W 2 ^}:%::;:^0^3-:'-Wl^ IiThexake sh< our original conclusions concerning were in error and we "stand rected." We appreciate that it is quite right and proper for the railroad to haye an opportunity fto present its side to the board in seeret session, even though we cannot, for a railroad is usually Of such a retiring disposition (that it finds difficulty in perfecting its -plans-.with/the 'multitude looking on. Again we are confronted with^the necessity of changing our name^ for we find there is not only a Wilmette iciatlon, but also a Wilmette Civic kssoeiation, eacinraviTrg-Tights-a.s to name, superior to ours, and we are, therefore, now known a ife The Wilmette -Citizens-*Association. ■MUNICIPALITIES MRS. WOOD TALKS AT I OPEN CLUB MEETING Tells Women of ^Social fer- y ! ~ ™£* In^Soolv/CoTriit^ Hospital W$f; HAVE BIG MEHING ; INHIGHUND PARK Diciisl"- Municipal Problems f0^ and MakBPlans for~^ri §lg|fs Improving Local |§:&;|.v. ^r'm,:X. ■ Conditioiis -*MZ'^W ' XTAS^RATES REDUCED Has- QranteoTTO Percent Iieduction-i-^ ^Possibly because of the clpiejiej^Bai? ^ ^ :^ v v ^of the holiday season, many of^he-===^|^e=North .Shore' Municipalities As- clubwomen and residents were unable ..sbci^tion had a social dinner and busi- to attend the first open meeting'of the ["noss. meeting at the Moraine hotel, year at the Woman's club yesterday Highland Park, Monday-evening, Dec. 4. afternoon. There were^ three eAeehjjTwo--hundred twonty-one citize-ns--of- lent speakers, the first, Mrs. Ira; ihe North Shore~towivs-sat ^own^at Cqueh Wood, whose address on "So-; the tables and enjoyed a good dinner ciai Service in the Cook County Hos- pitals" proved" to be an "eye opener"; "to^jiiairy of "the women. Sirs.' Wood" and interesting discussions of various laUestions of common itilerest. :i~The North Shore Municipalities As- soc- i'ation has-^hut recently been/ or- ganized, it has for its object a joint stated that since the establishment of social service, the results of the work done at the hospitals js greatly ; study .'of municipal problems, and con- increased. :^ii2liI]Ci£^\v^ public utilities as much ~rs seems practicable PS~ Mrs. William Boyes, superintehdMti -^soeietv-.-told of her T of the--Legal Great interest being manifested in the association, mr interesting work among '.the" poorer^and it is generally thought that much classes, who are unable to put their [good can result from such a coming cases in the hands of lawyers for |7 ; nether of representatives of the vari^ pecuniary reasons. Miss-Stevniour^ofj ous villages. the Volunteer's Bureau, made "a spe-i The following clal requestrjfo" ItelfrrTeitheF^-personti villages,. are ' repre- t4on.: Waukegan^ or^ financial. ::;; "~.; ■;■•■'• North Chicago, Lake Bluff, Lake For- i Some delightful music. •augmente'd^st. High wood. Highland' Park, \Deer^ Trrrernoon's program by Mrs. Lee j\eidt Glencoe, Winuetka, Kenil worth "the I'nderhi 11 -and h ef- accoui pan ist, 31 r. ^tusteih------^ .';';.,'^ V, ---^---------^.' ,■ ...__ and Wilmette.' All of these villages -hacL-large representation at this meet- ^THESE THREE MICE y? ARE NOT 'miND"! coui-cil 4n~gr--^Tlieijnembemhip eonsistsr-of the" -village officers and a special executive cam inittee appointed ^>y_^_tlLe village Gas Reduction Secured. llidb SelKiDLlla^M'uU^ lin^ pnrtrtnt Addilion Tc/Hi-^ ■%■:-.'ology Department ■&£ _i=. : Tlie iriatiage'ric or tnt Svparbnent at New Trier ^iias an addition consisting of thret ^unfortunate, field mice, ofc the genii:- ."microtis--pemisy Ivn uiu s!: first work of the-tissocift'f'ion, ^he president. .Mavor -Hastings otHiigh- _tlaud-Park, reported that a reduction '■■ ■! -of about 10, per cent in gas rates, nad - been s'ecjtrreid from the North Shore \. i. (Jas mnipnny, with the following rates ii^a^wiJiitp^etfect Jan..'1,. 11*17: For the ^-^•^:-:7j first Lj»00 cu; ft.. $l.-00; farttTe^next ■: ',. ' : 10.000- cu. ft.. 90 cents per 1;000; Jor tymtoijy de- lhp nexl syo00 cu. ft., SO cpnts/per high sdioiil^^. ,Uso a bjg reduction to manu- facturing plants. " ..-_:_ 'Some big matters were _^ These unforturrate inhabitant!? ^oT ; the Wilds, owing to their ..natural eur^ fiosity. fell into a trap- under gen- ction>-^One of these matters \vasrthe ^er&t probiem of garbage collection ana uis-" ahe pit be, hind the basement window of the aud- j Posal and a joint central incineration S§r^ure^awa^e^am^^^^ d is cov erectl_surel watchful engineer They were brought ^.i|© J-hel riaboTatory and ptared iir-arwire-cage ^wlrere they kept up a constant warfare "mutih-TTi"k~e~ the^ war prisoners in the ____^gge^ttoliT^rnir looks^feasible. Another niafier that was talked over-w^s that of aHake sbore ,parK^xxi^ek^EctztruTn EvanstoiK to Waukegan. If the Skokie marsh park yropositien. goes _ through, and could ^XrmoTir^m*. prison-daring the Civjli bp made a. nati^aiil park, and then a •v f ■f~ ~. ,-..•■ ■ ■•„,.:±t;ontm-uous- lake^^hor^r-z^pa^k^^tEoni * \ix a few hours, however, "the mice Mansion to Walkegan, we would have -became so gentle that they could be |' l^re on the north" shore a nation-wide ^handled without fear of their teeth, i attraction hardly second to any. The ■X- ale^fom^the^ students' matter of tlfe^clennln^ up of the land T4in inmlnr^feeirjo^^ a»d and thex_ a_te 'hands,: any water in the cage, and it was sev- eral hours before Mr. Hildebrand dis- covered that the mice looked thirsty -he-r-esult-was; AKthreie. -trttdTgaye^tl^E wdrrirjriyf a three rihg-circus; Tdippeinireir feet into the-nvater-*ndr _ proceeded to wash their faces vigor- ously, rubbing their eyes--ami--noses. ^-J- like small boys coming m from ?■" dusty game of football on the pi-aii Tl'fjr trainer expects to ha^ve tilte jthxee mice se welLjinder, control soon that they will answer when spoken to, and^^atice a jig in time to the..music of the school orchestra.'..• :.:■,• ^]i■',-__^ ^ :^ ^TEtt^CLUB^ABOUT - - LIFE IN TRENCHES "Ileligioh in the TrerncheB" was the. =^~iubject--ot-the SuB^ay-£*«ning_ciuB: *•':<:. at the Congregational church, -last m Sul^ay^atgti^rtfiButr Donald H. Mo-4--r- S Gibnejr Of the French Ambulance jCprps gave-a--plcture^leeture-ooverJns- "liis experleUeBB. ■ Most ofjtoe pictures Mr. - McCWbn«y is quite yomrg, much out of bis teens, apparently, but the large audience. Along with his ; ptotufearfrfr related saany interesting experiences of actual condttlons in the trenches, ^^a^sfe^^^ --- g^= ./.,..:,::= the beairtttrcation of th/c^rniinfis_aiioiit fhe stations of all-"the villages^ , was discussed with -general interests '-, "- Association-Offieers^---- -The-x>fficers of the iassociation are: President. Samuel Hastings, -mayor of Highland Park: secretary, E. H. War- ren, Highland~Parkr- The members of the hoard of direc'torsraTe ~a« follows: William Tearce. Mayor WaukegariT -Louis Jolley, "mayor New Chicago. ^rTr-Coclvran; president Lake Blui W. M. Lewis, mayor Lake Forest. ^John Meyer, mayor Higlnvood. -SaTOuelrHastingsr^mayor' tlighlafid Park^ Albert McRea. president Glencoe. f CharIes=Ball, president Kennilwopfch, Eugene Rtfmmler, president Win- -HiBtka^__L^.^.,':_____■_. ---■' -':'-- ■ -^~...:. ^V A ■■WhiHfifr prP^idPtit TlPerfipId motto. W. Schmidt, president-Wil St^OOCt^QflLJCHRISTMAS. The Wilmette Exchange State Bank jeporjta-that -tJ^eir^Ghjdstmas^Sjgings Club for-lftl6 exciMs anything of the he took himself while on the rfieia^ Iftaltg-; Savlnga^jare deposited each The house wasTcrowded to""the doors. McG^bh«y is 4uite "yomrg, not week during the year, and just before Christmas they ^tre paid back to the depositors with Interest, The 1916 ained'-"Sis pictures wltt^^teregt^feCL savings of 4he-cl«b totals $15,000, and these savings are now being paid backF to the depositors. Since the plan be-J gan. there has been a steady increase! in* the amount of the savingB deposits.!