^whereV^^Htld^ii! fH>CBB!&i r-Tnttla:.- lori^ I.lnv<T I :.... ::.....'a--. /s___■'• ■»:^fc::.-j'.- ,.'. :^0:t> X^eo^U f;.T»ttlft; • T;,pai^e Lloyd, tfwtpa:Y<H=ai.' mi^m.-^Ffance^Fliaitye and \ of ^^ ^^vnp^MM-. ■tu±St^ji0frA- ■mn$^tjt$^'lManila^ ■ ' i'" T^ .. '>*»^ .'.T^j •■<:.. -'T -',0 the-KE.oup i^niilp-i-'.'-'l-cbn-i J :.'• tiilUg the .arand enV-i;uiblr of Air.~ W^^jil^h-urtrefiTrSl^JLake, avS^^SSEHrrr- iiue, r'etvda^dNaaturday frotiT air.Trsp "The-bou-levar-* Master. Robert K!emnC^?andsorn>f \VubV,c ..funds - maintain tlie__ parkland ^r~anaTIrsTCTTI: Klerinn of 420 i>arkTb<*trfeViH;<hi,: : " "•"'. '• 4 ,T7:r Whatever mjght be. the indention at i resent time .as to-relieving the" XUlli yesterday -for NVa^hiii^oirr^j"11 alu! :hn_^vilt:;?rripT'eseri1r^ifT=^S|*) Pjn£;-; during the '■ at any ■Many-people have urged a.-< a'n'argu- ment-against creating thir, ponion of Central avenue a botiipvard, the fact th'at it would bring fast driving'past; Ttbe sehool hou^e--wheEe- so many ; \small children are c'outjhuall'y.'cross-: | 44ng tho'str-eet^ The greatest Argument ______j of all is that there is no need of any .;' ■F£i£L-£BL'E OR RENT *Tl|:boulevard-;iir-¥he vlljage~o'f.Ayilmette. Fino rUifc nrecniVmodornreBidonco, 1 t';Vccl" tbtf^aimrldmV- road- sneriaan- an t'a^ifbr t'lit Jbivjhe -j^ilerm-d standaiflT isnprovWh.cnti*- ai \1,^ tenagace-TM-thi»?s.»Met Primarijy Public Prbparty. 1 recent editorial in the Chicago _. 7JT J ri tniT\e--on--ttie su iijee.t i'and Boulevards,!':, -these •'i-iusinesj stateme.Vts jnaintained for: public benellt. r Wilen Spe.ndin^-425/br' so for Your Ne w ■£&*, miner tV^fe not spend a little more and have it ^-gpstailor made, to fit by 1152 Ceirtraf^unterard- Then yoti II b? satisfied^ .. First-class'Gleaning & Repairing a Specialty >■.•* rest of the village from taxation for tb07 proposed--^c-ntral^avgnue Jboiifi; e/ pro fTrrTrf Lowry, 1720 Wat-• vf» the. week-iind .JiLl-1^11 -,-__ t^as^ where- the residents: of tlitP■'.".";•* >il»-kvt nnnlr] nnt liii^p^JJi nnin."S- erc is no <loijot. iha'l the erea" a boulevard woiikl pait it" in improve -their street,*,,tmt it ciu-Mif. 1 be-se-ner.i.l tu'.ul iiiie. ;.nd"cTunbtless would -Get the Well-Kpown ----^RoundHPaclrajeT^ oad inhereatly and by_its- use is a ; boulevard. Js'o east and west street 4-fibould.-!)(>--giaf-Ctt:.'.the- distinction and THE ORIGINAL Made tn the largest, best equipped abd -7 sanitary Malted Milk plant in the world We do not make "milk products**-- Skim Milk, Condensed Milk, etc. _ AskFor HORhteK^S -'■■•";-- THE ORIGIWAL MALT Eg Made from clean, tnW.c.v^r^ nyfafr and the extract of select maited gra^_ reduced to powder form, solubio.iii water. Bes| FeoJ-Drink for AilA^bi^. Used for over a Quarter Century ■••;*■. Unless yousay*rmmttGK*&*- you may get a Substitute*" £T= © F&Gkage Hom% There, is a growing desiro,.\expresscd by many citizens of Wiimette, that the park commission extend the proposed parkway, from: its preseflt bounds, at the moirth^or tlie chahinel, along each [side of the 'canal, oE^drundred' and fifty feet on. each side; mu -far as. Hill street. _ This strip- of land which is pointerl mif is at. present an nnsight.l; stretch, might be made one of Haeauty spots uf~the villa^e._l__^A3fatroii jcvar-d--might bo extended•. the full ! length, .flowers, and trees planted, ■ j of-which would make it ideal for Wil niette picnickers, besides making the town more attractive to passing istrangers." „■■ _' . ,". Mrs. Gebrgie L. Martin, ':11B4"6:;.Eyi- Avood--^enii^l^ ta^a^ndjtier B^gg^L 'wjEfiks in CattiorrHa. ^ -» vA ^-7^- j Mrs. W^w/Harrlngton-og-No; I Branch7Mich., will leave SatuTday^ror^ j a visit in Detroit, Mich., after spend •ihg several weeks as the guest of-hei daughter, Mrs. CTC. Ulitcheli; 814 Lin {den. avejiue. Mr-Alleh Hi Ind:, was the guest Monday evening of Mr7 and" Mrs. .J. H. Kaufman, J029 Elm wood xtvenue. ,±-~.~+±i;- !7":w: i.-^-r^r-; jiiiJiplUjUlgiJj-tJiliMM

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